Musical composition for May 9th. Scenario of a literary and musical composition for the Victory Day. Forms of organization of children's activities

Literary and musical composition "Our most important holiday - Victory Day." Scenario elementary School

Sibileva Olga Nikolaevna, teacher primary school Chuevo-Podgornsky branch of MBOU Moiseevo-Alabushskaya sosh of Uvarovsky district of Tambov region
Description: the event is dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War and is intended for children 7-10 years old. This development can be used by primary school teachers, counselors and organizers extracurricular activities. Such a scenario requires pre-training, since younger students still have a poor idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Second World War. In addition, you can and should use a presentation and a projector: they will help to illustrate the pages of the history of our country in a bright and intelligible way.
Target: the formation of patriotic feelings through historical and
the heroic past of our Motherland during the years of the Great Patriotic War

expand and deepen children's understanding of the Great Patriotic War;
to cultivate respect for the heroic past of the country;
form a positive assessment of such moral qualities like self-sacrifice, heroism, patriotism;
to form in students a sense of pride in the heroic past of their homeland;
develop citizenship and national self-awareness of students.
Registration: the hall is decorated with flowers, multi-colored balloons, drawings for Victory Day, wall newspapers with stories about fellow countrymen and relatives who fought during the Second World War; in the center - St. George's ribbon with the inscription "May 9 - Victory Day"
Equipment: computer (laptop), projector, presentation on the topic of the event, recordings of the songs "Holy War" (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach), "Victory Day" (music by David Tukhmanov, lyrics by Vl. Kharitonov) , minuses to the songs “A little blue modest handkerchief” (music by G. Petersburg, lyrics by Y. Galitsky), “Do Russians want wars” (music by E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics by E. Yevtushenko), “Cranes” (music by Yana Frenkel, lyrics by R. Gamzatov), ​​"The Immortal Regiment" (author - Vl. Slepak).
Preliminary preparation:
1. Conduct a cycle of class hours that introduce younger students to the history of our country during the Second World War.
1. If possible, go on excursions to local museums.
2. Design wall newspapers in which to place stories about veterans.
3. Write essays "War in the history of my family"
4. Hold a drawing competition by May 9th.
5. Learn songs, poems.
6. Decorate the hall by decorating it with posters and flowers.

Event progress

Lead 1. Today we have an unusual day - we are on the threshold of the greatest holiday - Victory Day over Nazi Germany. For 73 years our country has not seen the horrors of war. For 73 years, our country did not flinch from shell explosions, but even in this bright period of peaceful life there were and are black years of the war in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria, where our guys died and are dying.

(slide “Our most important holiday is Victory Day”)

Lead 2. We were born in peacetime, so we never heard the howl of sirens announcing the alarm, we didn’t see houses destroyed by bombs, we don’t know what a ration of Leningrad bread is. It is difficult for us to understand that you can simply shoot or burn dozens or even hundreds of people at once. Films and works of art tell us about all this. For us, the war is already history.

Lead 1. Four long years, 1418 days, the most bloody and terrible war in the history of mankind was going on on our land. On June 22, 1941, at 3:15 am, German troops crossed the border of the Soviet Union.
Thus began the Great Patriotic War.

The song of V. Lebedev-Kumach "Holy War" sounds (1 verse)

(slide "Motherland is calling")

Lead 2. Every German officer had a little book with him containing “12 commandments in dealing with Russians”, which, in particular, said: “You must be aware that you are a representative of great Germany. In the interests of the German people, you must apply the most cruel and most ruthless measures. Kill every Russian. Do not stop if there is an old man, woman, boy or girl in front of you.

Lead 2. The Nazis turned our cities and villages into ruins, mocked the civilian population, our prisoners of war, conducted medical experiments on Soviet people, starved them, burned them in crematoria.

(slide "Personnel from the war")

Lead 1. These sinister deeds of the Nazis aroused strong resistance from our people. The whole country turned into a single military camp. In order not to end up in fascist slavery, for the sake of saving the Motherland, our people entered into a fierce battle with enemies.
Both old and young went to the front.
568 people left our village for the front, 316 did not return from the war.

Dance to the melody "A modest little blue handkerchief"

4 students leave.

Reader 1
And from sea to sea
Russian regiments got up.
We got up with the Russians united
Belarusians, Latvians,
People of free Ukraine,
Both Armenians and Georgians
Moldovans, Chuvashs -
All Soviet peoples
Against a common enemy
All those who love freedom
And Russia is expensive!

Reader 2
Days ran and weeks
It was not the first year of the war.
Showed up in action
Our heroic people.

Reader 3
Can't tell even in a fairy tale
Not with words, not with a pen,
How helmets flew from enemies
Near Moscow and near Orel.
S.V. Mikhalkov. No, we said to the Nazis (a true story for children)

Reader 4
Tankers went to the enemy -
For the Motherland!
The ships went into battle -
For the Motherland!
Planes soared into the sky -
For the Motherland!
S. Baruzdin. Soldier walking down the street

Lead 2. The road to victory was difficult and long. There were fierce battles near Moscow and Leningrad, near Brest and Stalingrad, in the Caucasus and near Kursk, Odessa, Sevastopol and Kyiv.
In the war, people not only fought, they continued to live in the war ... They remembered their home, their mother, they wrote letters ...

(slide "In moments of respite")

Scene "Dugout"

Reader 5
Hello mother!
I miss you! I want to snuggle
and laugh.
I want to eat ... homemade cabbage soup,
chasing pigeons across the rooftops!
... how is it in the hospital dad?
Tomorrow I'm on a reconnaissance
behind enemy lines.
Do not be afraid.
I'm not scared at all.
I love your eyes...
Do you remember warm
sweater... blue?
You him please
Mum! I'll be back,
and we are with you
Let's go for a walk around Leningrad again.

All for cars! To battle!
Natalie Talisman. Field mail, May 1944... excerpt from my uncle's letter.

Lead 1. A month later, this fighter was killed at the front in one of the battles. And he was only 19 years old. This letter was handed over to his native friends-soldiers.

Lead 2. People died, but they believed in the Victory and brought it closer, mastering new military professions for themselves. Rocketeers, signalmen, aviators, tankers - it's impossible to list them all.

(slide "Photos of soldiers")

Reader 6

The sun is shining, the waves are crashing
Beacons lit up
Day and night stand guard
Black Sea sailors.

The dance "Apple" is performed (music by R. Gliere).

Reader 7
And to become a soldier
There's a lot to know
Be agile and skillful
Very agile, strong, brave.

The poem "Dispute" is staged in costumes.

Once (in the N part it was this)
We met at the training ground
Heavy tank
And their fighting brother -
Soldier machine.
They agreed and started a dispute:
Who is more important at the front these days?
Rocket modestly declared: “Friends!
I'm not going to praise myself
However, the light speaks about me:
"There is no weapon stronger than a rocket!"
- Yes it is, -
Tank noticed with a bass, -
But about me
And about my armor
No wonder they composed songs in the war.
And now, I will tell you without embellishment,
At the front, he would be more important than you.
- You are strong, brothers, I am glad about this, -
Said with a smile Automatic, -
But suddenly, imagine, close combat will break out
Anyone would appreciate me!
Perhaps this debate would continue.
And so far
Whenever I approached our heroes
Excellent soldier - Mikhail Cherkashin.
He listened to the heated skirmish
And he shook his head: "I'm sorry that often
You cannot understand the simple truth.
Here you talked about your strength,
And then they forgot
That all of you - this must be firmly remembered -
Powerless without a skilled soldier."

Lead 1. Along with the soldiers along the road of war there was a song. The song escorted the military echelons, visited the wounded in hospitals, was with the soldiers on the front line, in the difficult days of attacks and retreats, warmed the soul in rare moments of calm. The song supported the spirit of the fighter, his great faith in victory.

Reader 8
I would start my story with a song,
From that simple song, secret,
That, as a symbol of joy, rushed
Over Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna...
On foot and in a truck
Hot day and winter powders
We carried it in a duffel bag
The lightest precious burden...
In the hour of calm, you sit down, sing,
And the soldiers will cheer up.

The song "Three Tankmen" is performed by the boys (altered for children

Lead 2. While the front lived with the thought of expelling the Nazis from their native land as soon as possible, the rear was guided by the state slogan "Everything for the front" and the unceasing thought "It's even more difficult at the front."
And this sleepless front needed a lot: weapons, ammunition, medicines, clothing, food. The country worked with inhuman tension. Of course, men also worked at aviation, tank and other defense factories, specialists who were given armor. But most of the men of the city, and especially the village, were replaced by their wives, sisters, daughters.

(slide "Women during the Second World War in the rear")

And I would also like to note that their fate was even worse: they were waiting ... They were waiting for their relatives and people close to their hearts. For 4 whole years they spent in anxiety ... The following poem is dedicated to them - strong and courageous.

Reader 9
She turned gray in separation
During the years of the great war.
Her patient hands
Baptized by fire and labor.
In those years, she had a hard time:
The whole family went to fight
And at home she
And a soldier
And also a soldier's mother.
But she endured troubles,
Not frowning high eyebrows,
She plowed and mowed
For the husband
For the eldest son
For my younger sons.
And I believed again and again
What I find in each envelope
Her mother's word
Her secret:
"I'm waiting!"
I knew these years are cool,
That every line of the letter
Russia wrote with her,
Russia, Russia itself!
N. Starshinova "Soldier's Mother".

Lead 1. Women also took part in the battles. They bravely threw themselves under the bullets during the bombing and shelling. The sisters of mercy carried the wounded soldiers from the battlefield. Women served as scouts, military translators, radio operators, and went to partisan detachments. They fought side by side with the men, reclaiming every inch of land.

(slide "Women during the Second World War at the front")

Reader 10 (a girl in a scarf with a red trust, with a bag)
Guns roar, bullets whistle.
Wounded by a shell fragment of a soldier.
Sister whispers:
"Come on, I'll support
I'll bandage your wound!"
I forgot everything: weakness and fear,
Carried him out of the fight in my arms.
How much love and warmth was in her!
Many sister saved from death.

The song “Do Russians Want Wars” is performed (girls sing)

Lead 2. Not only adults, but also children stood up to defend the Fatherland. Many of them had signs of military prowess, orders and medals. 20 thousand received the medal "For the Defense of Moscow", 15 thousand 249 - "For the Defense of Leningrad". Children looked after the wounded in hospitals, collected scrap metal, money for the defense fund, sent thousands of parcels to the front with warm socks, lovingly embroidered handkerchiefs, tobacco pouches.

(slide "Children during the Second World War")

Lead 1. During the war years, children participated in the construction of defensive lines, were liaison of partisan detachments, scouts in military units. Some of them, along with adults, were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. We talked about them in detail in our class hours.

(slide "Pioneers-heroes")

Lead 2. The Great Patriotic War continued for four and a half years. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. More than 12 million of them were awarded orders and medals, and 11,603 soldiers were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union!
Two heroes of the Soviet Union - Boldyrev A.I. and Bukhnin F.P. were born in our small homeland. They returned alive from the battlefields and continued to work for the good of the Fatherland. Thanks to A.I. There is now a war memorial to Boldyrev in the city of Uvarovo, which is so loved by the residents of Uvarov and the Uvarovsky district.

(slide "Heroes-compatriots")

Boldyrev A.I.

Opening of the memorial complex in the city of Uvarovo, 1980. The right to light the Eternal Flame was given to Boldyrev A.I.

Bukhnin F.P. with his wife

Lead 1. There is no family in Russia that the war bypassed. Therefore, on this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields, and those who, after the war, established a peaceful life.

Children come out one at a time and briefly talk about their relatives who fought during the Second World War.

Lead 2. 27 million died in the Great Patriotic War. Let each of you feel the stern eyes of the fallen, the purity of their hearts, feel the responsibility to the memory of these people, the greatness of their feat.
Just imagine - if a minute of silence is announced for each of the 27 million in the country, the country will be silent ... 51 years!
Many of the soldiers do not even have graves, and if they do, they are fraternal.

(slide "Inscription on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier")

We will honor the memory of those who did not return from the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.

The song "Cranes" is performed

Lead 1. But these sacrifices were not in vain, the Nazis were defeated. On May 9, 1945, Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The whole sky exploded with salute of the long-awaited victory.

(slide "Salute")

Patriotic education at the lesson of literature and in extracurricular activities.

Today there is no more important idea than the spiritual, moral, patriotic education of students. Historical memory is important and necessary at all times and in any state. In the last decade there has been a loss of spiritual, moral and social values: respect for history is lost, one's roots are forgotten. Hence the unscrupulousness, immorality, servile attitude towards everything foreign. It is especially disturbing when a whole generation of young people is brought up on other people's ideals.

The most important task of the school is to develop the personality of students, the ability to manifest their own moral and civic position on vital issues. Preserving the traditions and continuity of generations, developing a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland, our school pays special attention to patriotic education: the education of a citizen and patriot of Russia.

The tradition of holding Lessons of Courage and meetings with veterans has been preserved.

Literary and musical composition

« From toy wars nothing not tear off ,

We with her merged memory and heart . »

Today our country celebrates one of the most significant holidays - VICTORY DAY over Nazi Germany. On this day, we bow our heads deeply before the blessed memory of the heroes who fell in the struggle for our freedom and the freedom of the peoples of Europe.

WAR is our unrelenting pain. No matter how much has been said about the Great Patriotic War, the time will probably never come when it will be possible to say: enough, everything has already been said.

It will never be possible to say everything, because there is no measure of the heroism of people shown in the war, there is no measure of bitterness and suffering.

WAR still disturbs the mind and feelings. More than 70 years have passed since the thunders of the Great Patriotic War fell silent, and our people do not cease to mourn the losses. There is not a single family in our country from which the war would not take someone's life or crippled them with bullets and shrapnel.


When that will be, I don't know.

In the land of white-legged birches

Victory on the ninth of May

People will celebrate without tears.

Raise the old marches

army pipes of the country,

And the marshal will go to the army,

not seen this war.

And I don't even think

What kind of fireworks will hit there,

What tales will they tell

And what songs they will sing.

Lead 1.

On this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields, those who worked in the rear,

and those who, after the war, established a peaceful life.

Lead 2.

And they also congratulate those wars of the Great Patriotic War who live today, and there are fewer and fewer of them. Today, young soldiers of the last military draft are already well over seventy. Many veterans have not only grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren…

Lead 1.

War is a terrible, hard time of terrible trials, incredible exertion of all the forces of the people fighting against a merciless enemy. War is a terrible calamity caused by the evil will of people.

Lead 2.

The war is also the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, it is 900 days of besieged Leningrad, it is the oath of the Panfilovites: “Not a step back, Moscow is behind us!”. This is the victory at Stalingrad, won by fire and blood, this is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, this is the storming of Berlin.

It is impossible to forget how vast expanses of our earth became the scene of bloodshed.

Lead 1.

Ordinary fascism flooded Europe with blood, planting a new order. Czechoslovakia was torn to pieces, Belgium was captured. The fall of Paris shocked the world! The Nazis plundered Europe, burned and destroyed cities. The military power of Adolf Hitler increased unprecedentedly, and soon its tip turned out to be directed at our country.


Suddenly there was a roar,

And everything went dark.

Like a huge bird took off.

Shells are bursting. The fire is blazing.

The fiery enemy is advancing on the country.

Ordinary civilians are dying.
Who survived, no one will forget;

The native land groaned in pain.

I learned a terrible word - war


The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune

For all, for all four years.

She made such a mark

And put so much on the ground

That twenty years and thirty years

The living can not believe that they are alive ...


Presenter 1

The roar of the treacherous shelling of Brest reached every town and village in our country. Lamented, groaned our whole country. The wounded Motherland began to cry. And her sons and daughters stood up and rose to defend her. They had different names and different nationalities. And they all became brothers and sisters by blood because they spilled it on the same great battlefield. Shed it for the salvation of one of their common Motherland. Everyone went to the front, young and old. There were yesterday's schoolchildren, almost the same boys and girls as we are!

Scene "Boys leaving for the front."



Rye sways, not compressed,

The fighters are walking on it,

We walk and we girls

Looks like guys!

No, it's not the huts that are burning -

That, my youth is on fire.

Girls go to war.

Similar to guys.


We know what is in the balance right now.

And what is happening now.

The hour of courage has struck on our clocks.

And courage will not leave us.

It's not scary to lie down under the bullets of the dead,

It is not bitter to be homeless, -

And we will save you, Russian speech,

Great Russian word.

We'll carry you free and clean
And we will give to our grandchildren, and we will save from captivity.


Lead 1.

It is difficult for us now to imagine what would have been on earth if the Soviet people had not survived then. One feat of Matrosov would be enough to immortalize his entire generation.

The story goes: the feat of Matrosov, who closed the embrasure of an enemy machine-gun bunker in battle, Soviet wars repeated more than 200 times, and the feat of the pilot Gastello, who sent a burning plane into an enemy column, 70 times.

Lead 2.

None of them parted with life easily and thoughtlessly. But they nevertheless took the risk, the feat, because the duty, honor and conscience of a soldier, a Soviet soldier, suggested this path to them. The war still disturbs the mind and feelings. A thousand streams - messages, documents, books - merge into a full-flowing river of MEMORY.


Did you promise us to die, RODINA?

Life promised, love promised, MOTHERLAND!

Are children born for death, RODINA?

Did you want our death, MOTHERLAND?

The flame hit the sky - do you remember, RODINA?

Quietly she said: “Get up to help, MOTHERLAND.”

No one asked for glory from you, Motherland.

Everyone simply had a choice: me or the Motherland.

The best and most expensive is Motherland.

Your grief is our grief, Motherland.

Your truth is our truth, Motherland.

Your glory is our glory, Motherland.


Lead 1.

The history of the war is fairly well known. The Nazis were going to defeat us in six weeks. At first, they thought that this would be the case. They won, they took prisoners ... Not even a week had passed since they were in Minsk.

In August, we found ourselves at the walls of Leningrad.

In November - at the walls of Moscow.

autumn next year reached the Volga.

Lead 2.

And yet everything turned out differently than they thought.

Leningrad did not fall. Moscow did not fall. Stalingrad did not fall. It was not we who capitulated, but the Germans. Then there was the Kursk Bulge, the liberation of Ukraine and the Baltic states. Then there were Bucharest and Belgrade, Warsaw and Budapest, Vienna and finally Berlin.

Lead 1.

On this day of unconditional surrender of the fascist army, to which each of us, who remembered how this war began, wanted to live.

The question is, what was required of a soldier to force the surrender of the very enemy who believed that he would defeat us in six weeks?

Lead 2.

What did it take from a soldier during the four years of the war, or how does the soldier himself speak from the bell to the bell?

It was necessary to fight! From the first day of the war, from the first minute, no matter what. How much to fight?

How much - did not know. We knew one thing: as much as needed, so much we will. And the soldier went to war. And he walked for four long, endless years - in dashes, in a plastunsky way. ..One thousand four hundred and eighteen days…

Bulat Okudzhava "And you and I are the brother of their infantry ..."


1. The battalion commander was ordered that day

Take the height and aim at the hills.

He can die on high

But first he must climb it.

And the height was taken

And the surviving soldiers know

Everyone has a height in life,

Which he must take sometime.

And if we die along the way

Tearing pillboxes with his death,

Then let us be buried on the heights,

Which we still take.

The song "At the Nameless Height".

2. Attack at dawn.

We meticulously cleaned the machines.

They left their addresses.

If something, let them not wait

No one knows the hard lot of soldiers,

Maybe many more will not come to the dugout to warm up.

3. He was buried in the globe of the earth,

And he was just a soldier

In total, friends, a simple soldier,

Without titles and awards.

He is like a mausoleum earth-

For a million centuries

And the Milky Ways are dusty

Around him from the sides.

Clouds sleep on the red slopes,

Snowstorms are sweeping,

Heavy thunder rumbles

The winds are taking off.

The fight is long over...

By the hands of all friends

The guy is put in the globe of the earth,

It's like being in a mausoleum...


3. Let's go to a mortal battle with enemies

Her eagles, her sons.

Mother has been waiting for them for years:

Perhaps they will still come from the war ...

Sleeping at Mamaev Kurgan,

Near Stalingrad, one son,

The other is in the middle of the sea-ocean,

Amid the gloomy Baltic depths.

And the youngest near the Danube:

The medals say...

And the mother believes everything, waiting,

That the children will return to the house.

Sitting motionless by the road

With a frozen stone face...


Lead 1.

But war is not only pain and suffering, it is a test of loyalty, friendship, love. Such devoted, loving, as during the war years, people will probably never be.

And, if not for love, faith, the prayers of loved ones, who knows how this war would have ended?

Mothers, wives, girlfriends - they were the support in those terrible days!


1. Mom! I am writing these lines to you

Mom, I send you my son's greetings,

I remember you, so dear,

So good, there are no words!

You read the letter, and you see the boy,

A little lazy and always out of time

Running in the morning with a briefcase under his arm,

Whistling carelessly, on the first lesson.

You were sad if I used to be a physicist,

Decorated the diary with a severe deuce,

I was proud when I was under the arches of the hall

He read his poems to the children with fervor.

We were careless, we were stupid

We did not appreciate everything that we had,

And they understood, maybe only here in the war:

Friends, books, Moscow disputes -

Everything is a fairy tale all in a haze, like snowy mountains ...

Let it be so, we will return, we will appreciate it doubly!

Now a break. Coming together at the edge,

The guns froze like a herd of elephants,

And somewhere peacefully in the thick of forests,

For life, for you, for your native land

I'm walking towards the leaden wind.

And let there be kilometers between us now

You are here, you are with me, my dear!

In the cold night, under the unkind sky,

Bending down, you sing a quiet song to me

And with me to distant victories

You walk invisibly along the soldier's road.

And no matter what war threatens me along the way,

You know I won't give up as long as I breathe!

I know that you blessed me

And in the morning, without flinching, I'm leaving for battle!

2. Wait for me and I will return.

Just wait a lot

Wait for sadness

yellow rain,

Wait for the snow to come

Wait when it's hot

Wait when others are not expected

Forgetting yesterday.

Wait when from distant places

Letters will not come

Wait until you get bored

To all who are waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back,

Don't be sorry for the good

To everyone who knows by heart

It's time to forget.

Let the son and mother believe

That there is no me

Let friends get tired of waiting

They sit by the fire

Drink bitter wine

For the soul...

Wait. And along with them

Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back,

All deaths out of spite.

Who did not wait for me, let him

He will say: - Lucky.

Do not understand those who did not wait for them,

Like in the middle of a fire

Waiting for your

You saved me

How I survived, we will know

Only you and I -

You just knew how to wait

Like no one else.

Lead 2.

Those letters were kept and are still kept in many families. These lines, scorched by the war, are a legacy. A reminder to the future of the terrible, hard days. In simple lines, the history of that war. And we must remember it.

A young man reads a poem .

I read the letter

that has already turned yellow over the years,

On an envelope in the corner

The mail number is in the field.
It's in forty-two

My father wrote to my mother

Before we go

In the last decisive battle.

My dear,

On the front we have a respite,

Friends are sleeping in the trenches

Silence on the steep shore.

my dear kiss

You are stronger son

Know that you are out of trouble

I will always save.

I am reading a letter
And as if closer and closer

That disturbing dawn

And the beating of soldiers' hearts,

I am reading a letter

And I can clearly hear

How are those words now

What did my father say before the fight?

My dear,

On the front we have a respite,

Friends are sleeping in the trenches

Silence on the steep shore.

my dear kiss

You are stronger son

Know that you are out of trouble

I will always save.

I read the letter

Outside the windows the sun laughs

The day begins

And hearts continue to love.

I am reading a letter

And I'm sure that if you have to,

Everything Father did

I can always repeat!

My dear,

On the front we have a respite,

Friends are sleeping in the trenches

Silence on the steep shore.

my dear kiss

You are stronger son

Know that you are out of trouble

I will always save.

Leading 1.

I've only seen melee once,

Once upon a time. And a thousand - in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary,

He knows nothing about the war.

These four lines of Yulia Drunina show the state of everyone who was in this terrible war.

Lead 2.

Our beloved city has another name - Leningrad. It was preserved in the memory of descendants as a symbol of courage, steadfastness, and insubordination.

It is not given to contemporaries to know what history will take away from their experience for centuries, what will decay in a newspaper binder, and what will turn into a legend. We know for sure that the 900-day blockade of Leningrad will remain in the memory of the peoples for a long time, because in the feat of the people of Leningrad there are such heights of the human spirit that cannot be lost.

Lead 1.

Panic before hunger, hungry madness and painful death often ruined before death itself. Death is more afraid of us than we are of death. These words of the workers of the Kirov factory became a prophecy; Leningrad was not afraid of death. Death was afraid of Leningrad!


1. Instead of soup-

Wood glue burda,

Instead of tea

Welding pine needles.

It would be nothing

Only hands go numb

Only legs

They suddenly become not yours.

Only the heart

Suddenly shrink like a hedgehog.

And muffled beats

They will go wrong...

A heart!

Even if you can't.

Don't be silent!

After all, in our hearts


Run, heart!

Knock, despite the fatigue,

Do you hear;

The city swears that the enemy will not pass!

The hundredth day burned out.

As it turned out later,


There were still eight hundred left.

We dug ditches - we were thirsty.

We were bombed - we wanted to live.

No big words were spoken.

There was a pillbox on every corner.

There was a house - no light, no water.

There was a piece of bread of misfortune.

The dream turned into oblivion.

Life was reduced in life.

There was one fate for all.

We lost our bright laughter.

We pacified the dark fear.

We died at the posts.

We were dying...

The city lived-full of our small forces.

Leading 2.

And the girls, how much they went through during the war! After all, they worked not only as nurses. Real girls' battalions were created.


Rye sways, not compressed,

The fighters are walking on it,

We walk and we girls

Looks like guys!

No, it's not the huts that are burning -

That, my youth is on fire.

Girls go to war.

Similar to guys.

Leading 1.

Children of war... This is our eternal pain. Who saved, warmed, comforted them then? The names cannot be counted, but the memory will preserve everything. This is the diary of Tanya Savicheva, cat. known throughout the world, cat. became one of the accusatory documents against the crimes of Nazism at the Nuremberg trials.



The enemy spared neither women, nor the elderly, nor children. Millions of Soviet people's lives were taken away by the war.

1st reader:

They drove the mothers with the children
And they forced to dig a hole, and they themselves

They stood, a bunch of savages,

And they laughed in hoarse voices.

Lined up at the edge of the abyss

Powerless women, thin guys.

Came drunk major and copper eyes

Cast off the doomed...

2nd reader:

cloudy rain
Buzzed in the foliage of neighboring groves

And in the fields, dressed in mist,

And the clouds fell over the earth

Chasing each other with rage...

No, I won't forget this day

I will never forget, forever!

I saw rivers crying like children,

And mother earth wept in rage.

I saw with my own eyes,

Like the mournful sun, washed with tears,

Through the cloud went out to the fields,

Kissed the children for the last time

Last time...

3rd reader:

Noisy autumn forest. It seemed like now
He went crazy. raged angrily

Its foliage. Darkness thickened around.

I heard: a powerful oak fell suddenly,

He fell, letting out a heavy sigh.

1st reader:

The children were suddenly frightened,
They clung to their mothers, clinging to the skirts.

And a sharp sound was heard from the shot,

Breaking the curse

What escaped from a woman alone.

Child, sick little boy,

He hid his head in the folds of the dress

Not yet old woman. She is

I looked full of horror.

How not to lose her mind!

I understood everything, the little one understood everything.

2nd reader:

Hide, mommy, me! Do not die! -

1st reader:

He cries and, like a leaf, cannot hold back the trembling.
Child, which is dearest to her,

Bending down, she raised her mother with both hands,

Pressed to the heart, against the muzzle directly ...

2nd reader:

I, mother, want to live. Don't, mom!
Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for? -

1st reader:

And the child wants to escape from the hands,
And the cry is terrible, and the voice is thin,

And it pierces the heart like a knife.

Adult reader:

Don't be afraid, my boy. Now you can take a breath.
Close your eyes but don't hide your head

So that the executioner does not bury you alive.

Be patient, son, be patient. Now it won't hurt. -

And he closed his eyes. And reddened the blood

On the neck with a red ribbon wriggling.

Two lives fall to the ground, merging,

Two lives and one love!

Thunder boomed. The wind whistled through the clouds.

The earth wept in deaf anguish,

Oh, how many tears, hot and combustible!

My land, tell me what's wrong with you?

You often saw human grief,

You bloomed for us for millions of years,

But have you ever experienced

Such a shame and barbarism?

My country, enemies threaten you,

But raise the banner of great truth higher,

Wash his lands with bloody tears,

And let its rays pierce

Let them destroy mercilessly

Those barbarians, those savages,

That the blood of children is swallowed greedily,

The blood of our mothers...

2nd leader: There was no equal to the Soviet man in stamina, courage, skill.

Leading 2.

During the war, along with adults, children and teenagers fought against the fascist invaders. They became guardsmen of the front and rear; they were on duty on the roofs of houses, prevented the fall of enemy aircraft, helped build defensive lines, put out fires from incendiary bombs, provided medical assistance to the victims, and produced ammunition. .They became messengers and scouts, miners.

Leading 1.

With the funds raised by the pioneers, tank columns and aircraft squadrons were built and sent to the front. They helped during the harvest season. Many of them have been awarded medals and orders. But not everyone managed to live to see the Victory.


Young fallen heroes

You are young for us.

You are a living reminder

That the Fatherland has not forgotten you.

Life and death and there is no middle ground

Eternal gratitude to all of you

Little tough men

Girls worthy of poetry.

How many of you, cheerful and in love,

Buried in native land?

Today you are in the light noise of maples,

Quietly knocking on the window.


The day the war ended

And all the trunks fired at the expense of the salute,

At that hour there was one at the celebration

A special moment for our souls.

At the end of the road, in the far side,

Under the thunder of firing, we said goodbye for the first time

With all those who died in the war,

How the living say goodbye to the dead.

Until then, in the depths of my soul

We didn't say goodbye so irrevocably.

We were with them, as it were, on an equal footing,

And only a registration sheet separated us.

And only here, in this special moment,

Filled with majesty and sorrow,

We separated forever from them;

These volleys separated us from them.

Inspired us with trunks of roaring steel,

That we are no longer among the losses,

And, covered with haze, he goes into the distance,

Beach filled with comrades.


Do you think the fallen are silent?

Of course, yes, you say.


They scream

While they are still knocking

Hearts of the Living

And touch the nerves.

They scream somewhere

And in us.

They are screaming for us.

Especially at night

When there is insomnia at the eyes

And the past crowds behind.

They scream when peace

When the field winds come to the city,

And the star speaks to the star

And the monuments breathe as if alive.

They scream

And wake us up alive

Invisible, sensitive hands.

They want a monument to them

There was a land with five continents.

Lead 2.

To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland. No, neither we nor future generations should forget about it. If a moment of silence were declared for every dead soldier, the world would be silent for fifty years.


Two old photographs, two grandfathers,

It's like they're staring at me from the walls.

One died almost before victory

Another disappeared in German camps.

Defenders of the Fatherland,

Two different lives, but with the same destiny.

Looking again from old photographs

Those who gave their lives for you and me.


We are here with you not because of the date,
Like an evil fragment, the memory burns in the chest,
To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
You come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield
Fell without stepping back
And this hero has a name:
Soviet army simple soldier.

Lead 1.

In Moscow, near the Kremlin wall, at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame always burns. The words are written there: "Your name is unknown, your feat is not forgotten." In any city of our great country, the Eternal Flame always burns in memory of those who did not spare their lives for the sake of millions of lives of others - our lives.

Lead 2.

Let's remember everyone by name
Let's remember with our hearts.
It's not for the dead
It must be alive!

Let's honor the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War with a moment of silence.


Reader 7:

Fewer veterans every year
We meet at the eternal flame,

Which were mined in the 45th
Victory for you and for me.

Gray-haired veterans go to the fire,

Honor fallen front-line friends,

And many of the wounds of that war whine,

Over the years, more and more.

We congratulate everyone on the Victory Day,

After all, seventy have already passed since then,

When fathers and even our grandfathers,

Fascists were given a memorable rebuff!

Music sounds. Schubert "Ave Maria". The music stops. The image of the Virgin Mary with the baby in her arms is displayed. Raphael "Sistine Madonna"

Reader (girl): A beautiful young woman with a child in her arms easily steps through the clouds towards her tragic fate. In order for people to be happy, Mary must give them her son, the little Christ, for suffering and torment. She hugs him lovingly for the last time. The mother's beautiful eyes are sad. She hugs her son tighter, anticipating his sad fate. In the gaze of Mary, the question is read: “Are you the one who will make me, mother, unhappy?”

The music gets louder, Schubert "Ave Maria"

Reader (youth): A. Markov "Sistine Madonna"

I've been staring at Madonna for hours
What immortality gave Raphael,
On the eyes...
Is it not from them, the bottomless ones,
Even callous souls brightened.
He didn't take his eyes off her until
Throwing clouds of smoke on the shoulders,
Like a dreaming miracle
Madonna stepped towards me.
She is not sinless
Not a goddess that earthly people do not judge.
Just a mother.

The song sounds(recording) performed by A. German "Lullaby"

Reader (girl) An excerpt from R. Rozhdestvensky's poem "Requiem"

Life promised
Love promised

Did you want them to die
The flame hit the sky -
Do you remember,

Reader (boy) reads V. Kochetkov’s poem “In the Burnt Village”, approaching the unsteady fortified in the right corner of the stage. Above the bulge is an icon.

Under the loud cries of crows and rooks
We entered the village in the morning,
The frames of black furnaces loomed.
The ruins smoked wearily.
And in a rare scatter lay the bodies
In the shadow of the ancient bell tower.
As if death reluctantly took
Yasak from the Belgorod village.
And in this still undecayed hell.
Where grief has already screamed
Under the old birch for everyone to see
The belt cradle rocked.
Played crimson copper knees
With the June blue of heaven.
And the one-year-old boy sat quietly
In that unsteadiness floating over the abyss.
No, he didn't scream, he didn't beg for anything,
Pulling fists up to mouth.
And the wind, smelling of misfortune, stirred
His gray hairs.

Reader (girl)

Did you bequeath them to die,
Life promised
Love promised
Are children born for death

Reader (boy)

Wake up, fall asleep - war, war.
Whether at night, whether during the day - war, war.
Shrinks our throat, deprives us of sleep,
Confuses names.

Reader (girl)

Alexander, Vladimir, Stanislav -
How many lives, how many glory!
The evening will be blood blue
I will bend over the cradle of my son.
People did not see peace,
Playing tirelessly in life and death,
It needs to be given a different name.
Because life is different...

Reader (boy)

Whatever you think about - war, war ...
Our companion is gloomy - she is alone.
The farther from the battle, the warmer the heart,
So much the worse for her.
Sunrises, sunsets - you are all alone.
What anguish you are - war, war!
You, you - curse - dark-dark.
Where are the fallen brothers - war, war!
How red is the sun! You are all alone.
What word are you: war, war ...
As if on a word
Not a speck of blood
And the light is all purple in the darkness of the window.

Reader (girl)

It is important to say goodbye to the girls,
On the way they kissed their mother,
All dressed up new.
How they went to play with soldiers.

On the stage, a man holds the hands of two soldier guys. Reads a poem by V. Zanadvorov "War"

You don't know, my son, what war is!
It's not a smoky battlefield at all
It's not even death and courage. She is
In each drop finds its expression.
It's just dugout sand from day to day
Yes, blinding flashes of night shelling,
This is a headache that hurts the temple;
This is my youth that has decayed in the trenches;
These are dirty, broken rut roads;
Homeless stars of window nights;
These are my blood-washed letters,
What is written crookedly on the stock of rifles;
This is the last dawn in life
Above the pitted earth. And just as an ending -
Under the explosions of shells, with flashes of grenades
Selfless death on the battlefield.

Readers (boys)

1. Help me. Help me. I don't want to die. A small piece of lead - in the heart, in the head - and that's all? And my hot heart won't be hot anymore? Let there be suffering. Who said that I'm afraid to suffer? It was at home that I was afraid a lot. Houses. And now I have already learned everything, I have tried everything. I'm good for life. After all, it's even ridiculous - to kill a person who did not have time to do anything. I didn't even finish 10th grade. I met you, war. I have big bruises on my palms. There is noise in my head, I want to sleep. Do you want to wean me from everything I'm used to?

The male. There are details that are remembered for a lifetime. And not only are they remembered, small, as if insignificant, they eat into, somehow soak into you, begin to germinate, grow into something bigger, significant, absorb the whole essence of what is happening, become, as it were, a symbol.

2. I remember one killed fighter. He lay on his back with his arms outstretched, a cigarette butt stuck to his lip. And it was the most terrible thing that I saw before and after the war. Worse than ruined cities, ripped open bellies, torn off arms and legs. Outstretched arms and a cigarette butt on the lip. A minute ago there was still life, thoughts, desires. Now…

Reader (girl)

She can't sleep, something hurts her heart,
It breaks the chest, and the night is dark-dark,
The stars are not visible, the winter evening howls,
And wherever you look, there is war everywhere.
Sycamore groans sadly outside the window,
The cat purrs in sleepy silence.
Empty house. She buried her husband
And the sons? Where can they be - in the war.
The two send her good news.
Although it is bitter at home to live alone,
But for the older two souls in place,
Only the youngest - is he alive, dear?

A. Rosenbaum "Red Wall" (song recording sounds).

Reader (female)) reads an excerpt from R. Rozhdestvensky's poem "Requiem" No. 6

Oh, why are you, the sun is red,
You're all leaving - don't you say goodbye?
Oh, why from a joyless war
Son not coming back?
I will save you from trouble.
I will fly as a fast bird.
Respond, my blood!
Small, the only...
White light is not nice
I got sick.
Come back, my hope!
My grain, my dawn.
My goryushko -
Where are you?
I can't find the path
To cry over the grave...
I don't want anything,
Only a dear son ...
Behind the forests my swallow,
Behind the mountains - behind the masses ...
If the eyes are crying out -
Mothers cry with their hearts.
White light is not nice.
I got sick.
Come back, my hope!
my grain,
My dawn.
My goryushko -
Where are you?

Silent melody sounds M.Tariverdieva "Remembrance"

Reader (boy) Poem by A.N. Nekrasov “Listening to the horrors of war”

Listening to the horrors of war
With each new victim of the battle,
I feel sorry for not a friend, not a wife,
I feel sorry for the hero himself...
Alas! The wife will be comforted.
And the best friend will forget a friend!
But somewhere there is one soul -
She will remember to the grave!
Among our hypocritical deeds
And all the vulgarity and prose
Alone I spied in the world
Holy, sincere tears -
Those are the tears of our mothers!
They can't forget their children
Those who died in the bloody field,
How not to raise a weeping willow
Of its drooping branches.

Reader (female)) reads an excerpt from A. Platonov's story "Recovery of the Dead"

The mother returned to her home.

She walked through the fields, yearning, with simple hair, with a vague, as if blinded face ... Her grief was eternal and her sadness was indefatigable - the mother had lost all her children dead.

On her way she met the Germans, but they did not touch this woman; it was strange for them to see such a sad old woman, they were horrified at the sight of humanity on her face.

After going through the war, the mother returned home. But her native place was now empty. She sat down in the middle of the cooled conflagration and began to touch the ashes of her dwelling with her hands. If she dies, where will the memory of her children be preserved and who will save them in their love when her heart also stops breathing?

Maria Vasilievna came to the place of the grave, where stood a cross made of two mournful, trembling branches tied across. The mother sat down at this cross, under it lay her naked children, slain, abused and thrown into the dust by the hands of others.

If you were alive, if you were alive! And now, where is your life, which you have not lived, who will live it for you? How old was Matthew? The twenty-third was on, and Vasily was the twenty-eighth. And my daughter was 18, now she would have gone 19, yesterday she was a birthday girl ...

How much of my heart I spent on you, how much of my blood was gone, but it means that it was not enough, my heart and my blood alone were not enough, since you died, since I did not keep my children alive and did not save from death ...

They, well, they are my children, they did not ask to live in the world. But to live on earth, apparently, it is still impossible, nothing is ready for children here: they only prepared, but did not manage it!

Reader (female) reads the lament of N. Konyaev "Mother of the Fallen Warrior"

To trample a path for me, and walk a path for me, and a child born to the swam, I’ll put a grave on a steep slope. I came, bitter-sweet, to a great feast, to a great commemoration. As thirty years passed and swept past and thirty winters - you sleep soundly, you don’t wake up, you don’t part with a sweet dream. Legs are on the path, little hands are at the heart ... How can I live, then get up? I won't see you, firewoman...

Music sounds. Mozart "Requiem". The lights in the hall are dimmed. On both sides of the hall are boys, in whose hands are lit candles. They take the stage.

The priest performs the Funeral, announces a moment of silence.

- A moment of silence.

Reader (girl) reads an excerpt from R. Rozhdestvensky's poem "Requiem"

Black stone,
Black stone.
Why are you silent
Black stone?
Did you want this?
Have you ever dreamed
Become a tombstone
Unknown soldier?
Black stone.
Why are you silent
Black stone?
Are the stones to blame
Somewhere underground
Do soldiers sleep too long?
unnamed soldiers,
Unknown soldiers...
And above them the grasses dry.
And above them the stars fade.
And the orange sun spills across the sky.
Time moves on them...
But sometime, but sometime
Someone in the world remembered the name
Unknown Soldier!
For even before death
He had many friends.
After all, he still lives in the world
A very old mother.

Reader (female)).

Life mowed down by the son,
A burning pain overwhelmed her mother.
Someone with hope
And love
She now waits under her roof.
I was exhausted from muffled sobs,
dozed off
And she dreamed
As if she-
Russia itself,
Mother of a hundred million sons.
As if in a field
Scorched whirlwind,
Where the last fight burns out.
calling by name,
That they won't come home.
Selflessly brave and beautiful,
Those who gave their lives so that she may live...
Russia will never forget them,
How not to drain the seas to the bottom.
The snow is smoking
He's soaked in blood
Between the dead, mother quietly walks
And with severe patient sorrow
He puts eternity at his head.
And the strength does not run out in the soul
And the future lies before her,
Because she is Russia -
Mother of a hundred million sons!

Sounds on record songs by A. Rosenbaum "Babi Yar"

Reader (female)) reads a poem by N. Burova

I gave birth to a son not for the war!
Not for the war, the primer gave him.
Anxious, proud, longing,
For life in love, like a mother,
Ready to darn and wash,
And wait for mean, sluggish letters
From some part of the country.
I gave birth to a son not for the war!
His yesterday's sonorous voice,
And now a cheerful bass
It affirms me faith in life and happiness,
And somewhere in the sunny world wanders
The threat of death, hunger and darkness -
Cold minds work...
I gave birth to a son not for the war.

Reader (female)) reads an excerpt from the story of V. Zakrutkin "The Mother of Man"

- Well, hello, son .. Hello, Vasenka, my little blood.

Now, when a child was lying next to Maria, and she, carefully embracing him with her hand, listened to how he was breathing quietly and evenly, she felt that her whole life was contained in this quiet infantile breathing of the person she had born.

At that moment, it seemed to Mary that she had given birth to them all, defenseless, scattered by the war over the unpleasant, gloomy fields of small people, from whom she, who gave birth to their mother, must avert death.

It seemed to her that in the whistle of bullets and the roar of shells, in the rampant murders, cruelty, blood, she gave birth not only to a son, but, shuddering from excruciating pain and happiness, gave birth to all the children of the tormented earth, demanding from her, mother, protection and affection.

“You will all live,” Maria whispered, “you will all live ...

Reader (boy): Everything that is sacred to us, dear, is illuminated by the name of the mother. The farmer, turning to the earth, gratefully says: “Thank you, nurse-mother.” A soldier in battle with the enemy fights for his native mother earth. The Earth is tired of war... Tired... Why do we forget that people are born for life, for creation, for love?

Vocal group performing a song"The land is mine"

Reader (girl)

Spinning in space in captivity of its orbit
Not a year, not two, but millions of years,
I'm so tired... My flesh is covered
Scars of wounds - there is no living place!
Why are people so afraid of each other
What have you forgotten about the earth itself?
'Cause I can die and stay
A charred grain of sand in a smoky haze.

Music sounds- Birdsong. Everyone approaches the center - the Earth. Children give flowers to veterans, mothers.

Readers read in turn (boy, girl)

And walks the earth
Barefoot Memory -
Small woman.
She goes,
Crossing ditches -
She does not need any visas or registration.
In the eyes of the loneliness of a widow,
That is the depth of maternal sadness.
She goes,
Leaving your comfort
Not about yourself - worrying about the world.
And the monuments honor her,
And the obelisks bow at the waist.

Literary and musical composition

(Sounds the song "A long time ago...")

(2 boys and 2 girls come out)

1st: Human memory is strictly

2nd: Days counts like fighters in the ranks

3rd: The world knows that the path was not easy

4th: To this solemn day

1st: Victory comes to us again and again,

2nd: Beautiful and young, as in forty-five,

3rd: Comes in the splendor of old orders

4th: On the jacket of an experienced soldier.

1st: Washed with tears - no rain,

2nd: Sparkling not with fire, but with the happiness of life,

3rd: Victory comes to us in a spring day,

4th: To never forget about

All together: What a feat was accomplished by the Fatherland!

Presenter 1 :

Good afternoon, dear children, teachers and guests! On May 9, our country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day!

Host 2:

Today's literary and musical composition is dedicated to this significant date.

Presenter 1:

Saturday was the last day of peace in 1941. After the usual working week, millions of Soviet people went to rest ...

Host 2:

The silence of the coming night, warm and fragrant like summer, in many cities and villages was broken by the happy voices of young people celebrating their entry into adulthood ...

And suddenly, in one second, in an instant, everything was cut off ...

(Mozart's Requiem)

(Sounds like "Holy War")

Student 1:

Are children born for death, Motherland?

Did you want our death, Motherland?

The flame hit the sky - do you remember, Motherland?

Quietly she said: "Get up to help ..." - Motherland?

Student 2:

War... There is no harsher word.

War ... there is no sadder word.

War ... there is no sacred word

In the anguish and glory of these years,

And on our lips is different

It can't be... and no...

Student 3:

Think! How terrible it is - one people kills another!

Man kills man.

He excels in torture, invents weapons, humiliates - and is humiliated.

For what? By what right?

Presenter 1:

At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For a long 4 years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of the Motherland from fascism. They did it for future generations, for us. Let's tell everyone about this just war so that they remember.

Host 2: On the first day of the war they were 17-20 years old. Of every hundred children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of a hundred! Here it is - the war!

Presenter 1:

The war means 1725 destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages in our country. War means 32,000 blown up plants and factories, 65,000 kilometers of railways.

Host 2:

The war is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, it is 900 days of besieged Leningrad, it is the oath of the Panfilovites: “Not a step back, Moscow is behind us!”

Presenter 1:

The war is the victory over Stalingrad obtained by fire and blood, it is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, it is the storming of Berlin, it is the memory of the heart of the whole people.

Host 2:

War is 20 hours at the machine a day. It is a crop grown on the ground salted with sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like us.

Presenter 1:

No, neither we nor our children should forget about it.

To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland.

Host 2:

I know the sun will not splash into empty eye sockets!

I know: the song of heavy graves will not open!

But on behalf of the heart

But on behalf of life I repeat:

Eternal glory! Eternal glory to the heroes!

(A moment of silence is announced)


(Poetry montage)


Everywhere there were stories of soldiers,

Mighty, you walked everywhere

Through the thunder of war, adversity and loss,

Don't bow your head before death.


You saved your homeland in battle,

Overcame all obstacles.

Thank you from all over the world

Thank you for everything, soldiers.


And good hour, happy hour,

Hour of Peaceful Dawn

In your name, in your name.

We celebrate victory!


How did you enter the cities!

Children ran towards you.

Thank you forever

We are all living in the world.


We remember everyone by name

And we are happy to hug everyone!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Thank you soldiers!


There is no more honest victory than your victory,

There is no more expensive and better victory in the world.

There is no merit more valuable, there is no covenant wiser,

Than the one that you gave to descendants forever.


Let your courage be an example to us

May victory be our eternal fire.

You were a pioneer

We will carry your courage like a flag.


We would like to wish you good health,

And cheerfulness in our difficult age of change.

Let the grandchildren give what they can give to you,

And the wisdom of life will receive in return.


May this holiday be wonderful for you,

Day of youth, peace, goodness, beauty,

Let the eyes of veterans shine with happiness,

May your May dreams come true!

Presenter 1:

The Soviet people paid a heavy price for the Victory in the most terrible war in the history of the world.

Lead 2.

Our people are well aware of the value of peace and peaceful life.

The world is a morning full of light and hope.

Presenter 1:

The world is blooming gardens and earing fields.

Host 2:

The world is a school bell, it is a school with the sun in its windows.

Presenter 1:

It's good to wake up and know that you have a wonderful day ahead of you, that nothing threatens you, and all your dreams will come true. It's good to be happy!

(Readers come out)

Let the cities sleep peacefully.

Let the sirens howl

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let not a single shell burst,

None of them scribbles an automatic.

Let our forests announce

And let the years pass peacefully

May there never be a war!

Host 2:

Today at our holiday there is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Vitaly Nikolaevich Perepelitsin!


Presenter 1:

Dear Vitaly Nikolaevich! We congratulate you on Victory Day! We bow before the greatness of the feat of all the soldiers who defended our Motherland.

Host 2:

Dear Vitaly Nikolaevich! We will ask you to tell us about the difficult days of the war, about your fighting youth, about how this great victory was given to the Russian people!

Scenario of a musical and literary composition for older children preschool age"Let's bow to those great years"

Target: Education of moral and patriotic feelings for the Motherland.
1. Continue to acquaint children with the history of our country.
2. Continue to form a sense of patriotism in children through acquaintance with the work of the period of the Great Patriotic War: songs, dances, poems.
3. To evoke in children a sense of compassion for those who did not return from the war;
4. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards veterans of the Great Patriotic War
Description: This scenario can be used in the work of music directors, educators, parents and children of the group preparatory to school.
Suits: Military uniform for boys, cook suits 2 pcs. nurse costumes, crane costumes.
A bowler hat, a ladle, a horse on a stick, a wreath, an eternal flame.

Composition progress:

Phonogram "Oh, roads" music. A. Novikov.
Children in military uniform enter the hall in pairs and stand in a checkerboard pattern in front of the audience.

Leading -
Victory Day May 9 -
Holiday of peace in the country and spring.
On this day, we remember the soldiers
Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor grandfathers,
Defended their native country
Giving people victory
And who returned peace and spring to us!
(N. Tomilina)
Phonogram "Voice of Levitan - the beginning of the war"
Soundtrack "Holy War" Muses A. Alexandrov

1 child -
Everyone slept peacefully at dawn,
The night melted like a shadow.
And the inhabitants of the Earth did not yet know
What a terrible day was born.
2 child -
Didn't know that in the twentieth century
It will be the darkest day
The rivers turn red with blood,
The earth will burn with fire.
3 child -
That day all my life on "before" and "after"
Divide once and for all
Nobody could ever imagine
That on this day war will come.
N. Andriyanova
4 child -
Even that night the children dreamed of games,
But with a formidable roar, not an empty game,
Breaking the night sky at dawn
Planes flew east. Their system
Carrying, hiding, the beginning of a new note,
That, the conductor's intentions are true,
The ominous squeal of the first flight
Will start singing by name - war.
N. Brown
Phonogram "Let's bow to those great years." Muses. A Pakhmutova
Children line up in two lines facing each other.
Two boys pass through the line and lay a wreath at the eternal flame.

1 child -
Frozen ate in the guard,
The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.
Years go by. In an alarming roar
The war is far away.
2 child -
But here, at the edges of the obelisk,
Bowing his head in silence
We hear the rumble of tanks close
And tearing the soul of the bombs gap.
3 child -
We see them - soldiers of Russia,
That in that distant terrible hour
Paid with their lives
For happiness is bright for us ...

The song "At the Eternal Flame" muses. A. Berlyakova

Leading - Let's honor the memory of the fallen heroes with a moment of silence.

Phonogram Minute of silence.

Phonogram "Dark Night" music. N. Bogoslovsky.
The soldiers are resting. Who writes letters, who mends clothes, who sits by the fire.
Leading -
White flocks of letters
They flew to Russia.
Read them with excitement
They knew them by heart.
These letters are still
Do not lose, do not burn.
Like a great shrine
Sons are protected.

Soldier boy -
Hello, dear Maxim!
Hello my beloved son!
I write from the front
Tomorrow morning again in battle!
We will drive the fascists,
Take care, son, mother.
Forget sadness and sadness
I'll be back victorious!
I will hug you at last.
Goodbye. Your father.
Olga Kaspirovich

The song "In the dugout" music. K. Listova

Phonogram "In the forest near the front" muses M. Blanter
The boy soldier approaches the nurse girl.

Soldier -
Today we have a break
Tomorrow we will return to the fights.
Maybe we'll dance a waltz
My dear!
Child soldiers step aside to make room for the dance
Dance "Waltz"

Phonogram "Carrier of the Muses. V. Pushkov.
Two children in chef's hats with bowlers are riding a horse.

Leading -
Rumbling along the way
The regimental kitchen is coming,
Chef in a white cap
With a ladle in hand.
Cook -
Hey servants, get up!
Get the cups and spoons.
Oh, and the porridge is good,
Try it, Russian soul!

Soldiers line up in front of the kitchen, get their rations and settle down for dinner. (Imitation)
Phonogram "Let's smoke" music. M. Tabachnikova.
The soldier boy goes to the circle and reads an excerpt from the poem "Vasily Terkin"

No guys, I'm not proud
Without thinking into the distance
So I will say: why do I need an order?
I agree to a medal.
For a medal. And that is not in a hurry.
That would end the war
I would like to come on vacation
To the home side.
Will I still be alive? - hardly.
Fight here, don't guess.
But I will say about the medal:
Give it to me then.
Provide, since I am worthy.
And you must understand:
The simplest thing is
The man came from the war.
Here I come from the station
To your native village council.
And in my hands talyanka ...
Will there be dancing or not?
A. Tvardovsky

Dance "Quadrille"

Fanfare sounds. Everyone is built in a column one at a time.
Phonogram "On the way" music. V. Solovyov-Sedoy
Children march in place.
Leading -
Thank you heroes
Thank you soldiers
What gave the world
Then - in the forty-fifth!!!
We will never forget!!!
May the peaceful sun
Shine on everyone!!!

Children walk through the hall and sit on chairs.
Child -
Seen the whole planet
In clouds of fire and smoke -
Army glory is immortal,
The will is invincible.
Army strength steel
Moved like an avalanche
Along the banks of the Danube
On the squares of Berlin.

The boys perform the dance "Cossacks in Berlin" music. D.Pokrass

Child -
Only time does not dare
Take the words out of the song
Only good seed
Rises again and again -
We were on fire
We slept in the snowdrifts
Many are old
Many - in the field fell.

Girls perform the dance "Cranes" music. Ya.Frenkel

Leading -
The beauty that nature gives us
The soldiers stood on fire
May Day forty-five
Became the last point in the war.
Phonogram "Voice of Levitan - the end of the war"

Phonogram "Victory Day" music. D. Tukhmanov.
Children perform a solemn rebuilding, line up in four columns in front of the audience.

Leading -
The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls out to people:
Come on people never
Let's not forget about this.
Let everything that life is full of
In everything that is sweet to the heart,
We will be given a reminder
About what was in the world.
(A. Tvardovsky)
1 child -
We are celebrating Victory Day
He goes in colors, banners.
All the heroes we are today
We call by name.
2 child -
We know it's not easy
He came to us - Victory Day.
This day has been conquered
Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers.
3 child -
And so today
They put on orders.
We, going on holiday with them,
They sang a resounding song.
4 child -
We dedicate this song
Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers.
Our beloved Motherland
Glory, glory on Victory Day!
Abdulkhak Igebaev

Song "Heirs of Victory" music. E. Zaritskaya

All - We won! Hooray!