Talismans for the signs of the Zodiac - choose the desired amulet. The meaning of amulets according to the signs of the zodiac, protect from the evil eye and damage and how to make them, as well as how to speak a talisman

Do you know how a talisman differs from an amulet? The amulet simply protects from the evil eye and promotes good luck, while the talisman is directly related to your personality, therefore it is able to activate the strengths of the personality and minimize the shortcomings. That is why it must be charged with your energy, and this requires a certain ritual. Wrap the talisman with a cloth and place it in a hidden place. Let him stay there for a week, but every day, preferably at the same hour, be sure to pick him up for five minutes. After completing the ritual, you can wear the talisman on yourself or put it in a bag, wrapping it with cloth of any color except black.

In especially emotional moments - anxiety, choice or doubt - try to lightly touch your talisman and ask him for help.

And remember, in order for the talismans to serve their owner properly, in no case should you lend them to anyone - let them always be at hand.

Now let's figure out which talisman is most suitable for each representative of the zodiac circle. Pay attention: each talisman helps to answer this or that question, to solve a certain problem.

Astrological forecast - a way to know the future

People learned to make astrological forecasts many centuries ago in order to be able to better prepare for the surprises that fate has in store for us. Orientation in real life according to heavenly bodies is one of the ways to open the veil of the future. The stars are able to tell us about upcoming events and determine our actions.

Everyone has the right to decide for himself whether to believe or not to believe in astrological forecast, but the fact that astrology is a real science with its own research methods and indisputable results is beyond doubt. No astrological forecast claims to be taken as the only possible truth. Star predictions provide us with a thread, a topic for reflection and recommendations that can be carried out or not, depending on the personal wishes of the person. Everyone is free to build their own destiny according to their own scenario, but the stars can help us avoid some mistakes, grab a happy chance in time and just make life a little easier and brighter.

How to choose the right amulets stones according to the signs of the zodiac, for men and women, according to the seasons - the topic of this article. Very valuable video tips will also help you choose your stone correctly.

Since ancient times, stones have been considered amulets and talismans with magical properties. It is generally accepted that stones help to fulfill desires, influence the fate of a person. Natural stone has energy that can benefit a person, protect against negative influences, the evil eye, damage, and even cure some diseases.

When choosing a stone, you need to be careful and aware so that the selected mineral does not deplete the owner’s energy field, but, on the contrary, feeds it with its power. Minerals are carriers of the history of the Universe, its energy and are very responsive - in response, or when their owner feels bad, they can even change shade, such as turquoise.

amulet stones

The energy properties of stones have been noticed by man since ancient times. It was then, when the science of physics was not yet in use, that people believed in the power of amulets and talismans. The amulet serves a person to scare away evil spirits, ward off misfortune, from diseases, like. A talisman is a thing that belonged to one individual, its energy does not enter into contact with another, and can even harm. The energy of the talisman keeps the owner, increases his strength, or other good qualities. Amulets and talismans were made, including from precious stones.

It has long been believed that the choice and period of wearing jewelry is predetermined by the location of the planets and constellations that rule at the time of a person’s birth. To enhance the impact of the gem, you should get in touch with it - carefully hold it in your palms, talk to it and ask for protection. Stones and minerals correspond with the names of people, with the month and year of their birth.

Protect stones according to the seasons and gender of a person

Look at the picture with the names of the stones corresponding to the month and season.

We choose stones according to seasons and seasons:

  • those born in winter are advised to wear white and blue gems;
  • in spring - spring colors, green shades are suitable;
  • for representatives of summer, stones with warm shades will be the best;
  • autumn people - red, yellow, also blue, in the color of autumn azure.

There is an opinion that stones are not indifferent to the gender of their owner. Women's stones are not happy for men, and vice versa. Men's stones have warmer tones and shades, bright shine. Women's - come in cool colors with moderate sheen.

Charm stones according to the signs of the zodiac

The science of astrology says that certain stones are suitable for those born at certain times of the year. Each zodiac sign has an element that governs it. Each element corresponds to certain stones. In addition, each sign of the Zodiac is ruled by a celestial body, and the color of this body is determined. For example, those born under the sign of Virgo are ruled by the planet Mercury, the element of earth, and the color of the planet is green. Suitable stones for those born in Virgo are greenish, opaque, like jade, chrysolite, jasper.

When choosing a crystal by date of birth, it is necessary to coordinate the date and month of birth, the day of the week also has its influence. Crystals should be treated with respect and care. Astrologers recommend choosing following stones amulets according to the signs of the zodiac:

  • Aries - diamond, ruby;
  • for Taurus - sapphire, turquoise;
  • Gemini - beryl, agate, chrysoprase;
  • for Cancer - pearls, moonstone, cat's eye, emerald;
  • Leo - topaz, chrysolite, amber;
  • Devam - jasper, jade, chrysolite;
  • for Libra - lapis lazuli, opal;
  • Scorpions - coral, pomegranate, aquamarine;
  • Sagittarius - chrysolite, topaz, amethyst;
  • Capricorn - malachite, dark onyx, ruby;
  • for Aquarius - zircon, pomegranate;
  • stone amulet for Pisces - amethyst, pearls.

It often happens that a person does not like the gem that corresponds to him in the Zodiac. In this case, it is better to make a choice at the call of the heart, relying on intuition. The stone, as well as the product from it, should be liked by the future owner. You need to pick up the product, heat the stone with your fingers, listen to your feelings. If the feelings are negative, then this is not your stone.


  1. Opal can only be worn by those born in the first month of autumn. For other people, it gives unpleasant sensations, leads to a depressive state.
  2. Pearl is categorically not suitable for Leo and Aries, it is also contraindicated for Aquarius when they are depressed. Black pearls suit Scorpios.
  3. Sapphire is not tolerated by people who wish someone harm, it makes the owner vicious, dissolute, rude, harsh.
  4. Amber suits Leo.
  5. Amazonite breeds laziness, not recommended for Sagittarius. But suitable for Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio.
  6. Pomegranate gives rise to a feeling of dissatisfaction, but loves people with charisma.
  7. Hematite is contraindicated for people with a weak character.
  8. In addition, each stone has its own qualities. It is guided by them that you can choose a stone individually for a person, and then the stone will enhance its quality in it. Chrysolite, for example, calms the soul, brings relief from obsessive fears, nightmares.

You should know about amulets

Stones are the best carriers of both positive and negative energy, it is this ability that determines their qualities.

  1. The stone becomes a talisman for its owner only a few years after its acquisition, when it is filled with the energy of the owner.
  2. You can’t buy jewelry from random sellers, because along with the gem you can get damage or other negative effects.
  3. It is better to receive a stone as a gift from a benevolent person. The greatest benefit comes from stones donated wholeheartedly, or passed from loving parents, other relatives or close people. Such stones and products with them are beneficial, they are usually worn as a talisman.
  4. When the amulet helps, you need to thank him for his support.
  5. The pebble must correspond to the owner according to the horoscope. You should not wear a stone that you just liked in color or configuration.
  6. Found jewelry is better not to wear, they can have harmful energy and cause trouble. In witchcraft practices, there is such a technique when they try to get rid of illness or misfortune that haunts a person with the help of an expensive thing, as if buying well-being from fate for it. But it may happen that together with the stone you will find your happiness. Rise or walk past, it's up to you.
  7. Buying a piece of jewelry that is obviously used is not worth it.
  8. If the stone inherited belonged to a lucky person, it can be safely worn.
  9. If the former owner or owners were people with a difficult fate, or suffered from serious illnesses, take him away.

Stones have energy, born from interaction with the human energy field, and accumulate it from owner to owner, starting from the very first - the stone processing master, or the one who found it, and carefully kept it, carried it with him.

People have long noticed that the energy of a stolen stone becomes negative. And if a crime is committed for the sake of possessing a stone, then it bears its seal on itself, and brings misfortune to the new owner. How many stories of any precious crystal are described, passing from owner to owner as a result of intrigues, crimes, theft, and bringing grief and suffering to those who wish to get it at any cost. Such stones, like historical characters, live in centuries, described in historical works, as a warning to people.

Therefore, treat your jewelry correctly, and choose amulets according to the time of year of your birth and your zodiac sign.

To date, people have increasingly begun to resort to the help of higher magical powers. Their faith in talismans and amulets, in the fact that they will protect and save from evil, is growing stronger every day.

Talisman for zodiac signs

The history of these items began a long time ago. Even our ancestors made the first amulets in order to protect themselves from the black forces of the universe, from evil spirits, human bile and misfortune. Therefore, the tradition of making a talisman for the signs of the zodiac and amulets lives to this day. Often people do not understand the essence of these subjects. It is not enough to acquire a charm and hope for his help, a person must understand that a talisman is an individual thing that is charged with his energy and is the source of his strength. Each person has their own amulet. And the best option would be his choice of astrological affiliation. It is the sign of the zodiac that should become the determining factor in choosing protection.

Talismans of good luck for the signs of the zodiac Aries, Taurus, Gemini

Aries. The best talisman for Aries will be gold items, iron and steel metal items. You should stick to certain colors: red, orange, green.
Safe stones are: diamond, lapis lazuli, tiger's eye, malachite, sapphire, rhinestone, amber, coral, pearl, garnet, ruby.

Taurus. An elephant and a bull are considered ideal defenders of Taurus, so the figurines of these animals will be the best talisman. The material can be wood or bronze. Recommended colors: orange, green, blue. Good luck will accompany stones of agate, amethyst, turquoise, garnet, quartz, coral, onyx, topaz, tourmaline, chalcedony.

Twin. The amulet of Gemini should be a thing that will be like their element - air - to create ease for them in life. A key made of gold or a gold pendant in the form of a hand can serve as a similar talisman. Pay attention to purple and gray colors. The following stones will help: alexandrite, rock crystal, pearls, quartz, cat's eye, moonstone, jade, emerald, topaz, citrine.

Talisman for the zodiac signs Cancer, Leo, Virgo

Cancer. For Cancer, crystal or mirror items are considered the chosen talisman. Since this is a water sign, amulets in the form of creatures from the water world will do, jewelry in the form of a moon and a crescent made of silver will give strength and protection.
Fateful stones: agate, jasper, emerald, sapphire, selenite, opal, chrysoprase.

Lions. For Lions, you need to choose talismans that are of value. It can be gold items, antiques, vintage items. An ideal option would be a precious figurine of a lion. The color, therefore, should be chosen one that emphasizes greatness: gold, orange, scarlet, purple. Suitable stones are: tiger and cat's eye, moon opal, topaz, citrine, zircon, amber.

Virgo. The symbol of the Virgin is the earth, so it would be right to choose a thing that is associated with it. best material there will be clay, and the color is green, purple, white. Stones: diamond, hawk's eye, malachite, amethyst, lapis lazuli, onyx, topaz.

Talisman for the zodiac signs Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Scales. For Libra, harmony in life is important, so things that adorn our existence can become a talisman: paintings, figurines, vases, caskets. They can be made of gold, bronze, copper. Color is desirable to choose green or dark blue. It is recommended to have chrysoprase, carnelian, olivine, heliotrope stones with you.

Scorpion. These people are violent and quick-tempered in life, so the talisman in the form of a frog, which carries a symbol of reason, will help calm the temper of Scorpio. Also things made of steel and iron will be good protection. Colors recommend yellow, raspberry. jasper, moon amber, citrine, opal, beryl, aquamarine, topaz.

Sagittarius. This fiery sign carries strength and confidence, the scarab is considered its patron, and the metal of happiness is gold, tin and bronze. Colors should stick to blue, crimson, purple. It is better to choose the following stones: amethyst, agate, chalcedony, turquoise, ruby, garnet, zircon.

Talismans (amulets) for the signs of the zodiac Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Capricorn. As a talisman, it is better to pick up antiques. They should emphasize aspiration and stability. The colors are dark. The following stones predominate: serpentine, malachite, agate, opal, sardonyx, garnet, black star, tourmaline.

Aquarius. The angel is the patron of this sign. As an alternative, you can pick up figurines in the form of birds, icons. Optimum colors: gray, green, purple. Stones: amethyst, pearls, rock crystal, turquoise, lapis lazuli, garnet, hyacinth, aquamarine.

Fish. Everything that belongs to the element of water can become a talisman. This will give the fish harmony and well-being. The protective color will be blue, purple, aquamarine. Stones: alexandrite, black star, jade, aventurine, moonstone, opal, sapphire.

Talismans for zodiac signs

Talisman - this is a thing that brings luck to its owner, gives strength and at the same time protects him. The talisman is always tuned to only one person, to its owner, and will never "change" the owner. Simply will not help anyone else, even if it close person the first owner of the talisman. It is useless to give or give. A talisman is always a special, non-random item. But if suddenly you saw some little thing, and it instantly bewitched you, then you definitely need to buy this amulet. Another way to choose a talisman is the preference for the elements and the sign of the Zodiac.

Aries Talismans. Aries is a sign of Fire. The amulet should help Aries become stronger, strengthen him. The best talisman for Aries is gold: it can be a ring, a coin or something else. Yellow, red or green squares in the form of a necklace or keychain are perfect. It is imperative that their number is 4, 7, 9 (and all numbers are multiples of 9) or 11. Of the planets, Aries is patronized by Mars. And Mars also determines patrons among objects - these should be objects made of iron and steel: weapons or tools. The colors of Aries are all colors of the red spectrum. Don't go for purple.

Talismans of Taurus . Taurus is the sign of the Earth. This is a sign of prudence and wisdom, as well as a "money" sign. Taurus will help the image of his sign, that is, a bull (as an option, an elephant). It will protect against possible enemies or ill-wishers, contribute to an increase in capital and strengthen the position of Taurus in society. Such a talisman can be a figurine (wooden or bronze) or a toy. It is important that nothing be made of ivory. Taurus is also patronized by Venus, therefore, as a talisman, you can take a thing that has aesthetic value: caskets, carved caskets, copper bracelets, figurines, paintings and more. Lucky numbers for Taurus are 2, 4, 16 and all multiples of six. Taurus favors orange, green, lemon and blue. Failed red.

Gemini Talismans. Gemini is an Air sign. Their talisman will help the twins to find ease in communication and make new acquaintances. The best thing for a talisman is a key made of gold or silver, which will become the key to the heart of each of the Gemini's entourage. It can also be a hand or a mask. Gemini is patronized by Mercury, and he loves everything, one way or another connected with information or speed: notebooks, just books, weeklies, writing instruments, banknotes, bicycles and roller skates. lucky numbers in Gemini: 3, 5, 12, 18. Colors: purple, gray, gray-blue. Failed green.

Talismans of Cancer. Cancer is a sign of Water. They will be helped by water inhabitants - crabs and crayfish. Silver things and mirrors will also bring good luck to Cancers. The patron of Cancer among the planets is the Moon, which is a symbol of the feminine, so the silver crescent can be a talisman. And the full silver moon will help Cancers make friends. Various beautiful things - such as umbrellas, cards, beads made of round stones, backgammon - will help Cancer become more compliant in relationships within the family. Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 5, 8. Colors: white, silver, light blue, blue. Gray is a bad color.

Lion Talismans
. Leo is a fire sign. His talisman can be a star-shaped figure that will help him succeed. Of the planets, the king of animals is patronized by the Sun. Lion talismans should keep the person wearing them in good shape, attract energy from space. The best solution is valuable things that emphasize success: sashes, old gold coins, antique furniture, rings with large stones. Of the animals, images of a lion or an eagle will help the Lions. Numbers: 1, 5, 9, 11. Colors: purple, gold, orange, scarlet, black. Avoid white.

Talismans of the Virgin. Virgo is an Earth sign. A wise animal owl can become a talisman for the Virgin, it is better if it is made of clay. One of the symbols favorable for Virgo is the cube. Of the planets, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, as is Gemini. Their material talismans are similar: books, weeklies, banknotes, stationery. Colors: white, blue, purple, green.

Talismans of Libra. Libra is an Air sign. Their first talisman is, of course, the scales themselves. They will help this sign balance relationships, achieve maximum harmony and smooth out conflicts. It does not matter what material the talisman will be made of, but silver is still preferable, since the material heavenly patroness Libra - Venus is silver. In addition, Libra is aesthetes, which means that chests, caskets, paintings, figurines can become a talisman. Colors: dark blue, green, sea wave, pastel colors.

Scorpio Talismans. Scorpio is a sign of Water. Such a strong energy sign needs a talisman that can moderate its ardor. A frog can become such a talisman. Also in Ancient Egypt it was considered a symbol of reason. Also, the mascots of Scorpio can be considered figures of scorpions, serpents, eagles. Another talismans are attributes of espionage activities. Lucky numbers 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100, 666. Colors: yellow, dark red, scarlet, crimson.

Sagittarius Talismans.
Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, he is patronized by an Egyptian scarab made of jasper. Scarab will give self-confidence. Other symbols of Sagittarius are tin buckles, spoons, soldiers and everything related to horses: horseshoes, harness, harness, calendars and paintings depicting horses, horse figurines. They contribute to the development of sociability, help in communication, protect a person while traveling. Lucky numbers: 4 and multiples of 3. Colors: blue, cyan, purple, crimson.

Talismans of Capricorn. Capricorns are earth signs. Their symbol is the turtle. It will help to maintain self-control and self-control, to gain stability, stability and peace. The goat and the ladder will help you take your eyes off the ground, rush up. Antiques are suitable for Saturn, patronizing Capricorns: medals and medallions, stone crafts, seals, coins, dishes and porcelain figurines. Lucky numbers are 3, 5, 7, 8 and multiples of 8, 14. Colors: all dark tones, ash gray and pale yellow.

Talismans of Aquarius.
Aquarius is an Air sign. Its talisman can be a figurine of an angel made of glass or porcelain. It will sharpen the intuition of Aquarius, increase the ability to foresee. Even an icon or icon can act as a talisman. Of the helper figures - planes, birds and wings, as well as a zigzag symbol. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Strange, original and mysterious things - everything is interesting to him, everything he needs. They will help Aquarius overcome excessive conservatism, help find a way out in any situation. Lucky numbers: 2, 4 and multiples of 4, 9, 11, 13. Colors: gray, green, blue-green, purple.

Pisces Talismans. Pisces is a sign of Water, so the best talisman you can think of for them is something related to water. Fish figurines, shells. Of the planets, Pisces is patronized by Neptune, who also “loves” the marine theme: shells, aquamarines. The talisman can be healing herbs, and incense. Lucky numbers: 6, 7 and multiples of 7, 11. Colors: purple, violet, sea green, blue, lilac, aqua, steel.

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How often can you hear these words from a completely different people! Regardless of faith, superstition and life views, almost every person has a special, dear to him little thing that brings good luck. Remarkably, the history of such amulets began a very long time ago, perhaps from the very beginning of human development. Belief in them has survived to this day, and this suggests that it is due not to ordinary superstition, but to real facts. Another thing is that not every amulet will benefit any person - it can harm someone. Therefore, there are special talismans for the signs of the zodiac. Each of them is focused on people born in a certain period of time.

Talismans for the signs of the zodiac: Pisces and Aquarius

These "water" people have both similar and opposite amulets. So, for both, the image of something that personifies the native element is useful: for Aquarius it is a ship or waves, for Pisces, in fact, fish. At the same time, the shape of the talisman stones should be completely different. For Aquarius, polyhedral crystals (amethyst, rose quartz, zircon, chrysoprase) are preferred, and for Pisces - rounded gems (chrysolite, pearls, aquamarine), which have smooth, soft lines. If we talk about metal talismans, then Aquarius will suit a variety of miniature jugs, figurines of dogs and birds (white metal), and Pisces - fish, spirals, decorative musical instruments. Tibetan symbols are also good for them.

Aries Talisman

This zodiac sign should focus on military-themed jewelry. These include all miniature copies of weapons, pendants in the form of a claw or fang. greatest strength possesses an amulet depicting Thor's hammer. best material- skin or bone. Also, a square of any of the colors of a traffic light, a figurine of a sheep / ram or deer, a picture depicting these animals, the sun or fire can become a good amulet for Aries. Gems - heliotrope, ruby ​​and lapis lazuli. But the best talisman stone for Aries is a diamond. Preferred jewelry with them: rings (for men) and earrings (for women).

Talismans for the signs of the zodiac: Virgo, Gemini and Libra

The best decoration for the Virgin is a runic necklace. However, clay or ceramic keychains in the form of a bowl, a girl or a grasshopper are no less effective. Talisman stones - jade, carnelian, citrine, malachite, sapphire, jasper, onyx. For Gemini, cabalistic signs, pendants in the shape of a key, a snake or a star are good. Talisman stones - crystal, agate and cat's eye (but not green). For Libra, jewelry in the form of birds, flowers, butterflies is optimal. Rings will also bring good luck if they are worn on the ring finger, as well as the "eye of Odin", a bowl of bronze and a five-pointed star. The best stones- lapis lazuli, aquamarine, crystal, sapphire.

Talismans for the signs of the zodiac: Leo, Capricorn, Taurus

All these signs are characterized by animal symbols. Lion will bring luck figurines of a swan and a ladybug, as well as Celtic or Old Slavonic signs of the sun. Talisman stones - amber, ruby, garnet, spinel (red), tourmaline. For Capricorn, the most powerful amulet is the figurine of his symbol, as well as various reptiles. The patron deity is the two-faced Janus. Coins, medals and watches have considerable power in the hands of this sign. Talisman stones - lapis lazuli, onyx, garnet, moonstone. Figures of a cow or a bull, an owl, a dragon are suitable for Taurus. In addition, any beautiful, valuable thing can become a strong amulet. Guardian stones - turquoise, agate, sapphire, topaz, emerald, alexandrite.

Talismans for zodiac signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Cancer

Each of them has its own point, and therefore it is unnecessary in amulets. Scorpio is generally a very happy sign - any object dear to him can become his amulet. Figures of beetles, snakes and pyramids, as well as amulets from India and Vedic culture, have special power. Talisman stones - opal, garnet, jasper, malachite, carnelian, ruby, pyrope. Sagittarius will be lucky figurines of a horse and such mythical animals as the Centaur and Phoenix, decorations in which you can find Celtic, priestly and Scandinavian motifs. A good amulet can be a knife, arrow or sword. Talisman stones - turquoise, chrysolite, sapphire, amethyst, chalcedony. Figures of cats, a turtle, an elephant, an owl, a crab, a lily, a shell, a Buddha or a lotus are perfect for Cancer. Talisman stones - carnelian, emerald, moonstone, pearls and selenite.