Hygiene procedures with Clean Ideas. Tips for people with a fracture: how to wash with a cast on the leg? How to wash your hair if your leg is broken

After a broken arm, we may encounter certain difficulties regarding the rules of hygiene. With a cast on the arm, it is difficult to cope, but this problem can be solved. It is important to follow all the recommendations and then, you can completely wash yourself without wetting the bandage. If moisture accidentally gets on the plaster, the skin will begin to itch. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor if it gets wet.

In the article we will tell you how to wash with a cast on your hand. To do this, we recommend using one of the proposed options or contacting the help of UniTrade http://protec-gyps.ru/ispolzovanie/.

Ways to wash with a cast on your hand

1. We buy a waterproof case.

This is a simple, but very reliable way to protect gypsum from moisture. The cover saves time. Talk to your doctor, he will tell you which model to prefer.

The arm cover is a long sleeve, which is made of a material that does not allow water to pass through. It is easy to put it on the plaster, securely fixing it on the arm. The product has different sizes, it is designed for different plaster bandages.

Some cases come with a special pump. With it, you can pump out the air so that the unique invention tightly fits the hand, protecting it from moisture.

2. We use cellophane.

These can be ordinary bags or garbage bags. They are more durable. These improvised items are suitable if waterproof covers are not at hand.

In order to protect your hand in plaster from water during the shower, tightly wrap the bag around your hand, you can do it in several layers at once and fix everything with tape. Before water procedures, be sure to check the tightness of the cellophane, look for holes that can let water through and seal them with a layer of adhesive tape and adhesive tape. This will allow you to take a shower, but you need to do this quickly, trying not to wet your hand if possible.

3. Polyethylene film.

Wrap your hand tightly to protect it from moisture. Secure the polyethylene product with an elastic band or tape for reliability. This is a cheap method, but very effective, reliable.

4. Towel.

We wrap the plaster bandage with a layer of towels. They will help prevent water from penetrating the arm in the cast. But this method is not the most reliable. Therefore, keep the bandage away from water. If moisture gets on the plaster, infection, skin irritation, and severe itching are possible.

5. Keep the bandage aside.

Try taking a bath but keeping your arm in a cast at a distance. You can try to do this in the shower, but the option is not the easiest, requiring skill and skill. Do everything carefully, because even a small amount of moisture can damage the bandage.

6. Wipe off with a wet sponge.

If you are afraid that water will get on the cast, simply dampen the sponge and wipe yourself. This will not replace the hygiene procedure, but you can still become cleaner. We do the whole procedure over the bathtub or sink, it is more convenient. Then, pat dry with a towel.

Using one of the proposed methods, you can take water procedures and not wet your hand in a cast. Choose for yourself the most convenient option and, if possible, enlist the help of family or friends. Take precautions until the cast is removed.

If a person gets tired for no reason, without overwork, this portends an illness. Hippocrates
In what nature creates, there is nothing insufficient, excessive, useless Claudius Galen
Nature has the ability to foresee, and therefore, creating this or that organ, she also takes care of its protection from damage Claudius Galen
It is necessary to treat not only the disease, but also to counteract the causes that cause it. Hippocrates
The doctor must be clean, walk in good clothes, because all this inspires the confidence of patients. Hippocrates
It is very harmful to sleep with a full stomach Avicenna
Some believe that we feel with the heart, because it shrinks and freezes with sadness and worries. However, the heart is not capable of understanding and thinking. Only the brain can do this, and it is he who generates our feelings. Hippocrates
Avoid laziness, work hard - this will ensure good digestion and sound sleep Arnold of Villanova
Fear and sadness, which have taken possession of a person for a long time, are conducive to illness. Hippocrates
Healing comes with time. Hippocrates
The human brain contains the cause of many diseases Hippocrates
Work, good spirits and the striving of the mind for perfection, for knowledge lead to results that adorn life. Hippocrates
Never put off treatment until later Hippocrates

How to wash with plaster

No one is immune from fractures, and if you break your arm or leg, your task is to make life as easy as possible with a cast. But for this you should not give up regular and necessary to maintain cleanliness. water procedures. The main thing is to properly prepare for taking a shower or bath. We are sure that our tips on how to wash with plaster will be useful to you.

The first rule is extreme caution!

Even a small gypsum bandage restricts movement, making a person clumsy and awkward. Therefore, before washing with a broken arm, place all the necessary items (soap, towel, washcloth, etc.) at an accessible distance. This will make the process much easier.

And before you decide to bathe with a broken leg in a cast, prepare a stable stool or bathing seat in advance so that you can sit down.

Rule two - get help!

It is much more difficult for a person with gypsum to thoroughly wash hard-to-reach places than in the normal state. Therefore, there must be someone nearby who can come to your aid if necessary.

If you can still somehow do without the support of others with a plastered hand in the process of taking a bath, then a broken leg is a more difficult case. Do not risk your health, use the help of relatives or friends, because a bath or shower is not the best place for a fall, especially if you already have an injury.

The third rule - hermetically close the plaster!

In order not to balance on one leg, not allowing water to get on the cast, and not to become unstable with a cast arm extended away from the shower, the cast should be reliably protected from moisture. This will allow you to focus on your own safety, and not on protecting the dressing from getting wet.

Improvised means can serve as ordinary plastic bags and adhesive tape, with which they are tightly attached to the plaster. More simple and effective method protection - special waterproof covers that can be used repeatedly, completely exclude the ingress of water on the plaster cast and allow not only to wash, but also to swim in the pool.

Plastic plaster for the leg and arm is still a completely new invention, which was invented as an alternative to standard plaster. Nowadays, this tool is becoming more and more popular.

Plastic gypsum is a synthetic polymeric material that is gradually replacing conventional gypsum. You can buy it in specialized stores of medical equipment. Trauma centers and hospitals are increasingly purchasing them from specific manufacturers.

Fracture of the bones of the limbs is an all too common occurrence in our lives. Each time, doctors had to apply a standard cast, which in itself creates too much discomfort. This problem has been around for a long time, because ordinary gypsum gives too much discomfort, makes the patient suffer. In order to reduce pain, add flexibility was invented the new kind plaster bandages.

The production of a fundamentally new technology eventually made it possible to apply special polymer bandages to a broken limb, which belong to a new type of means for immobilizing injured limbs. plastic mold plaster weighs 4 or 5 times less than usual. This not only reduces pain, but also adds the necessary flexibility when walking. Having a plastic device, you can safely go to the shower, which is a big problem with ordinary gypsum, because when water penetrates, it crumbles, collapses, and can lead to the appearance of bloody blisters. Often the usual bandage needs to be redone.

Plastic plaster is used not only for fractures of the arm or leg - it can also be used for bone injuries in the area of ​​​​the foot, hand or shoulder. Whether it's a broken arm or a leg, there is a way to fix the problem with minimal loss to the victim.

The bandage plastic devices produced today are called scotchcast and softcast. They are widely used. Medical organizations give the patient a choice between standard plaster and plastic.

In addition to the above advantages, the new technology of SCOTCHKAST bandages has other advantages. They are as follows:

  1. The plastic shape allows the patient's skin to breathe, which is very important for the healing process.
  2. The attending specialist can examine in detail the damaged area of ​​​​the limb. For this, X-ray machines are used. Moreover, the objective clinical picture as a result is not distorted in any way. The proportion of X-ray exposure is reduced.
  3. When forming a synthetic bandage, a certain anatomical surface relief of a previously damaged limb is reproduced. A well-coordinated scheme does not give shrinkage typical of standard gypsum, beautiful laying gives a tangible plus. For variety, it is available in different color scheme at the choice of the patient, who himself chooses how his dressing looks.
  4. Synthetic plaster does not cause any allergic reactions, it is practically excluded when using it.
  5. When wearing a plastic cast on a broken leg, regular shoes can be used, which is impossible or very problematic when wearing a regular cast.
  6. The polymer structure of the bandage ligament ensures low material consumption during its use, which affects the weight.
  7. If desired, a synthetic bandage can be wiped with a damp cloth; this cannot be done with ordinary plaster.
  8. A plaster bandage, consisting of plastic, does not stick to the hair, depriving the patient of this unpleasant effect.

This invention has a lot of advantages and, it would seem, there are no disadvantages. But they are. The disadvantages of this type of gypsum are as follows:

  1. Possible atrophy of muscle tissue as a result of wearing such a bandage for too long.
  2. The plastic form of gypsum cannot be cut with scissors if it is squeezing somewhere. This can only be done with a specialized saw. Ordinary gypsum can be easily cut with simple scissors, which is an undoubted advantage of the old technology.
  3. The skepticism of many doctors towards the new technology, who believe that the old medical plasters still cannot be written off due to the fact that the new ones are too hard.
  4. Too high price of new gypsum material.
  5. Plastic technology must be applied by an experienced specialist, and this is quite expensive.

This is where the cons end.

The production of plastic plaster devices is not limited to the scotchcast model. To date, alternative options have already been created for scotchcast. The patient can choose what he likes more and wear it for fractures of the limbs.

Softcast is the same plastic material, like scotchcast, but the cardinal difference is that softcast is less rigid material. It is also called semi-rigid plastic, in which the mechanism allows you to create bandages of varying degrees of rigidity. That is, the patient himself can determine the degree of rigidity of the material applied to him.

The bandage is produced in the form of a roll of fiberglass fabric, which contains a polyurethane resin in its composition, which hardens well under the influence of water. The difference from the scotchcast bandage is that during the hardening process the material does not become completely rigid, but remains semi-rigid. This allows you to apply certain dressings that keep the muscle ligaments well in good shape, reduce the risk of swelling, atrophy, and significantly reduce the rehabilitation time.

They are breathable and water resistant, they can be easily cut with ordinary scissors, which is not possible with an adhesive tape bandage. They are much easier to take off. The material used has a unique property: it can be removed even without the use of scissors, simply by unwinding the bandage. The instructions for use tell you how to remove the bandage at home.

All this encourages patients to purchase a softcast to be applied to the arm or leg. These dressings are recommended when applying bandage layers in the following cases:

  1. When applying a combined bandage according to the method of functional stabilization, in combination with a rigid form of adhesive tape. This combination is expected if we are talking about an injury or disease of a lower limb ulcer in the foot area.
  2. With damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the upper and lower extremities.
  3. If the patient has undergone osteosynthesis, but only if indicated.
  4. When it comes to a bandage for a child
  5. If urgent plaster replacement is needed.

To apply a softcast bandage on an arm or hand, 3 or 4 layers of material are sufficient. The bottom one takes a little more, from 4 to 6 layers. The patient is offered a choice of different colors of the material.

Another interesting development in the field polymer materials gypsum primcast became, which received a certain amount of popularity due to its qualities. Primcast material consists of a substance called polyester fiber. It differs from the fiberglass used in other gypsum devices. This material simply does not break down into small particles that can cause any irritation on the skin itself.

Primcast has the following characteristics:

  1. Polyester material makes it possible to vary the tightening of the bandage at the time of its application to the damaged area, while the material itself does not foam.
  2. The material has a different degree of rigidity, which is determined by the specialist and the patient. Total provided 2 different options rigidity.
  3. The mesh structure and a small amount of the polymer substance used allows for continuous gas exchange, improves blood circulation, which is especially useful for people with spinal cord injury.
  4. The material is almost completely harmless to the body, does not cause side effects.
  5. The effect of a muscle pump is realized, i.e. the decrease in puffiness is accelerated by 5 or 7 days, in the old technology this process takes 3 or 4 weeks.

To all of the above, it is worth adding that the use of Primcast materials has a tangible plus - relative cheapness. average price such material is from 1 thousand to 1.5 thousand rubles, which is really cheap for a new technology material.

Advantages of a turbocast

Another plastic material used as a plaster cast is turbocast. Its main property is that it is a low-temperature material used as a plaster cast. When heated to a temperature of 60 ° and up to 100 °, it takes its plastic form. When the material cools down a little, it makes it possible to apply the plaster material to the hand or other damaged area of ​​the upper or lower limb. Then it hardens, turns into a rigid, resistant structure.

To date, turbocast bandage is the newest and most expensive development in the field of gypsum technologies. Its individual properties are as follows:

  • very light weight, which gives tangible comfort to the patient;
  • the presence of a plastic form of memory, i.e., a property of a material that allows it to return to its original form;
  • the possibility of modeling;
  • good compatibility with radiography, reduction of the radiation dose;
  • absence of any toxicity and allergic reflexes;
  • the absence of any reactions in contact with the aquatic environment;
  • the presence of certain fixing devices that allow the gypsum carrier to independently remove it and put it on again;
  • the material practically does not cause damage to muscle tissue;
  • freely used for the child;
  • complete harmlessness of the material is a property that is extremely rare in medicine.

Turbocast is made from a material called polycaprolactone. This material is absolutely harmless to all living beings - people and animals. When using this material, such phenomena as itching, allergic reflexes, and a negative impact on a person's well-being are excluded.

This type of gypsum has only one drawback - it is expensive and its installation is also expensive. The average price for laying in the area of ​​the lower limb ranges from 16 to 17 thousand rubles. Imposition on the metatarsal bones will cost 17 thousand rubles. It will be cheaper to patch the radius or the elbow joint - it will cost about 14 thousand rubles. Prices are very high and they often scare away patients who prefer cheaper models.

Turbocast, despite its youth, quickly stepped into medicine and is widely used in 70 countries of the world, including Russia.

At the first symptoms of a broken toe, immediate treatment is necessary.

A broken bone is a fairly serious injury that takes a long time to heal.

AT human body there are more than two hundred bones, any of which in a certain situation may not withstand the load and be damaged.

Most often at risk of fractures of the limb - as the most vulnerable part of the body.

And, in particular, the most common type of fracture is a fracture of the toe.

The structure of the finger joint and its functions

The toes are a very important component of the human locomotor apparatus, as they, together with the foot, support the weight of the body and enable it to move, while helping to maintain balance.

Each finger on the hand and foot consists of several bones, which are called phalanges. They are interconnected by movable interphalangeal joints, which allows you to bend and unbend your fingers.

Causes of fractures of the phalanges of the fingers

In everyday life, it sometimes happens that there are fractures of the toe - when falling, severe bruising on hard objects, unsuccessful jumps from a height. Also, the cause may be the tucking of the foot, the fall of a heavy object on the leg, and similar situations of impact on the foot.

A fracture is characterized by damage to the integrity of the bone, and sometimes the skin around it.


Toe fractures can be divided into the following types:

  1. Traumatic fracture - occurs as a result of a mechanical effect on the foot, such as a bruise, compression, tucking.
  2. Pathological - occurs as a result of certain diseases that violate the strength of bone tissue and make it too fragile. Such diseases include osteoporosis, bone cancer, thyroid dysfunction, tuberculosis, tumors, and others.

The second characteristic of a fracture is its type and condition:

  • open - when the integrity of the skin is broken and part of the broken bone can be seen through the wound;
  • closed - in which the integrity of soft tissues is preserved;
  • with displacement - as a result of the impact on the finger of the force that caused the injury, the damaged bones are displaced. In this case, there may be an infringement of the nerves, vessels or muscles located nearby.
  • no offset;
  • complete - in which the bone breaks into two or more parts;
  • incomplete - a crack is formed in the bone tissue;
  • comminuted - occurs when a bone is crushed, as a result of which the fragments fall into the wound.

The location of the fracture can be classified as:

  • on the nail phalanx;
  • on the middle phalanx;
  • on the main phalanx;
  • combined fracture - when two or more phalanges of the fingers were damaged.

Why does the thumb break most often?

The difference between the thumb and the rest is that it has two phalanges instead of three. At walking, this finger takes the brunt of the weight of the person, and often it is more likely to get a fracture, as it protrudes more forward.

Moreover, blueing and swelling can spread from the big toe to the entire foot and adjacent fingers, as a result of which it becomes painful to step on the foot or move it.

For the treatment of a fracture of the big toe, a plaster cast from the upper third of the leg to the toe will be required, which should be worn for about 5 to 6 weeks.

How to identify trauma

Symptoms of a broken toe are divided into absolute and relative.

Relative signs of injury only allow a preliminary conclusion about the injury. These include:

  • sharp pain;
  • swelling of the injured finger;
  • bleeding under the nail or skin may occur;
  • there is a violation of the function of the limb;
  • when moving in the finger, a sharp pain is felt.

On the thumb, the hematoma and swelling are more pronounced, while the leg swells and hurts while moving the fingers. A fracture of the II, III, IV and V fingers may be less noticeable, because there is a small load on them. The victim does not even immediately notice the injury and usually goes to the doctor only the next day, when the pain intensifies.

Absolute signs accurately indicate the presence of a fracture. Among them are the following:

  • pathological mobility of the finger;
  • unnatural position of the limb;
  • crunch of fragments when pressing on the affected area.

Diagnostic methods

In case of a broken toe, you need to contact a traumatologist. Based on a small survey, identification of relative and absolute signs of a fracture, as well as x-rays, he will be able to make the correct diagnosis.

Even if the finger does not hurt very much at first, it is still better to go to the hospital after getting injured, without putting it off for later.

First aid and medical procedures

What to do in case of this injury?

If you do not need to see a doctor

In principle, anyone can provide first aid. First, you need to immobilize the foot, that is, immobilize it. After removing the shoes, it is necessary to bandage the injured limb with a sterile bandage if there is a wound. This is done in order not to bring the infection there.

Then you need to find any solid object that would act as a tire, and bandage it to the foot. Just remember that when applying a bandage to the wound, the hands must be clean.

As a result of such actions, the wound will not be re-damaged by bone fragments, and the pain should decrease.

Treatment of fractures depending on their type

When treating a broken toe, you need to consider its localization:

  1. So, with an injury to the nail phalanx of the finger, it is necessary to anesthetize it. If the distal nail phalanx is damaged, the bone is immobilized. To do this, the nail is perforated, removing accumulated blood from under it, the broken fragments are fixed with a plaster and attached to the adjacent phalanges. If the subungual hematoma is too large, then you need to remove the nail.
  2. Fracture of the middle and main phalanx of the fingers is a fairly common occurrence, since these fingers are little protected from external influences. Their treatment is usually carried out on an outpatient basis. If the damage was without displacement, then a sticky patch is applied to the diseased area for about two weeks. Even a small fracture should not be left without immobilization, as it may not heal properly.

With multiple fractures, a plaster “shoe” is applied, which must be worn for about 2 to 3 weeks.

If a displacement occurs when a finger is damaged, traction is applied to it along the axis for a sore finger, or a Cherkes-Zade tire is applied.

If the displacement was large, then a manual reposition of bone fragments is carried out until their original position is restored, after which, after about 1-2 weeks, a plaster bandage in the form of a “shoe” is applied. It must be worn until the wound is completely healed. At the same time, working capacity is restored in about three to four weeks.

If you chose home version treatment, you must first perform the following actions:

  • Apply a cold compress to the injured area to reduce swelling. It is necessary to do this for 10 - 15 minutes every hour, and repeat one - two days. But at the same time, you need to observe the measure so that frostbite does not occur.
  • The leg on which the toe was broken should be raised above the level of the heart in order to reduce swelling and soreness.
  • Also, to eliminate pain, it is recommended to take ibuprofen or another pain reliever that the doctor will advise.
  • To immobilize a diseased finger, it is necessary to make a tourniquet using an elastic bandage, attaching the damaged area to the adjacent finger and placing a cotton pad between them for alignment. With the help of gauze, the tourniquet is fixed.

With an open fracture, the bone is repaired from fragments, the foot is immobilized, an anti-rabies vaccine is administered, and antibiotic therapy is prescribed to avoid the development of a secondary infection.

Better yet, do not hesitate to seek treatment at the hospital, where you:

  • An x-ray will be taken to determine the nature of the fracture. Plaster may also be applied.
  • If necessary, eliminate the offset (when the two edges of the finger are not in place), or curvature in which the finger is bent in the wrong direction. Once the finger is in place, the doctor will put a splint on the injured area to keep it immobile until it heals.
  • Sometimes your doctor may advise you to wear special, supportive shoes that are beneficial in getting rid of swelling.
  • If you tear your skin when you break it, you will get a tetanus shot to avoid infection.


For about six weeks after the fracture, it is necessary to take care of the injured finger, do not overexert it. This implies that long walks, and even more so sports, are contraindicated. When walking, carefully look under your feet so as not to hurt your sore toe.

The rehabilitation process includes physical procedures, therapeutic massage and special gymnastics, as well as the implementation of the doctor's recommendations. In your diet you need to include foods rich in protein and calcium.

Preventive measures

To avoid finger fractures, you need:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes with stable sole.
  2. Reduce consumption of foods that deplete calcium from the body, which is responsible for bone strength, such as coffee, sweet soda, and alcoholic beverages.
  3. It is recommended to consume foods containing calcium. These are not only fermented milk products, but also beans, peas, apples, apricots, grapes, potatoes, eggs, carrots, cabbage, rye bread and many others.
  4. You also need to be careful in places where you can fall on your feet heavy object, or where there are many objects on the floor that are easy to hit with your foot.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that you can not neglect your health, because then it will be rather unpleasant and long to be treated.

Video: Toe taping

you are falsely accused of your body by a man who called himself a spirit (Christ in short). you need to go to the shamans. Neighbors look at you for their punishments for their deeds (where did your parents live?)

Cat beauty

You can just sit on a chair in the bathroom or shower and moisten the body with a sponge, then with soapy foam, then rinse with a wet sponge or ladle "in parts" (and then the family will clean it up ... :)) Just so that it does not flow into the plaster. We have already written about cellophane.

Put on a bag for plaster and wash yourself
2. if precise fixation of the limb is required. and the removal of plaster is contraindicated, then wipe the visible areas of the skin, for example, with salicylic alcohol. or any other cleaning solution. The areas of skin covered with plaster will be treated by a doctor (nurse) at the next examination.​

Wrap your leg or arm in cling film

Irina Irina




Evgenia Sheveleva

I put a garbage bag on the plaster and wrapped it with tape. Then I washed as usual.

If you are young and “in sportswear”, and even with the support of loved ones, you can get into the bath (sit on a high chair near the bath, throw your healthy leg into the bath, stand on it (CAUTION!) , move the chair into the bath and sit on it , sticking out the cast leg out. Then you can generally wash yourself with a flexible hose. But I don’t advise you to do such tricks alone, you need a "safety net"!

​(A L K S ][ M Z V)​

Wrap it tightly with cellophane and go ahead. I swam in the river with my hand.

If the plaster has been standing for a long time and if it is not a circular, but a splint, take it off, wash yourself, put it on and bandage it again, nothing terrible will happen.

There is such material - SKUCHKAST - plastic gypsum. You can swim with it. You can't with others!

I didn’t swim, but I went to the bathhouse. I wrapped it in cellophane and tried not to pour water. got it right anyway. nothing bad happened

Well, I had a plaster cast, I first climbed into the bathroom with one foot, and with the other I clung to the side of the bathroom and put a bag on the plaster ... I didn’t think of another option)

Wrap the plaster with a film or bag. If you are alone - put a chair near the bath (preferably higher than the side of the bath), sit on it (sideways to the bath), throw your healthy leg into the bath and, leaning on it, get into the bath - here it is VERY important to have reliable points of support !! ! (I had a special pen screwed into the wall once). Make sure that the chair does not "leave". Further - depending on the size of the plaster and "sportiness", you can stand on one leg, the shower is better "mobile" to water "in areas; or you can drag a chair (or put a stool) into the bath and sit down comfortably. In general, skills come with time. My upper edge of the cast still got a little wet, but nothing terrible happened. Get well soon! :)​

Svetlana Sh.

LADY with a dog

Bag on the leg and forward, then it must be tightly bandaged
What sponge to wipe! Gypsum will be on the leg for at least 2 months, of course, you need to adapt to bathing. Before bathing, wrap the cast area with waterproof cellophane, it is better to put a large garbage bag on your leg and isolate it well with adhesive tape on top so that it does not open during bathing

Anastasia Krasovskaya

I bathed in a bathtub with plaster for two months right hand. The option of not swimming for two months was not even considered. I wrapped my hand first with cling film, then in a bag, then sealed it with tape and then again with cling film. The main thing is that water does not get inside and all this does not stick in the process, does not come loose. If there is a boyfriend-husband-kind mother, ask them to help you at least get in and out of the bathroom.​

And at the same time wash the skin under the plaster so that there are no blisters.

How to swim with a cast on your leg? I have a leg in a cast up to the knee, and I have no idea how to bathe.

personal account removed
Tanya Sam

Where is the plaster? I didn’t have a cast after the operation, but the place of the seam on my leg could not be wetted for some time. She climbed into the bath, and her leg hung. It's even easier with a hand.

wipe off

** Tatka **

During bathing, the temperature often causes the leg to swell and there are unpleasant sensations, so you need to swim for a short time and it is advisable to keep the leg with plaster not at the bottom, but somehow adapt it to a canopy. for example, put a low stool under your foot

Also at one time there was a gibs on the leg. I had to wrap it with a towel, then with cellophane - my foot on the edge of the bathtub wall. Try not to get drops of water on the gibs, do not sit in the bathroom for a long time, and the humidity in the shower is also not weak. A couple of drops is not scary, but you should not overdo it.

You are not the first, you are not the last. You have to adapt if you want to be clean. Just be careful, do not slip, washing with two gibs, I think, is more difficult (=​

Sun Maiden

What about you?
There was no such experience, but I think you can do this:

It is better to wrap it with packaging film - it is denser ..

Wrap with polyethylene or packing film. .​
Valeria Kamenskaya

how to wash with plaster on the whole leg?

Wrap plaster in cellophane

This seems difficult at first. then you will get used to it and you will jump, and for the first time it is desirable that someone help you in the bathroom

​Through fetchingguzaderishchenkooff

Sokolov Roman

Put a stool next to the bathroom, put a plastered leg on it, put on a regular T-shirt bag - if the plaster is up to the knee - wrap the handles of the bag and tie it in a knot, climb into the bath yourself, and your leg on the stool))) You will have to stand in the bathroom , of course, on one leg, so be careful)) It is quite convenient to wash with a shower, even if water flows down the leg onto the cast, it will not get wet. Climbing into the bath is also a trick - they came up, put a plastered leg bent at the knee on a stool, leaned on it, and throw the other leg over the bath, holding, of course, with your hands for something.

krasulechka :)

Put a stool in the bath, put your foot on the side of the bath and pour yourself out of the shower. If suddenly there is no soul (anything happens), then draw water from the bath with a bucket.

Olga Kaluga (Morozova)
Technique?)) Well, how. . take a roll of film, start wrapping it, tie the remaining piece with an elastic band to your leg (better) or tape it (worse .. it can come off) and hobble into the shower ...​

how to wash with plaster I can't wash with plaster, what should I do?

You can wrap it with a towel, and on top of the package and all this with tape) it helped me)

Just like without it, but gypsum - do not wet!)))))))))

Evgenia Sheveleva

1. plaster is removed and washed.

In fact, in such cases, they simply wipe themselves with a sponge.

Ruslan Fatkulin

​)))))))))))))))))) I remembered myself in a cast.... Just a leg to the side, and wrap a thread around it so as not to wet it, or wrap the plaster with something waterproof. In general, if you want to swim strongly, learn to be smart so as not to wet the plaster! Good luck and don't break your legs again :-)​

There was an experience of bathing a 10-year-old child with a broken arm (the arm was fixed with a plaster bent at the elbow). Another horror. So be patient.​

Thank God I got over it. You can stick your leg in a cast in a plastic bag. Or wrap food film.

Taking a bath is even easier. . put your foot out and lie down))

A broken limb is a very unpleasant situation that can plunge anyone into a state of depression and depression. And when you realize that, despite the presence of a cast on your leg, you still need to maintain personal hygiene, a completely logical question arises: “How to wash with a cast on your leg?” Let's try to understand this difficult situation.

Isolate gypsum from moisture

Getting water on the gypsum is bad. Firstly, because the fixator can soften and cease to perform its function, which will cause difficulties with proper bone fusion. And secondly, this is bad, because the moisture that got under the plaster a high degree likely to cause an infection in the body.

So how in general? Can I bathe with a cast on my leg? Yes, you can. But when washing, gypsum is best isolated. How to do it?

The first thing that comes to mind is to use an ordinary large plastic bag that will cover the entire plaster with a margin, and wrap it over the place where the plaster ends with tape or electrical tape. Such a package may well be a dense garbage bag.

You can also use cling film, tightly wrapping it with gypsum. You need to make sure that there are no holes left in the film, so as not to risk the plaster fixative.

How to wash with a cast on the leg in a more advanced way? Use special shoe covers or covers for plaster. Such devices, which make life easier for the victim of a broken leg, are sold in pharmacies.

It is worth remembering that, regardless of the means of isolating the gypsum from water, the edges that can leak, despite all the tricks, are best covered with a towel, which, in case of moisture penetration, will absorb the liquid into itself, preventing it from reaching the fixative.

How to wash?

Even when the leg is wrapped in a bag or other device that protects the cast from water, washing as usual is quite inconvenient and dangerous. It would be best if during this period of time someone can help the patient during water procedures.

How to wash with a cast on your leg in the shower? One way is to place a chair, stool, special stand, inverted basin, or any other device in the bath or shower that will allow the patient to sit down. In this case, it is better to stick your leg out of the shower or bath and gently wash yourself with a shower hose. If there is no hose, then you can use a ladle or mug for ablution.

How to wash with a cast on the leg yet? Even with a cast, you can take a bath with your foot on the side, and also wipe yourself with a damp sponge, towel or antibacterial wet wipes if the cast was applied for a relatively short time.

How to wash with a plastic cast on the leg?

Plastic plaster is in some way a miracle of modern medicine. Firstly, it is many times lighter than its outdated, actually gypsum, analog, and secondly, you can wash with many of these gypsum without fear of damaging this fixative and getting water under it. However, one can argue about the ingress of water under the plastic retainer, and therefore it is better to play it safe and still wrap it with a film, protect it with a bag or cover. With this question, of course, it is better to contact your doctor. It's just that the retainers are different: some let moisture through, some don't.

But not everyone puts plastic gypsum, because in some cases it is the classic gypsum that contributes to the healing of the injury better.

How to wash with a cast on your leg on your own when there is no one to help?

To do this, it is necessary to minimize the possibility of falling and getting additional injuries. You will have to use crutches or a walker, as well as rely on well-fixed objects in the bathroom (sides, pipes, if they are firmly attached to their places). A special portable shower hose, sold in a plumbing store, will also help facilitate washing.


A fracture is a serious injury, which is better not to joke with if you do not want to aggravate the health situation. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor immediately, as soon as possible, if the plaster becomes even slightly wet or moisture gets under the plastic retainer.