How to find out who will be born a boy or a girl by the date of conception. How to determine the sex of a child by the date of birth of the parents, blood type, last menstruation, date of conception, blood renewal, heartbeat, according to the Chinese calendar. Ultrasound and gender of the crumbs

With the help of special tables, today you can find out the gender of the unborn child. Surely, every parent would like to know in advance who will be born - a girl or a boy. What color to start picking up diapers, socks, bodysuits, sandboxes, what toys to look after (dolls or cars).

Naturally, every expectant mother undergoes an ultrasound scan, but even in this case, an error is not excluded, moreover, the sex of the baby can be found out only at 4-6 months of pregnancy, while proven methods will prompt the answer even before conception or in the early stages.

Method for determining sex by blood renewal and group / Rh factor

So, you decided to find out in advance the gender of the unborn child. There are many methods for this, ranging from folk signs, tables and ending with modern medical diagnostics. If your goal is to plan the sex of the child according to the table, then first of all pay attention to the method of updating the blood.

It is believed that the blood in men is renewed every four years, while in women - every three. Therefore, at the time of conception, the blood of one of the parents was renewed later, that is, it was more “younger” and whose blood is “newer”, that gender will be future child. Let's give an example: the age of a woman is 25 years, men - 30, that is, the blood of the expectant mother was renewed one year ago, dad - two years ago, that is, the family can expect a girl.

When referring to such a table, it is worth remembering that sometimes blood is updated unscheduled, for example: significant blood loss, donation, trauma, surgery, etc.

Table No. 1 - by blood type:

Table No. 2 - by Rh factor:

Japanese table

You can try to determine the sex of the child according to the Japanese method, referring to two tables. In order to correctly use the Japanese table, you need to know three numbers - the month of birth of mom, dad and the month of conception. In the first table, you need to correctly find the number (1-12), which will be at the intersection of the months of birth of both parents.

After that, find the resulting figure in the second table, go down to the month of conception and view the result, which will show a high probability of who can be born. This method is ideal for those couples who are just planning a pregnancy.

Month of birth
future mother
Birth month of the future father
Jan Feb mar Apr May june july aug sep oct but I dec
Jan 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
Feb 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
mar 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
Apr 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
May 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
june 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
july 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
aug 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
sep 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
oct 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
but I 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
dec 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
1 2 3 4 5 6



7 8 9 10 11 12
Jan X x
Jan Feb xxxxxx x
Jan Feb mar x xx
Jan Feb mar Apr x x
Jan Feb mar Apr May xx x
Jan Feb mar Apr May june x x
Feb mar Apr May june july x xx
mar Apr May june july aug x xxx Jan
Apr May june july aug sep x xx Jan Feb
May june july aug sep oct xxxxxxxxxxxxx x Jan Feb mar
june july aug sep oct but I x x Jan Feb mar Apr
july aug sep oct but I dec x x Jan Feb mar Apr May
aug sep oct but I dec x x Jan Feb mar Apr May june
sep oct but I dec xxxxx x Feb mar Apr May june july
oct but I dec x xxxxxxxxxx mar Apr May june july aug
but I dec xxx x Apr May june july aug sep
dec xxx x May june july aug sep oct
x x june july aug sep oct but I
x x july aug sep oct but I dec
x xx aug sep oct but I dec
x x sep oct but I dec
xxxxxxxxx x oct but I dec
x xxxxx but I dec
X xx dec

Chinese table

Another popular method is the Chinese table, which is over 700 years old and it is with a high probability that it can correctly determine the sex of the child. Legend has it that this particular tablet was found in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing.

Some believe that she predicts the sex of the unborn baby, based on the data of the Chinese lunar calendar, while others are sure that special studies were carried out in ancient China, thanks to which a connection was found between the age of the mother and the month of conception. In any case, the probability of determining the sex of the baby reaches 98%. To calculate the sex of the child, it is enough to know two numbers: the month of conception and the age of the mother at the time of conception.

Folk omens

Of course, folk wisdom could not ignore the conception of a child, pregnancy, sex determination before birth, and other equally important issues. Even our great-grandmothers and grandmothers, when ultrasound was still not in sight, and the Slavic people were not familiar with the tables, determined the sex of the child, practically without mistake. We invite you to familiarize yourself with folk signs:

Expect a boy if:

1.1. there is practically no toxicosis, that is, you do not feel sick in the morning, you do not vomit;
1.2. you have constantly cold feet, dry hands;
1.3. the stomach resembles a ball lowered down;
1.4. you included salty and sour foods in your diet, and also began to eat more cheese and meat products;
1.5. your appearance has changed for the better (you have become prettier);
1.6. you have headaches;
1.7. when you eat bread, you choose only the crust;
1.8. sleep only on your left side;
1.9. you are always in a good mood;
1.10. the baby in the tummy is active;
1.11. the baby's heartbeat is at least 140 beats per minute;
1.12. you are under 20 years old;
1.13. hanging wedding ring above the stomach, it moves in a circle.

Expect a girl if:

2.1. you have constant toxicosis;
2.2. the shape of the tummy is cone-shaped, the stomach is not lowered down;
2.3. you began to eat more sweets;
2.4. the left breast became larger than the right;
2.5. you have problematic skin and your appearance has become worse than before pregnancy;
2.6. when you eat bread, you choose only the crumb;
2.7. lie down to sleep on your right side;
2.8. mood changes very often, you get annoyed by every little thing;
2.9. baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute.
2.10. you are over 30 years old;
2.11. hanging the wedding ring over the stomach, it moves back and forth;
2.12. dad is gaining weight.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time when every woman, in anticipation of a miracle, enjoys her pregnancy, is waiting for her unborn baby. And it was at this time that you can get acquainted with various tips and recommendations regarding the care of the baby, for example, with the important article "". But after the child was born, do not forget about yourself, be sure to think about it.

Many mothers want to know the gender of their unborn baby. Often, women use various calendars and methods to establish this fact. Consider the most common of them and find out how you can calculate the sex of a child by the date of conception.

What determines the gender of the child?

Before talking about methods that allow you to stop the gender of the unborn baby, you need to figure out what determines the sex of the unborn child. To do this, we turn to the basics of genetics. So, in the seed of a man there are germ cells, which contain X and Y chromosomes in their composition. Only X chromosomes are present in the eggs.

At conception, the male and female gametes fuse. Given the above features, we can conclude that the sex of the unborn baby depends entirely on which sperm fertilizes the egg. If it is a sex cell with an X chromosome, then as a result of fusion with the egg, the embryo will receive a set of XX, which corresponds to the female sex. When a sperm with a Y chromosome is involved in fertilization, a boy is born. From this it follows that the gender of the baby depends on his dad, on which sperm fertilizes the egg.

How to calculate the sex of a child by the date of conception?

Calculating the sex of the child by the date of conception is not difficult if the mother remembers exactly the day when she had sex. In such calculations, physiological features are used. So, conception is possible only during the period. It occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle. To accurately set this day, you can measure, undergo an ultrasound examination, use special tests. Only after that it is possible to plan pregnancy with the calculation of the sex of the baby.

To determine the sex of the child by the date of conception in this way, the life expectancy of spermatozoa is taken into account. On average, it is 4-5 days. It has been established that the germ cells of a man who carry the Y-chromosome live less than those that contain X. It follows that in order to conceive a boy, it is necessary to have sex directly on the day of ovulation. The probability of conceiving a girl increases when making love 2-3 days before the release of the egg from the follicle.

Chinese conception calendar

In order to correctly use the Chinese calendar for the conception of a child, to determine the sex of the future crumbs with its help, you need to know the exact age of the mother at the time of fertilization. In this case, the lunar phases are taken into account, and not the solar cycles. To calculate the exact age of the expectant mother according to the lunar calendar, it is necessary to perform simple mathematical operations. Only after that it will be possible to establish the sex of the unborn child by the date of conception in this way.

It all depends on the month of birth of the mother. If it is between January 1 and February 20 inclusive, then there is no need to change the age. If a woman was born in another month, then 1 more year is added to the number of full years. After that, they turn to the table in which they find the age of the potential mother and move to the right until they meet the column of the month of the planned conception. At the intersection of them, the gender of the future crumbs will be indicated.

Japanese conception calendar

The Japanese calendar of conception is an effective method for determining the gender of the planned baby. With this method, both the months of birth of the parents and the time of conception are taken into account. According to the methodology in male body at a certain time, a greater number of germ cells with the X chromosome are produced, at another - more Y. Because of this, the sex of the baby can be determined in advance.

In order to determine the sex of the child by the date of conception by this technique, 2 special tables have been compiled that help to establish a favorable period for planning a child of the desired gender. In the first, the code number is determined, in the second, the gender itself. To calculate the number from the month of the birthday of the future dad, draw a line vertically down, from the mother's month - horizontal to the right. Find a number at the intersection. It is substituted into the second table and at the intersection with the month of conception, the gender is recognized.

Lunar calendar of conception

You can also determine the sex of the child by the date of conception using. At the same time, astrologers do not recommend planning it for the full moon, new moon and during the eclipse. At this time, it is very difficult to predict the gender of the baby. To determine the sex of the planned child by the date of conception in this way, the zodiac sign is taken into account, which affects the moon at the time of fertilization:

  • Aries, Libra, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius, Cancer - a boy will be born;
  • Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius - there is a high probability of having a girl.

Gender of the child according to the Vanga table

The method became popular thanks to the student and successor of the famous healer Vanga - Lyudmila Kim. According to this method, the sex of the child is determined by the date of conception and the age of the woman. By comparing these 2 parameters, the expectant mother can independently predict the gender of her baby. It is easy to set the sex of the child by the date of conception using this method, the table is located below. At the intersection of the columns of the month of conception and the age of the potential mother, the answer is found.

The sex of the child is the most accurate method

In order to find out the sex of the child by the date of conception, there are many ways. However, each of them does not give 100% of the result, so it is impossible to single out the best and most accurate. Given this fact, women often use several of the above methods at once. At the same time, the results obtained do not always coincide with each other and with reality. But there are also women who managed to predict the sex by the date of conception.

By Chinese conception chart you can determine the sex of the child by the intersection of the month of conception and the age of the expectant mother.

The Chinese conception table has a very long history and no one knows for sure when and on what basis it was compiled. According to legend, it was found in one of the ancient burials in China. Some scientists believe that it was created based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Others think that the ancient Chinese conducted research that revealed the relationship of the sex of the child with the age of the mother and the month of conception.

Example: conception occurred in January. The woman is 32 years old. It is most likely that a boy will be born.


Month in which the child is conceived

Japanese conception table.

You can determine who will be born a boy or a girl using a technique that came to us from ancient Japan.

Japanese conception chart based on the fact that the sex of the child is determined by the months of birth of the parents and the month of conception. In order to calculate the sex of the child in this way, you need to find in the first table the number that stands at the intersection of the months of birth of the mother and father. Then, in the second table, find the column at the top of which is this number. It indicates the months of conception, and opposite each month is the probability of the birth of a boy or girl, expressed by the number of crosses. The more crosses, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child of one sex or another. The Japanese calendar is ideal for planning the gender of the child, because for each couple it instantly calculates the months in which the highest probability of conceiving a child of a certain gender is the highest. Recall that this is just a probability, so such tables may be wrong.

In the first table we find the number that is at the intersection of the month of birth of dad and mom.

Birth month of the expectant mother

Birth month of the future dad

In the second conception table select the row under the number that was obtained from the first table. In this row we find the month of conception of the baby. In the scale "boy" "girl" the probability of the birth of one or another sex is indicated. The more "x", the more likely.

Example: Dad was born in March, mom in June. At the intersection in the first table - the number 6. The month of conception is April. In the second table in the 6th row opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of the birth of a girl and a boy is equal. That is 50% to 50%.



Conception table for determining the sex of the child by the "age" of the blood.

Conception table by blood age is based on the assumption that the blood of a woman and a man is regularly updated. In women, this happens 1 time in 4 years. In men, the blood is renewed 1 time in 3 years. Having determined the "blood age" of future mothers and fathers, it is compared with each other. Then add the number of months that have passed from last day the birth of a parent before the month of conception. The sex of the child will be the same as the sex of the parent whose blood is younger.

In the first table we find the coefficients of renewal of the blood of the father and mother, opposite the age.

Mom's age

Her blood renewal rate

Dad's age

His blood renewal rate

In the second table, you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Birth month of mom and dad

Month of conception

Now, for each parent, we add the resulting 2 numbers (from the first and second tables). Whoever has a smaller number (“younger blood”), of that gender is likely to have a baby.

Example: mom is 29 years old, dad is 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, mom=1, dad=0. According to the results of the second table, mom = 10, dad = 1. According to the results of both tables, mom (1+10 = 11), dad (0+1 = 1). "Dad's blood is younger" - a boy will be born.

Conception table with folk signs to determine the sex of the unborn child.

If on early term stuffy and hot all the time

If early on it's chilly all the time

A woman has a narrow belly, similar to an oval

The woman has a wide belly, which is visible from behind.

The pregnant woman has a right side

The pregnant woman has a left side

Woman gets prettier during pregnancy

The woman developed age spots, blackheads, etc.

Mother's hands are dry

Mother's palms are soft

I want meat and salted fish

I want sweet

A pregnant woman sleeps with her head towards the north

The pregnant woman sleeps towards the south

Women often sleep on their left side

The woman often sleeps on her right side

Morning bright and energetic

morning sickness

Left breast is bigger

Right breast is bigger

The expectant mother's nipples are light

The expectant mother's nipples are dark

Some men and women even before the birth of children dream of a son or daughter. But those who, after a certain time, will become parents, are wondering with great interest about the gender of the baby. But sometimes the planning of a specific gender is caused by the fear of inheriting serious diseases. It is known that some deviations are inherited only by boys or girls.

Various methods help to find out who will be born: from folk signs to ultrasound. One of the simple and affordable forecasting methods is table for determining the sex of the child by the age of the mother. You can use it when planning a child. Choose your age, desired gender and see the appropriate period of conception.

Chinese version of the table

According to legend, the Chinese table of planning the sex of the child by the age of the mother was discovered in ancient burials. According to some reports, it was compiled in accordance with lunar calendar. In its first versions, in the explanations, there is an instruction to take into account the lunar age of the mother, which is difficult to calculate. So modern version The table has been compiled with this in mind. Also, sometimes the question arises, what age to substitute: at the time of conception or childbirth? Almost all calendars indicate that the first option is needed.

According to other sources, the calendar is based on studies that have found a relationship between the sex of the unborn baby, the month of his conception and the years of the mother.

Prediction accuracy, according to researchers, is 97-98%. The Chinese themselves trust the conception table according to the age of the mother and use it when planning the birth of an heir or heiress.

So, to calculate the sex of the baby, you need to select the age in the first column, and the month of conception in the top line. The result will be on the intersection line. When planning a child of the desired gender, you need to choose the month of conception appropriate for the age.

Japanese table of conception of a child by age of mother and father

This sex prediction method is presented in the form of two tables, since the data of the mother and father are taken into account. The first table contains the months of birth of the parents. Numbers are marked at the intersections. The second table shows the months of conception and the numbers obtained by crossing the data of the parents.

First you need to choose the intersection point of the months in which the parents were born. Substitute the resulting figure in the corresponding column of the second table and find the intersection point with the month of conception.

Unlike the Chinese method, the Japanese table indicates the possibility of a certain gender with a large number of pluses. Prediction accuracy 80%.

Which table of the sex of the child by the age of the mother is better?

It is difficult to unequivocally name the best conception calendar by the age of the mother. Both methods do not give guaranteed results. One can only highlight the advantages and disadvantages of tables.

The advantages of these methods:

  • Ease of gender calculation.
  • Possibility to plan the floor.

Disadvantages of tables:

  • Limitation of the age of the mother according to the Chinese method.
  • The difficulty of determining the exact date of conception, especially close to the date of birth of a woman.

Warning! Not a single table for determining the sex of a child by the age of the mother will give a reliable result. Male cells are entirely responsible for the sex of the baby during conception. Spermatozoa carry sets of chromosomes of both sexes. Whereas the egg contains only female cells.

Who knows, maybe the Chinese and Japanese had this knowledge and used it to compile tables? But it is better to treat the tables with a certain amount of humor. After all, the sex of the child is not important.

Is it possible to plan the gender of the child?

In the modern world, people are used to planning everything in advance. Indeed, in this mode it is easier for a person to live and work. Knowing what will happen to you tomorrow, you become more calm and balanced. So it is with having children. People want to plan even those things that have little control over them. Even in ancient times, there was no thought about this. Families gave birth to children and until the last did not know who they would have - a boy or a girl. With the passage of time and progress, everything has become completely different. There have been great changes in medicine and human life. They say that children are given to us from above. How to plan the sex of the child in this case? After all, you can not leave a specific request or wish. Is it possible to do it yourself? This article will tell you about how to plan the sex of the child before conception. There are currently several methods available. To believe them or not is a personal matter for each person.

How to plan the sex of the child before conception?

Is there any calculation that is guaranteed to allow you to give birth to a baby of a particular gender? Currently, there is still an active debate on this issue. Some experts argue that this is almost impossible. Other scientists are sure that some calculation schemes still work.

Now there are several basic methods for how to plan the sex of the child. Some are more accurate, others less. Consider each of the available options and find out how you can plan the gender of the child in advance.

Are there any medications?

Nowadays, medicine has come a long way. Now even married couples with problems can easily conceive a child. They are assisted in this medicines. Often couples ask if it is possible to conceive a child of a certain gender with the help of medicines? What do doctors say about it?

Certainly not. Currently, there are no funds that will help in the production of male spermatozoa with a certain set of chromosomes. Even for a lot of money, you will not be able to find such medicines. That is why couples resort to alternative methods of planning the sex of the unborn child. Among them, the most popular are the following methods.

Method for calculating ovulation in planning the sex of the child

How to plan the sex of the child by ovulation? Everything is very simple. However, before proceeding, it is worth getting acquainted with some information.

Scientists have proven that spermatozoa that carry male gametes are more mobile and faster. However, they live in the genitals of a woman for a short time. On average, it is 2-3 days. The same cells that have female chromosomes can move much more slowly. However, their survival in such an environment is up to one week. Based on the information received, a simple conclusion can be drawn. If you want to give birth to a boy, then you should have sexual intercourse as close to the day of ovulation as possible. The conception of a female baby involves closeness about a week before the expected date of the release of the egg.

How to plan the gender of the child in this way? Just calculate the date of ovulation in a woman. Currently, there are many ways to make such a diagnosis. The most popular are ultrasound, the use of test systems, the measurement of basal temperature, and so on. When using several methods at once, it allows to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the calculation. Often a woman, without the help of outside means, knows when she will release an egg from the follicle. This greatly simplifies the calculation process.

Chinese table application

Even the ancient Chinese figured out how to plan the sex of the child. They developed a special table. This technique has been developed over years. To carry out the calculation, it is necessary to have accurate data on the age of the expectant mother at the time of conception and the month of fertilization of the egg. For example, a woman in her 20s is more likely to conceive a boy during the spring and summer months. Whereas a twenty-five-year-old representative of the weaker sex can have a son only after conception in the autumn and winter periods.

How to plan the gender of the unborn child in this way? Just determine from the table the months in which you should get the desired baby. This is when you should have unprotected sex with your partner. It is worth saying that doctors are distrustful of this technique. All due to the fact that, by and large, the gender of the future baby depends solely on the man. However, this method, how to plan the sex of the child, reviews are in most cases positive. Couples note that, thanks to the calculation, they managed to give birth to the desired son or daughter.

Calculation by the Japanese method

How to plan the gender of the unborn child? You can take advantage of the knowledge of Japanese sages. They created a table consisting of two parts. One of them presents data on the month of birth of a man and a woman. You just need to find your own cells and draw straight lines from them. At the intersection of values, you will see a number. It is decisive and calculated for the following table. In the upper range, find the resulting number. After that, go down and determine which months are more likely to conceive a boy or a girl. The probability of having a child of the desired gender is indicated by the letters ... xxx ... The more of them, the higher the chance of conceiving a girl or a boy, respectively.

How to plan the gender of the future baby in this way? Just do the calculation. Find out in which months the birth of a boy or a girl is higher. Proceeding from this, and carry out sexual intercourse without protection. Remember that this method is not 100 percent reliable.

How to plan the sex of a child by blood type?

European doctors scientific centers developed this method of calculating the predisposition of the unborn baby. It is known that in males, the blood is renewed every four years. Whereas his partner is exposed to such an effect once every 36 months. Doctors say that a baby of the same sex will be born, whose blood at the time of conception was fresh. It is worth saying that Russian scientists are not inclined to trust this method.

How to plan the sex of the child for blood renewal? Everything is very simple. Take the age of the future father and divide it by the number four. Do the same with the years of a woman. However, in this case, divide by three. After that, conduct an elementary comparison. Whoever has a smaller residue, the blood of that person is considered fresher. Accordingly, a male or female baby will be born. It is necessary to take into account such facts as donation, blood transfusion, childbirth or major operations in this method of calculation. Any profuse blood loss leads to the fact that the process of blood renewal is shifted.


How to plan the gender of the child in advance? French scientists have found that the nutrition of men and women plays an important role in this process. Experiments have confirmed that in about 80 percent of cases this method works. However, modern doctors categorically do not recognize this fact. They argue that human food does not affect the selection of certain chromosomes in male spermatozoa.

How to plan the gender of the child (boy)? The French say that you need to eat food that contains a large amount of potassium and sodium about two months before sexual intercourse. These products include potatoes, mushrooms different varieties, lean meat. Also, cherries, bananas, oranges and apricots contain the necessary elements in sufficient quantities. Refuse is from fresh vegetables, herbs, dairy products, some dried fruits.

How to plan the gender of the child (girl)? For this, the expectant mother needs to follow a milk diet. Try to consume in large numbers kefir, sour cream, cheese. Prefer meat dishes healthy vegetables. Eat tomatoes, green salad, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, cabbage.

Lunar or zodiacal planning method

Astrologers and some scientists note that the effectiveness of this method is at the level of 80 percent. In this case, it is necessary to understand the signs of the zodiac and the phases of the moon. To carry out such calculations, it is worth contacting specialists and professionals. By doing so, you increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.

How to calculate in this way? First, find out what sign of the zodiac the moon is in at the moment you are about to conceive a baby. Then draw the next parallel. When a star passes through the signs of water and earth, then most likely you will get a girl. These signs include Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer and Taurus. When the moon is in the zone of signs of fire and air, there is a high probability of a boy being born. These values ​​include Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Libra, as well as Aries and Sagittarius.

The use of folk signs

How to plan the gender of the future baby even before conception? Healers and grandmothers can help you with this. They probably know a number of signs that help to later give birth to a boy or a girl.

To make a female baby, it is recommended to put a comb, mirror or thread under the pillow. These items should be in your bed, not only at the time of sexual intercourse. But throughout menstrual cycle. To conceive a boy, you can use nails, an ax or any other male tool. They also talk about the influence of the day of the week on which fertilization occurred. So, women's and men's days are separated. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday "promise" a girl. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday guarantee the conception of a boy. It is worth recalling that everything is more complicated on Sunday. On this day, fate disposes of itself and presents many surprises.

Genealogical calculation

You can plan the sex of the future baby even before conception using elementary calculations. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts. In one of them, enter all female relatives, in the other, respectively, male. Try to take into account only the next generations in the amount of three. Otherwise, the method may simply be ineffective. After you finish entering, count the number of those and other relatives. Who will be more, the baby of that sex, most likely, will be born.

Remember that this technique does not always give an accurate result. Otherwise, only girls or only boys would be born in families. The genealogical method of gender planning is designed more for fun than for obtaining accurate data.

How can you plan before conception the sex of the child yet?

Currently, there are many special rooms and salons in which fortune-tellers and healers provide their services. They promise to determine the sex of the future baby and help give birth to the desired son or daughter. It is worth saying that medicine categorically does not recognize such methods. However, people go to great lengths to achieve the desired effect. Remember: contacting such institutions does not give you any guarantee that everything will go as you planned. Perhaps everything will end with the fact that the charlatans will deceive your expectations.

Many couples say that they still managed to give birth to a child of the desired gender in this way. Experts and scientists note that this is more like a coincidence than a reality.

The most effective way to plan the sex of the unborn child even before the moment of conception: medical

Currently, there is one most accurate method for calculating the gender of the unborn baby. With it, you can give birth to a boy or a girl with a 100 percent probability. Also, you will be able to schedule not one, but several kids at the same time. This method is called in vitro fertilization. It was developed several decades ago. Now it is resorted to by couples who cannot conceive a baby on their own.

Also, this method is used in cases where there is a high probability of having a child with a pathology. Moreover, its presence directly depends on gender. So, there are families who need to give birth to a girl because the boy may be born unhealthy. In this case, doctors simply remove several eggs from the woman's body before ovulation. The man supplies his genetic material (sperm). Fertilization takes place in a special favorable environment. After that, doctors grow the resulting cells for several days and determine their sexual predisposition. Next comes the most crucial moment. Specialists select the desired material (only boys or exclusively girls) and transplant. Embryos are placed in the uterine cavity of a woman who is fully prepared to carry and give birth to these babies. Often this manipulation requires taking many medications.

It is worth noting that this method of calculating the sex of the child even before conception is recognized as the most effective. However, it is very costly. So, one in vitro fertilization procedure will cost you from 100 to 300 thousand rubles. It is not performed in all medical institutions. This requires certain equipment and professional laboratory assistants.

Summing up the article

You now know how to plan the sex of a child by blood, using ancient tables and so on. Remember that all these calculations are conditional. Most doctors do not officially recognize them, although sometimes they themselves resort to this technique.

When planning the sex of the baby before conception, try to apply all of the methods described. In this case, the probability of the birth of the desired boy or girl will increase. Do not rely heavily on such methods of calculation. Otherwise, you may be upset later. Despite positive reviews, many methods are simply ineffective. When the calculation promises the birth of a son, a girl is often born. And vice versa. To avoid such embarrassing situations, treat such methods with more leniency. If necessary, seek advice from reproductologists and gynecologists. Successful calculations and successful planning!