What hormones to drink during menopause. Natural estrogens for menopause: herbs, drugs, products. Menopause and Estrogens: Drugs, Herbs, Foods

Throughout life, the female body undergoes a global restructuring more than once. One of these periods is the age limit of approximately 50 years. By this time, the childbearing function gradually fades, estrogen becomes reduced, which is responsible for tissue elasticity, bone strength, hydration of the mucous membranes, healthy heart function and blood vessels. Other sex hormones also change in quantitative terms, which cannot but affect the full functioning of the body.

Age changes after 50 years

A decrease in estrogen production by the ovaries entails changes throughout the body. Abrupt changes cause the appearance of the so-called climacteric syndrome, which is accompanied by:

  • Flushes of heat to upper body, chest, face, shoulders several times during the day. For some, they happen up to 30-50 times a day.
  • Sweating. Hot flashes often end in profuse sweating, chills, which can cause significant inconvenience (the need to change clothes more often). Sweating at night can worsen the quality of sleep, and consequently affect well-being and increased fatigue during the day.
  • Anxiety, headaches, nervousness, mood swings. Now hormones control emotions like never before, causing the mood to change from inspired to the exact opposite of depressed and dull.
  • Vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse. Estrogen is no longer enough to maintain the former elasticity of the vaginal walls and a sufficient amount of natural lubrication of the mucous membranes.
  • Urinary incontinence with sudden movements, coughing, laughing. Muscle tissue is no longer able to provide proper tone, including the bladder.
  • Osteoporosis. The most dangerous complication caused by a change in hormonal levels.

These symptoms may appear with different strengths or not appear at all for various reasons. To understand in a timely manner what is happening, you need to take a blood test during menopause.

Analysis of hormones in menopause

Hormonal indicators reliably show whether the menopause has begun.

Deteriorating health requires immediate medical attention. Self-assessments and attempts to diagnose can lead to the development of serious diseases that can only be treated in the early stages. What a woman takes as the beginning of aging may turn out to be a disease that has nothing to do with age.

The norm of the hormones FSH and LH during menopause is considered to be their ratio of less than one.

Therefore, after 45 years, if there are complaints, the gynecologist can send hormone tests. To understand whether the onset of menopause is taking place, it is enough to determine:

  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FGS). Produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate the production of estrogen by the ovaries. In reproductive age, the level of FGS is low, in menopausal age it is above 20 IU/l.
  • Luteinizing (LH). Affects the maturation of eggs, the possibility of fertilization, the formation of the corpus luteum. It also becomes elevated. The ratio of FGS / LH is also taken into account. It goes below 1.
  • Estradiol during menopause drops to 35 pmol / l.

The picture of the analyzes will help to correctly assess the need for taking hormonal drugs and choose the treatment.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

It is important to understand that there is no such thing as “best medicines”. In no case should you begin therapy on your own without consulting an experienced gynecologist.

There are more than 50 hormone replacement therapy drugs on the market today. However, only a qualified doctor can decide on the need for their use.

The answer to the question of how to replace hormones in menopause is obvious. If a we are talking about replacement, and not about symptomatic treatment, then hormone replacement therapy is necessary. It has both many advantages and its contraindications.

HRT preparations contain artificial substitutes for estrogen and progesterone (sometimes only the first). The technique is by far the most effective. So, the frequency of strokes, heart attacks, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system decreases, the condition improves significantly nervous system, pelvic floor tone, Bladder persists, symptoms characteristic of menopause disappear.

However, it should be understood that HRT is a serious intervention in the body. If used incorrectly, the damage can be devastating. Before determining the need and dose, the doctor will definitely send the patient for examination. Usually assigned:

  • cardiogram and control blood pressure;
  • examination by a mammologist and mammography;
  • blood tests;
  • smear from the cervix;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • osteodensitometry.

The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor, also based on the presence of complaints and indicators of examinations that must be repeated periodically. In the absence of contraindications, HRT can be used for a long time, up to 5-8 years. The reason for discontinuation of treatment is often a woman tired from ongoing menstruation.

Medicines can be administered orally (tablets, capsules), intramuscularly (injections), transdermally (in the form of creams, ointments, gels), vaginally (suppositories).

Estrogen treatment is not prescribed if there are:

  • suspicion or pregnancy;
  • a malignant tumor in the mammary glands, uterus, cervix or the risk of its formation;
  • circulatory disorders, including varicose veins and related diseases;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • previous strokes, heart attacks;
  • liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.

The diagnosis of "breast cancer" in the closest relatives is also a signal for the impossibility of using HRT.


An alternative to substitution therapy is means plant origin. With mild symptoms of menopause, phytohormones are quite capable of improving well-being, without having a serious side effect.

The appointment of herbal preparations and the calculation of the dose is also carried out by the doctor and is based on the results of the tests. Natural medicines contain estrogens similar to female ones and help support a woman during the restructuring period, improve skin condition by increasing its elasticity, normalize blood circulation, and improve sleep quality.

The state of the female body and lifestyle

Regardless of whether you take artificial or phytohormonal drugs, the general condition of the body is closely related not only to the age indicator, but also to the kind of life you live. The environment, nutrition, mobility, work activity, mood and much more have a significant impact on the sensitive hormonal background, which changes several times even within one day.

It is important to live in such a way as to maintain and prolong your health as much as possible at any age. At 20-30 years old, nutritional flaws, lack of sleep, overwork, smoking, etc. still do not sharply affect the face and well-being, but, having crossed the mark of 45, it is worth seriously reconsidering the attitude towards your body. Self-care is what separates beautiful, healthy, well-groomed women from everyone else.

Therefore, so that restructuring during menopause does not turn into a serious hormonal failure, use the following levers of influence on the body.

Power adjustment

No matter how one would like it otherwise, but over the years, the metabolism slows down. This easily leads to excess weight, from which it is no longer so easy to get rid of as in youth. Additional kilograms is not only a deterioration in appearance, but a serious burden on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, digestive system and the emergence of new diseases.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to exclude overeating in advance, especially in the evening, a large number of floury, fatty, fried, sweet. And vice versa, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, lactic acid products, vegetable oil instead of creamy, they should take a confident place in the daily menu. It is advisable to completely or partially replace coffee, strong tea with herbal infusions, for example, chamomile, mint, lemon balm, thyme, rosehip, clover, etc.

In addition, many products contain plant hormones, which will provide additional support during a difficult transition period. Estrogen-containing foods include: soy, lentils, rice, beans, linseed and sunflower oil, nuts, apples, pears, grapes, carrots, onions, dill.


The importance of water cannot be overestimated. All organs and systems depend on its sufficient quantity. The lack of fluid affects the blood, the free movement of nutrients, the removal of decay products, toxins. Thick blood affects the condition of the veins, already at an older age located to varicose veins. The skin, deprived of fluid, becomes dry and flabby. Whichever method is chosen to normalize the hormonal background, water plays a very important role. Therefore, in order to feel cheerful and look young, the daily volume of liquid drunk should not be less than 1.5 liters.

Sports and outdoor activities

Excessive stress at an older age is useless, but small jogs, yoga, fitness, gymnastics or gym under the guidance of an experienced instructor is definitely useful. Active movement:

  • improves blood circulation and metabolism;
  • eliminates unwanted stagnation in tissues;
  • improves complexion and skin condition;
  • has a beneficial effect on the joints and spine;
  • uplifting;
  • promotes the production of natural hormones.

If your health does not allow you to actively take up physical education, you can start with hiking in the fresh air. The effect will be almost the same, and the pluses will be additional relaxation, good dream, the opportunity to be alone with yourself, to feel more deeply your own needs.

Good sleep and rest planning

Hormonal restructuring - a load on the nervous system. That is why it is most important to fully relax and rest right now. Don't skimp on sleep. At night, the body restores its strength, replenishes energy reserves, and normalizes many subtle and important processes. Cool fresh air, comfortable bed are a must in the bedroom. If you can not sleep longer in the morning, do not delay the evening bedtime.

Daily plans and routines must necessarily include specially allocated time for rest. Not a random 10 minutes, but a planned 1-2 hours every day. You can do what gives you pleasure, take a walk in the park, lie down, listen to pleasant music, etc. Severe symptoms will recede and, perhaps, hormone therapy will not be needed if the body is allowed to recover on its own, without overloading it with work and domestic problems.

Communication with loved ones, interesting people, sources of inspiration

Mood swings, fears about health and approaching old age are not so terrible when there are caring relatives and friends nearby. For communication, you should choose those who will fill you with joy and faith in the best. It can be young people or those who, having lived for more than a dozen, have not lost their keen interest in life. Communication with depressive persons, who are sure that there is nothing good around, life has passed, etc. will contribute to an additional deterioration of the already unpleasant menopausal syndrome.

Timely visit to the doctor

To eliminate false fears, and sometimes to detect the onset of diseases in a timely manner, periodic visits to specialized medical specialists are necessary. In addition to a gynecologist, it can be a mammologist, endocrinologist, phlebologist, cardiotherapist, dentist, psychologist. Knowing that you are all right definitely affects your overall emotional balance and quality of life. Timely treatment of unopened diseases is sure to be successful.

Take care of yourself and it is quite possible that the question of how to balance hormones will never become vital for you. If you need a free consultation, an appointment with a specialized specialist, follow the link.

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It is extremely important for women to know everything about their health - especially for primary self-diagnosis. This rapid test will allow you to better listen to the state of your body and not miss important signals in order to understand whether you need to contact a specialist and make an appointment.

In the life of women at a certain age, somewhere around 50 years, there is a physiological period called menopause. This condition can also be called menopause, menopause or menopause. This period can bring a lot of problems, in particular, hormonal failure. Female hormones in menopause (estradiol, progesterone, etc.) are often found in the body in an amount that is different from the norm.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of such a failure appear, you should undergo an examination, as well as take tests that will reflect the main indicators.

Hormones in women during menopause

So, during the menopause in the body of women, obligatory hormonal changes occur, represented by a deviation from the accepted norms. Often, during menopause, a failure occurs, manifested by a deficiency of estrogens (in particular, estradiol). When certain symptoms appear, women should be tested.

In case of hormonal failure, doctors prescribe, in order for the indicators to be normal, a course of taking drugs containing synthesized or natural components, for example, steroid hormones. Modern hormone therapy is represented by a huge number of drugs that are prescribed to women during menopause to relieve the symptoms of hormonal failure.

Drugs that are prescribed to women with hormonal failure due to menopause can be divided into two main categories:

Only on the basis of the results of the tests carried out and what symptoms of a hormonal failure a woman has, a drug is prescribed with an indication of the dosage and course of treatment.

Women should control the correct amount of hormones, for example, testosterone and progesterone, because they are responsible for the production of FSH and LH. Their production is carried out by the body to protect against heart disease, blockage of blood vessels, and a failure can lead to a lot of problems in the body.

Progesterone, testosterone and estradiol are sex hormones that have a significant impact on a woman's condition.

After the onset of menopause, women should be tested to control their amount in the body. This is due to the fact that a deviation from the norm leads to an increased risk of developing heart disease.

As a rule, during menopause, vivid symptoms of hormonal failure and a lack of the right amount of estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and prolactin appear. The most common symptoms include:

There are several methods to control the amount of prolactin, estradiol, testosterone and progesterone in the body. First you need to visit a doctor, take tests and compare the result with established standards. After that, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy to eliminate the symptoms of hormonal failure.

Hormonal imbalances during menopause

For different women, the norm of testosterone, progesterone, prolactin and estradiol may differ slightly, but a failure can be determined by a significant deviation from traditional indicators.

At the initial stage of hormonal failure during the considered physiological period in women, the following points can be noted:

Important hormones can also be called LH and FSH. What symptoms indicate a lack of LH and FSH? The answer is quite simple - LH and FSH have a connection with all of the above hormones and, accordingly, similar symptoms of their lack. FSH and LH influence the secretion of androgens and estrogens. It is possible to identify the amount of LH and FSH only after analysis.

The indicator of LH and FSH during menopause can be significantly increased, in particular, it has been proven that after changes in the menstrual cycle, the level of FSH and LH increases by about 5 times. The normal level of FSH and LH after the onset of menopause is within 40 mIU / ml.

Testosterone, estradiol, progesterone and prolactin are sex hormones that, after the onset of menopause, are usually produced in much smaller quantities. In some diseases, the level of prolactin and progesterone, on the contrary, can increase significantly. However, a hormonal failure in a woman's body is a purely individual process, and only a doctor can determine which hormones decrease after the onset of menopause in a particular patient.

Research and restoration of hormonal levels

With the age-related restructuring of a woman's body, there is a possibility of a hormonal explosion, which leads to discomfort. To avoid it, after the onset of menopause, the following tests can be prescribed:

  1. Blood test for follicle stimulating hormone. Determining the level of FSH and LH allows you to understand which estrogens in the body are in excess or deficiency.
  2. Separate studies to determine the level of estradiol, progesterone and other hormones.

After the onset of menopause, deviations may relate to individual or all hormones. Therefore, the doctor should prescribe studies to identify which of the sex hormones caused discomfort or physiological changes.

After identifying deviations from the norm, treatment should be prescribed. An important point can be called what a few years ago doctors refused to prescribe medicines, which could affect the hormonal background. This was due to numerous studies, the results of which spoke about the adverse effects of drugs on the body. However, some changes in healthcare have determined that the patient, in case of need to relieve pain or discomfort, can decide whether or not to use drugs positively, taking into account certain risks. As for the treatment itself with hormone replacement therapy, scientists are constantly arguing about its advantages and disadvantages.

When a woman contacts a woman, the doctor can determine which drugs are more suitable, advise the patient indicating the risks and side effects.

Most women are interested in what to take with menopause, so as not to age. Menopause is often referred to as menopause in women. Symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, loose skin, brittle dry hair and nails associated with hormonal changes occur in every woman's body with age. However, their effects can be alleviated. Together with home remedies for menopause, such as proper nutrition and active image life, use phytoestrogen supplements or hormone replacement therapy. These methods allow a woman to stay young and healthy longer.

Menopause is the last period in a woman's life without bleeding for 12 months. The period of menopause is the time when the ovaries stop doing their job, i.e. work out female hormones. The consequence of a deficiency of sex hormones is not only the loss of fertility and the cessation of the menstrual cycle, but also a number of changes that occur in the body, which are typical symptoms of menopause. These include:

  • deterioration of the skin condition (the skin becomes thin, less elastic);
  • dryness of the vagina;
  • decreased libido;
  • violation of the statics of the reproductive organ and urinary incontinence;
  • mood swings and a tendency to decrease it;
  • irritability;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • deterioration of memory and concentration;
  • increased risk of osteoporosis;
  • tendency to corpulence.

During menopause, other symptoms are also observed - harbingers of menopause, among which are hot flashes, night sweats, and heart palpitations.

Therapeutic measures

A woman struggling with menopausal symptoms may consider hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT, in addition to alleviating the symptoms of menopause, has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system (reduces the risk of osteoporosis) and lipid profile. Hormone replacement therapy reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer: it reduces the likelihood of colon, liver, and biliary tract cancers. However, it increases the risk of breast and cervical cancer.

What to drink with menopause, so as not to age? Hormone replacement therapy involves taking estriol, beta-estradiol in combination with gestagens, which prevent changes in the endometrium (the lining of the body of the uterus). Less commonly used drugs with estrogens themselves, they can be used by patients after removal of the uterus.

The main female hormone contained in the preparations is estrone, a weak estrogen. The most powerful estrogen, estradiol, is taken in small concentrations. There are various ways of administering hormones: transdermal (patches and subcutaneous implants), intramuscular, vaginal, so that the patient has a wide choice of the form of HRT used.

Before starting hormone replacement therapy, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies that are aimed at eliminating possible contraindications for HRT. In addition to collecting anamnesis and gynecological examination, the doctor directs to ultrasound of the female organs, mammography, blood tests.

Not every woman can use hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy increases blood clotting, which can lead to the development of thromboembolic complications. The decision to introduce this type of treatment should be well thought out, before starting it, the doctor should collect a thorough anamnesis about the health status of the patient, as well as her family. It should be remembered that HRT should not be used by women (current or past) with cervical or breast cancer.

Taking phytoestrogens to reduce symptoms

Due to the low percentage of side effects, supplements containing phytoestrogens and isoflavones are a good alternative to hormone replacement therapy. These natural substances that occur in soy act in a similar way to estrogen, which is secreted in smaller quantities during menopause and gradually ceases to function.

Can be taken with menopause, so as not to age, phytoestrogens.

If you notice the first signs of menopause in yourself, drink plant estrogen supplements.

After all, phytoestrogen supplements provide a safe way to alleviate unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, and low mood. It is worth knowing that they belong to the group of antioxidants that slow down the aging process, support the work immune system have antitumor activity.

In addition to the actions described, women during menopause are advised to follow symptomatic treatment. The feeling of dryness in the vagina can be alleviated by applying topical moisturizers. And lowered mood and depression should encourage a woman to visit a psychological and psychiatric consultation, as well as to use the recommended treatment. SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are commonly used.

Characterization of plant hormones

Phytoestrogens, plant hormones, are substances that occur naturally in plants. Among these substances, the following classes are distinguished: isoflavones, lignans, stilbenes and coumestans. Structure plant hormones, as well as the functions they perform, are very similar to the female hormone estrogen. True, their action is much weaker than that of the hormones that are produced in the body, but their consumption along with food can help the body function properly.

The main health benefits of a diet rich in phytoestrogens are:

  • prevention of the development of cancer, for example, of the prostate and breast, due to antioxidant properties, inhibition of the development of cancer cells;
  • relief of ailments associated with menopause;
  • influence on the improvement of the blood lipid profile, primarily a decrease in the level of so-called bad cholesterol and an increase in the fraction of high-density lipoproteins (HDL);
  • counteracting the formation of inflammatory processes in the body and reducing the risk of developing different kind infections;
  • steering mechanism for the treatment of diabetes, reducing insulin resistance.

Products containing the desired elements

The presence of phytoestrogens in food is as follows:

  • isoflavones are found in large quantities in soybeans, soy flour and foods, in small doses they are found in lentils, bran, oatmeal, rice and some fruits and vegetables;
  • lignans - the richest source of them are flax seeds and linseed oil, slightly less in sunflower seeds, fruits (pears, cherries, apples) and vegetables (carrots, onions, dill);
  • stilbenes - this type of plant hormones is found mainly in red wine, grapes, nuts (peanuts);
  • Coumestans - The source of this class of phytoestrogens are sunflower seeds, clover seeds and bean sprouts.

Other ways to deal with the problem

Menopause is relatively mild for some women, while symptoms are severe for others. For the first, it is often enough to apply only a small modification of the lifestyle to alleviate this difficult period.

It is desirable that a woman be socially active and have a person in her environment who will become support for her and will say that, despite entering the period of old age, she is still attractive.

To reduce the manifestation of symptoms, provoking factors such as stuffiness, stress, alcohol, spicy seasonings should be avoided.


To facilitate the course of menopause, it is recommended to stop smoking cigarettes, from the use of other stimulants. Diet is essential: it should be rich in vitamins, calcium and foods containing phytoestrogens. The following types of foods should be excluded from the diet: fatty and fried foods, sweets and carbonated drinks.

Menopause is not a disease, but a physiological feature of a woman. There are many ways to eliminate the signs of menopause, but for this you need to contact qualified specialists and strictly follow their advice and recommendations.

The natural process of attenuation of the reproductive function in every woman, associated with a decrease in the amount of hormones produced in the body. For each representative of the fair sex, such hormonal changes are accompanied by various symptoms, but in any case, there is a deterioration in the general condition and exacerbation of the previously existing chronic diseases. Since the level of hormones during menopause changes significantly, the easiest way to make sure that menopause has really begun is by passing the appropriate tests.

In this article, we will just describe which hormones a woman needs to take for analysis during menopause in order to make sure of its onset and select the appropriate drugs to alleviate the symptoms of this period.

Why get tested

All by the age of 50 are associated exclusively with hormonal disorders caused by the withering of the reproductive function of the female body. But not always the absence of menstruation is a sign of the onset of menopause, in order to determine the cause of a particular symptom, it is necessary to control the level of sex hormones in the blood. Women with menopause have exact norms, comparing which with the results of research, one can draw the appropriate conclusions.

Based on the results of hormone tests, a gynecologist can prescribe hormone replacement therapy and thereby significantly alleviate the symptoms of menopause for a woman.

When is laboratory diagnosis needed?

Laboratory diagnostics should be carried out even at the stage when the symptoms of menopause are not pronounced, but the first changes in the functioning of the body have already begun. About these changes, all the information can be provided by tests for hormones during menopause.

Go to the gynecologist and take tests for female hormones with menopause should be when the following symptoms appear:

  • unexpected bleeding from the uterus;
  • severe pain in the joints;
  • dizziness, general weakness and pain in the head;
  • abnormal vaginal discharge;
  • and increased sweating.

What changes occur in the production of hormones

For each woman, her personal level of progesterone, estradiol, prolactin and other hormones is normal, and hormonal failure is accompanied by a significant deviation from the normal value for them.

Female hormones during menopause, or rather, changes in their level, lead to the following changes in the body:

  • a decrease in testosterone leads to the accumulation of fat in the chest and abdomen, as well as a decrease in bone density. The norm of this hormone in the blood is 70 ng / dl, during menopause the figure drops to 40 ng / dl;
  • estradiol during menopause can fluctuate in the range of 9.7-82 pg / ml;
  • the level of progesterone allows you to assess the condition of the uterus. Its norm is 0.64 nmol / l. Problems with the production of progesterone lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • prolactin during menopause is significantly reduced, while the change in the level of this hormone does not have any special symptoms. Its norm at this time should be 25-400 mU / l. The level of prolactin decreases annually;
  • the level of LH and FSH with the advent of menopause increases by a factor of 5 and is about 40 mIU / ml.

The body's response to hormonal changes

The most important process of the female body is metabolism, which is under the control of hormones. It takes part various systems body, but its main task is to supply nutrients to various tissues, which ensures the normal functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

During menopause, the hormonal background changes significantly, and these changes primarily negatively affect the metabolism. Depending on the individual features female body, the signs of these changes may appear more or less pronounced, but almost every woman will experience the following body reactions:

  • the level of female sex hormones decreases, and this affects not only the ability to conceive a child, but also the activity of the brain. The work schedule of some of its sections is changing, and in particular the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, which are involved in the production of sex hormones. Due to changes in the circulatory system of the upper body, there may be flushing in the face, neck and décolleté, dizziness, nausea, and sudden changes in pressure;
  • in the body, the balance of minerals is also disturbed, which entails a decrease in the density of bone tissue and teeth;
  • a reduced amount of hormones in menopause leads to problems with the thyroid gland, the production of thyroxin, which increases anxiety and increases the pulse rate, ceases to be suppressed;
  • sex hormones are also responsible for the normal functioning of the adrenal glands; during menopause, hormonal disorders lead to malfunctions of this organ and, as a result, cause an increase in blood pressure and heart pain;
  • hormonal changes also affect the work of the central nervous system, causing causeless fears, irritability, tearfulness and mood swings.

What tests need to be done

Now consider what tests a woman needs to take during menopause:

  • on the level of FSH in the blood. With the advent of menopause, the value of hormones produced by the ovaries decreases, and FSH increases. Such an analysis allows you to determine the presence of violations in the synthesis of estrogen;
  • to the level of estradiol. If the result is greatly reduced and differs significantly from the norm, then this can not only show the onset of menopause, but also means that there is a high risk of complications on this stage(may develop osteoporosis, atherosclerosis);
  • to the LH level. If menopause has entered the active phase, the content of this hormone increases;
  • for progesterone. Its content in the blood gradually decreases. And for the first 2-3 years of the menopause, this hormone may be completely absent in the body of a woman.

Hormone levels - decoding analyzes

If a woman does not rotate in medical circles, then the test results will be for her the usual set of numbers and icons, especially if she has undergone many studies, and she has accumulated such printouts whole stack. It is best to contact a doctor for decoding, but you can first assess whether this or that indicator is normal at home. You still cannot do without a visit to the doctor, because only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment, based on the result of the tests.

For various hormones, the norm in women during menopause will be as follows:

  • prolactin should normally be 107-290 mcg / l;
  • thyroid-stimulating substance, the norm will be 0.2-3.2 mIU / l, the value should not change much over time;
  • follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH level should be 24-84 units, while the FSH rate is 54 units with an allowable fluctuation of 30 units. round trip;
  • luteinizing hormone - on average, its indicator should be 43 units. with a tolerance of 30 units in both directions;
  • progesterone in menopause is quite difficult to determine. At this time, progesterone drops to 1 nM / l;
  • the intensity of the symptoms of this period depends on the level of estrogen during menopause, so the doctor must prescribe an analysis for estradiol. The allowable rate of estradiol in women during menopause is 8-82 units. The lower the value, the brighter the signs of menopause. If estradiol during menopause is above 82 units, this can accelerate the development of benign formations, kidney failure and provoke general fatigue.

Sufficiently informative for a specialist is the ratio of LH / FSH. This indicator is measured as a percentage and in the menopause the value of the ratio of FSH and LH should be in the range of 0.35-0.75 units. The lower the value, the more severe the symptoms.

This is an approximate transcript of the tests, only a doctor can accurately read the results.

When are tests taken?

The menstrual cycle of a woman is closely related to the level of sex hormones in her body, so you need to clearly know on which day you can take this or that blood test for hormones:

  • on FSH, LH is taken on the 4-5th day of the cycle;
  • estradiol is taken on the 19-22nd day of the cycle;
  • for progesterone - on days 18-21 of the cycle.

Testing rules

In order for the result of tests for hormones in menopause to be as accurate as possible, the following rules must be observed:

  • go hungry;
  • a day before the fence, you should not overwork and give your body heavy physical exertion;
  • the day before the delivery, you do not need to smoke and drink alcohol, as well as have sex;
  • avoid stress and any emotional shake-up;
  • a couple of days before the delivery, you need to stop drinking hormonal medications prescribed earlier. The exact timing of discontinuation should be discussed with the doctor;
  • if it is necessary to check the level of hormones in dynamics, then the analysis should be taken in the same laboratory so that the same reagents and methods are used.

What does the increase and decrease in estradiol mean

The most "influential" group of hormones in the female body are estrogens, in particular estradiol. It is they who contribute to the development of the reproductive system in adolescence, support its work throughout the life of a woman and are responsible for the cyclical processes in the reproductive organs. Along with the symptoms caused by menopause, there are signs of an acute shortage of estrogens in the body:

  • the skin dries out, becomes thinner and wrinkles appear. In a short period, the number of flaws on the skin can sharply increase, papillomas, moles, peeling, microcracks appear;
  • there are jumps in blood pressure, headaches, spasms of blood vessels, causing impaired coordination of movement and nausea. Tides occur especially at night;
  • brain function worsens, which causes poor memory, fatigue and decreased performance;
  • due to a lack of estrogen, the absorption of calcium by the body worsens and its rapid washing out is observed, the bones become more fragile;
  • the heart rate accelerates.

During menopause, it is very important to know the level of estradiol in the blood, since a significant decrease in it increases the symptoms of the menopause. This hormone is produced by the ovaries and follicles, to a lesser extent by adipose tissue. With the extinction of the functions of the ovary, the body tries to replenish the reserves of estradiol by increasing the fat layer capable of producing it. This causes an increase in body weight of a woman during menopause. There are other signs of a decrease in estradiol:

  • a feeling of dryness in the vagina and discomfort, since this hormone is responsible for the secretion of mucus by the cervix and vaginal walls;
  • the chest sags and becomes flabby;
  • libido decreases;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood falls, and it becomes more viscous;
  • fluid leaves the body faster, this is manifested in increased sweating and frequent urination;
  • the process of tissue repair is reduced;
  • the emotional state of a woman worsens, inadequate reactions to what is happening, sudden mood swings and unpredictable behavior may occur.

With menopause, the level of estradiol in the blood is considered to be no more than 82 pg / ml. If the test result is higher, then there are factors in the body that provoke an increase in estradiol. These may include the following pathologies:

  • malignant neoplasms and cysts:
  • myoma nodes;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • hepatic pathologies;
  • mammary cancer.

Symptoms of a high level of estradiol may be as follows:

  • swelling;
  • baldness;
  • general weakness;
  • problems with digestion and assimilation of food;
  • sleep problems;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • gynecological bleeding.

With an underestimated value of estradiol, replacement therapy can be carried out, since a decrease in the level to 6-9 pg / mg leads to an exacerbation of menopausal symptoms and a general deterioration in the woman's health.

If you let all the changes in the body during menopause take their course, then you can get problems not only in the genital area, but also pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, as well as accelerate the development of oncological formations. Combining medical care with proper nutrition, an active and proper lifestyle can significantly slow down and delay the withering of the female body and improve the quality of life in general.


Age-related changes that occur in the body of a woman entering menopause do not please anyone. The skin becomes dry and flabby, wrinkles appear on the face. Deficiency of sex hormones provokes pressure surges, a decrease in sexual desire. Hormone replacement therapy helps to cope with the manifestations of menopause.

What hormones are lacking in menopause

Hormones during menopause are reduced to a critical level, after which the woman stops menstruating. In the last stage of menopause, they generally cease to stand out, because of this, the function of the ovaries fades. A decrease in the level of sex hormones leads to numerous metabolic disorders, which provokes phenomena such as nausea, tinnitus, and increased blood pressure.

There are three phases of menopause: premenopause, menopause, postmenopause. Combines their process of falling hormone levels. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, estrogen (female hubbub) predominates, in the second - progesterone (male). Premenopause is characterized by a lack of estrogen, which leads to irregular monthly cycle. During menopause, the level of progesterone, which coordinates the thickness of the uterine endometrium, drops. In postmenopause, the production of hormones stops completely, the ovaries and uterus decrease in size.

Hormone therapy for menopause

The changes that occur in the female body during menopause are manifested as follows:

  • mood swings;
  • insomnia, anxiety;
  • skin elasticity and firmness decrease;
  • changes in body weight and posture;
  • osteoporosis develops;
  • urinary incontinence occurs;
  • prolapse of the pelvic organs;
  • development of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus;
  • disruption of the nervous system.

Hormone replacement therapy for menopause helps to maintain health. By eliminating the above symptoms, a general rejuvenation of the body occurs, a change in figure, atrophy of the genital organs is prevented. However, hormone replacement therapy during menopause has its drawbacks. With long-term use, it can provoke a myocardial infarction, increases the risk of stroke. In addition, homone replacement therapy promotes intravascular coagulation.

Is hormone replacement therapy safe for menopause?

Not everyone can drink hormonal drugs during menopause. First, the doctor prescribes an examination by a therapist, gynecologist, cardiologist, hepatologist and phlebologist. Hormone replacement therapy for menopause is contraindicated if the following diseases are found in a woman:

  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • malignant tumors of the internal genital organs or mammary glands;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • the presence of adenomyosis or endometriosis of the ovaries;
  • severe stage of diabetes;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • worsening of the course of mastopathy, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, rheumatism;
  • hypersensitivity to hormone replacement drugs.

Hormonal drugs for menopausal syndrome

Hormonal preparations are selected for menopause of a new generation, depending on the duration and severity of the condition, as well as on the age of the patient. Women who have severe menopause need hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Prescribe drugs parenterally or orally. Depending on the disorders in menopausal syndrome, hormone replacement therapy is selected individually.


During menopause, the level of estrogen in the female body drops sharply, so bad cholesterol begins to form, fat metabolism is disturbed, and immunity is weakened. To avoid these symptoms, doctors prescribe natural phytohormones for menopause. The use of these drugs does not disturb the hormonal balance, but relieves the symptoms. Dietary supplements with plant substances act as analogues of natural hormones that are not sold at a high price. Hormone replacement phytoestrogens include:

  1. Klimadinon. The active ingredient is an extract of cymifugi-racimose. With its help, the intensity of hot flashes decreases, the lack of estrogens is eliminated. Therapy usually lasts three months. The medicine is taken 1 tablet daily.
  2. Femicaps. Contributes to the normalization of estrogens, corrects the psychological state, improves the mineral-vitamin balance. Contains soy lecithin, vitamins, magnesium, passionflower, evening primrose. Drink tablets 2 capsules per day. Doctors prescribe to drink the medicine for at least three months.
  3. Remens. Harmless homeopathic remedy. It has a general strengthening effect on the female body, eliminates the lack of estrogen. Contains sepia, lachesis, cimicifuga extract. 2 courses are prescribed for three months.

Bioidentical Hormones

During hormone replacement therapy for menopause, bioidentical hormonal preparations are prescribed. They are part of tablets, creams, gels, patches, suppositories. Reception of these hormones is carried out for 3-5 years, until the secondary menopausal manifestations disappear. Popular bioidentical hormone replacement drugs that are sold at an affordable price:

  1. Femoston. Combined medicine that prolongs the youth of a woman. Contains estradiol and dydrogesterone, which are identical to natural ones. These hormones provide therapy for psycho-emotional and autonomic symptoms. Assigned to 1 tab./day.
  2. Janine. A low-dose combination drug that suppresses ovulation, making it impossible for a fertilized egg to implant. It is used not only for contraception. During menopause, the drug is prescribed for the intake of estrogen in the body to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
  3. Duphaston. It is a derivative of progesterone. Resists the negative effect of estrogens on the endometrium, reduces the risk of oncology. It is used according to an individual treatment regimen 2-3 times a day.

Estrogen preparations for women

In gynecology, synthetic estrogen tablets are used to make life easier during menopause. Female hormones control the production of collagen, stimulate the nervous system. Products containing estrogen:

  1. Klimonorm. Compensates for estrogen deficiency, provides treatment for the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies. Apply one tablet per day according to the scheme: 21 days, after - a week break and repeat the course.
  2. Premarin. Facilitates the manifestations of menopausal syndrome, prevents the appearance of osteoporosis. Cyclic use - 1, 25 mg / day for 21 days, after - a break of 7 days.
  3. Ovestin. Restores the vaginal epithelium, increases the resistance of the genitourinary system to inflammatory processes. Assign daily 4 mg for 3 weeks. The course of therapy or its extension is determined by the doctor.

How to choose hormonal pills for menopause

If in menopause a woman does not have health problems, then hormone replacement drugs are not needed. HRT is carried out only after consulting a doctor, since drugs have side effects. There are frequent cases of individual intolerance and allergic reactions. The safest are herbal and homeopathic medicines. But they do not help all patients, so clinical indications and doctor's consultations are required.


All hormonal preparations can be purchased at the pharmacy chain at a different price or bought in an online store (order from a catalog). In the latter version, the drugs will be inexpensive. Prices for phytoestrogens range from 400 rubles (Klimadinon tablets 60 pcs.) To 2400 rubles. (Femicaps capsules 120 pcs.). The cost of drugs with estrogen varies from 650 rubles (Klimonorm dragee 21 pcs.) to 1400 rubles. (Ovestin 1 mg/g 15 g cream).


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