Step by step learning English. Is it possible to learn English at home? Comprehensively, from all sides: how to learn English on your own from scratch

You will need

  • - teaching aids in English;
  • - workbook;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - DVD player;
  • - MP3 player;
  • - video materials in English;
  • - Audiobooks in English.


Determine what you need English for. In the process of self-study, you will have to constantly motivate yourself by making time for classes and expending effort, so it is important to find a good reason that will become a universal motivator for you. Depending on your situation, the goal may be a tourist trip, abroad, work in a prestigious foreign company.

Get ready for some serious hard work. Offered everywhere so-called modern technologies mastering languages ​​that are supposedly capable of making you speak fluently in a month inspire unnecessary illusions. Learning a language can take several months of focused independent work and to master the language perfectly, it may take several years.

Start learning in English from the alphabet and pronunciation. Without knowing this or that letter, it will be difficult to use a dictionary, read an abbreviation, and even just dictate your name on the phone.

Having mastered the alphabet, proceed to memorize words. Be sure to limit yourself to certain time frames. For example, set yourself a minimum goal for a month to learn new words. This will amount to only 15-20 lexical units per day. Stick to your plan strictly. It is important not just to memorize any words, but to first try to translate the language of the speech set that you are used to using daily. This will save you from having to learn those words that you may never need.

For a quick review of the material covered, get yourself a separate notebook-dictionary. Write in your notebook the words you have mastered and the expressions you like. It is important to take notes by hand, as this connects motor memory and contributes to a better assimilation of new material. Another valuable tool for self-study English language cards can become separate cards, on one side of which the word is written in -, and on the back - its English equivalent.

In parallel with the accumulation of vocabulary, start learning the basics of English grammar. This will allow you to correctly build phrases from the learned words. Try to say as much of what you are learning out loud as possible.

To develop the skills of understanding foreign speech, watch films and videos on DVD in the language without translation. It is advisable to have a notebook and a pen with you. Turn off subtitles and try to listen individual words and expressions. After pausing the player, do not be too lazy to turn to the dictionary to look up the meaning of the new word you hear. Periodic listening to English-language radio stations, especially news channels, will also be a good help.

Use an MP3 player to free time listen to books in the language. It will also allow you to understand the structure of speech and feel its melody. It is convenient to have a text version of the book on hand for parallel reading. The skill of simultaneous listening and reading will be especially valuable at the initial stage of mastering the language.

Make learning English a priority, and don't be afraid to sacrifice the lesser daily activities for it. When planning time for classes, aim to study for 20-30 minutes, then switch to other things, and then pay attention to the language again. Breaks at work will make learning more effective.

Related article

When studying, the desire to achieve results, the right program, and good teacher and even well-chosen textbooks. But what if there is neither a teacher nor a knowledgeable helper, but the desire is nonetheless present? How to learn English on your own and get the most out of the process?


Correctly determine the period for which you want to learn the language. Language proficiency levels vary. If your goal is simply to be able to order dishes in, then it will take less than a month to achieve this level of proficiency, given the sophistication of culinary terms. If your goal is to truly master, that is, understand different dialects, the ability to speak without thinking, read newspapers, classical literature and watch the news, understanding fast speech, this implies completely different time costs - 5 years or, with maximum motivation, 3 years. A novice student needs to decide on a deadline right away, because time management is one of the main factors for successful learning foreign language.

Try to plan your day so that every day you have at least an hour (at least!), And preferably two or three, to study the language.
Remember that any language requires daily practice. Even those who can say that they are fluent in a particular language lose their knack if they do not practice for more than two months.

It should be noted that the process of learning a foreign language consists of three main parts: studying the grammatical structure of the language (syntax, tenses, etc.), replenishing vocabulary and practicing correct pronunciation. It is in this order that priorities should be laid out when learning a language at the initial stages, in the intermediate period and at the last stages.

Do you want to learn English quickly and easily? If you did not have time to do this at school or you did not have such an opportunity, do not despair! You will be able to speak English very soon with very little effort if you approach learning English the right way.

Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end...because in the end, it shows you a whole new world !!! Make an attempt.

Getting out of the comfort zone is so difficult at first, chaotic in the middle, but how wonderful at the end ... Because at the end the whole world will open before you in a new way!!! Just give it a try.

In the modern world, there are many ways to learn foreign languages, and sometimes it is not easy for a person to understand this variety of methods, textbooks, schools and approaches. Some simple tips will help you take the first step and choose what is right for you and not go astray.

You can learn more about the intensive method of learning English from the article.

English for dummies from scratch. How to start?

The initial stage in learning English is the most difficult, but you have the most important thing - strength and desire

Where to start learning English?

Learning English from scratch simply won’t work, because you already have a certain amount of knowledge in your head. And this is thanks to the many borrowed words ( information, conflict, comfort), names trademarks (Tide- clean, Safe guard- protection, Dove- dove), speaking surnames famous people (Tina Turner(turner), Nicholas Cage(cell), names of musical groups ( No Doubt(without a doubt), Destiny's Child(child of fate) spice girls(Pepper girls). Not to mention the common phrases thank you, hello, yes, ok, wow, which we have been using in Russian colloquial speech for a long time.

Without suspecting it, you already know English words and expressions. And this is the first thing that should inspire you! It remains only to direct the existing knowledge in the right direction.

How to choose a school and an English teacher?

The best option at the initial stage of learning a language is to find a teacher. By famous saying The disciple is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be kindled. This torch can be lit for you by a teacher, with his twinkle in his eyes and a great desire and ability to teach. Most importantly, it must be a professional in his field .

“Here is a non-professional, if instead of building lively conversational situations, he makes you perform tasks at the level of meaning, i.e. just "drives" you through the textbook. Instead of constantly complimenting you, encouraging communication, he makes comments, rejoices at your every mistake if he comes to class without original materials (newspapers, magazines, books, radio programs, etc.), limited to teaching aids.” Ilya Frank

Russian teacher or native speaker?

And one more wish - for a start it should be a Russian-speaking teacher. Only he will be able to understand why you made this or that mistake, in simple words he will explain complex grammatical phenomena, the difference between words, comparing with the Russian language.

However one teacher is not enough to master the language. In your free time, do additional tasks, repeat the past. Whoever has the desire and interest will definitely do it.

And it is also possible that you have motivation, but for some reason you decided to study English on your own. Be prepared for the fact that this will take much more time and effort, as you will need to not only complete tasks, but also select and check them yourself! Here you can find channels for learning English on YouTube to help you.

Group English lessons in an offline school - great way learn a language and meet new people

To clearly represent what you need to learn, you need to know its structure. Imagine that words (vocabulary) are musicians, each of them can play separately, their instruments make sounds (phonetics), and in order to organize them into a single orchestra, to coordinate them, they need a conductor (grammar).

If the musician does not appear (you don’t know the word), or if he comes, but takes false notes (pronounce it incorrectly), or the conductor gives the wrong command (break the grammar rule) - you won’t get a perfect symphony!


Vocabulary, grammar, phonetics are the three pillars on which the language rests. Only by studying them in a complex, you can master and understand the language, sound beautiful and correct.

Learn English words

Suppose a lost tourist does not know grammar, but he knows individual words - I, search, station, or only one word station. Even if he pronounces it with an accent and not quite correctly and turns to passers-by with this word, he will most likely be understood. But if he does not know how the station is in English, they are unlikely to help him. Words are your base, constantly replenish your vocabulary.

The vocabulary of most native English speakers is 12000-20000 words, and in order to explain yourself in English, it is enough to learn 1500-2000 words. And this is not so much, especially if you set yourself the goal of learning 5 words daily.

There are a lot of ways to remember words, long lists of words in textbooks give way to colorful visual dictionaries, video materials on the Internet, where words on a specific topic are presented with their image and pronunciation. Or it can be paper cards that you can buy or make yourself.

Cards with a picture and a translation on the back will help you quickly learn English words.

Let English words surround you! The method of hanging notes with words around the house has proven itself well. Hang a note on the door, window, table with a word denoting this object, and believe me, very soon you will call these objects in English.

From the very beginning, create your own dictionary in which you will enter all new words and expressions. And in order to make the results more noticeable and have something to praise yourself for - number the recorded words, highlight them different colors depending on how easy or difficult they are for you. Be creative, turn your vocabulary into a unique creative masterpiece! See the video below for some vocabulary design ideas.

And most importantly: do not learn everything, but only the most necessary. Choose priority topics for yourself, for example, family, food, shopping, travel. Do not try to embrace the immensity. Language is taught all life!

Having found the right word in the dictionary, do not be too lazy to look through the entire dictionary entry. There are situations when it is better to learn not a single word, but a whole expression, especially if it sounds different in Russian, for example, to get acquainted with, to be afraid of, to catch a cold. Having memorized such phrases in a whole expression, you will remember them ready-made, like one long word.

Do not forget to repeat the written words from time to time, and then they will be remembered quickly and involuntarily. You can also install mobile applications to learn English words, which are now quite a lot on the Internet.

Learn English grammar

Grammar cannot be ignored. As much as advocates of alternative and communicative techniques fight against the “cramming” of grammar rules and boring exercises, grammar rules need to be taught and trained. At the initial stage of study, it will be easier for you to learn a ready-made rule and exceptions than to identify patterns on your own.

However, learning grammar should not be an end in itself. To consolidate the studied grammatical material, combine it with vocabulary. For example, having learned, make up a story about your family or working day, having learned the degrees of comparison of adjectives - describe the weather forecast yesterday and today, having studied the adverbs of quantity - write a recipe for your favorite dish.

Practice makes perfect

Consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice in all forms: reading, listening, writing, speaking. If you miss even one link from this chain, you run the risk of not overcoming the language barrier.

It should be simple articles and news. Or adapted literature, where at first unnecessary intricate constructions are excluded, there are explanations and exercises for reading comprehension. It is convenient to read books in electronic form with an electronic dictionary, because it is enough to point to an unfamiliar word and the dictionary will provide you with a translation, which is much easier compared to a paper dictionary.

Learn English by listening

It can be news, podcasts for beginners, stories. From time to time, use the passive listening method, let the English speech sound in the background. Believe me, the information will be remembered at a subconscious level.

Try to repeat what you hear from native speakers, imitating intonation and pronunciation. You can see an example of intuitive word memorization by watching the video.

Listen also to English songs, catch individual words, develop a language guess. It is especially helpful to start with simple songs where lines or constructions are repeated. For example, thanks to the song "All at once" (author Lenka), you will learn how to compare:

It is quite possible to repeat these lines even for a beginner, and by singing them, you will train your pronunciation and will be able to transform your speech.

What to watch to start?

Find your way to learn English comfortably

A good start won't make you a fluent speaker yet. The tongue, like a plant, requires care, water it every day: read, listen, write, speak! Only then will it bear fruit.

Find your own path to the goal. Nobody knows you better than yourself. Try to think in English, describe everything that surrounds you. Let at first it will be separate words, then phrases, and soon sentences.

The French linguist Claude Ajezh once said: “Of all the languages ​​on the planet, English is the most flexible and most responsive to changing reality” And it's true! Every year, the English language is replenished with 4,000 new words!

Try teaching English to someone who knows it worse. Yes, you will not learn anything new, but by explaining to another, you will better understand and consolidate your knowledge. You can study together with someone (relative, friend, colleague), compose short dialogues. Well, if it is a person who is just as eager to learn English as you are. Perhaps together it will be easier for you to understand.

The main thing is to practice regularly and as often as possible (ideally every day). Your results depend on how systematically you do this. It's like an athlete who needs to keep fit. This is the only way you will get used to the language. That's right, you need to get used to the language.


The initial stage in learning English is the most difficult, it is at this stage that the foundation is laid. You have to overcome the language barrier and believe in yourself or lose the desire to learn the language forever. Remember the simple rules for successfully learning English:

  1. Find not just a teacher, but a professional in your field, if there is no opportunity and desire, be your own teacher.
  2. Study regularly, do not take on new things without repeating what you have learned.
  3. Train all types of speech activities: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Let English into your life and it will love you back.
  4. Love what you do so that learning a language becomes a part of your life, brings pleasure. With the right methods and materials, it will be easy! Good luck!

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5 top tips for those who want to start learning English from scratch.

Use them and you won't have to feel the bump that jumped up from trying to break your forehead while trying to learn English on your own :-)

Today, as always, we are talking about various tips, methods and tricks that will help you start or accelerate your learning of English on your own! and save you from the insidious bump 🙂

A friend of mine recently asked me an interesting question.

She told me that she had been wanting to start learning English for several months now. Not for a trip abroad, not for work, but just for myself, for self-development.

– “Oksana, - she said, - I just don't know where to start! Do I need to learn English transcription first and start reading? Or spend more time speaking English or writing? And which textbook is right for me, if now I have a level of zero?

– “Listen and remember...”I replied.

I am sure that many of you who want to learn English have similar questions. Therefore, today we will talk about how and with what it is better to start learning English. Read and remember, friends 🙂


For whatever purpose you would not need English, always start learning to speak it. This is the foundation of the basics. The most important thing in learning a language is learning how to speak it. That is, you need to start learning English by learning how to speak the language.

Even if you want to learn English, but you need to read a lot in it or write letters, messages, anyway, start by practicing your conversational speech. and English phrases, master the basic communication skills in English, and then smoothly move into the direction that you need - whether it is the ability to read and understand English texts, or English writing etc.


The next step to getting started learning English the right way is learning basic English grammar. Pay special attention to it, because it is the key to your competent English speech, your ability to speak English beautifully. Knowing English grammar will help you formulate sentences while communicating in English and use the learned English words correctly in speech.

I will not open America to you if I say basic English grammar, in fact, it is much simpler and easier than the grammar, for example, of the Russian language. Therefore, it will not take you much time to study, I repeat, BASIC English grammar.


If you want to learn English on your own, take as a basis a course teaching the language from scratch. Why a course? Because all the work has already been done for you. All topics are painted, divided, thought out and explained.

You don't need to spend hours and hours looking for free video or audio lessons. Believe me, you will spend much more time trying to gnaw through the granite of English in disparate, unrelated passages of lessons than if you study in a complex system. Moreover, the online course can always be downloaded after purchase.

And, pay attention, if you have a zero or entry level, then choose a course with a Russian-speaking teacher, because only he can explain to you all the nuances of English grammar, translation and other features of the English language that are completely uncharacteristic of Russian. Ideally, of course, the course should also contain the conversations of native speakers, so that you can listen to it all at home and train to understand it. Self-taught English from scratch can be a real salvation and is often suitable for both an adult and a child. 🙂


Why should you start learning English?

Start with the most common words.

What words to start with? You need to take on English with the help of those words that are the most “high-frequency”. That is, those that you constantly use in Russian: eat, drink, exercise, work, etc. As a rule, they are given in any good textbook or course.

And one more thing that is important both for those who have been studying English for a long time, and for those who are just going to take it up. Whether you want to learn English or any other foreign language - Be sure to develop all four language skills: TALKING, SPEECH UNDERSTANDING, READING AND WRITING.

At the very beginning, pay special attention to the skill of speaking, that is, the desire to learn to speak English should be your first priority. However, this does not mean that you can forget about the rest of the skills or put them on the back burner)) Although the ability to speak will be your main priority, gradually develop other skills: gradually learn to read, write, understand English speech. And then you will not be able to avoid success in this matter! :-)


And the last thing: which English textbook to choose?

And here I would advise you to study according to foreign textbooks written by native speakers. They are usually more interesting and much more effective. For those who start learning English from the very beginning, from zero to zero, it can be, for example, ENGLISH FILE BEGINNER or ENGLISH FOR LIFE BEGINNER. Please note: the word BEGINNER means beginner, respectively, these tutorials are suitable only for those who only starts. But, unlike online course, here you cannot do without the help of an English teacher.

These five simple tips will help you get off to a good start in learning English. By adopting them, you will quickly achieve the desired success. As they say in one statement: WHO OWNS THE INFORMATION, THAT OWNS THE WORLD! AND I BELIEVE IN YOU!!

How to start learning English on your own?

This question can be asked by two categories of people: very, very beginners and those who have some kind of weathered base since school days. So let's immediately separate: beginners - to the left (more precisely, we read further this article), and those who studied - to the right and. Because the recipe will be different for you.

Now for you newbies only: this article is about your route from beginner to elementary. Together with Olga Sinitsyna, Head of the Methodology Department, we described each step in detail and collected all the necessary links. This is the most complete article on the topic. It is for those who want to do everything themselves.

Content of the article: learning English on your own from scratch

1. Alphabet: learn English from scratch on your own and for free

Pay attention to the patterns and differences of the sound system as a whole: there are almost no soft consonants in English, there are long / short and wide / narrow vowels, etc. To deal with all this, .

3. First words: learn English on your own from scratch for free online

Since sounds need to be learned as part of a word, at the very first stage you will learn your first English words. Need to start with simple words that are used in everyday life.

6. Learn English grammar for beginners

In parallel with reading and learning whole phrases, you need to deal with grammar. But not in theory, do not delve into it in itself - learn useful English phrases and on their own example, delve into the essence of grammatical rules. How it works, .

Also watch the video on how to learn grammar for a beginner

Let's take a look at what exactly you need to understand and remember at the initial level:

Articles. They are not in Russian at all. The article is a functional word that is used together with a noun:

an apple (apple)

We have used the indefinite article here. an because the word starts with a vowel. If the word begins with a consonant, then the article will be - a.

a dog (dog)

But in addition to the indefinite article, there is also a definite - the. The video will also help you understand the articles:

Plural. Learn the rules for pluralizing nouns. This is usually done by adding the -s suffix:

a cat - cats (cat - cats)

Order of words in a sentence. In English, it is strict: first comes the subject, then the predicate, then the other members of the sentence:

I love my job. (I love my job)

AT interrogative sentence already a different word order and an auxiliary verb is added:

Do I love my job? (I love my job?)

Understanding these subtleties will help you.

There must be a verb. without a verb English sentence simply cannot exist. And where there is no verb in Russian,.

I am a doctor. (I am a doctor or I there is doctor, literally)

Features of the system of times. There are three tenses in English, like ours: present, past and future. But each tense has four forms, and students are constantly confused in them. You do not need to immediately plunge into this chaos, .

Imperative mood when you tell another person what to do. In English, it is formed simply:

love me! (Love me!) Do it! (Do this one)

And other topics: degrees of comparison of adjectives, correct and Irregular Verbs, turnover there is - there are. The entire list of topics And so you and I will gradually get to elementary.

7. Comprehensively, from all sides: how to learn English on your own from scratch

All this - words, phrases, grammar - needs to be pumped from 4 sides: listening, writing, speaking and reading. We have collected and described for you independent exercises and materials for working on each skill:

Your level is now zero or beginner. On average, it takes 90-100 hours of practice to reach the next level. Immediately decide how many hours a day you are ready to practice? If by the hour, then in 3 - 3.5 months you should reach the elementary level. If half an hour, then multiply the time by two. So mark this period as a deadline.

Now break down that huge goal of "achieving elementary level" into specific and very clear goals like "learn to express thoughts in the present tense", "learn the 100 most common words", "read a book in English". Plan these tasks according to specific deadlines.

Be sure to read! Or watch the video:

9. And then what? How to learn English on your own at home from scratch quickly

Learn English on your own online from scratch

Now you have a clear plan of action. All in your hands. If you need simulators for practicing English, then. When registering, we will determine your level of English, together we will choose the goal. And after that, the service will throw up daily classes for practice: vocabulary and grammar training, short stories for reading, video and audio for beginners. Let's break through together. 🙂

English is one of the languages ​​of international communication. Wherever you are, no matter what continent you fall into, it is this knowledge that will help you establish contact with the locals. Therefore, most people want to know this foreign language, if not ideally, then at least at a conversational level.

Why study English

First, let's identify the main reasons that can serve as excellent motivation for learning English.

  1. Education abroad. Almost all foreign universities require knowledge of English from foreign students. One of the conditions for successful admission is the passing of an international language exam, and at least at the Upper-Intermediate level.
  2. Internship or work abroad. Many international companies want to see smart, hardworking employees in their ranks, but it is important not only to be a specialist in their profession, but also to speak English at a sufficiently high level.
  3. Vacation abroad. Do you want to relax? Then you will also need knowledge of English at least at the Intermediate level. Although you may not be able to fully understand English, you can easily ask how to get to the museum or order a lunch in a cafe.
  4. Self-development. You strive to be better and not only physically. Learning English will be a wonderful opportunity not only to expand your horizons, but also to train your memory, thinking, and also get the opportunity to read your favorite books in the original and not wait for the voice acting of a new series of your favorite series.

Who can help in learning the language

Of course, learning English is best in courses or with the help of a tutor. But what if it's not possible? There is not always time for trips to the tutor, and this pleasure is not cheap. In this case, you can try to learn the language yourself.

Friends and acquaintances can help you with this. First of all, find a practicing translator or English teacher. Ask him to help determine your level of language proficiency, as well as find the necessary textbooks and materials for studying. After talking with you and inviting you to take certain tests, he will be able to tell you what exactly you should pay attention to when learning the language, and will reveal your strengths and weaknesses.

Next, you will need a friend or acquaintance who speaks English or is fluent in it. With it, you will develop your speaking skills. It's good if you have an acquaintance who is learning English and is ready to communicate with you from time to time, but it's even better if you meet a native speaker in social network and you will periodically correspond with him and even call him via Skype.

Learning English on your own

You have decided to start learning English on your own. Then you should familiarize yourself with a number of tips and tricks that will help you not only quickly, but also effectively learn a foreign language.

Study Methods

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about the basic methods and techniques of learning a foreign language. It is on them that textbooks and courses are based.

  1. Communicative method, implies active communication with native speakers or with people who study English. Its main task is to teach a person to speak, not to be afraid to communicate in English. At the same time, not only speaking is trained, but the perception of speech by ear, writing.
  2. Intensive technique involves the study and development of stable phrases and expressions which are most commonly found in English.
  3. Linguistic sociocultural method involves the study of English with immersion in the culture and history of Britain, the study of its traditions.

You may ask how to choose the right method. There is no single answer to this question. Some people prefer one method, others the other. But it's best to use all three, which will help you learn English better.

We find out the level of knowledge

Before you start learning a language, you need to determine the level of knowledge. To do this, you can pass special tests or, as already mentioned, talk with a practicing teacher.

There are six levels of English proficiency:

  1. Beginner level or Beginner, involves learning English from scratch.
  2. Elementary implies knowledge of simple phrases and individual words.
  3. At Intermediate level you know the basic rules of grammar and can form simple sentences.
  4. Upper Intermediate- Intermediate level, implies understanding of English speech, the ability to independently build stories and translate texts.
  5. Advanced- implies an extensive vocabulary, the ability to speak at the same pace with native speakers.
  6. Upper-Advanced- advanced level, which allows you to take international exams for high marks.

Depending on the level of proficiency, you will have to choose textbooks and Additional materials.

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We select textbooks

One of the most important stages in learning English is the choice of a textbook or tutorial.

When choosing a grant, you should pay attention to several important points.

  1. The year of publishing. Do not use old textbooks and tutorials from the end of the last century. The newer the textbook, the better. The language is constantly evolving, the rules and vocabulary are changing.
  2. Vocabulary. Be sure to make sure that there is a dictionary at the end of the book with which you can translate the texts given in the textbook.
  3. Answers to the exercises. Another important point. If you intend to learn the language on your own, then you will certainly need to check the completed exercises.
  4. Availability of reference schemes and tables.
  5. Audio CD to the exercises.
  6. Try to find a textbook, each lesson of which covers a new topic.
  7. Make sure there are exercises in each topic not only on grammar, but also on phonetics, vocabulary. Try to find a study guide that uses different kinds assignments - translation of texts and sentences from English into Russian and vice versa, construction of sentences, insertion of missing parts of a sentence, exercises on phonetics.
  8. A huge plus would be the presence of exercises in the textbook for phraseology.

Certainly, the best option there will be the purchase of textbooks from well-known British publishers specializing in teaching English, such as Oxford University Press or Cambridge University Press.

The set of textbooks from these publishers usually includes: a reading book, a workbook, a grammar book, a CD with audio materials, and a teacher's book in which you can find answers to all tasks. True, such a kit is not cheap, and not everyone will be able to study books in which even tasks are given in English.

We select audio and video aids

Not enough to study from the textbook. It will help you learn only the basic rules and replenish your vocabulary, and the use of audio and video materials will help you improve your skills.

Audio aids can be used when traveling to school or work, listen to them before going to bed. It is best to use a selection of thematic audio lessons.

Watching films in English helps not only to expand vocabulary, but also to learn pronunciation, remember intonation stress in a particular type of phrase.

When using films for education, follow these simple tips:

  1. Choose movies with subtitles.
  2. Try to find a movie or series that you have already seen. At the same time, focus on your level. It is likely that you will have to start learning the language with children's cartoons or the Extra series.
  3. Watch the movie in small portions at first, 10-20 minutes a day.
  4. Write down unfamiliar words and expressions in order to translate them.

Use thematic video courses to learn English. These can be video lessons on English phraseology, grammar. Dmitry Petrov's video course "Polyglot" is quite popular, in which the rules of English grammar are explained in a simple and accessible language.

Books to read

To develop vocabulary, as well as improve writing skills, you should read fiction in English. This will help you remember how a particular word is spelled, get acquainted with the construction of phrases and sentences, phraseological units.

For reading, use adapted literature. To write such books, the most frequently used and used words and expressions that you know are used. For most books, the level for which it is intended is indicated. It would be nice if audio versions were attached to them. So you can not only read the book, but also just listen to it, while following the text.

If your level of English is already quite high, then you can try reading your favorite English authors in the original.

It will be a big plus if additional materials are attached to the book, such as summary books, biography of the author, grammar and vocabulary exercises, tests, questions for discussion. Answers must also be given to the exercises.

We create favorable conditions

For successful language learning, you should adhere to the following tips:

  1. Be sure to schedule your classes. Lessons must be systematic. Try to set aside three or four days a week for this. Classes should last at least an hour, or even two.
  2. Alternate grammar lessons with vocabulary lessons, watching movies. If today you focused on learning the rule, then next time most time to translate the text or compose dialogues, letters.
  3. Study in a quiet, peaceful place. Do not watch TV or listen to music at the same time. Try to make sure that no one distracts you during this time.
  4. Take breaks from studying. Practice for 25-30 minutes, then allow yourself a break for 5 minutes.
  5. Use different programs and applications for learning English, solve crossword puzzles, play various linguistic games.

The right approach to learning is the key to successful language acquisition


Phonetics implies knowledge of the alphabet and the sound of each of the letters or their combinations. Starting to learn English, you should learn the English alphabet with the pronunciation of each letter.

Given that words in English don't always sound the way they're written, you'll have to devote a lot of time to learning new vocabulary. In this case, it is worth using a dictionary, studying and memorizing the transcription of each word.

When working with a textbook, be sure to perform phonetics exercises. Usually such exercises are voiced on the disk. You will be asked to read and repeat new words or phrases after the speaker. In this case, not only the pronunciation of a particular word will be worked out, but also intonation for various types phrases.

Reading and vocabulary

You can read texts in English with or without reading comprehension. In the first case, you need a significant vocabulary that you develop over time by reading new texts, doing exercises, listening to audio courses or watching videos.

Reading without understanding means that you can just read the text without understanding its essence. To do this, you will need knowledge of the English alphabet and the correspondence of letters and their combinations to sounds. But even in this case, no one will give you a full guarantee that you will be able to read this or that word correctly. In any case, you will have to resort to a dictionary every now and then, checking yourself.

To replenish vocabulary, you need to read new texts, watch films in the native language. In this case, all unfamiliar words should be written out in a special notebook, and then their transcription and translation should be found.

A big plus will be the creation of special cards. The English word is written on one side of the sheet, and its translation is written on the other. Go through these cards and try to translate words in your free time, and you will quickly replenish your vocabulary.


There is an opinion that it is not necessary to have a large vocabulary, the main thing is to know the grammar of the English language. Partly, it is. Knowing the correct construction of a particular construction, you can easily make a sentence or even write a whole text by referring to a dictionary.

The main exercises that will help you master grammar are translating sentences from Russian into English, building phrases and sentences from the proposed set of words, filling in gaps in the text or choosing one of several answer options, opening brackets in which you are asked to put this or that word in the correct form.

Very popular exercises in which you are invited to redesign the sentence, making it an interrogative, affirmative or exclamatory, change the tense.

For effective training, all types of exercises should be used.


Writing is closely related to grammar and vocabulary. During exercises for the development of written speech, not only knowledge of grammar is consolidated, but also vocabulary, the ability to write words correctly, without errors.

The most used exercises for the development of written speech are filling in gaps in words, correcting texts. But the most commonly used method is writing various letters and essays, compiling autobiographies and resumes.

Oral speech

The last component is oral speech. It is worked out by compiling and voicing dialogues, oral answers to the questions posed. For perfection oral speech the method of retelling texts, compiling and memorizing topics is used.

If you are learning English on your own, then it will be enough for you to communicate at least 10-15 minutes a day with a native English speaker or a friend who also learns or speaks English.

Despite the fact that many are sure that it is almost impossible to learn English on your own, this is far from the case. The main thing is the presence of strong motivation, a properly selected textbook and additional materials for it, as well as systematic and diligent learning. Follow our advice and you will definitely succeed.