American states are abbreviated alphabetically. All US states. How are they part of the United States

Most non-white states and counties Most non-white states in the United States ... Wikipedia

States and counties of the United States with a predominantly non-white population States of the United States with a predominantly non-white population (eng. Majority minority state) a group of second-order administrative divisions (states) in the United States in which a non-white population predominates ... Wikipedia

Continental United States, U.S. Mainland, CONUS, Lower 48, sometimes also referred to as "contiguous" US territory, which includes 48 states and the District of Columbia. The territory of the continental states is located on ... ... Wikipedia

According to the tradition established in Russian geographical sciences (leading back to the works of V. I. Lenin), the territory of the United States of America is divided into three largest regions: the industrial North, the former slave-owning South and the colonized ... ... Wikipedia

State, personnel, apparatus, parliament, personnel, personnel, people Dictionary of Russian synonyms. states see footage Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

Coordinates: 40°00′00″ s. sh. 100°00′00″ W  /  ... Wikipedia

USA at the Olympics IOC code ... Wikipedia

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA North America, consisting of the 50 states and territories of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. It borders Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the east... Geographic Encyclopedia

States; Uncle Sam (colloquial joke.) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. USA n. America United States of America United States ... Synonym dictionary


  • USA. Complete Country History, Tippot Sage, United States of America - country with unusual story. Despite the fact that the first people appeared on the territory of the North American continent 16 thousand years ago, the first state was ... Category: History of foreign countries Series: History on fingers Publisher: AST,
  • USA. The Complete History of the Country, Sage Tippot, United States of America is a country with an unusual history. Despite the fact that the first people appeared on the territory of the North American continent 16 thousand years ago, the first state was ... Category: Asia, Africa and America Series: History on fingers Publisher:

The United States of America is a huge country that offers a lot of opportunities for tourists of any age, social status and financial situation. There is no type of recreation or entertainment that cannot be found in the USA.

Since the United States occupies vast territories located in six time zones, the climate in the states can be very different: from sunny Hawaii to snowy Alaska. In this country, all types of tourism existing in the world are represented, plus a few special ones that are characteristic of America.

The state capital is Washington DC, but this case this does not affect the tourist attractiveness of the city in any way: New York remains the de facto center of the United States. The main attraction of the Big Apple is the Statue of Liberty, besides it, travelers rush to see the legendary skyscrapers of the Empire State Building, Woolworth and others, take a walk in Central Park, admire the collection of paintings in the Metropolitan Museum and walk along the Museum Mile.

Chicago is considered the most criminal city in the United States, it is the capital of jazz and the financial center of the country, and the tallest building in the United States, the Willis Tower, is also located here. Louisiana is the most French state in America; descendants of immigrants from Hugo's homeland still live in New Orleans. Utah is the stronghold of the Mormon sect, Texas amazes with vast expanses and wild prairies, the toughest guys in the entire western part of the States still live in Dallas.

Major cities are good for shopping and intercultural communication, but for a beach holiday you need to go to California and Florida. Hawaii remains the unchanging leader of resort destinations, and good coasts can also be found in South Carolina, Maine, Massachusetts, and Virginia.

The festival Las Vegas invites you to tickle your nerves and plunge into the abyss of excitement. The primitive power and grandeur of the Grand Canyon attract travelers to the state of Arizona. Concentrated in California and Oklahoma most of Indians living in the USA, tours are conducted on the territory of modern reservations and ancient cities of the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans.

Sports fans will enjoy surfing on the seductive beaches of Miami or skiing in the winter resorts of Aspen, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Vail and others in Colorado.

In almost any more or less large city, you can find several international language schools: in English-speaking America, educational tourism is very developed.

In addition, travelers come to the States to visit the cultural capital of Los Angeles, admire the landscape beauty of Ohio and Pennsylvania, improve their health in the most progressive clinics in the world, get married in the Hawaiian Islands or make an instant marriage in Las Vegas.


Virginia (VA)

Wisconsin (W.I.)

Hawaii (HI)

Delaware (DE)

Georgia (GA)

West Virginia (WV)

Illinois (IL)

Indiana (IN)

California (CA)

Kansas (KS)

Kentucky (KY)

Colorado (CO)

Connecticut (CT)

Louisiana (LA)

Massachusetts (MA)

Minnesota (MN)

Mississippi (MS)

Missouri (MO)

Michigan (MI)

Montana (MT)

Maryland (MD)

Maine (ME)

Nebraska (NE)

Nevada (NV)

New Jersey (NJ)

New Mexico (NM)

New Hampshire (NH)

New York (New York)

Ohio (Oh)

Oklahoma (OK)

Oregon (OR)

Pennsylvania (PA)

Rhode Island (R.I.)

North Dakota (ND)

North Carolina (NC)

Tennessee (TN)

Texas (TX)

Florida (FL)

South Dakota (SD)

South Carolina (SC)

Utah (UT)

federal district

Columbia region (DC)

island territories

American Samoa





Johnston Atoll

Reef Kingman

midway atoll


Northern Mariana Islands

Palmyra Atoll

Puerto Rico

Virgin Islands

Wake Atoll

A little about Americastates in the usa

Everyone is well aware of the proud star-striped flag of the United States of America, which is a worldwide symbol of freedom and democracy, and even any schoolchild knows that there are as many stripes on it as there are US states. At present, this country is one of the main forces on the political and economic map of our planet, and forces us to reckon with its opinion, both thanks to respect for its armed forces and nuclear potential, and due to expansion into the world market of goods and services. What is also facilitated by the huge size, overpopulation and continental isolation from the eternally blazing wars of troubled Europe. In the north, the States border on a calm, friendly Canada, in the south, on a less calm, but insanely respectful and fearful older neighbor, Mexico. Existing long years the confrontation between the two monsters of world politics, the USSR and the USA, expressed in the arms race and other political and economic actions, subsided with the advent of perestroika. And now, these two countries, although they are still rivals, compete in a completely peaceful way, kindly trying to "plug the belt" of a long-time enemy. The States have achieved so much in their history, relatively short in terms of human history, that this country involuntarily arouses deep respect and interest in its achievements.

One of the largest states of the modern world, ranking third in terms of the number of citizens (313.2 million people) and fourth in terms of territory (9.5 million sq. km) among other countries, from an administrative point of view, it is primarily divided into states. The United States consists of 50 states, which can be called absolutely equal components of the federation, the Federal District of Columbia stands separately. Each state in the USA has its own judicial, executive and legislative power, its own constitution. In total, there are 50 states in the USA, as already noted, but, to date, discussions are still ongoing about the advisability of forming the states of Lincoln, New York City, Superior, Eastern Oregon and Southern Utah. Also, Northern Virginia, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico continue to fight for a place in the list of US states. Therefore, the question of How many states are there in the USA, is a rather slippery topic for the Americans themselves, since every inhabitant of all these so-called "51 states" wants him to become more influential and receive more freedoms, on a par with full-fledged US states. And it is possible that in a few years, when asked how many US states, schoolchildren in geography classes around the world will name a completely different figure. Today, in order for the name of a territory to proudly appear as the name of a US state, it will have to go through a long and complicated procedure, as well as the adoption of its own regional constitution. It is impossible to exclude or independently withdraw from the list of US states. The most populous is still the District of Columbia, and from among the legal states - New York. The largest in terms of territory was Alaska, once sold Russian Empire States.

Such a complex administrative structure has every reason for existence, developed both over the long history of this state, and based on economic and social benefits. The formation of the United States in the United States occurred in 1776. Then the British colonies in America announced their desire to get out of the power of the crown and form their own free state, and unleashed the War of Independence, which ended in 1783, and already in 1787 the Constitution was approved, which stipulated the existing at that time US state names. In addition to the approved list of US states , This document included provisions for state system, the system of government, the rights and freedoms of the citizens of this country, as well as its relations with the outside world. Subsequently, over the years, more and more new states in the usa. In the same year, there were eight states in the United States with the addition of Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Next year was marked by the appearance of several US state names at once - Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York and South Carolina joined the federation. By the end of the eighteenth century, there were 16 states in the US, with the founding of North Carolina, Vermont, Kentucky, Rhode Island, and Tennessee. In the following century, 29 more states were formed. On this, the question of how many states in the United States did not begin to close - at the beginning of the last century, the creation of Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona was officially proclaimed, the latest known today are Hawaii and Alaska, which were joined in one year .

In addition to the newly gained independence, it is difficult even to immediately list all the achievements that the Americans have achieved. This is the abolition of the shameful slave-owning tradition as a result of the conflict between the patriarchal southerners and the progressive industrialists of the north in the 1860s, and the rejection of the futile policy of isolationism after the end of the First World War, as well as many other milestones that the long-suffering American power had to go through on the long path to its prosperity. As mentioned earlier, all 50 equal subjects of the federation have full local power within their territory, but concede powers in external relations to federal representative bodies. How many US states - so many flags, each has its own local symbols, capital and is very proud of its sovereignty. In addition, it should be noted that, how many states in the United States, so many interesting stories their names. This country has become a tight ball that tied together many cultures, nationalities, languages ​​and traditions, therefore the origin of the names of the states comes from six sources. For example, 26 of them have Indian roots, Alaska came from the Eskimo language, Hawaii - from the Hawaiian, only 11 states are named English words, 6 - Spanish, 3 - French and even one, Rhode Island, is taken from the Dutch dialects. Only one thing, Washington, can be said to have a really direct relation to the history of the United States.

The official language in all states, adopted at the state level, is English, although its American variation is slightly different from the classic Shakespearean style. The English-speaking population of the United States of America makes up over 70% of the total population. After English, the second most common language is Spanish language, which is native to 10% of the inhabitants. French, Chinese, German, Turkish, Vietnamese, Italian and Korean follow. The eleventh position in this peculiar language hit parade is occupied by the Russian language. Education in the States, despite the widespread propaganda carried out in the world community, leaves much to be desired. For example, in 2003, according to statistics, about a quarter of the population of the corresponding age did not even have a completed secondary education. About half of the residents have graduated from a higher educational institution, about a quarter have a bachelor's degree. The education system has three levels of funding: local, state and federal. And, of course, the material base educational institutions deserves all the praise. The amendment to the Constitution of 1791 speaks of the separation of church and state, but today the United States can be called almost the only country in the world in which the majority of the population perceives religion as an integral part of their lives. About half of the inhabitants profess Protestantism, almost a quarter are Catholics, a small percentage of Mormons, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists are also present. No more than 20% of Americans consider themselves atheists, or adherents of an abstract faith without a clear belonging to a particular concession. There are parishes of the Orthodox Church for our Soviet emigrants.

The United States of America is a country with its own distinctive cultural and scientific tradition, it gave the world such geniuses of the pen as Jack London and Mark Twain, the great scientists James Watson and Thomas Edison. Business sharks who consider their homeland US states, rule the world, and even children have heard about the names of Ford and Rockefeller. America is vast and multifaceted, in order to at least touch its understanding and study, you will have to spend more than one year, but, believe me, this country is one of those few that really deserve it.

The United States of America plays a leading role in the world community. Researchers call this state an empire that influences the politics of Western countries. Tourists who plan to visit the American states should familiarize themselves with the history of its formation.

The United States of America is easy to find on the map - they are located on the continent called North America and occupy a large part of it. A state in the United States is a territorial unit, by joining them over a number of years, the United States of America was formed.

The exact answer to the question of how many states there are in the United States can be given to those who are seriously engaged in the study of this state. To be precise, today the USA consists of 50 states. Colombia, sometimes listed as the 51 states, is actually a federal district, an independent federal unit. In addition to this, the United States has several island territories that also have sovereignty, they are not subordinate to any state. Each state is divided into districts administered by city municipalities. Rural areas may consist of townships.

Each state is a federation, and they all have equal rights. There is nothing unusual in this, a similar structure can be found in other large states. It is interesting that all states are equal, but they have their own branches of government and their own constitution. Therefore, for the same crime in each state, there may be a different punishment.

US state names, detailed alphabetical list

When studying the United States, questions may arise from a person who knows well English language. The thing is that the word "state" can be translated not only as "states", but also as "state". AT mid-seventeenth centuries, when the United States was in the formative stage, individual colonies were considered states.

Each state has not only its own capital, but also a flag and a motto. Next, we list the US states and their capitals.

# State name (in Russian)State name (in English)State capital (in Russian)State capital (in English)
1 IdahoIdahoboiseBoise
2 IowaIowaDes MoinesDes Moines
3 AlabamaAlabamaMontgomeryMontgomery
4 AlaskaAlaskaJuneauJuneau
5 ArizonaArizonaPhoenixPhoenix
6 ArkansasArkansasLittle Rocklittle rock
7 WyomingWyomingCheyenneCheyenne
8 WashingtonWashingtonOlympiaOlympia
9 VermontVermontMontpelierMontpelier
10 VirginiaVirginiarichmondRichmond
11 WisconsinWisconsinMadisonMadison
12 HawaiiHonoluluHonolulu
13 DelawareDelawareDoverDover
14 GeorgiaGeorgiaAtlantaAtlanta
15 West VirginiaWest VirginiaCharstonCharleston
16 IllinoisIllinoisspringfieldSpringfield
17 IndianaIndianaIndianapolisIndianapolis
18 CaliforniaCaliforniaSacramentoSacramento
19 KansasKansasTopekaTopeka
20 KentuckyKentuckyfrankfortfrankfort
21 ColoradoColoradoDenverDenver
22 ConnecticutConnecticutHartfordHartford
23 LouisianaLouisianabaton rougeBaton Rouge
24 MassachusettsMassachusettsBostonBoston
25 MinnesotaMinnesotaSaint PaulSt. Paul
26 MississippiMississippiJacksonJackson
27 MissouriMissouriJefferson CityJefferson City
28 MichiganMichiganLansingLansing
29 MontanaMontanaHelenaHelena
30 MaineMaineAugustaAugusta
31 MarylandMarylandAnnapolisAnnapolis
32 NebraskaNebraskaLincolnLincoln
33 NevadaNevadaCarson Citycarson city
34 New HampshireNew HampshireConcordConcord
35 New JerseyNew JerseyTrentonTrenton
36 New YorkNew YorkAlbanyAlbany
37 New MexicoNew MexicoSanta FeSanta Fe
38 OhioOhioColumbusColumbus
39 OklahomaOklahomaOklahoma CityOklahoma city
40 OregonOregonSalemSalem
41 PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaHarrisburgHarrisburg
42 Rhode IslandRhode IslandProvidenceProvidence
43 North DakotaNorth DakotaBismarckBismarck
44 North CarolinaNorth CarolinaRolesRaleigh
45 TennesseeTennesseeNashvilleNashville
46 TexasTexasAustinAustin
47 FloridaFloridaTallahasseeTallahassee
48 South DakotaSouth DakotaPyrrhusPierre
49 South CarolinaSouth CarolinaColombiaColumbia
50 UtahutahSalt Lake CitySalt Lake City

Moreover, the state capital is not necessarily the largest city. The word "state" began to be used in its modern sense since 1776, after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. At that time, the United States consisted of 46 states. Although you can still find indications that these were separate states. For example, the official flag of California bears the words "Republic of California".

Confederate States of America

There was a period in the history of the United States when the state was practically divided into two parts. And although this lasted only 4 years, the fact remains: in 1861, the Confederate States of America (CSA) appeared. This is a self-proclaimed independent state, which was also called "Confederation" or "Dixie". It existed until 1865. What was the reason for its occurrence?

It is sometimes believed that the Confederation was formed as a result of the abolition of slavery in the United States, which started the Civil War. This is not entirely correct, because the CSA appeared after Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election. As a result of this 6 southern states announced their withdrawal from the United States. A month later, Texas joined them. And when Abraham Lincoln announced that he intended to achieve the preservation of the Union, 4 more states announced that they would join the Confederacy.

Sometimes it is believed that the Confederation included not 11, but 13 American states. This is partly correct. The fact is that Kentucky and Missouri turned out to be “border states” between the USA and the CSA. For a while, there were two governments, one on the side of the United States, and the second supported the Confederation. Basically, the CSA included states that did not want to abandon the slave system. Although Maryland was a slave state, martial law was introduced in time, so it remained part of the United States. Delaware remained neutral until the very end of the war. In 1865, the Confederation, having suffered a defeat in hostilities, ceased to exist. These states changed the constitution and abolished slavery.

Texas is a state in the southern United States. It is in second place in terms of territory (only Alaska is larger) and in second place after California in terms of population. At first, this territory belonged to Mexico, and then there was a separate state that existed for almost 10 years - from 1836 to 1845. It appeared as a result of the war in the north-east of Mexico.

Several reasons are given as to why problems in Mexico led to war. On the one hand, the dictatorship of the Mexican president, on the other, the adoption of a new constitution in the country, thanks to which slavery was abolished in 1835. As a result, Texas gained independence in 1836. The state was recognized by the international community as a separate state. But the hostilities did not stop.

Clashes between Mexico and Texas continued for another 10 years. And only as a result of the US victory in the war with Mexico (1846-1848), the issue of territorial claims was settled - Texas received freedom. But most Texans have wanted to join the United States before. Texas is the only independent state in the United States recognized by other countries. Although the separatist movements seeking the independence of this state of America are still active. They believe that Texas was annexed by the United States.

Kingdom and Republic

These are islands located in the Pacific Ocean. They are located at a distance of 3700 km from the continental part of America. This is the most recent state that became part of the United States, and this happened already in the 20th century - in 1959. But at first it was a kingdom, and then a separate republic. Why did the islands, located far from the USA, become part of this state as one of the states?

In the 18th century, Hawaii had several semi-state structures. Then King Kamehameha I managed to unite the islands by force and establish a single kingdom. Since 1810, for 85 years, one dynasty ruled here. In 1893, a coup d'état took place in Hawaii with the support of American sailors. But the United States refused to annex the islands, believing that it was contrary to the popular will of the Hawaiians. As a result of the coup, a republic appeared instead of a kingdom. But in 1898 they fell under the protectorate of the United States, and already in the middle of the 20th century they became one of the states. It is considered to be the "sugar" state of the USA.

The most amazing states in the US

What American states can be distinguished and what should you pay attention to? It is difficult to find an unambiguous answer to this question, because each of them has a “zest”. The absence of a state language is also hallmark America.

The names of many states have unusual origins.

  1. As the researchers note, 25 or 26 names have Indian roots.
  2. The name of the northernmost state of Alaska is taken from the language of the Eskimos.
  3. Only 20 states have names of European origin: 11 are English, 6 are Spanish and 3 are French.
  4. There is speculation that Rhode Island is a Dutch toponym.

But what about the Americans, did they really not give a name to a single state? It turns out that there is one, and we are talking about Washington state. It is named after President D. Washington.

There are states that are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty.

  1. Florida is the southernmost part of North America. It is often referred to as the "Sunshine State".
  2. Oregon is full of contrasts and variety of landscapes. He could easily compete with the panoramas presented in the film "The Lord of the Rings".
  3. Michigan is known for its natural beauty. In addition, there are many large lakes.
  4. Colorado is famous for its rocky mountains and unusual beauty canyons. This state is often called the home of wonderful national parks.
  5. stands out for its richness of flora and fauna.
  6. Arizona has amazingly beautiful canyons. They are visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

The United States was formed in 1776 when 13 British colonies signed the Declaration of Independence. From that moment on, England lost power over them. In order to regain the colonial territories again, troops had to be sent in. This provoked the war, thanks to which the United States gained independence. But some of the colonies still remained loyal to the English crown. In 1787, the Constitution was adopted, which was ratified by 9 of the 13 states. During the late 18th and throughout the 19th century, other states joined. In the 20th century, the United States included the remaining five: Oklahoma (1907), New Mexico (1912), Arizona (1912), Alaska (1959) and (1959).

Why is the District of Columbia (Washington) not part of any state

The District of Columbia is the capital city of the United States of Washington, as well as the surrounding area. Repeated attempts were made to make it a separate state, but the American legislators did not come to an unequivocal decision. The last time this issue was submitted for discussion in Congress was in 1993. But the project was rejected. This is also due to the fact that only one person is delegated to the House of Representatives from the district. Yes, and without the right to vote.


Can it be argued that the number of US states will remain the same tomorrow? There is no specific answer to this question. For more than 100 years, this figure has been unstable. Today, several territories and states would not refuse to join the United States as separate states. The most likely candidate is Puerto Rico. It is quite possible that the 51st state under this name will soon appear. The Philippines, Haiti, and Yucatan are also candidates.

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I'll be glad to meet you, I'll be happy to answer your questions :)

USA(USA), often used the United States, or simply America (eng. United States of America, USA, U.S., America) is a state in North America. It is one of the largest countries in terms of area (9.5 million km², 4th in the world) and in terms of population (325 million people (2016), 3rd in the world).

Device shape - federal.

Administrative division - 50 states and federal district Colombia; they also have a number of island territories under their control.

Capital - city Washington(Located in non-state District of Columbia)

The USA does not have an official state language. Most people in the country speak American English.

State is an administrative-territorial unit in America. From 1959 to the present, they 50 . Each state has its own state symbols - the flag and the motto. Each state has its own Constitution and system of government (legislative, judicial and executive). Each state has its own districts (smaller than the state). The life of the local population in the areas of residence of citizens is managed by city ​​municipalities and townships(one of the administrative-territorial units of the third level in the United States, included in the districts along with city municipalities, is one of the types of small units of civil division).

Most of the state names come from the names of Indian tribes and the names of the kings of England and France.

AT different years the central cities were the following: Philadelphia. New York. Baltimore. Trenton. Lancaster. York. Princeton. Annapolis.

List of states with their capitals



Boise Center

Des Moines Main Center


Juneau Center


Phoenix metropolitan area


Little rock





Virginia West



Madison metropolitan area

Downtown Honolulu

Dakota North

Bismarck Center
Dakota South

Center Pierre


Center Atlanta



Downtown Indianapolis



Carolina North

Carolina South

Columbia Center


Frankfort Center

Downtown Denver


Hartford core area

Downtown Baton Rouge


Downtown Boston
Jefferson City

Center Lansing


Augusta Center


Annapolis metropolitan area

Lincoln Center

Carson City
New Hampshire

New Jersey

New York

downtown Albany

New Mexico

Santa Fe


Columbia region


Oklahoma City

Salem metropolitan area


Rhode Island


Nashville Center

Center Austin

Downtown Tallahassee

Capital District Salt Lake City

Confederate States of America

At times civil war the confederate states were slave territories, while the northern part of America was free from slavery. Confederate states include: Mississippi, Florida area, Georgia area, Texas, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina area, Louisiana, Virginia, Arkansas area, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky area, Arizona.

Republic of Texas

It ranks 2nd in terms of territory in the United States (696,241 km²) after Alaska and 2nd after California in terms of population (26,956,958 people). Texas is one of the centers of the American Agriculture, cattle breeding, education, oil and gas and chemical industries, financial institutions. State capital - Austin; administrative division - districts (254).

The state of Texas is a wealthy region with its own deep history. In 1836, the state seceded from Mexican territory and declared its independence. After independence, this territory became known as the Republic of Texas. This status lasted until 1845. Then Texas becomes the 28th state of America and gets a new name - the state of Texas. Thus, Texas was the only territory that entered the Union while remaining sovereign. During the American Civil War, the state of Texas was out of the Union, re-entering the Union in 1970. Today, Texas is one of the wealthiest areas in the country, with its own developed economy and high standard of living.

Kingdom and Republic of Hawaii

Hawaii (English) Hawaii) is a US state. Located in the Hawaiian Islands in the central part Pacific Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere at a distance of 3700 km from the continental United States. Hawaii joined the federation on August 21, 1959, becoming the 50th state in a row. Population - 1,419,561 people (as of 2014). The urban population is about 70%. Official language- English; partially (in everyday life), among various ethnic groups, other languages ​​are also preserved, including Hawaiian. Capital and largest city - Honolulu. Other major cities are Hilo, Kailua-Kono, Kaneohe. Oahu is the most economically developed island. Official nickname - aloha state.

Hawaii, along with four US states, was briefly considered an independent territory. In 1795 - 1810, the territory of Hawaii, previously ruled by several chiefs, was proclaimed a kingdom. July 4, 1894 The Kingdom of Hawaii becomes a republic. On July 7, 1898, the Republic of Hawaii falls under the protectorate of the United States and becomes dependent on America. Between 1939 and 1945 Hawaii is becoming an important strategic target for military operations. Only in 1959 they became part of the US as the 50th state. Hawaii is the US sugar monopoly. Pineapples are grown in Hawaii for export to other countries. The islands are an attractive object for tourists.

Let's highlight the main points:

  • America is made up of fifty states.
  • The administrative authorities are municipalities and townships.
  • Each state has its own basic law - the Constitution.
  • The concept of "state" appeared during the period of aggressive wars from England, around the 40s of the 17th century, and it meant the name of individual colonies.