How to choose batteries for a summer residence. Batteries for heating a private house, which is better. Radiator heating in a private house

Creation of an autonomous heating system careful approach to the choice of equipment. And if everything is relatively simple with the choice of a heating boiler, then you will have to sweat with the purchase of radiators. What radiators to choose for heating a private house and what to look for when buying them? In order to answer this question, we will analyze the features of autonomous heating systems, talk about their characteristics, and only after that we will give advice on choosing.

Also in our review, we will consider the features of all radiators available on the market and talk about their use in heating systems of private houses. We will cover the following types of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • tubular;
  • aluminum;
  • Bimetallic.

For each variety, we present the advantages and disadvantages.

Features of autonomous heating systems

The heating systems of private houses differ from centralized heating systems not so much design features how many performance characteristics. Heating of high-rise buildings requires high pressure in pipes so that the coolant can rise to the upper floors, pass through numerous radiators, transitions, taps and bends, and then return back. The higher the house, the higher the pressure, and the more durable the radiators and connections must be.

Autonomous heating system used in private houses consists of: boiler, pipes, radiators, expansion tank and circulation pump(used in systems with forced circulation).

As for autonomous heating systems, they do not need a lot of pressure - the maximum figure here is only 2-3 atmospheres. Therefore, heating radiators for the home can be anything from cast iron to bimetallic. Some settle for the cheapest models, saving money in their wallet, while others give their preference to more reliable, modern and durable radiators. But our verdict is that any heating batteries are suitable for autonomous systems.

What is the difference between centralized heating systems? They are observed:

  • Low quality of the coolant;
  • Powerful water hammers.

The coolant in centralized systems is really disgusting. It is full of reagents harmful to pipes and radiators, a lot of dissolved salts and a lot of small mechanical impurities. Under such influence, only the most tenacious batteries survive, for example, cast iron or bimetallic ones.

Autonomous systems are good because here it acts as a coolant pure water poured from the plumbing system. At any time, water can be replaced, this will make the coolant cleaner. Often, alternative coolants are used here that do not react with metals and do not even freeze in the cold. That is, in autonomous heating systems there is no aggressive environment that could destroy pipes and radiators in the shortest possible time. Therefore, almost any type of radiators is used here.

When using steel radiators, it is recommended to create closed heating systems, since oxygen often enters open systems, which, together with water, begins to destroy not only batteries, but also pipes (metal).

Water hammer in autonomous heating systems is rare, as they are small in size, a small amount of coolant and minimal pressure. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this factor - feel free to install any batteries, but do not forget that any battery has its drawbacks.

Calculation of heating radiators of a private house

Table of characteristics of 1 section of a heating radiator, depending on the material and size of the section.

The uniformity of heating and the efficiency of the entire heating system depend on how accurately and carefully the calculation of the number of heating radiators in a private house is performed. The average thermal power of heating is 100 W per 1 sq. m. area. That is, to heat a room with an area of ​​​​20 square meters. m. need a radiator with a capacity of 2000 watts. If we choose a bimetallic radiator for heating with a heat output of 200 W per section, then we need a 10-section heater (or two batteries of 5 sections each). Cast iron batteries are characterized by lower heat transfer, on average 120-140 watts per section, so there should be more sections here.

Also included in the calculation process:

  • Amendments to the type of glazing;
  • The presence of thermal insulation and wall thickness;
  • Ceiling height (the standard formula takes into account ceiling heights from 2.5 to 3 meters);
  • The presence of heated rooms above the current room;
  • Number of exterior walls (corner rooms are colder);
  • Number and area of ​​windows;
  • Climatic features of the area.

The most accurate calculations include taking into account the wind rose and the location of the outer walls relative to the cardinal points.

Connection schemes: "Leningrad", lateral connection and diagonal.

How to connect heating radiators in a private house? If you plan to run a one-pipe system, we recommend the Leningradka scheme with a jumper (bypass) for each battery. If you plan to use a two-pipe system, then a diagonal or lateral connection is used here. Adjustment of heating radiators in a private house is carried out using taps that block the supply of coolant. If necessary, taps can be placed on each battery - this will help even out the temperature in the rooms.

Adjustment is also available in a single-pipe system, but for this it must be performed according to the Leningradka scheme, with a bypass / jumper and three taps for each battery.

The choice of heating radiators in a private house

We have already figured out the features of the characteristics of autonomous heating systems and briefly got acquainted with the principles of calculating batteries. Now it remains for us to figure out how to choose a heating radiator for a private house and what to give preference to. Let's start with the old, but well-proven cast-iron batteries.

Bulky, heavy, but very reliable - this is how we can characterize cast iron batteries. They have the least efficiency, but they can survive any trouble.. With good care, they easily serve for 50-60 years, and it is not known how much more they could have served if they had not been thrown away during the next repair. These batteries are good with high heat capacity - they can keep warm during short-term heating outages (for example, they turned off the gas). They are also able to withstand any load.

They also have disadvantages. For example, the same high heat capacity of cast iron causes a high inertia of the system - after heat is supplied, it will take a long time before the batteries begin to warm the rooms. The disadvantages include the large internal capacity of the radiators, the huge weight and the need to use bulky metal pipes to supply the coolant. Also, we can attribute to the minuses a low heat transfer, which ranges from 120 to 140 W per section - this is one of the biggest minuses.

The verdict is this - if you want to save on heating, and you already have suitable radiators and pipes, feel free to mount a system based on these components. Cast iron batteries are suitable for both one-story and two-three-story private houses.

Lightweight and very efficient - this is how we can characterize steel radiators. They are made of relatively rust-resistant steel and feature high heat transfer, unattainable for other radiators. They are characterized by ease of installation, which is associated with their low weight. Most often they have a panel form. This is what makes them popular in low-rise construction. They are also distinguished by low cost and low inertia - after 15-20 minutes you will feel how warm and comfortable it becomes in your house.

Panel steel radiators must be constantly filled with water - this will prevent the development of rust. For this reason, they often fail in high-rise buildings, as there are often problems with tightness. In autonomous heating systems, as a rule, there are no such problems - they are simpler in design, they have fewer individual elements and connections. Therefore, they will serve here longer. But you need to ensure that oxygen does not enter the coolant - this will serve as a reason for the rapid oxidation of radiators.

Steel radiators are one of the most worthy solutions for heating private houses. They have high heat dissipation and are characterized by affordable cost. Of all the minuses, not very good design can be noted, but they are very practical.

More impressive tubular radiators are made of the same dough as ordinary steel ones. But if ordinary panel models cannot boast of a good appearance, then in the case of tubular radiators, we can see quite interesting solutions, including color. These batteries are different high efficiency, so they can be safely recommended for heating private houses. As for the advantages and disadvantages, they are the same as those of the steel models described above.

Tubular radiators are convenient in that it is convenient to dry small-sized laundry on them, for example, children's clothes. But they are rarely found on sale, despite the fact that some manufacturers offer really interesting models - their price bites.

Considering the types of heating radiators for a private house, one cannot pass by modern aluminum models. These are inexpensive, quite reliable and efficient devices, well suited for installation in low-rise buildings. They withstand pressure up to 15-20 atmospheres and resist small water hammer well. Their main advantage is a small price, which goes well with excellent appearance. As a result we get a heating battery balanced in all respects for a private house- Inexpensive, effective and beautiful.

As for the disadvantages of aluminum radiators, this is the lack of resistance to a coolant with a high level of acidity. For this reason, such batteries cannot be installed in high-rise buildings with centralized heating, where the quality of the coolant is extremely far from ideal. But if you pour well-purified water with a neutral acidity index (pH) into the home autonomous heating system, then the batteries will last a long time, featuring good efficiency and heat dissipation.

Also, the list of disadvantages includes too intense convection, which is why you have to carefully select these radiators for the area and volume of heated rooms. It is best to entrust this to heating specialists.

The characteristics of aluminum radiators are similar to those of steel models. But they confidently captured the market low-rise construction due to its lightness, reliability, lack of rust, high heat transfer and low cost - the last parameter is the most significant for the domestic consumer.

Bimetal radiators

This is the most enduring type of batteries for private and apartment buildings. They are resistant to poor quality coolant, high heat dissipation (literally a few watts lower than that of aluminum models - this parameter can be neglected), pleasant appearance, as well as endurance. These radiators withstand high coolant pressure and are able to withstand water hammer up to 50 atm. Bimetallic radiators are good in all respects, but lose a lot in price- their cost is very high.

In general, bimetallic radiators are well suited for installation in private homes. But is it worth spending so much money if there is no high pressure here, and the coolant is of high quality? Therefore, we can only recommend them if you have extra money in your pockets.

And centralized heating systems have fundamental differences that are taken into account when choosing equipment. Working mode autonomous heating private house allows you to choose radiators based on the maximum heat transfer coefficient, materials with the best performance, High Quality and optimal price. The operating conditions of the heating equipment of apartments differ sharply - here reliability and resistance to loads are in the foreground. Let's figure out which heating radiators are better to install in an apartment, where and how to buy them, and what users say in reviews about this equipment.

There are two fundamentally different types of housing heating: centralized (open) and autonomous (closed). In the first case, steam or hot water from the boiler house or CHP through pipes enters the apartments multi-storey buildings. The second option is a separate heating system for a private house or cottage, including its own boiler, heat supply pipelines, radiators and pumps.

When determining which heating batteries are best for an apartment, we proceed from the operating conditions of radiators in such systems:

  1. temperature from 100°С;
  2. pressure up to 10 atm;
  3. sudden pressure surges and hydraulic shocks when flushing systems and re-starting.

When choosing a radiator, the consumer must know the load limits for the model in question.

Cast iron radiators

Resistant to high pressure and water hammer. There are models that can handle heavy loads, but do not meet aesthetic needs. These examples include cast-iron batteries, known to us since Soviet times. A good example of modern cast iron radiators is retro-style batteries that fit perfectly into the interior.

The advantages of cast iron radiators include:

  1. operating pressure 6 - 10 atm, peak loads 18 or more atm;
  2. installation with different types of pipes;
  3. long service life;
  4. high heat transfer (100 - 200 W);
  5. quick change of size if necessary;
  6. minimal corrosion.

Disadvantages of cast iron radiators:

  1. big weight;
  2. fragility;
  3. slow heating and cooling, inability to control the temperature.

Bimetal radiators

For the production of such batteries, steel and aluminum are used. The inner surface of such radiators, which plays the role of a coolant, is steel.

Advantages of bimetallic radiators:

  1. operating pressure over 35 atm;
  2. corrosion resistance;
  3. fast heating and cooling, no inertia;
  4. modern attractive design;
  5. light weight;
  6. easy set of the required number of sections.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Comparison of the two options does not reveal the superiority of any of them. Cast iron batteries cost 250 - 400 rubles per section in the usual version and 1500 - 6000 rubles in the "retro" version. Prices for bimetallic radiators are 400 - 1500 rubles per section, imported ones are more expensive. Externally, bimetallic batteries look more attractive: they are more compact, more modern, and easy to clean. Based on the cost, we consider bimetallic radiators for an apartment to be more preferable.

In the photo, bimetallic radiators for an apartment

Which heating radiators are better to choose for a private house

Autonomous heating systems for private housing are distinguished by other operating conditions: low pressure and the absence of water hammer in the networks. The choice of radiators in this case is based on maximum heat transfer, price and quality. Any of the existing radiators is suitable for heating a private house. Let's briefly consider the types of such equipment in order to choose which radiators are best for heating a private house.

Tubular and panel radiators made of steel

Such radiators are compact, outwardly attractive.

Advantages of steel radiators:

  1. high efficiency;
  2. corrosion resistance with properly treated water;
  3. long service life;
  4. compactness and light weight;
  5. low price.


  1. not very good design;
  2. the need for periodic flushing;
  3. the need for constant filling to prevent corrosion.

Aluminum radiators

Differ modern design and excellent heat dissipation. Imported models are much more expensive than Russian ones, but we recommend buying them.

Special operating requirements:

  • Careful control of the acidity of the coolant - aluminum quickly corrodes if this condition is not met.
  • Due to the high heat output, uneven distribution of heat in the room is possible. Precise calculations are required before buying radiators.

In general, very good radiators for heating the house. If you follow the rules of operation, they will last for a long time. The price of aluminum radiators is relatively low.

Bimetal radiators

Combined steel radiators ( inner part) and aluminum fins. Such radiators are treated with a primer against corrosion. They withstand pressure up to 20-35 atm and are unpretentious to the composition of the circulating water.

The main disadvantage is the high cost. There are no water hammers and high pressure with autonomous heating, and the use of expensive radiators is impractical.

Cast iron radiators

The large thermal inertia of these radiators reduces the cost of heating a house. Cast iron batteries are corrosion resistant. At a price they are higher than aluminum and steel, but much lower than bimetallic ones.

The disadvantages of cast iron batteries are fragility and heavy weight.

When choosing which heating batteries are best for a private house, two groups should be considered - steel or aluminum batteries. Aluminum ones are more interesting - they are lighter, more economical and give off more heat.

Pictured are ideal aluminum radiators for country house

Which bimetallic heating radiators are better

The choice of bimetallic batteries is large - the models are different in design, characteristics, design and cost. Comparing the characteristics of different radiators, we determine which bimetallic heating radiators are better.

Bimetallic and semi-bimetallic radiators

Bimetal radiators have only the upper part made of aluminum. They are made of steel, and then filled with aluminum under pressure. The coolant is in contact with steel. There are models in which the inside is made of copper. Such radiators are used with a coolant to which antifreeze is added.

The interior of semi-bimetallic batteries is made up of two metals: steel and aluminium. Top Models such radiators are manufactured by Sira, Rifar, Gordi. They are not cheap, but the quality is excellent.

Bimetallic radiators sectional and monolithic

Monolithic radiators are distinguished by a solid steel or copper manifold, on which an aluminum “shirt” is put on. This design is called monolithic. Radiators of this type are more reliable than sectional ones, weakness which are the joints between sections. Characteristics of monolithic radiators:

  • service life up to 40 years (2 times longer than sectional ones);
  • working pressure up to 100 bar (3 times more than sectional ones);
  • thermal power per section 100-200 W (equal to sectional).

The cost of monolithic radiators is about 20% higher than sectional ones, and it is impossible to change the dimensions by adding or removing sections. Big choice models allows you to select the desired radiator.

Manufacturers of bimetallic radiators

Imported radiators are represented on the Russian market by Italian, South Korean, Polish companies.

Italian radiators

Represented by equipment from Sira, Global Style and Radena. The cost is 700 - 1500 rubles per section, the service life is from 20 years. Main characteristics:

  • thermal power of the section 120 - 185 watts;
  • maximum water temperature - 110 ° C;
  • operating pressure up to 35 bar.

South Korean radiators

MARS batteries with a copper core costing from 400 rubles with the following characteristics:

  • thermal power of the section 167 watts;
  • maximum water temperature - 130 ° C;
  • operating pressure up to 20 bar.

Polish radiators

The REGULUS-system equipment with a copper core is well known in Russia.


  • working pressure - 15 bar;
  • the maximum water temperature is 110°C.

Russian radiators

The most famous batteries are manufacturer Rifar costing 500 - 900 rubles per section.


  • thermal power of the section 100 - 200 watts;
  • maximum water temperature - 135 ° C;
  • operating pressure up to 20 bar.

Chinese radiators

Differ in low cost, modest design and low quality. If the budget does not allow you to buy high-quality equipment, then you can get by with a cheap "Chinese". At the same time, count on high performance, of course not.

In my opinion, the RIFAR MONOLIT radiator is considered the best Russian product. Characteristics: thermal power of section 134 - 196 watts; maximum water temperature - 135 ° C; operating pressure up to 100 bar.

Pictured is a RIFAR brand radiator

Which aluminum heating radiators are better

Aluminum radiators are produced by Russian and foreign companies in a wide range. Among the main manufacturers:


The best Russian company. Prices are higher than the Russian average - an average of 580 rubles per section. Main characteristics:

  • operating pressure up to 20 atm (maximum 30 atm);
  • maximum coolant temperature 135°С;
  • 10 year warranty, 25 year service life.

Royal Termo, Russia

Joint production with Italians. Available models:

  1. Thermo revolution;
  2. Thermo Dream Liner;
  3. Thermo Indigo.


  • working pressure - up to 20 atm;
  • thermal power 170 - 185 watts.

Radiators are produced using patented technologies.

VitaTerm, Russia

Aluminum alloys with magnesium, lithium and titanium are used for production.


  • thermal power 140 - 184 W;
  • working pressure 16 atm (test 24 atm).

Global, Italy

Well-known Italian manufacturer offers radiators excellent quality and elegant design. A section of such a radiator costs about 400 rubles. One of the best deals on the market, given the cost and quality.


Budget option for aluminum radiators. The design is simple, versatile, good quality. The cost of the section is about 300 rubles.

It is not difficult to choose an aluminum radiator - there are many offers in different technical and price categories. If you choose from domestic equipment, then Rifar radiators will be a worthy purchase; from imported ones, we recommend the Italian Global. Of course, the proposals are the most general - when choosing, the buyer should proceed from his own capabilities and needs.

Pictured is a radiator brand Global

Which heating radiators are better - aluminum or bimetallic

Let's start comparing bimetallic and aluminum radiators with the performance and characteristics of the batteries.

1. Aluminum radiators consist of separate sections, which are connected by nipples. Gaskets are installed between the sections. Fins on the inside increase the heat transfer area.

2. Bimetal radiators consist of a steel core and an aluminum body with fins.

Comparative characteristics:

  • In terms of heat dissipation, aluminum is much more preferable - already 10 minutes after turning it on, the room is warm.
  • Aluminum radiators have a lower operating pressure (up to 20 atm) than bimetallic ones (up to 40 atm), i.e. they can only be installed in autonomous heating systems of private houses.
  • Aluminum radiators are more sensitive to the quality of the coolant. With an increase in pH over 8, aluminum batteries will quickly fail.
  • The temperature limit for bimetallic batteries (130°C) is higher than for aluminum batteries (110°C).
  • The service life of bimetallic batteries is 15-20 years, aluminum - 10 years.
  • The cost of bimetallic radiators is 20 - 35% higher than aluminum ones.

When choosing radiators, you need to consider the conditions in which they will have to work. For autonomous heating of a private house, aluminum batteries are more suitable, for an apartment in a high-rise building - bimetallic.

Installation and installation of heating radiators

The high price of installing heating batteries in an apartment or a private house often forces the owners to carry out these works on their own. The cost of heating installation works depends on the total volume, the number of installation elements, the selected connection scheme, the type and model of radiators, etc.

For self-installation of heating radiators, you must:

  1. familiarize yourself with the connection methods;
  2. know the connection rules;
  3. correctly calculate and accurately measure the location of the radiators;
  4. have the right tools for installation.

The heating battery is installed in such a way as to ensure maximum heating efficiency. The greatest heat loss through the windows, so the location of the batteries under the windows creates thermal curtain preventing heat from escaping.

The installation of radiators must be carried out strictly at right angles in the horizontal and vertical planes - the wrong location leads to air accumulation and rapid corrosion of the radiator.

Distances that must be ensured during installation for normal heat exchange and circulation of warm air:

  • from the upper grate of the battery to the window sill - 5-10 cm;
  • from the bottom edge of the battery to the floor - 8-12 cm;
  • from the radiator to the wall - 2-5 cm;
  • when installing reflective thermal insulation on a wall, longer hooks should be purchased.

Calculation of the number of radiator sections

When buying radiators, learn how to calculate the required number of sections. It is better to assemble the sections in the store when buying batteries. Remember a simple rule: one section goes to heat 2 square meters of area with a ceiling height of 2.7 m. Do rounding up.

To install radiators, you will need tools:

  1. pliers;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. hammer drill;
  4. key for branch pipes;
  5. construction level;
  6. tape measure, pencil.

Battery replacement is done in the following order:

  1. the old battery is dismantled;
  2. marking is made for attaching a new one;
  3. brackets and a canopy of the battery are installed;
  4. assembly kit is assembled;
  5. a valve, a valve for a thermal head and a Mayevsky valve are installed;
  6. heating pipes are connected.

Especially common is the installation of heating radiators with a bottom connection, in which hot water is introduced into the lower part of the battery and output from the bottom of the other side. Such radiators are outwardly more attractive, fit perfectly into the interior and allow you to hide the piping under the floor.

Thermostats for heating radiators

To regulate the heat supply during the heating season, we recommend installing a thermostat on each radiator. Installation of a thermostat on a heating radiator is described in detail on websites on the Internet. More sophisticated programmable thermostats will automatically turn radiators on and off, maintaining the desired temperature. You can install thermostats on each battery with two-pipe heating, which is typical for a private house. With a single-pipe system (in apartments of houses), to install a thermostat, a bypass is installed in front of the radiator - a pipe perpendicular between the supply and the "return". The diameter of the bypass pipe is always smaller than the diameter of the distribution pipes.

If the radiators close the thick curtains to the floor, then the circulation of warm air is disturbed and only the window is heated. The window sill covering the battery from above also interferes with normal air circulation. The efficiency of the heating radiator is reduced by 20%.

Heating radiator connection diagrams

The main schemes for connecting radiators:

1. Lateral one-way connection

Most commonly used and provides maximum heat dissipation. The inlet pipe is connected to the upper branch pipe, the outlet pipe - to the lower one.

2. Bottom connection

It is used if the heating pipes are hidden under the floor or baseboard. Aesthetically the best way. The supply and return pipes from the bottom go vertically to the floor.

3. Diagonal connection

It is done with a large number of sections (more than 12). The inlet pipe is connected to the upper branch pipe on one side, and the return pipe is discharged from the reverse side through the lower branch pipe. The Mayevsky crane on radiators serves to remove excess air. Connection is inconvenient because when replacing or repairing a radiator, you need to turn off the entire heating system

4. Parallel connection

The heat carrier with such a connection is supplied through a heat pipe, which is built into the heating system. Withdrawal also occurs. The valves at the inlet and outlet allow you to replace the radiator without shutting down the system as a whole. The disadvantage of this scheme is that at low pressure the radiator warms up weakly.


  1. When choosing radiators for a private house or an apartment in a high-rise building, one should take into account the operating conditions typical for autonomous or centralized heat supply. For an apartment, cast iron or bimetallic radiators are suitable, for a private house - aluminum or cast iron. Otherwise, you need to be guided by specific conditions: interior requirements, financial capabilities, equipment cost, manufacturer's reliability, etc.
  2. We recommend checking the calculation of the required number of radiator sections for a particular room by receiving the seller's recommendations upon purchase.
  3. During installation, it is necessary to maintain all the necessary distances of the radiator from the floor, walls, etc., as well as the horizontal position of its position in different planes. A thermostat installed on radiators helps to save money - you can turn off unnecessary radiators or set an automatic temperature maintenance mode.

Radiators and radiators - which are better for a private house? This question is asked by every owner of a country house who decides to provide his home with an autonomous heating system. Today we will consider which radiators to choose for a summer residence.

For installation in an apartment where a centralized heating system is installed, not all radiators can be used. But for a country house, all types of appliances are suitable. Indeed, in the water that passes through pipes in private homes, most often there are no impurities with bleach and alkali. A variety of materials are used for the manufacture of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • metal (steel);
  • aluminum;
  • bimetal.

Types of heating devices for a country house

And according to their design, aluminum and other devices are divided into sectional, tubular, panel and convector. Let's study each of the types of heating radiators for installation in a private house - knowledge of the advantages, disadvantages and features of operation will help to make right choice.

The simplest type of radiators is cast iron. These products are still popular on the market, despite more modern counterparts. It is quite simple to explain such popularity - cast iron products have a lot of advantages, including:

  • strength and durability, time-tested - can serve two decades or more;
  • the ability to assemble a radiator from a different number of sections;
  • rust resistance;
  • low level of heat transfer;
  • the material is not afraid of chemical attack.

Cast iron radiators

The strength is due to the fact that cast iron batteries are equipped with very thick walls. But this is precisely the main disadvantage of the products - too much weight due to the severity of the materials used for the production. Low thermal conductivity is considered both a plus and a minus at the same time. The main advantage is that the batteries, although they warm up slowly, also cool down slowly - if the heating is turned off, the radiators will remain warm for some more time. But quickly adjusting the temperature with the help of regulators for such radiators will not work.

Another disadvantage of cast iron batteries is their unpresentability. True, on modern market you can find models with an exclusive design, but their cost will be much higher than the price of ordinary radiators.

Steel batteries are produced in two types: they can be tubular and panel. Panel are two connected plates with a thickness of up to 2 mm. Their advantages include low inertia, radiation a large number heat, a modern stylish look, the possibility of manufacturing products of different shapes, low cost and resistance to doubling inside the heating system. However steel types radiators have such disadvantages as:

  • high risk of rust;
  • restrictions on the use in heating systems, the coolant in which contains various reagents from alkali;
  • the inability to choose the number of sections - steel radiators are produced already assembled ready-made panels.

steel battery

One of the varieties of steel radiators is tubular models. Their main advantage is in an interesting design and the ability to choose the appropriate shape. You can buy a product with an internal coating of steel with special polymer compositions, which will reduce the risk of rust.

Autonomous types of heating in private houses are most often made in the form of a system of pipes and radiators, where hot water acts as a coolant. Such systems are called . If you have such a system installed at your home, it is better to stop at aluminum heating radiators for a private house. They have benefits such as:

  • light weight, which will allow you to install radiators even on fragile plasterboard walls;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • high level of heat transfer;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature with special taps.

Temperature control tap for aluminum radiator

However, aluminum products have some disadvantages, which it is desirable to know about in advance. So, for example, the coolant in such radiators must be free from chemical additives and solid particles that can destroy the material. In addition, aluminum radiators are known for having threaded connections not of the highest quality, which increases the risk of leaks.

Today on sale you can find new type radiators - bimetallic. Such batteries are made of an alloy of aluminum and steel, which makes them quite practical and reliable. The design of the device is presented in the form of a core made of steel, which is covered with aluminum. As a result of this, the coolant, passing through the steel elements, does not harm aluminum. Thanks to this design, such radiators can be used, including in apartments with centralized system heating. The main advantages include:

  • the ability to withstand pressure surges in pipes (up to 35 atmospheres);
  • light weight due to the use of aluminum;
  • high level of heat transfer.

Bimetal radiator

If we talk about the minuses, then it is one - a rather high price. Such radiators cost more than aluminum, steel and cast iron, which slightly slows down their wide distribution.

How to choose the right heating radiators for a private house? Here, not only the appearance of the products is important, but also the power - when buying a device, you need to find out how much power is needed to heat the system. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first. So, for heating one square meter in a room with a ceiling height of three meters and one window, about 100 watts are needed. Then simply multiply the area of ​​the room by 100 watts. And to make the calculations even more accurate, do not forget:

  • if the room has one window and two external walls, add about 20% more to the calculated power;
  • if two windows and two outer wall- add about 25-30%;
  • when the window faces the northern part, it is worth adding at least 10% to the calculations.

Having carried out such calculations, you can more accurately choose the right radiator for your home. And the power of the devices can always be viewed in the documents - the "passport" of the device. By the way, it does not matter at all which radiators you decide to choose for installation in a private house, if you install them incorrectly, they will decorate your home, but will not provide the necessary heat to heat the room.

The choice of radiators for a country house

Let's look at where to mount radiators - this information will definitely be useful to you when you create. So, batteries should be placed under light openings - windows. This place always has the most heat loss, even if you have modern double-glazed windows installed. A radiator placed under the window will warm the air around it. After that, the heated air rises and creates a curtain in front of the window that prevents the penetration of cold into the room.

When choosing which heating radiators are best purchased for a private house, do not forget about the importance of the length of the appliances - it must correspond to the width of the window opening. As a last resort, the length should be at least 50% of the window width. In a corner room, it is worth placing 1-2 additional devices along the outer walls exposed to cold air. If you are going to install heating risers, mount them in the corners, which will ensure their heating and avoid the possibility of blackening of the walls and the appearance of mold in them.

And do not forget that access to the batteries must be open. Many owners of private houses cover heating radiators with drywall sheets, which is undesirable - this will complicate the process of cleaning and repairing appliances if necessary. In addition, the use of such a fence will lead to a revision of previously performed power calculations.

We told you how and which radiators are best to choose for installation in a private house. Now you know that when buying appliances, you need to consider the quality of the water in the pipes, the power of the devices, their appearance, and even the ability to install on fragile partitions, if necessary.

Before proceeding with the assembly of the heating system of a country house, it is imperative to develop its detailed project. The first thing to do is to decide on the type necessary equipment and do all the necessary calculations. for a private house, how to choose the right boiler and pipes for highways, what type of wiring will be better in one case or another - read about all this later in the article.

Basic structural elements

To assemble a heating system in a country house, you will have to purchase:

  • radiators;

    circulation pump;

    pipeline pipes.

You will also need to buy an expansion tank. AT modern systems heating is used mainly only membrane equipment of this type.

What to consider when choosing radiators

When purchasing batteries, first of all, you should pay attention to:

    their design features;

    maximum working pressure;


    number of sections.

Which heating radiator is better for a private house: the main varieties

Modern industry produces several types of such equipment. In specialized stores you can find batteries:

    cast iron;

    of steel;



All these types of heating radiators for a private house fit pretty well. Choice in this case depends mainly on the performance characteristics of a particular system and the financial capabilities of the owners of the building itself.

Cast iron batteries

The main advantages of this type of radiators are low cost and durability. Cast iron batteries are not subject to corrosion and can last up to 50 years. In addition, they are undemanding to the quality of the coolant and easily withstand quite a serious pressure in the system - up to 12 atmospheres.

The advantages of cast-iron models, therefore, have a lot, and therefore, in some cases, they can be an excellent answer to the question of which radiators to choose for heating a private house. However, despite the large number of advantages, such batteries are installed quite rarely in residential suburban buildings. The thing is that Soviet radiators of this variety look too old-fashioned. Fit them harmoniously into modern interior almost impossible. In addition, these batteries are very heavy and can be used mainly only in buildings with very strong walls. For example, for a house built of foam concrete, they are absolutely not suitable.

Cast iron heating radiators for a private house are suitable, but when deciding to choose just such models, it is worth bearing in mind that they do not differ in particularly high efficiency. Such batteries warm up rather slowly, and their heat transfer is not particularly large.

steel models

Radiators of this type, unlike cast iron, warm up very quickly. This makes them simply ideal for temperature controlled heating systems. In addition, steel batteries do not weigh too much. Therefore, they can be installed in buildings with walls made of any materials, including foam blocks or SIP panels.

Steel radiators for heating a private house, therefore, fit pretty well. Their disadvantages are only fragility and inability to withstand significant pressure. The second drawback for a private house usually does not play too big a role. After all, the pressure in the pipes in such buildings is most often not particularly high. If this indicator in the system does not exceed 7-8 atmospheres, you can safely buy steel models. However, attention should also be paid to the quality of the coolant. If an effective water purification system from a well or a well is not installed in the house, you should still refuse to purchase such equipment. When using low-quality coolant, such radiators quickly rust and begin to leak.

When answering the question of which radiators to choose for heating a private house, it is worth considering, among other things, the acquisition of a relatively new type of steel equipment of this type, which has recently appeared on the domestic market. It's about about batteries made of stainless steel. Such radiators can last even longer than cast iron ones, they are distinguished by high efficiency and attractive appearance. However, such equipment is, unfortunately, quite expensive. Only the owners of elite cottages can afford batteries of this type.

Aluminum Models

The main advantage of such radiators is their attractive appearance. Aluminum batteries look very modern and easily fit into almost any interior. They are inexpensive, but, like cast iron, they are rarely used in private homes. It's all about their increased demands on the quality of the coolant. In an acidic environment, aluminum reacts very quickly with the release of a rather large amount of gas. And this, in turn, leads to airing of the system and its failure.

Aluminum heating radiators for a private house, therefore, are well suited only when a sufficiently clean coolant is used in the mains. As for pressure, such models can easily withstand loads up to 15 atm.

Bimetallic batteries

When answering the question of which heating radiator is best for a private house, it is worth thinking about purchasing a model of this type in the first place. Bimetallic batteries for this moment are perhaps the most popular type of such equipment. The design of radiators of this type includes elements made of two types of metal - aluminum and steel (or copper). Hence their name. The advantages of bimetallic radiators, among other things, include:

    the ability to withstand very high coolant pressure (up to 35 atm) and water hammer;

    attractive appearance;

    light weight;

    durability (can last up to 25 years).

In general, bimetallic heating radiators for a private house are best suited. Reviews of models of this type available on the network clearly indicate this. Owners of suburban real estate consider such equipment to be very high quality, easy to install and operate. By appearance such radiators resemble aluminum ones, but at the same time they are much more reliable. Their design is such that they look like a monolithic product. Insofar as performance characteristics such batteries are better than aluminum ones, they cost a little more (by about 25%).

Radiator power

The calculation of the heating of a private house should begin with the definition of this particular indicator. The selection of radiators for a large cottage, of course, should be entrusted to specialists. If the system is assembled in a small one-story private house, this procedure can be done independently, according to a simplified scheme.

    the total area of ​​the premises;

    necessary compensation for heat losses.

The latter indicator, when using a simplified calculation scheme, is usually defined as 1 kW of power per 10 m 2 of the room (or 100 W per 1 m 2). That is, in order to find out what kind of battery performance is needed in a particular case, you just need to substitute desired value into the formula N=S*100*1.45, where S is the area of ​​the room, 1.45 is the coefficient of possible heat leakage.

Next, let's see how to calculate heating radiators for a private house on specific example. This procedure is actually quite easy to do. For example, for a room 4 m wide and 5 m long, the calculation would look like this:

  • 20*100=2000W;


Heating radiators are installed most often under the windows. Accordingly, their required amount. In houses with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b20 m 2, 2 windows are usually equipped. Therefore, in our example, we need two 1450 W radiators. This indicator can be adjusted primarily by changing the number of sections in the battery. But, of course, in any case, there should be just enough of them so that the radiator is freely placed in a niche under the window.

Power of one section in batteries different types may differ. So, for bimetallic radiators with a height of 500 mm, this figure is usually 180 W, and for cast iron - 160 W.

How to choose a boiler

So, we found out which heating radiator is best for a private house. If desired, for a country building, you can choose both cast iron and aluminum, steel or bimetallic batteries. In this case, everything depends mainly only on the quality of the coolant, the pressure in the system and the features of the interior of the premises. However, when drawing up a project, of course, one should determine the characteristics of other necessary equipment. In particular, it is imperative to calculate the power of the boiler. Modern industry produces four types of such equipment:

    gas boilers;


    liquid fuel;

    solid fuel.

These are the boilers for heating a private house that are mainly on sale today. How to choose a specific type of such equipment is actually not a very difficult question. Most often, they are installed in houses. Installation of them is usually quite expensive. But at the same time, such equipment is quite economical and convenient to use. They are cheap, but expensive to operate. Therefore, they are most often installed only if there is no gas main near the house.

Solid fuel and diesel heating boilers are used mostly in buildings built in remote areas. That is, where there is no gas and no power lines. Such equipment is usually quite expensive and at the same time not very convenient to use.

Boilers for heating a private house: how to choose power

In order to determine this indicator, a specialist is usually also hired. You can try to calculate the power of the boiler yourself only for a small country house. As with the choice of radiators, in this case, the fact is taken as a basis that 1 kW of boiler power is required per 10 m 2 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Choosing a wiring diagram

The mains of the heating system can be laid in different ways. In small country houses commonly used simplest system"Leningradka" or dead-end two-pipe. In residential cottages on several floors, a collector scheme is more often used. In one-story houses of a very large area, a very efficient heating system, called

How to determine the required diameter of the lines

When calculating the heating of a private house, you should, of course, calculate this indicator. If the diameter of the mains is chosen incorrectly, the system will not work effectively. To buy suitable pipes, you need to first decide:

    with the thermal power of the system;

    optimal pressure of the coolant.

The first indicator is calculated by the formula Q=(V*Δt*K)*860, where V is the volume of the room, Δt is the difference between the air temperatures in the room and outside, K is the correction factor (depends on the degree of insulation of the building and is determined by a special table) .

The optimal speed of the coolant in the system is 0.36-0.7 m/s. The obtained value of the thermal power and the selected pressure indicator should simply be substituted into the table for determining the diameter of the pipes.

As for the material of highways, in our time, both in small country houses and in cottages, metal-plastic is usually used. However, if desired, steel or even expensive and very durable copper pipes can be installed in a private residential building.

Purchase of a circulation pump

When choosing this type of equipment, you should decide mainly on two indicators:

    with working pressure;

    with performance.

The second characteristic is calculated by the formula P = 3.6 x Q / (c x ΔT) (kg / h), where ΔT is the difference between the air temperatures in the street and in the room, c is the specific 1.6 dimension.

The required pump head can be determined by the formula J = (F + R x L) / p x g (m), where F is the resistance of the reinforcement, R is the hydraulic resistance, L is the length of the section, p is the density of the working fluid, g is the acceleration of free fall .

Choosing a heating radiator for your home is a task that must be approached responsibly. The rate of space heating and its efficiency will depend on the type of battery and some other factors.

In this article, we will consider the main types of heating radiators for a private house and apartment, the advantages and disadvantages of batteries different type and also give some tips for choosing them.

Classes of heating radiators

There are 4 classes of heating devices:

  • Sectional;
  • lamellar;
  • tubular;
  • Panel.

Sectional type radiators are known to everyone. They are made of cast iron, aluminum, steel. There are models for the production of which two materials are used (usually steel and aluminum). Such batteries are called bimetallic. Sectional radiators are assembled from separate sections (sections), obtaining at the output a heater with the required power, which is given to the external environment during operation.

Sectional radiators are assembled from separate sections (sections)

Plate heaters are called so because they are made of several plates mounted on curved or straight pipes. The pipes, in turn, circulate water. Another name for plate heating devices is convectors. They can be electrical or non-electric.

Photo: tubular radiator in the interior

Tubular radiators are made of several tubes interconnected by collectors. They look pretty original. Such radiators are often found in apartments where the interior is made by professional designers. Pipes can be made in any size and shape, for example, in the form of a specific shape.

Photo: panel radiators of different sizes

Panel heating radiators consist of panels that receive heat from the coolant circulating in the space between them through the channels formed by stamping. There are models with one, two and three panels.

Let us consider in more detail each of the types of heating radiators.

Cast iron sectional radiators

The first development of cast iron batteries was carried out almost 150 years ago by our compatriot. A few years later, the Americans received a patent and finalized the design. Radiators gained popularity after the advent of central system heating, and their mass production was adjusted during the industrial revolution.

The batteries that were used in the USSR and now remain in many homes have the MS 140 brand. The value "140" is the power given by one section. The operating and test pressure of the battery is 9 and 18 atmospheres, respectively. The number of sections is from 4 to 10.

Today, cast iron radiators are gaining popularity again,
thanks to improvements in their construction and design

The advantages and disadvantages of this type of battery are approximately the same.


  • Long service life (more than 50 years);
  • Affordable price;
  • Resistance to mechanical damage;
  • Corrosion resistance;
  • High abrasive wear. Pebbles and sand in the water do not cause much harm to the battery from the inside;
  • Heating efficiency at the maximum number sections.


  • Great weight and bulkiness;
  • Possibility of depressurization of joints;
  • Accumulation of rust inside during long-term operation;
  • Unpresentable appearance;
  • Difficulties when embedding radiators in autonomous systems heating, the impossibility of saving on the coolant;
  • Difficulty cleaning.

Bimetallic radiators

Bimetallic radiators are most often made of aluminum and steel. The latter is used to make horizontal and vertical tubes, soldered together, and the outer case is made of aluminum. The coolant flows through the pipes.

Typical dimensions of tubular radiators

The above calculations are approximate. It is difficult to create ideally sealed conditions in a room. Heat can escape through the floor, walls, windows. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances, up to what material the house is made of, whether the room is heated under and above you, etc. Instead of 41 watts per cubic meter, you can ask for a power of 60-70 watts, although it is better to carry out competent insulation so as not to spend money on heating the street. But to achieve overheating is also impossible, it will negatively affect your well-being.

Unit dimensions

Dimensions partially depend on the power of the radiator. In this case, the location of the device must be taken into account. Most often, batteries are mounted under the windowsill. Measure in advance the distances (height, width) in the place where the radiator will be installed, calculate the power needed to heat the apartment and select a heater according to these parameters.


Taste setting. Here the consumer is not limited by anything and is free to choose the unit that will appeal to him.


Italian manufacturers are considered the best. Good products are produced by German, Austrian, Finnish craftsmen. Manufacturers of the CIS countries are not much inferior to them.

Measure all features various types radiators, calculate and make the right choice.