Weed film as an easy way to say no to pests. How to Choose a Good Weed Cover

The hardest job in personal plot- grass weeding. It is produced more than once per season and takes a considerable amount of time. By using some cultivation techniques, this work can be reduced to an absolute minimum.

Solving the problem of grass growth on crushed stone and gravel paths

To exclude in practice the growth of weeds in the country or in the garden is an impossible idea. Fallen leaves and land that has fallen on paths made of gravel and rubble, one way or another, become the basis for grass germination. However, proper care will ensure a neat appearance to the backyard space. It is enough to remove the foliage in time with a fan rake or a garden vacuum cleaner. And to process sprouting grass, for example, with roundup and tornado tools, without waiting for it to grow.

crushed stone material

Material for crushed stone against grass growth

A garden path made of crushed stone and gravel may well become a kind of element of garden decor. By observing the laying technology, it is possible to reduce the germination of weeds and grass on them to a minimum.


The usual types of vinyl films that are used in everyday life are not suitable for laying tracks due to their thinness. For grass to grow, it needs light. Therefore, it is better to lay a black permeable film under the rubble:

  • agril - polypropylene non-woven fiber, characterized by high light and water permeability;
  • lutrasil is a light, elastic synthetic material made of polypropylene threads connected by a needle-punched method, chemical reactions and welding, passing water and moisture.


Note! These materials are also used as covering materials in agricultural technology. They have different densities.

When using an ordinary thick household film, you need to make holes in it so that moisture goes into the ground.


Belongs to the class building materials for creating layers for various purposes. Divided into:

  • woven fabric (geo-fabric), which is made from glass or polyester fibers;
  • non-woven fabric made from polypropylene and polyester yarns.

Non-woven geotextiles are divided into needle-punched and thermally bonded geotextiles, depending on the way the fibers are joined.


Properties and characteristics:

  • elasticity;
  • protects the soil from movements;
  • environmentally friendly.

Other materials and fabrics

To prevent grass from growing, the earth cannot be covered with anything. The gravel substrate used to create a decorative path or backfill must allow moisture and air to pass through. Otherwise, water on the surface will stagnate with all the ensuing consequences. Such a coating will be especially unsuitable as an entrance to a house or cottage.

How to close the ground to stop the growth of grass

Weeds significantly complicate the cultivation of fruit and vegetable crops. It is recommended to cover the ground with covering material in order to grow a crop.

Main ways:

  • Apply an opaque material so that grass does not grow. Suitable for shelter cardboard, black film, roofing material. You can also put boards, cover with agrofibre, gravel.
  • Cover with organic 5-10 cm mulch. Mowed green plants, sawdust, nut husks, tree bark will perfectly cover the soil and prevent the growth of weed grass cover.

Folk ways to eradicate grass

Among summer residents and gardeners, improvised means of combating weeds are very popular. For example, boiling water is widely used, burning with fire using blowtorch, watering the weeds with a solution of water with vodka. To destroy grass between paving slabs spraying with a mixture of vinegar (200 g), salt (20 g) and water (600 g) is used.

Grass tends to grow much faster than cultivated plants. Closed beds will look quite aesthetically pleasing. And flowerbeds covered with tree bark or walnut husks will add zest to landscape design site. You can cover the ground so that the grass does not grow, with almost any improvised means. The main thing is that they do not let light through, but let the soil breathe and maintain water permeability.

Weeding is a time-consuming procedure, chemicals can accumulate in plant tissues, which makes their fruits dangerous to health. Meanwhile, there is a technique that allows you to reduce labor costs when growing garden crops and at the same time eliminate the possibility of the negative impact of herbicides. Modern enterprises have begun to produce a special black weed film. This material is relatively inexpensive, and the summer resident can save a lot of time and effort.

Does black wrap help control weeds?

Using this material is quite simple. In spring, it spreads on the ground. Further, holes are made in it for planting plants. One of the features of black film is that it does not transmit at all. sunlight. As a result, weeds that do not receive ultraviolet light stop development.

In Europe, film and roofing felt for weed control have been used for a long time. And this is done not only by private individuals, but also by large farms. In this part of the world, the black film is said to be very effective against weeds. Many domestic gardeners also speak well of this method. But some summer residents are still skeptical about such a technique. So, does black wrap help control weeds? Let's look into this in more detail.

What processes take place under the film

Black film weed control can actually be quite successful. The edges of this material lying on the ground are usually covered with soil. As a result, a special microclimate is created in a garden bed mulched in this way. The soil under the film warms up very quickly. Therefore, weeds at the first stage accelerate their development. However, when germinating, the grass rests against a film heated in the sun. The result is the death of the surface part of the plant. After a while, the roots of the weed also rot.

Where to use

It is allowed to use a black film against weeds (photos of such beds are presented on the page) as on open field, as well as in greenhouses. Very often, this material is also used for the development of virgin lands. In this case, the film is laid directly on top of the weeds and left for a long time (for 1-2 months). As a result, the grass rots along with the root system. The soil under the film becomes loose and easily cultivated. Subsequently, even in the absence of a film, weeds on the site do not grow so actively.

Benefits of using

Thus, weed control with black film reduces labor costs in the garden, in the greenhouse or in the nursery. Compared to conventional methods, this mulching technique also has the following advantages:

  • early warming up of the soil in spring;
  • better preservation of heat by the soil in winter;
  • reducing irrigation costs;
  • no need for loosening;
  • acceleration of plant development.

Since the black film is an airtight material, the soil under it warms up very quickly. Therefore, plants in the spring with such a mulch begin to develop at an accelerated pace. Also, this material reduces the risk of crop death during return frosts.

The film does not pass moisture. And therefore, it is possible to water plants in beds mulched with this material less often. Evaporating, moisture this case condenses on the film and flows down again. It is more convenient to use this material than many other types of mulch. All that is needed in this case is to spread the film once on the site.

Also, the advantages of using this material include the fact that under it, unlike organic matter, mold almost never forms. The air entering under the film through the holes made is enough for this.

Application Disadvantages

Of course, such material has not only advantages. The main disadvantage of using a black film against weeds, most gardeners consider the impossibility of feeding the soil in the beds. Organic mulch is usually dug up in the fall to increase the humus content of the soil. The film is deprived of this plus.

In addition, spreading it on the ground is a rather troublesome task. In addition, this material is also quite easily damaged. It is necessary to replace the film on the beds after a few years. This procedure is also quite laborious. This is especially true for perennial plantings. Indeed, in this case, when disposing of the film, you should try not to damage the plants.

On virgin lands, this material for removing weeds is also sometimes impractical to use. Rotting under the film is usually only fairly soft grass. Hard weeds in this way often cannot be eradicated. After all, sometimes even, for example, asphalt is not an obstacle for such grass.

What to look for when buying material

Weed protection with black film will be effective, of course, only if it is chosen correctly. Many companies produce this covering material today. At the same time, the mulching black film itself may differ in technical characteristics.

When choosing this material, you should pay attention primarily to its thickness. A thin film is only suitable for warming up the soil in spring. Actually for mulching, material should be taken that is stronger, more durable and thicker. Perennial crops, for example, strawberries are usually protected from weeds with a black film of 100 microns. Thicker material, even in this case, is not advisable to use. A very thick film is expensive and is mainly suitable only for construction work.

If annual crops are supposed to be mulched, thin enough material can also be used. In this case, the 80 micron option is most often used.

How to lay black weed tape

Technologically, laying this material is a simple procedure. However, when performing this operation, some rules must be observed. It is possible to lay the film on the ground only after the soil warms up well enough in the spring. The area must first be cleared of debris and dirt. In this case, most attention should be paid to sharp objects that can damage the material - dry branches, glasses, stones. If there are already weeds on the site, it is advisable to remove them.

It is necessary to spread the film in such a way that it fits as closely as possible to the surface of the soil. In those places where air "bubbles" remain, weeds may subsequently begin to develop. Of course, they will not grow too actively, and their color will not be green, but white - but nevertheless.

After the material is laid out on the ground, its edges should be pressed down with some kind of load. It can be, for example, stones, bricks or even just soil. Further, cross-shaped or slit-like holes are made in the film for planting. Round or square cuts should not be made. Experienced summer residents have noticed that with this method of cutting, the plants subsequently develop worse. The distance between the holes is selected depending on the type of garden crop. For example, for strawberries, this figure will be 30-35 cm.

As soon as shoots appear on the bed mulched with a film, several semicircular holes should be made in the material on the south side. Without normal air exchange in the soil, plants are known to develop worse. In addition, in this case, acidification of the soil can be observed. The holes will provide air access under the film. In addition, if they are present, the soil under such covering material will not overheat too much.

How to water plants under a film

Moisture under such a covering material, as already mentioned, is well preserved. However, it is, of course, necessary to water plants mulched in this way during the season. This can be done both by the “under the root” method and by sprinkling. Water will freely pass into the holes cut in the film under the plants and will be distributed over the garden.

In the summer, when crops in the beds begin to develop actively, weed growth is no less active. These are extremely harmful plants for garden crops that absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil, and do not allow vegetables and herbs to develop normally. Traditionally, weeding is used to control weeds. Some summer residents prefer to spray weeds with insecticides, but one more effective method control of such plants is considered a covering material.

From this article you will learn what types of covering material exist and what advantages each of them has. In addition, we will compare the most popular types of covering material so that you can choose the most suitable one.

Why do we need a covering material from weeds

Covering material, as a method of weed control, appeared relatively recently, but gradually it is this tool that is becoming the most popular. This is due to the numerous advantages of such a material.

First, it protects cultivated plants from weeds and pests. Secondly, under the shelter itself, a favorable environment is created for the development of cultures. Thirdly, the covering material is easy to use, and even a novice gardener can lay it out in the beds.

Not to mention the low cost of such products. Even if you want to cover the entire garden with agrofibre, it will cost you less than buying insecticides and herbicides to spray plants.

Figure 1. Popular types of covering material

The principle of operation of all types of covering material is quite simple. A black film or agrofiber is laid out on the bed, and then cross-shaped holes are made through which crops will germinate (Figure 1). The film must be fixed so that it is not torn off by the wind. You can simplify the task a little: first plow the garden, and then spread agrofiber or film over it. When the time comes to plant plants, they make required amount holes and land directly into them. However, it should be borne in mind that this method is only suitable for planting seedlings or berry crops.

Many summer residents doubt whether the plants will develop more slowly if the entire garden bed is completely covered with a film or cloth. It is worth noting that it is this method of weed protection that is used when organizing beds according to the Mitlider or Lyadov method.

You can verify the effectiveness of covering material as a way to control weeds by evaluating its advantages:

  1. All modern types of coverings for beds are produced using modern technologies. This completely eliminates the risk of rot or mold under cover.
  2. A similar cover for the beds creates optimal conditions for seed germination, as well as the growth and development of young plants.
  3. Black film or agrofibre is recommended for use in regions with a cool climate. When heated, such products will also increase the temperature of the soil, which will have a beneficial effect on the rate of seed germination. At the same time, if black material is used in a warm climate, an additional layer of hay or sawdust must be laid on top of it so that young plants do not overheat and die.
  4. All types of covering material have increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage. However, so that it is not torn off by the wind, the film or fabric must be fixed on the surface of the soil.
  5. The very structure of the material perfectly protects the young tender plants from direct sunlight, which can cause burns. At the same time, air, heat and moisture freely penetrate inside.

When growing seedlings and strawberries, a film is often used, which completely covers the entire garden, and plants are grown in small holes. This method has several advantages at once. Firstly, weeds do not germinate under the film, and the grass that appears quickly dies due to the lack of sunlight. Secondly, strawberries grown on film are not polluted by the earth, but the bushes themselves receive a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients.

In addition, white, transparent and colored nonwovens are available on the market. They can be used to cover the beds after sowing the seeds. Under such a fabric, optimal conditions are created for seed germination, since a sufficient amount of heat, air and moisture gets under the shelter. In addition, such a canvas prevents the weathering of the soil and the evaporation of moisture from the soil, which greatly facilitates the care of crops. Watering and applying liquid top dressing in this case is also considered simple, since the liquid can simply be distributed over the surface of the canvas

How to properly use weed killer

For the use of covering material to be effective, it must be used correctly. Traditionally, the bed is first covered with a film or cloth, and then cruciform holes are made in it, into which seeds or seedlings are planted. But in practice, it is much easier and more convenient to make small round holes, since the edges of the cross-shaped slots can interfere with the growth of crops (Figure 2).

Figure 2. The use of agrofibre in the beds

If you plan to cover with agrofiber a bed with carrots, beets, radishes or other vegetables, the seeds of which are planted directly into the ground, you can simply spread the material on the ground, and when the crops germinate and get stronger, just remove the shelter for further development sprouts.

The correct use of covering material in the beds looks like this:

  1. The soil in the garden must be carefully leveled and all lumps broken so that the surface is perfectly flat.
  2. We lay out the canvas next to the bed and make marks on it for future slots.
  3. To make an even circle, you can use a small saucer. Cross-shaped incisions are made with an ordinary knife. The distance between the holes is on average 40-45 cm, but this depends on the type of plants grown. it is not recommended to reduce the distance between the holes, because planting too densely will deprive the plants of light and air, and they will develop more slowly.
  4. The canvas prepared in this way is laid out on a bed and its edges are fixed with pegs, bricks or small stones.

After that, it remains only to plant seedlings or seeds in the prepared holes. Caring for crops is also quite simple: since there is no need to loosen and remove weeds, all care comes down to periodic watering and fertilizing directly into the holes.

In addition to the technology of using covering material, you need to choose the right type. On the modern market a wide range of such products is presented, ranging from black film and agrofiber to white and colored non-woven fabrics. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so we will consider the features of using the most popular types in more detail.

Black agrofibre

Black agrofibre has many advantages, so it is not surprising that it is most often used for weed control (Figure 3).

Note: Such material combines several useful functions at once. Firstly, it protects cultivated plants from adverse factors. environment(cold, excessive solar activity and weeds), secondly - provides crops optimal level heat, light and humidity.

Of the main advantages of black agrofibre, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Reducing labor costs and financial costs: weeds simply do not grow under such a fabric, so you do not have to spend money on buying herbicides or spend energy on constant weeding.
  2. Fruit purity: if you grow strawberries or other berries under such agrofibre, you do not have to wash them from the remnants of the earth, since the fruits are on the surface of the fabric and dirt and sand do not settle on them.
  3. Acceleration of crop growth: such a coating accelerates seed germination, since the soil under dark agrofibre warms up much faster than in beds without it.

Figure 3. Areas of application of black agrofibre

At the same time, such a canvas is not recommended for use in a southern climate, where the soil is very warm by the sun. But, if you still want to use exactly black material, then on top of it you need to additionally cover it with a layer of light mulch, for example, hay, straw or sawdust.

Two-tone or white fabric

White and two-color agrofibre are also popular. The first type of material can be used in any climatic and soil conditions. Like black, white canvas protects the beds from weed germination, but at the same time passes to cultivated plants sufficient amount of solar heat, air and moisture (Figure 4).

Figure 4. External features of a two-color covering material

More modern version is considered a two-tone fabric. It appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already established itself as a reliable protection against weeds. One side of the canvas is white and the other side is black. Lay such material with the black side to the ground, and the white side out. So sunlight will be reflected from the fabric, but the heat will be absorbed by the lower dark side. As a result, plants will receive more heat and grow faster. At the same time, ripening occurs evenly, since the roots of young seedlings do not overheat.

Comparison of polyethylene film and covering material

In the past, a variety of methods were used to mechanically protect the soil from weeds. different materials, starting from the film and ending with boards or roofing material.

Note: Some summer residents, as in the past, prefer to use plastic wrap to control weeds. However, it is inferior to others in many ways. modern species covering material.

Let's try to figure out what advantages agrofibre has in comparison with a dense plastic film:

  1. The fabric material passes moisture well, while the film repels water, preventing it from penetrating under the shelter, which greatly complicates watering.
  2. Under agrofibre, it is much easier to apply liquid fertilizers, since they can be distributed simply over the surface of the fabric. If you want to feed the crops under the film, you will first have to remove the shelter.
  3. The breathable structure of the agrofibre prevents the formation of mold and mildew, while plants often begin to rot under the film.
  4. High-quality agrofibre is much stronger than a film, and it can be successfully used for several seasons.

In addition, covering the beds with agrofibre can significantly reduce labor costs. Under it, not only weeds do not germinate, but the soil is not compacted, so there is no need for frequent loosening. If you cover the beds with a film, the soil under it will become extremely dense over time, and it will have to be constantly loosened, especially after watering.

Advantages of covering material from weeds

It can be concluded that modern covering materials are really extremely useful when growing vegetables, herbs and berries (Figure 5). It really has many advantages and properties. Firstly, the fabric protects young plants from adverse environmental factors: excessive solar activity, lack of moisture, weeds and pests. Secondly, optimal conditions are created under the canvas for uniform seed germination and development of young seedlings. This is due to the fact that an optimal microclimate is created under the coating, including a relatively constant temperature and humidity level.

Figure 5. Benefits of using agrofibre

In addition, covering materials on the modern market are highly durable, so the same piece of agrofibre can be used to cover beds for several seasons.

Another advantage of agrofibre is its versatility. It can be used not only in open beds in the garden, but also in the greenhouse and even in the garden, for example, for arranging paths or decorating trunk circles trees. To do this, at the site of the future path, you need to dig a shallow trench, carefully compact the soil and cover it with a layer of agrofiber. Then a layer of expanded clay, crushed stone or small decorative stones is laid on the material. After such manipulations garden paths water will not linger and puddles will form, and the site will always have an attractive appearance.

You will learn more information about the use of agrofibre in open beds from the video.

Have you ever seen in a forest or in a clearing, where Mother Nature herself takes care of the soil, at least a piece of just bare land? Of course not. Here is the root of all gardeners' problems: exposing the earth, uprooting even the smallest sprout, they allow it to dry out and overheat. The wise, on the other hand, mulch, trying to create the same cover, and those who are afraid to bring pest seeds and do not have so much time to mow the “necessary” grass for mulch, acquire modern weed covering material, thereby greatly facilitating their lives. Already interested?

Why is the covering material so good?

The first thing that is usually planted on mulching material for shelter and because of which they decide to buy it is strawberries. After all, it is much easier to grow it this way, for as long as 3 years you can not replant and there are much fewer weeds. And the positive feedback from grateful customers is especially encouraging - it's time to put an end to the "garden slavery".

Interestingly, the ground under the film often remains looser than under the non-woven material. The fact is that on the latter, even a berry during the rainy season absorbs more moisture than from the ground. And strawberries on such a surface ripen much faster - much faster than usual. The berries are clean, not on the ground, dry and delight with a beautiful presentation. And the yield is also higher in the end.

Many are surprised: how then to loosen the soil? The fact of the matter is that only the “bare” earth needs to be loosened, which you will not find in nature. After all, this winds up and becomes covered with a crust, while under the shelter nothing of the kind happens - it perfectly retains moisture.

What is the best way to hide?

You can get special material at any gardening store or via the Internet - this is not a problem. Many are more interested in what better view take - thick or thin, film or non-woven, and what color. Let's put it this way: the black film, oddly enough, lasts much longer than the non-woven material, and the water in the soil under it is better retained - and this is a reduction in the number of irrigations. Therefore, you can use both covering and the thinnest black. He passes water, weeds do not grow.

But why is two-tone film so popular? The thing is that the white, silver and yellow color on top does not allow the soil to overheat, and therefore for earthworms it is already more favorable conditions, as well as for the roots. Advantages:

  • Fruits and berries do not touch the ground, and in the end they turn out perfectly clean.
  • Weeding is not needed, and the number of waterings is reduced significantly.
  • The crop matures faster.
  • Farming is absolutely environmentally friendly.

And all thanks to the fact that the outer white layer reflects the light that falls on the plants, while the black inner layer inhibits the growth of pests. And at the same time, the material itself breathes perfectly and even passes water, protecting the soil and plant roots from overheating and burns. Why water less? Because moisture from the soil in this case evaporates much less.

How to carry out installation?

According to the rules, in any material for sheltering plants, you need to make a hole crosswise - and then plant it. But the experience of many summer residents shows that it is much more rational to cut a small round hole. After all, the corners often cover the plant, but the hole is easier to dig in later with earth.

Correct application:

  • Step 1. We level the soil on the beds.
  • Step 2. We spread the purchased film nearby on the ground and mark on it the location of future bushes or seedlings.
  • Step 3. Using a small saucer and cut out circles along its edges (or make cruciform cuts). The distance between the circles should be about 40-45 cm - or depending on the characteristics of growing your crop. Just don't plant too close (remember Mittlider's science), otherwise you will end up with a thick and poorly ventilated strip later.
  • Step 4. We spread the roll on the beds and press it along the edges with pebbles.
  • Step 5. We lay a new plantation in the holes made. You can, however, not cut holes in circles in advance, but make cruciform holes right on the garden bed - this is already convenient for anyone.

If you grow any one weed, which is unlikely, it will be so weak that it will be possible to pull it out without effort. Plants can be fed in the same holes where strawberries or some other plant are planted.

And here detailed instructions how to get rid of weeds on the path in the greenhouse once and for all:

  • Step 1. Cooking necessary tools: board, hand cultivator, wheelbarrow, shovel and shovel.
  • Step 2. We purchase any inexpensive non-woven material: spunbond, agrotextile, agrospan or geotextile. It is advisable to take black - it is just called "mulching". It will let water and air through, but not light - and therefore you will not see puddles on the path between the greenhouse beds, but there are more weeds too.
  • Step 3. We collect the mulching substrate: crushed stone, slate, bark, expanded clay, decorative stone or just gravel.
  • Step 4. We remove the top layer of soil from the path, for convenience, using a board or plywood. It is important that the soil surface is strictly horizontal.
  • Step 5. We tamp the path well, and, if necessary, we also remove excess earth. The path must be neat.
  • Step 6. We cover it with a prepared covering film. Lay the joints with an overlap so that the seeds do not accidentally fall into the cracks later. If you have beds in the greenhouse, not boxes, then leave a little allowance for the edges so that later gravel or something else does not mix with the soil.
  • Step 7 We fall asleep the mulching substrate - so that its level is level with the ground or slightly lower.
  • Step 8. Level the rubble or stones and cut off the excess edges.

That's all - now you will forever forget about the problems with the greenhouse path. Clean, tidy and durable.

By the way, enterprising summer residents have learned how to build what an interesting thing for attaching a film. So, from a thick wire with a diameter of 0.3 we cut several studs 20 cm long, and bend it in a vice. We lay the shelter, and with the same studs we fasten it along the edges. Pieces of wire will easily enter into it - even into the thickest non-woven fabric, now nothing will blow away or touch the material, and you no longer need to lay a bunch of stones or bricks. Very comfortable and tidy. And in the fall, when the film or non-woven fabric needs to be removed, just take out the studs and hang them on the fence - it's fast.

If the film is handled with care, it can be used on next year- planting seedlings in existing slots. Often they are used in this way: in the spring we cover with glassine to drown out all the weeds. After - we dig it up, and then we cover it with a film with a density of 70 or more and lay it in two layers.

How to avoid popular mistakes?

And these mistakes can be very annoying. Sometimes you can lose up to a third of the crop if you use such modern facilities. So, if you do not compress, for example, spunbond around strawberry bushes, all mustaches will grow unevenly, and some will even take root right under the film.

If you purchase a film that is too thin, then pests may not be able to drown out at all - pay attention to the parameters of shelters. Many also make this mistake: they begin to pierce holes in the film before it is well strengthened on the site. From this, he will then go astray, and certainly not keep the cuts directly above the seedlings. Another point: it will be much easier for you to work with such a mulch and take care of the plants if the width of the bed does not exceed two bushes - remember this. And get strawberry seedlings tall enough so that the outlet itself does not go under the material. Also, make sure that the strawberry mustache does not get stronger on the bedding film - they will ruin it.

Another point that sometimes repels modern summer residents from such an acquisition is that ants sometimes start up under the covering material. Indeed, they love such a shelter - as well as the usual mulch made from sawdust or wood chips. But practice shows that they do not interfere with growing chic crops, and, in principle, they live not only there!

And finally, pay attention to this fact: for the central and northern regions, a black weed film is a truly priceless thing. But in the southern heat, you must also put hay on top of the mulch - otherwise even strawberries will burn over the summer, and the film or non-woven fabric will fall apart. Such are the subtleties. Did you understand a little? Then feel free to purchase material and turn your private farming from hard work into a pleasant hobby!