Amoxicillin is the first line antibiotic for the treatment of sinusitis. Amoxicillin for sinusitis: instructions for use for adults - dosage Treatment of sinusitis with amoxicillin

Sinusitis is a serious ENT disease, the treatment of which is aimed at eliminating the main acute symptoms and reducing the overall duration of the disease. Medicines, including the antibiotic Amoxicillin for sinusitis, reduce and eliminate the inflammatory process that can move from the sinuses to the bones of the skull or ears.

Features of sinusitis

Good antibiotic therapy is prescribed only by specialists in severe or moderate forms of the disease. The doctor assesses the general condition of the sick person, prescribes tests and examines the nasopharynx. Symptoms of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses are:

  • mucous discharge, including purulent or yellowish-green;
  • nasal congestion;
  • swelling and feeling of fullness in the nose;
  • soreness at the top of the bridge of the nose and on the forehead;
  • headache;
  • general apathy;
  • temperature rise.

Such acute symptoms indicate that sinusitis is in the acute stage of the course and can lead to serious consequences without professional medical treatment, up to a brain abscess. Therefore, a high-quality antibiotic Amoxicillin is prescribed, which shows high efficacy in bacterial diseases of the nasopharynx and sinuses. The disease is caused by all kinds of bacteria that die under the influence of the drug and stop multiplying, releasing toxins into healthy cells and causing pathological processes in the sinus sinuses.

How does an antibacterial medicine work?

Amoxicillin, or as it is also called in the pharmacy network, Flemoxin with sinusitis contributes to the rapid destruction of bacterial cell walls, causing the complete death of bacteria. He is subject to a wide range of pathological bacteria that cause not only sinusitis, but also other serious diseases. In an acidic environment, the drug shows a certain stability and has a minimum side effects. The semi-synthetic antibiotic belongs to the group of penicillins and also eliminates the symptoms of otitis media, pharyngitis, and other sinusitis with purulent mucosal lesions. Analogues of this medicine are:

  • Amosin;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Amoxicar;
  • Ospamox;
  • Amoxil.

Anastasia Klavtsova

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To quickly get rid of an unpleasant disease, you should know how to take the antibiotic Amoxicillin for sinusitis. There is not a single patient who would not be interested in this issue. Amoxicillin is a potent drug. Semi-synthetic antibacterial agent belongs to the group of penicillins. When it enters the human body, it begins to destroy microorganisms that are the cause of the development of the inflammatory process.

The antibiotic is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive microbes. Since the causative agents of sinusitis are streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, E. coli and other bacteria, it is Amoxicillin that is most often used for treatment. The antibacterial and bactericidal property of the drug allows you to quickly stop the growth and reproduction of bacteria, and destroy them. Under the influence of medicinal substances, microorganisms lose their ability to synthesize the main protein of cell walls. As a result, the bacteria dissolve.

Sinusitis can affect two maxillary sinuses at once or one. The course of the inflammatory process depends on the location of the microorganisms. Reproducing in the paranasal sinuses, cause inflammation of the mucous membranes. The ways in which microbes enter the body can be different:

  • chronic form of sinusitis;
  • various mucosal injuries;
  • dental caries;
  • tonsillitis.

When the disease occurs, the accumulation of pus in the paranasal sinuses. Failure to treat sinusitis can cause serious complications. With sinusitis, Amoxicillin has an effective therapeutic effect. After taking the antibiotic, substances are absorbed in the small intestine and accumulate in all tissues and body fluids. The drug quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease and completely relieves a person from sinusitis.

Release form

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The drug is produced by many pharmaceutical companies. With a cold, the following forms of the drug can be used:

As a rule, a special suspension is made from granules, which is used to treat animals.

Dosage calculation

The dosage for the treatment of adults and children is different:

  1. For children over 10 years of age and adults, the daily allowance should not exceed 1500 ml. This amount of the drug is divided into 3 doses - morning, lunch and evening.
  2. If the patient's age is in the range of 5 to 10 years, the dosage is 250 ml 3 times a day.
  3. If the baby is not yet 5 years old, taking capsules is prohibited. For the treatment of sinusitis in children, a dose of 375 ml of suspension per day is recommended.

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Amoxicillin is a potent semi-synthetic antibiotic that belongs to the penicillin group. Its action is to destroy harmful bacteria that can cause inflammation in the sinuses. Amoxicillin is effective in the treatment of sinusitis due to its medicinal properties. More details about its application will be discussed in this article.

Amoxicillin for sinusitis

Description of the drug

A broad-spectrum antibacterial drug that actively affects gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Regular use of Amoxicillin leads to the destruction of microbes as a result of a violation of protein synthesis. But not all microorganisms are sensitive to this drug. Some of them secrete special enzymes that destroy the active substances of Amoxicillin.

Sinusitis is far from the only disease in which doctors prescribe Amoxicillin. It is also effective in the treatment of pharyngitis, otitis media, acute sinusitis and other otorhinolaryngological infections.

When ingested, the active components of Amoxicillin negatively affect harmful microorganisms, including staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, shigella, salmonella, and even E. coli. The drug has a strong bactericidal effect on the patient's body, which allows you to get rid of sinusitis in the shortest possible period of time.

Symptoms and types of sinusitis

On a note! In terms of its antibacterial properties, Amoxicillin is not inferior to more expensive and well-known analogues. Therefore, it is often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of various otorhinolaryngological infections.

Granules for suspension and capsules

Treatment of sinusitis

Before using Amoxicillin, you should familiarize yourself with its features:

  • when it enters the stomach, the drug is not completely destroyed, as can happen with other drugs. It enters the bloodstream, providing a therapeutic effect in just 1-1.5 hours;
  • since eating does not affect the properties of the antibiotic in any way, it can be taken both before and after meals. As a rule, the doctor makes an individual appointment schedule for the patient;
  • Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor may increase or decrease the dosage of the drug. The weight of the patient must also be taken into account. For example, if the patient weighs 40-45 kg, then the doctor prescribes no more than 400 mg of the drug;

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The effect of gastric juice does not affect medicinal properties the drug, therefore, after a few hours from the moment of administration, the agent accumulates in the maxillary sinuses of the patient, exerting an antibacterial effect on the body. After that, Amoxicillin is excreted from the body along with bile.

Dosage principles

  • the daily dose for adult patients and children over 10 years of age is 1500 ml. Doctors recommend dividing this amount into three equal doses to be taken throughout the day;
  • in the treatment of sinusitis in children 5-10 years old, doctors prescribe 750 ml, that is, one capsule 3 times a day;
  • Patients aged 2 to 5 years should not take capsules. They need to be given a suspension of 375 mg per day.

On a note! The duration of the therapeutic course with Amoxicillin is 7 days. In rare cases, the doctor may increase the course of treatment up to 10 days, but this is decided on an individual basis. All actions in this case must be agreed with the attending physician.

How to take Amoxicillin for sinusitis

If the previous course of treatment showed a positive result, then as a continuation of the dynamics, the doctor may extend the treatment of sinusitis with Amoxicillin.

It has already been noted earlier that Amoxicillin is a potent drug, which can be taken only under the supervision of the attending physician. Despite its effectiveness, this drug has a number of contraindications.

The main restrictions include:

  • the presence of enteritis, colitis or severe dysbacteriosis;
  • bowel disease;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • allergy;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • individual characteristics organism.

These contraindications cannot be ignored, since this can lead to the patient not only not being able to get rid of sinusitis, but also harming his health even more. Many expectant mothers are afraid that it is absolutely impossible to take Amoxicillin during pregnancy. But in fact, this is not so, because doctors often prescribe a medicine during the period of bearing a child, especially if the risk to the fetus is small. In this case, the course of treatment should be under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

A feature of Amoxicillin is also that it can penetrate into breast milk therefore it is not used during lactation. If the doctor still prescribed antibiotics to the nursing mother, then it is advisable to refuse breastfeeding for the period of therapy. For such cases, you can give other types of milk, for example, cow's. There are also special baby formulas that can be purchased at the store. They contain a sufficient amount of useful vitamins and minerals for the normal growth and development of the baby.

The girl has a runny nose and fever. Amoxicillin quickly eliminates the symptoms of sinusitis, destroying microbial pathogens

What are the analogues

For the treatment of sinusitis, not only Amoxicillin is used. For this purpose, doctors also use other antibacterial drugs that are not inferior in effectiveness. Below are analogues with which you can eliminate the symptoms of this pathology.

Table. Let's take antibiotics for sinusitis.

On a note! If the use of one of these drugs did not give a positive effect, the doctor may change the therapy system or the drug itself. This is done to select the most effective remedy in the treatment of symptoms of sinusitis.

First of all, you need to remember that antibacterial drugs are strong medications, so only the attending physician can decide on their use. The results of the tests, the patient's complaints and the general history should serve as a reason for the doctor to prescribe one or another drug.

It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate, especially if we are talking about taking antibiotics. Therefore, if you want to get rid of the symptoms of sinusitis once and for all, self-administration of Amoxicillin and other drugs should be abandoned.

To treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, the doctor may prescribe a variety of medications. One of them may be Amoxicillin for sinusitis, which is considered very effective in the treatment of a disease with a bacterial nature. Its action is aimed at combating microorganisms that are causative agents of the inflammatory process in the sinuses.

The drug is a semi-synthetic antibiotic and belongs to the penicillin group, providing a fairly wide spectrum of activity (he successfully manages to cope not only with gram-positive, but also gram-negative microorganisms).

Features of the action are associated with the destruction of protein synthesis in the bacterial walls, as a result of which the bacteria die. This occurs under the influence of special enzymes - beta-lactamases, however, there are microorganisms that are not sensitive to these enzymes and, accordingly, the described antibiotic is useless in relation to them.

One of the features of this drug is its acid resistance, as well as the possibility of using it for the treatment of a wide variety of otolaryngological infections, including sinusitis.

Amoxicillin is a powerful antibiotic used to treat sinusitis.

Amoxicillin for sinusitis is taken orally and immediately after that it is absorbed by the digestive tract, but is not destroyed there due to its acid resistance.

Its penetration into the tissues and through the histohematological barriers occurs quite easily - accordingly, it also soon appears in the inflamed secret, bringing “order” there, that is:

  • destroying harmful microorganisms;
  • preventing their reproduction;
  • improving local immunity.

A certain trace of the drug remains in breast milk if it is taken by a woman in the lactation period.

Partial biotransformation of the drug occurs in the liver, and its output is carried out through the kidneys and bile.

The action of Amoxicillin is associated with the destruction of pathogenic bacteria

The release of the described medicine is made in the form of tablets, capsules, as well as granules, from which a suspension is prepared. Less commonly, it can be used as a solution for intramuscular injections and even for a dropper.

The correct dosage of Amoxicillin for sinusitis is prescribed only by a doctor. This is influenced by a fairly large number of factors and parameters:

  • age;
  • allergic reactions;
  • gender;
  • individual intolerance;
  • other personal characteristics.

Together with this remedy, other medicines are often prescribed, since it is possible to cope with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses only through complex therapy.

When using it is important to observe the correct dosage of the drug

Usually, the medicine is allowed to children who have already reached the age of two. If they have not yet turned five, it is prescribed in the form of a suspension: it is a powder that has a pleasant fruity smell and is diluted in chilled water.

  • A maximum of 375 milligrams of such a suspension should be drunk per day, despite the fact that it is prescribed to take it three times.
  • Children who are already five years old, but not yet ten, need to drink three times a day, 250-milligram tablet. The therapeutic course is a week, but if necessary, the doctor can add a few more days of admission.
  • Children, starting from the age of ten, and adults, are prescribed a maximum of 1500 milligrams per day, despite the fact that it is necessary to drink the medicine three times.

The calculation of the exact dose is based on the weight of the child: usually 20 milligrams per kilogram of weight is taken into account. The resulting dosage is divided so that it is taken three times a day.

According to the indications, even pregnant women are allowed to take this medicine, but before that, the doctor must carefully consider whether taking the baby is too risky.

When the medication is used by female representatives during lactation, it is recommended to interrupt feeding. As mentioned above, the main substance of the antibiotic can be in breast milk, causing an allergy in the baby.

With the permission of the doctor, the drug is indicated even for pregnant women.

But if you decide to use Amoxicillin against sinusitis, remember that it also has certain contraindications:

  • If a person is already sick with infectious monocleosis.
  • In the presence of personal intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as allergies.
  • For those who used to suffer (and now are ill) with bronchial asthma or urticaria.
  • If colitis develops at the same time (the cause may be penicillins).
  • When taking the drug is accompanied by severe side effects.

When observing side effects in adults and, especially, in children, you should consult a doctor - it is likely that he will change the dosage of Amoxicillin for sinusitis or replace this drug with some other antibiotic.

Here are some side effects that sometimes have to be faced by those who take the presented medicine:

  • Associated with the work of the digestive tract - the stool worsens, the patient feels nausea, and sometimes even vomits, suffers from dyspepsia and dysbacteriosis.
  • Allergic reactions - puffiness, skin rashes, runny nose and even the likelihood of anaphylactic shock.
  • Related nervous system- sleep problems, persistent anxiety, convulsions, migraines, and dizziness.
  • Functional disturbances circulatory system- the composition of the blood changes, which can lead to thrombocytopenia or anemia.
  • Dysfunction of the renal system - in addition to hepatitis, it can be, for example, jaundice.
  • Other effects are related to shortness of breath, the development of candidiasis, the appearance of joint pain.

But one should not think that one has to deal with side effects every time one takes the described medicine. This is more the exception than the rule.

Insomnia may be one of the side effects of this medication.

A few tips should be mentioned about the use of a drug such as Amoxicillin:

  • It is best to take it with food as this minimizes the possibility of adverse reactions associated with gastrointestinal dysfunction.
  • If someone has kidney problems, the doctor prescribing the antibiotic should know about it - it is likely that the interval between doses will be increased and the dose adjusted.
  • Those who take estrogen-containing contraceptives at the same time as this remedy should be aware that the effectiveness of the drug against pregnancy will decrease.
  • The possibility of superinfection cannot be ruled out, since the bacteria gradually adapt to the drug and become insensitive to it. If this happens, then antibiotic therapy requires correction.
  • The drug does not affect the ability to drive.

It is worth considering that using only one antibacterial drug, one should not even hope to cope with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. As a rule, only complex therapy helps, which involves the use of the following drugs in addition to the antibiotic:

  • vasoconstrictors - most often these are special sprays and drops;
  • antihistamines;
  • immunomodulatory drugs that strengthen the immune system;
  • mucolytics to help cough up;
  • other symptomatic agents.

This significantly increases the likelihood of quickly coping with the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses and avoiding negative consequences.

It is advisable to take the medicine with food

Of course, sinusitis can be caused by a variety of reasons, and this must be taken into account when the doctor chooses the medicines that should be prescribed for treatment:

  • Viral or bacterial infections can become the causative agent - in this case, antibiotic and antiviral drugs are likely to be prescribed.
  • Damaged or deformed nasal septum from birth.
  • The consequences of an allergy to some external irritant.
  • Influence of harmful production, as a result of which chemical irritation is likely.
  • The development of dental diseases, not cured in time.

Of course, Amoxicillin in adults and other antibiotics are not prescribed for every sinusitis. For example, in cases where the inflammation was caused by an allergy, taking such drugs is absolutely useless. With the viral nature of the disease, medications can be effective if a secondary bacterial infection has joined.

But in cases where it is definitely diagnosed that pathogenic bacteria are the causative agent of the disease, antibiotics are no longer enough.

Naturally, this remedy is certified and has successfully passed many clinical trials before it was approved for mass use. In addition, its benefits have been confirmed in practice - this is easy to verify by reading numerous reviews about how using this medicine, people were able to overcome different types of sinusitis.

Amoxil can be considered as an analogue of amoxicillin

The presented medication may have other trade names, such as:

The duration of action of the drug is about 9 hours, although after a couple of hours after taking it, it is concentrated in the blood in the maximum amount.

Digestibility does not depend on when the patient takes food - before, during or after the medication. However, it is recommended to consume it with meals.

Speaking about the main advantages of the described drug, it should be noted:

  • high rates of its effectiveness;
  • possibility of precise dosing;
  • rapid absorption into the gastric and intestinal walls;
  • minimum side effects;
  • high degree of absorption;
  • affordable cost.

But in no case do not self-medicate and do not prescribe doses of this drug to yourself. Naturally, it is necessary to get acquainted with the instructions for the use of Amoxicillin for sinusitis, but after the doctor prescribes this medicine. Moreover, this applies to the health of children, in whom inflammation of the maxillary sinuses develops much faster than in adults and can quickly lead to serious troubles, such as meningitis.

Of course, it is better to avoid taking antibiotics in the treatment of a particular disease. Everyone knows about it. However, if the bacterial nature of the disease has already been diagnosed, such drugs can no longer be dispensed with. Accordingly, their use is justified.

When using Amoxicillin, it is important to follow medical recommendations

You can not stop the healing process, not bringing it to the end. If you do this, you should not even hope for recovery, or you will have to face relapses and the need to prescribe very powerful drugs.

How many days to take Amoxicillin for sinusitis? This will be decided by a medical specialist, based on the current stage of the disease, the general condition of the patient, his individual characteristics, and so on.

But since it is better to prevent the disease than to fight it later, resorting to strong antibiotics, we recommend that everyone follow the preventive rules to avoid sinusitis.

First of all, do not delay the treatment of even the most common cold. Often we ignore the development of rhinitis, completely relying on the immune system, which supposedly should cope with a mild illness on its own. But this does not always happen: sometimes our body, for one reason or another, is unable to resist the disease, after which the inflammatory process begins and it comes to one of the sinusitis.

That's why it's so important to boost your immune system and take your treatment seriously, even if you're starting to get a runny nose.

Well, do not forget, of course, about the need healthy lifestyle life, which, in addition to strengthening immunity, involves good sleep, rest, lack of emotional stress, proper nutrition and so on.

A healthy lifestyle is the best prevention of sinusitis

Does Amoxicillin help with sinusitis? It has been proven in practice to help. However, it is better to do everything to avoid inflammation than to waste energy, time and nerves on its treatment.

Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug that is often prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in particular, sinusitis. Despite the fact that the pharmacological industry produces many new antibiotics, otolaryngologists often prescribe the time-tested Amoxicillin.

The antibacterial agent Amoxicillin belongs to the penicillins. The semi-synthetic antibiotic is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including those that cause the development of sinusitis: staphylococci and streptococci, as well as E. coli, Proteus, Haemophilus influenzae, Helicobacter pylori, certain strains of Klebsiella, Shigella and Salmonella. The drug has a bactericidal and antibacterial effect, that is, it is able to stop the growth and reproduction of bacteria and destroy them. Amoxicillin disrupts the synthesis of the main protein of the cell walls of microbes during their reproduction and causes the dissolution of microorganisms.

Amoxicillin has a detrimental effect on the pathogens of sinusitis, thereby eliminating the cause of the disease

The antibiotic is stable in an acidic environment, which is an advantage when taken orally, since gastric acid does not reduce its effectiveness. However, the drug is destroyed by penicillinase, an enzyme from the beta-lactamase group that some bacteria can produce, so Amoxicillin is often prescribed in combination with clavulanic acid, which suppresses the production of this enzyme. Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid - Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoklav solutab, Liklav, Medoklav, Klamosar.

With sinusitis, an inflammatory process occurs in one or both of the maxillary sinuses. The main cause of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms that multiply in the paranasal sinuses and cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. Microbes can get there as a result of a runny nose, trauma to the mucous membrane, from foci of chronic infection - carious teeth, tonsils, etc. Pus accumulates in the sinuses, and if sinusitis is not treated, the consequences can be very serious.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses and the accumulation of serous or purulent exudate in them.

Amoxicillin acts specifically on the infectious agent, this is the reason for its effectiveness in the treatment of maxillary sinusitis. When taken orally, the antibiotic is rapidly absorbed in the small intestine and accumulates in all tissues and body fluids, including the secretion of the maxillary sinuses. As part of complex therapy, Amoxicillin quickly eliminates the symptoms of sinusitis and completely cures the disease.

Amoxicillin quickly eliminates the symptoms of sinusitis, destroying microbial pathogens

Dosage forms

The drug is produced by various pharmaceutical companies in several forms:

  • coated tablets;
  • capsules;
  • granules for suspension preparation.

Suspension for injection is used only in veterinary practice, for the treatment of animals.

The active substance of any form of release is amoxicillin trihydrate (at a dosage of 250 mg, 500 mg or 1 g).

Additional components of tablets:

  • microcellulose;
  • polyvidone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • starch;
  • tablet shell:
    • talc;
    • titanium dioxide;
    • hypermellosis.

Amoxicillin tablets are prescribed for adult patients

  • microcellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • capsule shell:
    • gelatin;
    • titanium dioxide;
    • food colorings.

Amoxicillin capsules are easy and convenient to take

Suspension granules contain substances:

  • sucrose;
  • citrate, saccharinate, sodium benzoate;
  • guar gum;
  • simethicone;
  • natural flavors.

Amoxicillin in granules for the preparation of a suspension is prescribed for children

Side effects of the drug and contraindications to the appointment

The tool has many contraindications and limitations. Amoxicillin is not prescribed if the patient:

  • individual intolerance to antibiotics of the penicillin group;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • allergic diseases, including diathesis, hay fever or bronchial asthma;
  • severe renal or hepatic failure,
  • malignant blood diseases;
  • intestinal pathology:
    • severe dysbacteriosis;
    • colitis;
    • enteritis.

The use of an antibiotic during the period of bearing a child is allowed if the benefit to the mother's body significantly outweighs the possible risk to the fetus. In this case, the pregnant woman should undergo a course of treatment with Amoxicillin under strict medical supervision.
Since the drug easily passes into breast milk, the antibiotic is not used during lactation. If, nevertheless, the drug is prescribed to a nursing mother, then it is recommended not to breastfeed the child for the duration of treatment.

For children, the drug can only be prescribed by a pediatrician or a pediatric ENT in an individual dosage.

Amoxicillin is not prescribed simultaneously with such drugs:

  • bacteriostatic antibiotics and sulfonamides;
  • oral contraceptives (their effectiveness decreases);
  • antacids, laxatives, aminoglycosides (reduce the absorption of the antibiotic).

Almost every drug has side effects. Amoxicillin can cause the following reactions:

  • nervous system:
    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • sleep disorders;
    • nervous excitability;
    • rarely - convulsions and disorders of consciousness;
  • digestive organs:
    • loss of appetite;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • diarrhea;
    • stomatitis;
    • glossitis;
  • heart and blood vessels:
    • tachycardia;
  • allergic reactions:
    • hives;
    • exfoliative dermatitis;
    • various skin rashes;
    • anaphylactic shock;
    • angioedema;
    • inflammation of the nasal mucosa, eyes.

Anaphylactic shock is the most dangerous condition that can be caused by taking Amoxicillin.

In addition, you may experience:

  • joint pain;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • change in the blood formula;
  • nephritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • thrush;
  • hemorrhagic colitis;
  • superinfection.

Any of these manifestations is a signal to cancel the drug.

Sinusitis is a disease far from harmless, therefore it is impossible to be treated on your own, without prior consultation with an otolaryngologist.

In case of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, a swab is necessarily taken, followed by bacterial culture to determine the pathogen and sensitivity to antibiotics. Only according to the results of the examination, a competent otolaryngologist will prescribe appropriate antibiotic therapy.

The dosage of the antibiotic is determined by the doctor. You can drink Amoxicillin regardless of food intake, since food does not affect its absorption. However, it is recommended to take the tablets or capsules after a meal in order to reduce the undesirable effect on the digestive tract. Usually, the daily dose of the antibiotic is administered in two doses, with an interval of 12 hours, or in three doses with an interval of 8 hours. The course of treatment for sinusitis averages 7-12 days, the duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition and is adjusted by the doctor.
Tablets and capsules are taken whole, without chewing or breaking, washed down with water.

Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed during antibiotic treatment.

Children under 10 years of age are prescribed an antibiotic in the form of a suspension. Until the age of two, the daily dose is calculated depending on the body weight of the baby.

On the pharmacy shelves you can find many drugs with Amoxicillin. Especially popular are combined products with clavulanic acid. An otolaryngologist may prescribe antibiotic analogues: Flemoxin Solutab, Osmamox, Amosin, Gramox, Hikoncil, Ecobol, Amofast, Augmentin and others. All these funds are developed on the basis of Amoxicillin.

If the patient does not tolerate penicillin antibiotics or they are ineffective, the doctor may prescribe an antibacterial drug with another active substance.

Feedback on the application

It is very difficult to cure sinusitis without the use of antibiotics. However, they must be used correctly and only as directed by a doctor. Amoxicillin - effective drug, but has many side effects and contraindications. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. In addition, Amoxicillin alone is not enough for the treatment of sinusitis, it must be used in conjunction with other drugs prescribed by an otolaryngologist.

Amoxicillin for sinusitis shows high efficiency and aimingly acts on a number of microorganisms, which in most cases cause the development of a pathological process in the maxillary sinuses.

Description of the medicinal product

It is a semi-synthetic antibiotic of the penicillin group with a wide spectrum of action. It is active against gram-negative and gram-positive microbes. Violates protein synthesis of the bacterial wall, thereby causing the death of the microorganism.

Amoxicillin can be destroyed under the influence of special bacterial enzymes (β-lactamases), so the microorganisms that secrete these enzymes are insensitive to this antibiotic.

The drug is acid-resistant and is widely used in the treatment of otorhinolaryngological infections (acute sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, etc.).

Medicine analogues: Ospamox, Amoxicar, Amosin, Lincomycin, etc.

Distribution of the drug in the body

During oral administration, the antibiotic is rapidly and almost completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. And since it is acid-resistant, it does not undergo destruction under the influence of the acidic environment of the stomach.

Easily penetrates into tissues and organs and accumulates in the secretion of the maxillary sinus, showing its therapeutic effect in maxillary sinusitis. Penetrates through gistogematicheskie barriers and found in trace amounts in breast milk.

Amoxicillin undergoes partial biotransformation in the liver and is excreted mainly by the kidneys, a small amount is excreted in the bile.

Dosage and forms of the drug

The drug is produced in several forms:

  • Tablets of 0.125; 0.25; 0.5 and 1g;
  • Capsules of 0.25 and 0.5 g;
  • Granules for the preparation of a suspension of 2.5% and 5% (0.125 g and 0.25 g in 5 ml of solution, respectively).

Appointment of an exact dosage individually for each person. Various biometric parameters such as body weight, age, gender, predisposition to allergies and side effects affect the effectiveness of the drug.

In addition, during treatment, physiotherapy and other drugs can be prescribed that enhance or reduce the efficiency of the active substance.

Considering all these factors, the doctor selects the best option. Self-determination of the dosage may not have the desired effect or lead to complications.

Children from 10 years old and adults.

On average, with sinusitis, the daily dose of amoxicillin for adults and children from 10 years old is 1500 mg per day, divided into three doses.

Amoxicillin 500 mg drink 1 tablet three times a day or you can replace one 500 mg tablet with two 250 mg tablets.

The full course of therapy takes about 5-7 days. During this time, the doctor manages to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected drug and, if necessary, replace it with another one. With positive dynamics, treatment can last up to 10-12 days.

Children from 2 to 5 years old.

For children under 5 years of age, a suspension is used for sinusitis. It is a powder with a fruity odor, which is diluted in boiled chilled water.

The daily dose should not exceed 375 mg (this is 7.5 ml of 5% or 15 ml of 2.5% of the finished suspension) and be divided into three doses per day.

For children, the daily dosage is calculated based on weight, not age and is 20 mg per kilogram of mass. After that, it is divided into three steps.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Strictly according to indications, an antibiotic can be used in pregnant women if the expected result does not exceed the risk to the baby.

During the use of the drug, women with lactation, need to stop feeding, since amoxicillin passes into breast milk and can cause the development of allergic reactions in the child.

Contraindications for the use of amoxicillin

  • With infectious mononucleosis;
  • With individual intolerance and allergy to antibiotics of the penicillin group;
  • Patients with a history of bronchial asthma, urticaria and other allergic diseases;
  • With the development of colitis caused by penicillins;
  • Possible negative points when taking the drug.

Despite the high effectiveness of amoxicillin, like any drug, it can cause certain side effects:

Change in stool, nausea, vomiting, dysbacteriosis and dyspeptic manifestations;

Allergic reactions in the form of edema, rashes, urticaria, rhinitis, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock develops;

Insomnia, anxiety, convulsive reactions, dizziness and headache;

Blood changes: anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia;

From the side of the kidneys and liver: interstitial nephritis, jaundice and hepatitis;

Difficulty breathing, tachycardia, candidiasis, joint pain, etc.

Features in the treatment of amoxicillin

Treatment of sinusitis, in addition to amoxicillin, should include the use of vasoconstrictors (sinusitis sprays), antihistamines, as well as mucolytics and other ways to combat inflammation in the maxillary sinus. Only in this case, a quick cure without unpleasant consequences is possible.

Amoxicillin for sinusitis has been used in ENT practice for a long time. The drug is one of the most prescribed and effective. This is due to the composition medicinal product.

Amoxicillin is a drug of the penicillin series, which has the ability to stop the development of bacteria in the body, blocking their synthesis. Refers to semi-synthetic drugs.

It is effective in the fight against most varieties of pathogenic microorganisms, but does not give a result in the treatment of ailments caused by bacteria that secrete beta-lactamase. Does Amoxicillin help with sinusitis? In this case, it all depends on the microbes that cause the disease.

The main active trace element is amoxicillin trihydrate. As auxiliary components used: magnesium stearate, cellulose, sodium starch glycolate.

Indications for use:

  • Infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx, oral cavity, ENT infections (laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, etc.)
  • Microbial lesions of the lungs, bronchi, trachea (bronchitis, pneumonia)
  • Inflammation of the urinary organs (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis)
  • Meningitis
  • Blood infections in the postoperative period
  • Infectious irritation of the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.

Amoxicillin Sandoz is found in pharmacies. The name of the drug is due to its manufacturer - SANDOZ GmbH (Austria).

Forms of release and dosage of the drug

The drug is created by the manufacturer in several forms that are convenient for use. different groups of people.

  1. Tablets are white or light yellow, round in shape, film-coated. Available in blisters of 250 mg and 500 mg.
  2. Capsules may vary in color depending on the factory that produces them. They are a white, odorless powder placed in a gelatin shell.
  3. Granules or powder are used to prepare a suspension, the content of the active substance is 250 mg. It is a pediatric form of the drug.

Amoxicillin is not a drug that acts as a component for the preparation of injections.

Amoxicillin is used for sinusitis orally, regardless of the form of release. It is better to take the medicine before or after meals. Well absorbed by cells digestive system. Reaches the maximum concentration in human blood in the next 50 - 60 minutes after application.

Instructions for use:

➡ Adults and children from 10 years of age:

If the course of sinusitis is not complicated, then the dosage for adults is determined from the standard norm up to 500 mg three times a day. It is allowed to use half a tablet, but a change in the dose of the drug for sinusitis should be made by the attending physician after the study.

➡ Children from 5 to 10 years old:

The dosage of the medicine for sinusitis for children aged 5 to 10 years is equal to half of the norm for an adult and is 250 mg per dose. As in adults, the form of administration is tablets. If the patient has problems with swallowing, the use of a liquid form of Amoxicillin is allowed.

➡ Children from 2 to 5 years old:

For babies from 2 to 5 years old, Amoxicillin during the period of sinusitis is given in the form of a liquid form - a suspension. Granules for its preparation have a pleasant fruity, sweetish taste and are used by children without obstacles. The norm is 375 ml on the day of admission.

The period of treatment with Amoxicillin sinusitis is 5-7 days. The course may be extended. How many days to drink the drug - the ENT will say, assessing the course of the disease. If during the specified period the patient did not feel improvement, the therapy should be changed.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

A woman during the period of bearing a child often wonders if it is possible to take Amoxicillin for sinusitis? There is no direct restriction in the instructions for use for the drug.

Amoxicillin against sinusitis is prescribed to pregnant women quite often, but since antibiotic drugs have many negative effects, most women try to get away from their use. Any appointment of Amoxicillin occurs on the condition that the risk of developing sinusitis exceeds the risk of the antibiotic entering the child's blood.

It is undesirable to drink medicine in the first and third trimesters. The safest use of Amoxicillin comes between 14 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Amoxicillin does not adversely affect the fetus, except in cases where the drug is contraindicated for the expectant mother. During lactation, it is better to refuse to use the medicine. If the sinusitis progresses, it is recommended to temporarily stop breastfeeding in order to exclude the development of an allergic reaction in the child.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any drug with an antibiotic, Amoxicillin has contraindications.

  • Individual intolerance to penicillin
  • Developing bronchial asthma
  • lymphocytic leukemia
  • breastfeeding period
  • Liver disease
  • kidney failure

Irritations and disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems, with the correct use of Amoxicillin, rarely occur. They are noticed on the first day of taking the medicine or after the end of the course.

Body disorders:

  1. Allergic manifestations - itching, rash, redness of the skin
  2. Malfunction of the digestive system - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia
  3. Possible exacerbations of diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract
  4. Rarely, disturbances in the work of the central nervous system - dizziness, irritation, convulsions
  5. Possible temporary changes in blood composition

It is permissible to prescribe an antibiotic for sinusitis in combination with other medicines, but it is worth knowing that side effects may increase when used together, so how to take Amoxicillin with other medicines for sinusitis, they should be told in a medical institution.

Application features

For correct application Amoxicillin and reducing the body's negative reaction during the development of sinusitis, there are a number of conditions, given which, the patient's treatment will take place with minimal disturbances from all body systems, and false tests will be excluded.

  • To avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, it is better to use Amoxicillin during meals.
  • The drug should be used after the examination, in order to know exactly what type of bacteria caused sinusitis
  • Subject to the dosage, Amoxicillin does not cause a negative reaction to mental activity and transport management
  • Patients with diseases of the kidneys, liver, women during the period of bearing a child need to make changes in the dosage of Amoxicillin
  • Before starting a course of treatment of sinusitis, it is necessary to check the body's response to penicillin
  • The drug Amoxicillin can lead to a change in the concentration of estriol in the urine
  • Reduces the effect of drugs - contraceptives containing estrogen.
  • You can not abruptly stop taking the drug, even if the condition improves.

An overdose of Amoxicillin does not cause an acute toxic reaction of the body. With an increased dose of drug consumption, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract are possible. Elimination measures include gastric lavage, administration of adsorbents, and ingestion of a large number liquids.

Which is better Amoxicillin or Amoxiclav?

There are many analogues of Amoxicillin. Coming to the pharmacy, we often wonder what is best for sinusitis. What to choose - Amoxicillin or Amoxiclav? How to take them?

  1. The same active ingredient - amoxicillin
  2. Type of use - tablets and suspension for children
  3. Contraindications and negative reactions of the body are the same
  4. The same spectrum of action on inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract
  • Amoxiclav contains a universal component - clavulanic acid, which accelerates the absorption process and enhances the effect of the drug.
  • Amoxicillin is much cheaper than its counterpart
  • Amoxiclav has an additional type of use - dispersible lozenges
  • Due to the wider composition, Amoxiclav often causes allergic manifestations on the skin.
  • Amoxiclav has a more extended action against many bacteria and microbes.

Both the first and second drugs received good feedback in patients, but you should not choose them yourself, so as not to cause unpleasant consequences.


You do not need to have any skills in ENT practice to exclude the development of sinusitis. It is enough to know a few rules.

  1. Strengthening immunity
  2. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals
  3. Regular outdoor walks and sports activities
  4. Hardening of the body
  5. Use of clothes according to the season
  6. Exclusion of stressful situations
  7. Maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness in the home
  8. Timely treatment of colds and infectious diseases

Sinusitis develops against the background of bacteria and microbes entering the mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx. Their activity is high during the off-season, so it is important to carry out prevention. medicines, nasal lavage and inhalation during this period.

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In contact with

Amoxicillin is a potent semi-synthetic antibiotic that belongs to the penicillin group. Its action is to destroy harmful bacteria that can cause inflammation in the sinuses. Amoxicillin is effective in the treatment of sinusitis due to its medicinal properties. More details about its application will be discussed in this article.

A broad-spectrum antibacterial drug that actively affects gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Regular use of Amoxicillin leads to the destruction of microbes as a result of a violation of protein synthesis. But not all microorganisms are sensitive to this drug. Some of them secrete special enzymes that destroy the active substances of Amoxicillin.

Sinusitis is far from the only disease in which doctors prescribe Amoxicillin. It is also effective in the treatment of pharyngitis, otitis media, acute sinusitis and other otorhinolaryngological infections.

How does it work

When ingested, the active components of Amoxicillin negatively affect harmful microorganisms, including staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, shigella, salmonella, and even E. coli. The drug has a strong bactericidal effect on the patient's body, which allows you to get rid of sinusitis in the shortest possible period of time.

On a note! In terms of its antibacterial properties, Amoxicillin is not inferior to more expensive and well-known analogues. Therefore, it is often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of various otorhinolaryngological infections.

Before using Amoxicillin, you should familiarize yourself with its features:

  • when it enters the stomach, the drug is not completely destroyed, as can happen with other drugs. It enters the bloodstream, providing a therapeutic effect in just 1-1.5 hours;
  • since eating does not affect the properties of the antibiotic in any way, it can be taken both before and after meals. As a rule, the doctor makes an individual appointment schedule for the patient;
  • Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor may increase or decrease the dosage of the drug. The weight of the patient must also be taken into account. For example, if the patient weighs 40-45 kg, then the doctor prescribes no more than 400 mg of the drug;
  • the optimal time interval between doses of Amoxicillin is from 6 to 8 hours. By reducing this gap, you risk harming the body;
  • to reduce the negative impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors recommend taking the remedy not after, but during a meal;
  • if there are problems with the work of the kidneys in a patient, the attending physician may make adjustments to the intervals between doses of the drug. This also applies to the dosage of the antibiotic;
  • the use of Amoxicillin reduces the effectiveness of contraceptives produced in the form of tablets. Therefore, when having sex, it is necessary to use additional protective equipment;

    Safe sex is very important

  • in rare cases, the treatment with Amoxicillin may cause deterioration of the patient's condition. This is due to the active growth of bacteria that are not exposed to the drug;
  • taking antibacterial drugs, you can drive a car and other modes of transport.

The effect of gastric juice does not affect the medicinal properties of the drug in any way, therefore, after a few hours from the moment of administration, the agent accumulates in the patient's maxillary sinuses, exerting an antibacterial effect on the body. After that, Amoxicillin is excreted from the body along with bile.

Dosage principles

  • the daily dose for adult patients and children over 10 years of age is 1500 ml. Doctors recommend dividing this amount into three equal doses to be taken throughout the day;
  • in the treatment of sinusitis in children 5-10 years old, doctors prescribe 750 ml, that is, one capsule 3 times a day;
  • Patients aged 2 to 5 years should not take capsules. They need to be given a suspension of 375 mg per day.

Amoxicillin - suspension

On a note! The duration of the therapeutic course with Amoxicillin is 7 days. In rare cases, the doctor may increase the course of treatment up to 10 days, but this is decided on an individual basis. All actions in this case must be agreed with the attending physician.

If the previous course of treatment showed a positive result, then as a continuation of the dynamics, the doctor may extend the treatment of sinusitis with Amoxicillin.

Side effects and contraindications

It has already been noted earlier that Amoxicillin is a potent drug, which can be taken only under the supervision of the attending physician. Despite its effectiveness, this drug has a number of contraindications.

The main restrictions include:

  • the presence of enteritis, colitis or severe dysbacteriosis;
  • bowel disease;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • allergy;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • individual characteristics of the organism.

These contraindications cannot be ignored, since this can lead to the patient not only not being able to get rid of sinusitis, but also harming his health even more. Many expectant mothers are afraid that it is absolutely impossible to take Amoxicillin during pregnancy. But in fact, this is not so, because doctors often prescribe a medicine during the period of bearing a child, especially if the risk to the fetus is small. In this case, the course of treatment should be under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

A feature of Amoxicillin is also that it can pass into breast milk, so it is not used during lactation. If the doctor still prescribed antibiotics to the nursing mother, then it is advisable to refuse breastfeeding for the period of therapy. For such cases, you can give other types of milk, for example, cow's. There are also special baby formulas that can be purchased at the store. They contain a sufficient amount of useful vitamins and minerals for the normal growth and development of the baby.

What are the analogues

For the treatment of sinusitis, not only Amoxicillin is used. For this purpose, doctors also use other antibacterial drugs that are not inferior in effectiveness. Below are analogues with which you can eliminate the symptoms of this pathology.

Table. Let's take antibiotics for sinusitis.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

An effective antibacterial agent used in medicine to combat many pathogenic microbes. Unlike other drugs, Ceftriaxone causes almost no side effects, which makes it quite popular among patients.

Another antibiotic used in medicine to treat sinusitis. Zitrolide does not provoke the development of toxic reactions in the patient's body. The agent actively fights gram-negative, gram-positive and anaerobic bacteria.

A strong antibacterial agent belonging to the group of macrolipids. During treatment with Macropen, bacteria that actively multiply on the mucous membrane are destroyed. This contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient after suffering sinusitis.

This drug has a bactericidal effect on the body. Its action begins when the focus of inflammation is filled with a special medicinal substance, which is part of the antibacterial drug. Azithromycin is effective in the treatment of sinusitis.

If most of the antibiotics presented above are available in the form of capsules or tablets, then Isofra is used to treat sinusitis in the form of a spray. The agent is sprayed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe focus of inflammation, while destroying pathogenic microbes. Isofra has antibacterial properties, due to which the affected mucous membrane is quickly restored.

The tool has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of sinusitis. Regular use of Bioparox leads to the destruction different types bacteria and fungi locally.

On a note! If the use of one of these drugs did not give a positive effect, the doctor may change the therapy system or the drug itself. This is done to select the most effective remedy in the treatment of symptoms of sinusitis.

As a conclusion

First of all, you need to remember that antibacterial drugs are strong medications, so only the attending physician can decide on their use. The results of the tests, the patient's complaints and the general history should serve as a reason for the doctor to prescribe one or another drug.

It is strongly not recommended to self-medicate, especially when it comes to taking antibiotics. Therefore, if you want to get rid of the symptoms of sinusitis once and for all, self-administration of Amoxicillin and other drugs should be abandoned.

Video - Features of the treatment of sinusitis

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a condition that occurs during the development of a common cold of viral etiology. Some people, having heard the diagnosis of sinusitis, begin to panic, because this condition is an advanced form of the disease that requires effective and long-term therapy.

To avoid the development of complications and aggravation of the course of a developing disease, the patient needs to visit a doctor immediately after the discovery of symptoms, who will examine the patient and prescribe him a complex therapy regimen. As a rule, sinusitis has a pronounced symptomatology, which is observed in a person only at the beginning of its development.

Later, the symptoms will become less characteristic - this means that the pathology has become chronic. Most often, patients are prescribed Amoxicillin for sinusitis, since this antibiotic is considered the most effective and effective.

Indications for appointment

The use of Amoxicillin for sinusitis is necessary for almost every patient, with the exception of people who, for health reasons, are prohibited from taking this remedy.

It is important to note that the drug is used not only to treat this disease - it can easily cure any viral diseases.

The reasons for the development of the disease can be different. It:

  • damage to the nasal septum, which usually occurs mechanically;
  • the course of a viral infection in the body;
  • the course of a bacterial infection in the respiratory system, most often the causative agent of which is Staphylococcus aureus;
  • an allergy in a person to a certain irritant;
  • work or a long stay in a work hazardous to health, harmful substances which can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

Attention! Not every form of sinusitis requires antibiotic treatment - if sinusitis in an adult or a child has developed due to an allergy or the patient's professional activity, in this case the medicine will not be able to have a positive therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

But if sinusitis has developed due to the defeat of the maxillary sinuses by bacteria, in this case, the medicine must be drunk. Therefore, it is forbidden to prescribe the use of the drug on your own, since you first need to make sure that the diagnosis is correct and that the dosage is correctly observed.

Amoxicillin is rightfully considered the best medicine that is prescribed by an otolaryngologist for the treatment of bacterial sinusitis. If you take the drug correctly, as well as follow the instructions for its use, you can quickly get rid of the disease, and also not harm your health and without causing complications of the disease.

The action of the drug

Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic drug that is endowed with a powerful effect - the drug destroys harmful bacteria in the maxillary sinuses, namely:

  • salmonella;
  • staphylococcus;
  • coli;
  • streptococcus.

The drug is considered an effective medicine, which is endowed with strong bactericidal properties - thanks to them, the drug can help cure sinusitis no worse than expensive remedies.

The medicine is produced in the form of capsules, suspensions, tablets for oral solution, as well as in the form of a powder for droppers and intramuscular injection. That is why antibiotic treatment is possible for children and adults, because he has different forms release, thanks to which the doctor will be able to choose the dosage for any patient.

Judging by the reviews, with the right medication, it begins to actively act in the patient's body after 15 minutes, and its effect lasts 7-9 hours. The maximum level of the main active component in the blood is reached 1.5 hours after taking Amoxicillin.

The positive quality of the drug is that its absorption by the body does not depend on nutrition, so the patient can take the remedy at any time, without changing his own diet.

Benefits of taking it for sinusitis

The advantages of medication in the treatment of acute or chronic sinusitis include:

  • high efficiency of the drug subject to a strict dose;
  • safety of use, in particular for infants and pregnant women;
  • the ability to correctly calculate the dose, based on the age and characteristics of the patient's body;
  • several forms of the drug, so that each patient will be able to choose the most “convenient” for himself;
  • the ability to be absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach and intestines, which is beyond the power of many antibiotics;
  • penetration of the main active substance into all organs except the brain;
  • affordable price;
  • almost complete elimination of the drug from the body (more than 93%).

Therefore, doctors often prescribe the use of the drug to patients, since it is quickly effective and quite effective in the treatment of sinusitis.

Dosage of medication for children

To promote the speedy recovery of the child, it is required to treat sinusitis under the strict supervision of a doctor.

After all, only he will be able to prescribe an individual dose of Amoxicillin to the baby, which depends on the age and weight of the patient. the doctor will also tell you how to take the medicine correctly, and what recommendations you need to follow.

The average dosage of Amoxicillin for the treatment of children:

  1. From 0 to 2 years, the dosage of the drug is prescribed as follows: 20 mg of the drug is multiplied by a kilogram of the child's weight, after which the resulting dose is divided into 3 doses. On the day, babies need to take Amoxicillin 2-3 times.
  2. Children whose age is 2-5 years are required to drink the suspension. A single dosage of Amoxicillin is 125 mg, which should be taken three times a day. In the pack, in addition to the suspension, there is a special measuring spoon, with which it will be possible to correctly observe the dose prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Children from 5 to 10 years old need to increase the dose by 2 times. In other words, they need to take 250 ml of the drug three times a day, which will achieve a quick therapeutic effect.

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate for children, especially if the child is weak or born ahead of time. It is better to consult a doctor who will examine the baby and prescribe him the norm of the drug.

How long is the treatment of sinusitis usually carried out? It depends on the general health of the patient, the form of the disease and the type of sinusitis. On average, it takes 10-14 days to take an antibiotic, after which you must definitely take a break. If the doctor prescribes a continuation of the course of treatment, in this case, taking Amoxicillin will take some more time.

How is the adult dosage calculated?

Patients whose age is more than 10 years and weighs at least 40 kilograms are required to take the medicine according to the instructions. The daily dose of an antibiotic in the form of a suspension is 6 g. If the infection is of moderate severity or sinusitis causes complications, the patient needs to take 500 ml of syrup three times a day.

If the patient's condition is unsatisfactory, complex treatment is carried out in a hospital. There, the patient is given 3 intramuscular injections, with a dosage of 0.75-1 g.

Attention! When conducting complex therapy with Amoxicillin, it is strictly forbidden to take alcohol, since alcoholic beverages will reduce the healing effect of the drug, and can also impair the absorption of the main therapeutic component into the bloodstream. Of course, this will not be able to have a powerful therapeutic effect on the body, which means that it will not be possible to cure sinusitis in one course of administration.

It is a serious disease characterized by an active inflammatory process that develops in the paranasal sinuses. The main symptomatology is manifested by nasal congestion, as a result of which mucus and purulent discharge begin to accumulate inside the sinuses. The usual signs of sinusitis are headache, decreased sense of smell, a feeling of heaviness in the head, fever, deterioration of well-being and a constant feeling of fatigue.

It is necessary and best to do this at the very beginning of the disease. Otherwise, the disease will go into a purulent stage, which is fraught with serious consequences and proceeds quite hard. To get rid of the main symptoms, you need to take effective drugs, one of which is Amoxicillin. How to take the drug for adults and children, how effective it is for sinusitis, we will consider in this article.

Amoxicillin is semi-synthetic antibiotic of the penicillin group, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly tested in practice. This is one of their innovative developments, relatively inexpensive, able to compete with more expensive analogues.

The drug is successfully used in diseases caused by Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • gonococci;
  • salmonella;
  • kolebsiella;
  • hemophilic bacillus and others.

Unlike other antibacterial agents, Amoxicillin does not slow down the reproduction of pathogens: the drug has a destructive effect on the cell membrane, resulting in decay of microbes and bacteria.

Composition of its release form

The release of Amoxicillin is carried out in various forms:

  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • granules (powder) for suspension preparation.

The main active ingredient of this drug, regardless of the form of release, is amoxicillin trihydrate. Only the auxiliary components that make up the drug can differ.

Among all the forms of release for young children, the most suitable is the suspension.

The medicine in the form of a suspension smells good and has a sweetish aftertaste. In the package, in addition to granules (powder), there is a special dosing spoon.

About the effectiveness of Amoxicillin in sinusitis

Does Amoxicillin help with sinusitis? Doctors say that treatment with the drug leads to the desired results and shows sufficient effectiveness.

The action of the antibiotic is aimed at a number of bacteria and microbes that contribute to the development of pathological changes that cause inflammation in the sinuses. As a result of taking the drug protein synthesis of bacterial cell membranes is disrupted, after which pathogenic microorganisms die.

The destruction of Amoxicillin occurs under the influence of β-lactamases, which are special bacterial enzymes. This is because the microbes that these substances secrete are not sensitive to Amoxicillin.

This antibiotic has found wide application in otorhinolaryngological practice.

When taken orally, getting into the stomach, Amoxicillin is not destroyed in an acidic environment. Initially absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, it spreads throughout the body and purposefully affects the foci of inflammation.

Amoxicillin: instructions for use

When stopping the signs of sinusitis, treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist. In this case, it is an otolaryngologist. The dosage is calculated individually for each individual case. It depends on the age of the patient, his weight category, gender, the severity of the disease and the neglect of the process.

In this case, the individual characteristics of the organism are also important, such as the tendency to allergic reactions and condition immune system. The best option is selected taking into account all of the above factors.

Approximate dosage of Amoxicillin for adults and children with sinusitis:

  1. For adults and children from 10 years of age The daily dose is 1500 mg. This dose of Amoxicillin should be divided into three parts and taken throughout the day.
  2. Children from 5 to 10 years old one tablet or capsule of 250 mg is prescribed for one dose. It is necessary to take the medicine 3 times a day with an eight-hour break.
  3. Children from 2 to 5 years old suspension is recommended. The daily dose is approximately 375 mg.

Amoxicillin can be taken with food or on an empty stomach

When monitoring the patient in the case of positive dynamics, a decision can be made to continue treatment with Amoxicillin.

If necessary, this drug can be replaced by another with a similar spectrum of action.

The maximum therapeutic effect when using Amoxicillin can be achieved if the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Do not self-medicate. The appointment should be made by the doctor based on the results of the tests and a detailed examination of the patient.
  2. The course of treatment should not be more than a week. Exceptions may occur in rare cases, for example, with sinusitis.