Types of citation indexes. Science citation indices

The year 2005 can be considered the beginning of the Russian Science Citation Index project, when a Russian mechanism for evaluating and analyzing scientific publications was developed at the site of the scientific electronic library. The aim of the project was to create an objective indicator of the citation of domestic scientists. The number of publications before the start of the Russian index, falling into international ratings, was only 10 of all published.

What is RISC

The Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) system is a domestic citation database for fundamental, academic and applied research.

At the moment, the database archive contains more than 12 million different publications, more than 600 thousand scientists, researchers, and teachers are actively publishing their works.

There are 11 thousand scientific organizations registered on the elibrary.ru platform related to all branches of science. At least 3,000 new texts are added to the RSCI list every day.

The basis of the citation system is the indexing of all printed and electronic publications published in the specialized literature. Each publication of the RSCI list has an abstract index, which includes:

The RSCI system solves a number of the most important tasks of science:

  1. analyze and evaluate the citation of domestic scientists, professors, scientists;
  2. create a single complete list of scientific publications, an authoritative independent database;
  3. to form a multifunctional search system, a navigation system for articles, publications, specialized journals.

The Russian Citation Index is the main citation system in Russia today, which includes all information about various studies (monographs, manuals, conference proceedings, articles, dissertations). The RSCI database is in free public access. Official site.

Figure 1 - Main page of the RSCI website

The difference between HAC and RSCI

Some confuse the list of journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and the list of the Russian index, which is fundamentally wrong. Publicism, included in the scientific database and VAK, are two separate catalogues.
The scientific database registry has been expanded to include the most authoritative periodicals in Russia.

The citation index itself is a tool that makes it possible to find out the level of periodicals, objective criteria for its importance and popularity (impact factor).

Every scientist or research organization strives for high citation rates in the RSCI as an assessment of effectiveness.

But the applicant degree It is necessary to publish your articles only in those journals that are approved by the Higher Attestation Commission.

The list of the attestation commission is much smaller. A journal included in the Russian citation database is not automatically included in the VAK.

Impact factor RSCI

The impact factor (IF) is a quantitative indicator of the value of a journal, its importance and significance. There are different approaches to calculating the IF: for two, three, five previous years. Many organizations define the factor in their own developed ways.

The impact factor of Russian journals is determined according to the classical method:

IF = a/b, where

a - the number of cited journal articles for the previous conditional period (2 or 5 years),
b is the number of all publications for the same conditional period.

The Russian Citation Index calculates two sets of IFs:

  • in the first factor for b, all references in all sources are considered, including texts without clear authorship;
  • in the second IF, only author's articles from domestic journals are taken to calculate b.

What is the core of the RSCI

In 2015, an agreement was concluded with Web of Science that their site will host Russian base data of cited articles. This includes the most successful domestic publications. The best journals, as well as individual articles included in the international database, form the core of the Russian citation index.
The development stage assumed that the "core" would include the TOP-1000 domestic journals. This TOP is not static, every year there is a selection of journals corresponding to a high level.

To date, the core consists of almost 700 copies of periodicals.

The difference between the domestic and foreign citation index is that the foreign index counts only “its own” publications, while the Russian scientific citation index has access to all information.
If a graduate student, young scientist or teacher needs an article not for "extras", but for serious argumentation in the defense of a PhD or deep immersion in science, then it is important to strive to publish the work in the TOP.

How to get into the RSCI

Registration in the electronic library RSCI elibrary ru is required if necessary:

  1. get access to all available materials of the electronic library;
  2. manage site navigation (save search history, customize the panel, etc.);
  3. form a personal selection of texts, publications, collections;
  4. enter the site, post the publication as its author.

To get into the search engine, you must first register as a user. This will enable entry and access to the entire RSCI database.

The Russian Science Citation Index can be used as an assessment tool, having passed the secondary registration, already as an author.

It will be possible to enter the database to use new services (publish or index your own article, calculate the index) no earlier than in a week (the process of checking the questionnaire and confirming registration takes so long).

Scientific journals RSCI

The electronic scientific library of the RSCI includes almost 7,000 titles. Of these, on the elibrary site:

  • 5600 publications are presented in full,
  • open free access have 4800 journals.

The RSCI list is regularly updated and expanded.
There is an index on the site - "search for magazines". Various parameters allow you to quickly find the edition you are looking for (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Catalog of logs included in the database

The RSCI list includes a variety of periodicals, which include (Fig. 3):

  1. highly specialized (from astronomy to linguistics),
  2. multidisciplinary journals (technical, humanitarian or in all areas of science).

Figure 3 - Thematic list of journals

RSCI conference

Since 2011, scientific conferences of the RSCI have been held, at which various aspects of scientific activity are studied. On the official website you can find information about both past events and upcoming ones.

Some universities hold similar events, as a result of which the most relevant materials, outstanding speeches, and conclusions are summarized in a common collection. The publishers of such collections strive to index them in the scientific citation base, but the publication does not always pass a rigorous check.

The publication in the RSCI of the results of a conference of a university is a criterion of high quality

Publication in the RSCI collection allows young scientists to increase their citation index. That is why not only professionals and narrow specialists, but also university professors and graduate students who are fond of science, strive to get into them.

E-library for authors

  • through the usual user registration, after which fill out an additional questionnaire (personal profile);
  • through the publishing house or organization where the author works or teaches (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 - Registration in the RSCI

  1. Enter "manually" a full abstract description of the published manuscript.
  2. Use a template with a link to an article already published on another site (if information about it is already in the database).
  3. Add an article using the DOI code (if the journal uses this method of identification). The article search procedure, in this case, is automatic.

How to find out the author's citation index

Determining the number of cited articles is an important factor for a scientist. The RSCI citation index is calculated automatically by the electronic library server. How to find out the RSCI index:

  • through the search "My citations" in the personal profile,
  • through the "Author's index", after filling in the full name column.

To find out your Hirsch index or your colleague's Hirsch index, follow the link to find the author. Enter the last name or other known search parameters. At the output, you can immediately see information about the citation of the author.

Next to the citation of publications is a colored icon, by clicking on it you can get detailed detailed information.


In 2011, the analytical part was “built on” over the common database - the SCIENCE INDEX system for organizations and publishers. The institution concludes an agreement, after which it can:

  1. add not only a new publication, but also monographs, results and conclusions of their own conferences, announcements of upcoming events on the basis of their institution;
  2. manage the entire set of tools necessary for the analysis and evaluation of publications (both at the level of an organization and department, and at the level of an individual scientist);
  3. carry out the most detailed analysis and calculation of scientometric indicators (individual and complex);
  4. independent control over publication activity.

The RSCI system requires additional registration, which is possible only after a thorough check. If the publications of the author or edition are approved by the Higher Attestation Commission, they can do this without difficulty. A separate heading in the personal user section is the paragraph “register in the system as the author of publications” (Fig. 5).

When concluding an agreement, a scientific organization prescribes in the agreement which of its employees will coordinate the work with the citation index.

Author ID and Author SPIN

  • AuthorID
  • SPIN code

An individual AuthorID is assigned to each registered author. This personal number allows you to identify a person in the database, take part in scientific events, apply for grants, and publish in specialized periodicals.

ID search:

  1. entry to the author's personal page,
  2. the ID pointer will be under the full name.

With the introduction of the SCIENCE INDEX system, it became possible to independently analyze publication activity (refine lists, check publication, calculate the index).

This system requires additional registration, after which the author is assigned a SPIN code.

The definition of the SPIN code can also be found in the personal profile, which reflects its publishing activity

The RSCI covers an impressive volume of scientific publications by Russian authors. All forecasts indicate that in the near future the RSCI database of the Russian Science Citation Index will only increase. An important difference from international systems is that on the domestic platform you can register for free and have access to almost the entire citation database. The main functions of the Russian parameter are the analysis and evaluation of publications by Russian scientists, as well as the source and search engine of all specialized periodicals.

This instruction is intended for authors of scientific publications included in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

The scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU is the largest Russian information portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 14 million scientific articles and publications. On the eLIBRARY.RU platform, electronic versions of more than 2,500 Russian scientific and technical journals are available, including more than 1,300 open access journals.

The Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) is a national information and analytical system that accumulates more than 2 million publications by Russian authors, as well as information about citing these publications from more than 3,000 Russian journals.

It is intended not only to promptly provide scientific research with up-to-date reference and bibliographic information, but is also a powerful tool that allows you to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of research organizations, scientists, the level of scientific journals, etc.

The registration of the author in the SCIENCE INDEX is combined with the registration of the user on the portal of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU. To register on the eLIBRARY.RU portal, you must fill out a new registration form, which can be opened by clicking on the link Registrations in the panel Library entrance; to register in SCIENCE INDEX, you need to fill in additional fields in the same form.

If you are already registered on the eLIBRARY.RU portal and want to register in SCIENCE INDEX, you need to enter the library under your username and then go to your personal card in the section Personal Profile, or by clicking on the username in the panel Current session.

When registering, you must choose a unique username to log into the library and provide your personal, valid email address. When registering in the SCIENCE INDEX system, an email with a registration confirmation code will be sent to this address. After receiving this letter, you will need to follow the link indicated in the body of the letter.

After registration, a letter will be sent to your e-mail with a message about assigning you a personal identification code of the author (SPIN-code) in the SCIENCE INDEX system. From the moment you assign a SPIN code, you get access to new services provided to authors of scientific publications.

After registering the author in the SCIENCE INDEX system and assigning him a personal identification code of the author (SPIN code) in the section For authors there is a link to Personal Profile author, which contains all the tools and services intended for authors of scientific publications. To view a list of your publications, you can follow the link My publications in this section.

You can also get to the list of your publications through Author index or simply by clicking on the author's surname on any page of the RSCI, where this surname is highlighted as a link.

It is best to start work on correcting the list of your publications with a thorough review of the entire list in order to determine whether the publications of your namesakes accidentally got there, that is, whether all the publications in the list are really yours. If you find a publication of another author incorrectly included in your list, you can remove this work from your list yourself. To do this, select it in the list and select the operation Delete selected publications from the list of author's works in the panel Possible actions on right. Be careful, when deleting a publication, it is no longer shown not only in the list of your works, but also in your list of unlinked publications.

When adding publications to list of your publications in some cases, the system does not allow this to be done automatically. This usually happens if there is doubt about the correctness of attributing this publication to this author, for example, if the surname or initials of the authors differ, or if the article is already linked to another author with the same name. In this case, requests to add articles are submitted for manual review to the RSCI support service. To view a list of publications pending a decision to include them in your list of publications, you can select the mode Show posts awaiting confirmation of inclusion in the list of works of the author.

It is possible that the publication is in the RSCI database, but is not offered in the list of possible publications of this author.

The author needs to find such publications by generating a query, run it for execution and view the results. On the search results page, publications that are already included in the list of your works are marked with a red star icon in the right column, which shows the number of citations of publications. If you find your publication in this list, which is not included in the list of your works, go to the page with its bibliographic description and select the operation there Add post to the list of my works in the panel Possible actions.

Working with the citation list

You can get to the page with the list of citations of the author by clicking on the link My citations from personal profile author or from Author's index by clicking on the author's citation count. For each link shown in the citation list, not only the text of the link itself is displayed, but also a brief bibliographic description of the publication - the source of this link. If the link cites a publication whose bibliographic description is available in the RSCI database, then an icon with a red arrow is added at the end of the link text, allowing you to go to the full bibliographic description of the cited publication.

As well as in the list of publications of the author, in the list of his citations you can choose the mode - to show only (linked) links included in the list of citations of the author, to show only unlinked links that may belong to this author, to show linked and unlinked links in one list, or also display links awaiting confirmation of inclusion in the list of citations of the author. In this case, as well as in the list of publications, for unlinked links, the serial number in the list is highlighted in red.

The algorithm of the author's work with the list of his citations is generally similar to the algorithm of work with the list of publications. First, you need to check if other people's publications are included in the author's list of citations. If such links are found, select them in the list and select the operation Delete highlighted links from the author's citation list in the Possible Actions panel. Then you need to look through the list of unlinked links and look for links to your work there. If any are found, select them in the list and select an operation Add highlighted links to author's citation list. All these operations must be carried out on each page of the list separately, since marked links are not saved when moving to the next page

Also, as in the case of publications, not all references can be immediately included by the author in his list of citations. Disputed links (for example, already linked to another author) are submitted for consideration to the RSCI support service. Until a decision is made, they fall into a separate list, which can be viewed by selecting the "Show links awaiting confirmation of inclusion in the author's citation list" mode.

Not all links that may be related to the publications of this author may be shown in the list unattached links on the page with the list of citations of this author, since there are no references with errors in the author's surname or initials (and there are quite a lot of such in the lists of cited literature). In addition, references where the given author is not listed at all in the list of authors of the cited publication cannot be included. In order to find such references, you can use a special search form in the lists of references.

You can access this search form from the section Personal Profile author by clicking on the link Citation Search in RISC. If you managed to find links to your publications, select them in the list and select the operation Add highlighted links to the list of my citations in the panel Possible actions on right.

Organization Identification

In the SCIENCE INDEX system, registered authors are given the opportunity to identify the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky as an organization in his publications. This opportunity can be useful not only to you as an author, but also to the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky, since it improves the performance of the institute in the RSCI. You can understand whether an organization has been identified or not, and whether it has been done correctly, on the page with a bibliographic description of the publication. If the organization is identified, then when you hover the mouse over its name in the list of authors and organizations of the publication, a tooltip appears with the name of the identified organization from the regulatory list of organizations in the RSCI. If there is no hint, the organization is not identified. In this case, the author whose place of work is listed in this organization can help identify it. To do this, select the operation Identify organization, indicated in the publication as the place of my work in the panel Possible actions. This operation is shown in the list of possible actions only if the organization of the author in this publication is not identified or is missing.

All bibliometric indicators and statistical distributions calculated in the SCIENCE INDEX system for the author are summarized on the page Analysis of the author's publication activity. You can access this page from the section Personal Profile the author, as well as Author's index by clicking on the colored histogram icon. Each of the indicators presented on this page is provided with a tooltip, which is displayed when you hover the mouse over the icon with a question mark next to the name of the corresponding indicator.

Bibliometric indicators of authors are calculated on a periodic basis. the date latest update shown in the title of the page. Registered authors have the option to update these metrics themselves by selecting the operation Update Author Metrics in the panel Possible actions.

More detailed instructions, which describes the algorithm of the author's actions for correcting and maintaining the list of his publications and citations in the RSCI up to date, is located on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU in the section "For Authors".

The RSCI, or Russian Science Citation Index, takes into account citations and publications of authors in 7,000 Russian journals and contains information about 700,000 scientists and 11,000 scientific organizations.

The project has existed since 2005, but earlier archives are presented in many areas of science. In 2005, the Ministry of Education and Science put on the agenda the issue of improving the quality of research activities in Russia.

The reason for this was the extremely low number of references to the works of Russian scientists by their Western colleagues. It was assumed that this was due to the lack of tools for an objective assessment of the work of researchers. As a result, healthy competition did not stimulate scientists to work more efficiently, and material support in the form of grants and prizes was often given to the wrong author who really deserved it.

All over the world, the rating of a scientist is assessed using scientometric indicators, they are calculated by special analytical platforms Web of Science, Scopus). A competition was announced for the creation of the RSCI. According to the results of the competition, the electronic library Elibrary was chosen as the official site. It is on this Internet resource that you can find out the RSCI rating for scientists, journals, scientific organizations.

The RSCI index allows you to objectively evaluate scientific activity. For this, special scientometric indicators were developed. Both RSCI and other analytical platforms use them for their activities. Speaking about what functions the RSCI performs, the informational one should be emphasized separately.

Since 2010, the RSCI database began to include not only articles from scientific periodicals, but also monographs, dissertations, abstracts and reports from collections of conference materials, patents, textbooks.

Journals and conferences of the RSCI are included in the databases based on the selection of the highest quality ones. Although Russian science discusses how conscientiously this selection is carried out, nevertheless, completely incompetent publications are not taken into account for calculating the index.

For an objective assessment of the quality of a scientist's work, a citation index is used. In contrast to English-language analytical platforms, RSCI scientometric indicators are calculated differently. You can see not only the number of citations of the researcher's works, but also see the percentage of self-citations, references in reference lists, references in independent articles by former co-authors of the scientist.

The RSCI also calculates the Hirsch index - this is an indicator that is equal to the number of articles cited at least a certain number of times.

Many scientists are interested in the question of how to increase the RSCI indicators. You can wind up the RSCI rating using various tricks that cannot be calculated. For example, mutual citation is popular, when colleagues agree to mention each other in their works, and journals sometimes require authors to refer in their article to any publication from this publication.

How to register in the RSCI and how to determine your index

First of all, in order to get into the RSCI, a scientist must create a personal account. Registration in the RSCI is carried out on the Elibrary.ru website. The user indicates his passport data, place of work, email address, come up with a login and password to exit. After that, he mailbox comes a personal code that will be needed to access the RSCI scientometric database. This is how a scientist can get access to the RSCI: how to find out his index, and evaluate the performance of colleagues or the degree of credibility of the journal.

One of the advantages of this system is the ability to independently adjust the RSCI rating indicators: both add a new publication and correct information entered by mistake. after registering with the RSCI, the author can save the journal search settings in the RSCI database, store the history of viewing publications, and make thematic collections.

Without authorization, users cannot access information from the RSCI database. This applies to both articles that are freely available and paid publications. In order to read the full-text versions of such articles, you must subscribe to the publication. Free site visitor can only get acquainted with the abstract, keywords, list of references.

The search for journals in the RSCI database can be carried out by word or topic, with or without the impact factor.

RSCI: requirements for the design of an article, journal, list of references

A few years ago, a single standard for the design of publications for the RSCI was adopted. The requirements for articles are fully set out in a pdf-format document, where all the details are described in detail on 5 pages: title and font size (Times New Roman, 14), paragraph indentation (1.25 cm), margin width (2 cm), line spacing (1,5).

It is forbidden to use the letter "yo", color drawings, bold font, insert spaces between paragraphs. The text is justified in width, word wrapping should be automatic. All references to literary sources in the course of the text are taken in square brackets.

The RSCI requirements for the design of the list of references are as follows: automatic numbering of sources is not allowed (only manually), the font size is 12, the names of the sources are formatted according to a standard pattern. An example of a bibliography: Ivanov I. I. Enterprise Economics: a textbook for students / I. I. Ivanov, A. T. Petrova. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - Voronezh: VGU, 2014. - 338 p. – ISBN 865-5-322-33347-2.

The nuances of the design of the bibliography are presented in the methodological manual of the RSCI

Publication requirements also make it necessary for the reference part to be compiled by the researcher himself, and not by the editors of the journal. The reference part includes an abstract, a list of keywords, information about the author. This data is also typed in font 12, information about the author includes the surname and initials, the full name of the organization on the basis of which the study was carried out, city, academic title, degree and position of the scientist. The surname of the author and the name of the institution are given in Russian and in English according to the RSCI standards.

Requirements for journals are not so clear. The inclusion of a scientific publication in the RSCI list is possible on the basis of a contract between the editors and the administration of the Elibrary electronic library. You can fill out an application on the website on the Internet.

How the RSCI database and its official website are developing

A few years ago, project leaders signed contracts with the administration of the Web of Science and Scopus platforms. Now the Russian Science Citation Index on the official website is indicated taking into account the rating indicators of the researcher from these analytical sites. In 2015, the best periodicals from the list of RSCI journals were included in the Web of Science database. The reference part of articles in English is placed in free access - these are annotations, information about the author, list of references, keywords.

Updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Dear employees of the East European Institute of Psychoanalysis, we have prepared a material for you on various indicators that are used to assess the productivity of a scientist. We kindly ask you to read and take into account in your scientific activities, as well as register on the site

Scientific Electronic Library!

How to find out if the author is registered in the RSCI and the SCIENCE INDEX analytical system?

  • Go to the site (http://elibrary.ru)
  • In the left column in the "Navigator" select AUTHOR'S INDEX
  • In the search form, enter your last name in the field.
  • Press the SEARCH button
    See or not see yourself.

Perhaps you are registered, but do not remember your username and password, or do not remember at all that you registered yourself (the organization in which you worked or work could do this centrally), then you can use access recovery:

Enter your full name and your username and password will be sent to your email. Use it to access the site to use the tools for authors. Your first step is to go to the REGISTRATION QUESTIONNAIRE and make sure that you are registered in the SCIENCE INDEX system.

If you clearly saw yourself, but the system says that such an author is not registered, then this is true (there are links to your works in the RSCI database, but there was no personal registration). Start registration.

How to register in the RSCI and SCIENCE INDEX?

  1. It is necessary to fill in all fields, at least marked with an asterisk, in the Registration Form and mandatory in the SCIENCE INDEX
  2. Click the Save button, go to the mail and follow the link to complete the registration.
    After some time (no more than 10 days), it will be possible to use not only the library, but also the SCIENCE INDEX analytical add-on for authors (search for their publications).

How to search and add your publications contained in the RSCI database?

  1. Go to the website of the National Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru)
  2. In the left frame in the "Navigator" section, enter the username and password, click LOGIN
  3. Select the FOR AUTHORS tab in the top menu
  4. In the middle column select PERSONAL AUTHOR PROFILE
  5. In the middle column, select MY PUBLICATIONS (you will be able to see the entire list of publications linked to the author)
  6. In the search field SHOW - indicate only "unlinked publications that may belong to the author", check the box "take into account publications extracted from the lists of cited literature" - do not uncheck
  7. Press the SEARCH button
  8. Check the box next to your posts, if any. You can reduce the selection by using, for example, specifying the subject or other parameters
  9. From the right frame, select "Add selected publications to the list of works"
  10. You will be prompted to add these publications to your list, Agree

If some of your publications are not in the RSCI database, then only the responsible representative of the organization (in our case, VEIP) can add them there, if he has such rights.

Further, if you have questions, you need to read the section RSCI AND SCIENCE INDEX IN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

What is the Science Citation Index?

Russian Citation Index (RSCI)

1. Impact factor for a scientific journal (it is calculated as the number of references in a particular year to articles published in the journal over the previous 3 years and is to some extent a characteristic of the authority of the journal)
2. citation index (RSCI)
3. HIRSH index

A distinctive feature of these indicators (RSCI and HIRSCH index) is that they can be applied to any array of articles (author, laboratory, institute, country, etc. for any period of time).

Russian Science Citation Index(RSCI) is the main analytical system for assessing the publication activity and citation of Russian authors, organizations, scientists, and journals.

RSCI email address - www.elibrary.ru

In Russia, the citation index is being introduced more and more into the sphere of science and education every year.

Today this indicator is actively used:

  • the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to assess the activities of scientists and scientific organizations in general, when conducting an examination of applications for funding under federal targeted programs and other competitions;
  • heads of scientific institutions to certify scientists and evaluate the effectiveness of their scientific activities;
  • publishers scientific literature and periodicals to predict the demand for the works of a particular author among the target audience.

Web of Science andScopus

The most authoritative of the existing international citation systems, whose indices are recognized throughout the world, are: Web of Science and its competitor is a relatively young system " Scopus". The journals included in these systems are officially recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC).

The Web of Science system covers more than 12,000 publications in English and partly in German(since 1980). This citation base is currently owned by Thomson Reuters. The Russian-language site of Thomson Reuters provides recommendations for working with the "Web of Sciences".

Citation system « Scopus » is the world's largest unified multidisciplinary abstract database (since 1995), which is updated daily. Scopus is the largest database of scientific publications without full texts. Scopus covers over 15,000 scientific journals from 4,000 scientific publishers around the world.

However, there are very few Russian scientific journals in international databases. The cost of subscribing to foreign systems is significant, which is simply unacceptable for most Russian organizations.

Therefore, in Russia since 2005 Scientific electronic library the national Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) is being created. RSCI is a national information and analytical system that already includes almost 20 million publications of Russian authors, as well as information about citing these publications from more than 8000 Russian magazines (moreover, about 3000 Russian journals are in the public domain, but there are already more than 46 thousand journals in the database).

The RSCI database is designed not only to promptly provide scientific research with up-to-date reference and bibliographic information, but is also a powerful tool that allows you to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of research organizations, scientists, the level of scientific journals, etc.

In addition to bibliographic and citation information, the RSCI includes information about the authors of publications and the organizations in which they work. This mechanism makes it possible to integrate publication and citation indicators: from a researcher-author, a structural unit and an institution where a circle of authors works, to ministries and departments or entire administrative-geographical regions.

Thus, RSCI allows:

  • analyze the statistics of publication activity of individual authors, groups of authors, organizations and journals;
  • find publications cited in a single article;
  • find publications citing an article;
  • search for bibliography on a topic or subject;
  • view information about journals, authors of publications and organizations in which they work.

According to the RSCI database, according to Order N 406 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2009, when analyzing publication activity, citation is taken into account for the five years preceding the current year. Although the overall figures take into account the publication activity of the author for ALL years. It is also worth noting that the hirsch index is not calculated for 5 recent years(today it is the period of 2009-2013), but for the entire period.

As mentioned above, the personal citation index can be used to judge the scientific productivity of one author.

The Russian Citation Index includes 3 main indicators:

  • the total number of publications where this person appears as an author or co-author. The index is not divisible by the number of co-authors, self-citations are not subtracted.
  • the number of citations of the author's works (according to reference lists)
  • Hirschi index

It should be noted that when evaluating a personal citation index, one should be guided by the rule of comparing like with like. Thus, it makes no sense to compare the indices and reports of a professor who has been doing science for 50 years, with a large number of publications, and a young graduate student who has published 4–5 articles, just as it would be incorrect to compare the citation index of researchers from different fields of science and medicine.

hirsch index

In addition to the citation index, another very informative indicator is the so-called h-index (h-index). The Hirsch index was proposed in 2005 by the American physicist Jorge Hirsch of the University of San Diego, California.

The most important thing to understand is how "it stands for":

For example, an h-index of 8 means that scientists published at least 8 papers, each of which was cited at least 8 times. At the same time, the number of papers cited fewer times can be any number. Similarly, the h-index can be calculated for a scientific journal, organization, or country.

Like any formal indicator, the h-index has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the index include the fact that it will be equally low both for the author of one super-popular article and for the author of many works cited no more than once. The Hirsch index allows you to filter out the so-called. "random collaborators"; this indicator will be high only for those who have enough publications, and all of them (or at least many of them) are in sufficient demand, i.e. often cited by other researchers.

The index works well only when comparing scientists working in the same field.

The RSCI database is still far from complete, as it has been formed relatively recently and compiled very unsystematically. But she is constantly improving.

How to increase the RSCI and the Hirsch index?

  1. Strive to publish original articles of a high scientific and practical level, to which other authors would be happy to refer.
  2. Publish in co-authorship with a colleague with high scientometric indicators.
  3. In publications, provide links to own articles published in other journals. When sending publications to English-language publications, provide links to your own articles published in translated literature.
  4. Those. increase self-citation, and exchanging links to articles of colleagues. To do this, share with colleagues information about the release of the publication.
  5. In publications indicate VEIP as the place of work of the author
  6. Submit articles to journals supported by the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission, where the published materials undergo a thorough scientific examination and are available on the Internet.
  7. Write quality abstracts.
  8. To increase the impact factor of "one's own" journal, one should provide links to articles of "one's own journal", as well as actively inform colleagues about the articles of this group of authors published in the journal. If "your" journal is not in the RSCI database, recommend that the publisher register in it. Here is information for publishers of periodicals, and here is information for non-periodicals.
  9. Be more attentive to the correct bibliographic design of your articles and reference lists, to the spelling of the last name and first name.
  10. And once again: When publishing articles, it is worth considering the presence of the journal in the RSCI and in the list recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.

What level of citation should authors have? There is no definite answer, but approximate guidelines exist:

  • The Hirsch index from 0-2 according to the RSCI - corresponds to the scientific activity of a novice scientist (applicant for a scientific degree, graduate student);
  • Hirsch index from 3 to 6 according to the RSCI - corresponds to the scientific activity of the candidate of sciences;
  • Hirsch index from 7 to 10 according to the RSCI - corresponds to the scientific activity of a doctor of sciences;
  • Hirsch index from 11 to 15 - corresponds to the scientific activity of a famous scientist (member of the dissertation council, founder of a scientific school);
  • Hirsch index of 16 and above - corresponds to the scientific activity of a world-famous scientist (head of a scientific organization, chairman of the dissertation council)


Compiled (January - April 2014): Ershova Svetlana Konstantinovna,

Head cafe "Psychotherapy" VEIP

Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) is a national information and analytical system that accumulates more than 2 million publications by Russian authors, as well as information about citations of these publications from more than 2,000 Russian journals. It is intended not only to promptly provide scientific research with up-to-date reference and bibliographic information, but is also a powerful tool that allows you to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of research organizations, scientists, the level of scientific journals, etc.

Detailed rules for working in this system are presented on the RSCI website: http://elibrary.ru/.

Instructions for authors on working in the SCIENCE INDEX system: http://elibrary.ru/projects/science_index/author_tutorial.asp/ .

This instruction is intended for authors of scientific publications included in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The instructions describe how to register as an author and work in the SCIENCE INDEX information and analytical system, which is an analytical add-on for the RSCI and offers a number of new services for authors, research organizations and scientific publishers. The instructions also describe in detail the author's algorithm for correcting and maintaining the list of his publications and citations in the RSCI up to date.

List of journals included in the RSCI by:

In 2005, the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation (Rosnauka) announced a competition "Development of a system of statistical analysis of Russian science based on data from the Russian Citation Index", which was held within the framework of the federal target scientific and technical program "Research and development in priority areas of development of science and technology." In the spring of 2005, having won this competition, the Scientific Electronic Library (NEB) signed a contract with Rosnauka and became the lead executor of the project to create the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Thus began new period in the history of the NEB, associated with the comprehensive development of domestic electronic resources for science and education, the systematic promotion of Russian scientific publications on the Internet, the creation of a national bibliographic database of scientific periodicals, the development of tools and services for analytics, scientific and bibliometric research and measurements of scientific activity .

What is a journal citation database or, in other words, a citation index? This is a specialized information product that collects and processes complete bibliographic information about journal articles, annotations and lists of references cited in articles of literature. Such a database allows you to find both publications cited in a single article, and publications citing this article. Thus, the user can conduct an efficient large-scale search of the bibliography covering the entire front of publications on the topic or subject of interest to him. In addition to bibliographic and citation information, the RSCI includes information about the authors of publications and the organizations in which they work. This mechanism makes it possible to integrate publication and citation indicators along the entire vertical of the social institution of science: from the researcher-author, structural unit and institution where the circle of authors works, to ministries and departments or entire administrative-geographical regions. This kind of statistical information, in turn, will help to conduct an objective assessment of the activities of various scientific and educational organizations, research teams and individual researchers, and aggregate data on citation of journals, the so-called impact factors, make it possible to build ratings of periodicals.

The main tasks that the RSCI project solves can be briefly formulated as follows:

creation of a multi-purpose search system for publications of Russian scientists, including, at the first stage of the project development, articles from scientific journals (the number of journals is at least 1500 titles)

development of mechanisms and tools for statistical analysis of domestic science

creation and formation of the Unified Register of Publications of Russian Scientists, an authoritative database that provides the most complete and reliable information about the publication flow of Russian scientists, regardless of the source, time, place and type of publication

creation of an effective system of navigation in the array of scientific information and provision of access for Russian users to full texts publications through the mechanisms of the unified access system.

Why was there a need to create a domestic citation index, not limited to the use of foreign analogues (such as, for example, Web of Science by Thomson Scientific or Scopus by Elsevier)? There are several reasons for this:

Unrepresentative representation of Russian scientific periodicals in foreign products. Of the 3,000 Russian scientific journals, only about 150 are represented in foreign databases (ie, no more than 5%). Basically, these are translated magazines. Until now, the vast majority of Russian scientific publications remain "invisible" and inaccessible online. There are both objective and subjective reasons here: the language barrier, the level of journals, their accessibility, national peculiarities of citation, the local isolation of some areas of science, and others. A number of these reasons can be eliminated in principle. For example, the translation of a journal or at least bibliographic descriptions into English language, the release of a journal in electronic form significantly increase the chance of a journal being included in the list of indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus databases. This is certainly important, and we support the movement in this direction in every possible way, but what does this have to do with the scientific level of the journal, with the quality of the articles published in it?

Similar problems are faced not only in Russia, but also in other non-English speaking countries. For example, out of more than 4,000 Chinese scientific journals, only 30 are represented in SCI, i.e. less than 1 percent. To solve the problem of objective quantification scientific results in China back in 1989, its own citation index Chinese Science Citation Index was created, which now covers more than 1000 leading Chinese journals. There are similar projects in Japan (Citation Database for Japanese Papers, part of the national scientific information retrieval system CiNii), Taiwan (Taiwan Humanities Citation Index) and Europe (for example, the Euro-Factor project).

The complexity of using foreign databases for statistical analysis. And this is the main task this project. There are a number of problems here, from the fact that the interface is not adapted for this, and ending with serious problems in identifying organizations and authors.

The lack of a full-fledged global search system for Russian scientific journals, including at least the contents of the journals, not to mention the full texts.

The need to stimulate Russian publishing houses, increase the level of journals, their competitiveness. The point is not to push mediocrity forward by comparing frankly weak journals or scholarly articles against each other. On the contrary, the RSCI will provide an opportunity for an objective comparison of these journals with the world's best journals. In addition, the inclusion of the journal in the RSCI will contribute to its distribution in the world and, accordingly, increase the citation of articles published in it.

Finally, the issue of price and availability of such systems is of no small importance. Unfortunately, the cost of foreign systems, even with a subscription as part of a consortium, is at least 10-20 thousand dollars a year, which is simply unacceptable for most Russian organizations.

Sometimes one has to face the opinion that a national citation index is not needed or even harmful at all, that it is pointless to support Russian scientific journals, since there are a sufficient number of high-impact foreign journals where Russian scientists can publish their work, that all this will only lead to the isolation of Russian science and its final degradation. In our opinion, scientific journals, search engines, databases and other information resources and services are all elements of the general information infrastructure of science and education in any developed country. It is impossible to develop science and education and bring it to the modern level without developing the information component, the role of which in increasing the efficiency of scientific research is actually only increasing, because new knowledge is born only as a result of understanding the experience already accumulated by mankind. Therefore, the creation of a national citation index reflects the level of development of the scientific culture of the nation, its information technology capabilities and intellectual potential.