Sealing sewer pipes from the inside. Sealing sewer pipes: how and how to properly seal the connection? Types of sealants and their application

High quality and reliable installation sewer system completely eliminates the possibility of leakage. To do this, it is necessary to properly lay the pipes.

All connections must be well sealed. After arranging the sewer, builders must check it for leaks. The commission will accept the design and sign the object’s suitability certificate only if no leakage of the drainage system is detected.

Over time, all the joints of the sewer pipes begin to flow. How to deal with this phenomenon, what measures must be taken to avoid leakage, and how to seal cylindrical products, read further in the article.

Such material appeared on the construction market relatively recently. It was specially made for processing sewer joints. This sealant is presented in the form of a white tape of various widths, wound on a spool. Each manufacturer independently sets the value of this value.

The advantages of self-adhesive tape include the following:

Among the disadvantages of such a product, it is noted that it is unstable to ultraviolet rays, as well as the impossibility of using it for treating open sewers.

If it is necessary to create a tight connection right on the street, the place on which this film is pasted must be covered with any sun protection material.

Professionals use such a product for other purposes, for example, when it is necessary to create a reliable connection of fittings and other shaped parts.

The nuances of work

To ensure high-quality sealing, it is necessary to first clean the surface of the pipe from dirt, then dry it.

The next step is to apply a primer layer, after which the surface is dried again. Next, a tape is glued onto the cylindrical product. It wraps around the problem area in the form of a spiral.

For better tightness, each new layer of self-adhesive material should capture half of the previous one. A few layers will be enough.

Wrinkles should not form during winding. Even small defects can cause leaks.

Silicone sealant

The composition of this pasty composition includes rubber as the main component and other substances, which ensures high-quality processing of joints.

It should be noted that the adhesion of silicone sealants is characterized by high rates. Therefore, its application does not require additional surface treatment with special primers.

Depending on the type of hardener, such sealants are divided into acidic and neutral.


Such compositions are characterized by low cost. However, they can only be used on certain surfaces. For example, for sealing pipes through which acid moves, such products are not suitable.


This type of material is considered universal. They can seal plastic and metal sewer products. Silicone paste that has undergone a vulcanization process has a consistency similar to rubber.

To avoid complications when squeezing out the sealant, it is recommended to use a mounting gun. In its absence, you can insert the handle of the hammer inside the tube and press on it. The handle will act as a piston.

Other types of sealants

Apart from silicone sealant the following compositions of a similar purpose are distinguished:

What is cold welding used for?

This modern substance consists of several components. The basis is epoxy resin, to which special fillers are added. Thanks to their properties, a composition is obtained that gives the workpiece the desired qualities and high surface adhesion. Cold welding appearance resembles plasticine, in which several shades are mixed.

Before starting to process existing joints with such a composition, it must be thoroughly kneaded until a uniform color is obtained. Further, the prepared mixture is pressed against the thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased surface at the crack site. After solidification, the gap is tightly closed.

The main advantage of this material is its high adhesion. It fits perfectly on the surface, where moisture is constantly present. Due to the excellent adhesion, cold welding quickly eliminates the leak that has formed at the junction of the sewer pipe. Complete drying of the composition can take up to 24 hours. However, it is difficult to say exactly how long it will take. It all depends on the temperature conditions and the amount of material from which the mixture was made.

Until the composition is completely dry, it is forbidden to use the sewer.

How to seal pipes for drainage

In addition to the above materials, professionals also use other well-known compounds for sealing cylindrical structures:

In everyday life, epoxy resin remains the most popular today. To use it, you will need a special polyethylene polyamine hardener, subject to cold curing. If this process occurs under heat, maleic anhydride is used.

Sometimes the hardener is made from other materials that have similar properties. Epoxy sealant is created in a ratio of 10:1 or 5:1.

Technical sulfur is used to process the sewage outlet. First, the substance is crushed, then heated until a plastic state is obtained. The hot compound is poured directly into the outlet area.

For processing cast iron pipes, hemp rope coated with resin is most often used.

To seal the existing joints of ceramic structures, asphalt mastic or petroleum bitumen is used.

How to seal cast iron pipes

To dock the riser, one cylindrical product made of cast iron is required to be inserted into the socket located at the end of another element. The resulting junction is sealed with a special polymer composition.

Work in progress experienced craftsmen in a certain technological sequence.

Ordinary linen tow closes the gap formed between the pipes. The fibers are compacted to a depth of more than 2/3 of the size of the gap and are well compacted.

In the absence of linen tow, for these purposes, you can use tarred hemp.

For getting quality composition you can use cement by mixing it with asbestos fiber in a ratio of 2: 1. Before you start pouring such a mixture into the pipe, you need to add a small amount of water.

The materials described above can be replaced with modern silicone sealant. It is already ready to be poured into the existing gap. So that the composition does not instantly dry out, the place of its application must first be covered with plastic wrap.

How to seal the joint of cast iron and plastic

When repairs begin in an old house, one serious problem arises: the need to dock modern plastic pipes with Soviet iron products. This situation requires an obligatory competent approach.

Works are performed in a certain sequence:

  1. To connect pipes made of different materials, you need to prepare special adapters.
  2. The cast iron product must be well cleaned and degreased.
  3. The structure inside and out is carefully covered with sealant.
  4. The prepared adapter is inserted into the expansion in the form of a funnel.
  5. Wait a few hours until the polymer composition hardens.
  6. A plastic pipe is connected, the joint is processed.
  7. The connection is checked for tightness.

This technology, if it is carried out strictly according to the points, allows you to get a reliable joint, characterized by high strength and tightness. In the future, this connection will not create trouble in the form of leaks.

Sealants are used to seal joints during the assembly of various plumbing systems. PVC pipes also fully fit into this rule. Quite often, silicone or acrylic sealants are used to perform such work as sewer sealing.

The main advantages of acrylic sealants rightly include:

  • Suitable for a large number materials (concrete, brick, wood).
  • Adapted for the processing of structures, during the operation of which a low or medium level of mobility is expected.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that silicone sealant has the following significant advantages:

  • High levels of reliability.
  • The possibility of using the product for any materials, such as enameled, wooden (silicone also acts on them as a stain), plastic.

How to seal sewer pipes with epoxy resin?

Resin adhesive Sikadur-31 CF

Another popular sealing solution is epoxy. The main advantages of this composition are high efficiency with maximum ease of use and low cost.

The whole process of applying the mixture in question comes down to its preparation (mixing the resin with a warm or cold hardener) and filling the cavity between the parts of the product with it.

How to work with EDP (20, 40) - it freezes quickly, it is stored for a month. Different proportions - see the video for the experiment:

How to seal the connection of a cast-iron sewer pipe with a plastic one?

Since cast iron pipes have lost their popularity to PVC products, this stage With the development of technology, there is an increasing need to assemble combined, cast-iron and plastic.

In the context of the situation under consideration, a quite reasonable question arises: how to make joints of parts from different materials hermetic?

The work under consideration should be carried out within the framework of the following scheme:

This is how it looks like

  • You should start by purchasing the necessary spare parts, in this case we are talking about adapters. For best results, it is recommended to use products made from polymers or rubber.
  • Traces of corrosion must be carefully removed from the surface of the cast-iron pipe; the presence of other contaminants is also unacceptable.
  • After degreasing and cleaning the socket, silicone must be applied to its surface.
  • After the sealant dries, the adapter is also carefully processed (cleaned and coated with silicone) and fixed relative to the cast iron pipe.

What is sealing tape and how to use it?

A material such as a sealing tape has many positive features, the main of which are quite rightly considered:

FUM - plastic, but not resistant to shock

  1. High material efficiency.
  2. Dielectric and anti-corrosion properties.
  3. Maximum ease of use.

The only significant drawback of the material in question is its low resistance to physical and UV exposure, the latter is easily neutralized by applying a protective layer.

The application of the tape is carried out as follows:

  • Cleaning the surface to be treated. It is extremely important that it is not wet.
  • A tape is wound on a cleaned and dried (if necessary) part in a spiral. It is extremely important to remember that the presence of wrinkles (even slight ones) is ultimately considered unacceptable. An important condition is the maximum belt tension.
  • The overlap of one layer of material on another must be at least 50%.

Humor to unload: called? - Vasilich clarified timidly, shifting from foot to foot in the center of the circle with a five-pointed star.

What is the best material for sealing joints?

The vast majority of specialists who install water pipes and sewer systems agree that silicone sealants, which have already been discussed above, are best suited for processing joints.

Usage example

talking plain language, such a sealant is a universal gasket that can easily accept the required diameter, volume, shape, and also easily cope with it without compromising its own operational parameters.

At the moment, there are varieties of silicone on the market that can withstand temperatures of 260 degrees for a long time.

As a rule, the need to use other sealing agents arises when the use of silicone is not possible, for example, when it is necessary to seal without dismantling.

Is it possible to do the correct sealing of plastic pipes with your own hands?

The answer to this question is simple and unambiguous: yes, even an inexperienced master can solve the problem under consideration.

Most of the materials used in the format of the situation under consideration (silicone, epoxy, sulfur, hemp rope) are budgetary and easy to use. Even if something goes wrong, throw away some of the silicone and squeeze it out of the tube new material will not be difficult. In the same way, the problem is solved with other indicated materials.

The process of sealing and sealing in itself is also not difficult, even regardless of whether internal work is performed (in the apartment) or.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that despite the apparent and actual simplicity of the process, it cannot be treated negligently, otherwise the result will be unsatisfactory. A significant feature of the process under consideration is that for its full implementation it does not imply the presence of any complex, expensive. All that the master may need is a rag to clean the workpieces and a silicone gun.

Provided that the master paid sufficient attention to the implementation of the process in question and performed the work in good faith, and also used high-quality materials, the result will be no less durable than the pipes themselves, the service life of which is most often at least half a century.

Connection diagram

As a rule, the entire process of sealing comes down to placing a sealant in a particular state of aggregation in the cavity between the parts, followed by installation. All that is required of the contractor is right choice sealant, taking into account the individual specifics of the intended operation (temperature conditions, pressure, location of the structure on the territory of the facility or on the street, the correct choice of acidity of the agent used) and its correct use.

In 99 cases out of 100, the solution of such a task does not cause any difficulties even for those masters who do not have experience in doing such work with their own hands.

Dismantling cast iron sewerage and transition to plastic, video 6min 49sec:

The service life of a fireplace or stove largely depends on how and how the chimney is sealed from stainless steel or other materials.

Proper installation does not guarantee the absence of problems with the ingress of combustion products into the room. Over time, pipe materials undergo thermal deformation, which leads to ruptures and cracks in the structure.

This leads to a decrease in traction, as a result of which a large amount of combustible material is required to heat the house, and because of this, soot intensively settles on the inner surface of the pipe. The latter is especially dangerous, as it leads not only to the formation of condensate, but can also cause a fire in the pipe.

For this reason, for the stable functioning of a chimney made of stainless steel or any other materials, it must be regularly inspected and the shortcomings that have arisen promptly eliminated. To avoid problems in the future, it is better to seal all cracks and joints to avoid defects.

A wide range is presented on the construction market. All the wealth of choice is conditionally divided into heat-resistant and heat-resistant sealants, although, of course, there are much more varieties.

Types of stainless steel chimney sealant

Due to the sealing of cracks in chimneys or chimneys, combustion products will not enter the room through them. Reliable insulation makes the use of the stove, fireplace or boiler as safe as possible.

Watch the video - high temperature cleaners for stainless steel and other materials

All sealants can be divided into several types:
  • based on silicone or silicate;
  • by composition: one-component or two-component;
  • according to temperature characteristics: temperature-resistant sealants and heat-resistant.

As the name implies, one-component sealants consist of one component and do not require mixing of ingredients before carrying out the sealing procedure. This makes them easy to use and popular with private homeowners who appreciate the ease of use of an insulation product.

Two-component However, before starting work, you need to mix, clearly observing the proportions indicated in the instructions. In this case, the finished product should be used within a few hours after mixing. This option is not very suitable for sealing joints with your own hands, usually professional builders use two-component insulation.

In addition to insulating the chimney, sealing compounds are also used to insulate the joints of the heating system structure based on an electric boiler when eliminating pipe leaks.

Silicone sealants for stainless steel, glass and other materials

When wondering how to seal a stainless steel, glass, plastic or ceramic chimney, you should pay attention to refractory silicone. This material contributes to the tight contact of structural parts with each other and reliable insulation. The main advantages of the silicone composition:

  • due to elasticity, the quality of contact is maintained for a long time, even when, due to high temperatures, the structural elements are deformed and change position relative to each other;
  • after completion of the polymerization process, the material becomes very durable;
  • silicone is absolutely waterproof;
  • the material has a high degree of resistance to ultraviolet radiation and other weather phenomena;
  • silicone is characterized by high thermal and heat resistance.

There are two types of silicone sealants:

  1. Acid. They release acetic acid during curing, which can damage the chimney or roofing. Such a tool will definitely not become an assistant in solving the problem than sealing a chimney made of stainless steel or a material of natural origin: cement, stone or concrete, as it can contribute to the formation of corrosion of metal elements, the destruction of sections of the pipe and roof in contact with it.
  2. Neutral insulation products, unlike acidic ones, emit water and alcohols into the environment when they harden. It is a suitable sealant for stainless steel chimneys.

An additional plus of silicone-based products is that as a result of heating, the iron oxide included in it turns brown, which makes the insulation more inconspicuous against the background of a roof or brickwork.

Heat-resistant and heat-resistant sealants: what is the difference?

According to the temperature characteristics, the means for insulation are divided into heat-resistant and heat-resistant. They are used to seal the joints of different sections of the structure, as they can withstand different temperatures. If heat-resistant ones are suitable only for external surfaces, then heat-resistant ones can be used to seal the slots of a high-temperature chimney, where temperatures are especially high.

Heat-resistant adhesive for sealing: scope, characteristics

This type of insulation is suitable for outer walls fireplace, stove, as well as joint processing brickwork and roofs.

It should not be used for stainless steel pipes, as it has a rather low heating temperature - only 350 ° C.

Heat-resistant sealant is made on the basis of silicone. The temperature range at which the product can be used is influenced by the additional components present in the product and their percentage. The most common additional component is iron oxide, which gives the insulation a brown tint.

The main characteristics of this type are as follows:

  • high elasticity of the thermal sealant: due to its resistance to deformation, silicone can be used for insulation on pipe sections of a rather complex shape. It will easily cope with the task and will not be covered with cracks under the influence of temperature;
  • the average temperature range of heat-resistant silicone ranges from +250°С to +320°С;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation: insulation can be used to seal external structural elements;
  • silicone does not pass moisture, which also makes it suitable for outdoor use. Rain and snow are not afraid of him;
  • high adhesion allows the silicone compound to adhere perfectly to the most different types surfaces: brick, metal or ceramics.

Silicone has few drawbacks, but still they are:

  • due to its low heat resistance, it is not suitable for sealing internal surfaces that directly interact with fire;
  • since the material is elastic, it cannot be dyed. The paint will not remain on its surface for a long time.

The curing speed of heat-resistant insulating material depends on the temperature at which the work is carried out. At low temperature and high degree humidity, the composition will take more time than indicated on the package. In dry air and high temperatures, it will harden faster. Also, the insulation is better fixed on a dry surface.

Heat-resistant sealant: for which structures it is suitable, the pros and cons

Heat-resistant insulation agent - the best way than to cover the joints of the chimney made of metal and stainless steel. This is explained by the fact that silicate, which is the main component in the refractory composition, perfectly withstands high temperatures up to 1200-1300°C, and even up to 1600°C under short-term load.

Watch the video - stainless steel against galvanization

The silicate composition is suitable for sealing cracks in fireplaces, stoves, where there is direct contact with fire. As a rule, high temperature insulation material is gray or black.

The main advantages of fire-resistant silicate:

  • the chemical inertness of the agent allows it to be used for structures made of any material, since it does not react with it;
  • silicate insulation is resistant to sunlight and precipitation, it can be safely used to treat outdoor chimney sections;
  • the top layer after drying becomes porous, making it easy to paint.
  • at the end of the polymerization process, the agent becomes rigid: the slightest vibration or “walking” of structural elements can lead to cracks. Therefore, it is not used for pipes made of materials prone to significant thermal deformations. Only cracks should be sealed with a silicate composition, since when processing the chimney elbow, problems may arise with its disassembly for cleaning in the future;
  • silicate products have rather low adhesion: the composition will not last long if the sealing site is not treated with a special composition before applying it;
  • The silicate-based sealant can only be applied at temperatures above 20°C and humidity not below the standard level. If these conditions are not observed, the seam will seize much longer.

Although all silicate thermal sealants are capable of withstanding high temperatures, it is best to use only flame retardant sealants marked "fire retardant" in order to seal the places that will come into contact with the flame.

It is not necessary to apply a silicate sealant in several layers to increase its wear resistance: this way it cannot dry out and becomes covered with cracks. The required width and depth of application are indicated in the instructions. The silicate agent is better fixed on a damp surface, so before starting work it is better to slightly moisten the area where it is planned to be applied.

Thermal tape and hot glue

Along with liquid sealants, there is a very convenient tool that allows you to seal pipe joints made of materials such as plastic and metal (stainless steel) - thermal tape. For a chimney, thermal tape is an excellent insulation. It is only necessary to wrap the joint with it and heat the material. Since it is a self-shrinking sealant, under the influence of temperature, the product will shrink and tightly wrap around the pipe joint.

Another way to cover up joints and cracks is with heat-resistant adhesive sealant. The adhesive composition for insulation can be made on the basis of materials such as acrylic, silicone or polyurethane. The composition allows not only to seal the seams, but also to reliably glue the surfaces of materials together. The adhesive has excellent waterproofing properties, has good adhesion to natural materials and concrete.

How to properly seal?

Most often, the heat and waterproofing of the fireplace causes difficulties, or rather, the removal of a stainless steel pipe through the roof and the covering of the seams between them. This is important not only for high-quality insulation of the pipe, but also so that the roof does not leak.

The place where the pipe connects to the roof is called the chimney outlet. This is a key part of the whole structure, which must be carefully sealed. The durability of the roof and the quality of the heating system depend on its reliability.

Most modern roofing materials in addition to the main elements, they have special parts made of non-combustible compounds, with which you can surround the chimney as tightly as possible with a coating and prevent heating of the roof from a hot chimney and possible fire. Thus, insulation also performs fire-fighting functions.

Even if the house does not have a fireplace or stove, and it is heated with a boiler, it still becomes necessary to purchase a sealant for the boiler in order to ensure good traction and stable operation of the heater.

Most sealants are packaged in cartridges or tubes with a sharp tip that must be cut at a 45° angle before starting work. It is important to make a hole of the same diameter as the future seam.

Squeeze out the sealant using a standard construction gun, evenly applying it to the desired sections of the chimney. If a collapsible stainless steel chimney is processed, then the composition is applied only to the joints, so that in the future it can be easily cleaned and disassembled for cleaning.

There are a few simple rules for working with sealants:

  • it is not recommended to seal pipes and other structural elements at temperatures below +5°C;
  • you need to work only with gloves, if the sealant gets on the skin, immediately rinse this place with running water;
  • the insulation composition requires at least a day to dry completely;
  • at the end of the work, you should light the stove or light the fireplace to check the quality of the work done.

The sealant must be used as follows:

  1. Clean the surface where the sealant will be applied;
  2. If the composition is heat-resistant, then it is better to treat the area with an abrasive to increase adhesion. If the surface is made of brick, you can make a few scratches on it for this purpose;
  3. The place of application is degreased and dried (naturally or with a building hair dryer). Drying is needed only for silicone-based formulations, for applying heat-resistant ones, on the contrary, the surface needs to be moistened.

Next, cracks, crevices and joints are sealed: work must be done strictly with gloves, observing the thickness and width of the seam specified in the instructions. It is important to provide air access to the place of application of the composition: this is necessary for its high-quality hardening.

Sealing the chimney with cement

If there are silicone and silicate sealants for modern finishing materials, then to seal a slate roof, the method known to our grandfathers is suitable - a mixture based on asbestos and cement.

The chimney is sealed with cement as follows:

  • first, a mixture of cement and asbestos is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio. It is better to use fluffed asbestos, but you can also tear sheet into small pieces;
  • then asbestos is mixed with water and allowed to swell so that it turns into a homogeneous mass;
  • swollen asbestos is mixed with cement;
  • the resulting cement composition is coated with a gap between the pipe and the roof;
  • then you need to wait for the solution to dry completely, and you can heat the stove.

What factors influence the choice of sealant?

When choosing a suitable product for hydro and thermal insulation, they are guided by the conditions under which the stove, fireplace or heating boiler will be operated. It is also important to consider where exactly the product will be applied: inside the pipe, outside or at the junction of the chimney and the roof. It affects the choice of sealant and the heating temperature of the surface that is planned to be treated.

Watch video - stainless steel pipe after 2 years of operation (outer galvanized and inner stainless steel)

However, in any case, it is worth following general recommendations which are true in all cases:
  • elastic means are better suited for hard-to-reach areas and joints subject to temperature deformations;
  • solid sealants are suitable for cracks and brickwork;
  • sealants containing iron oxide in their composition acquire a brown tint, which masks them well against the background of a brick;
  • for sealing a chimney made of metal, stainless steel or natural stone, brick, do not use acidic compounds that can damage the surface of the chimney of boilers or stove heating.

You should not save on chimney sealant, because forced regular cleanings, as well as the need to re-disassemble the structure, will bring much more costs, you won’t be able to save. In addition, a poor-quality sealant can lead to soot entering the living quarters, the formation of plaque on the walls, poisoning the residents, or even a fire.

Sewerage is designed to collect and discharge liquid waste of human life. Any leakage of polluted drains leads to unpleasant consequences - repulsive odors, damage to building structures, and even to the spread of dangerous infectious diseases. In order for the operation of the system to be reliable, the sealing of the joints of sewer pipes is carried out both at the stage of laying and during the maintenance of existing communications. Various technologies using sealants can prevent leaks and correct malfunctions in the functioning of drainage ways.

The sad consequences of a leaking sewer system

Why seal sewer pipes?

Leaks in pipes occur due to installation errors, as a result of wear of pipeline parts or mechanical damage associated with freezing or shock. Violation of tightness can occur due to improper design, non-observance of slope angles and docking of communications. At the connecting nodes there is high blood pressure, which causes them to deform and, as a result, to leak.

Sealing joints between sewer pipes is carried out in order to:

  • Eliminate leakage to the external environment. Polluted effluents, falling into the ground, cause contamination of soil and water. The smell of sewage is nothing but a mixture of gases harmful to human breathing - methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, released during decay of organic waste.
  • Prevent flooding of underground structures. A large amount of emissions can erode soils under foundations, fill cellars, basements or basements. The aggressive composition of sewage water causes corrosion of building materials.

Sewage washed away the base of the highway
  • Protect pipelines from external leaks. When groundwater is absorbed from the soil, sand and earth enter the system. They accumulate in the lumen of the pipes, additionally clog the sewer.
  • Extend the service life of communications. Rubber gaskets in the joints age over time, lose their elastic properties. The process is aggravated by temperature changes, alkaline or acidic reaction of wastewater. The tightness of the system is lost, dismantling and costly repairs are required.

To choose the best sealing method, take into account the type of sewer system, the material and design of the pipes. Installation must initially be carried out without errors leading to depressurization. Otherwise, the efforts to glue the joints will be wasted.

Principles of laying sewer networks

Engineering networks for wastewater disposal include internal, external and storm sewers. They are laid taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.04.01-85. According to the rules:

  • The diameter of the pipes is selected based on the second flow rate of the liquid. In apartments, this is 30-50 mm for appliances and 110 mm for the toilet and outlets.
  • The optimal slope of the lines is 1-3.5 cm per 1 linear meter, so that the drains move freely by gravity, without stopping.

The system should be located with a slope towards a sewer riser or a common catchment point
  • The joints of the conduits are placed at an angle of 120°-135°. A sharp change in the direction of fluid movement leads to a decrease in flow rate and the formation of blockage.
  • Pipe diameter for outdoor sewerage not less than 150 mm, and the minimum laying depth is 0.5-0.7 m from ground level. When laying above the freezing point, the profiles are insulated.
  • For cleaning in places where the pipeline turns, revisions are arranged.
  • Drainage and storage systems must be airtight. To eliminate the risk of contamination of the aquifer, they are removed from the well at a distance of at least 15 m.

Sewerage is laid from plastic, cast iron, ceramic or asbestos pipes. Connections - socket or socket.

Important. If the laying standards are observed, blockages that provoke leaks will become a rare occurrence.

Types of pipes for drainage

The choice of method and material for sealing is directly related to the type of sewer pipe. For the installation of drainage systems in apartments and private houses, the following are most often used:

  • Cast iron pipes. They are mechanically strong, durable, resistant to corrosion. One end is formed in the form of a bell - a funnel-shaped extension that provides a quick and reliable connection.
  • Plastic. They are made of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, fiberglass. Products differ in ease, heat resistance. Service life reaches 50 years. The inner surface of polymer pipes is smooth, which reduces the deposition of suspensions. Inexpensive price and simple installation make it possible to widely use polymer products in private construction and for repairs in an apartment.

Plumbing polymer products for pipeline installation

Much less commonly used ceramic, asbestos or concrete structures. They are difficult to transport and install due to heavy weight, and in some qualities they are inferior to analogues made of cast iron or polymers.

Types of sealants used and the rules for their application

The construction industry produces sealing materials designed to seal the joints of sewer pipes. This:

  • Sealing self-adhesive tapes. Strips 3-15 cm wide are made from bitumen or rubber. They can be reinforced with fiberglass, covered with a protective layer of aluminum foil. They are used to reinforce coupling joints, tie-in points or sealing cracks in communications.
Self-adhesive tape
  • polymer sealants. Viscous formulations of silicone rubber, acrylic or polyurethane cure at room temperature. They have thermal and water resistance, good adhesion to the pipe material. Acidic, vinegar-smelling substances are not recommended for working with metal, as they cause corrosion. More expensive neutrals are safer in this regard.
  • Portland cement. Clinker, calcium silicate and gypsum powder hardens quickly when combined with water. To increase elasticity, modifiers are added to the mass. It is applied to sealing of designs from cast iron.
  • Sulfur technical. Inexpensive material is produced in the form of powder or lumps. It is crushed and mixed with finely ground kaolin, heated to a temperature of 150°C. In molten form, it is poured into the socket of cast-iron pipes.

Sulfur technical granulated
  • bituminous sealants. Compositions with additives of rubber or polymers are applied hot or cold. They have high elasticity, water resistance, but become brittle at temperatures below -35°C.
  • Thiokol sealants. Heat-resistant, elastic and durable compositions are very unpretentious, have high adhesion to plastic, metal or concrete. Suitable for gluing joints of pipes made of various materials. The base of the adhesive is mixed before work with a hardener and a vulcanization accelerator.

Sealing tapes are designed to process joints from the outside. Remove the protective film, slightly stretching, apply overlapping layers. The pipe is wrapped above and below the joint by 15-20 cm. The surface is preliminarily cleaned of dirt and dust to ensure a snug fit of the strip.

Paste bituminous, polyurethane or silicone sealants are applied to the inner edge of the socket, connected to another part, left until completely cured. Most often, such compositions are used when assembling the joint of cast-iron and plastic pipes. The viscous layer ensures the tightness of the interface, compensates for the different degree of temperature deformations of the two materials.

PVC sewer pipe sealing

Installation of sewerage systems from PVC pipes consists of simple operations - the end of one element is inserted into the socket of another. Rubber o-ring ensures a tight connection. Over time, the material of the ring ages, and if the joint is under even a slight deforming stress, a leak occurs.

There are two ways to troubleshoot:

  1. Dismantling of the structure with replacement of the gasket and subsequent assembly of the site.
  2. Sealing a leaking joint with sealant without dismantling.

In the first case, a viscous sealant is used, in the second, a self-adhesive tape.

Assembling a system of PVC pipes with sealant

PVC sewer pipes are sealed in the following sequence:

  1. Clean the surfaces to be joined from dust with a cloth moistened with a degreaser.
  2. A thin layer of adhesive is applied to the inside of the socket and the outer end of the pipe to be connected.
  3. Insert the element without effort, slightly pressing.
  4. Hold the link for a few seconds until the composition dries.

Remove residual sealant with a tissue. Allow the adhesive to fully harden for 5-15 minutes.

Installation of sewer pipes using silicone sealant

Sealing PVC pipes without dismantling

To repair the joint without dismantling, free the site for free access. Use sealing tape, such as self-curing silicone repair tape.

Work is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. The tape is stretched to increase the length by 3 times.
  2. Wrap the damaged area with an overlap of up to 50% of the strip width.
  3. Lay several layers as tightly as possible.

Seal joints with self-adhesive tape

Important. The repair tape is convenient because it seals even wet, uneven or greasy surfaces. Silicone rubber vulcanizes within seconds.

Sealing cast iron structures

To seal the joints of cast-iron pipes with their own hands, they use tarred tow made of linen or jute fiber. The work is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. Strands are wound on the end of the pipe.
  2. The structure is inserted into the socket, the fiber is compacted with a special tool - chasing.
  3. Fill the voids with a solution of Portland cement in a ratio of 9: 1 or fill with a viscous sealant.

Tow fill the joint at 2/3 of the height. When wet, the strands swell, taking up all the free space. You can use a mixture of dry asbestos fiber and cement in a ratio of 1:2. Before use, the ingredients are mixed with water.

Caulking joints of cast-iron pipes with tow and filling with polymer sealant

Sealing concrete rings

To prevent sewer septic tanks from becoming a source of pollution environment, it is necessary to carry out a thorough waterproofing of concrete rings. Various sealing methods are used:

  • plastering the inner surface with moisture-resistant compounds;
  • spraying on the outside of an elastic film using a special apparatus;
  • coating with cold or hot mastics;
  • pasting with rolled materials;
  • impregnation with penetrating solutions;
  • sealing seams with bentonite expanding clay, bituminous pastes.

Coating waterproofing of wells

good effect gives ring processing bituminous mastics and additional protection with a clay castle. The clay around the septic tank is covered in layers, compacted with a manual rammer.

When laying and repairing the sewer system, professional plumbers recommend:

  • Rigidly fix the structures during installation using clamps.
  • Do not increase the slope of the pipe above 15%. If the angle is steeper, the water will not have time to wash away the waste that has settled on the walls.
  • Cracks in cast iron pipe close up with a bandage dipped in cement mortar, and clamp.
  • If the system does not provide an angle of inclination for free flow, use special superchargers for sewage.
  • Regularly inspect drainage lines.

Assembling the sewer system in compliance with the norms, sealing critical joints and careful operation will help the structure last for a long time.

Any threaded connection in heating or water supply requires the use of various means sealing. Without them, the threaded connection simply starts to leak, which causes various unpleasant consequences. In this article, I will tell you about the different methods of thread sealing and their applicability in different working conditions. Let's start from simple to complex.

Thread sealing with flax and paste.

This method is perhaps the oldest of all. Here, linen strands are used as a sealing material, which are lubricated with a special paste for ease of subsequent disassembly. This is a rather laborious and difficult way for a beginner in plumbing, but if you want, you can try. In order to understand how to wind linen strands on threads correctly, I suggest you watch the following video:

This method is also suitable for water supply and, to a limited extent, for heating (the operating temperature should not exceed 90º C), but it is impossible to seal plastic threads with it (as with HDPE fittings). When wet, flax gets wet and expands, while plastic fitting may burst. Also, not recommended use flaxseal in heating systems filled with low-freezing liquid.

Thread sealing with FUM tape.

The abbreviation FUM stands for fluoroplastic sealing material. FUM withstands temperatures from -200º C to 240º C and pressure up to 30 atmospheres. Therefore, it can be used both in heating systems and in water supply networks. FUM is suitable for non-freezing coolants and other aggressive environments. For sealing threads on gas pipes a special gas FUM tape is used (it is thicker than water tape). This sealing method is very simple, I personally prefer to seal the thread with FUM tape, but this is a matter of skill and taste. I bring to your attention the following video on this issue:

Thread sealing with thread.

For those who are too lazy to twist flax into bundles and then smear it with paste, they came up with a sealing thread. The thread can be made from different materials:

  • Polyamide - designed for a pressure of 16 atmospheres on water and 8 atmospheres on gas, has an upper temperature threshold of 130 ° C.
  • Fluoroplast - has characteristics identical to the FUM tape, but usually costs more.

Manufacturers lubricate the thread with a special lubricant, the composition of which they do not disclose. In my opinion, fluoroplastic thread is better in quality and I recommend it to you, despite the fact that it is more expensive than polyamide thread. If you want to learn how to wind the thread correctly, then watch the following video:

Application of anaerobic sealant.

This option is the simplest - you smeared the thread with sealant, twisted it and wait until the sealant hardens. But it can only be used on dry threads. In addition, the manufacturer recommends degreasing the threads with gasoline or thinner. Available for sale different kinds sealants. They are usually divided by color (green, blue, red, purple, white, etc.), but when buying, you need to look not at the color of the tube, but at the characteristics that are written on it:
  • Operating temperature for which the sealant is intended.
  • The maximum thread diameter that can be sealed with this sealant.
  • Effort is needed for disassembly - there are sealants with light, medium and high disassembly forces. High break force sealants are used for large thread diameters (2.5 inches or more). Before disassembly, such a connection must be heated.

Instructions for using anaerobic sealants are given below in the video:

Anaerobic sealants are used in water supply systems, heating systems and gas pipelines. The operating temperature range usually ranges from -60º to 150º C. Sealants are resistant to aggressive environments and can be used together with non-freezing coolants.


In this article, I told you as briefly as possible about the different ways of sealing. threaded connections. Remember that the choice of sealing material depends on the operating conditions (temperature, pressure, and so on), so read the instructions before using something. This will protect you from any misunderstandings. That's all, write questions in the comments, use the buttons of social networks.