How to properly install a heating radiator under the window. Marking and proper installation of heating radiators on their own. Related materials and tools

Need competent installation heating radiators occurs both when replacing a single device, and when installing the entire system. It is the latter option that it is reasonable to consider in detail and in detail.

The heating season in our country lasts at least half a year, so a lot depends on the heat circulation system: not only the comfort of residential premises, but also human health, heating costs and the relevance of its repair. Consider the main schemes for supplying heat to apartments and residential buildings:

  • Cast iron radiators. Massive classic appliances, "guests from the past". They are used on a residual basis and are no longer produced by modern industry. They are characterized by low heat transfer and an appearance that has to be decorated - with curtains, planks, etc. Which further reduces the circulation of warm air in the room;
  • Aluminum radiators of sectional type. Lightweight, reliable and efficient devices for the heating system. Approximately 50% of the energy of the heat carrier is accounted for by convection into the room (for cast-iron analogues, this figure barely reaches 25%). Equipped with convenient pressure / flow regulators and attractive design;
  • Steel sectional radiators appearance very similar to aluminum ones - but at the same time much more massive and somewhat more expensive in terms of price. The main advantage of the scheme of steel radiators lies in their high resistance to corrosion. If the water in the heating system is hard, contains acidic or alkaline impurities, it is reasonable to choose such batteries. The installation of steel heating radiators must take into account their significant weight;
  • Bimetallic radiators - have the best operational characteristics and the highest cost (approximately 20% higher than aluminum sections) Withstand high pressure in the system, operate in the range from 20 to 40 atmospheres. All other varieties described above can function at a water pressure in the system of 15–25 atmospheres.

The standard service life of bimetallic radiators is up to 25 years, steel and aluminum - at least 20 years. In reality, they can last up to half a century. Of course, under the obvious condition - if the system is selected and connected correctly.

When replacing a single heater (for example, cast-iron sections are leaky), it is important to pay attention to the center distance, hole diameter and thread pitch. It is best to measure these parameters with a tape measure and calipers. There are many types of heating devices on the market and in stores, their design features differ from each other. You can purchase a device that looks like a failed battery - but it will not work when installed.

When the whole system changes, or the heating is installed again (for example, in a new house or apartment), a properly drawn up project is important:

  • As pipes - direct and reverse - it is best to choose plastic with a metal layer used for hot water supply. In the specifications, the allowable water temperature must exceed the temperature in the system by at least 10 ˚C;
  • The best places to install the selected heating radiators are the space under the windows or on one side of the long blank walls. This ensures better circulation of warm air in the apartment / house;
  • The sectional device of the batteries allows you to vary their length, and therefore, the power of the heating system. Correct connection provides for the presence of from 6 (minimum) to 15 (maximum) sections for one radiator;
  • Average standard for 1 square meter heated room is 0.7–1.1 sections made of aluminum, steel or bimetal. In rooms larger than 15–20 m 2, installation is recommended;
  • In addition to the main pipes and the actual batteries, you should stock up necessary quantity connection fittings, corners, brackets and other fittings. To drill holes in ceilings and walls, you will need a puncher with a long drill and a special “iron” for welding PVC pipes.

Of course, all mounted batteries must be of the same company (and preferably from the same batch). Similar requirements apply to the piping system. How to install a heating radiator and connect it after installation, we will consider in more detail.

The website site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required number of sections.

Installation and connection of radiators - step by step instructions

The installation of new heating radiators should be divided into several stages:

How to install and connect heating radiators with your own hands - a step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Batteries First!

When wall-mounted heating radiators are installed, batteries are first of all installed. This is done on two (with more than 10 sections - on three) brackets, pre-hammered into the wall. Water inlets and outlets are protected by special plugs. It is important to accurately align each radiator both horizontally and relative to the wall. This will not only give the entire system an attractive design, but also increase the life of the heating circuit.

Brackets must withstand a large load. They are recessed into the wall by at least 10 cm. The play and oscillation of the brackets should be minimal (a few millimeters 20 cm from the wall).

Step 2: Well, and the pipes - only then

In some new houses, special holes are provided for piping systems in the floor slabs. If these holes are not available, they are punched with a puncher, with a double margin in diameter. For example, for two pipes with a diameter of 20 mm, a common hole of at least 50 mm is punched. Pipe cutting is performed by a grinder, with a small amount of work - with a hacksaw.

The location of pipeline schemes strictly vertically is a condition for their long and trouble-free service. First, the entire riser is welded with an iron, then it is attached to the wall with special clamps. We use a level and a perforator (as with the heating radiators themselves). Next, taps are made to the batteries themselves.

The efficiency of its operation depends on where and how the heating battery is installed. If you do not follow the installation rules, then heat losses can reach from 5 to 20%, which will affect the microclimate in the room. To avoid this, you should know the main sources of heat loss and how to properly install a bimetallic heating radiator.

Basic requirements for room insulation

Few people think about why heating radiators are most often installed under windows, and even more people would be surprised to learn that a deviation of 2-3 centimeters can affect their efficiency. Sometimes heat losses are 20% only due to the fact that the heater installation parameters were not observed.

Bimetal radiators are by far not only the most expensive in the thermal technology market, but also the most durable, reliable and durable. Therefore, it will be doubly insulting, having invested a lot of money for their purchase and connection, as a result, you will get a cold room, the heating of which takes a lot of energy.

Since, in terms of their parameters, bimetallic batteries are ideal for a “not ideal” city heating network, their positive qualities should be used to the maximum.

Before installing bimetallic heating radiators, heat loss should be minimized:

  • Up to 50% of heat escapes through non-insulated walls.
  • Windows "eat" 20%.
  • An unheated basement or attic adds 10% of heat loss.

If you do not carry out preliminary work on the insulation of the room, then even the highest quality radiators will not be able to withstand such losses, or the cost of heating it will be too high.

Not all consumers know that the elementary installation of a foil screen behind the battery will reduce heat loss by 30%. If it is not possible to fully insulate the outer walls, it is enough to make such a reflector to reduce damage.

After conducting a complete "revision" of heat losses and eliminating at least some of them, you can begin to calculate how many sections will be required for the room, and where bimetallic radiators will be installed.

Choosing a place for a radiator

When the battery is mounted under a window, the laws of physics about air circulation are taken into account. They claim that cold air sinks to the floor because it is heavier than warm air. So the air flow from the window initially goes down, as it is cold, but when heated, it also rises. The larger the window, the more cold air comes from it, which means that efforts and an increase in energy costs will be required to heat it.

If the heater is mounted under the window, then the cold stream simply does not have time to spread around the room, as it meets the hot air emanating from it. At the same time, it is important that some rules are observed, which are especially important when installing bimetallic heating radiators with your own hands:

  • If there are several windows in the room, then the batteries will have to be mounted under each of them. This will reduce heat loss and create proper air circulation.
  • It is known that 2 radiators with a small number of sections have a greater heat transfer than one with numerous elements.
  • The distance from the wall to the back of the radiator must be at least 3 cm.
  • The fastening of bimetallic radiators to the wall under the window must maintain a distance of at least 10 cm from it to the floor and the window sill.
  • There should be enough space on the sides of the radiator for easy access to it.

People would be surprised if they knew that deviations up or down affect the quality of the radiator and the amount of heat it produces.

When installing brackets for the battery under the windowsill, you should use a plumb line to ensure that the structure is horizontal. This will secure further system from the formation of air pockets.

Battery installation

Do-it-yourself installation of a bimetallic radiator is not an easy task, as it requires not only attention and tools, but also elementary knowledge of the sequence of actions.

  • If you intend to connect to the current system heating new batteries in place of the old ones, then you should first flush the pipes and clean them of rust, scale and debris.
  • At the end of the supply pipe, you must either clean the existing thread, and if it is worn out, then cut a new one and screw bronze or brass tees onto it.
  • It is necessary to screw into the straight part of the tee Ball Valves, and connect the rest with a pipe segment to each other so that a bypass is obtained.
  • Adapters of the appropriate size are installed in the inlet and outlet holes of the battery.
  • Prepare and install brackets on the wall, which should be included in the mounting kit for the radiator.
  • Hang the heating battery on the mounts.
  • Install a Mayevsky valve in one of the side holes to bleed air from the system in the future.
  • If the type of connection allows, then install a thermostat to control the heating of the coolant.
  • After the battery is connected to the pipes of the system, a test should be carried out. To do this, it needs to create high blood pressure. This will allow you to see possible defects in the work and make sure that there is no leakage, and the integrity of the entire structure is not violated.

As can be seen from the above, there is nothing complicated in this work if you do everything sequentially.

Battery wall mount

Before fixing the bimetallic radiator to the wall, you should carefully check the correctness and reliability of mounting the brackets. This affects the efficiency of the entire system.

When installing fasteners, the weight of the assembled heating battery should be taken into account. Bimetallic radiators are the second heaviest after cast iron ones due to steel or copper collectors built into them.

The correct placement of the radiator is considered when the brackets are hung so that they provide:

  • The distance from it to the wall is at least 5 cm.
  • The radiator weighs with a slight tilt forward, which will protect it from the formation of air bubbles.
  • The battery plugs must be flush with the heating pipes.

The number of brackets directly depends on the size of the radiator. So for a six-section design, you will need one mount at the bottom and two at the top, while for 10 sections you will need 2 on each side.

A properly fixed bracket must support the weight of the radiator and not sag under its weight. To do this, all fasteners are checked manually. If they move at least a millimeter, then it is better to remove the dowels and carry out the installation again.

Only after the fasteners have been checked can radiators be hung on them and connected to the heating system.

As can be seen from the foregoing, there is nothing complicated in installing bimetallic radiators on your own. The main thing is not to rush anywhere and stick to the sequence of actions.

In order for the autonomous type heating system to work as efficiently and efficiently as possible, it is important not only to choose the right heating devices included in its design, but also to connect them accordingly, using the optimal schemes for connecting heating radiators in a private house.

The comfort of living in the house directly depends on how competently and professionally this will be done, so it is best to entrust the calculations and installation of the system to specialists. But, if necessary, you can perform the installation work yourself, paying attention to the following points:

  • Correct wiring installation.
  • The sequence of connection of all elements of the system, including pipelines, locking and control valves, boiler and pumping equipment.
  • Selection of optimal heating equipment and components.

Before you connect a heating radiator in a private house, you must familiarize yourself with the following installation and placement standards for these devices:

  • The distance from the bottom of the battery to the floor is 10-12 cm.
  • The gap from the top of the radiator to the window sill is at least 8-10 cm.
  • The distance from the rear panel of the device to the wall is at least 2 cm.

Important: Failure to comply with the above standards can lead to a decrease in the level of heat transfer from heaters and incorrect operation of the entire heating system.

One more important point, which is worth considering before installing heating radiators in a private house: their location in the premises. It is considered optimal when installed under windows. In this case, they create additional protection from the cold entering the house through window openings.

Please note that in rooms with several windows, it is better to install radiators under each of them, connecting them in series. In the corner rooms, it is also necessary to install several sources of heating.

The radiators connected to the system must have automatic or manual heat regulation. To this end, they are equipped with special ones designed to select the optimal temperature regime depending on the operating conditions of these devices.

Types of piping

Connection of heating radiators in a private house can be carried out by one-pipe or two-pipe scheme.

The first method is widely used in multi-storey buildings, in which hot water first, it is fed through the supply pipe to the upper floors, after which, having passed through the radiators from top to bottom, it enters the heating boiler, gradually cooling down. Most often, such a scheme contains natural circulation coolant.

The photo shows a single-pipe connection diagram with a bypass (jumper)

Its main advantages:

  • Low cost and material consumption.
  • Relative ease of installation.
  • Compatible with various types of underfloor heating systems and radiators.
  • Possibility of installation in rooms with different layouts.
  • Aesthetic appearance due to the use of only one pipe.


  • The complexity of carrying out hydro- and heat calculations.
  • The inability to regulate the heat supply on a separate radiator, without affecting the rest.
  • High level of heat loss.
  • An increased pressure of the heat carrier is required.

Please note: During the operation of a single-pipe heating system, difficulties may arise with the circulation of the coolant through the pipeline. However, they can be solved by installing pumping equipment.

Two-pipe scheme connecting heating batteries in a private house is based on a parallel method of connecting heating devices. That is, the branch supplying the coolant is supplied to the system, in this case is not connected to the branch on which it returns, and their connection is carried out at the end point of the system.


  • Possibility of using automatic temperature controllers.
  • Serviceability. If necessary, shortcomings and errors made during installation can be corrected without damage to the system.


  • Higher installation costs.
  • More long term installation compared to a single-pipe type of wiring.

Radiator connection options

To know how to properly connect a heating battery, you need to consider that in addition to the types of piping, there are several schemes for connecting batteries to the heating system. These include the following options for connecting heating radiators in a private house:

  • Lateral (unilateral).

In this case, the connection of the outlet and supply pipes is made on one side of the radiator. This method of connection allows to achieve uniform heating of each section at minimal cost for equipment and a small amount of coolant. Most often used in high-rise buildings, with lots of heatsinks.

Useful information: If the battery connected to the heating system in a one-way circuit has a large number of sections, the efficiency of its heat transfer will significantly decrease due to the weak heating of its remote sections. It is better to ensure that the number of sections does not exceed 12 pieces. or use another connection method.

  • Diagonal (cross).

It is used when connecting to a heating system with a large number of sections. In this case, the supply pipe, as in the previous connection option, is located at the top, and the return pipe is at the bottom, but they are located on opposite sides of the radiator. Thus, heating of the maximum battery area is achieved, which increases heat transfer and improves the efficiency of space heating.

  • Lower.

This connection scheme, otherwise called "Leningrad", is used in systems with a hidden pipeline laid under the floor. In this case, the connection of the inlet and outlet pipes is made to the lower branch pipes of the sections located at opposite ends of the battery.

The disadvantage of this scheme is heat loss, reaching 12-14%, which can be compensated by the installation air valves designed to remove air from the system and increase battery power.

For quick dismantling and repair of the radiator, its outlet and inlet pipes are equipped with special taps. To adjust the power, it is equipped with a temperature control device, which is installed on the supply pipe.

What they have, you can find out from a separate article. It also contains a list of popular manufacturers.

And about what it is, read in another article. Volume calculation, installation.

Selection Tips instantaneous water heater on the faucet. Device, popular models.


As a rule, the installation of the heating system and the installation of heating radiators is carried out by invited specialists. However, using the listed methods for connecting heating radiators in a private house , you can install the batteries yourself, strictly following the technological sequence of this process.

If you perform these works accurately and competently, ensuring the tightness of all connections in the system, there will be no problems with it during operation, and installation costs will be minimal.

The photo shows an example of a diagonal installation method.

The procedure for this will be as follows:

  • We dismantle the old radiator (if necessary), having previously blocked the heating line.
  • We mark the place of installation. The radiators are fixed on brackets that need to be attached to the walls, taking into account regulatory requirements described earlier. This must be taken into account when marking.
  • Attach brackets.
  • We collect the battery. To do this, we install adapters on the mounting holes in it (they come with the device).

Attention: Usually two adapters are left-handed and two are right-handed!

  • We also use locking caps to plug unused collectors. For sealing joints, we use sanitary flax, winding it on the left thread counterclockwise, on the right - clockwise.
  • We fasten ball-type valves to the junctions with the pipeline.
  • We hang the radiator in place and connect it to the pipeline with mandatory sealing of the joints.
  • We make pressure testing and trial start-up of water.

Thus, before connecting a heating battery in a private house, it is necessary to determine the type of wiring in the system and its connection diagram. At the same time, installation work can be performed independently, taking into account the established standards and process technology.

How the installation of heating batteries in a private house is carried out, the video will show you clearly.

In order for the house to be warm, it is necessary to correctly install the heating system. At the same time, it is important not only to qualitatively implement the necessary set of works, but also to correctly connect all the heating elements. It is necessary to take into account the current standards for the number of heating elements for a certain area. If you wish, you can do everything with your own hands.

Is assembly required?

If the radiators are delivered assembled, it is enough to install the plugs and. Most models have four holes located at the four corners of the case. They are used to connect heating lines. In this case, any scheme can be implemented.

Before the installation of the system begins, it is necessary to close the extra holes using special plugs or air vent valves. The batteries are supplied with adapters that must be screwed into the manifolds of the product. Various communications should be connected to these adapters in the future.

prefabricated models

Assembling the batteries should begin with laying the entire product or its sections on a flat surface. Best on the floor. Before this stage, it is worth deciding how many sections will be installed. There are rules that allow you to determine the optimal amount.

The sections are connected using nipples having two external threads: right and left, as well as a turnkey ledge. The nipples should be screwed into two blocks: top and bottom.

When assembling the radiator, be sure to use the gaskets supplied with the product.

It is necessary to ensure that the upper edges of the sections are correctly located - in the same plane. The tolerance is 3 mm.

Features of installation of various types

The material from which a particular heating element is made imposes certain requirements on its installation. If cast iron is not afraid of serious mechanical stress, then others require special care.

Cast iron classic

Still remain relevant. The special characteristics of the material used in their manufacture make it possible to effectively heat a room of any area due to slow cooling.

To install such a heating element correctly, before connecting, you should:

  • disassemble the finished product into sections;
  • stretching all the nipples, assemble the product in reverse order.

While doing installation work it is worth considering the weight of the product and the composition of the material from which the house was built. The heating element can only be installed on brick and concrete walls. near the plasterboard wall is made on a floor stand.

Modern models

Such products are characterized by low weight and increased fragility. For them, it is necessary to provide a Mayevsky crane.

In the process of performing installation work, do not remove the packaging to prevent deformation of the surface.

How will we connect?

The scheme for connecting radiators can be different. The level of heat transfer and the comfort of being in the apartment depend on which option will be preferred. Incorrectly selected wiring can reduce the power of the heating system by 50%.


The most widespread is the one-sided side scheme, which has the highest heat transfer rate. In this case, the pipe supplying the coolant is connected to the upper branch pipe, and the outlet pipe to the lower one.

If you do the opposite, the efficiency of space heating will decrease by almost 7%. To connect multi-section radiators, such a scheme is not always justified, since insufficient heating of the last sections is possible. This can be avoided by installing a water flow extension.


In an apartment with pipes hidden in the floor or passing under the plinth, a bottom connection is used.

This is the most aesthetic option, in which the pipes for supplying and discharging the coolant are located below in the floor, and therefore the lower holes are used for connection.


Installation of batteries with twelve or more sections is carried out in a diagonal pattern.

The coolant is supplied through the upper branch pipe located on one side of the radiator, and is discharged through the lower one on the other side.


Such a connection scheme assumes the presence in the heating system of pressure sufficient for the movement of the coolant through the pipes.

In this case, it is worthwhile to provide for a Mayevsky crane, designed to remove excess air.

It is important to remember that the implementation of repair and maintenance work will be accompanied by the shutdown of the entire heating system.


Parallel wiring assumes the presence of a special heat pipe built into the heating system, through which the coolant is supplied and discharged outside.

The presence of special taps at the inlet and outlet makes it possible to replace individual radiators without turning off the heat supply. However, the scheme can cause insufficient heating of the pipes at reduced pressure in the system.

Work sequence

Installation of batteries begins with a complete overlap of the circuit. When replacing old radiators with new ones, water is drained and the heating elements are dismantled. It will be correct to use the pump to exclude the presence of coolant residues in the system.

After all the water has been removed, the battery attachment points are aligned in both planes. Brackets are installed.


The next step will be the packaging of radiators using sealing linen, packaging paste or special stop valves. Using a torque wrench, tighten the connection, creating the force specified in the documentation.

Installation work

Installation of radiators on the wall is carried out by welding or polypropylene pipes. In the first case, it is enough to use two fasteners; in the second, at least three are required. Two should be at the top, one at the bottom.

With ten or more sections, the number of fasteners should be increased to five. There should be three at the top, two at the bottom.

Spatial control

The battery position is monitored in both planes. It is advisable to provide a slight slope towards the wall. This will avoid airing the system during its operation.

The final stage

Threading is performed on the risers and the connection of all elements of the heating system. The tightness of all connections is carefully controlled.

After that, trial tests can be carried out in order to detect a possible leak.


If until now everything has been done by hand, at this stage it is better to invite a ZHREU locksmith. By shutting off the "American" taps, you can open the connecting tap. It is better to entrust the opening of the return pipe to a locksmith.

If there are no leaks at the connection points, it will be possible to open the valve on the batteries and close the bypass valve. The coolant will begin to flow into the heating system. To bleed air, you should use the Mayevsky crane.

As soon as the heating circuit in all rooms warms up, the locksmith will open the straight pipe. This will restore pressure to the system. We can assume that the control tests are completed. If the installation was done correctly, the apartment will be comfortable at minimal cost.

In order for the installation of heating radiators to be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible, it is most rational to involve specialists in this. However, there are situations when the cost of services, announced by professionals, is clearly not affordable for the customer. And what to do in this case? Look for cheaper workers whose services are more affordable? But in a number of cases, the quality of the work performed by them is highly questionable. And then any customer comes to a logical decision - to install heating radiators on their own. This is quite doable. The main thing is to do everything carefully, having previously familiarized yourself with the simple rules and snip.

Installation of heating radiators

General description of the process of installing radiators

How to install a heating radiator? The process of installing radiators is not as complicated as most of us imagine it to be. More precisely, it can be difficult if the radiators themselves "try". Therefore, before choosing any model, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules for its installation. For example, any person, even without being a professional, will be able to perform such an operation as installing an aluminum heating radiator, since they do not require skills to use additional equipment. However, the same cannot be said about cast iron radiators - in order to install them, you will have to master the rules for using a welding machine.

Before purchasing radiators, you should carefully look at the existing models on the market.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to determine for yourself what exactly the characteristics of the radiators you need will be according to the following criteria:

  • wear resistance;
  • profitability;
  • flowability;
  • resistance to the environment.

And if you correctly determine these parameters and can choose the appropriate radiators, then the heating system in your house will please you with warmth. long years. A significant role is played not only by the installation scheme of heating batteries, but also by the material from which the radiators are made. The fact is that many modern models made of ultra high-quality and eco-friendly materials, have exorbitant prices. Therefore, try to be realistic about your capabilities and needs. It is unlikely that in a country house you may need super-expensive batteries.

When installing heating radiators on your own, you should be extremely careful and accurate.

In particular, during installation, one should take into account such parameters as the height of the radiator relative to the floor, the distance between the wall and the radiator. To a lesser extent, it matters which wall the battery will be attached to - most modern models are easily mounted on walls covered with drywall. However, remembering the characteristics that you should rely on is quite simple - the distance from the floor to the lowest point of the battery should not be less than 5 cm. The same distance (at least 5 cm) should be between the wall and the rear wall of the radiator.

It is very simple to perform such an operation as installing radiators on your own. If you have never dealt with any such work before, then the necessary information and complete process installations can be found on our website, where instructions and video materials are presented. In addition, today there are a large number of specialized forums and resources where professional craftsmen share tips and show optimal schemes for installing heating radiators. And, using the information from a similar site, you can easily find out how to properly install the heating battery yourself.

Mounting tools

If you have never done repair work and did not install radiators, it can be assumed that you are unlikely to have the necessary set of tools. However, this does not mean that you definitely need to run to the store and buy everything. Firstly, it is quite expensive, and secondly, it may not be useful to you in the future.

Therefore, it is most rational before putting in a heating battery, it will simply ask around with friends - perhaps someone has what you need.

So, for the installation of radiators you will need: an impact drill and a drill with a victorious tip, a screwdriver, pliers, a building level.

A little trick - when purchasing heating radiators, check in advance that all elements are assembled. If this is not the case, ask the store to collect everything for you - thus, you will not have to purchase an expensive and unnecessary key in the future.

How to choose the right size batteries

Before purchasing batteries, it is necessary to correctly calculate what size they should be - how many sections to consist of. Quite a lot depends on this, including the installation scheme for heating radiators. After all, an insufficient number of sections will not allow the room to warm up, and an excessive number will simply be installed in vain.

The size of the batteries is calculated according to a very simple formula - 1 kW of radiator power is needed for 1 m 2. In some cases, the power indicator must be multiplied by a safety factor - 1.3. This is done when two walls in the room are external or there is more than 1 window.

Installation of radiators

A process such as the installation and installation of heating radiators can be divided into several points. First of all, it is necessary to correctly pack all the plugs, American women, Mayevsky's crane. Further, if necessary, the old radiator is dismantled. If, along with the replacement of radiators, the heating element is also replaced, it is necessary to first remove water from the system. To do this, turn off the water and use the pump to try to drain the water as much as possible.

The finished battery must be installed on the wall. The number of fasteners directly depends on the type of radiator and the principle of its installation.

If you plan to install cast iron radiators that will be welded into the system, then only two fasteners are enough. But if the radiator is connected to the system using polypropylene pipes, then there must be at least three fasteners. If the battery is small - 5-6 sections, then the fasteners should be placed in this way - 2 on top and one on the bottom. If the number of sections is 10 or more, then there should be more fasteners: in the upper part - at least 3, and in the lower part - 2.

Using the building level, we determine the correct location of the battery. Next, you need to identify the places where plastic pipe will connect to the metal. After that, you need to wind all the elements. It is important to pay special attention to the quality and tightness of the connections. If there is even the slightest error, expect a leak. To prevent this from happening, use torque wrenches of the required size. Be extremely careful - if you install bimetallic or aluminum radiators, carefully tighten the valve through which air will be bled. Do not apply force above 12 kg to it. In order to tighten this crane correctly, again, torque wrenches will come in handy.

Features of the installation of cast iron radiators

Despite the fact that on modern market There are a huge number of types of batteries, many of us, when planning how to install a heating radiator, ignore the new bimetallic and aluminum radiators, preferring the good old cast iron models.

Few people take into account that the installation of cast iron radiators is a more time-consuming and complex process.

However, the result is worth the time and effort. When installing, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Before installing a cast iron radiator, it is necessary to adjust the nipples. To do this, the radiator is untwisted, the nipples are adjusted, after which everything is assembled back. The radiator is now ready for installation. It should be noted that disassembly must be carried out using special keys on a radiator workbench. In this case, it is desirable to unscrew both nipples at the same time - this way it will be possible to avoid distortion. Of course, it is most convenient to perform this action together. Please note - on different sides of the radiator, the thread is directed in different directions. After the nipples are unscrewed, remove the section.
  • All radiator sections are removed in a similar way. Next - we assemble the sections strictly in the reverse order. The assembled radiator requires pressure testing - this way you can find out if there are any leaks. And if it is, re-adjust the nipple.

  • In brick and foam concrete houses, cast iron radiators are mounted on special supports in the wall without any problems. But if the battery is attached to wooden wall, in addition to standard supports, you will also need floor supports.
  • If the heating system is single-pipe, a bypass must be installed by all means. In addition, the Mayevsky crane, as well as shutoff valves, must also be present in the system.
  • To connect the radiator to the pipeline, it is necessary to use threaded sleeves. It is important to remember that in no case is it recommended to use welding machine in a house with wooden walls.

Of course, to carry out the installation of heating radiators in an apartment on your own, or to entrust it to professionals, is a personal matter for each owner. Lots of people go to install. radiator heating for a banal reason - replacing radiators for them is already too “expensive” and additional expenses for hiring specialists can turn into a collapse for the family budget. However, if you are really afraid to take on such work as mounting a heating radiator, then it is better not to risk it. After all, experts will be able to do everything in fact with high quality. But the only difficulty is that you really need to find professionals who know the options for installing heating radiators and their subtleties, and not self-taught people who will install radiators for the second time in their lives. Hiring such a "master" can have very sad consequences.