My husband no longer respects me. Why does my husband not sleep with me advice from a psychologist. The guy does not sleep with me for more than a week, does not want to kiss, looks at others what to do

Question to the psychologist:

Hello! Married for a year, daughter 3 months. We really wanted to go on vacation in October, before pregnancy we often went on vacation abroad, now there is a break for obvious reasons. My husband has his own additional business in a year, which takes almost all the time and effort. Now he does not go to the gym, there is almost no intimacy, he is emotionally very exhausted at his main job (they learned about his business there), he gets tired physically. I see that irritation is accumulating, I began to drink wine in the evenings, nervous. We decided to go to the sea in October. There is money - the amount that was presented to us for the wedding was specially set aside for rest. I have a girl friend in the agency that picks up tours well, makes discounts. From the very beginning of the search, my husband reacted sharply to the prices for tours, although we fit into the budget in any case. Many moments - he did not like the sea, the view of the hotel, the country. I am like an intermediary between a girl and her husband. Tired. They chose Cyprus first, then he lost his desire for Cyprus, he wanted the Emirates, then he wanted the Indian Ocean, and not the Persian Gulf. I'm very tired. And to choose and be upset that again we are not going somewhere. They chose one luxury hotel, they wanted to book it, but while they thought, the price had risen by 10,000. He got angry, said we would not go there - a terrible hotel, a terrible sea, etc. I got upset again. In the evening, somehow persuaded to choose another hotel. We chose the same one next door, not so cool, but the best based on the budget and running out of time. He says book if the price does not change much. The next morning, the girl calls me again, says again prices have risen by 10,000, what should I do? I say book. We booked (reservation is paid, 30% of the tour, but we have known the girl for a long time, she can book like this, and I transfer money to her during the day. On my word of honor) I think I will pay these 10,000 rubles myself and that's it. I won't tell him anything about the price. But so that the price would not rise yet, he went to conclude an agreement and redeem the trip. He is on the road, the amount is obviously large, I decided to tell him that the price has changed a little, I think it’s better to let him know from me. I wrote a message on WhatsApp that the price changed a little overnight so that he would not be nervous, we will still meet the budget. In response, I get a bunch of terrible messages from the series everyone has become impudent, and my girl is a scammer, let everyone go somewhere, we won’t go anywhere. I'm shocked, how is the reservation? She is paid (he answers me that he left, we are not going anywhere, etc. I was upset. Okay, I won’t let the girl down at the agency. I transferred the money for the reservation to her from my salary card. I think it serves me well. Suddenly, the husband calls back from the agency - did you transfer the money ??? It turns out he went there, to the agency. Was there. But he told me something else. He talked a lot. That I don’t respect him, I torment him behind his back, that then I go without him with my daughter, he doesn’t go anywhere. I sob. I wanted the best. As a result, he writes an SMS that he bought a tour for three, but he has no desire to talk to me. I'm really glad we're still going. If he doesn’t go in the autumn, he will leave only next summer, he will become completely nervous and angry. I wrote to him everything that he needed to rest, that he was tired, that I love him very much and want the best only. He doesn't talk to me for the second day. I am in a lot of pain. The first day I sucked up, tried to hug, act as if nothing had happened, prepared treats. Result - ignore. Eats, goes to sleep. Daughter smiles and speaks to her affectionately. On the second day, I had no strength. I mechanically cook and clean, I can not hide my misfortune completely. I'm very worried, I can't even try to hug me, if he ignores me again, I won't be able to stand it. I cry all the time. How to behave? Also ignore? I don't know how, we have a baby, I'm always affectionate. From my attempts to arrange and talk, he seems to be even more convinced of right choice"punishment". I am in a lot of pain. I am with the baby all the time, she feels that something is wrong with me, she is naughty, she hangs on her chest. There are no forces

The psychologist answers the question.

Good day Leah.

Everything is fine. It happens. Calm down yourself (in fact, everything is ALREADY fine) and give your husband the opportunity to punish you.

Yes, punish. He loves you very much. Once withstood all this emotional stress associated with the redemption of the ticket. It is difficult for men to choose, then change their choice, and so on several times. And then there's ... a surprise from you. He needs time to calm down. Stay as sweet as you are. Relax, everything is already behind, everything will work out when the husband’s resentment passes. This situation teaches you.

Why do you think prices rise as soon as you choose one of the tours? How much confidence do you have in this agent girl?

Think about how much she knows you, your family and your opportunities??? How much she herself is satisfied with her life and she has no reason to envy you.

Was it possible to compare prices in another agency?

But, this situation is already over. Learning. We're just gaining wisdom.

Be that as it may, is it right to do something (even for the good) behind the husband's back? How does he feel about it? what thoughts might he have?

Did you answer all questions? We cleared up the situation for ourselves.

Leah, your husband will cool down and will still be affectionate towards you. Take care of your peace of mind for your daughter and in order to fill your husband again with your love at any moment.

Be wise. Give joy, warmth and care to your loved ones. That's all you need to do now.

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0 Max11111 04/04/2018 18:36

Quoting turkishbride:

read. it's just that the husband is the same living person as the wife, why did you get the idea that it's easy for him. work is easy and a wife with a three-month-old child at home. I read that he initially did not want to go on vacation. This is what my wife wanted! for the sake of his wife, he persuaded himself inside. he has a lot of work there, but she decided that she knows better when he should rest, when he doesn’t, and what he wants in general. and for what, excuse me, should he "calm down" his wife and child if he himself is under stress? the husband is not property, and after the birth of children it does not become one either. It’s just that such double standards, he owes me, but I don’t, I’m with a child. he owes me the sea, because I want it. where is his wish? he has a business there, that's what matters to him!

It says that they decided to go on vacation together in October, he fooled her, sometimes I want to go there, sometimes I don’t want to go there, but I want to go here, he found fault with prices, although everything was agreed and postponed until then. If he had immediately said that he did not want to go and that it was not worth looking for a tour, he might not have been offended for two days. Not talking for two days, isn't that an insult? Is it not trying to punish it is not clear why? There is not a word about the fact that the husband was pressured and used as property. And the wife still followed her husband, followed his whim, well, she didn’t guess that her husband didn’t really want to go, but went crazy and bought a ticket, like go alone without me. And why refuse to rest when the finances allow for it? As I understand it, he had the opportunity to go on time. Problems at work, business, when it became an excuse for a man, a woman also works sitting at home with a child. They just don't pay her for it. Family in one word. She should not join in front of those who work and earn. There was an agreement to go on vacation, be a man and go on vacation. I would take my husband's side if I saw a bitch in his wife. But I don't see the bitch. And in my husband I see an offended teacher, educator and victim. They deceived, betrayed, but I have problems, have pity on me, I am already suffering. It's not such a great job to sit at home and moan, I want to go to the sea. | |
It turns out I'm not the only one ... My problems began 3 years ago, when I began to feel that my husband often refuses me ... then he needs to sleep, because tomorrow he has to work, then his head hurts, then something else ... and in some rare moments of his desire, I became pregnant, so we stopped making love at all, after giving birth we resumed our intimate relationship, you know when? After ... 8 months, I tried to seduce him anyway ... he didn’t want to, I fell into depression, I thought everything .. I fell out of love with another found .... I was in tears and so so, he tells me that he loves me, that he hurts here and there, but he doesn’t go to be treated, he says there is no time, he heads my branch of the company. When I was diagnosed with infertility, I just went to doctors and healers, I didn’t have to be forced, I did it because I wanted a child, why can’t he also set a goal for himself and go to the doctor if he needs a family?
I'm so lucky...we make love rarely but I'm pregnant again...12 weeks. but I still want him and try to seduce him this way and that ... but he doesn’t, he pretends that he doesn’t hear my words, that he doesn’t understand why I’m going so crazy .... the only thing about he can talk to me, it’s about what we have to do .. we need to make money, provide for a family ... contracts need to be beaten out ... in short, all business moments .. that’s what he can talk to me at least at 12 at night .. .and instead to come up to me and say that I am desirable and beautiful and that he wants me, etc. no. As soon as I start climbing to him myself, he starts talking to me in a harsh tone, let's sleep!!! Any desire kills ... now I basically don’t say anything to him, I don’t ask ... I just settle down on my half of the bed, by the way, our son is sleeping between us for 1.9 months, when I spit on everything and directly climb on my husband, I put the baby in his crib, but then he asks to return the baby to the place between us. I know that he adores his son, whom he has been waiting for 3.5 years, but still you can’t neglect your wife like that. During the day, I love him as a husband, we calmly discuss things with him, we live normally ... but at night, when he begins to yawn indifferently and fall asleep, I start to get angry at him ... quietly hate .... and in the morning everything is as usual. I tried to talk to him anyway, to tell him frankly what I want from him, he seems to understand everything, nods his head ... promises that everything will be fine .... but then again ... and after all, we are young for us 27 years old only ... married 6 years. Now I don’t say anything, because I see from the side that I myself am asking for him to go to bed ... that until I myself get into hugging, kissing ... he will not stretch out his hands to me, will not say "Come to me ... I want you" I even stopped buying erotic lingerie for myself, it's useless ... he won't appreciate it, he won't even notice. But I often see erotic dreams, where I make love to completely strangers and I feel so pleased ... I even feel everything. This is how I cheat on my husband in my dreams, but this is what is in my subconscious.
I can't in real life... there are no other men for me in real life, I love my husband, even at events, etc. I don't like to dance with anyone but mine. I don’t know what to do ... most likely I will become indifferent to him as a lover, during the day let him be a husband, father of a family ... and at night I will make love with other men in my dreams ...

What kind of person are you?! How much can you drink?! You've already lost your human form! Pig! shouted the young beautiful woman to your spouse.
It's been a year since they got married. Everything was so wonderful: he carried her in his arms, looked after her beautifully ... And now more and more often he comes home drunk. Polina tried all the ways that her friends advised her: she called his parents, telling in detail about the “adventures” of their beloved son, with her husband in the company of friends she tried to limit his “norm”, warning of the consequences, often shamed. But ... for some reason, he increasingly came late and drunk. And he no longer spoke, as before, words about passionate love.
And then suddenly he didn’t come ... Polina was angry at first, cursed her husband, then she called all her friends, his parents were nowhere to be found. She no longer knew what to think.
And then one evening her friend Olya came to her.
- I saw your ... with one girl!
- Can not be! He never... He drank... Probably, the same drunkard picked up..., - Polina said, wrinkling her face angrily.
- Imagine - no. He's sober and she looks pretty decent. Just not pretty at all. No match for you!
- Sober???
Polina grabbed the phone and convulsively began to dial her husband's number.
"I'm listening," a familiar voice said.
- You're a bastard! You are a pig! You are a monster!
There were short beeps.
Polina was furious. She called his parents, accused them of failing to raise a good son. I called friends, urging them to help bring back the prodigal husband.
In the evening, in impotent rage, she sat on the sofa and burst into tears. How could he? She is so bright, beautiful and smart. Yes, he should be happy next to her! He exchanged it for some ... But he pretended, said that to live without her ...
Women's curiosity haunted her. She found out where her husband had gone. I came to deal with her.
- May I come in?
- Hello, Polina. Come on.
- Do we know each other?
- We went to the same school. I am a year older than you.
- I do not remember. I've never talked to such "beauties"!
- Come on.
- Well, let's talk! Tell me how you got my husband hooked. What did you drink? Do you drink together? What did he see in you? After all, no normal man will even look at you! Not for anything!
- Do not shout. If you want to talk - sit down, and without tantrums. I didn’t drug your husband with anything and didn’t bewitch. And I don't drink at all. Fundamentally. And your husband doesn't drink with me. And he won't drink. And you yourself are to blame. Didn't appreciate him. That's what she lost.
It was as if a bucket of slop had been poured into Polina's face. She jumped up in indignation, kicked a stool, called Lena and ran out into the street. She was suffocating from anger, from impotence, from injustice. "Why? Why? she screamed inside herself. “Why did it all happen like this?” Polina walked quickly to her house. She sat down in front of the mirror and looked at herself. Involuntarily, the image of Lena was seen nearby. Heaven and earth! How can you put this next to me! But he had chosen... He had chosen her... Why? And why doesn't he drink with her?
Looking closely, she noticed an angry expression in her reflection, and Lena's eyes looked at her calmly, confidently.
Or maybe it's true, I'm wrong about something? ... After all, when we met Andrei, he was cheerful, loved to sing, he accompanied on the guitar. And he always elegantly stood in front of her on one knee. All friends were jealous... He brought her coffee and hot breakfast in bed... He said every day that she was the best, that he loved her more than anything in the world... Where is this love? Where did she go? Drank?! Is this Lenka right: she is to blame. In what? Did I love him? Did you ever say something nice to him? Did you reciprocate? ... My God! After all, I only enjoyed his courtship, used him, his love ... And he didn’t have a single good word did not say. She only scolded, humiliated him in the eyes of his parents, friends, acquaintances... Yes, it is not surprising that he started drinking... and...
Polina opened the wedding album. Tears dripped onto the happy face of Andrei, holding his beloved bride in his arms.

Different circumstances sometimes force us to make an important decision - to continue working, or to move into the status of a housewife with all the ensuing consequences. Most often, such a decision is made at the family council, together. Moreover, theoretically, everyone seems to understand the need for such a step, and the consequences, and the difficulties that will have to be faced, but, on the other hand, there is a noticeable relief in solving many problems, especially if there are school children in the family.

Only often, over time, the situation begins to change. A woman-housewife, having already brought household chores into some kind of system, suddenly begins to understand that in her life there is, in fact, life itself. That is, personally, she herself has nothing new, no events, no prospects. Communication with people outside the home has been limited, an endless string of days similar to one another, like peas, stretches.

How women tolerate it depends on many reasons. Someone completely dissolves in the family and begins to live in the interests of her husband, children, and home. This is also a kind of happiness - such self-giving, which brings satisfaction. Especially if all the efforts of a woman for the benefit of the family and at home are noticed and appreciated by this very family.

But many, after a while, begin to feel like a servant in the house, which is not considered too much. At the same time, she must do everything, follow everything, and you can hear some objections: “You sit at home all day! Is it really that hard…?!” Naturally, such an attitude forms, first of all, the attitude of a husband to his wife and to her contribution to family affairs.

Leaving work, a woman loses not only a certain autonomy and economic independence. Psychological stress can be very strong, which will definitely affect the family, family relationships. Preparing to devote herself to the family, a woman must definitely receive something in return - an incentive that will fill her life with special meaning.

“Until my daughter went to first grade, I worked in a state institution, from start to finish. And then I was offered a home job. It was convenient: I drove the child to school, returned home, “sat” on the phone, as required by the new job, cooked, cleaned, followed my daughter, taught her lessons, washed, ironed and waited for my husband to return from work.

And then the firm that hired me broke up, and I became a housewife. I have no time to sit idly by, but the problems are growing every day. The main one is the relationship with her husband. Increasingly, I began to suspect him of treason, to react with tears even to his completely harmless remarks. I try to explain my condition to him, but he either keeps silent or says that I am a fool.

Here he is going to some event, I say: “Take me with you!” And he declares that I will not be interested there. But if I go somewhere, then there is a lot of discontent on his part. I have to be at home always! If the husband is late, he does not even consider it necessary to call me. I understand: the whole trouble is that I'm sitting at home. If I had a job, my husband would consider me. To live only as a family, at home, to “stew in one’s own juice” is insanely difficult.

My friends envy me: “It’s good for you, you don’t have to sit at work from morning to evening, reporting to someone ...”. “If you only knew who you envy,” I answer them: “Stay in my shoes, you will understand what’s what!” In general, after the New Year I start new life- I go to my old job, despite the objections of my husband. And I want to say to all women: “Before you agree to “settle down” at home, think ten times. You may regret it!"

Home » Psychologist's advice » Why my husband does not sleep with me psychologist's advice

There were times when there were jokes among men about the eternal "headache" of a partner when trying to offer her sex. In addition, it was believed that women needed marital status and children, and they did not get pleasure from sex. A decent man, for the sake of acquiring heirs, occasionally tormented his wife with his caresses, and received the rest from girls of easy virtue. What was there, from the point of view of intimacy, behind the oak doors of palaces, behind the curtains of Victorian windows and in simple peasant huts - no polls were conducted. Firstly, the topic is indecent, and secondly, sociology has not yet been invented. In any case, the initiator of sexual relations was a man. And the idea of ​​a women's initiative in this area was simply unacceptable.

But those blissful times for men are gone forever. At the beginning of the 20th century, Mr. Freud promulgated the existence of the female orgasm. A little later, ubiquitous anthropologists, with the support of famous travelers, proved that the fact of the existence of the latter was not known only to Europeans, and in the East and Asia it has been inscribed in the context of erotic culture since ancient times.

For about half a century, Europe and America digested the discovery. Then the Second World War began, it was not up to that. Then the sexual revolution broke out and the era of total female erotic enlightenment came. Now a new requirement is being put forward for the stronger sex. His symbol is a wife in a peignoir, in an inviting pose, demanding from her hero "a bag of pleasures every evening." But what about the man? And he, the scoundrel, ignores the new peignoir. Came home from work, had dinner and fell asleep. The ardent lady is crying in the kitchen. In her head is a terrible question: why does he not want to? And today, and yesterday ... And the head of the beauty is visited by trivial thoughts:

  • he has a mistress at work;
  • he has a mistress on the side;
  • he is mired in debauchery, and his mistresses are just everywhere;
  • he fell out of love with me;
  • I'm ugly and fat, I need a plastic surgeon and liposuction;
  • he is a novice impotent.

All options are equally terrible, but ignorance is worse than knowledge. And in the morning, with gloomy perseverance, she begins to ask what is wrong, throws tantrums, forgives his sins and begs him not to break off relations. He desperately tries to explain the reasons for the lack of desire, but, alas, no one believes his excuses. And already in his head the thought firmly settles: “Something is wrong with me.” The perfect victim for a self-serving psychologist!

Reasons for not wanting a husband to sleep with his wife

And here's the thing. Latin Americans and other sultry machos, perhaps, indulge in passion five times a day. But they also have a job, mostly - lying under a palm tree. And on average in Europe, men aged 30-45 have intimate relationships a little more than a couple of times a week. And that's okay. Even once a week is fine. They can do more. But why? In men of this age, intimate life is stable, and energy is spent on a career, work, gambling, hobbies. In addition, Russia is a country with a temperate and cold climate. Southern passion (like southern impulsiveness, over-emotionality, violent gesticulation) is not characteristic of our men. There are exceptions, but they rather confirm the rule. On vacation, a surge of passions may well happen, but for a mature person who knows how and loves to work with his head, it’s just a pity to spend several hours a day on sex, even if it’s sex with his beloved woman. Why several hours? But because a real man should not quickly take possession of his lady and then snore against the wall. He approaches sex creatively. And being creative even three times a day takes too much time.

Why does a husband not want to sleep with his wife:

  1. He's downright tired. Ten or more hours of decision making per day. Huge responsibility. Difficult tasks. Daily communication. He comes home devastated. And here he needs only rest for a week. There are several beautiful ethnic traditions "in the theme." For example, English men in the era of Queen Victoria, coming home from work, had dinner, then read the newspaper. And the house was perfectly quiet. Children in the nursery. The wife is nearby, but is silent: the father of the family is resting. And among the Jews, in the tradition of Shabbat, the rule is included: on Saturday evening, the husband must take possession of his wife. Nothing is reasonably said about the rest of the days of the week. And there are such traditions for a reason.
  2. Sex has become routine. For many years there has not been a single fresh note in it: the same faces, the same poses, the same place. Just tired. There are more interesting activities.
  3. Perhaps the wife has grown fat. Interestingly, if a man gets fat (up to obesity), he still considers himself damn attractive. And if the wife gets fat, about 40 percent of men are disappointed in her as a partner. Here it is worth mentioning the insufficient care of a woman for herself and the lack of beautiful underwear that emphasizes the dignity of the figure. The world is generally harsher on women. Even if the spouse is slender as a reed, she will often prefer her younger copy. Just at the age of about forty, a part of men carry out a planned replacement of a life partner.
  4. He likes to watch porn movies more. He is such a dreamer (especially if his partner is not able to satisfy his exotic fantasies).
  5. He really is losing power. Do not be afraid of this phrase. It does not mean an inability to have sex, but a lesser need for it. The very same ability to have sex sometimes persists until old age.
  6. The house is no longer his fortress, but a place where claims are made against him, bills are presented, any achievement is criticized. And if the bed also becomes a springboard for a scandal, then sex is strongly associated with it.
  7. He lacks tenderness. He is a man and, perhaps, would take the initiative himself. But when he is required to immediately fulfill his duty, the attraction disappears along with the remnants of the romantic mood.
  8. He is sick. What else can you say?

Continue reading "How to Get Your Husband's Passion Back"

The reality is that the strength of the female attraction increases by 30-35 years, when the male desire for sex decreases. The worst thing a woman can do is to throw reproaches. It will only breed mutual revulsion. Difficulties in intimate life are one of the situations in which partners begin to receive dividends from the trust capital invested in the relationship. Perhaps the cause of the troubles is easily eliminated. Maybe he needs help. There may be many individual nuances. In any case, the problem is solved together.

If sex happens only once a week or even two, then let it be unforgettable, an extravaganza of passion or an ocean of tenderness. The bed is not a place for reproaches and showdown! There is another charming tradition: if the partners quarreled - put up before laying down together. And always sleep together.

And yet ... Why not try to start complimenting him instead of complaints? How big and beautiful he is. Amazingly smart. With beautiful eyes, a stately figure (or a cute tummy). With skillful manly hands. It's so sexy it's impossible to resist. You can also remember the Chinese tradition and compliment not only him, but also his significant addition. After all, he, too, is beautiful, and strong, and skillful, and stately.

Do not forget that God invented work, and Satan invented idleness. Perhaps the one that makes too many claims is just bored?

And, no matter how trite it sounds, you need to devote more time to communication. Depressed women are known to have an increased need for sex. After all, sexual intercourse is a weighty proof of its relevance. In fact, it does not require sex, but attention, care. Massage, conversation, evening gatherings with a glass of wine... The development of harmony, a sense of unity with your loved one can bring more happiness than the best orgasm. Because happiness is long, and orgasm is short.

And there are vibratory massagers. But that is another story.

My husband doesn't sleep with me

It almost always happens that the husband asks, the woman gives or refuses. And this is the traditional view of intimate relationships, which has survived to this day. A man who does not ask for anything is not provided here. What happens? A husband who does not want sex is an isolated case that fell on your head. But that's not the case at all!

One foreign magazine conducted its own investigation, which showed that 12% of men interviewed on the street named their sexual problem as simply not wanting to have sex.

The wife asks herself: “Why doesn’t my husband sleep with me?”, And in this case, she begins to look for reasons in herself. She begins to explore every centimeter of the body, looking at all the wrinkles, and feeling the fat deposits. She buys beautiful seductive lingerie and torments herself with thoughts of her passivity or excessive demands or untidy appearance. These arguments undermine self-confidence even more. And the woman does not even think that the loss of desire may have other reasons.

Sexologist Bernie Silbergeld from America, in her book The New Sexuality of Men, described fourteen factors that kill desire.

  1. Job. Some men are so passionate about their work that they get genuine satisfaction from it.
  2. Overwork, stress. A man, feeling his emptiness and overload, is removed from additional loads. And for some, this burden can be sex.
  3. Fear of being incompetent. They are simply afraid of premature orgasm, so they avoid intimacy, instead of being treated.
  4. Weak potency. Somewhere after forty years, a man notices that his sexual abilities are declining. They are ashamed of it.
  5. Decreased sexual interest. After the age of 25, men experience a gradual decline in sexual activity.
  6. Weak sexual instinct. There are men who cannot live a day without sex, and there are those who are enough even three times a year. And at the very beginning of a relationship with a woman, namely, sexual relations, a man hides this peculiarity of his.
  7. Self-satisfaction. For some men this is enough.
  8. Partner dissatisfaction.
  9. Alcohol and drug addiction. Drugs and alcoholism block potency.
  10. Diseases, intake medicines. Any disease reduces sex drive.
  11. Fear of closeness. Secretive men are afraid to fully reveal themselves to people, so they avoid frequent sexual contact with a woman.
  12. Anxiety about your inadequacy. Previously, women demanded that a man be strong, energetic both in bed and in other areas of life. Now the requirements have changed a bit, many want something romantic and soft. The trouble is that such a soft and romantic man is afraid that he will not be able to turn into a strong man, once in bed.
  13. external unattractiveness. Yes Yes. Men love with their eyes, and there's nothing you can do about it.
  14. relationship dissatisfaction. If a man believes that he has a bad relationship with his wife, then he will engage in self-satisfaction.

In looking for the reasons for a man's lack of desire, two things must be taken into account. Couples who understand and know each other well may not always match sexually. And a woman should know that it is impossible to change behavior by force.

A woman complaining that "my husband does not sleep with me" should speak frankly with a man. But for this it is necessary that the man himself wants to renew sexual desire. It is very important to be frank if the reason for the weakening was the wife. Here the help of a specialist in this field will be useful, otherwise a dialogue on this topic may lead to unexpected consequences.

If the reasons for sexual cooling are work and stress, you can do without a doctor. A woman should step back and give time and a chance to figure out the man himself. When he understands the reasons for indifference to sex, a woman should be there, but not put pressure on him. We need to find time for each other, relax together, and have fun, and not get hung up on this problem.

Husband won't sleep with me

My husband stopped sleeping with me.

Question to the psychologist:

My husband and I have been living together for 5 years. I am 27, my husband is 29. Our child is 2 years old. I have been at home with my child for 2 years now. The house is in order, I also take care of myself. Our child is not easy, well, very active, hardly sleeps and does not know how to play independently. It completely exhausts me during the day. Grandparents are not around.

My husband has always been sexually active. My needs are a little lower. Often we had quarrels due to the fact that, due to the appearance of a child in the family, I became very tired and I simply did not have enough strength for sex. I just fall on the bed and pass out, what is it?

I had a difficult pregnancy, almost always high tone, i.e. intimacy was forbidden. When the child was one month old, my husband cheated on me with another woman, he could not stand it, I found out about it by chance a year later. After that, I kicked him out, we parted for a month, but then I forgave him, he repented, said that he realized everything and it happened once, they got back together again. They lived peacefully for a year. But I'm always afraid of change. And in recent times there was a problem. Usually the bed with her husband happened at least once or twice a week. Three months ago, it disappeared for almost a month, I talked to my husband, he says that he is healthy, does not change, but he is tired of persuading me to do this. I was upset, even cried from resentment, I'm so tired, why doesn't he understand me. After the conversation, this happened ... and then again a break for a month (for no reason!). Again brought him to the conversation, says you refuse me. But this is not true. I did not refuse him, everything is in order with my memory. I think these are just excuses. And again a month without it. I don't know what to think anymore. He comes home from work on time, there are no suspicious calls, SMS on the phone, but he does not look at me as a woman. Is it cheating again? After all, for him a month without it is something on the verge of fantasy.

As a result, the husband is silent, pretends that everything is fine, but he ignores me as a woman, I try to talk to him, I achieve nothing and suffer from suspicions. What if he doesn't say anything? Is divorce really the only way out, or is it still possible to save a family?

Hello Irina. If you suspect your husband of cheating all the time, you will exhaust yourself and you can definitely forget about a good family life. Tune in to the fact that he wants attention from you, think about how you can give this attention to him.

But first, answer your questions - Do you yourself want sexual relations with your husband? Maybe you agree to intimacy only so that he does not leave you? Is it only fatigue that prevents you from sexual relations? Maybe the past resentment for treason has not yet faded away? Think about what really worries you, whether you really want to be with your husband, what keeps you close to him.

If the feelings remain, and you understand that you need your husband, then after putting the child to bed, give yourself and the man the joy of close relationships. Now there are many books devoted to intimacy in family life. Take a closer look at them, perhaps you will emphasize something and be able to apply.

During the day, do not forget to hug your husband, write something affectionate. Try not to expect affection in return. Do everything from the heart, and not in order to see what he will write to you in response. Otherwise, all suspicions and resentments will come back.

Pay attention to various relaxation practices. They will help you find peace. Good luck to you and take care of yourself.

Husband won't sleep with me

Everyone has their own point of view on any life situation, and also not the problems that you have to face hour by hour in a relationship with a man. It also happens that he is offended by something and keeps everything in himself, without giving out the true reasons, and in this case, clever woman must understand for herself that it is not right to correct the situation by compromising.

But if the situation from the category I cheated on my husband and how to improve relations in the family after the betrayal, then everything becomes more complicated, but even here you can find a way out. It will not be superfluous to describe your problem in the comments to get good advice.

Why does my husband not sleep with me anymore in the same bed, then there is someone, reasons, advice from a psychologist

Eliminate conflict or quarrel. The first sign of infidelity is the lack of marital obligations.

It is best to talk, and if it starts to play up, make excuses, start observing the behavior.

Why does a guy not sleep with me for a month sober, he only likes beer if I'm pregnant

The guy has obvious problems, so give an ultimatum, either you or the beer. Spend more time together so you can spend less time with your friends. If drinking alone, say no alcohol today.

Find out if something happened and he needs help.

My husband does not want to ask me why he is silent, how to be, he says that he is tired

First of all, you need to find out the reason. Maybe you stopped taking care of yourself? Add variety with specialty stores. Make a romantic dinner.

My husband doesn't want me because I'm fat, but he lives with me

For each word "thick" has a different meaning. For example, with a height of 155 cm and a weight of 55 kg, you are definitely in great shape, but if the height is much higher, then urgently go to fitness and diet. Excess weight not only does not decorate a woman, but also leads to health problems.

The guy does not sleep with me for more than a week, does not want to kiss, looks at others what to do

Start looking at others with interest too. If he does not respond, then everything is very serious. Look for common ground and common interests to bring romanticism back into the relationship.

If the husband does not sleep with his wife what to do according to Islam

intimate life from the point of view of Sharia obliges the husband to satisfy not only himself, but also his wife.

When a man does not want to fulfill his duties, you can talk to the mula, telling the situation and asking for advice.

Husband does not sleep with me because of his mistress what to do

If you know about the existence of another woman in your husband’s life and have come to terms with it, and he, in turn, does not want to change anything, then there are two options: either put up or get divorced. If divorce is not your option and you want to save your husband by any means, offer him the option that he devotes several nights a week to you.

The husband does not sleep with his wife after the wedding, infidelity, childbirth psychology

Some men lose interest after marriage, believing that the woman has already been conquered. She becomes uninteresting to him.

After betrayal, men cannot forgive, and someone, lying down in the same bed, begins to fantasize about this topic, I imagine my wife with others. After childbirth, the husband has a squeamish attitude, imagining how everything happened there. Most of the time it goes away.

If a husband does not sleep with his wife, is it worth getting a divorce or having a lover, what are the consequences

First you need to find out the reason. Perhaps some kind of resentment gnaws at him, or maybe the whole thing is in another woman.

Husband won't sleep with me

My husband doesn't sleep with me - why? All thoughts haunt me. The family is one of the most important points our life. Everyone tries their best to maintain the family hearth, no matter what. But every family is different, there are many reasons why families break up.

One of the most common is that a husband stops sleeping with his wife - this is a common occurrence, which greatly undermines the reputation of men. Why does it happen that like a happy family and suddenly everything collapsed? There are also many answers to this question, since the reasons for this phenomenon can also be different.

For example, there was an aversion to his wife after childbirth, fell out of love, problems with potency, stress and overwork, complexes, etc. This list can be listed for a long time, but the most important thing for family relationships is to try to understand and correct this problem.

Many women file for divorce because they cannot get to the bottom of the problem, and all because men are closed with their thoughts and do not want to give any explanation about this. To try to fix their intimate and family relationships, women are ready to do anything.

For example, many believe that the husband stopped paying attention after childbirth, because he has an aversion to the figure, to changes in the body. And so women are trying to improve their figure, change their image, become more sexy and not monotonous in bed, that is, they are looking for problems in themselves. But is it possible to decide something without knowing the true meaning of the resulting situation? If it is impossible to achieve a husband, and after all this, a woman's self-esteem often drops, obsessive thoughts appear, the woman simply goes crazy, from impotence.

Psychologists advise you to sort out the problem as soon as possible and make it clear to your husband that you are ready to support and help him. Even if this is a bitter truth for you, you need to decide everything and put an end to it. Basically, men stop being interested in their wife as a woman when he gets bored and waits for new sensations - this often leads to the fact that the husband has a mistress.

Also, if there is constant tension in the family, then the husband tries to distract himself and looks for himself how to have fun in order to forget. It may even be that the husband is tired because you are always at home in a dressing gown without makeup and this simply does not excite him. Also, fatigue and stress can lead to sexual impotence, and a man simply will not demand sex.