Summary of the lesson "union-free complex sentence." What is an unionless complex sentence Topic: Unionless complex sentences

Lesson summary in problematic dialogue technology on the topic: "What unionless compound offer"

1) Find out what an asyndetic complex sentence is and its distinguishing features.

2) To form the ability to see the problem, develop a hypothesis, observe, define concepts.

3) To form the ability to work in groups.

The form organizations learning activities: frontal, individual, group.

You don't learn how to work when you're young
in old age you will be left empty-handed ...

During the classes

Prefix in the word restless (bes-)

The root is a part of speech, with the help of which homogeneous members and simple sentences are combined as part of a complex one (conjunction).

Suffix as in the word sleepy (-Н-)

The ending of the adjective in cf. kind of unit numbers

Teacher: did we get a word as a result?

Teacher: State the topic of the lesson.

Recording a few sentences to observe:

A. Measure seven times, cut once.

B. Chin followed him; he suddenly left the service. V. Youth left the club became bored.

1. What suggestions are written down? Prove graphically. What about punctuation marks?

2) What conclusion follows? What can be assumed?

3) Try to formulate the purpose of our lesson

Helps to formulate the objectives of the lesson.

Organizes work in groups (No. 1. work with textbook material: pp. 94-101)

Observes, helps in case of difficulty

No. 2. Create a table about the rules for punctuation between simple sentences in BSP:

1 group comma(p. 96, ex. 216,)

2 group should think about the meaning of simple sentences in the BSP and determine when they put semicolon(p. 96, ex. 217)

3 group should think about the meaning of simple sentences in the BSP and determine when they put colon(p. 98, ex. 220)

4 group should think about the meaning of simple sentences in the BSP and determine when they put dash(p. 101, ex. 229)

Organizes work with this material:

1.specify numbers of non-union complex sentences: (1) It is fun to make your way along a narrow path between two walls of high rye. (2) The ears of corn gently beat you in the face, the cornflowers cling to the legs of the quail, they shout all around the horse runs at a lazy trot. (3) Here is the forest. (4) Shadow and silence. (5) Stately aspens murmur high above you, long hanging branches of birches hardly move, a mighty oak stands like a fighter near a beautiful linden. (I.S. Turgenev)

2.arrange punctuation marks in one of the sentences and graphically prove.

3. find BSP in texts of the OGE(B#1-#4)

Application No. 1.

1. It began to get dark quickly, summer clouds came, the first thunder struck.

2. The frogs, which were only in the puddles, became so excited that the water was agitated from them.

3. After a torrential warm rain, Petya took up fishing: he set nets for crucian carp in a peat pond.
4. There, on the shore, near the nets, stood ten small birch trees, their branches were still bare, without leaves.

5. The sun was setting plump, and when the village, a lively night began: all the nightingales sang, all the frogs yelled ...

6. But it happens so often in the world that when everything is good, a poor thought comes to a poor person's head and does not allow him to rejoice.
7. Petya couldn’t sleep either, and then it occurred to him that thieves had come and taken away the nets.
8. That is why Petya runs to his nets at dawn and already from a distance sees that where he put the nets, people are now standing - that's right, thieves.
9. In terrible anger, he runs there and suddenly stops, smiles, he is ashamed: these are not people - it is during the night that the birches dressed in green and as if people were standing.

Lesson for grade 9 on the topic


Thing: Russian language


Class: 9

Duration: 45 minutes

Technology: technology of counter efforts of the teacher and the student;

information and communication technology



    generalization, systematization and deepening of students' knowledge about the non-union complex sentence; improving their punctuation skills on the topic.

    improving the ability to find BSP in the text


    development of the ability to logically express one's thoughts using literary language;

    development of the ability to argue, prove;

    development of listening skills and distribution of attention during listening;

    correctly punctuate the given constructions.


    the formation of interest in the study of the Russian language through the expansion of knowledge about the role and significance of the BSP;

    activation cognitive activity students;

    providing a favorable psychological environment.

Methods: dialogic, collective, independent.

Type: combined

Equipment: computer, textbook, cards.

During the classes

1. Beginning of the lesson. "Warm-up".

The goal is to create an emotional mood for joint educational work.

Reception "Crossword"(when solving which students will read the name of the type of complex sentence, which will be the topic of the lesson)

Teacher: Guess the word in the crossword puzzle and think about how it can be related to the new, yet unknown topic of the lesson.


    Prefix in the word restless (bes-)

    The root is a part of speech, with the help of which homogeneous members and simple sentences are connected as part of a complex one. (Union).

    Suffix as in the word sleepy (-Н-)

    The end of the adjective in the middle gender singular

Teacher: did we end up with a word?

Student responses.

Teacher: state the topic of the lesson.

Student responses.

Writing a topic in a notebook: "Unionless Compound Sentence"

2. Setting a learning goal, creating a "challenge" situation.

Target « call » is to create a situation of overcoming: the teacher and the student consciously sets themselves or their partner a task, the solution of which will require some effort.

Reception "Purpose and goals"

Teacher: State your goals for the lesson that are important to you. Use key words:

1) Get to know...

2) Learn ...

Students formulate the objectives of the lesson.

Communication of the objectives of the lesson by the teacher.

3. Control and preparatory

    "I know - I don't know"

Connect with arrows

Compound sentence

Teacher: what do you know about the topic? (what do I know?)

    Student responses.

    Assignment to the class: Find out which sentences are simple and which are complex.

Dictation with letters

-Sparks flew like a fiery blizzard, the huts caught fire.

-Dubrovsky left the room, got into the carriage and galloped off.

- Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent.

The air woke up, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga.

Blame your own guilt on a friend - meanness in a cube.

-Suddenly I feel: someone takes me by the shoulder and pushes me.

(Verification: one student demonstrates his record on an individual board, the class checks:


4. Repetition

Blitz Poll:

What sentences are called complex?

What two groups of complex sentences do you know?

How are alliances different? complex sentences from the unscrupulous?

What proposals are called non-union?

Make suggestions according to the scheme:

, , .

    Exploring a new topic.

Teacher: Let's look at the diagram: Offer


Teacher: I suggest you look through the theoretical material on your tables and mark familiar information +, unfamiliar -, sign? information that needs further clarification

Associative compound sentence

The non-union complex sentence (BSP) is opposed to allied proposals due to the lack of allied funds. The parts of the BSP are connected in meaning and intonation.The following are presented in Russian types non-union proposals:1. Observed between parts semantic equality, the parts are connected by enumerative intonation, the order of the parts is free:Cannonballs are rolling, bullets are whistling, cold bayonets hang(A. S. Pushkin) . To my right was a ravine, curving like a snake; on the left, a narrow but deep river meandered. 2. Parts of the BSP are unequal: the second part explains first (or individual words in it) in some respect, the parts are connected by explanatory intonation, the order of the parts is fixed:a) the second part reveals the content of the first (= namely): Everything was unusual and scary: some rustles were heard in the room. b) the second part complements the meaning of the first (= what): I looked out the window (and saw): dawn was breaking over the forest. c) the second part reveals the reason for what is said in the first (= because): I was surprised: there was a note stuck in the door. As a rule, in sentences of this type, the first part contains the main part of the statement, and the second part explains and supplements the content of the first (it is the functional equivalent of a subordinate clause).3. The parts of the BSP are unequal and connected by a special contrasting intonation (the first part of the sentence is characterized by a high tone, the second - by a sharp decrease in tone), the order of the parts is fixed:a) the first part contains an indication of the condition or time of the action:The quieter you go, the further you'll get. I come to the well - no one is there anymore(M. Yu. Lermontov). In this case, the first part of the BSP is the functional equivalent of the subordinate condition or time, and the second part is the analogue of the main part.b) the second part contains an indication of an unexpected result of an action or a quick change of events:Before I could blink, the ball was already in the goal. c) the second part contains a comparison with what is said in the first part:He says a word - the nightingale sings. d) the second part contains a contrast:Try on seven times - cut once. Comparison of SPP and BSP.
    Spruce is good only with a strong sunlight, because then its blackness shines through with the thickest and strongest green. (WBS, reason) A shot is fired, and the wolf continues to lie. (SSP, opposition) Quietly stands a spruce forest on a hillock, and the wind does not stir even a leaf of m..l..breath of aspen and birch. (SSP, simultaneity of actions) A lot of m..multiple clouds with indistinctly outlined edges scattered across the pale blue sky, and a rather strong wind rushed continuously, not dispelling the heat. (BSC, sequence of actions)
- Can these proposals be turned into non-union ones? Write them down, think about how the punctuation marks will change. Choose the correct intonation when reading. (Reading the resulting sentences. (1 student)) - What changed? (Unions have been removed, and semantic relationships are now expressed less clearly) - How do we still establish these relationships and transfer them to oral speech and in writing? (From the content of simple sentences included in the BSP. Intonation. Various punctuation marks (, -:) Let's sum up a small total: Define BSP. (BSP is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected in meaning and intonation, without the help of conjunctions.)

1. Working with text: observing punctuation marks, choosing the right intonation, expressive reading

(Strong students receive a text without punctuation marks, try to arrange them themselves, hand over the work to the teacher for verification).

It's fun to make your way along a narrow path, between two walls of high rye. The ears of corn gently beat you in the face, the cornflowers cling to your legs, the quails scream around, the horse runs at a lazy trot.

Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you; long, hanging branches of birches hardly move; a mighty oak stands like a fighter, next to a beautiful linden.

(I. Turgenev)

What explains the differences in punctuation in the second and last sentences?

(In the second sentence, the author lists what he sees when he goes to the forest. Between the sentences, which are simple sentences similar in structure, enumerative intonation with small pauses, showing a change of impressions. This requires a comma.

In the last sentence, the author describes a picture of forest peace and quiet. Slow pace of speech, pauses between sentences become long (you can’t talk about silence quickly, loudly), the voice goes down; simple sentences have other punctuation marks. This sentence contains a semicolon.)

2.Work with text

"Lay your heart on reading"

(1) The book and reading have been the subject of glorification at all times and among all peoples. (2) Even at the birth of writing, almost six thousand years ago, in an Egyptian papyrus it was written: "Lay your heart on reading." (3) What amazing and sincere words!

(4) Book and reading are great teachers and educators of human souls. (5) Let's think about the words of A.I. Herzen: “The whole life of mankind consistently settled in the book; tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained. (6) She grew up with humanity, crystallized in her all the teachings that shocked the minds, and all the passions that shook the hearts.

(7) Russian historian and writer N.M. Karamzin wrote that the history of the mind represents two main eras - the invention of letters and the invention of typography. (8) All others were their consequence.

(9) The history of writing is the history of human culture.

Read the text carefully.

Find the BSP.

3. Execution of the test with subsequent verification.

Complete, forming non-union complex sentences.

A. We were seized by a feeling of fear ... (reason)

B. I haven’t written a letter to a friend for a long time ... (opposition)

B. There was a thunderclap ... (quick change of events)

Rebuild complex allied sentences into non-union ones. Write them down with punctuation marks.

A. Love the book, as it will reveal many interesting things to us.

B. I repeated the invitation, but he did not answer.

Continue the offer

Dasha turned thoughtfully through the pages of the book... to get the following types of sentences

A. simple with homogeneous members (without unions).

B. unionless complex,

7. Reflective stage of the lesson

    What did you learn in class today?

    What task was the most interesting for you? Why?

    Which task did you find difficult and why?

    What did you learn while working as a couple?

8 . Lesson Summary:

    Guys, please remember what goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the lesson?

    Have you reached them?

Teacher. I really want to know your opinion about our today's lesson. On the desk in front of each of you are pink and blue flowers. If you liked the lesson and you learned something new, attach a pink flower to the vase;

9. Definition of homework.

To improve your knowledge

I give homework.

I vary the homework by level.

The first level, mandatory, is what all members of the study group must know.

Homework of the second level (conceptual) is performed by those who believe that they know the subject well.

Everyone: 1. Learn the rule on the page of the textbook

Choice: 2. Write an essay

"The role of punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence"

3. Crossword on the topic "Unionless complex sentence"

10. exhibiting ratings.

View: study lesson.

Lesson structure.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Repetition of the past.

Oral analytical work with text;

3. Learning new things. Research activities:

Group work;

Analytical work with texts;

Digital dictation.

4. Generalization of the studied.

5. Summing up.

6. Homework.

Equipment: multimedia installation, cards with texts for commands.


To consolidate knowledge on the topic "Complex sentences";

Introduce non-union complex sentences (BSP);

Learn to build an answer based on theoretical knowledge;

Practice correct punctuation.


Contribute to the development of oral and written speech of the student;

Learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

To promote the development of students' creative abilities, their cognitive activity;

To teach attentive attitude and love for the word, to arouse interest in fiction.


Contribute to the aesthetic and moral education of students;

To form the ability to set a goal, highlight the essential, plan work, exercise self-control, summarize, work at an optimal pace.

I. Organizational moment.

I suggest you, guys, today in the lesson to act as researchers of linguistics and, in continuation of acquaintance with complex sentences, to get acquainted with a new group of sentences - non-union complex syntactic constructions. Therefore, we were divided into 2 groups, each of which will not only try to answer the question posed, but also earn points for the correct answers. (When answering, listen carefully to each other in order to successfully complete the tasks). So our lesson will pass - the tournament. You will be able not only to get acquainted with a new topic, but to show your knowledge that will bring you victory.

II. Repetition of the past. (Slide 3)

Divide notebook sheet into 2 columns, one of which is called complex sentences (CSP), the other - complex sentences (CSP). Read these suggestions. Among them, find and write the numbers of those that are MTP and SPP.

1. Where the mouth of the river used to be, the trail climbs uphill.
2. The sun illuminated the tops of the lindens, which had already turned yellow under the fresh breath of autumn.
3. The train went out into the meadows and a quiet sunset became visible in full breadth.
4. When we reached the top of the mountain the sun was already rising.
5. The wind was already breathing rain moisture, and a minute later it rained a little and rare.
6. White clouds swirled and shone with snow, but the black peak was menacing with its heavy immobility.
7. She dreams that she is singing.

(SSP - 3, 5, 6 sentences; SPP - 1,2, 4, 7 sentences)

Tell us, on what basis did you single out the SSP? SPP?

Remember what types of SPP do you know? ( attributive, explanatory, adverbial).

On what grounds are SPPs divided into these groups? ( By question and defined word)

What do you think, how will the SSP and SPP differ from the BSP? (Simple sentences as part of a complex one will have a non-union connection).

What punctuation marks will separate simple sentences in a complex one? (Commas).

Is it so? Let's verify this by doing some research.

Let's write down the topic of the lesson: Asyndine-free compound sentences.

III. Learning new. (Work in groups).

I suggest doing research in groups. The team that answers the question correctly receives a bonus point. All points received at the end are summed up and allow the teacher to evaluate the work of students.

Research #1. (Slide 4)

You have offers. Find the BSP among them. Name the numbers of these proposals.

1. My eyes darkened, my head began to spin.
2. On the eve of the streams, they swelled so that the horses walked along the belly of the input.
3. Birds were not heard: they do not sing during the hours of heat.
4. The blizzard subsided, but a severe frost set in.
5. Emerald frogs jump underfoot; between the roots, raising his golden head, lies already and guards them.
6. Warm summer rain fell all night, and by morning it was fresh in the air.
7. There was a cry - he rushed to run.

What are the numbers of proposals issued by group 1? 2 group?

(Unionless complex sentences - 1, 3, 5, 7)

What can you now say about punctuation marks in BSP? (Simple sentences in the BSP can be separated not only by commas, but also by semicolons, colons, dashes).(Slide 5)

Study #2

Group 1 should think about the meaning of simple sentences in the BSP and determine when they put comma. (Slide 6)

The blizzard did not subside, the sky did not clear up.

Doors and windows are wide open, leaves do not stir in the garden. (I.A. Goncharov)


The pale gray sky was lightening, turning blue; the stars now twinkled with a faint light, then disappeared; damp earth; sweaty leaves; in some places live sounds, voices began to be heard. (I.S. Turgenev)

Let's check your findings. (Slides 7, 8)

Study #3

Take advantage of the printouts on your desks.

Group 1 should think about the meaning of simple sentences in the BSP and determine when they put dash. (Slide 9)

1. Measure seven times - cut one. (Proverb)

2. Cheese fell out - there was such a cheat with it. (I.A. Krylov)

3. Light rain sows in the morning - it is impossible to go out. (I.S. Turgenev)

4. If you see Gorky, talk to him. (A.P. Chekhov)

5. Look - give a ruble. (N.A. Nekrasov)

Group 2 should think about the meaning of simple sentences in the BSP and determine when they put colon.

1. I am unhappy: every day there are guests. (A.P. Chekhov)

2. She came to her senses, Tatyana looks: there is no bear. (A.S. Pushkin)

3. During the story, Nastya remembered: she had a whole untouched pot of boiled potatoes from yesterday. (M. Prishvin)

Let's check your findings. (Slides 10, 11)

IV. Generalization of the studied.

Study #4

What sentences will we call non-union complex? (Such complex sentences in which simple ones are combined with each other only in meaning and intonation (without the help of unions and allied words).

Try on your own (group 1 and 2) to create a table about the rules for punctuation between simple sentences in the BSP.

Punctuation marks in BSP

Sequence, simultaneity, enumeration.


- sentences are less connected in meaning and more common and have commas inside them.


The second part has the meaning of reason (= because, since);

The second part has the meaning of explanation (= viz.);

- second part has the meaning of explanation (= both I see and I hear how).

Contrasting (= a, but);

Comparison (= as if, as if)

Quick change of events; (= and suddenly, and immediately)

The first part has the meaning of time or condition (= when, if);

The second part has the meaning of a consequence, conclusion, result (= therefore, therefore);

We will check your memo-tables that will be useful to us for further work on this topic. (Slide 12). Transfer them to a notebook (you can distribute pre-printed tables).

Research No. 5. (Digital dictation). (Slide 13).

The final study will help you and me to conclude how much you have mastered the new topic. Divide the notebook into 4 columns, name the columns: dot, semicolon, dash, colon. In them you write down the numbers of those sentences in which you put the corresponding signs.

1. Far beyond the Don, heavy clouds piled up, lightning cut the sky, thunder rumbled barely audibly.

2. Time is still early; golden morning mist curls over the road, barely letting in the sun that has appeared; the grass is shining.

3. Above, the cry of a crane: the birds fly south.

4. The steppe is cheerfully full of flowers: gorse is brightly full of flowers, bells are modestly blue, fragrant chamomile is white.

5. Woke up - five stations ran back.

6. They cut the forest - the chips fly.

7. The smoky sun rises - it will be a hot day.

(Point - 1; semicolon - 2; dash - 5, 6, 7; colon - 3, 4 sentences)

V. Summing up. (Slide 14).

What topic are we talking about today?

What have you learned about complex sentences?

(Slide 15). (In addition to SSP and SPP sentences, there is a BSP, where parts of simple sentences can be separated by various punctuation marks: comma, semicolon, colon, dash, depending on the semantic relationships that are established between them ).

Lesson grades for research teams.

VI. Homework. (Slide 16).

Paragraph 31-33, do exercise 191. Your feedback on the research lesson (oral).





Russian language lesson on the topic

"Unionless Compound Sentence"

Grade 9

with aspect analysis

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MOU secondary school No. 13, Iskra, Budyonnovsky district

Pankina Galina Borisovna

Lesson topic:"Unionless Compound Sentence"

Goals: educational:

To give the concept of BSP, the formation of skills to establish

semantic relationsbetween simple sentencesallied and non-union proposals;

Formation of the ability to determine semantic relationships between parts of the BSP;

- use BSP in yourspeeches to solve certaincommunication tasks.


Developing the ability to logically express your thoughts using literary language;

- development of the ability to argue, prove;

Development of listening skills and distribution of attention during listening;


Formation of interest in the study of the Russian language through expanding knowledge about the role and significance of the BSP;

- activation of cognitive activity of students;

- providing a favorable psychological environment.

Methods : dialogic, collective, independent.

Type : combined

Equipment: computer, projector, textbook, cards.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, texts of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", handout with the text "Summer Evening"

During the classes

1 Organizational moment


Unions are nothing but the means by which ideas are united; so, they are like nails and glue, with which the parts of such a colossus are united and glued together. And how those colossus, in which less glue and nails are visible, are very best view have, than those in which there are many layers and gluings, so the word is more important and more magnificent than it has fewer unions. M. Lomonosov

2. Actualization of knowledge -Today's lesson, you and I, guys, are dedicating to repeating the material about the non-union complex sentence. Let's remember...

- What sentences are called non-union complex?

What is the difference between a non-union complex sentence and a compound and complex sentence?

- What punctuation marks are put in a non-union complex sentence?

Different semantic relations are expressed between simple sentences as part of a non-union complex: enumeration, sequence, comparison, explanation, inconsistency, condition, cause, effect, time, purpose, etc.

- Where is this property of non-union complex sentences used?

3. Learning new material

Analysis of fragments from individual chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Let us turn to the 5th chapter of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", in particular to the episode "Tatyana's Dream".

“And Tatyana has a wonderful dream ...”

Reading of this episode (read by a prepared student)

What is the role of Tatyana's dream in the structure of the work?

Tatyana's dream is realistic and symbolic at the same time. Opening for us the inner psychological characteristics heroine, he also plays a compositional role, linking the content of the previous chapters with those tragic events that will play out in chapter 6.

What we learn about the future drama a little earlier characterizes Tatyana as an intelligent, sensitive person. It stands well above its environment. That animal, seen in a dream, resembles the Larins' neighbors, only outwardly similar to people. What she saw in a dream suggests that she could correctly assess the people around her.

Analysis of stanza 11:

She dreams that she

Walking through a snow field

Surrounded by a sad haze;

In the snowdrifts in front of her

Noisy, swirling with its wave

Ebullient, dark and gray

A stream unfettered in winter;

What sign of the BSP is used here? ( semicolon)

Analysis of 12 stanzas.

Like an unfortunate separation

Tatyana grumbles at the stream;

Doesn't see anyone who has a hand

On the other hand, I would give it to her;

But suddenly the snowdrift stirred,

And who came from under it?

Why does Pushkin use a semicolon here too?

Analysis of 14 stanzas.

Tatyana in the forest; bear after her;

The snow is loose up to her knees;

Then a long bough around her neck

Hooks suddenly, then out of the ears

Golden earrings will vomit by force;

Why is there a semicolon between such short sentences?

What is the name of this technique of intentionally omitting a sentence member?

Analysis of 16 stanzas.

She came to her senses, Tatyana looks:

There is no bear; she is in the passage;

Behind the door there is a cry and the sound of a glass,

Like a big funeral;

Not seeing a drop of sense here,

She looks quietly into the crack;

And what does he see? … at the table

Monsters sit around.

One in horns, with a dog's muzzle,

Another with a cock's head

Here is a witch with a goat's beard,

Here the skeleton is stiff and proud,

There is a dwarf with a ponytail, and here

Half crane and half cat.

Why does the poet put a colon in this stanza?

What other sign is in a non-union complex sentence?

Compare two episodes: Tatiana's Dream and Tatiana's Name Day

Who do the guests at the name day in the Larins' house remind you of?

Reading a fragment of Tatyana's letter "Another, ... no, I would not give my heart to anyone in the world .."

What is this type of image comparison called?

What else is interesting about this passage?

What is achieved by this?

Analysis of 18 stanzas.

He will give a sign - and everyone will laugh;

He drinks - everyone drinks and everyone screams;

He laughs - everyone laughs;

He furrows his brows - everyone is silent.

Why is there a dash in this fragment in the BSP?


Why does A.S. Pushkin use so many non-union complex sentences in these fragments.

Literary critic B.V. Tomashevsky wrote that "Pushkin's prose has a much simpler syntax than verse."

4. Primary fastening

We examined cases of the use of non-union complex sentences in poetic speech. Let us now turn our attention to the use of BSP in prose. Many Russian writers raised the question of the role of prose and poetry in human life. I. A. Bunin often thought about the aesthetic nature different kinds verbal art. In 1912, he spoke on that issue with exceptional conviction: “... I do not recognize ... the division of fiction into poetry and prose. This view seems unnatural and outdated to me. The poetic element is spontaneously inherent in works of belles-lettres both in poetry and in poetry. prose form". The artist himself very quickly achieved such mastery, fulfilling his own wish: Offer analysis:

I looked around: the night stood solemnly and regal; the damp freshness of the late evening was replaced by midnight dry warmth, and for a long time she had to lie in a soft canopy on the dormant fields; there was still a lot of time left before the first babble, before the first rustle and rustle of the morning, before the first dewdrops of dawn.

What signs of the non-union complex sentence are placed in this sentence?

What is special about this offer?

Comparison nights with a soft canopy, namely soft, not heavy,

which, of course, would crush, and not lie on the dormant fields.

Lexical repetition:

For a long time there was still a lot of time before the first babble, before the first

rustles, until the first dewdrops.

5. Independent work students with a collective check:

Exercise: put the missing punctuation marks in non-union complex sentences, explain the conditions for their staging on individual sheets.

Summer day.

On foggy summer days, you can’t shoot: the bird, fluttering out from under your feet, will immediately disappear in the whitish haze of the motionless fog. Everything is awake, everything is silent. You pass by a tree - it does not move: it basks. You see a long black stripe and take it for a nearby forest; you approach - the forest turns into a high bed of sagebrush on the boundary.

Here the wind moves gently, and a patch of pale blue sky vaguely emerges through thinning, as if smoky steam;

A golden-yellow ray bursts suddenly, streams in a long stream, hits the fields, hits the grove, and again everything is clouded. How unspeakably magnificent and clear the day becomes when the light triumphs, and the last waves of heated fog either roll down and spread out like tablecloths, or writhe and disappear into the blue radiant heights.

The picture was wonderful: near the lights, a round reddish reflection trembled and seemed to freeze, resting against the darkness. I.S. Turgenev

6. Summing up the lesson.

    1. What is the role of a dash in a sentence

High above us the wind rustled - the harbinger of the storm.

A) separate subject and verb

B) denotes the omission of a sentence member

C) separates parts of an asyndetic complex sentence

D) separates the application

2. Indicate why there is a dash in a non-union complex sentence

Needed for fish pure water Let's protect our waters.

B) sentences draw a quick change of events

C) the second sentence contains a conclusion, a consequence

from what is said in the first sentence

3. Explain why there is a colon in the non-union complex

offer Fingering the familiar villages, I found that they all stood on the river.

A) the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first

B) the second sentence explains the first, reveals its content

C) the second sentence is distributed by one of the members of the first sentence

Homework: write out examples from A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" for all cases of punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence.

    3. Educational

    1. Board writing:
    2. Multimedia projector
    3. Presentation for the lesson
    4. Work on flipchart

    Lesson structure:

    1. organizational stage.
    2. Checking homework
    3. Work with the epigraph for the lesson.
    4. Summing up the lesson.
    5. Homework

    I Course of the lesson

    I. Organizational stage

    1. Journal work.

    I want to know


    What are they made of?

    2. Work with an epigraph for the lesson

    Whatever your heart responds to.
    Live restlessly, live with Maeta:
    A person begins with kindness.

    Maeta- actually Russian education from the noun may - "hard work, torment" through the suffix -et-.

    (A person begins with kindness)


    Kindness- responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good.

    Good- everything positive, good, useful (Ozhegov's dictionary).

    Choose synonyms: kindness - responsiveness, cordiality, sincerity.

    Choose antonyms: kindness - anger, hatred.

    Words - "Friends" - words that also have an abstract suffix -from-: purity, beauty, warmth.

    - We find "relatives" - we select the same-root words:








    good neighborliness


    - Determine the structure of 2 sentences and indicate punctuation marks in it.
    (The 2nd sentence is a compound non-union: it consists of two parts; a colon is placed between them, since the second sentence explains the reason for what the first says)

    Read the non-union complex sentence expressively, observing the correct intonation.
    (The end of the first sentence is pronounced with a restless lowering of the voice, showing that this sentence is followed by a second; there is a pause between sentences)

    A non-union complex sentence is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected in meaning and intonation (without conjunctions or allied words).

    I would be glad to serve - it is sickening to serve. (Contradiction.)
    A terrible thought flashed through my mind: I imagined it in the hands of robbers. (Explanation.)

    4. Training exercises.

    2) Dubrovsky left the room, got into the carriage and galloped off.
    3) My eyes darkened, my head began to spin.
    4) Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent.
    5) There was a harvest in the field, the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow.
    6) Suddenly I feel: someone takes me by the shoulder and pushes me.
    7) Blame on a comrade their own guilt-meanness cubed.
    8) Alyoshka got up - the dawn had not yet broken.
    9) In his youth, he served in the guards, retired at the beginning of 1797, went to the village and since then he has not left there.

    2) The grass was tired, it smelled of hot pine bark and wild strawberries.
    3) I ran out several times to see if it was snowing.
    4) Alekhine said goodbye and went down to his room, while the guests remained upstairs.
    5) He was silent for a second, his mother looked at him and was also silent.
    6) The air woke up, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga.
    7) Sad thoughts wandered in my head, my father was also sad.
    8) I took it into my head to turn under the shed where our horses stood, to see if they had food.
    9) You go for a day, take bread for a week.
    10) Need jumps, need dances, need sings songs.

    (this is a compound sentence)

    2. We know that the main purpose of a person is to leave his good mark on the earth. [addition].
    (the second part complements the content of the first part, spreading the predicate - we know)

    (the second sentence indicates the reason for what the first sentence is talking about, conjunctions can be put before the second part because, since)

    4. Work with the textbook

    Exercise 391, p. 176 (learning to prove). Rewrite the sentences. Prove with the help of the above scheme that all sentences are union-free compound. What are the "signs" of the non-union complex sentence.

    5. Collect a proverb.

    Having received good - remember, having done - forget.
    Life is given for good deeds.
    Good people die, but their deeds live on.
    If you wish well, do well.
    Help not with words, but with deeds

    2. The world is based on kindness ...
    3. Do you want to change the world for the better…

    I want to know


    Compound sentences are divided into three groups: compound, compound and non-union.

    What are compound non-union sentences?

    BSPs are complex sentences in which simple sentences are connected in meaning and intonation.

    All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

    What are they made of?

    All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

    In compound and complex sentences, simple sentences are combined with the help of conjunctions and allied words.

    How are the semantic relations between the parts of non-union sentences expressed?

    The very name "unionless" suggests that they have no unions.

    With the help of what signs are simple ones connected in them?

    IV. Summing up the lesson

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"Lesson on the topic: BSP"

Topic: Asyndine-free compound sentences.

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of knowledge about a complex non-union proposal.


1. Educational: to introduce students to complex sentences with an allied connection; show the difference between allied and non-union sentences, as well as between complex non-union sentences and simple sentences with homogeneous members of the sentence;

2. Educational:

    to form their personal position;

    cultivate aesthetic taste; arouse students' interest in the topic of the lesson; to help them realize the essence of genuine kindness, with which a person begins; education of conscious discipline.

3. Educational: development of the ability to logically express one's thoughts; development of the ability to argue, prove; development of the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, generalize.

Lesson equipment (learning aids):

    Board writing:

    • topic of the lesson;

      poetic text for analysis;

      additional task.

    • training exercises

    Multimedia projector

    Presentation for the lesson

    Work on flipchart

    On the desktop of students: a textbook on the Russian language; notebooks, pens and pencils.

Lesson structure:

    organizational stage.

    Checking homework

    Reporting the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

    Work with the epigraph for the lesson.

    Working with sentences based on homework and training sentences (flipchart)

    Summing up the lesson.


I Course of the lesson

I. Organizational stage

    Preparing students for work in the classroom.

    Mutual greetings between teacher and students.

    Visual control of readiness for the lesson.

    Journal work.

II. Checking homework

Make a reference summary on the topic "Complex sentences"; on explanatory dictionary Ozhegov to find the meaning of the word kindness, to find synonyms and antonyms for it; pick up statements famous people about kindness, short stories or parables, poems.

Homework is checked while working on the topic of the lesson.

III. Reporting the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

Unionless complex sentences (The topic of the lesson is written on the board)

1. Updating existing knowledge about a complex sentence.

Teacher. Let's determine what you know about the topic of the lesson and fill in the table, which consists of three columns.

I want to know


Compound sentences are divided into three groups: compound, compound and non-union.

What are compound non-union sentences?

All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

What are they made of?

In compound and complex sentences, simple sentences are combined with the help of conjunctions and allied words.

How are the semantic relations between the parts of non-union sentences expressed?

The very name "unionless" suggests that they have no unions.

With the help of what signs are simple ones connected in them?

2. Work with an epigraph for the lesson

No, it doesn't die in big life
Whatever your heart responds to.
Live restlessly, live with Maeta:
A person begins with kindness.

Are all the words familiar and understandable to you?

Maeta- the actual Russian formation from the noun May - “hard work, torment” through the suffix -et-.

State the main idea of ​​the stanza.
(A person begins with kindness)

Write down the last line of the epigraph in your notebook.

1. Pay attention to the spelling of the word,

2. Penetrating into the mystery of the word "kindness" - how do you understand its meaning?

Kindness- Responsiveness, sincere disposition to people, the desire to do good.

Good- everything positive, good, useful (Ozhegov's dictionary).

Choose synonyms: kindness - responsiveness, cordiality, sincerity.

Choose antonyms: kindness - anger, hatred.

3. Find relatives and friends:

Words - "Friends" - words that also have an abstract suffix -from-: purity, beauty, warmth.

We find "relatives" - we select the same-root words:








good neighborliness


Determine the structure of 2 sentences and indicate the punctuation marks in it.
(The 2nd sentence is a compound non-union: it consists of two parts; a colon is placed between them, since the second sentence explains the reason for what the first says)

Read the non-union complex sentence expressively, observing the correct intonation.
(The end of the first sentence is pronounced with a restless lowering of the voice, showing that this sentence is followed by a second; there is a pause between sentences)

3. The concept of a complex non-union proposal

A non-union complex sentence is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected in meaning and intonation (without conjunctions or allied words).

Semantic relations in non-union complex sentences depend on the content of simple sentences in their composition and are expressed by intonation (in oral speech), punctuation marks (in writing).

Examples of sentences with different intonation connection:

Evening came, it was raining, the wind was blowing intermittently from the north. (Enumeration.)
I would be glad to serve - it's sickening to serve. (Contradiction.)
A terrible thought flashed through my mind: I imagined it in the hands of robbers. (Explanation.)

4. Training exercises.

1. Determine whether this sentence is complex or simple with homogeneous members or with isolations. Write the non-union complex sentences in a notebook. Build Circuits 1,5,8

1) Sparks flew like a fiery blizzard, the huts caught fire.
2) Dubrovsky left the room, got into the carriage and galloped off.
3) My eyes darkened, my head began to spin.
4) Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent.
5) There was a harvest in the field, the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow.
6) Suddenly I feel: someone takes me by the shoulder and pushes me.
7) Blame on a comrade their own guilt-meanness cubed.
8) Alyoshka got up - the dawn had not yet been engaged.
9) In his youth, he served in the guards, retired at the beginning of 1797, went to the village and since then he has not left there.

Unionless proposals: 1,3,5,6,8.

2. Determine which proposal is non-union and which is allied. Write the unionless in a notebook. Build schemes 1,2,10.

1) Marya Dmitrievna soon dozed off, the girls and the maid fell asleep too.
2) The grass was tired, it smelled of hot pine bark and wild strawberries.
3) I ran out several times to see if it was snowing.
4) Alekhine said goodbye and went down to his room, while the guests remained upstairs.
5) He was silent for a second, his mother looked at him and was also silent.
6) The air woke up, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga.
7) Sad thoughts wandered in my head, my father was also sad.
8) I decided to turn under the shed where our horses stood, to see if they had food.
9) You go for a day, take bread for a week.
10) Need jumps, need dances, need sings songs.

Unionless proposals: 2,5,6,9,10.

3. Build sentence schemes, determine the types of sentences.

1. Each time has its own cruelty, but kindness is one, for all times.
(this is a compound sentence)

2. We know: the main purpose of a person is to leave his good mark on the earth. [addition].
(the second part complements the content of the first part, spreading the predicate - we know)

3. Good deeds should never be put off: any delay is imprudent and often dangerous [reason].
(the second sentence indicates the reason for what the first sentence is talking about, conjunctions can be put before the second part because, since)

4. Work with the textbook

Exercise 391, p. 176 (learning to prove). Rewrite the sentences. Prove with the help of the above scheme that all sentences are union-free compound. What are the "signs" of the non-union complex sentence.

5. Collect a proverb.

Having received good - remember, having done - forget.
Life is given for good deeds.
Good people die, but their deeds live on.
Wish you well - do well.
Help not with words, but with deeds

6. Continue each of the sentences so that it becomes union-free complex; place punctuation marks.

1. From childhood, we comprehend the truth ...
2. The world is based on kindness ...
3. Do you want to change the world for the better…

7. After these proposals, it is proposed to fill in the “I learned (a)” column, placing the answers opposite the questions in the “I want to know” column.

I want to know


Compound sentences are divided into three groups: compound, compound and non-union.

What are compound non-union sentences?

BSPs are complex sentences in which simple sentences are connected in meaning and intonation.

All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

What are they made of?

All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

In compound and complex sentences, simple sentences are combined with the help of conjunctions and allied words.

How are the semantic relations between the parts of non-union sentences expressed?

By meaning (in writing) and intonation (in oral speech)

The very name "unionless" suggests that they have no unions.

With the help of what signs are simple ones connected in them?

8. Guys, let's check your last homework. Read poems, sayings of famous people, short stories or parables about kindness.

IV. Summing up the lesson

V. Homework. Ex. 17 learn the rule, ex. 394