How young people dressed in the 80s. White shoes with heels

Each decade gives rise to new images and trends. The fashion of the 80s is characterized by one word - "too". This is a controversial period in fashion history, when everything was mixed up: classics and bright colors, tight-fitting clothes and very wide models, sporty style and bright massive jewelry, miniskirts and floor-length dresses, new subcultures and retro style.

In the clothes of the 80s of the 20th century, several styles were combined: modernized classic, ultra-modern (neoclassic), retro looks, sports style, denim clothing and others. In different countries fashion trends of that time have both similarities and differences.

the USSR

There has definitely been a revolution in fashion. Modesty fades into the background, the first is a riot of colors. The popular trends of the eighties were reflected in the fashion trends of that time: roller skates, snowboards, hip-hop, techno, aerobics. Men's and women's clothing made of acid-colored fabrics was full of bright inscriptions (especially brand names), sequins and rhinestones, multi-colored buttons. Dimensionless things were complemented by fringe, spacious jackets had a pronounced line of shoulders.

From this variety, four images stood out:

  • aggressive business business woman;
  • romantic lady;
  • sexy girl;
  • sportswoman.

Sexy style was considered the most popular. Each girl had leggings, a trumpet dress, a balloon skirt, brightly colored leggings, a short leather biker jacket, pumps and wide belt on the hips. The clothes were mostly tight-fitting, consisted of stretch and lycra.

In the 80s it was fashionable to do sports, especially aerobics. There were bright suits for physical activities, fashion magazines of that time are distinguished by an abundance of photographs of slender girls in sportswear. The bright tracksuit of the mid-80s was not intended for sports, it was a “going out suit”.

Foreign brands became known to the Soviet people, it became fashionable to sew the labels of these companies on the front side of suits and other clothes. Since there was a shortage of things in the country, everyone tried to create a unique outfit and pass it off as a fashion brand. For example, a semi-sports windbreaker was considered a model of Parisian fashion. Massive shoulder belts appeared, women wore huge jackets similar to men's. The peak of fashion was wide banana trousers, narrowed down, always in a bright color or with a multi-colored print. Often there was a combination of black with red, white or blue.

In the mid-80s, "washed jeans" became popular. Soviet people could not afford foreign clothes, so they cooked jeans on their own. To do this, they bred whiteness and boiled clothes on fire, after crumpling or twisting knots, so that in the end the thing turned out not to be monophonic, but with a bizarre pattern.

Pyramid jeans have replaced washed jeans. Such styles were distinguished by a rather wide top and a narrow bottom of the legs. At the bottom, a twist was made in the form of a cuff. The most fashionable were blue models with an embroidered or glued camel on the back pocket.


In the 80s, the change in fashion trends took place especially rapidly. There were many new designers who tried to create models as original as possible, modesty went into the background. By appearance it becomes increasingly difficult to determine the social status and financial situation. A wealthy person tried to emphasize his place in society with clothes, and a less well-to-do person, on the contrary, tried to hide insolvency with the help of a wardrobe.

The ready-to-wear line developed very actively, thanks to which new items were quickly promoted to the masses, and already well-known brands were improved. In addition, clothing in the style of the 80s implies the use of logos. Then they were everywhere: on sportswear and even on evening dresses.

Despite the diversity, the main trends in fashion stood out:

  • business;
  • fitness;
  • romantic;
  • sexy.

In different countries they developed differently, but they were united by the predominance famous brands. Speaking about the style of the women of the 80s, they mean, first of all, accessories: Dior bags, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex watches, mostly gold. Young businessmen were fond of playing on the stock exchange, a respectable suit of a well-known brand brought success.

Young punks wore unusual hairstyles, surprising those around them with gothic outfits: clothes, mostly black, were sewn from leather with torn elements. Aggressive notes were emphasized by metal accessories: belts, rivets, rings, chains. The image was completed with a bright colored mohawk on the head. Girls allowed themselves not always to look brutal, sometimes they wore mini-skirts with leather jackets, fishnet tights and short pointed boots with high heels. Today, an 80s-style party means just such clothes.

80s style icons

The cult of a beautiful body had a strong influence on the formation of clothing styles in the 80s, magazines wrote about it, broadcast from TV screens.


The idols of men were Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Boy George, Valery Leontiev, Thomas Andersen, Dieter Bohlen. Everyone had their own style of clothing, emphasizing the created screen image:

  1. Jackson - a wide-shouldered jacket, a voluminous headdress, a leather jacket, loafers, white socks, a scarf, gloves, a loose-fitting shirt and trousers, a lot of rhinestones and sequins;
  2. Bowie - T-shirt, jeans, bright jacket, neckerchief, platform shoes, dyed hair and makeup;
  3. George - a bright headdress, a jacket with metal elements, a lot of cosmetics, different hairstyles;
  4. Andersen - leather pants and a jacket on a naked body;
  5. Valery Leontiev - each time a new exquisite image.

Men also tried to imitate famous idols. Michael Jackson
David Bowie Boy George Valery Leontiev
Thomas Andersen
Dieter Bohlen


For women, the romantic icon of the 80s was Princess Diana. She impressed everyone with her wedding dress, which took 40 meters of silk. The fluffy skirt was trimmed with old English lace, the length of the train was 7.5 meters. This outfit served as an impetus for young designers who subsequently created new romantic collections.

1979 was marked by the premiership of Margaret Thatcher, which served as the emergence of a new business style. At the same time, the series "Dynasty" was on, which also influenced the formation of fashionable images of young people.

In the USSR in the 80s, Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva set the style. She set the direction in tailoring business women's clothing. Alla Pugacheva and Barbara Brylska were also considered style icons. The main differences from other periods.

The main features of the fashion styles of the 80s:

  • bright, colorful fabrics;
  • a lot of rhinestones, sharp spikes, large beads;
  • huge shoulder pads;
  • miniskirts, bodysuits;
  • sports sneakers or pumps;
  • glasses with a bright frame;
  • voluminous haircuts and hairstyles: bouffant, fine curls, feathers;
  • overly catchy make-up and mother-of-pearl lipstick.

In the 80s, new fashion houses actively offered clothes: expensive boutiques of famous fashion designers, small shops of inexpensive clothes of young designers. New collections are complemented by hints of retro styles redesigned in a modern way. New fabrics based on synthetics and lycra have appeared. Sportswear has lost its intended purpose, they began to wear it every day: to work, to a party, to negotiations, to training. There was a sexual revolution, hence: miniskirts, high heels, corsets. There is a sexy style. Today, corporate parties are often organized in the style of the 80s.
Princess Diana
Raisa Gorbacheva
Margaret Thatcher
Alla Pugacheva
Barbara Brylskaya


A photo

The fashion of the 80s was characterized by aggressiveness and a riot of colors. Western stars and trends were idols to follow. Therefore, the main attributes of the 1980s are bouffant, perm and tan. Disco, military styles clearly appeared, jeans became popular. This is the era of revolutionary changes in fashion trends.

Men's fashion of the 80s in the USSR

In the USSR, the 1980s were accompanied by a breaking of stereotypes. Yet the men were less inclined to change in the wardrobe.

Here's what men wore in the 80s:

  • Suits and shirts.

The guys preferred turtlenecks and plain cut shirts. The latter were also accompanied by short leather ties.

By the end of the 80s, men were wearing formal suits with rounded sides. Cropped trousers were equipped with cuffs. Pointed toe heels were in vogue.

  • Jeans and banana pants.

At the end of the decade, banana pants became a retrospective for women's and men's fashion. These bright clothes were often sewn on their own. At the top, the trousers were gathered in folds, and at the bottom they ended with elastic bands with a frill.

Soviet guys massively grew their hair without fear of condemnation. Pyramid jeans in blue have become a cult item. They were wide at the top, and narrowed at the bottom and tucked up.

Fashion of the 80s in the USSR for women

The female style of the 80s was formed under the influence of foreign music and dance. An important factor when buying clothes was the brand. Often, women of fashion ripped off the tags from the inside and sewed them in a conspicuous place.

The most valuable thing that Soviet women had was patterns. They were found in the magazines "Worker", "Peasant Woman" and "Burda Moden". It was "Burda" who clearly showed how to sew clothes in a Western manner.

Women's fashion in the 80s looked like this:

  • An inverted triangle as a characteristic female silhouette.
  • Suits.

Lined jackets worn with trousers and skirts. The style icon then was Raisa Gorbacheva. Many Soviet women looked up to her.

Clothing with wide sleeves has become popular. bat" as shown in the photo. The image of a stylish woman was completed by a wide belt at the waist.

  • Jeans-varenki.

The fashion squeak of the mid-80s - dumpling jeans. The shortage of that time forced women to boil ordinary jeans. To make the pants turn into dumplings, they were tied in knots and boiled with bleach and bleach.

  • T-shirts and sneakers.

Sports style was popular with young people. Wide T-shirts with shoulder pads depicting rock stars are the trend of the time.

Bright sneakers completed the look. Adidas shoes were especially valued, but not everyone could afford to buy them.

  • Leggings and tights.

Black leggings with lycra were brought to the market. But real fashionistas were looking for bright crimson and turquoise leggings. They wore wide shirts with a belt, miniskirts or short dresses made of knitwear.

Particularly pleased with nylon and synthetic tights. They were produced with and without lycra, but were standard in white and skin colors when black was in fashion.

The girls did not despair and painted light tights with drawing ink. For safety, things were sent to the refrigerator, but in the rain the mascara was still washed off.

  • Casual wear.

The Soviet fashion of the 80s is turtleneck sweaters and flared skirts.

Soap shoes made of soft plastic have become cult shoes. They also wore wedge heels and open-toed stilettos.

  • Jackets and moon rovers.

The winter fashion of the eighties is puffy jackets and coats, headbands or tube scarves. The latter simultaneously served as a scarf and a hat.

The boots were also puffy, they were called "moon rovers". Suede wedge shoes were especially popular.

Fashion and style of the 80s combined the incompatible. This is an era of revolution, when people wanted to be liberated, bright and free.

In 2018, the fashion of yesteryear is reborn. Instead of dumplings - skinny jeans with a high waist. Tube scarves and puffy jackets are also popular. So take a note of a couple of images.

The 1980s marked the beginning of a new era in the history of the USSR. This year, the tenth five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the country was completed, the Summer Olympic Games were held, the famous bard Vladimir Vysotsky died, the Afghan war was gaining momentum. Let's go back to Vysotsky for a moment. In one of his songs there are lines: "... let there be big changes ahead, I will never love it." Now many people, contemporaries of Vysotsky, more than once recall these lines, having survived to this day. And every time they think: "How right he was." During the 1980s, the Union passed a very fast path from a great superpower to a collapsing country. The old went into oblivion, it was replaced by a new time - filled with rapid changes, instability and ... vulgarity. We will talk about the latter today.

How did the government in the hospital make laws?

In the early 1980s, all Negative consequences social and political stagnation of the country. The proverb that "The fish rots from the head" is absolutely true. Among the people, the abbreviation of the USSR was jokingly deciphered as "the country of the oldest leaders." Average age leading persons of the country has exceeded 72 years. This period was also called the "Era of magnificent funerals." At this time, in a short period of time, several prominent statesmen of the Soviet state departed for another world.

In 1980, P. Masherov, the leader of the party in the Byelorussian SSR, died in a car accident. He was 62 years old. In the same year, the head of the Council of Ministers, A. Kosygin, died at the age of 76. In 1982, the main ideologist of the party, the "grey eminence" M. Suslov (79 years old) died. He was the main supporter of the persecution of dissidents, the beginning Afghan war. He was honored to be buried near the Kremlin wall next to Stalin.

Finally, in the same 1982, the head of state L. Brezhnev, who was 75 years old, passed away. He became the main personification of the era of Stagnation, it was under him that the personnel became irreplaceable, which, in fact, led to the “Era of magnificent funerals”. IN last years being at the helm of the state, Brezhnev was already a seriously ill person, he could work no more than 2 hours a day.

In 1983, A. Pelshe, who was 84 years old, died. He headed the party control committee for 17 years. A year later, Brezhnev's "heir" Yu. Andropov (69 years old) passed away. He was the head of the KGB state security service for the longest time - 15 years. However, unlike his predecessors, Andropov knew that the country needed fundamental reforms. However, he did not have enough time for them: after being the head of state for 15 months, the former "KGBist" went to another world.

In the same 1984, Minister of Defense D. Ustinov, an active supporter of the Afghan war and the arms race, died. IN next year there was one more leader of the USSR - K. Chernenko. He was 73 years old and he distinguished himself by the fact that he ruled the country for only 13 months. He was the same sick person as Brezhnev, he had asthma and heart disease. There was always an oxygen apparatus next to him, and sometimes government meetings were held in ... the Central Clinical Hospital.

Naturally, the people, looking at the constant change of old and sick rulers of the largest state in the world, perceived this in their own way. There were many anecdotes and jokes. For example. The Vesti program begins. An announcer in a black suit says: “Comrades! You will laugh, but we have again suffered a heavy loss. Or here's another: without regaining consciousness, the new general secretary took up his duties. The population, as best they could, ridiculed the era of stagnation. Changes were needed.

Time for a change

And they came immediately after the death of Chernenko in 1985, when the relatively “young” Gorbachev, who was 54 years old, came to power. He proclaimed a program of reforms and transformations in the state. One of the reforms was the policy of glasnost. After all, in the previous decades there was strict censorship in the country, it was impossible to discuss taboo topics. For example, the repressions of the Stalin era, foreign policy states, if people didn't like her and... sex.

The last option was perhaps the most burning for the Soviet people. After all, he first of all had to work for the good of his country, in the name of the victory of communism throughout the world. And unnecessary manifestations of sexuality would distract a person from socially useful work. Since the time of Stalin, the family has come to the fore, all sorts of adventures "to the left" on the part of both spouses were not only condemned in society. Fans of "walking on the side" were waiting for a serious conversation at a party meeting.

It was partly a tough policy on sexuality that led Gorbachev to proclaim a policy of perestroika in 1985, which also included a policy of glasnost. Gradually, the Soviet people began to get used to the changes. Already in 1986, during the Leningrad-Boston teleconference, the whole country heard the word "sex". And not only heard about it, it was talked about for a while. Also, the participants in the dialogue talked about ... pornography. And this was heard by the whole country, which for several decades had been accustomed to watching classical concerts of domestic performers and films about the Great Patriotic War from TV screens.

It cannot be said that after this teleconference there was an effect of an exploding bomb. But the public sensed that there had been a shift in policy. It became possible to speak, albeit not as openly as today, on previously taboo topics. Take prostitution for example. Until 1986, it was not officially recognized in the country. This state of affairs has existed since 1936, when the Stalinist constitution was adopted.

Before the beginning of Perestroika, it was believed that in the country of victorious socialism there was no such thing as body trafficking. And therefore, they simply could not be judged for prostitution under a criminal article. "Night butterflies" were involved under the administrative code, for example, for violation public order. Until 1986, absolutely nothing was written about prostitution in any newspapers. But in that year the situation changed dramatically.

Prostitution comes out of the shadows

In the autumn of 1986, Moskovsky Komsomolets published 2 articles on the topic of the work of prostitutes in Moscow. Moreover, the authors collected material on this topic for more than one year. After that, the circulation of the newspaper skyrocketed, and in 1987 the administrative code was replenished with article 164-2. It provided for a fine of 100 rubles for prostitution. Despite the struggle with this phenomenon, it has flourished in the capital for more than a dozen years. So, in 1980, the International Hotel was opened in Moscow, just in time for the Olympic Games.

The building immediately became a collection center for the so-called "currency prostitutes". They differed from the rest of their colleagues in that they worked under the control of ... the KGB. Their task was to seduce prominent foreign tourists coming from rich capitalist countries such as Germany or France. They had to do this in order for the “committee” to have dirt on the overseas guest. Happy units even managed to marry a foreigner and go abroad.

In 1988, a story called "Intergirl" was published in the magazine "Aurora". It told about the work of Leningrad prostitutes. Its author was Vladimir Kunin. At first he wanted to call his work a direct and understandable word - "Prostitute". But censorship did not let such a name pass, even despite the fact that Perestroika was in full swing. Therefore, the author changed the name to a more acceptable one - "Intergirl".

And after getting acquainted with this story, a kind of “explosion” occurred: tons of letters began to come to the editorial office, and not only with negative reviews. Smart people realized that it was time to film the story. So, in the summer of 1988, a film with the same name "Intergirl" was shot. It shows the life of a currency prostitute who marries a foreigner from Sweden. At the same time, the main theme of the film is a new life in the conditions of Perestroika and remnants of the past.

  • Prostitution in the USSR: a forbidden story for millions of people

All the shortcomings of Soviet life in the 80s are shown. A young girl wants everything at once - an apartment, money, a rich man, a car. She does not hide the fact that she earns her living with her body. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the harsh Soviet bureaucratic system, which by all means prevented citizens from leaving the country. Before Interdevochka, it was impossible to find such a plot in any film, in which there would be so much criticism of the Soviet system.

The opposition of two worlds was shown - the Soviet one, which is in crisis, and the prosperous Western one, where the main character aspired to go. Many taboo topics were touched upon, such as prostitution, poverty, corruption, family scandals. In 1989, the film was seen by over 40 million people. He became the leader of the film distribution of that year. But another picture, released in March 1988, became a more explicit Soviet film.

It was called "Little Vera". It was already a real erotica, and its own, Soviet. And it was also the first domestic film in which there was ... sex. This was not even in "Intergirl". The picture can be called a vivid example of "direct cinema", which in previous years and decades did not exist on the Soviet cinema screen at all. The film was a striking contrast to the official Soviet cinema of the era of stagnation (1960-1980s). An atmosphere of frankness reigned in it: the life of the people of a provincial town is shown as it was in reality, without official embellishment of reality.

But most of all, the Soviet people remembered the sexual act. The first sexual intercourse in a Soviet film. It was after the "Little Faith" that the "delayed bomb explosion" occurred. Films poured onto the TV screens like a waterfall, the viewing of which just some 5 years ago could in reality lead a person to the dock, and then to jail. They were paintings, the plot of which revolved around sex, violence, crime.

But these films could not be watched on TV channels. In the second half of the 1980s, a large number of video parlors opened in major cities across the country. In them, one could see tapes on a variety of topics: erotica, horror, action, thriller. There was no such thing before Perestroika, they fought with such a thing. But after Gorbachev came to power, the situation changed very quickly.

Before Perestroika, video salons were underground, the police carried out searches and arrested all participants in the film screening. And then the video salons "came out of the shadows", legalized. And the people, who had not seen erotica for so many years, crowded into new institutions. They showed not only "Intergirl" and "Little Vera", but also other, mostly foreign films that could not yet be shown on TV.

Thus, in less than 10 years, public life The Soviet Union has undergone dramatic changes. People who lived according to the strict orders of the party and government are tired of this way of life. The changes that came with Perestroika were received by millions of citizens with a bang. After all, it has become possible to openly express your thoughts, watch sex on TV, without fear of persecution.

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The 1980s became a turning point in the history of the USSR. There was a radical transition from the old, socialist system to a new one, which can hardly be called the embryo of a democratic one. The social and political stagnation of the previous two decades only hastened the beginning of the reforms called Perestroika. But they brought people not just the opportunity to watch the first Soviet erotica, they led to the collapse of the country. “Let there be big changes ahead, I will never love it.”

21.01.2016 24.01.2016 by ☭ USSR ☭

  1. You know the true depth of the meaning of the word "chewing gum".
  2. Do you remember that PC/XT is very cool and expensive.
  3. You haven't forgotten the article in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda with the name "Blue Bird Stew".
  4. Many years later, you still shudder if someone nearby says in a squeaky voice: “The pioneer dawn is on the air!”
  5. Hearing the word "football" - you remember Oleg Blokhin.
  6. Playboy is very, very, very cool porn.
  7. McDonald's is the name of a luxury restaurant for you.
  8. Are you sure that the best group in Europe is ABBA, and America is BoneyM.
  9. From the first chords of the song "Fly up, bonfires" your hands automatically try to straighten the knot of the pioneer tie.
  10. You still can't believe in over 40 TV channels and 24/7 TV.
  11. Your parents got called to school for playing earbuds in front of the teacher's room.
  12. You doubt that there are other good tape recorders besides SONY and Panasonic.
  13. It will not be difficult for you to finish the joke “Next stop is the end […]”
  14. Do you remember how zapadly switch the TV channel, because you have to climb out from under a warm blanket.
  15. The stupid chevron on the school uniform was already torn off on September 1 and it was considered a shameful thing to continue wearing it.
  16. Hearing the word "Raikin" You remember all three at once - father, son and husband.
  17. You made your parents turn blue by singing the song “It's time to rejoice in your lifetime!”
  18. You copied the text of the song "Winged Swing" by hand and were sure that Rassy was a breed of dog.
  19. The best movies for you are Highlights and Pirates of the 20th Century
  20. You knew for sure that the two best varieties of ice cream are berry and fruit for seven kopecks and with cream in a waffle cup for 21 kopecks.
  21. And your girlfriend liked creme brulee for fifteen kopecks and chocolate for twenty kopecks, and Borodino in a cylinder, in coffee and soy glaze, for twenty-three kopecks. But Lakomka cost twenty-eight kopecks.
  22. Do you still remember those times when you sang ex-wife Kirkorov.
  23. Emmanuelle is the most banned film ever. There is such, such!
  24. Sometimes on Sunday you subconsciously wait for the TV show “Visiting a Fairy Tale” with kind Aunt Valya to be shown on TV.
  25. You can easily remember the names of at least five pioneer heroes: Tolya Balabukha, Volodya Dubinin, Lara Mikheenko, Lida Vashkevich, Valera Volkov, Nina Sagaydak, Arkady Kamanin, Kolya Myagotin, Nadya Bogdanova, Marat Kazei, Galya Komleva, Volodya Kaznacheev, Valya Kotik, Nina Kukoverova, Vasya Korobko, Shura Kober, Lenya Golikov, Sasha Borodulin, Yuta Bondarovskaya, Vitya Khomenko, Kostya Kravchuk, Sanya Kolesnikov, Zina Portnova…
  26. The motto of your class in the pioneer squad named after Caesar Kunikov was: “Not a step back, not a minute in place, but only forward and only all together”
  27. At the first sounds of the song “The dog named Druzhok has disappeared”, your eyes are moistened.
  28. Until now, the best kvass for you is the one from a barrel on wheels, a small glass - three kopecks, a large one - six kopecks.
  29. “Georgian” tea is just sawdust and everyone tried to find and buy Indian “with an elephant”
  30. Our always won in hockey!
  31. Do you remember the death of Vysotsky.
  32. your first unrequited love- this is Natasha Guseva, "myelophone" ...
  33. You dreamed that when you grow up you will buy goods only in Beryozka
  34. The very best and tasty milk- in such triangular boxes with little blue stars.
  35. Popcorn is just the music of Paul Mauriat.
  36. Pizza is the food of the gods.
  37. Deodorant is a bottle of Bulgarian "Jasmine" after four hours of queue.
  38. The dollar is such a green piece of paper, for which they can easily land.
  39. Two melodies evoke steel associations in you: Paul Mauriat's "Lark" and Marie Laforet's "Manchester and Liverpool" - these are the screensavers of the TV show "In the Animal World" and the weather forecast in the TV program "Time"
  40. Do you remember Leninskiye Gory metro station and remember the biggest escalator next to it.
  41. You know that there is a magazine for the smallest children - these are "Funny Pictures", a magazine for small children - "Murzilka" and two magazines for almost large children - these are "Pioner" and "Koster".
  42. You know that Namibia is a territory that was occupied by South Africa, where Mandela and apartheid are.
  43. You know that Travkin is a leader in production, a Hero of Socialist Labor, who introduced a brigade contract and who is written about in a history textbook for grade 4, in the chapter about modern building socialism.
  44. You know who the fascists are from the series Seventeen Moments of Spring, The Stake is Bigger Than Life, and the film Ordinary Fascism, as well as from the film Four Tankmen and a Dog, although there is nothing about fascists.
  45. Our drinks are Tarragon, Fanta, Baikal, and Coca-Cola is a forbidden drink.
  46. Consumer goods are produced in the cinema, India and haberdashery.
  47. You often went to tobacco shops and bought gift boxes of matches. There were Hero Cities, Patriotic War, space and other similar delights.
  48. Your grandmother had a pension of 60 rubles, and the neighbor's even had 80 rubles. Very big difference.
  49. You heard a lot about the game "Zarnitsa", saw reports and a film about overplayed kids, and then you yourself participated in it.
  50. You secretly really wanted to visit Artek, but only straight A students went there.
  51. You understand the word political information. And the main words on them are “detente”, “parity” and “escalation”.
  52. In the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky it is ALWAYS midnight.
  53. Your tape recorder was chewing on the cassette tape. Oh, yes, it was "Electronics-302" ...
  54. It’s not that you were very shocked by the film “Intergirl”, but this has somehow never been shown openly before.
  55. You went to Little Vera eight times.
  56. You didn't even envy Sienkiewicz, knowing full well that you won't be able to travel like this.
  57. You could easily continue the lines “Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have ...” - thanks to Kapitsa and his TV show.
  58. You were very annoyed by the fact that the supplement to the magazine "Young Technician" was only by subscription.
  59. Your number one Indian will always be Gojko Mitic.
  60. A color TV is very cool, and a VCR is nowhere cooler.
  61. There are only two bicycles: Desna and Kama. The eagle is no good.
  62. You feel spiritual awe when you hear: “The nut of knowledge is hard, but still we are not used to retreat! The newsreel will help us to split it: “I want! Everything! Know!"
  63. You loved kefir in a glass bottle with a green cap and bagels for six kopecks, from which, for some reason, the whole poppy disappeared.
  64. You still don't perceive Riga and Tallinn as foreign countries.
  65. Do you remember that chips are such very tasty things that are sold only at VDNKh in Moscow.
  66. You remember only three types of hairstyles: zero - ten kopecks., Canadian - forty kopecks, model - one ruble twenty kopecks.
  67. For you, the best cigarettes are Phoenix and Rhodope, and the best Belomorkanal is Uritsky's factories.
  68. Do you remember jokes about Russian, Pole and German.
  69. A can of sprats is a delicacy.
  70. You stole carbide at a construction site, and metallic sodium - in the chemistry room of the school, soaked the newspaper with saltpeter, bought a fixer in Photomaterials, and bought hydroperite tablets in a department store. It was such a stir!
  71. Do you remember that your parents signed up in line for the "wall"
  72. During the winter holidays, you went with the whole class to Leningrad (well, or to Moscow).
  73. You are familiar with the mysterious discipline "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering", and in practice you worked at the computers of the BC with media on magnetic tape, or at worst behind perforators.
  74. You remember Oleg Popov's checkered cap and his number with the capture of a sunbeam, and adults explained to you who the Pencil is.
  75. In your class of small stature they teased Passepartout, and the intrigues of the teacher were "Mr. Fix's tricks"
  76. Smoked sausage should be cut to transparency in thin layers; next time you will see it only after six months.
  77. The word "Alarm Clock" is associated with Nadezhda Rumyantseva.
  78. Cult cartoons are Treasure Island and Captain Vrungel. And with quotes from “Last year’s snow was falling,” classmates have already got you.
  79. A TV box that you can play football or tennis on - it was something fantastic, from the future. More often, everything was done with football or hockey with metal figures.
  80. Do you remember the periodically flashing fashion for cigarettes "Herzegovina Flor"
  81. Soviet chewing gum - thin orange plates, to tell the truth, could not be compared with foreign ones.
  82. It was impossible to get into the film "Mackenna's Gold" - children under sixteen, because there the aunt swam naked.
  83. You just recently found out that the intro for the TV show "International Panorama" is the music of The Ventures.
  84. Do you still enjoy holding the Kohinoor eraser in your hands?
  85. You can offhand list the names of political observers: Vsevolod Ovchinnikov, Valentin Zorin, Genrikh Borovik, Farid Seiful-Mulyukov, Alexander Bovin, Valentin Tsvetov, who by the way looks obscenely like a Japanese.
  86. Oh, how you liked the movie "You never dreamed" ...
  87. Someone else, but you don't need to explain who Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna are.
  88. Electronic toys Divers with octopus and Wolf and eggs. Where are they now?
  89. The coolest shop in the city is a commission shop, because there is a two-cassette imported tape recorder there.
  90. In the first grades, you kept a "Diary of observation of nature"
  91. Construction ammo is a crazy thing!
  92. You adored delicious candies in tins - two types: flat, round and in a long tin.
  93. You were drinking juice at the greengrocer's. The most appetizing is tomato, there were spoons for salt in a glass of water.
  94. Badges were sold at any Soyuzpechat kiosk, but for some reason you didn’t collect them then ...
  95. The best pioneer tie was from Hungary. It differed in fabric and color. And for the "cowboy knot" you got good from the counselor.
  96. You fought to the first blood. In the locker room or behind the gym.
  97. Your classmate blew up a bottle filled with dry ice and water - it turned out that it was not so much fun, because he miraculously did not go blind and was very injured.
  98. Very tasty “Crispy Potato” for ten kopecks, and for one ruble you could buy as many as ten bags ... And where is it now, when you sometimes want it so much?
  99. You had a piggy bank - a bottle of champagne for ten pennies
  100. The Komsomol “Lenin credit” and the Pioneer badge “For active work” - you didn’t have them.
  101. From the waste paper that the whole school collected once a month, you manage to save a couple of good books.
  102. If you didn't have a salad with green peas on your birthday - Olivier, it was a very bad birthday!
  103. And you also had stickers. And translations, oval, GDR ones, with Mickey Mouse, women, etc. They were glued everywhere: guitars, mirrors ... Although they were not sold in stores, everyone got them from somewhere. There were rumors that from Georgia.
  104. You wore Vereya jeans with a bear face badge.
  105. Because the counselors found out that it was you who smeared the fifth ward with the girls with toothpaste, they threatened to expel you from the pioneer camp.
  106. You only learned about the existence of black olives in the early nineties. But the green ones were sold in liter cans and were always available in the vegetable store.
  107. Do you remember going to the planetarium!
  108. You wore a synthetic motorbike T-shirt.
  109. You can't calmly listen to the song "Grass by the House"
  110. Sneakers "Soviet adidas" - it's very cool and wore them almost with elegant dresses.
  111. You were addicted to Lassie and everyone in your class was dreaming about a collie dog.
  112. There is NO sex in the USSR!
  113. You know what a right-angled bicycle spoke is for, with a screwed-on head into which sulfur from matches is tightly packed.
  114. You played with little pistols that were molded from lead in a mold made on cleared and rammed earth, from an original plastic keychain - if there was an owner of one.
  115. You can make a crossbow out of a wooden clothespin. It is not so easy to explain the principle of his work to the uninitiated, but he shot, although not very far, but with matches that can be set on fire before launching.
  116. Do you remember how you shot from a home-made oven made of a thick and thin tube, and driven by a tourniquet ... You could shoot plasticine from the ovens - from a well-made weapon you could break the peephole of an unpleasant neighbor.
  117. Are you sure that thirty-five kopeck ballpoint pens are not meant for writing at all. And for hammering in concrete wall and screwing in a screw.
  118. Your first program was written on "Radio-86RK" assembled by a classmate. And the ZX Spectrum was called "Sinclair" in another way - it was just amazing!
  119. You, in spite of the jammers, listened to obscene ditties on the Voice of America and were waiting for the call signs “Seva Novgorodtsev - the city of London, BBC!!!”
  120. Do you remember how in all the cinemas there were photographs of Soviet film actors by Plotnikov. Enthusiastic girls for the sake of the same portraits acquired the magazine "Soviet Screen".
  121. The actor Konkin is Pavka Korchagin first and Sharapov second. But still Sharapov.
  122. It was possible to go abroad only through the RAIKOM, otherwise there was no way.
  123. You can definitely list all the pieces in the rubber band game (if you are a girl). And how can you play it? (if you are a boy)
  124. In the tenth grade, for your birthday, you were presented with a large bottle of expensive Spartacus cologne, and then you thought for a long time why girls shy away from you so much.
  125. Do you remember that the attribute of every house is an opener in the form of a wolf “Just you wait”, which held a nickel-plated guitar in its paws. No one used it, it stood in sideboards, behind glass.
  126. Gum "Donald" costs one ruble from the hucksters ... But there is an insert inside!
  127. You bought Vietnamese ping-pong balls, cut them mercilessly, and wrapped them in foil to make "smokeboxes".
  128. Did you know that tape recorder reels come in 270, 375, and 525 meters. 525 is best, because the entire disc is recorded on one side.
  129. You knew how to make darts. For this, four matches were needed, wrapped exactly in the middle with adhesive plaster, on one side a needle from sewing machine, and from the second - a stabilizer from a square piece of paper folded 4 times.
  130. The word "condom" is a terribly obscene word.

It was our time, the time of the 80s and 90s, and we will never forget those years.

In the world fashion and style rule the ball in the 80s, so we return to the penultimate decade of the 20th century, which can still be spoken of as a period that had its own face, perhaps not very elegant, and not very exclusive, but it was . If we agree with the constantly sounding in Lately the idea that fashion no longer offers anything new, but only makes turns along the spiral of time and demonstrates replica collections that alternately revive previous fashion periods, then, perhaps, the 80s is that milestone, having stepped over which, alas, dawned " light at the end of the tunnel” and it became obvious that the ideas were practically exhausted. The 1990s gave the world of fashion not so much.

Exactly The 80s turned their gaze to the past and began to revive classic styles, however, not just quoting the fashion trends of past decades, but modernizing them, as traditional costumes began to seem too mundane and boring to the fashion industry. “Neoclassic” came into fashion, classical forms, through the efforts of fashion designers, turned into ultra-modern, consonant with the times.

At 19 In the 80s, success was achieved by those who possessed irony and could bring it into their work, transforming existing fashion ideas, bringing them to the grotesque.

IN fashion of the 1980s intertwined retro looks rethought by designers, as well as, born of youth subcultures, music and dance trends, the ongoing boom in sports. Hip-hop, gothic, post-punk, rave, house, techno, breakdance, snowboarding, skateboarding, rollerblading, step aerobics - all these phenomena were reflected in the style of the decade.

Breakdancing called for comfortable clothing such as tracksuits and sneakers, ravers wore baggy jeans, hooded sweatshirts, and acid house fans favored fluorescent Lycra leggings. Musical role models had their own passions, such as New Kids on the Block wearing Nike clothing, and the hip-hop group Run DMC wearing Adidas tracksuits, lace-up sneakers and massive gold chains.

A living classic of fashion in the 1980s said a prophetic phrase: "A star is shining on us, which will soon set, and only an accurate line and an impeccable cut can save us." The classic clothes that Yves Saint Laurent offered were, as always, impeccably elegant, and color combinations refined, trouser suits and famous tuxedos were experiencing a “second birth”. In the 70s, the great couturier received a lot of criticism about the women's tuxedo he proposed, but in the next decade his ideas were fully accepted.

IN The 80s saw a booming career. He turned out to be not only a talented creator of "expensive restraint", but also a very successful entrepreneur. In 1981, an Italian designer played on the elite's fascination with a sporty lifestyle and the desire to look young at any age. Giorgio Armani's two prêt-a-porter clothing lines - men's and women's - were joined by Emporio Armani youth line and Armani Jeans denim line.

Collections have become a symbol of "neoclassicism" Karl Lagerfeld for the House of Chanel , transformed by him from the point of view of modern trends, and at the same time balancing on the verge of kitsch and parody. Lagerfeld in the collections for Chanel expressed the most important idea of ​​that time - the classics require a game. And the unshakable symbols of Chanel's style became the objects of such a game. Lagerfeld mixed incompatible elements, distorted proportions, deformed forms, the task of the couturier was to make the Chanel stylemore modern, and he often overstepped the boundaries of good taste.

The fashion of the 80s was like a collage, it mixed elements of the styles of the past, “high” and “low”, mass and elite.

Style has become a symbol of new trends in fashion Christian Lacroix . In his collections, he combined costumes from different eras, intricately combined colors, textures and patterns. In the second half of the 80s, Lacroix was one of the most fashionable couturiers.

Pro the style of Christian Lacroix, called "neo-baroque" said: "Like street artists, he mixes together everything that he likes or simply catches the eye. But high fashion already seemed dead when Lacroix breathed into it new life in the early 80s."

IN The 80s continued the mass passion for sports and aerobics. But the goal of training was not health, but an ideal body - a symbol of high social status. Gained momentum technologies that allow you to "sculpt" the ideal - bodybuilding, shaping. Never before have people invested so much in looks.

The “ideal” body, I wanted to demonstrate. IN 80s fashion, associated with three-dimensional forms, appeared style"sexy", emphasizing all the advantages of the figure. This one is especially popular style was dressed for recreation and entertainment. Often for the greatest effect new materials were used to achieve maximum fit.

The introduction of lycra made it possible to mass-produce a tight-fitting silhouette - leggings, knitted "trumpet dress", "trumpet skirt" were very popular in leisure wear. In sportswear, Lycra was first used by Willy Bogner, in fashion clothes - by Norma Kamali in the USA and in France.

Alaya rose to fame at 19 80s years as the creator of the sexiest clothes. In 1980, a photo of the Depeche Mode group in black leather suits with metal studs went around many magazines. In 1985, he won the Fashion Oscar for Best Ready-to-Wear Collection, the Stretch Look line. For super-tight models of dresses, overalls, bustiers, he was nicknamed the "king of fitting." In addition to leather, Alaya loved to work with knitwear and lycra, his famous jersey sheath dresses fitted the figure like a second skin. No less famous than knitwear models are leather bustiers and corset-belts, decorated with perforations.

Images of aggressive "seductresses" and clothes in style"sexy" in 80s years have createdGianni Versace, Claude Montana, Thierry Mugler.

Success to Mugler came in 1979, when his collection had a huge impact on fashion. Structural models with accentuated wide shoulders, thin waist and rounded hips defined the silhouette 80s. Mugler's images are characterized by frank sexuality and cold sensuality. On the podium in different guises, a vamp woman has always reigned - aggressive, sexy, domineering.

Other images in style"sexy" created Claude Montana - his models were characterized by androgynous sexuality of creatures without a specific gender, a tendency to blur the boundaries between the sexes. The images of androgynes (femininity in the masculine form and masculinity in the feminine) threaded through fashion 19 80s years - their embodiment was the images of Grace Jones, Annie Lennox, Boy George, Michael Jackson. At 19 80s For years, Montana created aggressive images of women dressed in black leather with metal studs, silhouettes with very wide shoulders and thin waists, transparent blouses.

Jean Paul Gaultier , nicknamed the "hooligan of fashion", used in his work 80s such techniques as deliberate randomization and excessive dynamics of forms, deliberately flashy color contrasts, brought fashionable ideas to the point of absurdity or outright ugliness, combined the incompatible.

The High-Tech collection (autumn/winter 1980-1981) brought Gaultier to the ranks of the recognized avant-garde artists of French fashion. The Spring/Summer 1983 Dada collection became a real sensation, cementing Gaultier's fame as an avant-garde and unpredictable French fashion designer. In this collection appeared the famous "corset style", when the dresses were cut like corsets - with separate cups and bones. Gaultier's menswear collections 80s have become the most striking symbol of the trend towards erasing the boundaries between the sexes in the postmodern era.

In 1987, he met Madonna in Paris and began to design stage costumes for her. Madonna's immense popularity made Gaultier's "corset style" world famous.

In this period fashion is heavily influenced by Japan. Japanese designers gained popularity - Yohji Yamamoto, Isshi Miyaki, Tokyo Kumagai, Rei Kawakubo, Kenzo and others e. Them fashion was quite special, because it was guided by the Japanese constitution of the body, which is different from the European one. Thanks to Japanese mania, fashionable silhouettes 80 x did not accentuate the waist, chest and hips. Geometric lines and sharp color combinations have come into fashion. The body was hidden under clothes, obviously large sizes were in fashion, it seemed that they were a little big - ruffled trousers, loose shirts.

Mass style 19 80s years can be described as excessive. Everything, as it were, is “too” - too narrow, too voluminous, too catchy, too bright. The list of iconic items of the decade of stylistic revelry is impressive - padded shoulders, banana trousers, military-style and safari-style clothes, kimono, batwing and raglan sleeves, leggings with bright patterns, black fishnet tights, distressed denim fabric, the so-called varenka, black leather jackets, lurex, massive jewelry, jewelry buttons on jackets, voluminous hairstyles or styling with the effect of "wet hair", cascading haircuts, spiral perm, hair of decorative colors, such as "eggplant", highlighting " feathers." A lot of cosmetics of deliberate shades with sparkles and mother-of-pearl were used.

Style Unisex, firmly rooted in life, has made “windbreaker” jackets made of raincoat fabric, “down jackets”, “lunar rovers” boots into mass clothing.

In everyday clothes, elements of sportswear were intertwined. style, disco and punk styles. At the same time, defiant luxury and sexuality in style, chic business suits by Giorgio Armani were fashionable. A wardrobe entirely from one designer, the so-called total look, was considered good form.

The brightest and most typical images 80s fashion years, entrenched in the minds are "Business Woman", "Aggressive Sexy" and "Romantic Beauty".

The “Business Woman” wardrobe, depending on the status and type of activity, is somewhat different, one is dressed mainly in mini-skirts and voluminous jackets, she has bright makeup and flashy accessories. The other, adheres to a more conservative style, in which there is only a hint of fashion trends. Screen image of a business woman 80s immortalized in the American film Business Girl. Style the heroines of the film, Tess McGill and Katherine Parker, very accurately reflects the fashion habits of those years, moreover, as women who are forced to adhere to the mass fashion, and those whose capabilities extend far beyond its borders. huge role in 80s fashion representatives of cinema and show business played.