Russia has three times as many police officers per inhabitant as the United States. How many security officials in Russia Number of police and troops cc

The fact that Russia - allegedly "the most police" country in the world - both Western and Russian liberal media have been feeding their audiences for more than a year. Full ratings, while almost no one ever published, getting off with infographics with photos of overly full Russian traffic cops and swollen American cops.

And finally, a relatively detailed rating appeared. Hundreds of Russian, Ukrainian (why without them?) and Western media, citing The Independent, which in turn refers to Bloomberg, stated that the full rating, developed on some secret UN research, nevertheless appeared. True, the author did not find a detailed tablet in any of the "Cyrillic" media. The news authors either limited themselves to listing 5-10 rating positions, or again posted infographics, however, this time more "strict" - without complete traffic cops.

The author of these lines decided not to be too lazy and find the "original source" in Bloomberg. And found the source. The figures circulated in the newspapers even corresponded to him quite well. And then two questions arose. The first is about the selectivity of the media, which cited only a part of the rating positions. The second one concerns the correctness of the rating itself. Apparently, the first question is directly related to the second. Bring newspaper editors full versions rating - for many it would cause very strong doubts.

And so, here are a few examples. In the Bloomberg rating, as in many others, the sad first place among the "most police" states is occupied by Russia with 564 police officers per 100,000 population; the second - Turkey with 474, the third - Italy with 467, the fourth - Portugal with 454, the fifth - Hong Kong - with 450. Further, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic follow with the same approximately order of numbers. Israel is in 14th place with 372. France is in 23rd place with 299. The USA is in 32nd place with 226.

I called the rating relatively detailed not by chance. The fact is that there are only 53 positions in it. On the 53rd - Guinea with 52 police officers per 100 thousand inhabitants. Apparently, it is implied that those who were on the list below - the "saturation" of society with the police - is even less. And there are more questions.

A year ago, bloggers unearthed another tablet, also fragmentary - but much more plausible. So, according to her, the first place in the ranking of police states is ... the Vatican with a conditional 15,625 police officers per 100,000 inhabitants. And it's all true! The official population of the Vatican is 842. And the Vatican Police (Pontifical Gendarmerie) has 130 employees. Moreover, this is a classic police force engaged in criminal investigation, traffic regulation, etc. The Swiss Guard is not included in the number of Vatican police officers - since it does not serve the Vatican, but the "Papal Throne" directly. So Bloomberg is already at least at this point caught in a lie.

In second place, according to the same blogging plate, is Monaco with 1,374 police officers per 100,000 inhabitants. And again, it looks like the truth! The population of the principality is about 35 thousand people. And only in the gendarmerie paramilitary units of the Department of Internal Affairs there are 242 people. Plus - civil servants of the Department ...

In third place, according to the same plate, is Brunei with 1,076 policemen for a conditional 100,000 population. open information according to the current state of the power structures of Brunei - not much, but still the data is very plausible. The population of the sultanate is about 400 thousand people. Only one Gurkha reserve unit of the Royal Brunei Police, playing the role of the "national guard" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is more than 2 thousand people.

Next in the same plate are Montenegro, Uruguay, Singapore, etc. Everything is quite reasonable. Most of of these countries in Bloomberg's list - for some reason it is simply absent, which already puts him in great doubt. I propose not to deal with the analysis of each position separately - as this can turn the article into a whole monograph. Instead, I propose to deal with the correctness of the data on Russia and compare them with Bloomberg's "host country" - the United States.

Bloomberg allegedly refers to some "UN data", but everything turned out to be more prosaic. The figure of 564 per 100 thousand of the population can be easily calculated in the article "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" on Wikipedia. According to it, the total number of our Ministry of Internal Affairs is 821 thousand people. Comparing this figure with the population of Russia, we will get what we are looking for - 564 employees per 100,000 people. Such is the super-analyst of the UN from Wikipedia ... I will please Bloomberg. You can increase this number if you wish. After all, law enforcement functions are still performed by the FSB, the Federal Penitentiary Service, and the Federal Drug Control Service. Considering that these departments are much smaller than the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of law enforcement officers per 100 thousand of the population in our country can reach somewhere around 600. But this is - including all - civilian and military, certified and not certified, operas, investigators, analysts, patrolmen, security guards, accountants and psychologists ... As you can see, we are still far from the conditional indicators of the Vatican or Brunei. So Russia is clearly not the "most policeman" anymore.

And now let's deal with the other big lie of the rating. The United States, as mentioned above, in the Bloomberg rating is in 32nd place with 226 law enforcement officers per 100,000 people. Let's make sure that this is an even more blatant lie than the 1st place in Russia. With a population of 316 million, amounting to simple proportion, we determine that, according to Bloomberg, there should be about 716,000 law enforcement officers in the entire US. Now let's start counting.

In the US National Guard alone, a conditional analogue of our Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 467 thousand people are serving at once! Thus, according to Bloomberg, only about 250,000 people should serve in all other US law enforcement agencies. Is it possible? Not! According to information about the New York City Police Department, more than 35,000 employees serve in it (only in the municipal police). In Moscow, which formally has exactly one and a half times the population of New York, there are about 80,000 police officers. It seems that there are more in Moscow, but the difference is not at all impressive. And even in such calculations lies a lie. The fact is that our Ministry of Internal Affairs is a centralized structure that includes the lion's share of Russian law enforcement officers. For comparison, the number of the FSB, together with the border service, experts in open sources is estimated at about 200 thousand people. The composition of other law enforcement agencies of Russia against the backdrop of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is completely tiny.

But in the United States, the "municipal police", with which we compared the Moscow headquarters, is just one of the many links in the law enforcement system.

At the federal level, the FBI operates in the United States, which, in addition to special services, also performs police functions - it fights banditry, catches murderers, and even investigates attacks on postmen.

At the level of each state, the state police operates, which has its own functions and jurisdiction.

The next is the city police (the same New York police, which we compared with the Moscow commander in chief).

In addition, such serious and numerous federal structures as the Marshals' Services have law enforcement functions.

Moreover, all the signs of law enforcement agencies (and sometimes even much more rights) have such bodies as the Natural Resources Control Police, the Drug Control Agency, the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Control Agency.

The states create, at their own request, additional bodies that somewhat duplicate the functions of the FBI and the police. For some reason they are very popular in Hollywood. These include, say, the famous Texas Rangers or the California Bureau of Investigation.

And this, not to mention the fact that their large law enforcement units exist in such departments as the Department of Finance, the Department of Energy.

And now let's add to all this the US Department of Homeland Security, which reports to the Coast Guard, the Federal Guard Service, the US Customs and Border Protection, the Secret Service and a number of other departments, the total number of employees of which goes to hundreds of thousands of people (in the Coast Guard - up to 100 thousand, Border - more than 60 thousand, etc.).

Thus, the number of US law enforcement officers per 100 thousand of the population simply cannot physically be less than in Russia. It is, most likely, even somewhat larger (it is enough that the US National Guard is three times larger in number than the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia).

Bloomberg's "experts" acted in an elementary way. They took from the Internet the total number of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is about 80% of all law enforcement officers in the country, and includes internal troops, and compared it with the approximate number of only "local" police in the United States. The correctness of this comparison in view of all of the above - I think no need to comment.

Who then is the "police state"? But it is still desirable to analyze the regulatory framework. In Russia, the "American" system of listening to or accessing a person's e-mail without a court order is simply wild. As, in other matters, shooting to kill an unarmed person. Do you think a court in Russia would justify a police officer who shot an unarmed underage teenager six times in the head, simply because he seemed suspicious to him?

By 20 percent, and the new Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, is already talking about the need to reconsider the issue of the number personnel. Although we already have many more police officers per capita than in other countries. FROM former USSR and there is nothing to compare: then there were 2.1 policemen per thousand inhabitants. IN modern Russia- 7.7. At the same time, the Soviet Uncle Styopa repaired traffic lights and helped the kids, and the current law enforcement officers groan from congestion and the “cane” system.

So how many police officers should there be in the country? Mikhail Makov, the chief expert-specialist of the Organizational and Staff Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is just dealing with this issue. Clicking the calculator, we calculate the percentage of the police and the population in the West. Italy is closest to us (see table).

On what is the optimal number of police, the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is now working and everyone educational institutions ministries, - says Mikhail Makov. - And it turns out that if you give employees all the days off, vacations, time off for reinforcements and duty, then there should be no less, but more policemen than now. For some services - twice.

That is, it is necessary to return the reduced 20 percent? I ask.

So the question is not worth it, - Mikhail Makov answers, - but we must understand that in any case we will have more police officers than in other countries. For example, because of the size of the territory.

We again calculate the ratio of the number of policemen and the area of ​​countries. And here we are ahead of the rest: almost 15 square kilometers per staff unit. But in Italy - 1.1 square meters. kilometers to guard the order - before lunch you will go around without straining.

I was in one of the remote areas of Chukotka, - continues Mikhail Makov, - the area is larger than Belgium. And the population is only 5.5 thousand people. 1.5 thousand live in the regional center, the rest - in seven villages. There are no roads. In each village - according to the district, and in the regional center - a department. There are 36 employees in total. It turns out 1 police officer per 152 inhabitants. Well, how else to keep order there?

But the USSR had even more territory - I do not give up - 35 kilometers per policeman ...

Then the entire totalitarian apparatus was aimed at maintaining law and order: party committees, trade union committees, voluntary squads, Mikhail Makov objects. “So a bigger police force is the price we pay for our freedom.


Not so long ago, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev noted that during the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the principle of police accessibility was violated. IN rural areas departments were reduced or even abolished. And now people sometimes have to travel hundreds of kilometers to the police. The minister instructed the working group on further reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs to reconsider the issue of the number of personnel.

Mikhail Pashkin, head of the unofficial police union, is now part of this working group.

Well you compared! he exclaimed when I showed the figures for Russia and the USSR. - in Moscow in Soviet time there were one or two murders a month. Now compared to those years - a real war.

In the US, the crime situation is also not sugar, but there are fewer policemen there ...

Of course, there is also Colonel Colt, who made everyone equal, ”Pashkin retorted,“ besides, in almost all Western countries, if you drive drunk, your neighbor will be the first to call the police. This fact greatly facilitates the work and, accordingly, affects the number of police officers.

So how many cops should there be? More, less or what now?

Mikhail Pashkin thought.

It is necessary to dance from the number of crimes, - he answered. - And we have, according to various estimates, about 25 million hidden, unrecorded crimes. Until we know exactly how many offenses are actually in each district, it is impossible to talk about the number of police. For example, in Moscow, an expert may have two visits per day in one district, and 20 in another. Naturally, there should be more experts in the second district. And now it's the same across the state. It is necessary to carry out attestation of workplaces everywhere, we are now developing its criteria.


According to Mikhail Makov, it is possible to reduce the number of police officers only by changing the entire law enforcement system.

In the US, there are operatives and investigators rolled into one - detectives, - he says. - And here, first, the operative will interview eyewitnesses, send the material to the interrogating officer or investigator. The latter will interrogate them again and give the opera new instructions. The prosecutor's office checks all this, also writes papers. If the duplication of functions is removed, both the investigative and operational apparatus can be reduced. In general, we have a very cumbersome bureaucratic system that devours a huge amount of man-hours.

Mikhail Pashkin has his own recipes for reforming the system.

The only way is the redistribution of personnel in favor of the "land", district departments, - he says. - In Moscow during the Soviet era there was a central office and there were regional departments. And now, for some reason, departments have been created for the districts, in which the generals, their assistants, secretaries, and technical employees sit. Yes, and now there are people working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have settled down by pull and have never sniffed the “land”. It is necessary to lower them there, and the issues with the number of personnel will be resolved by themselves.

Where there are more guards

* *According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


Let's defeat the masses with education!

It is necessary to solve the problem of maintaining order at the expense of quality, not quantity, - says Pavel Krasheninnikov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Legislation. - The Bar Association has long been suggesting that only people with higher education and officer rank. It would seem, what does this have to do with the number of policemen? But now there are a lot of situations when young sergeants do what they then have to correct through colossal paperwork and at the expense of other police officers' time. Also, it seems to me, it is necessary to save the police from guarding football matches and other public events. In many countries, security inside stadiums is provided by the clubs themselves. And the police keep order only outside.


Gentlemen are not yet believed

Our system of internal affairs, of course, is not the most compact. But I would not be in a hurry to enter the "disarmament race". The recent reduction in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has become something like a reduction in barge haulers pulling a barge. The weight is the same - there are no fewer crimes and drunken people on the roads. And people in uniform - minus twenty percent. Of course, there are many complaints against the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself. Many will say that such a police is not something to be reduced - it needs to be dispersed. But for now, we don't have another one. And, in fairness, we admit that many really work for wear and tear.

Probably, it is possible to "squeeze" the state a little by reducing bureaucratic costs. But it can also go sideways. Yes, our sentries and the opera are overwhelmed with a paper routine. Reports, replies, inspectors - in the countries we envy, there is not much of this. But let's not forget that our procedure is sharpened in such a way that at any time it is possible to check every step of the operative, the investigator and others like them, to eliminate as much as possible the corruption component that has set the teeth on edge and the possibility of abuse.

Remember the joke when Petka plays cards with English lords? "I have three aces," says the lord. Petka: "Show me." They object to him: "Gentlemen are believed." “It was then,” says Petka, “that the card flooded me.” Likewise with the police. If their officer said, then it is so. And we better check twenty times. Until we can trust the cops like gentlemen, it's best not to risk it and save money just yet. It will come out more expensive.



Do you have enough cops?

Ruslan GRINBERG, Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

This is exactly the case when the quantity does not matter. We are all waiting for a significant improvement in the quality of the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which we were promised when they renamed the police to the police.

Alexey FILATOV, Vice President international association veterans of the anti-terror unit "Alpha":

Very often, in case of an accident, the traffic police have to wait for hours. It seems that we have a terrible shortage of law enforcement officers. In fact, there are enough of them, but they do not want to do their direct duties.

Anatoly LYSENKO, editor-in-chief of the Public Russian Television:

I have enough. There were cases when the police really helped me and my work colleagues. The only thing I would add is traffic controllers on busy highways. There are similar services in many large cities of the world, but in our country “people with sticks” have disappeared somewhere.

Evgeny KURAKOV, police officer, Nizhny Novgorod region:

We don't have enough male police officers! Some women go to work. It is understandable: the salary was raised, the ladies can easily live on it. But the head of the family, like me, is still not enough.

Karomat SHARIPOV, President of the public movement "Labor Migrants of Tajikistan":

And believe me, it seems to migrants that there are not three, but 15 times more police officers than in America! They stop, they take away money... No, not all of them, but, unfortunately, many of them.

Tatyana DOGILEVA, actress:

When I called the police and asked them to drive away the company of drunken brawlers from the Patriarch's Ponds, they told me that they did not have enough people.

Vladimir GUSEV, actor, TV series "Road cops":

It's not about numbers, it's about trust. I do not feel that I can turn to them for help as good friends who will definitely help out.

Alexey, trucker, listener of KP radio:

Yes, they are overkill! By the time I get from Moscow to Orenburg, ten carriages will stop me. And present the documents to each, show the cargo. I'm wasting so much time.

Alena, KP.RU reader:

I definitely have enough: dad, two brothers, even my mother-in-law - and everyone works in the police! In the mornings, there is a queue for the toilet according to rank and rank ... One joy - in case of problems, there is someone to intercede.

In Russia, there are up to 5 million people in law enforcement agencies. Almost every eighth man in the country is a security official. Expenses for the army, police, secret police make up more than 30% of the federal budget and a significant part of the budgets of the regions. Russia continues to be a Prussian-style system, founded under Peter I.

Russia has always been considered a militocracy - a state where everything related to the war was the main interest.

The ancestor of Russia of the "new model" Peter I just took it and stupidly wrote off state structure from the Prussian model. The choice of the Prussian path then, in the early 1700s, was not accidental - it was considered the most successful mobilization option, which made it possible to quickly create an army, the military-industrial complex and logistics enterprises serving them. The state was "sharpened" for war - and this "sharpening" remained here for the next 300 years. All other branches of the economy were considered as an auxiliary function of the war. A school is needed so that a soldier is literate, medicine is needed so that a soldier can be quickly put into service after being wounded, statistics and records are needed so that recruits are better taken into account. And trade is needed - in order to build ships and guns with the proceeds. War for the sake of war.

It would seem that in a “democratic Russia” of the Yeltsin-Putin type, the country would have to get rid of birth trauma. But no, the main priority in the country remains the same model laid down by Peter I - the army and control over the points of export of raw materials. Only now, instead of the ports where the grain was reloaded, Her Majesty the Trumpet has become. All these sticks, workdays, shagistics, a person as a cog in a machine - everything that was valuable under Frederick and Catherine the Great continued to live in our System. With a slight difference - all sorts of policemen, secret police officers and jailers were added to the army.

Thus, the staff of the penitentiary system (jailers) is 347.5 thousand people. The total number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs last year was 1.325 million people, of which "non-federal" - 39% of the personnel. In the same structure, there are 200 thousand employees in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is impossible to find out the number of the FSB - information on the service is classified. According to scattered data, it ranges from 80 to 120 thousand people, not counting the employees of the Border Service. Together with them, it exceeds 200 thousand people. The number of employees of the SVR is also secret - according to various estimates, together with agents it is up to 20 thousand people. The number of the FSO is also classified, although the media give figures from 10,000 to 25,000 people.

The Interpreter's Blog has already written that modern Russia, compared to the Stalinist USSR of the 1953 model, is a super-police state. Taking into account the difference in population, the FSB today has almost 2 times more employees, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - by 60%.

The Russian customs service has 68 thousand people.

The staff of prosecutors is 63 thousand people (of which about 20 thousand work in the Investigative Committee).

The Ministry of Emergency Situations employs 371 thousand people (including 19.5 thousand Civil Defense soldiers), and another 280 thousand work in the fire department.

The staff of the judiciary consists of 23,172 federal judges of the courts general jurisdiction and 6,779 justices of the peace. Total almost 30 thousand people.

The FSKN (drug police) employs 40,000 Russians.

The Federal Bailiff Service has 23,000 people, however, Deputy Chief Bailiff of the Russian Federation Voronin admitted that the service is allowed to have 60,000 employees (which means that in a year or two the staff will be understaffed, there is no doubt).

The courier service is considered to be quite scanty in number - only 4475 people.

166,000 people are employed in the Tax Service (although they are not exactly security forces).

The most numerous is the composition of the Ministry of Defense - 1.16 million military personnel plus 860 thousand civil servants. However, the number of military personnel under the contract is slightly more than 55% (of which 12% are soldiers and sergeants). Thus, the number of professional military is 638 thousand people. With the "military without shoulder straps" (the same civil servants of the Moscow Region) - 1.5 million people.

The federal migration service employs 34.3 thousand people.

In addition, the “civilian armies” of state corporations can also be attributed to the security forces. So, the paramilitary guards of the Russian Railways alone are 80 thousand people. And together with the "armies" of Gazprom, Transneft, Rosatom, etc. their total number may exceed 150 thousand people.

Thus, the total number of security forces in Russia is 4.6-4.65 million people.

Is it a lot or a little? The total working-age population of Russia is 87 million people, of which about 42 million are men. Excluding the disabled, there are about 38 million people in places of detention. Thus, there are about 12% of the security forces in the country, or every eighth man.

Now let's see how much it costs to maintain such an army of security forces.

Expenses for the department of the Ministry of Defense for 2011 - 1 trillion. 517 billion rubles.

For law enforcement - 1 trillion. 56 billion rubles.

There is also the so-called. "secret part of federal budget expenditures". It includes the content of the FSB, SVR and other special services. In 2010, these expenses amounted to 1 trillion. 40 billion rubles.

Thus, the total expenditure on these three items amounted to 3 trillion. 613 billion rubles. From the total federal budget of 9.9 trillion. rubles, this is approximately 36% of all expenses.

However, one should not be deceived by the finality of this figure - the costs of the security forces are also included in the “peaceful” articles of the federal budget. So, there are secret articles in the "social" sections. They appeared there because in 2005 the recommendation of the World Bank was adopted to remove “extra” expenses from the “defense” item: military hospitals - to “health care”, schools in military camps - to “education”, etc. In total, this is another tens of billions of rubles.

In addition, the costs of the secret police and the police are included in the regional budgets. Here is just one example. In the Magadan region, the regional budget expenditures for 2010 on national security and law enforcement activities amounted to 630.5 million rubles, including 207.5 million rubles on internal affairs bodies (the total budget of the region is 15.3 billion rubles) .

As a result, dozens more, or even more than a hundred billion rubles, are running up under the article “maintenance of the security forces” throughout the country. At the same time, there are also various extra-budgetary and "public" funds - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the FSO, etc. How much money accumulates in them - no one knows. For example, only one state-owned company, Transneft, “donated” only two such power funds (among them, the Fund for Assistance to Employees and Veterans Federal Service protection "Kremlin-9") 1 billion rubles.

In principle, such expenditures of the Russian budget are comparable to those of the US budget ($1.6 trillion out of $3.83 trillion; see chart below).

  • Category: Uncategorized

Oddly enough, the number of police officers per capita in Russia is also several times higher than world standards.

Sergey Okunev with figures in his hands refutes the myth that more police means more security

The day of the Russian police was widely celebrated in narrow circles the other day. This, perhaps, is one of the loudest “profile” holidays, along with the Airborne Forces Day. First of all, because in Lately there are so many police officers in Russia that almost more people celebrate Police Day than the conditional Easter. And now, taking advantage of the solemn occasion, I would like to once again talk about the Russian police and its effectiveness.
Of course, the temptation is strong to once again talk about the dispersal of rallies, beatings and murders in police departments and other lawlessness that is happening in our country. But, firstly, there has been so much of all this lately that it’s no longer surprising anyone, and secondly, it’s still a holiday, I want to somehow touch on the topic of the Russian police in more depth.
And here, it’s very useful to recall one classic myth: yes, there are a lot of police in Russia, yes, they have broad powers and sometimes they exceed them, but it’s safe here! Not like in this damned Europe. And in the USA? It's scary to go outside after 21:00!

This typical myth can be briefly called - "More police - more security." And today is a great moment to figure out what is wrong with this thesis.
To begin with, it is worth understanding the first part of this phrase. Are there many police in Russia? Yes. So many. Our country in last years consistently included in the list of countries with the largest number police officers per 100,000 population. And this despite the fact that in addition to the actual police, we also have the National Guard, all kinds of special departments under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, OMON, and so on. This is not taken into account in many ratings, so how many police officers and various other law enforcement officers are still in Russia is not very clear. However, even if you count official figures, Russia has 610 police officers per 100,000 population. And if this figure does not impress you, then let's compare it with Germany - 299 employees and France - 356. At the same time, it should be noted that these countries in Europe are perhaps the most problematic in terms of public security, especially against the backdrop of the migration crisis and other internal problems. That is, these figures are crisis figures and they are two times less than in “stable” Russia.

Are there countries with more police? Of course, there are, but I'm afraid that not every one of you even the first time will read their names without hesitation. For example - Antigua and Barbuda - 734 police officers per hundred thousand population, Bahamas - 848 officers, Bermuda - 730, Brunei - 1076, Grenada - 818, Dominica - 710, Macau - 738, Monaco - 1375, Nauru - 800, Niue - 800 and a number of dwarf states. Of course, it is not statistically correct to compare Russia with dwarf states, since this “skew” is caused by the small population of these countries. From more or less adequate examples - Serbia - 632 employees per hundred thousand, Singapore - 753, Montenegro - 840, South Sudan - 630. In general, that's all. All other civilized countries of the world have fewer police officers than in Russia.

To understand the issue, it is important to keep in mind that, according to the UN recommendations, the best indicator for the conservation public order 220 police officers per 100,000 inhabitants consider security and safety, which is almost 3 times more in Russia. In addition, according to the estimates of the same UN in Russia, there are 976 police officers per 100 thousand of the population, but this rating includes various departments, including the departments for combating drugs, the notorious "Center E" and so on.

In order for you to finally understand whether there are many or few police officers in Russia, let's compare with neighboring and familiar countries. For example, in Estonia there are 237 employees per 100,00 population, Latvia - 195, Lithuania - 325, Poland - 262, Romania - 281 and even Ukraine - 397. The United States, however, is just a myth - 256 employees per 100 thousand, more than 2 times less than in Russia.

So, we have dealt with the first part. There are many, many, just indecently many police in Russia. Based on the thesis “More policemen - more security”, our country should be the safest in the world, or at least be one of the three such countries. To find out, you can turn to, perhaps, the most authoritative source on the topic - the reports of the "UN Office on Drugs and Crime". This department regularly publishes official statistics in many dozens of countries of the world, including Russia. And since it would be strange to take whole numbers due to the difference in the population of the countries, we will use the same rates per 100,000 population. Perhaps, a more impartial and objective method of statistics cannot be found.

So, Russia, with its entire army of law enforcement agencies, ranks 16th in the list of countries in terms of the number of murders per 100,000 population. And if you think that 16 is not even a ten, and certainly not the first place, then you should look at those who are in front of us. List on your screens.

Here, perhaps, it can be noted that the rest of Russia's "competitors" are third world countries. However, for example, in the Congo, Nigeria, Gambia, Guinea-Besau and Ethiopia, there are fewer murders than in Russia.

Of the more or less adequate countries - Lithuania is in 46th place with a coefficient exactly two times lower than ours, the USA is in 51st place, Estonia is in 61st place, Belgium, for example, in 70th, Finland in 74th, France in 75th, Germany in 93rd place with an indicator of more than 10 times lower than ours, Poland is on the 97th line. You can continue indefinitely, but the essence is probably already clear.

In the general list of countries, Russia occupies 172nd place, provided that the first is the safest countries, and the last is those where the murders are the most. And in other indicators, it is difficult for Russia to compete even with the Baltic countries. For example, we are almost twice as likely to be robbed than in the same Estonia - 50.7 robberies per 100,000 population versus 25.6 cases in the Balts. 709 thefts per 100,000 population versus 357 cases in Poland. Although, it is worth recognizing, cars are stolen from us as often as from the Poles.

There are a lot of all kinds of reports, both from the UN and independent agencies, each of you can open Google right now and compare Russia's performance with other countries. And what conclusion can be drawn from these indicators? And the conclusion is very simple - the safest countries, in which thefts, murders and rapes are the least, just have a small number of police officers per capita. And countries with more than 500 employees per 100,000 are third world countries, most often in deep crisis. And it is a pity that Russia is in the first positions in this list.

Sergey Okunev

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