Dracaena flower, home care, photo and video. Dracaena flower - indoor palm. Home care Dragon tongue flower

Pitahaya or pitahaya is the fruit of several varieties of cactus. Pitaya usually refers to the genus Stenocereus, while pitahaya (or dragon fruit) refers to fruits from the genus Hylocereus. You can find out how to grow it at home from seeds on this page. It also offers a description of the culture and its requirements for conditions. environment for successful development, flowering and fruiting. Look at the photo of pitahaya - this magnificent plant can decorate any interior

Pitahaya is better known as a dragon fruit - it takes this name from Asian countries: Indonesia - buah naga (dragon fruit), Khamers in Thailand - sror kaa neak (from dragon scales), Taiwan - kaeo mangkon (dragon crystal), Laos - maak manggohn , Vietnam - thanh long (green dragon) and China - huǒ lóng guǒ (dragon pearl fruit). There are other colloquial names: strawberry pear, or nanektika fruit, for example, (another variety of pear).

Cactus and pitahaya plant: photo and description

The pitahaya cactus was originally from Mexico, but was later transplanted to Central America and other parts of the world. This plant is grown in East Asia, South and Southeast Asia, in countries such as: Cambodia, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Indonesia and Bangladesh. More recently they have also been found in Okinawa, Hawaii, Israel, Northern Australia, Southern China and Cyprus. The following description will provide a general idea of ​​the culture. You can also see a variety of photos of pitahaya that illustrate appearance plants:

For the first time, the fruit was introduced into wide circulation by Europeans, most likely, who brought it from the New World. In the case of Taiwan, the fruit was brought by the Dutch.

Pitahaya grows and blooms only at night: it has large white fragrant flowers of a typical shape for. It is also grown as ornamental plant- used in gardens as a flowering vine, and as indoor plant in room.

The plant can flower three to six times a year, depending on growing conditions.

Requires high air temperature and a sufficient degree of saturation with moisture. It is advisable in a harsh climate to carry out supplementary lighting for about 5 hours a day. For this, phytolamps are used.

How to eat pitahaya fruit

Sour pitaya is one of the varieties of this fruit. It is commonly eaten in the arid regions of North and South America. How to eat pitahaya fruit - we'll tell you a little further, but for now let's focus on useful properties. Eating pitahaya reduces the level of glucose in the body, which makes the fruit one of the few available for people suffering from diabetes. Numerous tests have also confirmed the beneficial effects of the fruit on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

The pulp of the fruit is easily digestible, so it can be taken during intestinal and stomach disorders: the intestines return to normal, and bloating disappears.

The seeds of the fruit contain tannin, which is useful for people with poor eyesight.

It is more acidic, but at the same time refreshing, its flesh is juicier with a richer taste. The acid feed in some deserts is an important source of nutrition for the share of the indigenous population.

The dragon fruit bears fruit after 30-50 days of flowering, like other trees, and can produce 5-6 harvests per year. There are several farms in Taiwan that produce 30 tons of fruits per hectare annually.

Heavy ingestion of the red pulp of dragonfruit can result in a harmless red coloration of urine or stool.

To prepare pitahaya for consumption, the fruit must first be cut open to expose the flesh. The texture of the fruit is sometimes compared to the kiwi due to its black, crisp seeds. The pulp, which is eaten raw, is slightly sweet and, importantly, low in calories. The seeds are eaten with the pulp - they taste like nuts and are rich in lipids, but are poorly absorbed by the body if they are not chewed. The peel is not used for food.

The fruit is often made into wine or juice, or used to flavor other drinks. The flowers can also be eaten or used as a tea if infused for a while.

How to grow pitahaya from seeds at home

It is quite difficult to buy cuttings in stores due to the fact that the plant is quite rare. Therefore, other methods of breeding cactus are used. Before you grow pitahaya from seeds at home, you should take care of the planting material. After thoroughly cleaning the seeds from the pulp of the fruit, they are stored until completely dry. Ideally, the fruits should be clean, unblemished and overripe. Seeds grow well in compost or potting mix.

Pitahaya cactus usually germinate after two weeks of shallow planting. Like other cacti, the problem of overwatering is a major one for gardeners. When the plant continues to grow, for climbing plant you need some kind of support to get up. For example, you can put aerial roots down from the branches in addition to the basal roots. As soon as the plant reaches 4 kilograms of weight, it begins to bloom.

The Latin name of the genus Zmeegolovnik - Dracocephalum - is translated into Russian as the head of a dragon. Indeed, its flowers are strikingly reminiscent of an open dragon's mouth.

Dracocephalum is a genus that unites about 50 species of annuals, perennials and evergreen bushes. These diverse species grow in the most various places from rocky and grassy slopes to dry forests, predominantly in Eurasia. However, several types are found in North Africa and the northern United States.

Dracocephalum alpinum

Dracocephalum altaicum

Dracocephalum argunense

D. argunense "Fiji Blue"

D. argunense
"Fiji White"

Dracocephalum moldavica

Dracocephalum canescens

Dracocephalum discolor

Dracocephalum forrestii

Dracocephalum grandiflorum

Dracocephalum imberbe

Dracocephalum austriacum

Dracocephalum nutans

Dracocephalum parviflorum

Dracocephalum rupestre

Dracocephalum ruyschiana

D. ruyschiana
"Blue Drip"

Dracocephalum sibericum

Dracocephalum origanoides

Dracocephalum speciosum

Dracocephalum virginianum

Dracocephalum wendelboi

Growing conditions require: well-drained, relatively dry soil, open sunny area with midday shade. Some of these species do not tolerate wet winters well and require special winter protection.

Reproduction: planted by seeds in open ground in early spring or in containers in unheated greenhouses in the fall. The snakehead can also be propagated by dividing the bush in autumn, or by cuttings that are rooted and planted in mid-spring.

These species are occasionally attacked by rust, false powdery mildew, southern sclerocial rot and spider mite. In addition to these diseases, which can be easily combated with the help of natural and chemicals, snakehead is a robust, healthy plant that will do well in mixed borders, herb gardens, and rock gardens.

Northern snakehead (Dracocephalum ruyschiana) is a perennial plant growing in light forests or meadows. It blooms in blue and purple (occasionally come across white) flowers.

Thyme-leaved rhododendron (Dracocephalum thymifolium) - an annual usually grows in open places, has lilac-pink flowers.

Other snakeheads:

Small-flowered snakehead (Dracocephalum parviflorum)

Large-flowered snakehead (Dracocephalum grandiflorum) is a perennial with bluish-purple flowers native to Western China.

Rock snakehead (Dracocephalum rupestre): perennial native to Siberia. It has attractive foliage and blooms in summer. It grows to a height of 20 cm, needs bright sun.

Snapdragon large (Antirrhinum majus)

In any climatic zone, snapdragon grows well as an annual plant.

According to USDA zone classification: in zones 5 - 10 snapdragons are annuals; in zones 9b - 10 - perennial

Color: Wild forms of snapdragons are pink, purple, yellow, or bicolor.

Heat Tolerance: It tends to stop flowering, in September it resumes growth.

The sun: open sunny areas- in regions with a temperate climate; in regions with hot summers, snapdragons require light shade

Origin: mediterranean basin

Watering: Snapdragons require regular watering, it is desirable that the ground is evenly moist.

Reproduction: Snapdragon is sown with seeds in early autumn or early spring.

The genus name "Antirrhinum" is of Greek origin and means "like a nose". Depending on the species, snapdragons come in different heights. Undersized snapdragons are excellent border/rabatka material.

Reproduction: Can be sown indoors at +16°C. Seeds should not be covered. Seedlings planted in open ground after 8 weeks.

Care: Plant individual plants at a distance of 30 cm from each other. To keep flowering as long as possible, pick off faded flowers. Orange spots on the back of the sheet are a sign of rust. Systematically treat with fungicides (antifungal agents), or make sure that the leaves are not constantly wet.

Misopates mountain (Misopates orontium), or Snapdragon mountain - an annual plant with pink flowers, or (which is very rare) - white. Also known as Antirrhinum orontium.

Pyrenean Horminum (Horminium pyrenaicum) - literally translated from English "Dragon's throat" - a perennial in mountainous areas, a resident of meadows and sparse forests. It blooms with dark blue-violet flowers.

Seaside four-winged (Tetragonololais maritimus) - literally translated from English "Dragon's tooth" - wild plant central and southern Europe. Usually grows on chalky soils of meadows and pastures, etc. It blooms with large, pale yellow flowers. Also known as Lotus siliquosus.

Translation: Anna Zhurbenko
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garden center "Your garden"

The plant called "Dragon's Eye" has the botanical name longan. It belongs to the Sapindaceae family of dicotyledonous flowering plants.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that this plant is called the eye. The peeled fruit resembles an eyeball, and its bone is the pupil. Why dragon? Most likely because the plant on which these fruits grow grows in Southeast Asia. And there is a special relationship with dragons.

Longan - high evergreen tree. IN wild nature This plant is rarely found even at home. It is usually grown in cultivars that are created by breeders in China. Their height is 10-12 m. At the same time, the width of the tree can reach 14 m. The bark is rough, in some countries it is used to heat houses. The leaves are compound, pinnate. Width reaches 5 cm, length - 20 cm.

In China, Vietnam, Thailand and other countries of this region, longan fruits are found everywhere.

They are sold in supermarkets, they can be bought at the layouts of street vendors. True, there is a risk of buying unripe or overripe "dragon eyes". In the first case, they will be tasteless. But you shouldn't throw them away. You need to set aside the fruits and wait until they "reach" to readiness. Worse if overripe fruits are caught. They are not stored for a long time and can sour. Therefore, when choosing longan fruits, it is better to take a little unripe. After all, they still need to be transported home to please loved ones or surprise friends. Longan fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week.

Longan fruits are collected in bunches. Each one is the size of Walnut but perfect round shape. The peel covering the fruit is quite strong. Skin color - shades of brown. It cracks under mechanical stress and is easily removed. Inside is a colorless pulp, the seed, called aryllus. A shiny dark bone of a rounded shape is clearly visible through it. This is the dragon's eye seed. Its diameter is about 5 mm. The seed has a white dot. This is the germ of a sprout.

How to eat fruit

The edible part of the longan fruit is the vitreous aryllus. It has a pleasant sweet taste, slightly reminiscent of kiwi. It has hints of musk. It is very simple to enjoy it - remove the skin and eat it raw, throwing out the bones. If there are many fruits, you can make sweet soup, various desserts, and drinks from them. You can prepare for the winter, preserve or dry. 100 g of dried fruit contains 286 kcal (100 g of fresh - 60 kcal).

It is not for nothing that the fruits of longan are called the "eye". They improve vision. Longan fruits are valued not only for their unusual appearance and pleasant taste. The Chinese claim that their use improves the condition of the liver. Longan fruits are used to treat the organs of the digestive tract, as an anthelmintic. They lower the temperature during colds.

Longan fruits act on the body as an invigorating agent that improves performance.

They soothe nervous system help reduce anxiety levels. This is due to the high content of vitamins, iron salts, phosphorus, calcium. Scientists claim that the pulp of the fruit has antioxidant properties. The fruit of the "dragon's eye" consists of more than 80% water. Regular consumption of fruits improves skin condition.

Some people have individual intolerance to longan fruits. Therefore, the first time you use them you need to be careful. Not fresh fruits can cause indigestion and poisoning.

Growing at home

Most of those who have enjoyed these fruits are sorry to throw away its bones. There is a desire to plant them in order to grow them at home. But will it germinate and will it grow in conditions that are radically different from the usual ones? Will you be able to bear fruit? Such questions can be answered in the affirmative. Of course, not everyone will succeed in getting results. But to grow a beautiful home plant that will remind you of unusual fruits is real.

It is good if it is possible to quickly plant seeds in the ground. Their germination is very high if the fruit was ripe. It has been noticed that for longan fruits purchased at the beginning of summer, it is noticeably lower. If there is no opportunity to immediately plant seeds, you need to take care that they do not dry out and shrink. After all, then germination will decrease significantly. Seeds are washed, kept in the air for several hours to dry. Then wipe with a napkin so that the seeds are not damaged by mold. Wrap with another napkin and hide in foil or a small box. It is advisable to land them in two weeks.

cultivation features:

  • The soil for growing longan must be water-resistant. You can buy a mixture for exotic plants. A drainage layer of small pebbles or river sand is laid at the bottom of the pot.
  • Seeds should be planted shallow, a few centimeters, lightly sprinkled with soil. You can even immerse the seeds in the ground two-thirds so that the top is above the ground.
  • When planting, make sure that the white dot - the embryo is on the side. This will facilitate the formation of the sprout and root. They do not need to bend, they grow straight.
  • Seeds from mature fruits germinate well with normal sprouting. They are kept in water for 3 days, then sent to the refrigerator for 5 days. Then planted in the ground. It's a good idea to scarify the seeds by scratching them with sandpaper or a knife. It is believed that the temperature of germination of longan seeds should not be lower than 24°C. Yes, even with the bottom heating. But experience shows that they germinate successfully in a glass covered with a damp cloth, even in the refrigerator.
  • It is better to plant longan seeds in a deep bowl so as not to transplant a small seedling. It is not bad to cover the sprout with a jar for the first month.
  • If you planted several seeds in one dish, and they all sprouted, you will have to dive seedlings. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots and stems of plants. To do this, water the soil abundantly with water at room temperature, waiting for it to get wet. It is better to take it out of the pot with a special fork for picking.

Planted plants are set in partial shade so that they take root, then they are transferred to a sunny place.

The first weeks the plant grows rapidly. But by the end of the first month, growth slows down, and then it will grow slowly.

Care Tips:

  1. Longan needs regular watering. If the soil is dry, it sheds leaves or even dies. Excess moisture does not harm the plant. Moreover, excess water goes through the drain into the pan.
  2. The optimum temperature for longan in summer is 22-25°C. But it can withstand temperatures as low as 12°C. Therefore, the plant can be taken outside in the summer. You just need to install it in a place where there are no drafts. A temperature of -2 ° C is unacceptable for him, the plant dies from the cold. In winter, you need to carefully monitor that the plant is not killed by drafts.
  3. Longan likes to grow in a well-lit area. In autumn, the plant needs to extend daylight hours to 12 hours using a fitolamp. If this is not done, the tree will not bear fruit.
  4. You can feed or. They accelerate the growth of the tree, the leaves become larger. Formative pruning will help give the tree a beautiful shape. Longan tolerates it well.
  5. In autumn, the number of waterings is reduced, the temperature is reduced to 16 ° C. The amount of light is not reduced. Thus, the plant experiences a dormant period, which ideally lasts 3 months.
  6. Longan at home can be affected by scale insects, mealybugs. You need to regularly inspect the plant so as not to miss their appearance. Mealybug prevention can be regular spraying of the crown with warm water. Pests are destroyed with the help of insecticides intended for indoor plants.
  7. Longan leaves may be affected. To combat it, the plant is treated.

Longan begins to bear fruit at 4-7 years. Of course, if he is properly cared for. But even without fruits, this plant will decorate the house thanks to its beautiful leaves.

More information can be found in the video:

I cut the air habitually with a wing

And I breathe in the fresh wind of the night,

And I forgot long ago

That once I was earthly ...

Incha "A Little Mystic"

It doesn't happen like that… - Yanka turned to the side alley of the old park, away from the noisy crowd. No one wanted to see, and hear too. But where to go from yourself? Voices buzzed in my ears like annoying bumblebees:

Look at what you have become like, you are silent all the time ... and if you start talking, it would be better if you kept silent. - It's mom.

Are you sitting at home? And you won't go anywhere? Sucks... Today is a holiday! - Lyubasha, "friend of my harsh days."

You've become so strange, I don't recognize you. Like a stranger… - Anton, a faithful knight.

She got tired of them...

Feet themselves led Yanka to an abandoned attraction, a favorite place since childhood. It’s a pity that it hasn’t been working for a long time - a funny little train with a couple of wagons, stylized as a dragon, rolled enthusiastic kids many years ago, and now it’s laid up. Yanka stroked her convex, cunning muzzle, shook off the flakes of peeling paint from her hands and climbed into the front seat. Somewhere in the distance, a rollicking chanson sounded, overlaid with bursts of laughter, but it was quiet here. And thank God ... And how did it all begin? Yanka rubbed her itchy wrist and seemed to have returned to the recent past.

Spring evening, the aroma of fragrant acacia, surging in waves through wide open windows, joyful faces of friends, intricate congratulations and a feeling of boundless happiness ... Still, today is her birthday, a quarter of a century. Who offered to look at the disco in the park, Yanka now does not even remember, but the offer was accepted with enthusiasm. They poured out into the street in a noisy crowd, having fun, walked around the city. And where did this fat gypsy come from, in her filthy clothes looking like a head of rotten cabbage? A strange woman deftly crawled between Lyubasha and Igor, pushed Anton aside and grabbed onto the sleeve of Yanka's dress:

Gild the pen, beauty, and I'll tell you the whole truth, what was, what is, what will be ... - she dragged on in a nasal voice.

You, aunt, would go to work, - the girl suddenly got angry, - I don’t have money today.

Well, as you wish, - the gypsy skewed, - and THIS is a gift for you. - She clutched at her wrist, which flared with such pain that Yana's eyes darkened for a moment. The girl screamed, pulled her hand away and cradled it to her chest. Through her tears, she saw her aunt's silhouette blur, and a gray-haired man with piercing green eyes, strangely young in a wrinkled face, was staring at her.

Anton shook Yanka, bringing him to his senses, friends fussed nearby. And my aunt... No one noticed where she had gone, just as she was not there. But on the wrist there was a crimson burn the size of a five-ruble coin.

Then the redness faded, but the imprint of the dragon's muzzle was gone. And at times this mark itched unbearably, as if an insatiable worm lived under the skin, hour after hour gnawing out the body like a ripe apple. But the soul was tormented by something else - a dark force, alien, inexplicable, was tossing and turning heavily inside. If only someone knew how much work it takes to keep it inside, not to let it break out ... And everyone says that she has changed. What to do, huh?

With a dull howl, the motor of the abandoned attraction started up, the bell rang briefly, announcing the departure. The locomotive with trailers attached twitched and started off with a nasty rattle. Yanka shuddered, clung to the railing. What are stupid jokes? She looked around - no one. And the mini train picked up speed, it skidded on the turns, the tall bushes along the fence framing the attraction site had already merged into a continuous green-brown stripe. And you won’t jump out - it rushes in a circle like crazy. She closed her eyes to stop the nausea rising in her throat.

The ear-piercing squeal of the wheels on the rusted rails gradually became quieter, the shaking almost stopped, the engine hooted with relief and stopped. Yanka swayed forward. With difficulty unclenching her numb hands, which tightly clung to the unreliable handrails, the girl ventured to open her eyes. Everything around was spinning in a bizarre dance - the cartoonish muzzle of a dragon train was replaced by a gray veil of clouds, bursts of flame highlighted huge stones that had grown into the red-brown surface of the scorched earth. There seemed to be no end to this cycle. Janka closed her eyes again. A bead of sweat slipped from her eyelashes and rolled down her cheek. "What salty," the girl licked her lips, "but it's hot here...". Thank God, finally, everything fell into place - the sky above her head, the earth below, and she - just sleeps and sees a dream.

Hot tongues of fire slid down the leg, swept up, drained the damp skin, gently touched the closed eyelids and meanly stung the bridge of the nose. Janka screamed. Flames raged around, pure, hot - white petals of fire flew up, scattering bluish and lilac fireworks, showered on the ground with enchanting purple-red and dense yellow flowers, so that, having drunk the strength of the earth exhausted by the heat, again fly up with white petals of fire. The red-hot metal body of the engine crackled dangerously, the vile smell of burning paint made his throat tickle. The frightened Yanka cringed, trying to fit completely on a narrow wooden bench, as if this could save her. Well, a few more minutes of delay, and then ... About "later" was not thought. I wanted, squealing at the top of my voice, to run away from here as quickly as possible, but how? Unable to stand it, she screamed, feeling the hot air mercilessly burn her throat. An answering cry came from somewhere above. The girl looked up hopefully. gray sky and groaned - a huge dragon was rapidly diving at her. Leathery wings spread like a translucent canopy over Yanka's head, a narrow tongue flickered in an open mouth full of sharp teeth, the blades of the claws shone with cold metal.