Strawberry essential oil properties. Strawberry cosmetics: the power of the summer sun for healthy and youthful skin. How to receive the ordered goods

  • Floral (lavender, chamomile)
  • Herbal (mint, rosemary)
  • Woody (pine, spruce, cedar)
  • Spicy (ginger, cinnamon)
  • Resin (fir, myrtle)
  • Also, all essential oils can be divided into:

  • Light: evaporate in half an hour (all citrus fruits, mint)
  • Medium: evaporate in an hour - one and a half (fir, lemon balm)
  • The use of pure and combinations of essential oils in cosmetology is due to their beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body, the condition of hair, hands and nails. Also, some essential oils have become especially popular due to their anti-cellulite and rejuvenating effects. essential oils in pure form have a high concentration, so in cosmetology it is customary to use them together with base oil.

    Only people with individual intolerance to one or another group have contraindications to the use of essential oils. Harm essential oil can also be applied to pregnant women, whose sensitivity is increased during this period. Be careful, only high-quality natural essential oils will benefit you, and not cheap fakes.

  • Inhalation. used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, relieves inflammation and swelling.
  • aromatherapy. ideal for psycho-emotional relaxation. Now aroma lamps have become very popular. A couple of drops of citrus oils will lift your spirits. Fir oil, which is customary in Russia to use in the bath, will perfectly disinfect the room. And sandalwood and patchouli oils are aphrodisiacs, so they will open new horizons for you.
  • Compress. you can do an antipyretic cold compress on the calf area, for example, with bergamot oil. Anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on wounds and burns sea ​​buckthorn oil. A facial compress with patchouli or cedar essential oil rejuvenates and nourishes the skin.
  • Trituration. Ideal for muscular or spasmodic pain. For example, sea buckthorn oil is known for its analgesic properties.
  • Adding a few drops to your comb, shampoo or conditioner. Essential oils for hair are excellent hair care products. Many of them help get rid of dandruff, stop hair loss, accelerate their growth, give shine and strength.
  • Wild strawberry - Fragaria vesca L.

    perennial herbaceous plant 8-30 cm high with a short rhizome and numerous thin roots. Leaves basal, trifoliate. The flowers are white, bisexual, five-membered, collected in a thyroid inflorescence, sitting at the end of a leafless stem. The fruit is formed from a fleshy juicy receptacle that has grown during maturation, on which dry fruitlets are located. Blooms in May - June.

    Location. Found in all areas.

    Women actively use essential oils to improve their health, beauty and youth. All of them, except for cosmetic and therapeutic effects, have a positive effect on the state of mind. In this article, we will look at the most popular essential oils and their properties and uses.

    Storage rules:

    3 ) most oils are highly flammable and must be handled with care,

    4 ) containers must be glass and dark (cannot be stored in plastic),

    Most oils have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral effects. Some of them have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, others relieve stress and promote weight loss. Oils with antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties deserve special attention. Some samples protect against the effects of radiation and reduce the consequences after irradiation, others purify the air well, heal wounds and increase efficiency. Together, they are more effective than individually.

    For skin with freckles and age spots, grapefruit and lemon are recommended.

    Gives a velvety feel and removes oily sheen orange, rosewood, cypress and ylang-ylang.

    For dry skin suffering from wind, cold and ultraviolet, orange, patchouli, sandalwood, myrtle, jasmine, lavender and rose are recommended.

    Oily with an earthy tint and shine will help the oil of bergamot, geranium, tea tree, thyme, lemon balm, patchouli and juniper.

    Essential oil is a fragrant volatile substance that is produced from flowers, leaves and fruits of plants. Essential oils, the properties and use of which help a person to maintain youth, beauty and health, are indispensable in our lives. We all use them, sometimes without even knowing it ourselves. they are found in many shampoos, detergents, cleansers, perfumes, and the like. Natural essential oils have found application in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology.

    Types of essential oils

    There are several groups of essential oils:

    The use of the properties of essential oils in medicine

    In medicine, essential oils have found application due to such useful properties as: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, analgesic effects on the body. The use of essential oils is effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. Natural essential oils will help in the fight against allergic reactions. One of the unique properties is regenerative. Essential oils can heal burns, cuts, bruises. The properties of essential oils are also used in the psycho-emotional sphere. They normalize emotional stability and sleep, increase concentration, have a beneficial effect on performance, and reveal creative abilities.

    Essential oils in cosmetology

    Harm of essential oils

    Ways to use essential oils

    Many uses have been developed, it all depends on your goals and how useful the essential oil you take in each individual case.

  • Aromatic bath and aroma massage. make your skin supple and soft. Oil through the skin quickly penetrates into the lymph and with its help washes many organs: kidneys, lungs, intestines, etc.
  • Adding a couple of drops of essential oil to a body, face or eye cream will have a mild effect. Which oils are better to add to a cosmetic product depends on the type of your skin. For example, patchouli essential oil is ideal for problematic oily skin, and bergamot is ideal for dry skin. For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use a combination of several essential oils with a base oil.
  • internal use essential oils. Some of the most useful are linseed oil, which lowers cholesterol and promotes weight loss (if used properly), and cedar oil, 2 teaspoons of which can give a person the necessary daily intake of proteins and fats. In Siberia, children are always allowed to drink cedar oil - it contributes to good growth and development. Read the instructions carefully, not all oils can be consumed internally!
  • List of essential oils

    Description of strawberries

    Habitat. Grows in forest glades, forest edges, in thickets of shrubs, on dry grassy slopes.

    Used part. Leaves, roots, fruits.

    collection time. Leaves are harvested in May - July, fruits - in June - July, rhizomes - in September.

    Ways to use strawberries

    Essential oils - properties and uses

    You need to understand that their quality depends on the raw materials. They are insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. They can be mixed with fatty oils, petroleum ether and chloroform. In cosmetology, they can be mixed with sea salt, honey, clay. Due to the high chemical and biological activity, it is better to work with them with wooden sticks and glassware.

    In addition, they are very different from the basic (ordinary) ones. They volatilize at room temperature. Important point- essential oils do not leave greasy marks on fabric or paper. Some unscrupulous suppliers mix them with herbal ones, so if the purchased oil leaves a greasy trace (with the exception of patchouli and myrrh), then it is not 100%.

    1 ) store in dark glass containers in a cool place,

    2 ) air must not enter the dishes,

    5 ) storage temperature (from -4 to +29),

    6 ) temperature fluctuations are undesirable.

    Their application depends on the problem.

    Neroli, rose and sandalwood will be removed crow's feet around eyes.

    For problematic skin with acne, comedones and clogged pores, chamomile, juniper, lemon, bergamot, vanilla, clove, lavender, lemon balm, bitter almond and eucalyptus are indicated.

    Lemon, neroli, cedar, rose and lavender will help to remove wrinkles.

    Mint, bergamot, lemon, rose, lavender, jasmine and ylang-ylang are enough for normal.

    Spider veins will be less noticeable if they are covered with mint, lemon, sage and cypress oil.

    Undiluted essential oils must be mixed with base oils, milk, honey or cream.

    Cinnamon essential oil: uses and benefits

    Everyone knows the spicy, subtle, sweetish, woody smell of cinnamon, associated with warmth, comfort, tenderness, home. Inhaling the aroma with notes of bitterness, a person involuntarily relaxes, feeling an atmosphere of trust and emotional stability.

    On a subconscious level, the smell of cinnamon evokes the most pleasant childhood memories, when baking improved mood in the most seemingly hopeless situations.

    From the bark of young shoots and leaves of the Ceylon cinnamon (cinnamon tree), belonging to the Laurel family, a unique healing essential oil is obtained by steam distillation, which has a huge range of effects on human body- tonic, nourishing, restoring the functions of organs and systems.

    The color of the product varies from transparent to yellow-orange.

    Essential oil of cinnamon: properties and uses

    The aroma of cinnamon wood not only gives a feeling of peace, but also enlivens the emotional sphere, awakening sensuality and charging with beneficial emotions of happiness and joy.

    Due to its unique properties, cinnamon oil is used to relieve spasms in migraines and in the intestines with colitis. For a long time, the product has been used to eliminate increased gas formation (flatulence).

    By improving the quality of metabolism and blood circulation, the oil effectively accelerates recovery from colds and flu, bronchitis and pneumonia. With depression, apathy, lethargy, neurosis, asthenia, stiffness, melancholy, cinnamon oil is an indispensable assistant, as it has the ability to create inner feeling security.

    The product helps treat snake bites and dangerous insects. By adding a couple of drops of essential oil to the base oil, you get an effective massage emulsion for rheumatic pains.

    Ways to use cinnamon oil at home

      Aromatization of rooms. 2-6 drops of essential oil of cinnamon are added to the water poured into the bowl of the aroma lamp (depending on the size of the room) and a candle-tablet is lit to heat the liquid. Wearing an aroma pendant. To improve mood and emotional background, an aroma pendant with the addition of 1-2 drops of cinnamon oil is worn around the neck. Enrichment of face and body care products. To give beauty products, both ready-made and homemade, new active qualities, add 1 drop of cinnamon oil to a single serving for use. On average, the product is administered at the rate of 1 drop per 5 ml of the composition. Aromatic baths. On the standard bath 4 to 6 drops of cinnamon oil are required, which is pre-dissolved in a carrier (bath foam, cream, honey, sour cream) or dripped into sea salt. (bath oil) Bath treatments. In a bucket of water for watering hot stones, it is enough to add 2 drops of cinnamon. Hot inhalations. 1-2 drops of cinnamon oil are introduced into boiled water (temperature about 80 ° C), bend over the container, cover your head with a terry towel, close your eyes and inhale the vapors deeply for about 6-7 minutes.

      Essential oil of cinnamon for face and skin

      In cosmetology, cinnamon oil is used very actively. Enriching them cosmetics, as well as adding to masks for the face and neck, significantly improve the color of the skin, tones, rejuvenates, nourishes and tightens enlarged pores.

      Cinnamon is suitable for all skin types, but is especially relevant for problematic, mixed and oily skin, since in addition to normalizing the secretion of subcutaneous secretions, the face acquires freshness, smoothness and a healthy look.

      Essential oil of cinnamon for lips

      Cinnamon oil also works effectively as part of aging skin care products, due to its ability to increase the blood flow of the skin and activate the entry of biologically active phytonutrients into the cells.

      Essential oil of cinnamon for hair

      Among the people, cinnamon is famous for its properties to accelerate hair growth and stop hair loss, creating favorable conditions for the functioning of hair follicles.

      After regular use of masks and hair wraps with the addition of cinnamon oil, the hair structure noticeably improves, natural shine and silkiness appear.

      Wraps with cinnamon oil

      The initial stages of cellulite can be treated with cinnamon essential oil. Due to the properties of cinnamon to speed up metabolism, stimulate blood flow in the skin and activate lymph movement, massages and wraps using the product are very effective remedy to get rid of orange peel”, which is formed from fat cells filled with non-excreted decay products.

      The composition for wrapping is prepared on the basis of massage oil or any base oil from the seeds, for example, peach, apricot, to which 1 drop of cinnamon ester is added per each tablespoon.

      Oil contraindications

      Like any extract from plants, the potent essential oil of cinnamon can cause individual intolerance (allergy).

      It is undesirable to use it during pregnancy, lactation and during an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

      Strawberries useful properties

      Wild strawberry Forest flowers lilies chamomile locusts

      -th page

      Information about fruits and berries, their use, useful and healing properties. The section contains a large number of recipes, according to which you can prepare medicinal infusions, decoctions at home and, with their help, cure many diseases.


      Berries of wild strawberries have been used by man since prehistoric times. Its seeds were found in Switzerland during excavations of piled buildings dating back to the Stone Age. The ancient Romans and Greeks knew strawberries as medicinal plant. They appreciated it for its excellent aroma and high taste value of the fruit. For these qualities, she was very popular among the tribes of Ancient Russia.

      Wild strawberries are distributed throughout the European part of our country, as well as in Siberia, the Urals and the Caucasus. It grows in meadows, among shrubs and in clarified forests, on edges and clearings. In the central regions of the country, up to 100 kg of fresh berries can be harvested from 1 ha of natural thickets, and up to 200 kg in clearings. Here the strawberries are especially large and juicy.

      Strawberry rhizome is short, creeping shoots, rooting at the nodes (whiskers). Blooms in late May - early June, blooms all summer. The fruits ripen in late June - August.

      The leaves of strawberries are trifoliate, located on long petioles, covered with silky hairs from below. Nature endowed them with the ability to regulate the moisture reserves in the bush.

      Wild strawberry is a valuable plant. This forest berry is a piggy bank of vitamins. The fruits contain substances useful for the human body: vitamin C, carotene, acids (malic, citric, salicylic), tannins, essential oils and trace elements: copper, manganese, chromium. Especially a lot of iron, which is in the seeds. The leaves are rich in vitamin C, tannins.

      Wild strawberry berries are eaten fresh, and are also used to make juices, decoctions, compotes, jams, syrups, and infusions.

      Medicinal raw materials are berries and leaves in fresh and dried form. Strawberries have long been used in folk medicine almost all diseases.

      Pastor Kneipp, a physician who lived and worked at the beginning of the 20th century, wrote that people who eat a lot of strawberries never get sick. These words are often spoken about other fruits and berries, but it is no coincidence that Kneipp, who created a system for the complex treatment of various serious ailments, named strawberries.

      In ancient treatises of Tibetan medicine, strawberries are called the "queen" flora'cause she's the richest chemical composition. It is believed that this berry contains many substances that have not yet been studied, which, perhaps, make it so healing.

      For a long time, strawberries have attracted the attention of clinicians.

      Therapeutic use of wild strawberries* Fresh berries are a good dietary product.

      * For gout, kidney stones and other violations of salt metabolism in the body, infusions from the roots and leaves of strawberries are used as a vitamin and diuretic.

      * It has been found that an infusion of the leaves somewhat lowers arterial pressure, slows down the rhythm and increases the contraction of the heart muscle, dilates the blood vessels. To prepare the infusion, take 50 g of herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for 4 hours. Drink prepared infusion of 150 g 3 times a day before meals.

      * Strawberry season usually lasts 2-3 weeks on average. If every day in the season on an empty stomach eat some fresh strawberries, and even better - as many as possible, and repeat this for 2-3 years in a row, then gout, stomach and duodenal ulcers, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, hypertension will recede and many intestinal diseases.

      * It is known that the famous Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus escaped from severe gout by consuming large quantities of strawberries,

      * Launched eczema is treated among the people by applying ripe strawberries pounded on linen; after 3-4 days, the affected areas are cleared of scabs, weeping areas dry out, which facilitates further treatment with various medications.

      ATTENTION! It should be noted that some people do not tolerate strawberries. When it is used, they have urticaria, itching and other signs of allergy. If these symptoms appear, you should stop eating strawberries and consult a doctor.

      100 grams of strawberries contain about 32 kcal. Strawberries are low-calorie berries. But, strawberry jam contains 220 kcal.

      Not only strawberries are useful, but also leaves. The leaves are also used to treat many diseases. This is truly natural medicine.

      Strawberry. Beneficial features. Benefit.

      It's just happiness to get to a forest clearing all strewn with strawberries. So many emotions, the last time we picked strawberries a couple of years ago, with my parents, and emotions are still overflowing. Fresh strawberries have numerous useful properties, they are useful for adults, children, pregnant women. In many ways, their properties are similar to strawberries. What is useful for strawberries, you can read in the article “Strawberries. Beneficial features".

    • Strawberries are very useful for pregnant women, as they contain folic acid.
    • Strawberries, like strawberries, increase appetite, improve digestion, and quench thirst.
    • Fresh wild strawberries help lower blood sugar levels.
    • Strawberries, thanks to the microelements included in its composition, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
    • It is useful to use strawberries with reduced hemoglobin in the blood.
    • And trace elements: cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, contained in berries, take part in hematopoiesis.
    • The fiber contained in strawberries has a beneficial effect on bowel function.
    • Reception of fresh strawberries helps to remove cholesterol.
    • An infusion of strawberry leaves and berries helps to lower blood pressure.
    • It is very useful to use strawberries for the elderly.
    • Strawberry fruits can be used for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and gallbladder.
    • Strawberries normalize metabolic processes occurring in the body.
    • An infusion of berries and strawberry leaves is an excellent diuretic.
    • Strawberries can be used for exhaustion, loss of strength, can be used by athletes, the berry is very useful for women.
    • Berries and strawberry leaves can be used as an additional remedy for many diseases. From the point of view of traditional medicine, wild strawberries are an excellent multivitamin remedy.

      Also, strawberries were used to whiten teeth, a few berries should be crushed and rubbed on the teeth, then brushed with ordinary toothpaste.

      How to collect wild strawberries?

      Harvest time is June-July. It is better to pick berries either in the morning when the dew has come down, or in the evening, in dry and sunny weather. Berries must be picked carefully so that they are dry and not wrinkled. Collect only ripe strawberries. It is better to collect strawberries in tightly woven baskets.

      Arriving home, the berries are sorted out. Lay out in a thin layer under a canopy and dry. Properly dried berries crumble easily and do not stick together. You can store such berries in glass jars. You can also freeze the berries or make jam. Thus, prepare strawberries for the winter.

      Infusion of dry strawberries.

      How to draw gouache strawberries. How to learn to draw

      To prepare the infusion, 4 tablespoons of dry berries are poured over the floor with a liter of boiling water, covered, insisted, filtered. It is taken as a general tonic, with beriberi, to increase immunity 3 times a day for half a glass.

      Strawberry leaves medicinal properties.

      Tea, an infusion of strawberry leaves in folk medicine is widely used. The leaves contain tannins, vitamin C, flavonoids, essential oils.

    • Tea or infusion of strawberry leaves is useful for colds, for diseases of the throat.
    • Strawberry leaf tea helps to remove phlegm from the lungs, so it is used for coughing in complex therapy.
    • In diseases of the throat, an infusion of strawberry leaves is used to gargle.
    • Leaf tea strengthens the immune system, is useful for beriberi, loss of strength.
    • An infusion of strawberry leaves is good for the heart and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
    • It is also worth noting that strawberry leaves have a pronounced diuretic effect.
    • And the tannins found in strawberry leaves allow you to take tea or an infusion of strawberry leaves for inflammation and intestinal upset.
    • Moreover, strawberry leaves also have antispasmodic healing properties.
    • An infusion of strawberry leaves is used for diseases of the liver and kidneys.
    • An infusion of strawberry leaves can be used to rinse the mouth with inflammatory processes.
    • Fresh strawberry leaves can be applied to wounds, cuts, abrasions.
    • Strawberry leaves can be brewed and drunk with edema.
    • An infusion of strawberry leaves has a sedative, firming, anti-inflammatory, tonic, hematopoietic effect.
    • When to harvest strawberry leaves?

      The leaves of wild strawberry are harvested for medicinal purposes during the flowering period. And the flowering time of strawberries is from May to June. Leaves are plucked or cut off. Remove undamaged leaves. Leaves are best harvested in dry sunny weather. Dry the leaves in the shade, lay them out in a thin layer. During drying, it is better to turn the leaves often. The place where strawberries are dried should be well ventilated. Store dry leaves in linen bags for 1 year.

      Infusion of strawberry leaves.

      To prepare an infusion of strawberry leaves, you need to: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves on the floor with a liter of boiling water, cover, let it brew. Strain and take half a glass several times a day before meals.

      How many strawberries can you eat per day?

      Surely many are interested in how many strawberries can be eaten per day in order to get the daily norm of vitamins and minerals. So, in order to get the daily norm of vitamins from berries, you need to eat about two glasses of strawberries.

      How long can fresh strawberries be stored?

      Fresh strawberries are practically not stored, they need to be processed within a day.

      Of course, the berries are best consumed fresh, so we get the maximum benefit from eating strawberries. To prepare berries for the winter, they can be frozen and dried.

      Jam is not considered healthy, although we also cook jam. Delicious with ice cream, can be used as a filling for a pie, and even so, with tea.

      For drying or jam, we remove the ponytails, remove the fruit cups, in the jam "greens" will give a tart taste. The "stalks" are very easily separated from ripe strawberries.

      Strawberry. Contraindications. Harm.

      Wild strawberries are a very tasty, fragrant berry, are there any contraindications for this fragrant berry, can it really harm the body?

    • Strawberries should not be consumed with individual intolerance to berries, with allergies.
    • The same applies to the leaves, with individual intolerance and allergies, you should not use them.
    • Strawberries are introduced into the diet of children with caution, literally a few berries each and look at the reaction.
    • The use of strawberries in large quantities is contraindicated, as it can cause itching, rash, hives, redness of the skin.
    • With increased acidity and a stomach or duodenal ulcer, especially during an exacerbation, berries should not be consumed.
    • Many do not tolerate berries on an empty stomach.
    • The main thing to remember is that everything is good in moderation, then there will be no problems from eating berries, there will only be benefits. The beneficial properties of wild strawberries are impressive, but do not forget about contraindications.

      Strawberries for the face Strawberry masks.

      Strawberries can be used not only inside, but also externally. Although the strawberry season is short, it is still possible to pamper your skin, unless of course you are allergic to strawberries. Make sure it's not. So that instead of benefiting, do not harm your skin.

    • The berry contains vitamin C, E, which are natural antioxidants and slow down the aging process of cells.
    • Berries have whitening effects, they can be used for freckles, age spots, and dull complexion.
    • Strawberry masks even out complexion.
    • The salicylic acid found in berries helps exfoliate dead skin cells, promoting natural skin cell renewal.
    • Trace elements prevent cell aging, improve cell metabolism, maintain skin tone.
    • Thanks to the grains in the strawberry, the skin is massaged, plus, it is a wonderful scrub.
    • You can prepare masks not only from strawberries, but from strawberries. How strawberries are useful for the face and recipes for masks can be found in the article “Strawberries for the face”. Strawberries can be crushed and applied in a thin layer to a cleansed face. For 10-15 minutes, wash and lubricate the face with cream. For dry skin, strawberries are mixed with egg yolk, or sour cream, or olive oil. For oily skin - with kefir, with honey. To prepare a scrub, crushed berries can be mixed with fine salt or soda.

      Collect strawberries, harvest and heal for health. All the best to you.

      Read my interesting articles:

      Useful properties of strawberries

      Strawberries contain sugars, organic acids, fiber, pectin, tannins, nitrogenous substances, alkaloids, salts of iron, phosphorus, calcium, cobalt, manganese, B vitamins, carotene, ascorbic and folic acids. The leaves contain ascorbic acid, tannins, essential lubricant and few alkaloids.

      Fresh fruits and a decoction of dried berries have a beneficial effect on digestion, quench thirst, stimulate hunger, eliminate inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, bile and urinary tract. Strawberries are useful for gastritis, colitis and dysentery.

      Fresh fruits - good remedy for the treatment of anemia. Strawberry leaves are used for atherosclerosis, kidney diseases, Bladder and spleen, with bronchial asthma, hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding, stones and sand in the kidneys. They are used as a diuretic, in violation of salt metabolism, to lower blood pressure.

      An infusion of the leaves helps with colitis, gastritis, bronchial asthma, cholelithiasis, improves sleep, and normalizes peristalsis. In addition, the infusion expands blood vessels, increases the overall tone of the body. Strawberry leaves are part of vitamin teas, which have a tonic, hematopoietic and anti-sclerotic effect, improve metabolism.

      As a source of vitamins take a decoction of the leaves and fruits of strawberries. It is prepared as follows: 20 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 1 glass hot water and boil for 10 minutes, then insist for 2 hours, filter and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Similarly, take a decoction for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and arrhythmia.

      For the treatment of hypertension, it is useful to take an infusion of strawberry leaves. For this purpose, 20 g of dry crushed raw materials are infused for 2 hours in 1 glass of boiling water, filtered and drunk 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

      As a tonic for mental overwork and anemia, a decoction of strawberry leaves is taken: 20 g of dry crushed raw material is poured into 1 glass of hot water and boiled for 5-10 minutes, after which it is infused for 2 hours, filtered and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day . In diseases of the spleen, a decoction of the leaves is taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

      To stimulate appetite in enterocolitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, infusion of strawberry leaves is drunk 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The same infusion is useful in the form of lotions for bleeding hemorrhoids. For diseases of the biliary tract, this infusion is taken 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals. With bronchitis, a decoction of leaves of strawberry rhizomes helps well. It is prepared as follows: pour 20 g of dry crushed raw materials with 1 glass of hot water and boil for 15 minutes, then filter and bring the volume of liquid to the original boiled water. Take 1 table spoon 3-4 times a day.

      A decoction of the leaves and fruits of strawberries helps with diseases of the kidneys, bladder, bedwetting and is used as a diuretic in violation of salt metabolism. For this purpose, 20 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 1 cup of hot water and boiled for 5-10 minutes, then infused for 2 hours, filtered and the liquid volume is brought to the original boiled water. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

      At urolithiasis for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, especially in the preoperative period, when the type of stones is not established, an infusion of strawberry leaves is used: 20 g of dry crushed raw materials are infused for 2 hours in 1 glass of boiling water, filtered and drunk 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

      Dangerous properties of strawberries

      The use of strawberries in large quantities can cause a side effect - reddening of the skin, itching, rash, dizziness, urge to vomit and a host of other unpleasant sensations that disappear with the cessation of the use of berries.

      It is not advisable to eat strawberries during pregnancy, as its small seeds are a strong allergen. In addition, they irritate the intestinal mucosa and are not recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in renal and hepatic colic, biliary dyskinesia, pancreatitis.

      The video will tell you how to grow large and tasty strawberries with pleasure. In addition, after watching the video, you will find out what is the difference between strawberries and strawberries.

      Strawberries: useful properties

      Strawberries: description and useful properties

      strawberries It is a genus of plants in the Rosaceae family. Strawberries as a biological genus include several types of plants, including strawberries, also called musky or nutmeg strawberries. In addition to strawberries, this classification group includes 11 more species, both wild (wild strawberry, green strawberry, field strawberry), and cultivated plants, for example, the well-known garden strawberry. By the way, strawberries are found in both cultivated and wild forms (for more details, see here).

      The fruit of a strawberry. nut! And it's not a typo. The fact is that the well-known strawberries-strawberries in fact, i.e. from a botanical point of view, they are overgrown receptacles, on the surface of which seeds ripen, again, from a botanical point of view, they are tiny nuts. Therefore, the whole fruit is a false berry. However, in order not to seem like a bore, I will allow myself to use the common name - a berry.

      Origin and distribution of strawberries

      Gardeners began to cultivate strawberries only in the 15th-16th centuries. The garden strawberry was the first to be cultivated (it is clear that in those days it was not called that yet, because the botanical classification was started only in the 18th century and is associated with the name of the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus). Almost simultaneously, wild strawberries began to be grown in the beds. All this, by the way, is somewhat strange, since wild forms of strawberries grew and grow in almost all regions of the globe with a temperate and subtropical climate, but humanity thought of moving to the garden of these plants quite late. True, there is one exception - strawberries, cultivated in antiquity.

      Now cultivated strawberries grow even at the equator. IN early XIX century, strawberries were planted on about. Bourbon, which is not far from Madagascar, has grown so profusely that, according to the reviews of travelers who have been there, during its maturity it was impossible to walk around the island so as not to stain all the shoes with strawberries.

      In Russia, strawberries were specially grown even later, simply because they grew in abundance in our forests, on the edges of the forest and in the meadows. In pre-revolutionary Russia, even in Kalmykia, there was so much of it that the milk of mares grazing on wild steppe meadows had a strong strawberry flavor.

      Useful properties of strawberries

      All types of strawberries contain a huge amount of vitamin C (up to 150 mg/100 g). Its calorie content is low and is about 40 kcal / 100 g of "berries", so you can eat it without any fear for your own complexion.

      For medicinal purposes, the fruits and leaves of strawberries are used. This means that for the treatment of certain diseases it is not at all necessary to wait until the berries ripen. And they ripen in June-July. By the way, garden and forest strawberries, unlike strawberries, bear fruit for a longer period of time - within a month and a half, since they bloom evenly most summer.

      Strawberries have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, hemostatic and wound healing effects. It also increases the number of red blood cells (hemoglobin) in the blood, has a vasodilating and anti-sclerotic effect, helping to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol. These qualities also contribute to the treatment of many heart diseases. Regular use of strawberries leads to an increase in tone and increased uterine contractions, therefore it is especially recommended to use strawberries for pregnant women.

      It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of strawberries for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the strong choleretic effect that the use of fresh berries gives. Thus, it is possible to carry out the prevention and treatment of not only liver and gallbladder diseases, but also get rid of gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis and constipation.

      Due to the high content of potassium, strawberries are indicated for hypertensive patients. To relieve a hypertensive crisis, it is necessary to eat only strawberries during the day (150-200 grams (in a glass) 3-4 times). This will not only help with pressure, but also normalize appetite, relieve all swelling and even improve complexion. It’s even better to sit on such a diet not for one day, but for two, but few people can withstand such a test, since a person’s appetite becomes simply “wolfish” in a day.

      Also, due to the potassium content in the fruits, strawberries are very useful for violations of salt metabolism, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urolithiasis, enuresis in children. There are cases when, in case of urolithiasis, a week before the operation to remove stones, doctors prescribed strawberry juice to alleviate the patient's condition, and according to the results of the control ultrasound, the need for surgery generally disappeared!

      Aromatherapists know that the scent of strawberries is soothing. nervous system and relieves insomnia.

      Strawberries are used not only fresh, but also dried, and they also make jam, make jams, jams and marmalades. IN Lately it has become fashionable to freeze strawberries for the winter, which is welcome, since in this form the berries retain most useful properties. If, nevertheless, there is no place in the freezer for strawberries, then in order to maximize the beneficial properties of the berries, they can still be dried at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. If this is not handy, then it is better not to make jam from it, but to roll compotes with a minimum sugar content.

      Strawberries are a strong allergen, so when using them, you should rely on individual tolerance.

    Strawberry seed oil

    Family: Pink

    Country of origin: Italy

    Receiving method: Cold pressing strawberry seeds. unrefined

    Color and smell: transparent oil of greenish color with the expressed characteristic fruit smell.


    Strawberry oil contains a large amount of tocopherols and tocotrienols.

    Fatty acid composition:

    Physical indicators:

    • Iodine number: 178
    • Saponification number: 189
    • Oil type: drying

    Basic properties:

    131 components of the strawberry aroma have been identified. Among them, 47 are esters, 24 mono- and sesquiterpenes, 5 alcohols, 9 aldehydes, 6 ketones, 4 lactones and 36 unknown constituents.

    Leading are

    • octyl acetate (fruity, with notes of citrus and jasmine aroma);
    • 4-acetyloxybutyl acetate (fruity caramel flavor);
    • Hexyl format (fruity-green aroma);
    • Hexyl acetate;
    • Methyl anthranilate;
    • Phenylethyl acetate;
    • Pinocarvil acetate;
    • Mirtenyl acetate, perillyl acetate;
    • α pinene, limonene, linalool, citronellol, etc.

    strawberry oil , like other berry seed oils, contains a high % tocopherols , predominantly γ-tocopherol: about 850-900 ppm (62% γ-tocopherol and 38% α-tocopherol respectively)

    strawberry oil, due to the high natural content of a mixture of tocopherols and tocotrienols, compares favorably with other oils with its high stability.

    Without additional addition of antioxidants, its shelf life is up to 2 years.

    strawberry oil is an excellent care product mature, dry skin and skin with impaired barrier functions.

    It reduces transepidermal moisture loss and improves skin elasticity.

    Due to the high content of naturally balanced tocopherols and tocotrienols, it has a protective, antioxidant effect.

    strawberry oil

    • reduces the phenomena of follicular hyperkeratosis in acne;
    • restores the lipid barrier, helps maintain skin hydration, elasticity, firmness
    • successfully fights age-related dryness of the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles
    • being a natural source of tocopherols and tocotrienols (vitamin E), it has a protective, antioxidant effect

    Use in cosmetics:

    The peculiar fatty acid composition of the oil causes very pleasant tactile sensations from its use. It is perceived as soft, making the skin velvety to the touch.


    • for c regeneration stimulation, cellular renewal of the skin
    • During the recovery period after various aggressive manipulations (peelings, mechanical cleansing, dermabrasion) to restore the barrier function of the skin
    • How Anti-aging supplement in products for mature, dry**, chapped skin, helping to cope with age-related dryness and restoring skin elasticity;
    • Anti-age product additive for the prevention of wrinkles
    • In funds aimed at normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands during comedones, excess sebum production
    • into a soothing after sun cosmetics
    • With various skin diseases - neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis - as a means of regulating cellular keratinization and increasing skin hydration
    • In nail care products
    • As a soothing supplement for irritated, flaky scalp


    Used as an additive.

    Terms and conditions of storage: up to 24 months. Store in a cool, dark place.

    Benefits, methods of application

    Strawberry oil from Egypt is an excellent anti-aging agent that can slow down the aging and fading of human skin. The ability of strawberry oil to normalize skin metabolic processes, and excellent antioxidant properties are used in cosmetology and medicine. The properties of strawberry oil are used for complex therapy and prevention of skin diseases. In addition, aromatherapy with strawberry oil allows you to get rid of stress and irritation, balance your mental state and restore strength.

    Strawberry oil production

    There are several ways to produce strawberry oil. One of them is extraction using carbon dioxide. But cold pressing is more common - this is the method used by Egyptian manufacturers and suppliers of the AlSaha online store of natural oils. It's about about the largest strawberry oil plant in the Middle East - El Baraka factory. Its specialists, using the most modern equipment, obtain a valuable product from strawberry seeds - strawberry essential oil.

    It smells very pleasant and has a characteristic yellow-golden color, often with hints of brown. We want to warn against acquiring fakes or ersatz oil. The latter is not made from seeds, but from the so-called. "strawberry nuts" - "tubercles" on the surface of the berries. Such an ersatz has a dark color and does not have all the useful properties for which many people who understand this seek to buy strawberry oil in Ukraine.

    In our store, only good and quality oil strawberries, the price of which is absolutely adequate. The El Barak enterprise (Egypt) has all the necessary certificates for its products, and most importantly, millions of positive reviews all over the world.

    Composition and properties of natural strawberry oil

    Strawberry aromatic oil contains a lot useful substances.

    More than 2/3 of it consists of unsaturated fatty acids that the human body does not produce, but needs them:

    Linoleic acid- the most important construction material» for partitions (membranes) of the cells of our body. Promotes efficient breakdown of fats. Therefore, it is an important component for a number of medicines and products intended for athletes and losing weight people.

    Oleic acid- monounsaturated acid, which is also the most important component of human cell membranes. Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improves immunity. Stimulates lipid metabolism and works to retain moisture in the skin, preventing it from drying out.

    Alpha Linolenic Acid- fights cholesterol in the blood, strengthens blood vessels, bones and helps to cope with skin ailments (psoriasis, various rashes).
    g-tocotrienols - essential components vitamin E, which is rich in strawberry oil. They are powerful antioxidants that protect cell membranes from destruction. In addition to a host of other beneficial properties, tocotrienols protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and polluted atmosphere.

    The use of strawberry oil in cosmetology

    Natural strawberry oil has a set of properties due to which it is included in the formulas of many skin care cosmetics.

    Among them:

    • creams for skin rejuvenation;
    • creams that moisturize the skin;
    • anti-acne agents;
    • skin whitening products;
    • shampoos for hair that "split", as well as for dry;
    • products (including shampoos) that resist hair loss;
    • cosmetic products for hand and nail care;
    • means for sun protection and others;

    The beneficial effect of strawberry essential oil is expressed in the fact that it successfully nourishes the skin and protects it from aging. In addition, those who take care of their skin while tanning and want to protect it from harmful ultraviolet radiation seek to buy strawberry oil in Kyiv and Ukraine. Strawberry oil is involved in the synthesis of melanin, promotes the healing of minor injuries, wounds.

    The use of strawberry oil in medicine

    The components contained in natural strawberry oil are part of many medical products. Basically, these are drugs, creams and ointments, the purpose of which is to treat skin diseases. Including such serious and unpleasant ailments as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema and others. The action of the components of the oil is to regulate cellular keratinization and to maintain the hydration of the skin.

    A separate area of ​​​​application is aromatherapy with strawberry oil. It is excellent for normalizing the mental state, eliminating the effects of stress and nervous strain, and relieving fatigue.

    Aroma lamps with strawberry oil exude a pleasant and familiar from childhood and positive aroma. This, in every sense positive, aromatherapy is recommended for those who are recovering from a serious illness or operation.

    Experts refer to the aroma of strawberries as “cheerful”, so strawberry aromatherapy is good as a means of overcoming depression. Of course, “not only strawberries”, but as an integral part of a set of tools to normalize the mental state, strawberry aromatic oil is very effective.

    Benefits for the face and body

    Nowhere are the manifestations of aging of the body so irritating and cause a lot of negativity as on the skin. Strawberry essential oils are remarkable in that they prevent these manifestations. Face/body creams and lotions containing strawberry aromatic oils increase skin elasticity, firmness and velvety.

    How to use strawberry essential oil, which you can buy in our store? Add it to masks (3-5 drops each time) and serums to achieve a rejuvenating effect, smooth wrinkles and eliminate skin imperfections. Strawberry oil, added to the cream base, is able to even out the “skin relief”, heal scars, acne marks.

    To restore skin after sun exposure, add strawberry oil to after-sun products.

    In addition, the oil will stimulate the absorption of beneficial substances into the skin. In lotions, creams and other body products, it is recommended to add strawberry aromatic oil at the rate of 1:3 or 1:2 (for example, 3-5 drops of strawberry oil per 10 grams of lotion).

    Benefits of strawberry oil for hair and nails

    Dryness, brittleness and hair loss is a serious problem, to combat which it was invented a large number all kinds of means. Strawberry oil contains ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair follicles. It stimulates a balanced blood flow, moisturizes the skin and promotes the penetration of beneficial trace elements and vitamins into it. And high-quality strawberry oil does not allow hair to “burn out in the sun”, as it contains natural ultraviolet filters.

    Another feature is the fight against dandruff and the prevention of its occurrence. Here, again, the ability of the components of strawberry oil to saturate the skin with moisture and resist the appearance of “peeling” is triggered.

    The secret of lush hair of many beauties lies in the use of special shampoos and products containing strawberry essential oils. You can and should prepare such tools with your own hands. The method of application is the same as with body and face products: strawberry essential oil is added to the base (shampoo, balm, hair mask) at the rate of three to five drops per ten grams of base.

    Where to buy strawberry oil from the manufacturer

    The sale of strawberry oil in Kyiv and Ukraine from the manufacturer is carried out by the AlSakha online store of natural oils. The cost of strawberry aromatic oil is reasonable and the quality is guaranteed by the Egyptian manufacturer (Al Baraka factory).

    Prices for strawberry oil and other products in AlSakha are among the most optimal in Ukraine.

    The price of strawberry oil 30 ml is 200 UAH.

    We value our customers and strive to make each of them permanent.

    If you have been thinking about how to buy strawberry oil in Ukraine for a long time, then you have come to the right place!


    I am very pleased that the range of essential oils is constantly expanding in pharmacies. For example, it has become common to find essential oils on sale. FOREST STRAWBERRY Pellesana.

    This manufacturer, new to me, has a very big choice interesting oils that I am gradually getting to know.

    essential oil Strawberry Forest Pellesana

    Manufacturer: Russia.

    Volume: 10 ml.

    Price: ~160 rubles.

    Where to buy: pharmacy.


    The aroma of wild strawberries tones up, increases physical and mental activity.

    Strawberry oil prevents premature aging, brightens the skin of the face, moisturizes and nourishes.

    The essential oil is packaged in a 10 ml glass bottle. The bottle is packed in a bright cardboard box, on which you can find all the necessary information about the product and how to use it.

    The oil itself is clear, with a slight yellowish tint. The aroma is juicy, bright and rich. The oil smells of wild strawberries is very natural and pleasant.

    Application and result:

    The manufacturer recommends using the oil both for cosmetic purposes and for aromatherapy. I use oil to scent rooms and enrich leave-in hair products with it. Hair acquires shine and a pleasant berry aroma.

    You can also enrich any cosmetics with oil, add it to the rinse compartment, aroma diffusers, spray it indoors or in a car.

    The aroma of strawberry oil is not cloying, refreshing, with a slight sweetness, everyone will find something for themselves. suitable option fragrant application.

    Pellesana FOREST STRAWBERRY essential oil is recommended for purchase! This fragrant oil will decorate any, even a very gloomy winter day and create a special atmosphere in the room.

    Other essential oils from Pellesana that we liked:


    Essential oils are obtained by extracting the fruits of plants with carbon dioxide,

    which is served under high pressure, followed by condensation.


    essential oil of wild strawberries (wild strawberries essential oil).

    Selling Features

    Without a license

    Special conditions

    For external use only. Do not use inside. Store at room temperature out of the reach of children.


    Strawberry oil is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. Strawberry oil prevents premature aging of the skin. Brightens, hydrates and nourishes the skin. The aroma of wild strawberries tones up, increases physical and mental activity.


    Avoid contact with eyes. Use with extreme caution during pregnancy. Phototoxic - do not use on a sunny day. Do not apply undiluted to the skin.

    Check for individual intolerance to the components of the product: mix 1 drop of oil with 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil, apply the mixture on the elbow. Check the reaction after 20-40 minutes.

    You can buy Pellesana wild strawberry essential oil 10ml in Moscow in a pharmacy convenient for you by placing an order on Apteka.RU. The price of Pellesana wild strawberry essential oil 10ml in Moscow is 118.00 rubles. Instructions for use for Pellesana wild strawberry essential oil 10ml.

    You can see the nearest delivery points in Moscow here.

    Strawberry oil in cosmetics (Fragaria ananassa (strawberry) seed oil)

    The concentration of strawberry oil in the composition of cosmetics (Fragaria ananassa (strawberry) seed oil) reaches 10% if the oil is obtained by cold pressing, and 0.5-2.5% if by CO2 extraction.

    Moisturizer. Strawberry oil prevents skin moisture loss, deeply nourishes and moisturizes, and eliminates peeling.

    anti-aging. Strawberry oil has strong antioxidant properties, accelerates cell regeneration, softens and smoothes the skin, stimulates the strengthening of capillaries, tones and improves complexion.

    Whitening. Strawberry oil reduces the synthesis of melanin, brightens the skin, reduces the appearance of freckles.

    Anti-inflammatory. Strawberry oil soothes skin irritation, regulates sebum secretion, reduces hyperkeratosis in acne, and has antibacterial properties.

    Healing. Strawberry oil accelerates the healing of wounds and scratches on the skin, stimulates the renewal of skin cells, softens the discomfort after sunburn.

    Firming. Strawberry oil nourishes and moisturizes the hair roots, smoothes and strengthens the keratin scales of the hair, eliminates split ends, prevents delamination of the nail plates and the formation of burrs.

    Strawberry oil soothes, moisturizes and softens the skin with psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases. It is actively used for skin diseases, especially in the case of problem skin. Strawberry oil is included in treatment programs for baldness and for the restoration of damaged hair. Recently, it has been increasingly found in the composition of professional cosmetics for anti-aging programs: to combat increased dryness and flabbiness of the skin, during the recovery period after dermabrasion, aggressive peels and deep cleansing of the skin.

    Cosmetics containing strawberry oil:

    Moisturizing emulsion for the skin around the eyes Moisturizing day cream for dry and sensitive skin Tanning cosmetics Soothing after-sun milk Lotion, tonic for problem skin Emulsion, skin whitening cream Nourishing night cream for aging skin Body scrubs and peels Massage oil Moisturizing masks scalp Nourishing shampoos, balms for strengthening hair Moisturizing cream for hands and nails Cosmetics with strawberry oil are stored in a cool, dry place out of the sun, and after opening the package - in the refrigerator.

    The use of cosmetics with strawberry oil is undesirable:

    with individual intolerance to strawberries with an allergy to citrus fruits

    Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant with fragrant berries, growing in the vast territories different continents. It is assumed that wild strawberries, a small, bitter progenitor of our favorite berries, settled long ago from East Asia throughout the European region and even came to America. Those garden strawberries (or, as some call them, strawberries), which are grown today in our latitudes - large and fragrant, appeared thanks to French navigators who brought bushes of Chilean and North American virgin strawberries in the 18th century, and the caretaker of the garden at the Palace of Versailles accidentally crossed them among themselves.

    In addition to the wonderful aroma and delicate taste, strawberries attract their admirers with a rich composition of bioactive elements: these are vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, iron, tocopherols and omega acids, and in an ideal ratio - approximately equally omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs.

    Where do they get strawberry oil for cosmetics?

    The largest suppliers of strawberry oil to the cosmetic market are Italy, Spain, Bulgaria.

    Strawberry oil is obtained from seeds (pits), which we usually see on the surface of a ripened berry, by cold pressing or extraction under high pressure in a carbon dioxide environment, which allows the maximum preservation of the biological activity of the oil components. After cold pressing, strawberry oil is obtained, light yellow in color, transparent, with a fresh sweet smell. After CO2 extraction, strawberry oil has a rich orange-greenish color and a pronounced fruity aroma.

    Cold-pressed strawberry oil contains more oleic acid and a wider range of omega-6 fatty acids than extracted oil.

    Strawberry essential oil is an extraction product obtained from the leaves of the plant of the same name. The process of its production is quite laborious and complex. Due to the difficulty of extracting the product from strawberries, natural essential oil is rarely commercially available. Ready liquid is colorless, fluid.


    The smell of strawberry essential oil is characteristic. It is a mixture of berry aroma combined with notes of earth and grass.

    Beneficial features

    Strawberry essential oil has a certain set of useful qualities. The main ones are:

    • Anti-aging.
    • Moisturizing.
    • Nutritious.
    • Anti-inflammatory.
    • Restorative.
    • Calming.

    The product is good for the skin. Helps to improve its condition, especially with long-term use.


    The scope of strawberry essential oil is limited due to the low prevalence of the product. It is sometimes used in the food industry to add flavor to prepared foods or drinks. But for this purpose, a synthetic analogue of the product is more often used, which is cheaper to manufacture.

    In medicine, strawberry oil is practically not used. It has a moderately pronounced anti-inflammatory property, which helps to eliminate pathological processes on the surface of the skin. Raises protective properties epidermis. Under its influence, it is possible to improve the frost resistance of the skin.

    In perfumery, strawberry essential oil is used as an auxiliary component of traditional compositions. It pairs well with typical floral and spicy aromas. Combines with the smells of orange, lilac, lavender, rosemary, rose, mint.

    The most popular strawberry essential oil has gained in cosmetology. It moisturizes the skin well, nourishes it with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. The introduction of this product into ready-made masks and creams helps to reduce the severity of fine wrinkles. With the help of oil, it is possible to increase the regenerative capabilities of the epidermis.

    Strawberry oil is used to create hair masks. It strengthens their roots, makes the hair silky and shiny. Under the influence of oil, dandruff and itching of the scalp are eliminated.

    Strawberry essential oil evens out skin tone. Under its influence, resistance to ultraviolet rays increases.

    In aromatherapy, the product is used to relax and calm a person. Inhalation of vapors helps to reduce the effects of stress. Sleep is normalized.

    Strawberry essential oil is rarely added to massage mixtures. It improves microcirculation in the affected area, reduces the intensity of the pain syndrome. It has a slight anti-edematous effect.

    Precautionary measures

    The use of strawberry essential oil is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to the product. It should not be used during pregnancy, lactation, children under 6 years of age. Use with caution in patients with frequent allergic reactions.