How to set up a Christmas tree. How to put up a Christmas tree. Secrets of choosing a Christmas tree for the New Year - how to choose a live Christmas tree correctly

The New Year holidays are approaching and everyone has long been thinking about when the first lights on the Christmas tree will light up in their apartments or houses. Indeed, there is not much time left to wait, the markets are already crowded various types Christmas trees of different sizes and from different materials. It seems that there is already a small matter - to choose and install. But in reality, everything is not quite so. A Christmas tree is not only a beautiful, decorated tree, but also a big fall if used improperly. Therefore, today we want to dwell on the question of how not to spoil your holiday: we put the Christmas tree correctly.

Felled spruce: how to properly prepare a tree for installation

After you have visited the Christmas tree market and purchased a fluffy beauty, do not rush to bring her into the apartment. Let her get used to the temperature change a bit, and if possible, live on your balcony, in a cool passerby or garage for as long as possible. We advise you to put the spruce just a few days before the holidays, so it will delight you with its freshness longer.

When you're ready to set up your holiday tree, remove a couple of large lower branches (you can ask the market seller to do this too), but don't throw them away, but set aside, they may still be useful for additional decor. The place of the log house should be updated by sawing off a few centimeters. This will help the wood soak up the water more easily when you install it. Before you bring the spruce into the room, tap it several times on the floor, this will help get rid of the already dried needles. In order to prolong the life of a cut down Christmas tree, we advise you to add a few aspirin tablets or a couple of tablespoons of glycerin to the water, they serve as preservatives that will keep the tree alive for a long time.

Ways to set up a Christmas tree

Despite the simplicity of the task, in fact, there are quite a lot of basic methods (methods) for installing a Christmas tree. Let's take a look at each of them:

- installation in a bucket filled with sand or stones. This method was the most basic a few years ago. Every apartment has always had such a bucket, waiting for its time. However, it is now used much less frequently;

- installation in a bucket using bottles filled with water. Not every resident of the city can just find sand, so the use of plastic or glass bottles will be more acceptable;

- installation with a cross. In our time, it is quite freely possible to purchase fresh spruce already with an installed cross. But, if you didn’t come across one, or you cut down the tree yourself (only with the appropriate permission), then we will briefly tell you how to make a crosspiece yourself. You will need two bars, which will need to be connected perpendicular to each other. Then we first install a large self-tapping screw at the intersection of the bars, and then we screw it tightly into the tree trunk.

- installation with the help of a leg from an office chair. This is the most original and even the most convenient way. If your chair breaks, do not be sad, its "tripod" can be an excellent basis for a festive spruce. And the installation process itself will take no more than five minutes. You just need to insert a tree trunk into the tripod hole and voila, you get a spruce that can ride.

Choosing a place for the Christmas tree

When thinking about a place for a festive tree, you need to remember that you need to put up a Christmas tree in the same way as for small children. The most suitable place will be the far corner of the room, where the movement of the household is reduced to a minimum. In addition to safety, you should also worry about the “well-being” of the most magnificent beauty. Try to keep it as far away from radiators and other heating devices as possible, preferably closer to natural light, otherwise in a couple of days it will turn from a beautiful green tree into a herbarium.

Basic Mistakes

The rules for using and installing a festive spruce are quite simple, but many still meet New Year in the company of stale or spoiled wood. In this regard, we want to once again draw your attention to the most common mistakes:

- installation of cut spruce near heat sources will cause it to dry quickly, even if it is in water;

- installing the tree close to the wall. Someone may dispute this statement, because such an arrangement will make the spruce more stable and prevent a possible fall. On the one hand, we agree, but on the other hand, hard branches and needles of a tree can damage wallpaper and wall paint;

- installation of a tree in the middle of the room. It is undoubtedly fun to dance around a winter beauty, but it greatly increases the risk of her falling, and besides, the spruce will simply interfere;

As for the artificial Christmas tree, you should avoid branching errors. After you pull the tree out of the box, you don’t need to straighten the branches in an orderly and clearly parallel way, let it be chaotic and slightly messy, because this way it will look much more natural.

Where to put the Christmas tree after the holidays?

When all the fun festivities are over and everyday life begins, the question will sharply become what to do with the symbol of the holidays. Do not rush to take the spruce to a landfill or burn it. Needles can serve as an excellent bedding indoor plants, will be an excellent humus in compost pit small animals (hedgehogs, mice, frogs) can build houses in the garden or from them.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Is there anyone who is indifferent to the New Year holidays? The expectation of a fairy tale and a miracle begins with the first snowfall. But a real holiday - only with the appearance in the house of an indispensable companion of the New Year, a live Christmas tree.

In order for the Christmas tree to stand for a long time and please you and your loved ones, it is necessary carefully approach the purchase . Choosing a Christmas tree is not an easy task, and if you know some secrets, then you are guaranteed success. So, how to choose a really good one live Christmas tree ?

Secrets of choosing a Christmas tree for the New Year - how to choose a live Christmas tree correctly?

To choose a really good Christmas tree that will delight you with freshness and aroma all the New Year holidays, it is important remember a few rules .

So, we know how to choose a Christmas tree. But right choice- that's half the battle. It is important to know how to keep the Christmas tree already at home.

Rules for installing a Christmas tree at home - how to keep the Christmas tree longer?

In order for the purchased tree to stand for a long time and retain its original appearance, it is necessary properly set up the tree .

It is recommended to install a Christmas tree in two ways:

  • On a special cross. The advantages of such an installation are strength and relative lightness (but it is still better to entrust this work to the male part of the family). Cons - the inability to feed the tree or water it.
  • In a bucket of wet sand. The installation process is more laborious and troublesome, but allows you to keep the Christmas tree longer.

In addition, there are a few more rules for installing a Christmas tree:

  • Bought tree from frost it is not recommended to immediately bring into a warm apartment. Let the Christmas tree stand a little in the stairwell for better adaptation;
  • Before installing the tree, you need to prepare the trunk- peel it from the bark (by 8-10 centimeters), plan a little under running water;
  • You can cut the crown a little near the tree and smear the cut with Vishnevsky's ointment;
  • If the Christmas tree is installed in a bucket with wet sand, then it is better to pour not ordinary water into the sand, but prepared: 1-2 aspirin tablets or a tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of water;
  • Choosing the right location for your Christmas tree is important.: do not install a tree near radiators or heaters.

Following these simple rules will allow you to keep the aroma of the holiday in the house for a long time, and save you from the hassle later when the holidays are over, and you have to clean up the fallen needles.

Happy New Year!

We all look forward to the arrival of the New Year holidays. Every person from childhood associates the New Year with miracles, with the beginning of a new, unknown. But what a real New Year's holiday can be without a Christmas tree. Each of us independently determines,. But after acquiring the treasured tree, the question arises: how to put it correctly so that it pleases the eyes of family members for as long as possible and creates a unique entourage of the holiday.

There are simple uncomplicated rules, following which you can prolong the life of a New Year tree for a long time.

  1. It is not necessary to immediately bring the tree into the warm house. It is better to give him some time for temperature acclimatization in a cool place.
  2. Install conifer tree it is better just shortly before New Year's Eve, and until then, store it in a cool place. For example, on the balcony of the apartment.
  3. It is necessary to put the Christmas tree at the maximum possible distance from the heating devices.
  4. We can distinguish two main ways to install and secure the Christmas tree: installation using a tripod; installation in a bucket of sand.

Let's take a closer look at the installation methods

1. When installing a Christmas tree on a tripod, if necessary, we cut the lower branches so that the distance from the saw cut to the nearest branches is at least 20 centimeters. If the tripod is metal, then the trunk of the Christmas tree must be strengthened in it with clamping screws, and in their absence - with wooden wedges. If the tripod is wooden, then screws are used to strengthen the tree trunk.

2. When installing the Christmas tree in a bucket of sand (without stand) it is required to first clean the tree trunk from branches by 25 - 30 centimeters. The end of the trunk near the cut is cleared of bark, it is desirable to renew the cut itself. After installing the Christmas tree in the sand, water is poured into it.

  • Water must first be prepared: 1 aspirin tablet and 3-4 tsp are used. sugar per liter of water.

At the level of the edge of the bucket, the Christmas tree is fixed with two planks, which are attached to the tree trunk with screws.

Installing a Christmas tree in a bucket of sand is more preferable because the tree will not dry out and retain its natural look longer.

After installation is complete, the bucket can be decorated using white cloth or paper. We decorate the Christmas tree, with balls and others, with serpentine and decorative rain.

At correct installation and fixing the New Year tree, she will delight your loved ones during all the New Year holidays, and after they end, she will leave less garbage for her. Happy New Year to you!

"The holiday is coming to us," and with it come New Year's chores.
Take care of purchasing a Christmas tree in advance.

1. Barrel. Arriving at the bazaar and pulling out what you liked from a pile of branches, cones and needles, you need to hit the butt (the lower part of the trunk, which was once a single whole with the stump remaining in the forest) on the ground.
If, as a result of such an action, needles fell on the ground, then you can safely put this “miracle” in its place.
If the test was successful, meticulously inspect the trunk for mold, fungi and other impurities on it.
As a rule, Christmas trees for sale are cut down on time, upon reaching the age of eight, and in this case, with a tree height of one and a half meters, five kilograms are considered normal weight, and preferably all seven.
A very thin trunk is a sign of illness. In a healthy tree, the trunk in girth should be at least 6 centimeters, if it branches - it's okay, this way the tree looks even more fluffy.

2. Needles. In fresh spruce, it is bright green in color. Lightly rub the needles between your fingers: if the tree is fresh, you can feel a slight oiliness and a fragrant smell of pine needles. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry to the touch, it means that something is wrong with the tree, most likely, it has frostbite.

3. Branches. The tree should be fresh, dry in two or three days it will begin to crumble. On a fresh tree, the branches are elastic, it is not easy to break them off, while on a dry one they break off easily with a characteristic crack. Branches should stretch upwards.

4. Transportation of the Christmas tree. In order not to break off the branches on the way home, it is best to wrap the Christmas tree with burlap and tie it with a rope. Bring the purchased Christmas tree home with the top back so that the ends of the lower branches do not fray. When you bring the Christmas tree into the house, its crown, on the contrary, should be in front.

5. Installation of the Christmas tree. If the Christmas tree was purchased in advance, then it is better to keep it in the cold before the holiday itself: hanging it out the window or putting it on the balcony. However, even if the Christmas tree was bought directly on December 31, then it is impossible to immediately bring it into a warm room, install and decorate it: from such a temperature difference, the Christmas tree can get sick and die. If the frost on the street is below -10 ° C, do not immediately bring the Christmas tree to the apartment. Let her stand in the porch for 20 minutes so that she thaws.

Before installing the Christmas tree, you need to clean the trunk from the bark by 8–10 cm and cut it with a sharp knife (to open fresh pores) under running water. You can also cut the top of the spruce obliquely, and anoint the fresh cut with Vishnevsky ointment.

The tree can be set up in a number of ways:

Bucket with sand. The ideal option is a bucket of clean, wet sand. A liter of water is added to a bucket of sand, in which a small amount of glycerin or gelatin is previously dissolved. Another option - as for garden flowers - is an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. Some advise adding a small amount of a suitable liquid fertilizer along with the water. It is better to install a Christmas tree in the sand in such a way that the lower part of the trunk is closed by at least 20 centimeters. Sand should be watered every 1-2 days.

Water container. Water at the time of installation should be hot and contain acid - acetic or citric. An acidic environment can be replaced with effervescent aspirin tablets. Another recipe: add half a teaspoon of citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk to the water.

Stem wrapping. The easiest option - but far from ideal: wrap the trunk at the cut point with a damp cloth that needs to be moistened periodically. Then strengthen the tree in a cross, on a stand, or in some other way.

Sprigs of spruce can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle - thereby the tree will retain freshness longer.

Publication date: 5-11-2015, 20:27

You can set up a Christmas tree not only in the house, but also on the street. It is especially good when a live spruce grows in front of the house, then you don’t need to buy anything, and also bother with the installation. By the way, despite the fact that at the moment it is still November, you need to think about installing a Christmas tree right now, the same can be said about pyrotechnics. It is best to visit the fireworks shop soon because the price of everything is likely to be lower than in the second half of December. And yet, if you buy fireworks, then in the Ba-Bah store, which you can find on the website They have a huge collection of pyrotechnics. Moreover, everything presented has highest quality. As for prices, they cannot be called high, at least they are not above average.

What you will need to install a Christmas tree on the street

To install a spruce on the street you will need some kind of holder. The easiest way is to use a steel pipe for this, it can be driven into the ground and it's in the bag. You can also use a portable holder assembled from wood. Of course, the Christmas tree holder can be welded from rolled steel.

Three ways to install spruce

The easiest way is to use steel pipe suitable diameter. The inner diameter of the pipe should be slightly larger than the thickness of the spruce trunk. All you need to do is drive the pipe vertically into the ground, about thirty centimeters deep. For this you need a sledgehammer. You need to do this right now, because soon the ground will freeze, which will make the installation of the pipe almost impossible.

The next way is to use a wooden holder. It can be knocked down from solid wood, namely from timber and bars, and boards can also be used. In the center of such structures, a square of a suitable size is usually arranged. As for the legs, there are usually four of them. It is necessary to put such a stand under the spruce where exactly.

The third way to install spruce is to use another holder, but not from wood, but from metal. For the manufacture of such a structure, metal rolling and welding machine. From metal, a piece of steel pipe, corners, a square pipe, and indeed everything that can only be used in this case is useful.

It is worth noting that to install a Christmas tree on the street, you will need not only a holder, but also a garland, as well as Christmas tree decorations. Moreover, it is desirable that the garland be large, like toys.

So, we go to the finish line and turn on the acceleration! There is a week left before the New Year and it is time not only to think, but to start actively preparing the Christmas tree!

The debate about whether a live Christmas tree should be or an artificial one ... we'll leave it for later. Personally, I am of the opinion that _ But we'll talk about this some other time. Now those who have an artificial Christmas tree - just click on one of the "Like.buttons" and you can safely not read further, because the stand is included in the kit and you should not have problems with installation. The rest - you are welcome under the cut - I will tell you how I have easily and simply solved the problem with the installation of this New Year's attribute not for the first time
Tree stands are different. As a child, we had a metal bucket on a tripod with three clamping screws, with which the Christmas tree was clamped like in a clamp. It was very convenient - there is not enough space, it holds firmly and you can pour water so that the tree stands longer. But ... the bucket broke a long time ago, and we never found a new one like it (although we didn’t really look for it).
For some time we used for a stand ... an ordinary bucket! Yes, yes - this is the easiest way to install.

1 Way:
What do you need:
1. Bucket (any, you can plastic, we had a wide metal one. The larger the bucket, the larger the Christmas tree can be placed in it - after all, a very large Christmas tree, respectively, is heavy, which means that a decent mass of cargo is needed from below).
2. Several plastic bottles filled with water (bottle sizes vary depending on the size of the bucket and tree).
3. A few ropes for stretch marks (sometimes it is necessary to fix the Christmas tree additionally either to the bucket itself in the form of a stretch mark, or to a nearby cabinet-battery-shelf, etc.).

What we do:
- On the bottom of the Christmas tree, extra branches are removed to the height of the bucket.
- The Christmas tree is installed in a bucket :) And it is bursting with plastic bottles from all sides (fixed). Some bottles are completely filled, the filling of others should be selected in order to align and fix the Christmas tree when inserting them into the bucket. Bottles can be alternated - insert one up, the other down with the neck. Those that are inserted upwards with a lid can easily be used for “balancing” during pre-installation: by unscrewing the lid, we drain excess water under pressure and the tree “finds” its place more easily.
- If necessary (if the Christmas tree is crooked and warps), it should be attached with small ropes to something (yes, even to the same bucket, if the bucket is of sufficient mass). The main thing to pay attention to is that the Christmas tree should stand on its own! The ropes only _fix_ it in the right position, so that if you move carelessly during the round dance, do not disturb your balance. A properly installed Christmas tree does not need additional fixation! :)
- And now, fill the bucket with water - with this we create a heavy base for the Christmas tree, and secondly, we extend the time it will stand. We had up to a month and a half, the main thing is not to forget to replenish water in time - pine absorbs it very well :)

A big bucket under the Christmas tree doesn't always look nice... (we had a battered bucket, touched with rust...) so the bucket is wrapped in a layer of packing cotton - it turns out a wonderful snowball! And the Christmas tree looks like it was installed right in a snowdrift. If your company does not receive devices wrapped in tens of meters of packing cotton (do not confuse with medical, it is much more expensive) :))) - we are looking for any fabric or cardboard - at your discretion. If only it was beautiful :) In the end, the traditional figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can also be placed.

Little Christmas tree for the New Year 2007. Installed by method 1- a plastic bucket disguised as a snowdrift (a 15-liter wide metal bucket was used for large Christmas trees).

2 way:
We used this method when the Christmas tree was of medium size (up to 2 meters), and we installed it for a short time.
What do you need:
1. An ordinary rack from an inexpensive fan. In recent years, we have had such hot summer days ... that you bought a "promotional" cheap fan, if not for home, then for sure at work. Unlike expensive models, its stand is collapsible. We take the lower part from it, separating the fan itself.
2. A little adhesive tape (scotch tape) or rope.

What we do:
Actually, that's all! :))
- We attach the Christmas tree with a rope / adhesive tape to the stand - and rejoice :) In a non-hot room, the Christmas tree stands calmly for up to two weeks, does not crumble. The stand is lightweight and can easily be moved from place to place.

3 way:
This year I used it for the first time. Actually, this is a combination of methods 1 and 2. Initially, I was going to use method 2, but then ... I took pity on the Christmas tree and decided to add some water to it.

What do you need:
1. An ordinary rack from an inexpensive fan (see method 2).
2. Some tape or string.
3. Plastic bottle (minimum 2 liters. In general, the size depends on the thickness of the barrel. In our case, a 5-liter container was required).
4. I also needed one 30 mm self-tapping screw, but I could do without it.

What we do:
1. First of all, as before, we release the trunk from the lower branches to the height of our container.

One of the questions that visits us on New Year's Eve is how to keep a living Christmas tree at home longer, so that one of the main New Year and Christmas attributes pleases the eyes of households and, of course, guests for as long as possible. Below we list some tricks to ensure that the tree does not crumble longer and remains as bright at least throughout the New Year holidays.

  • Buy fresh spruce. Of course, all sellers will vying to tell that the forest beauty was cut just an hour ago, but in fact, it happens that cut trees “get” to their buyers for several weeks. If possible, buy spruce directly from the nursery or from sellers you trust.
  • Do an acclimatization. It is undesirable to immediately place the Christmas tree in a room with room temperature from frost, it is advisable to let it stand for about a day on the balcony, in the garage, etc.
  • Arrange a shower tree. If possible, rinse the coniferous beauty under the shower: this procedure will not only remove dust and dirt from the tree, but also saturate each twig and needle with life-giving moisture. After the procedure, let the water drain, and then install the tree in place.
  • Temperature regime. The cooler it is in a room with spruce, the longer it will last. It is undesirable to place a tree near radiators and other heating devices, as this will lead to premature tarnishing and shedding of needles.
  • Moisture branches. If every day or at least once every 2-3 days you spray the tree with a spray bottle, this will help the branches retain much-needed moisture. IMPORTANT! During the procedure, turn off the electric garlands to avoid electric shock and short circuit! Try not to get moisture on the garlands and do not overdo it with spraying.
  • Stem nutrition. Be sure to install the spruce trunk in a container with an aqueous solution. Various nutrients are added to the water either all together or separately: sugar (about 50 g per 1 liter of water); salt (about 1 tablespoon); aspirin (one crushed tablet); chalk (about 50g); lemon to-ta (1 tsp)

If you install a spruce on a stand, then it is advisable to place the container with the solution under the stand, lowering the cut into this container. It is advisable to increase the feeding area by cutting the trunk into a wedge, making an oblique cut, or removing the bark from the bottom of the trunk. as it evaporates and “drinks”, it is advisable to update the solution in the container.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand

If you do not have a stand, or the design of the stand does not suit you, or if you cannot install a container with a nutrient solution under the stand, then the simplest option is to put the tree in a bucket of sand and moisten the sand with the same solution. Installed in this way, the tree will be stable and will last for a long time due to the largest feeding area.

Well, if you buy a Christmas tree in a pot, which we wrote about here, then this beauty will delight you throughout your life, and not just during the winter holidays. And if desired, later, it can be planted in open ground, decorating household plot or by contributing to the greening of our beloved planet.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

An artificial Christmas tree is chosen for a long time, and a live one is only for a few holidays. But this time it will delight you with a unique coniferous aroma, giving a real New Year's mood.

If you do not have much experience in handling natural wood, then you simply cannot do without our advice. Before you go to the Christmas tree market, carefully read how to choose and install a live Christmas tree for the New Year at home on your own.

How to choose a live Christmas tree

If you decide to choose a live Christmas tree, then do not miss the time. If two or three weeks before the New Year, thick and beautiful spruce trees lie in the bazaars, then before the holiday itself, bald trees may remain that no one bought.

In addition to the external beauty of the Christmas tree, an important parameter for choosing it is the size, that is, the height. The tree should not rest against the ceiling. As an option, of course, you can cut the trunk a little, but tall trees are usually more expensive. The width of the Christmas tree is a less important parameter, but still, dressed up, it should not take up the whole room and interfere with the passage of your household.

If you put the spruce in a corner, you can buy a cheaper one-sided tree. Otherwise, you will have to cut off branches from a too lush crown, which should stand in the center of the room and delight those around you with its beauty from all sides.

Now you need to choose a quality live Christmas tree that will last in your home for a long time. This needs to be done in a number of ways.

1. Take the tree you like and hit the bottom of the trunk on the ground like a staff. If the needles fell down, then it is better not to take such a Christmas tree.

2. Now you need to inspect the trunk, if it is very thin, this may be a sign of a disease. If the tree is healthy, then the girth of the trunk should be at least 10 cm. But branching is not a sign of mutation, on the contrary, such a spruce is usually fluffy and beautiful. Also inspect the trunk for mold and mildew.

3. The needles of a fresh Christmas tree are saturated green. To the touch, the needles, if rubbed a little with your fingers, are a little oily and very fragrant. If all this is not so, then the tree is frozen.

4. The branches should stretch upwards, be elastic and break with difficulty. If they break off with a bang, this indicates that the spruce has dried up and will not last long.

You also need to deliver the selected Christmas tree home according to certain rules, after packing it in a bag and tying it with a rope. In order not to spoil the lower branches, carry it with the top back, and before entering the entrance, turn it upside down.

It is usually cold on New Year's Eve, and the trees are kept outside. Therefore, completely different conditions await the forest beauty at home, to which she must get used to before installation and decoration. Hold it for about an hour in the entrance so that it thaws if the frost is below 10 degrees outside. And then leave it for 1-2 days in the hallway (or where it will not interfere with you) to warm up by wrapping the trunk below with a wet cloth and covering the tree from above with a dry one. It is not necessary to untie the connected branches and wash the Christmas tree.

You need to store the Christmas tree, if you bought it in advance, in a cold room, for example, on a balcony, in a garage or basement, so that its needles do not crumble.

How to install a live Christmas tree at home

Once the living tree has adjusted to the warmth of your home, carefully untie and remove all strings, being careful not to damage or break the branches. Measure the height of the Christmas tree and your ceiling, make sure it will fit in the room in an upright position.

The trunk from below must be cleaned of bark by 8-10 cm and slightly filed or chipped with a sharp knife under running water, as the resin closes up the pores and prevents the tree from absorbing moisture. If on Christmas market the tree was cut down obliquely, then saw off this entire part so that the base is even. Also calculate the distance from the stand to the lower branches, you may also have to cut some of them.

Now put the tree upright and inspect from all sides. It would be better if someone helps you to do this. The most beautiful side of the Christmas tree should attract the eyes of those entering the room so that it can be immediately seen. Moreover, if the tree will stand in the corner, all the beautiful and fluffy branches should be in sight, and not against the wall.

A live Christmas tree is installed in a special stand designed specifically for this purpose. It has legs, a sand pot and barrel-holding bolts designed for a customized size. After installation, see if the tree is level, if it has leaned to the side. You can replace such a pot with a bucket of sand, but there are no guarantees that a tree dressed up with toys will not fall when you do not expect it at all. The lower part of the trunk must be covered with sand for at least 20 cm.

A live Christmas tree, so that it stands longer, does not dry out and does not crumble, needs special care. First of all, it needs to be watered. The first time it is better to do this when your spruce is not only installed, but already dressed up. Pour hot, but not boiling, water into a container to clean the resin from the pores. The next watering should be done every day with water at room temperature, settled or from a filter.

So, we go to the finish line and turn on the acceleration! There is a week left before the New Year and it is time not only to think, but to start actively preparing the Christmas tree!

The debate about whether a live Christmas tree should be or an artificial one ... we'll leave it for later. Personally, I am of the opinion that _ But we'll talk about this some other time. Now those who have an artificial Christmas tree - just click on one of the "Like.buttons" and you can safely not read further, because the stand is included in the kit and you should not have problems with installation. The rest - you are welcome under the cut - I will tell you how I have easily and simply solved the problem with the installation of this New Year's attribute not for the first time
Tree stands are different. As a child, we had a metal bucket on a tripod with three clamping screws, with which the Christmas tree was clamped like in a clamp. It was very convenient - there is not enough space, it holds firmly and you can pour water so that the tree stands longer. But ... the bucket broke a long time ago, and we never found a new one like it (although we didn’t really look for it).
For some time we used for a stand ... an ordinary bucket! Yes, yes - this is the easiest way to install.

1 Way:
What do you need:
1. Bucket (any, you can plastic, we had a wide metal one. The larger the bucket, the larger the Christmas tree can be placed in it - after all, a very large Christmas tree, respectively, is heavy, which means that a decent mass of cargo is needed from below).
2. Several plastic bottles filled with water (bottle sizes vary depending on the size of the bucket and tree).
3. A few ropes for stretch marks (sometimes it is necessary to fix the Christmas tree additionally either to the bucket itself in the form of a stretch mark, or to a nearby cabinet-battery-shelf, etc.).

What we do:
- On the bottom of the Christmas tree, extra branches are removed to the height of the bucket.
- The Christmas tree is installed in a bucket :) And bursting from all sides plastic bottles(fixed). Some bottles are completely filled, the filling of others should be selected in order to align and fix the Christmas tree when inserting them into the bucket. Bottles can be alternated - insert one up, the other down with the neck. Those that are inserted upwards with a lid can easily be used for “balancing” during pre-installation: by unscrewing the lid, we drain excess water under pressure and the tree “finds” its place more easily.
- If necessary (if the Christmas tree is crooked and warps), it should be attached with small ropes to something (yes, even to the same bucket, if the bucket is of sufficient mass). The main thing to pay attention to is that the Christmas tree should stand on its own! The ropes only _fix_ it in the right position, so that if you move carelessly during the round dance, do not disturb your balance. Correctly installed Christmas tree additional fixing is not needed! :)
- And now, fill the bucket with water - with this we create a heavy base for the Christmas tree, and secondly, we extend the time it will stand. We had up to a month and a half, the main thing is not to forget to replenish water in time - pine absorbs it very well :)

A big bucket under the Christmas tree doesn't always look nice... (we had a battered bucket, touched with rust...) so the bucket is wrapped in a layer of packing cotton - it turns out a wonderful snowball! And the Christmas tree looks like it was installed right in a snowdrift. If your company does not receive devices wrapped in tens of meters of packing cotton (do not confuse with medical, it is much more expensive) :))) - we are looking for any fabric or cardboard - at your discretion. If only it was beautiful :) In the end, the traditional figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can also be placed.

Little Christmas tree for the New Year 2007. Installed by method 1- a plastic bucket disguised as a snowdrift (a 15-liter wide metal bucket was used for large Christmas trees).

2 way:
We used this method when the Christmas tree was of medium size (up to 2 meters), and we installed it for a short time.
What do you need:
1. An ordinary rack from an inexpensive fan. AT last years we have such hot summer days ... that you bought a "promotional" cheap fan, if not at home, then for sure at work. Unlike expensive models, its stand is collapsible. We take the lower part from it, separating the fan itself.
2. A little adhesive tape (scotch tape) or rope.

What we do:
Actually, that's all! :))
- We attach the Christmas tree with a rope / adhesive tape to the stand - and rejoice :) In a non-hot room, the Christmas tree stands calmly for up to two weeks, does not crumble. The stand is lightweight and can easily be moved from place to place.

3 way:
This year I used it for the first time. Actually, this is a combination of methods 1 and 2. Initially, I was going to use method 2, but then ... I took pity on the Christmas tree and decided to add some water to it.

What do you need:
1. An ordinary rack from an inexpensive fan (see method 2).
2. Some tape or string.
3. Plastic bottle (minimum 2 liters. In general, the size depends on the thickness of the barrel. In our case, a 5-liter container was required).
4. I also needed one 30 mm self-tapping screw, but I could do without it.

What we do:
1. First of all, as before, we release the trunk from the lower branches to the height of our container.

It is convenient to do this with a hacksaw, but sometimes, with a crooked trunk, it will also require refinement with a "file" (axe)

2. Having tried on the container, we attach it to the stand. From below, this can be done simply with a rope or tape - they wrapped / tied it up and that's it, no problem. But from above ... we cut off the top! It is now soft and cannot be screwed on. We make a couple of holes with an awl (above), stretch the rope ... well, my photos are unsuccessful, the battery, as always, did not sit down at the right time and there was no time to play with the settings.
To prevent the plastic from tearing, something should be placed under the rope on the inside. It can be a spool of thread or any bar / piece of wood. In my case, an empty vial of effervescent tablets was the first to come under my arm. We wrap, tighten ... everything, the stand is ready.

3. Now we put the Christmas tree. This year, our Christmas tree is quite high - 1.85 m. And even the trunk was heavy and not very even ... Therefore, in the stand I had to completely pull out the tube on which the fan is attached. We nail with adhesive tape or a rope (here, see for yourself, it all depends on the mass of the tree). The main thing is that the fastening must be reliable. Narrow stationery tape (which is exactly what I found) is not good - it is too elastic, it stretches. You either need a lot of layers (which is not economical), or be prepared for the fact that after a few days the tape will stretch and have to be updated. It is better to make secure with a rope, as can be seen in the photo :). I “grabbed” it with adhesive tape, and then calmly tightened the rope with both hands. But if there are two or three of you, then everything is simpler - while one holds, the second strengthens, and the third, of course, manages the process and carries drinks.

In the process of finding balance, I had to turn the Christmas tree for about 15 minutes ... and even once completely cut off everything previously screwed and re-fasten it in a completely different position. The main thing, as I said above, is that the tree should stand by itself without additional loads and stresses!
In one place, I even had to screw in a small self-tapping screw (which, by the way, is visible in the photo below) so that the stand does not slip from the desired position. I got a very complicated Christmas tree this year, capricious. But I had fun installing it.

The lower part of our coaster with a container that has not yet been filled with water.