How to make a honeycomb shelf with your own hands. Wow, and you have new shelves! We make honeycomb shelves with our own hands (master class). Do-it-yourself children's shelf in the form of a horse

The honeycomb bookshelf is quite unique and interesting. In this tutorial I will show you how to make such a shelf yourself!

Step 1: Tools

We will need:

1. Wood (plywood). To make 6 cells like mine, you need a piece of about 170 by 60 cm.
2. A miter saw that can cut edges exactly 30 degrees.
3. Wide adhesive tape (painting tape)
4. Wood glue
5. Sandpaper
6. Paint or varnish

Step 2: Cut the plywood

I used 18mm plywood. The angle between the sides inside the hexagon cell should be 60 degrees, so I set the saw to 30 degrees.

The cells themselves can be any size you want, but it’s better to make a drawing in advance and decide on the exact dimensions of the sides. My first pancake came out lumpy, or rather the first two. The cells were either too big or too deep. Total dimensions of each side: 15 cm deep, 19 cm long. The approximate diameter turned out to be about 39 cm.

Step 3: Putty

The quality of the plywood left much to be desired, and I wanted the outer surface of the shelves to shine and shine. To achieve the desired effect, you need to sand the surface. But this process can take literally days if there is no grinder at hand. So I went the other way and treated the surface with wood filler/filler.

Step 4: Sanding

If you also go my way and use putty, then the next step will be sanding with sandpaper.

Step 5: Painting

First, on the sides that you will be painting (I only painted the outer ones), you need to apply a coat of primer, let it dry, sand it, or apply another coat if necessary. You can repeat the process several times until you achieve a smooth surface that you like.

After priming, you can start painting. I chose the gold color, in reality it looks much better and more spectacular than in the photo. The feeling that you have gold bars in front of you.

Man is a child of nature, his connection with it is inextricable, and therefore he seeks to surround himself with products from natural materials, having the most similar forms to those found in nature. An example of these are hinged honeycomb shelves made of pine, beech or oak, simply varnished or painted in the most different colors. Of course, they can also be floor or desktop, but we will now talk in more detail about their first option.

Design features and purpose

The dimensions of the shelves are given as follows: width and height 40 cm, and depth - 14.5. Having a cellular structure of bee honeycombs, they will become a real decoration of the premises of a residential building, apartment, any administrative institution. They are released in separate sections. This modularity allows you to freely vary their location on the wall as a kind of vertical or horizontal rack. Made of solid wood in the form of a hexagon, they will take up very little space on the wall, they will look concise, extraordinary and unhackneyed, and they will perform their function perfectly.

The main purpose of such hinged shelves is to store and demonstrate beautiful things to visitors, if we are talking about the living room. They are also indispensable for placing some things from the category of those that the owner should always have at hand. For example, in a locksmith's workshop, where the master has every detail in its place. Such shelves would also be quite appropriate in the children's room for exhibiting the guests' favorite toys of its little inhabitant. In a teenager's room, you can store books and CDs on the shelves of hinged honeycombs, in the lady's boudoir - cosmetics and perfumery products. In the kitchen, such structures are needed to accommodate all kinds of kitchen utensils or dishes.

Styling features of this product

Beautiful and high quality, hinged honeycomb shelves can fit into almost any interior. They are quite recognizable in the "loft" rooms, look great in scandinavian style, go well with the natural "country" and are an original stylization for the usual rustic style.

The presented instructions will help in creating an interesting shelf that looks like a honeycomb. Perfect for storing paperback books.

One large sheet of particle board (0.63 cm thick)

Table saw

Plate preparation
Clean the surface of the stove to move on to the next step.

Trimming the surface

Set your saw at a 90° angle and make several 12.7 x 0.95 cm pieces.

Cooking tiles for the shelf
Change the angle on the table saw to 60° and cut the surface. Set the saw width to 5 cm.

Turn the plate over so that the corner is on the opposite side. The angles must be 30°.

Cut six separate 7.6 cm strips from this part. Turn it over again, so that the corner goes to the opposite side, the angles should be 30 °.

We glue smaller honeycombs

Use glue to connect the parts together. Place them next to each other to make sure they are even. Let the glue dry. After the first pairs are glued, glue the rest of the pieces.

Start gluing separate sections
Now that you have your mini corner shelf, you can start gluing, following the same principle as indicated in the previous step.

Glue the corner sections

After you have made six tiles, glue them together to make the first hexagon. You should have 5 pieces.

Sanding and painting

Sand the surface with sandpaper, wipe with a dry cloth, and then paint the finished shelves in the desired color.

A small bookcase in the form of honeycombs is ready. Now your books will find a permanent place.

Original do-it-yourself honeycomb shelves will become not only a convenient rack for things dear to your heart, but also an interesting art object on the wall of your room. The modular structure of such shelves allows you to create interesting color and geometric compositions. For example, these shelves, if necessary, are inserted into one another, and completely folding into one cell. You can change their arrangement or add new honeycombs to create a fancy pattern on the wall.

Honeycomb shelves can be not only hinged, but also desktop and floor. Agree that making do-it-yourself honeycomb shelves is an exciting business for home master, which gives scope for skill, imagination and real creativity! You can paint them, experiment with colors and sizes.

To make shelves with our own hands, we need:

  • boards, level, tape measure, wood glue,
  • saw and angle cutter, screwdriver and screws,
  • brackets for mounting the shelf on the wall.

Prepare 15 boards cut along the edge at an angle of 30 degrees and 30 cm long along the long edge.

In order to make a hexagon, take 6 boards and assemble the first cell on the floor or a large workbench. At first, it will be like putting together a puzzle. Then things will go faster!

Start assembling the shelf with one board, gradually completing it with the rest of the sides. In order to fix the shelf cell, grease the ends of the boards with wood glue and press them firmly for a couple of seconds.

To securely fix the shelf geometry and safely hang it on the wall, additionally connect the base of your shelf with two screws and the sides of the shelf with one screw.

If you feel comfortable with your work tool, you can safely add a crossbar in the middle by simply measuring the size of the shelf exactly at its widest part.

After assembling the shelves, carefully sand their surfaces and tint them with wood stain and furniture varnish. To hang the shelf on the wall, use ready-made brackets. Now in building stores there is a wide selection of beautiful brackets, with curls, forged with decorative elements.

Do-it-yourself honeycomb shelf master class:

Finding storage space is one of the biggest challenges people face when thinking about a design, and after that too. Sometimes, even in a large room, another bulky closet will look out of place, but what if you need to place a collection of figurines or a dozen books? Salvation in such a situation is wall shelves, which will be discussed today.

Types of shelves

Wall shelves, although they are a variety in themselves, also differ in location. Conventionally, they are divided into the following types:

The lightest and most common option, which is attached to a flat wall. But precisely because of their simplicity, they provide a wide field for imagination: shelves of different geometric shapes, sizes, arranged in the form of honeycombs or creating complex compositions.

Such structures can be a single plank nailed to a wall, or they can form a silhouette of a tree with each "branch" serving as a storage space. Bookshelves are oblique or asymmetrical. In the ocean interesting ideas there are even round ones, only in the case of unusual figures it is necessary to think over every moment in advance: location, content, fulcrum.

This place is usually empty due to its impracticality, however corner shelves not only rehabilitate the space, but also help transform the interior. Fastening is carried out on two adjoining adjacent walls. In this case, not only the inner, but also the outer corner can be involved.

Corner design variability wall shelves depends more on materials and decor, but even in itself such a solution looks unusual. More often, shelves are used for books or household items in the bathroom, as well as in storage rooms.

As the name implies, these shelves are not attached directly to the wall, but are suspended on ropes - from the ceiling or beam. This design is not very stable, so it is used to store books, not crystal vases. But it is ideal for creating original accents in the room.

It can be installed as one shelf, or several. The first option is often created in the form of a triangle or fit a shelf into a circle. The main thing is to make sure the storage is reliable.

Materials for wall shelves

A wooden plank nailed to the wall is the easiest shelf option that immediately comes to mind. But for modern design this is not enough. The choice of material, even for such a simple product, is quite wide - as are their capabilities.

Wood and derivatives

Even if this is an obvious basis, it should not be immediately discarded. Complex shapes and fastening will help to diversify a wooden wall shelf. For minimalism or a loft, such a solution would be very appropriate. And if you want to fit an element into a classic interior, it is recommended to pre-process the details, and maybe even decorate with carvings.

To save on material, you can use MDF, chipboard or plywood - beautiful, simple, practical.


But metal wall shelves will definitely attract attention and harmoniously fit into the interior, especially if it is high-tech, fusion or, alternatively, minimalism. Only for their installation will need special skills.

This basis has high performance— durability, reliability, strength. And pre-treatment will save you from corrosion.


A cheap, malleable, versatile material that can look simple or luxurious by imitating natural options, but leveling their shortcomings. Especially if such a shelf on the wall is full of objects, so guests will not have the opportunity to get to know its details better. For the bathroom - a very good solution!

Glass or mirror

Such a basis has a significant drawback - fragility. A sharp push or impact can damage the shelf, but this will not happen when storing light items. Is it worth mentioning how elegant the glass looks, and how glamorous the mirror surface is? This will give the interior a feeling of weightlessness.

What are the types of fasteners?

You will also have to choose the method of attaching the shelf to the wall on your own - from three options. The reliability and mobility of the structure depends on your decision.

Installation is done with dowels or anchors to the wall. This provides a strong fixation of the entire product, increasing its load capacity and strength. If the shelves are intended for storage heavy items then this look is perfect. But there is a big minus - it is very difficult to dismantle it without consequences for the wall or structure.

Moderately rigid fastening with brackets and mounting hooks, which is easy to implement at home, unlike the first type. If necessary, they can be dismantled without damaging the shelf, after which a new one can be installed.

Fully in line with modern trends in functionality and mobility, such wall shelves are installed according to the principle of building up: the lower tiers become a support for the upper ones. A variety of combinations of shades or shapes that complement each other look appropriate.

We select shelves for the style of the interior

With high-quality work, the shelves turn into full-fledged furniture, which, like any other item, must be harmoniously entered into the style of the room.

Modern style

Everything here is simple and at the same time diverse: suitable as concise products from different materials, and whole ensembles of various geometric shapes. Instead of empty embellishment - conceptual aesthetics. The priority is modular or mobile types of wall shelves.

It is necessary to focus on the decoration of the walls: in the case of a neutral coating, you can enter bright designs, and on the side with a bright finish, it is better to do without shelves.

Classic style

Turning around in the classic style is not particularly successful. Wooden shelves on a flat wall, in extreme cases - corner. Brackets can be brought to the fore if they are used and fit the design.


Provence makes similar demands. Only the processing of the base needs to be approached more carefully. First, use a tree or its derivatives. Secondly, cover them with white paint and, if possible, create the effect of antique furniture. Some carelessness in installation will add charm to the design, but we must not forget about its strength.


To begin with, we note that with this style it is unlikely that it will be possible to put a lot of any “small things” on open shelves - that’s why it is minimalism. To fit a lot of items, it is recommended to provide shelves with doors, thereby hiding disharmony from the eyes. Good looking glass or wooden surfaces- even, smooth, directed strictly horizontally.


The freedom-loving loft offers us the greatest variety. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to fanatically grind the boards to perfection - slight negligence is quite organically combined with brick walls characteristic of this style.

An excellent option is shelves suspended on a thick rope or an angular structure based on a pipe brought to the fore. In general, the loft allows you to turn the disadvantages of space into advantages, and technical elements into decorative and aesthetic ones.

Shelf decor

Besides the fact that you can choose wall shelves with an interesting design, they can also be additionally decorated for greater effect. To avoid the effect of clutter, make sure that the practical content of the products does not conflict with the details.

The simplest option that is suitable for standard wooden shelves- surface decoration. Here you can use all available tools: stencils, decoupage, decorative tape and so on. This solution will look good on neutral walls, for example, painted white.

Provence-style interiors are characterized by the use of textile elements, so why not decorate the shelves with them by laying a few beautifully hanging scarves with patterns? Cozy and practical.

A romantic mood will be given by candles arranged singly or in groups. However, you can experiment with light sources by entering some modern tendencies. For example, wall shelves with backlights look unusual - mounted lamps that gently illuminate the details located on them.

Tubular fasteners on the shelves can be used as a kind of "hanger": for example, for a lamp, towels or a garland. With little effort, a simple storage space turns into an elegant element of the interior.

It would seem that such a simple product, but so many options! But not all of them are easy to implement on your own and, let's face it, even a simple look requires certain skills. Before moving on to creating a shelf with your own hands, check out the basic recommendations that will help beginners in furniture business or experienced craftsmen.

So, before the main process, it is necessary to think over the design in detail and make a sketch. Determine for yourself the purpose of installing the shelf, the intended things that will be stored on it, the location, shape and size.

After evaluating the load, select the material and method of fastening. After that, marking is carried out on the surface of the base, and the material is also cut.

The resulting modules are assembled, a re-measurement is made, which is compared with the markup for fasteners. Next, the finishing of the elements is carried out, namely, grinding, tightening and painting, if necessary.

Fasteners are installed on the surface of the wall and on the shelf, after which the parts are fixed, as well as leveling with finishing fixing.

In addition to the options listed, here are 30 more wall shelving ideas to help you decide. interesting solution. Inspiration and beautiful interiors!