What kind of lips do you have? Determine character by lips? It's not hard! plump upper lip

Nature has endowed each of us different form and fullness of the lips. Many people believe that you can read lips not only words, but also understand what kind of person is talking to you. Surprisingly, little things like the corners of the lips, the size of the mouth, the brightness of the skin, the curve, thickness and geometry can tell a lot about the character of their owner. Today PEOPLETALK figured out what the shape of the lips can say about you.

Full wide lips - reckless

Full lips have always been a sign of sensuality and sexuality. Recognized beauties and owners of plump lips - Marilyn Monroe (1926−1962), Brigitte Bardot (80), Kim Basinger(61), (40) - excite the imagination of men for many years. The owners of such lips are capricious, like to take risks and be the center of attention. If you like something, you get it immediately, and it doesn't matter what in question- about a new handbag or a man. Such a girl does not expect favors from nature and prefers to take everything from life herself. "Now or never" is her motto.

Full but small lips - romantic

The first impression of such a person is often misleading. Sometimes such people are considered spineless, but this is not so. They are the ones most often asked for help. Sympathy and a pack of paper napkins they always have at the ready. But the medal has another side - such a person tries not to delve into serious problems, but simply turns a blind eye to them.

The upper lip is larger than the lower - loves to command

Such a person has the whole range of leadership qualities: charismatic, conceited and with high self-esteem. Life credo - "All or nothing." This girl checks her every step and gets down to business only if she is confident in her abilities and success. And if she starts something, she always brings it to the end, not disregarding a single detail.

The lower lip is more mysterious

Such a girl is always very popular and is in the spotlight. Men often look after her, and women envy. The owner of this type of lips is more likely to prefer to pull on a bag of potatoes, rather than put on what the whole city already walks in. Passion for everything new and unusual prevails in everything, so a girl with such a shape of lips will be very difficult in routine professions. She is looking for an opportunity to move away from generally accepted rules in everything.

Thin but wide lips - pragmatic

The owner of such lips is distinguished by a restrained character and a cold heart. She plans everything in advance, weighing her every step. Such persons prefer not to show their emotions in public, and spontaneity and excitement are alien to them. People with this lip shape tend to be introverts, which is why others consider them withdrawn, cowardly and incapable of compassion.

Narrow and small lips - optimist

If you have this type of lips, you are an incorrigible optimist who knows no fear of new adventures. Such a person thinks big: if it’s a vacation, then conquer Everest, if it’s work, then the Red Cross. This girl believes in herself so much that sometimes she takes on very risky business that others prefer to refuse. Therefore, the owner of such lips is a real fighter and so strong, strong-willed that she frightens men with her pressure and a fountain of emotions.

The character of a person and some features of behavior can be determined by his face. It is believed that the face reflects three worlds: the forehead refers to the divine world, the nose and eyes reflect the physical world. The chin and mouth represent the material world of man.

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The mouth and lips are considered sensual facial features associated with love and eloquence. If a person has a thin and small mouth, this indicates a desire for accuracy and order. A small mouth "speaks" of a weak character, people with an inner core have a large mouth. A solid character is reflected by proportional, regular lips. Puffy lips of the correct form are a sign of kindness, openness, cordiality, thin lips are a sign of selfishness, cruelty, sarcasm, cunning. People with thin lips are petty and scrupulous.

A sign of good nature is the protruding upper lip. Compressed lips are a sign of selfishness. Thick lips speak of sensuality, laziness, gluttony and a tendency to base instincts. The masculine beginning reflects the upper lip, which has a size slightly larger than the lower one.

In sensual and thin natures, lips look like a flower bud

Lips can have the following shapes: - full wide, - full small, - the upper lip is larger than the lower, - the lower lip is larger than the upper, - the narrow lips of the wide mouth, - the narrow lips of the small mouth.

How to determine the character of a woman by her lips

A woman with full, wide lips can be called gambling. If she liked something, she will strive to get it at any cost. Such women are usually relaxed and energetic, they do not hesitate to take the initiative. For them, independence and freedom are very important, they are sympathetic to personal space and expect the same from others. The man that such a woman chooses must be able to make important decisions and be a wonderful lover. "Mumli" and "mama's sons" are not to her taste.

A woman with full but small lips is romantic in nature. In the first place she has emotions, not cold calculation. The life of such a woman consists of ups and downs. She can genuinely empathize with others and often acts as a vest to cry into, which is why she is sympathetic to many people. She tries not to delve into the essence of the problems, but simply turns a blind eye to them. The image of the ideal man in her head is created from illustrations in romance novels and glossy magazines. Often men make a big mistake, considering such women to be modest, who will unconditionally recognize their superiority and look into their mouths,

A woman with an upper lip larger than her lower lip loves to command. This is a whole person who takes up the matter thoroughly and brings it to its logical conclusion. This woman knows exactly what she wants. However, she proceeds to active actions if she is sure that she is right. She is pissed off by people who abandon beginnings halfway through. She achieves success through a combination of high self-esteem and vanity. Such a woman has a full set of leadership qualities, she sets the tone for everything. The ideal man for her should be as ambitious as she is. For such an alliance to be long-term, both will have to learn to find compromises.

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A woman with a lower lip larger than the upper one is a mysterious stranger. She is always in the spotlight as she stands out from the crowd. Men often look after her with longing, and women cast angry, envious glances in her direction. Such a woman has an incredibly high need to feel her individuality, which is reflected in the manners and in the style of clothing. The ideal man for her is completely special, not like the others.

The mysterious stranger always has many admirers, but she is more interested in those who did not succumb to her charms at first sight.

A woman with narrow lips and a wide mouth is a realist. She stands firmly on her feet, likes to plan everything in advance, enjoying this process. A realist is practical and does not wear rose-colored glasses, even when she falls in love. Before throwing herself into the pool with her head, she will first feel the temperature of the water with her toe, assess the relief and depth of the bottom. A realist does not show her emotions in public and often gives the impression of a closed, cold and arrogant nature. However, this is an erroneous impression. Such a woman likes stability, predictability in life. The man of her dreams does not require any ingenuity or frills in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, except for one quality - reliability.

A woman with narrow and small lips is an adventurer. The reserve of her optimism is enough for 3-4 ordinary women, any sea is knee-deep to her. She cannot physically sit in one place, she is not interested in standard projects. Such a woman constantly needs adrenaline, so she often gets into adventures. The adventurer is very self-confident, so she takes on risky business that others refuse, so as not to spoil her reputation. Such a woman has a strong and strong-willed character, she is a real fighter, therefore she often scares away men. Not everyone can become her worthy companion, the ideal man for her must have the same qualities that she herself possesses.

Scientists and psychologists have long deduced a direct connection between a person's appearance and his character. On the basis of centuries-old research in this area, the science of physiognomy arose, with the help of which, by the features and expression of the face, one can determine personality traits person, his spiritual qualities and even the state of health. In the modern world, this technique has gained immense popularity and is successfully used in work with personnel, legal practice, medicine, education, personal training and many other areas. Everyday life. Despite the usual axiom “The eyes are the mirror of the soul”, physiognomists are accustomed in their research to give the palm to the study of the shape and size of the lips, considering them the most important detector of a person’s personality.

Full, well-shaped lips

Plump sensual lips have been considered a sign of increased sexual activity their owner. No wonder modern beauties seek to increase them with the help of cosmetic procedures in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, often at the risk of losing their own individuality. People with full lips are used to taking everything from life, constantly looking for new sources of pleasure, quite stubborn and prudent in achieving their goals. At the same time, they are kind and sentimental, women become wonderful wives and mothers, and men often donate large sums to charity.

Fine, well-shaped lips

For some reason, thin lips are considered a sign of an evil, envious and self-serving person. But it is not so. In most cases, the owners of thin lips are purposeful, hardworking and pragmatic people. They are characterized by some isolation, skepticism, a critical attitude towards themselves and others. They are not accustomed to rely on support and try to achieve their goals alone. In this they are helped by innate ingenuity, prudence and cunning, sometimes leading to not entirely legal actions.

Lips bow

The most attractive sexually. They talk about the extreme femininity and sensuality of their owner, which, at times, can be distinguished by insincerity and frivolity. In men, this is a frequent sign of vanity, hypocrisy and a frivolous attitude towards women. These people love to be the center of attention of others and try to achieve this in every possible way.

Loose wet lips

They talk about the lack of will, indecision and infantilism of their owner. Such people are often characterized by a craving for depravity and irrepressible carnal pleasures.

Protruding lips

They are considered a sign of capriciousness and eccentricity, as well as self-doubt and suspiciousness of a person. Such individuals usually easily fall into dependence and become the object of manipulation. If only the lower lip is protruded, this means that you are a self-satisfied person, putting their own interests and desires in the foreground.

asymmetrical lips

A large upper lip speaks of the sociability, light playful nature of its owner. Such people are characterized by coquetry, which many perceive as insincerity and narcissism.

A full lower lip signals the inconstancy and selfishness of their owners, who are constantly looking for new sensations in life. They rarely make exemplary family men, only a few are able to remain faithful to their chosen one for a long time.

Lips with raised corners

People with such lips are born optimists with a light cheerful character and a positive attitude towards life. They magically attract those around them, because it seems that the smile never leaves their face. Because of this, they rarely remain alone and, as a rule, have no problems choosing a life partner.

Lips with drooping corners

Here the picture is completely opposite. The lowered corners of the lips signal a person's tendency to pessimism and despondency, and are also a direct sign of the presence of an inferiority complex and inability to withstand life's circumstances. Such people often need approval, it is important for them to constantly feel the love, support and care of others.

parted lips

They talk about the ingenuity, naivety and gullibility of their owner. Such people often run the risk of being deceived and, without knowing it, can become a tool in illegal combinations of dishonest persons. A constantly open mouth gives the face a somewhat stupid expression, which causes a condescending attitude towards a person and an involuntary desire to offend or humiliate him.

Tightly compressed lips

They signal the insincere and secretive nature of their owner. Such people, as a rule, are alien to sentimentality and compassion, they are deceitful, prudent and resourceful. You can easily get a “knife in the back” from such characters, so you should not trust them in serious matters and wait for help in difficult moments of life.

twitching lips

Unstable facial expressions, expressed in nervous twitching of the lips, may indicate a nervous, emotional personality that is in disharmony with its inner world. Such people are unpredictable and impulsive, they are more subject to emotions than to the voice of reason, so it is difficult to do business with them and you should not trust important assignments.

Lips can be identified not only psychological features person, but also the state of his health:

Pale lips signal problems with the intestines, cyanotic ones indicate heart failure, bright red ones are inherent in hypertensive patients and people of the apoplexy type.

Dry chapped lips hint at stomach problems and may be a sign of thyroid dysfunction;

Thick antennae above the upper lip in women indicate hormonal failure and ovarian dysfunction.

For physiognomists, even the distance between the lips and the nose matters. It is believed that the larger it is, the stronger the physical potential of a person prevails over the mental.

Incredible Facts

A woman may not say anything, but her lips immediately betray her character.

Physiognomy experts say that lips are one of the main features that bear the imprint of our personality.

When we are happy, angry or sad, lips primarily express these emotions through both words and facial expressions.

According to the ancient Chinese art of face reading, the shape of the lips can also indicate deeper psychological characteristics and character traits.

They can tell you how you behave in a relationship and tell you how responsive you are.

Now look at your lips, and find out everything about your character.

The character of a person in the form of lips

Full upper and lower lip

An evenly full upper and lower lip speaks of a woman with a strong parental instinct who knows how to empathize.

People with this lip shape, for example, Angelina Jolie, have an innate instinct to protect and protect others. These are caring and selfless individuals who are not indifferent to others and take great pleasure in helping others. They tend to have a narrow circle of friends and value relationships highly.

Thin upper and lower lip

Women with thin lips like Kirsten Dunst tend to be loners and a bit shy. Being introverts by nature, they are used to relying on their own strength. Loneliness does not frighten them, and they are quite satisfied with the thought of maintaining their independence.

Although they are not as well versed in relationships as people with full lips, this does not mean that they will be bad partners. For a successful relationship, they need a person with a clear direction in life with their own interests and hobbies.

Lips fuller in the center

Women with a fuller lip center like Chrissy Teigen love to be the center of attention and can be natural actresses. They prefer to surround themselves with people rather than being alone. Such women are the real soul of the company.

In relationships, they tend to be dramatic, but in general they love entertainment and thrills, trying to get everything out of life.

Determine character by lips

Cupid's pointed bow lips

Women with a pronounced Cupid's bow, like Taylor Swift's, are creative people. They constantly strive for self-expression in any form, and can be very artistic.

They know their strengths and weak sides have an excellent memory and are able to communicate with different people. Lips with a bow speak of the intelligence of their owner, as well as a tendency to overreact, spontaneity and impulsiveness.

Cupid's rounded lips

The rounded bow of Cupid, like that of Amanda Seyfried, speaks of responsiveness and kind nature.

Such a woman is sensitive and easily upset by injustice or failure. She loves to help others and is very attentive to those around her.

Lips missing Cupid's bow

Women with a smoothed Cupid's bow, like Julia Roberts, are very responsible and reliable. They can be too selfless and often lack emotional boundaries.

They often seem stronger than they really are and may forget about themselves. Nevertheless, they can deal with any problem, are able to complete work on time and know how to manage time.

Although they make excellent employees, their personal lives may not be all that smooth.

Medium lips

Women with not very thin and not very full lips with an unexpressed Cupid's bow, like Emma Stone, are balanced and able to solve any problems in advance.

They are endowed with common sense and developed logical thinking. One of the greatest strengths of such women is the ability to listen to others. Despite the fact that they radiate calmness and seem reserved, they love to laugh and can open up on occasion.

In relationships, they are unobtrusive and avoid scandals, but they need a deep relationship.

Lip augmentation

Artificially enlarged lips

According to Chinese physiognomy, changing your natural features leads to interference in your destiny, changing the path that you are destined to go through.

It is believed that each facial feature represents a part of our personality, which together affect your well-being. A change in some element breaks this synchronicity. If a woman decides to increase her lips artificially, this indicates her emotional dependence and selfishness.

The emotional instability of the owner of such lips can lead to quarrels and problems in a romantic relationship.

At the same time, the fuller the enlarged lips of a woman, the more she seeks pleasure or tends to scandal in a relationship.

An enlarged upper lip emphasizes a tendency to drama, and an enlarged lower lip speaks of a thirst for pleasure.

Facial features can say a lot about a person's personality. Scientists-physiognomists have long deduced the connection between the appearance of people, their character and state of health. If you know some of the signs, then, looking at the lips of a person, you can find out various personality traits and his spiritual qualities.

O common form

The owners of ordinary symmetrical lips are balanced people who have a sound approach to various vital circumstances. They can not only listen, but also hear other people. They are not offended by criticism and respect the opinions of others. Optimists with a sense of humor, who are very difficult to piss off.

The upper lip is bigger

Born actors who know their irresistibility. These xarismatic, bright and cheerful personalities are always in the spotlightand amaze with the ability to attract and win over people. Purposeful and persistent people with an outstanding upper lip always achieve their goals.

lower more

eccentric, talented and quite selfish l personalities. They love to have fun and learn new things. New horizons, travel, acquaintances and adventures are always open for them. The incredible energy emanating from the owner of such a mouth attracts the same open, sociable and inquisitive people.

puffy lips

Sensual and friendly people.Empathy and concern for others distinguishing feature character of people with plump lips.Maternal instinct, a high sense of compassion will not allow these people to pass by someone who needs help and support. A sincere desire to help a loved one makes them loving parents, able to take on any responsibility.

Thin lips

Representatives of this type are complex.self-sufficient and closed It is difficult for the owner of thin lips to find a pair. They are too good alone with themselves to let someone else into their lives. Despite the love of solitude, they feel comfortable in the company, they easily find mutual language with people and appreciate them for their deeds, not words.

Raised corners of the lips

Lip shape that gives the appearance of a permanent smile.These positive people, like a magnet, attract others to them. Thanks to their incredible optimism and positive attitude towards life, they are never alone. and always surrounded by fans. Light and open these people, usually, very quickly find a life partner.

About the corners of the lips

The opposite of the previous type. These people are pessimistic and tend to indulge in despondency. They often have an inferiority complex, are disappointed in life and are unable to withstand difficult life circumstances. For them, support, love, care and approval from the people around them is important.

In the upper lip with a sharp cleft

Creative nature, with excellent memory. He achieves high results in his activities. These people are sociable, maintain constant contact with friends and acquaintances, which allows them to keep abreast of all events and news.

In the upper lip with a rounded hollow

A kind person, capable of deep compassion. Sincerely empathizes and takes the troubles of others to heart, always ready to help. Often such people can be found among volunteers, employees of hospitals and shelters.

The upper lip is even without a hollow

Reliable and responsible people who you can rely on in absolutely any situation. Nothing is impossible for them, and cases and problems are solved quickly and just in time.

H small doll lips

The flirtatious and alluring shape of the lips suggests that its owner is primarily interested in their own comfort. For them, the main thing is to take care of themselves, although they do not put their own interests above others. Under the seeming selfishness lies a compassionate nature and a devoted friend who will come to the rescue in any difficult situation.

Lips can tell a lot about the character of their owner. To understand this, just look in the mirror to study their shape and compare with the characteristics presented above.