Unripe bananas benefits and harms. Bananas - composition, beneficial properties and harm. Mask for dry skin

Banana contains more fructose than glucose a lot of calories and no iron. Banana is a hearty sweet fruit, the perfect snack for kids and adults to take with you on a walk, to school or work - this is the obvious benefit of a banana for everyone. Why does a banana have such high calories?

The calorie content of a banana lies in the fact that there is practically no water in it, the feeling is as if you are eating a sandwich with butter. Skurikhin's reference book on the calorie content of a banana tells us: calories - 96 k / cal 6.7%, Carbohydrates - 21 g 16.% he took glucose as a standard, in a banana 15-21% fructose , she gives in 1 .8 times more calories;
- The low glycemic index of a banana is due to the presence in it of indigestible fibers, a large amount of pectin and inulin sugars (akin to glucose and fructose), which are not digested by the human body.

Useful properties of a banana

The benefit of a banana is that when consumed, the body forms an alkaline pH, so bananas can be eaten with gastritis and ulcers;
- In addition, eating a banana brings a feeling of joy, and this is due to the content of serotonin in bananas - the hormone of joy, which is why it is good for children;
- Also in the banana there are substances that stimulate the intestinal mucosa and envelop the gastrointestinal tract, thus it is good to combine with sour fruits, berries: green gooseberries, currants;
- The calorie content of a banana is 96 kcal per 100 g of the product, it contains almost no fat (0.5 g) and even has no a large number of proteins (1.5 g). Bananas also contain large amounts of vitamin C, choline, beta-carotene, and vitamin E - all of these substances have a beneficial effect on thought processes and memory improvement - which is the undoubted benefit of a banana for the body.
- Vitamins B3 are also well represented in a banana - it reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol, it is necessary for tissue respiration), B5 contributes to the generation of "good" cholesterol, histamine and hemoglobin and B6 (it is necessary for the production of somatotropin hormone (growth hormone), serotonin is a hormone of joy, adrenaline (stress hormone)

Everything you need to know about bananaschoose, store and eat

There are different varieties of bananas, they differ in taste and appearance. It is better to choose green, unripe, smaller varieties of bananas, such as mini-bananas (due to their low sugar content).

Great health benefits of green bananas for everyone;

Do not store bananas in the refrigerator - they darken. Bananas should be stored in a dark room in a paper bag;
Bananas can be eaten fresh or added to salads.

In anticipation of the baby, every day of healthy eating is very important. This term implies the daily consumption of vegetables and fruits, including bananas, but expectant mothers need to eat them in moderation and at the same time take something into account. So, let's arm ourselves with useful information.
- A pregnant woman should receive daily 1000 mg of potassium, and one banana contains about 800 mg of potassium, which corresponds to 100 g of washed 3 mm raw potato peel (little starch).
Interesting. Do not forget the trace element potassium is found in all fresh vegetables and fruits and berries.
- Since bananas are high in calories, they are not recommended for women who are overweight or losing weight. Rather, they are suitable for very active ladies who sometimes need energy support. These fruits contain vitamins and microelements, due to the high fiber content, they are perfect for people with gastrointestinal problems (gastrointestinal tract).

The benefits of bananas for children

Many mothers are concerned about the question: at what age can a child be given a banana and will it be harmful to him?
- Every mother should know that after 3 months you need to accustom your child to fresh, salty and sweet foods, not forgetting about the main protein foods for complementary foods: cottage cheese, seafood and lean pork, lamb in the right doses, and your little fussy for the present and future the moment will be liked by everything.

Recipe. Banana with blackcurrant- alkaline health mixture. Also, a banana can be combined with other fruits and berries: melon, kiwi, avocado, etc.

- Banana peel contains B vitamins, provitamin A and vitamin C, acts as an antioxidant, that is, it attaches free electrons to itself, preventing them from adversely affecting the cells of the body;
- Trace elements per 100 g of product: phosphorus - 26 mg, magnesium - 32 mg, calcium - 6 mg, selenium - 1.2 mcg, iodine - 3 mcg, potassium, which helps blood pressure;
- A lot of coarse fiber, which is a brush for the intestines and absorbs water with toxic substances and cholesterol.
- The carotenoids contained in the banana significantly reduce the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases.
- The peel is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor of brain neurotransmitters, the hormone of joy and sleep.
How to use banana peel properly. With a knife blade, cut off one millimeter of pulp from the inside of the peel and immediately use it, that's where all the nutrients are contained

We spread it on a baking sheet, make a longitudinal incision, sprinkle the knife blade with ground cinnamon 1/6 teaspoon for 1 banana and for one person, put in a preheated oven 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes (slow fire);
- We take a banana as an independent dish without oil, since there are no fat soluble vitamins;
- Cinnamon enhances metabolism and prevents excess glucose from being deposited in the fat sacs of the body, thereby contributing to weight loss

Of course, baked bananas do not contain any vitamins, but they contain lycopene, which is necessary for the functioning of the intestines, absorbs toxins, excess cholesterol and removes from the body.

The benefits of bananas in sports
- Banana before training will maintain a stable level of sugar in the blood and charge the body with the necessary energy;
- After a workout, a banana allows you to replenish the body's needs for potassium - an important electrolyte for the functioning of muscles;
- Manganese plays a key role in metabolism, helping to “get” energy from foods. The use of a banana allows you to maintain the activity and performance of an athlete in training;
- Vitamin B6 plays a key role in the formation and correct work cells of the central nervous system, which contributes to the development of the brain-muscle connection

Cottage cheese with green banana (does not contain sugar)

Truths and myths about sports nutrition

Proper nutrition after a workout is just as important as proper nutrition before a workout;
- Do not forget to provide the body water and constantly drink during training, and after training, when the time comes to take carbohydrates and proteins, of course, do not drink;
- In the first 20-30 minutes. after training in the human body, the so-called "carbohydrate-protein window", in which the athlete simply needs to absorb foods containing proteins, carbohydrates, so that the muscles have something to use for growth, and most importantly, the body can cope with the processing of a dosed amount of food. It means at one time 100 g of cottage cheese and no more than 30 g of any bread, such an amount can also process the pancreas with its enzymes that break down proteins and carbohydrates at a time;
- It is better to start eating with foods containing carbohydrates - a banana 100-150 g, as they quickly leave the stomach within 7-10 minutes. We take a banana with any berries;
- After 5 - 10 minutes. we eat foods containing proteins that do not contain fat beef, chicken, lamb liver, cod, hake, fat-free cottage cheese 100-150 g;
Interesting. Complete nonsense to take more than 150 g at a time beef liver or cottage cheese, before and after training. This is due to the fact that the human pancreas (its weight is 80 kg) can process at a time with its enzymes that break down protein, no more than 15 g of protein mass (n. n protein),this is her maximum dose

Myths about bananas

There is an opinion that bananas cause tooth decay . This is not so, in fact, simple carbohydrates and sugars cause caries, which stay on the surface of the teeth for a long time - this leads to the appearance of bacteria and the destruction of enamel. If the bananas are ripe natural environment(or you bought them green and brought them to a ripe yellow state), then the carbohydrates contained in them have not broken down into simple sugars and they will not harm the teeth;
- Another myth is that bananas can make you fat . In reality, they gain weight from the uncontrolled consumption of foods containing carbohydrates: baked goods, fruits, berries. If you eat 1-2 bananas a day, they, thanks to pectin and resistant starch, create a feeling of satiety longer, therefore, by eating bananas you can lose weight;
- Another myth: nutritionists do not recommend giving bananas to children under the age of three in order to avoid an allergic reaction, due to the content in its composition of the enzyme chitinase. Allergies in infants or older are due to uncontrolled use products containing carbohydrates: cereals, juices, fruits and berries. You just need to focus on the size of the pancreas of the mother and child at the moment when using carbohydrates;
On a note. The pancreas of a person weighing 60-80 kg processes 10-12 g of glucose at a time, which corresponds to 30 g of bread;
-Bananas are a panacea for many diseases. Banana is a useful, but still the most common fruit. It does not have supernatural effects on the body by itself and you should not believe in many of its healing properties. Don't obsess over it, eat a variety of fruits

Gone are the days when bananas in Russia were considered an overseas delicacy, which not everyone could get. The word "deficiency" has long been associated with tropical fruits, including bananas. Today, bananas are a familiar and inexpensive food for any of us. What could be easier than taking a ripe, golden fruit, peeling and enjoying the sweet pulp of a banana. At the same time, you spend a minimum of effort. A banana does not need to be washed, it is peeled with three or four learned hand movements, and the fruit is ready to eat. It's easier than fiddling with an apple or an orange. Is not it?

What do you know about banana? What is the benefit or, perhaps, the harm is fraught with this overseas berry? Yes, yes, don't be surprised, a banana is a berry. But bananas grow on a palm tree, and berries grow on the ground, you say. Let's get to know the banana better and learn some interesting facts about this delicacy.

Banana, from a botanical point of view, is a perennial herbaceous plant with a powerful root system. The banana tree is considered a grass because it does not have a trunk or branches. Immediately from the rhizome, leaf stalks grow tightly pressed against each other. Outwardly, it looks like a tree trunk. At the end of the "trunk" "palm" leaves grow from the stems. Since a banana is a herb, therefore, the fruit of the plant is a berry.

In nature, there are a fairly large number of different varieties of bananas, red, green, yellow, sweet and not very, large and small, with or without seeds. You can find out about the variety of species of this plant on Wikipedia. We want to tell you about the most common type of bananas imported into our country.

Benefits of Bananas

How useful or harmful is a banana? There is an opinion that bananas brought from distant countries, after a long transportation, no longer contain useful substances and do nothing but harm. This is not true. This myth is most likely based on the fact that bananas come to Russia still green, not ripe. And for quick ripening, bananas are placed in a special gassing chamber, where a special gas is supplied - ethylene. Under the influence of this gas, several irreversible chemical processes occur: the starch contained in the fruit turns into sugar, the chlorophyll in the peel is destroyed and the bananas turn yellow. During such rapid ripening, bananas retain all their beneficial properties and become ready to eat.

And what is so useful contained in a banana

The chemical composition of ripe bananas is as follows:
water content - 75%, sugar - 20%, starch - 1.6%, nitrogenous substances - 1.2%, pectin substances - 0.5%, organic acids - 0.4%, fiber - 0.6%.

Banana also contains valuable minerals: potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese and copper. One banana covers the daily requirement human body in potassium and magnesium.

Bananas are high in calories. The average energy value is 90 kcal per 100 g of banana pulp.

Who benefits from bananas

Bananas are quite high in calories and are able to quickly restore the energy expended during long periods. physical activity. Many athletes, especially tennis players, eat a banana before and during training or competition.

Due to the high content of potassium, bananas are able to restore the heart rhythm, help people suffering from profuse sweating, prevent the development of varicose veins and leg cramps. In addition, potassium is involved in the water-salt metabolism of our body and helps to remove excess fluid. Therefore, bananas are useful for all diseases associated with edema. In addition, potassium helps fight high blood pressure, contributes to the restoration of the heart muscle.

Bananas are quickly absorbed by the body, so they are recommended to patients during periods of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, as well as after surgery.

Bananas are useful for people suffering from low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), as its pulp contains a lot of sucrose.

Is a banana harmful

Good day, dear friends and guests of the blog. Recently, a cult of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition has been developing. And it is quite logical that people have more and more questions about the beneficial and harmful qualities of many products. Our topic today will be bananas - the benefits and harms of their use.

In our country, a banana is considered an exotic berry. Yes, yes, it is a berry, not a fruit, as we used to think. There are not many varieties on our shelves, there are about 400 of them in the world. Nevertheless, you can easily find small bananas, apple-flavored fruits, less often red or black ones.

I will dispel another myth, the fruits do not grow on palm trees, but on a herbaceous perennial plant with powerful massive leaves. The fruits grow in warm countries and are still green.

They are delivered to us at a low temperature in special chambers, and ripen in gas chambers, only then getting on the shelves. Read on about how best to choose the fruits, in what form to eat them and what they bring in themselves - benefit or harm.

Benefit and harm to the body

The benefits of fruits are obvious and undeniable. This is a great snack for people who are not on a strict diet, hearty and nutritious. Bananas have a rich composition, they are full of vitamins and trace elements necessary for a person. Let's see what the benefits of yellow exotic berries are:

  • Normalizes pressure, namely decreases. If you want to benefit from fruits, eat at least a banana a day.
  • Now you can find gastritis in every second, and most products irritate the walls of the stomach even more. A banana for the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract will benefit, as it envelops the walls of the stomach without irritating it.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, thanks to carotene.
  • The use of fruits is the prevention of cancer, they are also shown to be added to the diet for radiation sickness.
  • It improves the body's water metabolism, helps to cope with edema. For this, you can thank the presence of potassium, it also normalizes the acid-base balance. Experts advise eating only 2 medium bananas a day to get your daily potassium intake.
  • A banana is good for the liver, also thanks to potassium. It improves metabolism and promotes the absorption of proteins.
  • Yellow "fruit" helps smokers to give up addiction and get rid of nicotine addiction.
  • The presence of B vitamins in the composition ensures a healthy look for nails, hair and skin. The fruit is useful to eat, it will act from the inside. It is also added to various masks, it is not uncommon to find it in the composition of creams, shampoos and other cosmetics. It allows you to keep youth and always be in good shape.
  • The berry helps to cope with depression, improves mood. Increasing serotonin levels helps beat migraines. The fetus quickly recuperates, so be in good standing with athletes.
  • Eating large amounts of fruit can cause drowsiness.

In addition to useful properties, there are limitations and contraindications:

  • Unripe, green bananas are high in starch. This has a detrimental effect on the body, and in particular on the gastrointestinal tract, an intensive process of gas formation begins. Although the sugar in unripe bananas is much less.
  • Exclude berries from the diet for diabetics, because of the high sugar content.
  • For the same reason, banana should not be consumed by people who have weight problems.
  • In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur.
  • It is worth avoiding the use of the product for people with coronary heart disease and thrombophlebitis.

It should be remembered that a banana is not a magic wand and not pills, it is only a useful “fruit”. So don't expect instant results.

The benefits and harms of bananas for women

You have already seen that an exotic fruit is good for the body as a whole. Women will find at least 3 more positive points:

  1. The hormonal background of a woman is more shaky and unpredictable than that of men. This is especially noticeable before the "critical days", women at this time are characterized by strong irritability and sudden mood swings. Bananas are able to improve the mood of a woman during this period.
  2. It is known that representatives of the beautiful half of humanity devote more time to self-care than men. Banana is a great helper in this area. It can be added to the diet and it will nourish the body from the inside. It can be added to home, hair and body formulations. After using natural banana cosmetics, the skin will become pleasant and velvety, and the hair will look healthy.
  3. Lovers of "fruit" have no problems in intimate life because it increases the level of oxytocin. If you regularly eat the fruit, the lady will always have a healthy attraction to the opposite sex.

During pregnancy

Expectant mothers treat their diet with special trepidation. After all, now they are responsible not only for their health, but also for new life that grows inside. Bananas during pregnancy are not only possible, but also necessary. True, their choice should be treated with special attention.

The berry is very nutritious and has a rich composition. Its great advantage is that you can eat it on the street, you just need to remove the skin. It is very convenient for expectant mothers, because they spend a lot of time outdoors.

What other advantages are there:

  1. "Fruit" saves from toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, it comes to the rescue of many. It does not have a sharp, unpleasant odor.
  2. Potassium helps with swelling, which is a common problem during pregnancy.
  3. Vitamin B6 forms the circulatory system of the unborn baby.
  4. Vitamin C improves immunity, strengthens blood vessels, which is the prevention of varicose veins and gum bleeding. Vitamin C contributes to the quality absorption of iron.
  5. Folic acid forms nervous system unborn child, it is also contained in greenery.
  6. Banana will help future mothers cope with heartburn and possible gastrointestinal problems (constipation).
  7. Zinc affects the development of the baby's taste buds.
  8. During pregnancy, a woman especially needs calcium, a banana is an excellent source of this element.

It is recommended to eat a couple of bananas a day, however, excessive consumption of the product can lead to an early appearance extra pounds. Just carefully eat bananas with milk, and you should generally refuse green fruits. Otherwise, it is worth adhering to general contraindications.

For men

First of all, the regular use of "fruit" affects the improvement of the reproductive function of men. Improves erection, duration of sexual intercourse and sperm quality. The work of the nervous system is also getting better, which helps to avoid psychological problems in an intimate way.

In addition, the fruit is nutritious and betrays a lot of strength, so it will be useful to add it to the male diet. Dishes with a banana will betray vivacity.

Benefits and harms for children

We have already said more than once that the yellow "fruit" is very nutritious. Iron, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, sodium in the composition help to form muscle and bone tissues, are useful for the functioning of the brain and other systems of the child.

Starch is converted into glucose, which is so necessary for a growing organism. B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system and improve sleep. Fiber helps to remove decay products from the body and improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Bananas improve concentration, which is useful for older children.

It is recommended to feed babies with exotic “fruit” from the age of 9 months and after the child has tried fruits growing in our climate and vegetable puree. Avoid unripe bananas and mix with milk carefully.


The calorie content of exotic berries is high - about 120 kcal per medium fruit (dried - 300 kcal). Such a fruit contains almost 30 grams of carbohydrates, and almost half of them are sugar, only 1.5 grams of protein and twice as much fiber.

The fruit has a low glycemic index, but it is not so easy for them to eat, because after feeling full, a new wave of hunger soon sets in due to the high sugar content. This also happens due to the conditions of transportation and artificial ripening of the product. Part of the complex carbohydrates, due to ripening conditions, turns into sugars with a high glycemic index.

For weight loss

Even if there are banana diets, the yellow "fruit" is not the best tool for losing weight. It is clearly contraindicated in protein, low-carbohydrate and other rigid diets. One fruit contains approximately 40% of the daily carbohydrate intake.

If you care about the state of your figure, it is better to eat bananas in the morning, at which time they will be better absorbed. Remember that natural, living food in the form of bananas is much healthier than your favorite chocolates and sweets.

If it is very difficult for you to give up sweets, then replace them with bananas. You should not drive yourself into a very strict framework, after strict diets the body experiences very severe stress and then gains even more mass, plus disruptions are not ruled out.

bananas for diabetics

People with diabetes should add exotic fruits to their diet with caution. Diabetics should not completely abandon the "fruit" should only limit its amount. Moreover, it is useful for the work of the heart muscle and has many positive properties.

Experts advise eating "fruit" separately from other foods, without drinking plenty of water. It is best to drink a glass of water half an hour before eating a treat.

You can also prepare a delicious smoothie by adding lemon, apples or kiwi to the delicacy. Diabetics are offered to eat boiled bananas, they are boiled right in the peel.

Carefully approach the choice of bananas, do not eat unripe fruits, starch is difficult to excrete from the body. Replace chocolate and other artificial sweets with natural ones and be healthy!

banana peel

The peel of the "fruit" is no less useful than he himself, although it is more often used for external use. Let's check out its usefulness:

To dry the peel, cut off the hard part from it. Dry the skin not in the sun and not in the oven, it should lie in a dark, but well-ventilated area. If the peel turned out black and even dark, it can not be used. Therefore, do not use the skin from overripe fruits.

dried bananas

Dried fruits have the same benefits as fresh ones, but the calorie content of dried fruits increases by about 3 times. This suggests that for people who are losing weight, dry bananas are contraindicated. But for those who do mental activity they are simply not interchangeable in order to "freeze the worm."

Dried bananas are easy to make at home. Peel them and cut each part into 4, put on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 5 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees. Small fruits can be put on a baking sheet without cutting.

When drying is completed, put the dried fruits in a bag, you can store it for about a year. Dried fruits can be eaten directly from the bag, can be added to dishes home cooking. Have you ever tried banana compote?

For breakfast

In order for the day to pass positively and productively, it is imperative to have breakfast, and breakfast should be nutritious and rich. Banana, like any other fruit, should be eaten in the morning, so you can get the most out of it. It will help improve concentration and cheer up, and this is so important in the morning.

Add bananas to your diet in the morning at least a couple of times a week. You can make smoothies, smoothies, add them to cereals, or make delicious dishes out of them and other fruits.

banana recipes

Recipe #1

Most often, desserts and pastries are made from bananas, and this is understandable, because it is sweet. I want to tell you about a drink that promotes fast falling asleep and sound sleep.

To prepare it, we need a banana with cinnamon. Boil a liter of water, and then add one chopped banana to it, it should boil for 10 minutes. Then strain the broth and add cinnamon to it to taste. Take the resulting drink one hour before bedtime.

Recipe #2

I want to offer an interesting and hearty salad with bananas and chicken.


  • chicken breast - 1 pc.,
  • apple - 1 pc.,
  • banana - 1 pc.,
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.,
  • salt, mayonnaise, pepper - to taste.

Boil the breast and cool a little, and then disassemble it into pieces. Grate the cheese and apple on a coarse grater, and cut the banana into rings. Then combine all the ingredients, add salt, black pepper mayonnaise to taste. The original salad is ready, bon appetit!

How to choose

It is not difficult to choose a real and healthy banana in the store, although they do not grow with us:

  1. Pay attention to the shape, the useful fruit is not ribbed, but streamlined.
  2. The banana skin should be matte and smooth.
  3. The ideal color of edible berries is a yellow, greenish tint indicating that the fruit is not ripe, and black indicates an overripe product.
  4. If you find black dots, this indicates the maximum ripeness of the product and the maximum sugar content. Such fruits cannot be stored.
  5. Black spots indicate improper storage conditions, rotting. It is better to refuse such a product.
  6. Gray color indicates that the product is frozen.
  7. Bananas without GMOs and chemicals have a natural taste, otherwise it resembles straw.

If you bought greenish fruits, let them ripen. It is better not to store bananas in the refrigerator, leave them in a cool, dark place. You can also freeze fruits.

To do this, clean them and freeze on a baking sheet whole or chopped. You can store frozen bananas for 3-4 months in a plastic bag in the freezer.

Video - interesting facts about bananas

So, today we talked about bananas, the benefits and harms in different areas are obvious to you. Now you know how to choose them, store them and how they work. Use this knowledge to the fullest and be healthy. Good luck and see you in the next blog post. Leave comments, subscribe to updates and our group, as well as share with friends on social networks.

Bananas have long ceased to be an exotic fruit. In winter, they do remain, along with oranges and tangerines, the most in a simple way diversify your diet. However, not everyone knows that in their homeland, yellow fruits are perceived not as a dessert or snack, but as a full meal, more like potatoes than a delicacy. The benefits and harms of bananas are associated with the characteristics of the composition. Anyone who regularly includes these tropical fruits in their menu should know these nuances.

Bananas are native to the island of Ceylon. And, contrary to the popular stereotype, they do not grow on tall palm trees, but on small bushes that rarely exceed human height. Wild fruits are green, bitter and unsuitable for food, they are still preserved in their homeland, where animals feed on them.

However, the habit of many herbivores, including such large ones as elephants, to eat these fruits, attracted the attention of people about ten thousand years ago. Later, the fruits began to be cultivated, grown in artificial conditions, due to which the appearance and taste qualities changed.

To date, the following varieties are most common:

  1. Lady's finger - small fruits with a bright yellow peel.
  2. Gros Michel - large yellow fruits with a high content of sugar and starch, formerly the most common, but now the number has decreased due to plant disease.
  3. Dwarf Cavendish is the most cold-resistant variety, medium-sized fruits with thin skin, it is easy to transport, therefore it is often brought in winter to our latitudes.
  4. Giant Cavendish - fruits are larger and sweeter, but tolerate temperature changes worse.
  5. Robusta is a variety resistant to diseases and fungi, which is also often brought to us now.

The variety matters in terms of chemical composition. There are species where there is practically no sugar, but there is a lot of starch - they rarely appear on store shelves, because they are not popular. A typical banana, which can be bought all year round, is called "dessert" and contains the following composition per 100 g of product:

  • protein - from 1.2 to 1.88 g;
  • fats - from 0.015 to 0.39 g;
  • carbohydrates - from 19.3 to 25.9 g;
  • fiber - from 0.30 to 1.06 g.

Bananas are valued wherever they are grown because they contain many trace elements necessary for human health.

Beneficial micronutrients include:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins of group B - in particular, B1 and B2;
  • beta carotene;
  • vitamins of the PP group;
  • vitamin C.

For many of these micronutrients, bananas lead compared to other fruits, for example, they contain the most calcium and magnesium, and the amount of B vitamins is comparable only to yeast products. Thanks to his chemical composition, bananas are recommended by many nutritionists as an accessible year-round source of vitamins, especially since these fruits tolerate transportation well without losing their beneficial qualities.

banana calories

The energy value of a banana depends on the variety and ripeness. The relative content and ratio of starch and carbohydrates may also differ. As a rule, dessert fruits are brought to our country, containing a large amount of fructose, but at the same time relatively little starch.

At home, on the contrary, the species called "plantans" are much more common - these are unsweetened fruits, very satisfying and used by the local population in the same way as we use potatoes. It is customary to fry such bananas, cook with honey, cook a variety of main dishes.

Plantains are more high-calorie - the energy value in ripe form can reach 156 kcal per 100 g.

Ordinary desserts contain per 100g:

  • green - about 110 kcal;
  • ripe - from 64 to 100 kcal;
  • dried - 300 kcal.

A more accurate calorie content is easy to determine on your own. Since almost all varieties offered in stores are dessert varieties, they will have sugar as an energy source, which means that the sweeter the banana, the more calories it has. For example, small "lady fingers" that can feel almost cloying are distinguished by an increased energy value.

Despite the relatively high calorie content, the banana remains dietary product. Modern nutritionists boldly classify the energy contained in these fruits as “useful” or “quality”. The product also has the ability to saturate, and due to the content of starch, it does this more efficiently than non-starchy fruits of similar calorie content, such as ripe cherries or peaches.

Another reason to consider a banana as a dietary product, despite its high calorie content, is its low glycemic index. True, this characteristic applies mainly to unripe fruits with a green skin, and in ripe yellow ones, the amount of sugars is much higher.

Women, especially those who follow diets, often reject this fruit, considering it too sweet and high in calories. This is an erroneous opinion: the benefits of bananas are too great to completely exclude it from your menu without sufficient reason.

Among the main benefits for women:

  1. A high concentration of vitamins, one fruit covers the need for microelements of group B by 30-40%.
  2. Bananas are high in antioxidants. The constant use of fruits guarantees the prolongation of youth, they are used for their intended purpose, and masks, lotions, skin creams are also prepared from them.
  3. Bananas help prevent anemia and magnesium deficiency. They are recommended to be eaten during menstruation, immediately after it, in order to restore balance. Fruits for pregnant women are extremely useful due to magnesium.
  4. A separate benefit of bananas exists for nursing, since fruits are hypoallergenic, do not pose a risk to the baby, but improve the composition of breast milk.
  5. Banana is unique in that it contains dopamine, thereby increasing the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”. Fruits help to cope with stress, improve mood.

Calories in terms of daily ration not so high. Even on the most strict diets, you can afford one or two medium fruits a day, especially since they instantly satisfy your hunger and help you not to “break loose” on more harmful delicacies.

Not all men regularly consume yellow fruits. And completely in vain: the benefits of bananas for men are obvious, it is no less than if tropical fruits are included in the female diet.

Bananas can:

  1. Improve sperm quality. Contained trace elements improve sperm motility, so this food is recommended for couples who want to have a baby.
  2. Bananas are very useful for those men who play sports, especially power sports. This is a great natural alternative to bars for energy recovery, besides, they will cost much less.
  3. Combined with proteins and amino acids, bananas help build muscle mass. You need to use them separately.
  4. Regular inclusion of fruit in the diet reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke.

Men can choose green fruits for their menu if they do not like the sweet taste of ripe ones. Banana chips are also made from these fruits, which, unlike potato chips, do not contain harmful carcinogens, fat, and therefore can be classified as a healthy diet.

The children's menu must include bananas. Complementary foods with this fruit can be started early, much earlier than most fruits and vegetables due to low allergenicity and ease of use. The only “but”: it is advisable to introduce bananas after the child is already accustomed to eating unsweetened vegetables, otherwise the baby will begin to act up and demand only his favorite “sweet” food.

Among the reasons why bananas are considered one of the healthiest fruits for children are the following:

  1. It is ideal for breakfast, especially if the child has to go to kindergarten or school. Bananas activate the brain due to the high content of carbohydrates and dopamine. The baby who has eaten the fruit will be active, vigorous, and will assimilate new material well. Exactly for the same reason, you should not give fruit before bedtime: the baby will be too energetic all night.
  2. Bananas are great substitutes for unhealthy sweets like sweets or cakes. Unlike useless, and often containing harmful substances confectionery, this fruit will give a complete vitamin set. The baby will not refuse it, because bananas do not have the sour or bitter taste that apples or oranges have.
  3. Bananas are well transported - this is their natural property. In relation to the children's diet, it means that no chemical compounds are used for transportation, which means that the fruits are safe on the child's table.
  4. Bananas almost never cause negative reactions from the digestive tract.
  5. The fruits guarantee that even in winter and in conditions of a lack of sources of vitamins, the child will not develop beriberi, he will remain active and energetic.

Pediatricians recommend feeding with bananas from six months. For older children, especially for schoolchildren, a breakfast with an indispensable fruit is an excellent rule for a healthy diet and proper regimen. In addition, due to the fact that when eating, the skin is peeled off, it is good to give bananas to the child with you to school. Even if a student is too lazy to wash his hands without adult supervision, then the chance of getting pathogenic bacteria by mouth is much lower than if you were an apple or a pear in the place of this fruit.

The benefits of bananas for the diet of women in position are obvious. During pregnancy, the body needs an increased amount of vitamins, especially often there is a deterioration in hair and nails - these are the consequences of a lack of B vitamins. Tropical fruits can easily correct this imbalance.

In addition, they have the following beneficial effects:

  • improve the condition of the liver, help the same organ develop in the fetus;
  • contribute to the normalization of blood pressure;
  • improve mood;
  • they do not have a pronounced odor, so they can be recommended for toxicosis;
  • relieve constipation due to high fiber content.

During pregnancy, many note lethargy, loss of strength, unwillingness to move. Bananas will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms, improve the emotional background. They guarantee that it will be possible to avoid beriberi and anemia. Magnesium contained in fruits not only improves heart function, but also contributes to the normal development of the child. Women who prefer these fruits, as a rule, endure the peculiarities of their position more easily.

The harm of bananas

Talking about the "harm" of bananas, of course, is not worth it. This is a healthy fruit that can be safely included in a diet based on the principles of proper nutrition. However, there are also disadvantages, the harm of bananas can be in such nuances:

  1. High sugar content. People with diabetes should significantly limit the use of these fruits, although it is not necessary to completely eliminate them. It is advisable for diabetics to choose green fruits.
  2. Calorie content and composition - if a person follows a low-carb diet, then bananas may be banned, since one fruit will completely exhaust the daily limit on carbohydrates.
  3. Inflammatory bowel diseases - on the one hand, bananas have a beneficial effect on this organ, but with existing pathologies, such as chronic inflammatory processes, they can increase pain and fermentation.
  4. Some people have an individual intolerance to fruits, although this is a very rare case.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of bananas, it should be noted that the positive effect on the body is many times greater. The main thing is to remember the features of this food, the effect of fruits on the body and properly distribute them in your daily diet. It is useful to eat bananas for breakfast, then during the evening meal they are undesirable.

Watch the video what happens if you eat 2 bananas a day

Bananas are bright representatives of plants that were cultivated by people in ancient times. Currently, bananas are considered a valuable food and fodder crop, the export of which is second only to rice and wheat.

Word " banana" in Latin means " fruit of the wise man”, translated from Arabic as “ finger". Therefore, a bunch of bananas is called a brush.

motherland exotic fruit is the Malay Archipelago. Like a pineapple Pineapple - useful properties and contraindications. The composition of the fruit - nutritional value, minerals and vitamins. 12 most useful properties of pineapple for your body. Who shouldn't eat pineapple? Interesting Facts about fruit., the banana plant is an herb of the banana family. For food purposes, an artificially bred variety of fruit is used with creamy, white, orange or yellow flesh and a pleasant unusual taste and aroma.

Only ripe bananas should be eaten. Unripe yet green bananas contain indigestible starch What is useful corn starch for our body and how it can harm us. 8 useful properties of starch and ways to use it for treatment and in everyday life., which creates an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the intestines. Ripe bananas are very easy to digest and rarely cause any allergic reactions, so they are often introduced as complementary foods for infants. From this article you will learn how bananas are useful for our body, for what diseases they are used and what contraindications exist.


The benefits of bananas are determined by their nutritional properties and the presence of many useful elements in their composition, the main of which are carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. It is worth noting that in bananas contain 5 times more iron and vitamin A, 4 times more proteins and 2 times more carbohydrates, than in apples The article presents the 20 most useful properties of apples for human health, as well as their contraindications and harm. For what diseases is it recommended to use these fruits. Benefits of apples for weight loss. . Eating two bananas a day, you can fill the body's daily need for potassium. The pulp of bananas also contains catecholamines - serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which are important physiologically active substances.

A banana plant does not have a solid, inherent in all trees, trunk. At the same time, the stem of this giant grass, reaching a height of 10 m, can withstand the weight of up to 300 banana fruits, which is at least 500 kg.

100 g of banana pulp contains:

Banana - 15 Health Benefits

    Natural sugars, fiber and potassium All about the benefits and harms of potassium for human health. 14 beneficial properties of the mineral for the body, side effects and contraindications, deficiency and sources of potassium replenishment. make bananas a great source of energy. Scientists have proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for 90 minutes of hard work. This property is especially useful for athletes, when after a workout you can instantly replenish low blood glucose levels.

    Magnesium and potassium, which are part of bananas in sufficient quantities, protect the body from muscle spasms, help relax muscles and block the occurrence of cramps in the future.

  1. Brings blood pressure back to normal

    Potassium, which is rich in bananas, and sodium, which is minimal in fruits, help maintain normal blood pressure. Also, these two minerals maintain an optimal water-salt balance in the body and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  2. Maintain normal stomach acidity

    Due to the enveloping texture of their pulp, they cover the wall of the stomach and suppress the secretion of acid, which gives them the right to consider them effective antacids. Bananas also contain protease inhibitors, which is one of the main causes of stomach ulcers. Thus, the inclusion of bananas in your diet will protect against stomach ulcers, heartburn and acidity.

  3. In Estonia, the first world banana eating competition was won by a participant who managed to eat 10 bananas in 3 minutes, though he ate bananas with the peel, which is why he won. The world record for eating bananas is 81 bananas in one hour.

    18 banana recipes in traditional medicine for various diseases

    Bananas are often used to treat coughs. The recipes suggest using milk, honey, lemon Useful properties of lemon for the health of our body. The benefits of lemon and lemon water for skin and hair and all the recipes for its use. How it can be harmful and its contraindications. and other products. Avoid ingredients that may cause allergic reaction To relieve allergy symptoms, it is not necessary to immediately turn to Benadryl, Claritin or other medicines. You can alleviate the manifestation of the disease in a natural way at home.. In addition, do not abuse bananas, so as not to harm the figure.

    1. Bananas with milk for blood circulation


      • a glass of milk,

        honey (to taste)

      Make banana puree, pour in milk. Boil the resulting mixture for 2 minutes. Cool, add honey. Drink throughout the day in small sips. Course - 10 days.

      The agent envelops and warms the mucous membrane, normalizes blood circulation, prevents inflammation The article presents the most popular, natural foods that help the body reduce inflammatory effects in the body. These are mainly readily available, inexpensive and popular products sold in stores. .

    2. Bananas for cough


      Mix the ingredients in a blender. Drink morning and evening (but not before bedtime). Course - 7 days.

      Cocoa contains theobromine Scientific facts about theobromine and what effect it has on our health. What are the contraindications, what is the dosage of use and where is it contained. which suppresses cough. The effectiveness of the product depends on the quality of the powder, so you should not use a cheap product.

    3. During a cold


      • 100 ml of water

        5-10 g of sugar.

      Mash the fruit, add water and sugar 11 reasons why sugar is bad for the body. The article presents more than forty scientific studies on its harmful effects on human health.. While stirring, heat the mixture in a water bath. Remove from heat as soon as the mass darkens. Use the product in a warm form.

      Syrups fight the symptoms of a cold, facilitate the release of sputum. Plus, they're sweet, which kids love.

    4. Bananas with chocolate

      Melt ¼ bar of bitter chocolate 10 scientifically proven facts about the benefits of chocolate for the body. What useful substances are contained in chocolate and what effect they have on our health. Which chocolate is the healthiest and how to choose it.. Banana cut into 4 parts, reheat in microwave oven. Drizzle fruit with chocolate. It is desirable to drink a delicacy with an infusion of herbs.

    5. With lemon


      Mix honey and banana puree, then add the rest of the ingredients. Lastly pour in milk Ten scientific studies confirming the benefits of milk for our body and five scientific studies indicating the dangers of milk. All about the beneficial properties and contraindications of cow's milk for our body. .

    6. Expectorant action

      The drink has an expectorant effect. To make tea, you need a dried banana. You can make it yourself or buy it at the store. It is necessary to pour 2-3 slices of banana with boiling water and leave for a couple of minutes. Honey can be added if desired.

    7. Kissel

      Mash 1 banana, add 1 tbsp. (with a slide) sugar, and a glass of boiling water. Mix thoroughly, leave for 30 minutes. Drink warm, ½ cup every 2 hours.

      This is interesting:

      Six unique beneficial properties of jelly for our body and to whom it can be harmful. Is store-bought jelly useful? Interesting facts from the history of jelly and the best homemade recipes for its preparation.

    8. Fried banana for a cold

      To prepare the original medicine, you will need a banana, honey and cinnamon. The spice kills germs, dissolves mucus and relieves a sore throat.

      Bananas cut into circles, fry in a pan. For each side, 1-2 minutes is enough. Mix honey and water to a viscous syrup. Lubricate them with ready-made bananas, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

    9. With hypertension

      One medium-sized fruit contains 400 mg of potassium and only 1 mg of sodium. Both substances are essential for maintaining water balance in organism.

      With the regular use of 2 bananas a day, blood pressure is reduced by 10%. Reduces the likelihood of developing hypertension, leading to atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    10. When tired

      Due to the high concentration magnesium Top 10 unique beneficial properties of magnesium for the human body. Conducted scientific studies on the effects of this mineral. Side effects and contraindications., bananas have anti-stress And calming effect. The fruits are useful for increased anxiety, problems with concentration, chronic stress, fatigue, insomnia. The soft texture of bananas does not irritate the walls of the digestive tract in people suffering from stomach ulcers. The fruits help reduce acidity.

      There is an assumption that these fruits stimulate the growth of cells of the gastric mucosa and increase mucus secretion. They protect the mucous membrane from the harmful effects of digestive juices.

    11. For diarrhea and heartburn

      Diarrhea threatens to dehydrate the body. Pectins contained in fruits absorb toxins. This affects the formation of a more stable stool consistency and helps to remove toxic substances from the body. Prolonged diarrhea causes potassium deficiency. The use of bananas allows you to make up for the lack of a substance in the body.

      With heartburn, it is not necessary to immediately take pills, it is enough to eat a banana. The fruit will naturally eliminate the symptoms of heartburn and neutralize the acid in the stomach.
    12. With iron deficiency

      If anemia is caused by iron deficiency or folic acid, the presence of bananas in the diet can help. The iron content is low, but vitamin C The article presents the results of scientific research on the effect of vitamin C on the human body. Confirmed and unproven facts about the benefits of vitamin C. improves the absorption of this element.

      This is interesting:

      What is heme and non-heme iron? What foods have the highest iron content, what supplements exist, how to take them. Products that improve and prevent absorption.

      Bananas contain:

      • potassium,
      • magnesium,
      • phosphorus,
      • selenium,
      • zinc,
      • sodium
      • and vitamin A, E, K, B vitamins.

      These nutrients contribute to a balanced and varied diet - the basis for the prevention and treatment of anemia.

    13. During physical and mental labor

      Bananas are a source of easily digestible carbohydrates that provide the body with energy What foods can increase energy, relieve fatigue and invigorate? The article contains 27 products that will give you more strength and energy. required for work. Ripe fruits have less starch and more simple sugars, including glucose, the main fuel for the brain and muscles.

    14. To strengthen immunity

      Bananas are rich in vitamins C, E, B6, which play an important role in strengthening defensive forces organism. These fruits are natural prebiotics What are probiotics and how are they beneficial to our health? The article presents the results of scientific research on the beneficial properties and contraindications of probiotics. They stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. The fruits help to restore the balance of the bacterial flora of the intestine after taking antibiotics.

    15. Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

      A healthy, balanced diet plays a key role in building strong bones. Bananas contain nutrients that have a positive effect on this process.

    16. Bananas for weight loss

      One of the most contentious issues Is it possible to eat bananas while losing weight? Despite the high energy value, yellow fruits help to get rid of extra pounds. Tryptophan is involved in metabolism, improves the absorption of vitamin B6 and manganese. In addition, bananas

        Remove excess liquid.

        They have a calming effect, which protects against overeating under the influence of negative emotions.

        Gives energy for intense workouts.

        Provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety. The effect is achieved due to the high fiber content.

      This is interesting:

      The article presents the results of scientific research on the benefits of eating fiber for weight loss. How to take fiber correctly, what supplements exist and what effect you can get.

    17. To moisturize the body

      Bananas are 70% water. Fluid is necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. It transports oxygen and nutrients, participates in digestion, helps to remove toxic substances, and regulates body temperature.

    We are used to seeing bananas as yellow in color, but in nature there are more red bananas Red bananas are an exotic novelty on the shelves of our stores. How they are useful for our health, for which diseases they are recommended to use, 15 ways to use them. which are more gentle. And in the Seychelles, a special type of banana grows - golden And black. Such exoticism is used by the locals of the island in the preparation of delicious dishes as a side dish for shellfish and lobsters.

    The use of bananas in cosmetology

    Bananas have found application not only in cooking and traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology. Often the pulp of the fruit is used to make face masks. Such means:

      Improve skin elasticity, prevent wrinkles.

      Protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

      Nourish the epidermis with the necessary substances.

      Prevent dry skin.

      Help get rid of acne.

      Slow down aging.

      Remove bruises under the eyes.

    In custody

    Bananas strengthen the immune system, normalize digestion, improve mood. The maximum benefit can only be extracted from a quality product. The peel of a ripe fruit should be bright yellow. Large black spots indicate the process of decay. Don't eat unripe bananas, they contain "insoluble" starch, which can cause stomach heaviness and gas.