Intellectual game "knowledge auction". Intellectual math game "knowledge auction" Knowledge auction for elementary school

Knowledge auction game

Tarasova T.N. geography teacher

MOU SOSH with UIOP. P. Svetlopolyansk

Verkhnekamsky district of the Kirov region

For the formation and development of the cognitive interests of schoolchildren, for the activation of activities in the learning process, I use a variety of forms of education. One of them is a game.

The purpose of geographical games is, first of all, educational: to consolidate the skills of reading a map, the ability to use the acquired knowledge, a variety of additional information, to arouse interest in the subject, the desire to learn even more.

A geographical game is usually used to solve complex problems of mastering and consolidating a new educational material, development of creative abilities of schoolchildren and the formation of their general educational skills, skills in using reference and other literature. And most importantly, in the process of playing, schoolchildren gain knowledge, while experiencing pleasure. Positive emotions affect the better assimilation of the studied material, affect the development of the child's personality as a whole. That is why the game can become a means of comprehensive development of the student, his abilities.

Work practice shows that even small changes in the organization of educational activities, for example, the creation of a problem situation, the introduction of game moments and creative tasks have a positive effect on students. Preparing for such lessons, the teacher must clearly think over the learning objectives, correctly develop a game scenario, identify methodological techniques, create a relaxed atmosphere and a positive emotional mood, and plan ways to evaluate results.

Game "Auction"

Target: Deepening the knowledge of students to identify the features of the relationship between the component and phenomena in nature.

Tasks: Provide an opportunity to answer problematic questions based on the knowledge gained.

      Use the ability to work with geographical sources;

      Show the need for independence, responsibility for their decisions;

      To acquaint the children with an unusual type of communication for many of them - business;

      To promote the development of interest in the study of geography.


lot name


original price

In the ocean of humor

What river flows from the letter "A" to the letter "Z"

500 GEO

What is in the river, in the pond, in the lake, in the sea, but not in the ocean

500 GEO

Vyatka and Pripyat have one snake tributary each, and at Vyatka it is “poisonous”, and at Pripyat it is “non-poisonous”. Name these tributaries.

600 GEO

What city in the south of Ukraine consists of one male and one hundred female names?

700 GEO

What animal must be in every village in the world?

800 GEO

Geographic Mosaic

Can a barometer work on the moon?

500 GEO

What does the word "crater" mean in Latin?

600 GEO

Climate (the long-term weather regime in a given area) in Greek means “slope”. What slope do you mean?

700 GEO

What two seas of Russia are opposite in position, water temperature and name?

800 GEO

What lake are they talking about "Pearl of Siberia", "Sacred Sea", "Siberian Phenomenon"?

900 GEO

In the wilds of insidious questions

Where did the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin go?

500 GEO

What natural disaster forced grandfather Mazay to save hares?

600 GEO

What is measured by a hygrometer?

700 GEO

The eruption of which volcano was depicted by Karl Bryullov in his painting “The Last Day of Pompeii”?

800 GEO

What is the name of a ship that can navigate frozen water?

900 GEO

The most, most, most...

Name the most sparsely populated continent on the planet, on which 14 of the world's population lives.

500 GEO

Name the largest peninsula in the world.

600 GEO

Which lake has the clearest water in the world?

700 GEO

Whose expedition was the first to circumnavigate the Earth?

800 GEO

Which country has the most neighbors?

900 GEO

Tasty geography

Which country gave the world its open pizza pie?

500 GEO

Which national cuisine is the leader in quantity delicious meals from potatoes?

600 GEO

What is an outdoor meal called?

700 GEO

Name the birthplace of tea.

800 GEO

What do sailors call the owner of the ship's kitchen?

900 GEO

The auction ends, the results are summed up, the work as a whole is evaluated, the work of the auctioneer, bankers, and individual students. According to the records of the bankers, the winners are revealed

Goals and objectives:

Development of intellectual abilities of younger students;

Education of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual and the rallying of the children's team.

Equipment. Tokens, a table for placing tokens, a drum with team numbers, prizes for awarding winning teams.

Several microgroups are formed in the class (from 3 to 6 people in each). The class teacher explains the conditions of the game, but does not reveal the content of the competitions. Each team is introduced to additional literature, is preparing a number of amateur performances.

The game is led by a teacher and a moderator. The jury can invite high school students, teachers or parents.

Description of class

Teacher: Good afternoon guys. Today we will try to determine a team that will show more resourcefulness, ingenuity, and, most importantly, its knowledge in many branches of science that will be useful to you in the future, but for now you must show how you read books, watch educational programs on TV and, of course, study at school.

Before the start of the auction, each team receives initial capital - a certain number of tokens (10-15).

Each team has its own number.

The host plays a team that bets on a question (1 or more tokens):

1 token - an easy question;

2 tokens - harder;

3 or more are the hardest questions.

The presenters put up the same number of tokens against the team and ask the question of the difficulty on which the bet was made.

The team is given 15 seconds to discuss.

If the answer is correct, the team takes all the tokens placed.

If the answer is incorrect, the leaders take the tokens, and the right to move passes to the next team.

After the correct answer, the host plays the next team to play.

After all teams have played, the numbers are placed in the drum, and the game continues.

During the game, teams choose questions 3-5 times.

At the end of the game, the team with the most tokens wins a prize.

The auction takes place in 4 rounds of 10 minutes each. The jury keeps track of time. After each round, amateur performances prepared by each team are reviewed, and the jury announces preliminary results - the number of tokens earned by each team.

Questions per token

What this eye does not look at, it will convey everything in the pictures. (Camera)

Not rider, but with spurs. Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up. (Rooster)

The living castle fell silent,

Lie across the door. (Dog)

Land where near the Nile

The drum is chewed by a gorilla

Where is the birthplace of the giraffe

The earth is called... (Africa)

Who silently teaches? (Book)

It runs on the ground without legs. (Water)

It stands in the corner of Matryona,

Healthy, vigorous,

The mouth opens

What they give - swallows. (Bake)

Hanging kalach, but you can not bite. (Lock)

Long, not thread.

Evil, not a witch.

Black, not raven. (Snake)

On the mustache I grow thin,

In the swamps of the most marshy,

And for acidic vitamin

Crowds climb the bogs. (Cranberry)

White flies sat on the field. (Snow)

A boggy place with stagnant water. (Swamp)

The golden sieve of black houses is full.

How many black houses

So many white people. (Sunflower)

A new vessel, and all in holes. (Sieve)

Standing on a strong foot

Now lies in a basket. (Mushroom)

What kind of stars are see-through on the coat and on the scarf?

All through, cut, and take it - water in your hand. (Snowflakes)

Barmaley's place of residence. (Africa)

Wherever it happens, it warms with a glance. (The sun)

It is not known where he lives. It will fly - the trees are oppressed. (Wind)

Silver threads sew earth and sky together. (Rain)

Who is the first to plow the land? (Worm)

Questions for two tokens

Two friends live, look in two circles. (eyes, glasses)

What clings to all sorts of things? (Name)

Born at dawn.

The more he grew, the smaller he became. (Day)

I'll throw my riddle into the garden.

A year will pass - it will rise like a roll. (Sowing)

What is between "mountain" and "valley"? (Letter "I")

Where do swallows winter? (In Africa)

Can you photograph a mirage? (Yes)

Tell me what kind of weirdo

Does he wear a tailcoat day and night? (Penguin)

Yashka came - a white shirt,

Wherever he visits, he covers the carpets. (Snow)

Paper carrier pigeon. (Envelope)

How many kilograms are in a centner? (100)

Every year they come to visit us: One is gray-haired, the other is young,

The third jumps, and the fourth cries. (Seasons)

Peas are scattered at our gates.

Do not rake with a shovel, do not sweep with a broom. (Stars on the sky)

Dives, dives, and loses its tail. (Needle and thread)

Round, rich, about shaggy. Trouble will come - water will flow. (Eye)

A tree growing in the deserts of Asia. (Saxaul)

A substance produced by bees. (Wax)

The smallest bird in the world. (Hummingbird)

They put the peasant in prison and gave him only dry bread, and when they let him out, there were bones left in the corner. From what? (from fish)

I am black, red, white.

And blush near the stump.

That's why they call

People affectionate me. (Strawberry)

I burn without fire

I save the bullfinch.

And often about me

They remember in songs. (Rowan)

Before you hit the wall

Climbed into the oven - burn the sides. (Brick)

Questions for three tokens

Jump on the floor and jump on the benches, sit in a corner, not stir. (Broom)

The whole world is dressing, but she is naked. (Needle)

Black in autumn, white in winter

Green in spring, yellow in summer. (Niva)

AT new wall, in a round window.

During the day the glass is broken, but at night it is inserted. (hole)

Jackdaws flew, sat on sticks.

We sat down one at a time - an extra jackdaw.

They sat down in two - a stick is superfluous.

How many jackdaws were there and how many sticks were there? (4 jackdaws, 3 sticks)

Not alive, but breathing

Without arms, without legs, but going uphill. (Dough)

What ghost are sailors afraid of (Flying Dutchman)

Name the fourth dimension of space. (Time)

Dries like a wash

And it has holes in it. (Network)

Name three dimensions of space. (Length Width Height)

Brother drives brother, but never catches up. (Wheels)

Cyril lived, fed many people,

And crashed - he found himself under the wattle fence. (Pot)

Dairy lake, kalachny shores. (Cheesecake)

Not the sun, but shining. (Glowworm)

. "The center of the world. (Pole)

A place in the house where it is not customary to say hello and say goodbye. (Threshold)

There is a shell, not a turtle,

Lives on a branch, not a bird. (Nut)

Who changes their clothes three times a year? (Earth)

What kind of miracle cells, where it is tight for a mouse, but free for an elephant? (Chess board)

I go and he stays. (Track)

What has the most hoops? (On a ball)

Questions for four tokens

Dark chamber, four brothers live in it,

Near the closet, Yegorka lives in it. (mittens)

What is botulism? (Food poisoning)

An ancient ancestor of birds. (Atheopteryx)

What kind of fish in our area can move overland from one reservoir to another? (Loach)

Who and to whom said: “We are responsible for those whom we have tamed”? (Fox to the Little Prince)

What berry replaces lemon? (Cranberry)

In America they play baseball, but what is the name of similar game in Russia? (Lapta)

What mammals lay eggs? (ostrich, echidna, platypus)

Who was the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes? (Conan Doyle)

What spoils the fastest? (Mood)

The biggest holiday in Japan. (Cherry Blossom Festival)

Eight legs, nine kopecks. (Two pigs)

What is the largest berry? (Watermelon)

Which country has the coldest winter? (In Russia)

What wood are matches made from? (Aspen)

Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins)

She does not offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (Door)

It does not burn in fire, nor does it sink in water. (Ice)

Monetary unit of Hungary. (Forint)

Who is the most voracious predator on the planet? (Dragonfly)

Which city is made up of a planet and a tree? (Marseilles)

Legless lizard. (Medianka)

Large lizard of five letters. (Varan)

Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar? (Bear)

Year of discovery of America. (1492)

What wood is used to make skis? (birch)

When is a watchdog a forget-me-not? (When he is not behind the booth)

The jury counts the tokens and sums up the preliminary results.

Teacher: Well, are you tired? Let's take a game break.

Prank game "Tush"

If there are no musicians at the solemn moment, the tush can perform the whole hall, having previously learned the words: “Elephants live in Africa, they reach the sky without raising their trunks.” (The game is played three times)

The game situation of the auction "Va-Bank"

Teacher: Guys, this tour is the most unusual. You have probably seen in some television games when, before a question or task, players, without knowing the question yet, “make bets” at random. If they answer the question, the “rate” is added to them, if not, it is subtracted. In a word, the players go for broke.

In this round and you have to make bets at random.

Before I ask a question, you will need to “make bets” as you wish: offer several (or one) tokens of any nomination for the answer to the question.

If you answer within 1 minute, you will be given additional tokens for the nomination that you proposed.

If not, or if you use the hint, the "bid" is subtracted from the total number of tokens on your team.

Ready... All-In!

What cities are named after rivers? (Moscow, Voronezh, Pechora)

What colored seas do you know? (Black, Red, Yellow, Marble)

Which lake is the deepest? (Baikal - 1620 m)

Can elephants swim? (They know how, and at the same time, having plunged into the water, they put their trunk above the surface)

Do cats have the same eyes day and night? (Daytime - pupils are small, and at night - too dilated)

Does the tree grow in winter? (No, it freezes)

Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? (Rowan, aspen and maple)

Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)

What insect "wears the rank" of a naval officer? (Butterfly Admiral)

What is the smallest animal? (Shrew)

What substance on our planet exists in three states? (Water)

Born in water, but lives on earth. (Frog)

What is the name of the month of spring primroses? (April)

Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker)

What wood is the piano made from? (From spruce)

Which plant says where it lives? (Plantain)

Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird)

Which berry is white, black and red? (Currant)

Who sleeps upside down? (Bat)

Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle)

The jury counts the total number of tokens for each team and announces the total result of the auction.

The teacher thanks all the participants for gambling and sums up the results, reminding that the "auction of jokes and riddles" was the "auction of knowledge" of the third graders (fourth graders). It is advisable to reward the most distinguished children with symbolic gifts.

Intellectual game "Knowledge Auction" for participants of the school scientific society

Target: creating conditions for identifying children with high intellectual and cognitive abilities, broadening their horizons, developing communication skills, extraordinary thinking, the ability to substantiate and argue their point of view, stimulating interest in fundamental and applied sciences.

AT game 3 teams of 10 people participate. Each team has its own table. Installed a large screen, computer. The whole game is accompanied by a presentation, the use of ICT is mandatory, because otherwise the game will not turn out to be as colorful, spectacular and will not be able to have such voluminous information content. For the game, “silver” coins are made - “talents”, several black boxes with objects, prizes for participants. The game is conducted by the head of the NOU. An expert committee is elected from among the teachers.

Game progress

Head of NOU: Good afternoon, young scholars! We are pleased to welcome you to the intellectual and educational competition "Knowledge Auction". Today you have to show your knowledge, erudition, skills in the field of natural science, mathematics, philology, history, art. You will earn talents. Talent is a silver coin that circulated in antiquity. There is such a parable: “Someone, leaving for distant lands, entrusted the care of his condition to the slaves. He gave 5 talents to one, 3 to another, and 1 to a third. Two of them worked hard and increased the owner's fortune. The third - lazy and cunning, buried his coin in the ground. The diligence of the first was rewarded. The returned owner gave them all the money they had earned. The third one received nothing. This is how the expression “bury talent in the ground” appeared. We wish you not to bury your talents in the ground, but to increase throughout your life.

We are glad to welcome teams of participants - scholars.

Team greeting: name, motto, introduction of captains. (5 minutes.)

1-round "Natural Science" - 14 min

We begin the first round of our auction. Listen to the rules. Each team has 50 talents available. This is the initial capital. Problems (of different levels of complexity) are put up for auction. The starting price of the first task is 1 talent, the second one is 2 talents, and so on.

The host draws lots, the captain names the field of science from which the question will be, then the teams start bidding (who will declare more talents). The team that has declared the maximum price gets the right to answer (questions on the screen appear only after the auction). If the answer is correct, then the declared amount is given to the team, if the answer is incorrect, then the team loses the declared amount (it is withdrawn from the team's capital). If a team buys a question for the full amount available and makes a mistake, then, alas, it is bankrupt. She cannot continue participation in the first round. The host of the auction and the expert commission have the right from their own funds to award the players of any team once, as well as to fine the participants who violate the rules. After 14 min. auction ends.

Knowledge Auction:

Vegetable world

Animal world

Inanimate nature

Discoveries and inventions


The nature of the Tula region

Questions for round 1

Vegetable world

1. They have a strong, woody trunk covered with strong bark. (Trees)

2. Plants that help a person cope with diseases. (Medicinal)

3. Attracts insects, which promotes pollination and the appearance of fruits and seeds. (Flower)

4. This plant reproduces by tubers or their parts. (Potato)

5. These plants never bloom, there are no seeds, they reproduce by spores that are directly on the leaves. (Mosses and lichens)

6. What plants have animal names? (Mouse peas, bear's ear, cuckoo flax, goose onion, horse sorrel.)

7. This plant is called the breadwinner of the East. (Rice.)

8. What vegetable did the Romans call head? (Cabbage.)

9. According to legend, it was from this tree that the Trojan horse was built. (Fir.)

10. In ancient mythology, you can find a lot of details related to nature. Remember, for example, what wood was the club of Hercules made of? (From cedar.)

The word of the experts.

Animal world

1. This bird is a bad mother. (Cuckoo)

2. Which animal has ears on its feet? (Grasshopper).

3. What do koalas and kangaroos have in common? (They are marsupials)

4. What inhabitant of fresh water never drinks? (Frog).

5. Can a polar bear eat a penguin in nature? Explain. (No, since they live at different poles).

6. Do all mosquitoes drink human and animal blood? (No, males feed on nectar).

7. This is the only completely blind animal in our fauna. Adapted to underground life. Feeds on bulbs of steppe plants. Direction endless underground passages indicated by heaps of earth thrown out. About whom in question? (Blind man).

8. The body of this animal is “dressed” in thick brown fur with a silvery sheen. The length of the animal is 40 cm, weight is about 500 g. It has an elongated proboscis nose. With his proboscis, he not only sniffs out prey, but also grabs everything that can be eaten and directs food into his mouth. Lives in reservoirs. When diving, the nostrils on the proboscis and the holes in the ears are closed with valves. Name it. (Muskrat).

10. In what part of the body is fat deposited in a platypus? (in the tail)

The word of the experts.

Inanimate nature

1. What percentage of the earth's surface is covered with water? (Approximately 70%)

2. Air movement. (Wind)

3. I myself am water and I swim on water. (Ice)

4. Air shell of the Earth. (Atmosphere)

5. Name folk rituals associated with water. (Christening a baby, Dousing with water on the day of Ivan Kupala, Divination with water, Cleansing with Holy water, etc.)

7. The fountain beats the source, the jet to the skies.

A volcano lives in its neighbors, you know that fountain. (Geyser)

8. In which lake is 80% of all fresh water in our country and a fifth of the fresh water of the entire planet? (Baikal)

9. What river flows through 1/5 of all river water in the world? (Amazon)

10. Name the only lake on the globe, in which one half contains fresh water, and the other is salty. (Balkhash)

The word of the experts.

Discoveries and inventions

1. She dreamed of him in a dream.

You will find it on the cover of a chemistry textbook.

It contains all natural substances in the world (from oxygen and hydrogen to iron, gold, copper).

Who is this stranger? (Chemical periodic table)

2. Galoshes, boots for puddles and mud, car tires, shoe sole. What is it all made of? What did Lebedev invent?

(Artificial rubber, because real, from the juice of hevea trees, very expensive, you can’t collect a lot of it)

He was the first to create artificial rubber from cheap raw materials, and we had the world's first factory for its production.

3. Doctor Lunin Nikolai Ivanovich for the first time showed the need for special substances for our body. The name of this substance is derived from the Latin root "vita", which means "life". What is this substance?

(Lunin discovered substances that were later called vitamins)

4. Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich made what they dared only dream of as an exact science. And Sergey Pavlovich Korolev created the doctrine of such a means of transport, which will help a person not only overcome the distance, but also defeat the force of gravity of the Earth.

Another scientist continued his work and built ... What?

5. And what did Sergei Pavlovich Korolev invent?

On the wave, on the wave

Music floats to me. (Radio)

6. The invention of Lodygin Alexander Nikolaevich

hid in the following riddle:

Blink, blink,

Dive into the bubble

In a bubble under the ceiling

Day in the room at night! (Bulb)

7. The whole Universe lives in it,

And it's an ordinary thing.

What invention is Rosing Boris Lvovich talking about? (TV set)

Intellectual game for high school students "Knowledge Auction"

The game involves 5 teams of 5 people (8 cells, 9 cells, 10 cells, 11 cells). Each team has its own table. A large screen, computer and projector are installed. The whole game is accompanied by a presentation, The game involves the purchase prizes: 5 pens, 5 bags, 6 packs of chewing gum, 5 erasers, 5 rulers, 5 calendars, 5 student triangles. To play the game, special money must be made - quants, with a face value of 10 quants, 20 quants, 50 quants and 100 quants.

Game progress

Moderator: Hello dear friends! We are glad to welcome the intellectual elite within the walls of our school! We salute those who, with their intelligence and erudition, have won the honor of representing the team of their native class. Let's get to know each other first. Each team prepares a welcome speech to the opponents in 1 minute and after a minute calls the name of its team and greets the opponents.

We present our jury: expert in mathematics (full name), expert in physics (full name), expert in chemistry (full name), expert in biology (full name ), expert in literature (full name), expert in history (full name).

Well, let's draw lots, which number goes to each team (team numbers are drawn: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5). Team #1 is the first to start the competition in the first stage. Team #2 starts the second stage first, team #3 starts the third stage.

We call the first round of our marathon “Knowledge Auction”. Listen to the rules of our auction. Each team has 50 quants available. This is the initial capital. Tasks are put up for auction. The starting price of each task is 10 quants. After the presenter announces the field of science from which the question will be (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, literature, history), the teams start bidding (who will declare more quants). The team that has declared the maximum price, and receives the right to answer. If the answer is correct, then the declared amount is given to the team in the form of quants, if the answer is incorrect, then the team loses the declared amount (it is withdrawn from the team's capital). If a team buys a question for the entire amount available and makes a mistake, then, alas, it is bankrupt. She cannot continue participation in the first round. Keep in mind that the auction hosts and the jury have the right to reward the players of any team from their own funds once, as well as fine the participants who violate the rules.

So, we begin the 1st round - "Knowledge Auction"

Each lot is accompanied by a presentation slide, on which at first only the name of the knowledge area from which the question will be drawn appears. The question itself appears only after the end of the trading teams.

Lot #1: A question from the field of physics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more? (teams are bidding).

Question: When does sound travel faster: in winter or summer?

Answer: slower in winter as cold air is denser.

Lot No. 2: A question from the field of literature. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more? (teams are bidding)

Question: What was the official name of young nobles in the 18th century who had not yet received a certificate of education?

Answer: Undergrowth.

Lot #3: A question from the field of chemistry.

Question: What role does baking soda play when it is used for heartburn?

Answer: it neutralizes the HCl acid.

Lot #4: A question from the field of mathematics.

Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What does the word "geometry" mean?

Answer: ge - earth, metreo - I measure (from two Greek words).

Lot #5: ATTENTION EXPERIENCE FROM THE FIELD OF PHYSICS WHICH NEED TO EXPLAIN!!!. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more? (Experience is demonstrated by a teacher or student assistants)

Experience: Pour water into a glass, cover with paper and turn upside down. Water does not pour out. Why? Answer: atmospheric pressure.

Lot No. 6 Question from the field of literature.

Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What literary character acts on the pages of the book under a cat's name and a bird's surname?

Answer: Kisa Vorobyaninov, "The Twelve Chairs" I. Ilf, E Petrov.

Lot No. 7: A question from the field of physics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Is it possible to boil an egg on the top of Everest?

Answer: No, because there is less air pressure and the water will boil at a lower temperature.

Lot No. 8: A question from the field of chemistry. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Name the gaseous substance without which plants cannot grow?

Answer: CO2.

Lot No. 9: A question from the field of mathematics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: A product went up in price by 10%, then went down in price by 10%. When was the price lower before the price increase or after the price decrease?

Answer: It fell in price by a larger number of rubles, since 10% was calculated from a larger amount. So the price is lower after the price drops.

Lot #10: A question from the field of biology. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What creatures can live in an oxygen-free environment?

Answer: bacteria.

Lot No. 11: A question from the field of literature. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: name the last word poems

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have
Prepare enlightenment spirit.
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, paradoxes friend,
And chance, god………

Answer: inventor

Lot #12: A question from the field of physics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Among the birds there are no doubles. They learned the lesson well about the correct behavior on high voltage lines. Why does the current passing through the body of a bird sitting on a bare wire of a high-voltage power line not harm the bird?

Answer: The bird sitting on the wire is connected in parallel to a small section of the wire (between the paws). The resistance of the bird's body is much greater than the resistance of this area. Since the current flows along the path of least resistance, the current through the bird is very small.

Lot No. 13: A question from the field of chemistry. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What gas is called laughing gas and why is it called that?

Answer: Nitrous oxide, it is used for anesthesia during surgery.

Lot No. 14: A question from the field of the Russian language. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

That day the autumn weather
Stood in the yard for a long time
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
It only snowed in January...

Question: What is the form of the verb stood?

Suggested answers: The verb "stood" has: A - the form of the past tense; B - present tense form; B - the form of the future tense; G - indefinite form.

Lot No. 15: A question from the field of geography. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What sea in ancient times was called amber?

Answer: Baltic Sea. (lots of amber)

Lot No. 16: A question from the field of physics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Which water will boil first: raw or boiled?

Answer: Raw, because it has more dissolved air.

Lot #17: A question from the field of mathematics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: All numbers from 1 to 99 are written out. How many times is the number 5 written?

Answer: 20.

Lot #18: A question from the field of biology. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: A device is placed in the box, the benefits of which Peter I already knew. M.V. Lomonosov, the first scientist to systematically apply it in his scientific work, wrote about him in his poem:

Adding the growth of things, if we need it,
Shows herbal analysis and medical knowledge.
If there are many ... he revealed secrets to us.
Invisible particles and secret lived in the body.

What is this device?

Answer: Microscope.

Lot No. 19: A question from the field of history. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Which path is called the "Great Route from the Varangians to the Greeks"?

Answer: Along the Dnieper, the Varangians moved to the Black Sea and reached Constantinople.

Host: This concludes the first round of the marathon. Teams count your quants. We ask the jury to record and announce the capital of our teams based on the results of the first round.

Round 2: Erudite Sprint

Teams have 1 minute each, during which the team must correctly answer the maximum number of questions as quickly as possible. For each correct answer, the team receives 10 quants. The question appears on the screen and the team immediately gives the answer as quickly as possible. If the team does not have an answer, they say the word "next". In a minute you must answer the maximum number of questions. So, are the teams ready? Time!!!

A line segment connecting two adjacent vertices of a polygon (side)

What can't be divided? (zero)

The value of the product of reciprocal numbers (1)

A parallelogram that has a right angle (rectangle)

Angle indicating direction (azimuth)

Where on earth is the longest day? (everywhere 24 hours)

Pressure unit? (Pascal)

Physical quantity measured in ohms (resistance)

"Eureka!" he exclaimed, and opened the law. Who is he? (Archimedes)

Is force a scalar or a vector quantity? (vector)

A chemical element whose deficiency leads to dental caries (fluorine)

The color of litmus in an acidic environment (red)

Non-metal that is a forest (Bor)

Hydrogen oxide (water)

Why does a cube and a person have exactly a dozen (ribs)

body control center (brain)

The smallest bird in our country (kinglet)

Side lying in a triangle opposite the right angle (hypotenuse)

A segment connecting 2 non-neighboring vertices of a polygon (diagonal)

Equality with variable (equation)

What is a dozen (12)

How many vertices does a cube have? (eight)

How many musicians are in the quintet? (5)

Unit of work and energy (Joule)

What is the random movement of solid particles in a liquid or gas called? (Brownian)

Methyl orange color in acid medium (red)

Is the trunk a nose or a lip? (lip)

Outer layer of skin cells (epidermis)

A disease in which color perception is disturbed (Daltonism0

The process of formation of organic substances from water and carbon dioxide in the light (photosynthesis)

The rarest blood type (fourth)

Sum of polygon sides (perimeter)

Chord passing through the center of the circle (diameter)

What is the approximate value of Pi (3.14)

Geometry in which figures on a plane are studied (planimetry)

What is the name of a fraction whose numerator is less than the denominator? (correct)

Equality of two ratios (proportion)

Power unit (Watt)

Physical quantity measured in meters per second per second (acceleration)

The scientist who discovered the law of universal gravitation (Newton)

Device for measuring pressure to a person (monometer)

Atmospheric pressure measuring instrument (barometer)

What is half of half? (1/4)

Another name for swamp gas (Methane)

What does a cannon have in common with a tree? (trunk)

main artery circulatory system(aorta)

Part of a straight line bounded by two points (segment)

Constant value (constant)

Where does the natural series begin (from one)

The reciprocal of five (1/5 = 0.2)

A segment connecting the center of a circle with any point on it (radius)

Force unit electric current(Ampere)

Combustion supporting gas (oxygen)

What acid is found in gastric juice? (salt)

Sides that make a right angle in a triangle (legs)

What determines the number of roots of a quadratic equation (discriminant)

Another name for the independent variable (argument)

Rival "zero" (cross)

How many ends does three and a half sticks have (8)

Unit of force (Newton)

What changes as a result of doing work (energy)

Device for measuring electrical voltage (voltmeter)

Ordered motion of charged particles (current)

The lightest gas (hydrogen)

Favorite delicacy of storks (frog)

Do migratory birds nest in the south? (No)

The plant and the equation (root) have

Body weight unit (Newton)

The line along which the body moves (trajectory)

A line segment that connects any two points on a circle (chord)

Animals sleeping with their eyes open (snakes, fish)

What determines the volume of sound? (from the frequency of wave oscillation)

Which shaft is depicted in the painting by Aivazovsky (ninth)

How many years did Ilya Muromets sleep? (33 years)

Reaction between acid and base (neutralization)

What do bees use to build honeycombs (wax)

How many kids did a large goat have? (seven)

Moderator: Thank you to all the teams, we invite the jury to sum up the results of the 2nd round and add quants to the teams.

Musical pause (musical number performed by students)

Round 3: Own game

Host: Each team gets the right to choose one of the sciences: biology, mathematics, physics (by drawing lots). Your task is to correctly answer these questions. Each correct answer is 50 quants. The jury may award additional quants for the completeness of the answer.

Exchange your knowledge more actively for our quants.

Field of biology: Determine the systematic position (type, class) of animal genera and distribute them in order of evolutionary increase: octopus; triton; nereid; malarial plasmodium; lemming; alligator; crab; jellyfish; sturgeon; starfish.


Malarial plasmodium (P / c. Unicellular, Type Sporoviki);

Jellyfish (Type Coelenterates, Class Scyphoid);

Nereid (Type Annelids, Class Polychaetes);

Crab (Type Arthropoda, Class Crustaceans);

Octopus (Type Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda);

Starfish (Type Echinoderm, Class Starfish);

Sturgeon (Type Chordata, Class Bony fish);

Triton (Type Chordates, Class Amphibians);

Alligator (Type Chordata, Class Reptiles);

Lemming (Type Chordates, Class Mammals).

Area of ​​mathematics: The price of theater tickets increased by 40%, while revenue decreased by 16%. By how much did the number of viewers decrease?


The field of physics - physical mosaic: Teams are given cards on which Latin letters are written, expressing physical quantities. Make up as many physical formulas as possible and write them down.

While the teams are solving the issues of the 3rd round, a game is played with the audience.

Questions to the audience:

1) Yeralash: The lines of this poem are divided into two parts. The first words of each line are written on the left, and the continuations are written on the right. The words are all mixed up. The task is to compose a poem:


Angry boar

Sat on a branch

Sharpened fangs


languished in a cage

gave beeps


Sharpened fangs

Sat on a branch


gave beeps

languished in a cage


I taught physics

Catch your tail


Catch your tail

I taught physics


Sewing my pants

Ate all the pancakes


Ate all the pancakes

Sewing my pants


Covered for dinner

Chasing mice


Usami wiggled

Flying under the clouds


Flying under the clouds

Usami wiggled


Chasing mice

Covered for dinner


Jumping in the yard

Bubbling on the fire


Bubbling on the fire

Jumping in the yard

2) How many colors can be identified in a rainbow?(7 colors)

3) Name a fruit bird.(Kiwi)

4) Which animal has eyes that rotate 360 ​​degrees?

Crocodile, snake, chameleon, turtle (answer: chameleon)

5) Who discovered the law of gravity?(Newton)

4th round: Prize auction

The team that guesses the lot gets the prize.

LOT No. 1: This item is necessary for very popular, stellar personalities who are at the zenith of fame. And today - especially to the winning team. (5 fountain pens).

LOT №2 - For those who have accumulated too much currency. We offer a case for millions. Enough for the whole team. (5 plastic bags).

LOT No. 3 - is simply necessary for those who sometimes have to "cover their tracks" (5 erasers).

LOT No. 4 - Talisman of pedantic people who love accuracy in everything (5 rulers).

LOT №5 - Step into the future. Who wants to do it? (5 calendars).

LOT No. 6 - an ominous place in Bermuda, a famous figure in love adventures. (5 student triangles).

The game involves 3 teams of 6 people (9 cells, 10 cells, 11 cells). Each team has its own table. A large screen, computer and projector are installed. The whole game is accompanied by a presentation ( Appendix 1), the use of ICT technologies is mandatory, because otherwise the game will not turn out to be as colorful, spectacular and will not be able to have such voluminous information content. The game is played by two hosts. A jury is elected from among the subject teachers and two extras (a teacher and a student). The game involves the purchase prizes: 6 apples, 6 juice boxes, 6 fountain pens, 6 bags, 6 gummies, 6 lollipops, 6 coin-shaped chocolate medals, 6 erasers, 6 chocolates, biscuit roll or cake, 6 rulers, 6 bars of soap, 6 calendars , corn sticks, 6 coffee bags, 6 student triangles. To conduct the game, special money must be made - quants, with a face value of 10 quants, 10 quants, 50 quants and 100 quants ( Annex 2) .

Game progress

Moderator: Hello dear friends! We are glad to welcome the intellectual elite within the walls of our school! We salute those who, with their intelligence and erudition, have won the honor of representing the team of their native class. Let's get to know each other first. Each team prepares a welcome speech to the opponents in 1 minute and after a minute calls the name of its team and greets the opponents.

We present our jury: expert in mathematics (full name), expert in physics (full name), expert in chemistry (full name), expert in biology (full name ), expert in literature (full name), expert in history (full name).

Well, let's draw lots, which number goes to each team (team numbers are drawn: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3). Team #1 is the first to start the competition in the first stage. Team #2 starts the second stage first, team #3 starts the third stage.

We call the first round of our marathon “Knowledge Auction”. Listen to the rules of our auction. Each team has 50 quants available. This is the initial capital. Tasks are put up for auction. The starting price of each task is 10 quants. After the presenter announces the field of science from which the question will be (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, literature, history), the teams start bidding (who will declare more quants). The team that has declared the maximum price, and receives the right to answer. If the answer is correct, then the declared amount is given to the team in the form of quants, if the answer is incorrect, then the team loses the declared amount (it is withdrawn from the team's capital). If a team buys a question for the entire amount available and makes a mistake, then, alas, it is bankrupt. She cannot continue participation in the first round. Keep in mind that the auction hosts and the jury have the right to reward the players of any team from their own funds once, as well as fine the participants who violate the rules.

So, we begin the 1st round - "Knowledge Auction"

Each lot is accompanied by a presentation slide ( Appendix 1) , on which only the name of the knowledge area from which the question will be first appears. The question itself appears only after the end of the trading teams.

Lot #1: A question from the field of physics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more? (teams are bidding).

Question: When does sound travel faster: in winter or summer?

Answer: slower in winter as cold air is denser.

Lot No. 2: A question from the field of literature. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more? (teams are bidding)

Question: What was the official name of young nobles in the 18th century who had not yet received a certificate of education?

Answer: Undergrowth.

Lot #3: A question from the field of chemistry. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What role does baking soda play when it is used for heartburn?

Answer: it neutralizes the HCl acid.

Lot #4: A question from the field of mathematics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What does the word "geometry" mean?

Answer: ge - earth, metreo - I measure (from two Greek words).

Lot #5: ATTENTION EXPERIENCE FROM THE FIELD OF PHYSICS WHICH NEED TO EXPLAIN!!!. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more? (Experience is demonstrated by the teacher or student assistants)

Experience: Pour water into a glass, cover with paper and turn upside down. Water does not pour out. Why? Answer: atmospheric pressure is applied.

Lot No. 6 Question from the field of literature. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What literary character acts on the pages of the book under a cat's name and a bird's surname?

Answer: Kisa Vorobyaninov, "The Twelve Chairs" I. Ilf, E Petrov.

Lot No. 7: A question from the field of physics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Is it possible to boil an egg on the top of Everest?

Answer: No, because there is less air pressure and the water will boil at a lower temperature.

Lot No. 8: A question from the field of chemistry. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Name the gaseous substance without which plants cannot grow?

Answer: CO2.

Lot No. 9: A question from the field of mathematics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: A product went up in price by 10%, then went down in price by 10%. When was the price lower before the price increase or after the price decrease?

Answer: It fell in price by a larger number of rubles, since 10% was calculated from a larger amount. So the price is lower after the price drops.

Lot #10: A question from the field of biology. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What creatures can live in an oxygen-free environment?

Answer: bacteria.

Lot No. 11: A question from the field of literature. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Say the last word of the poem

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have
Prepare enlightenment spirit.
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, paradoxes friend,
And chance, god………

Answer: inventor

Lot #12: A question from the field of physics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Among the birds there are no doubles. They learned the lesson well about the correct behavior on high voltage lines. Why does the current passing through the body of a bird sitting on a bare wire of a high-voltage power line not harm the bird?

Answer: The bird sitting on the wire is connected in parallel to a small section of the wire (between the paws). The resistance of the bird's body is much greater than the resistance of this area. Since the current flows along the path of least resistance, the current through the bird is very small.

Lot No. 13: A question from the field of chemistry. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What gas is called laughing gas and why is it called that?

Answer: Nitrous oxide, it is used for anesthesia during surgery.

Lot No. 14: A question from the field of the Russian language. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

That day the autumn weather
Stood in the yard for a long time
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
It only snowed in January...

Question: What is the form of the verb stood?

Suggested answers: The verb "stood" has: A - the form of the past tense; B - present tense form; B - the form of the future tense; G - indefinite form.

Lot No. 15: A question from the field of geography. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: What sea in ancient times was called amber?

Answer: Baltic Sea. (lots of amber)

Lot No. 16: A question from the field of physics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Which water will boil first: raw or boiled?

Answer: Raw, because it has more dissolved air.

Lot #17: A question from the field of mathematics. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: All numbers from 1 to 99 are written out. How many times is the number 5 written?

Answer: 20.

Lot #18: A question from the field of biology. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: A device is placed in the box, the benefits of which Peter I already knew. M.V. Lomonosov, the first scientist to systematically apply it in his scientific work, wrote about him in his poem:

Adding the growth of things, if we need it,
Shows herbal analysis and medical knowledge.
If there are many ... he revealed secrets to us.
Invisible particles and secret lived in the body.

What is this device?

Answer: Microscope.

Lot No. 19: A question from the field of history. Starting price - 10 quants Who is more?

Question: Which path is called the "Great Route from the Varangians to the Greeks"?

Answer: Along the Dnieper, the Varangians moved to the Black Sea and reached Constantinople.

Host: This concludes the first round of the marathon. Teams count your quants. We ask the jury to record and announce the capital of our teams based on the results of the first round.

Round 2: Erudite Sprint

Teams have 1 minute each, during which the team must correctly answer the maximum number of questions as quickly as possible. For each correct answer, the team receives 10 quants. The question appears on the screen and the team immediately gives the answer as quickly as possible. If the team does not have an answer, they say the word "next". In a minute you must answer the maximum number of questions. So, are the teams ready? Time!!!

  1. A line segment connecting two adjacent vertices of a polygon (side)
  2. What can't be divided? (zero)
  3. The value of the product of reciprocal numbers (1)
  4. A parallelogram that has a right angle (rectangle)
  5. Angle indicating direction (azimuth)
  6. Where on earth is the longest day? (everywhere 24 hours)
  7. Pressure unit? (Pascal)
  8. Physical quantity measured in ohms (resistance)
  9. "Eureka!" he exclaimed, and opened the law. Who is he? (Archimedes)
  10. Is force a scalar or a vector quantity? (vector)
  11. A chemical element whose deficiency leads to dental caries (fluorine)
  12. The color of litmus in an acidic environment (red)
  13. Non-metal that is a forest (Bor)
  14. Hydrogen oxide (water)
  15. Why does a cube and a person have exactly a dozen (ribs)
  16. body control center (brain)
  17. The smallest bird in our country (kinglet)
  18. Side lying in a triangle opposite the right angle (hypotenuse)
  19. A segment connecting 2 non-neighboring vertices of a polygon (diagonal)
  20. Equality with variable (equation)
  21. What is a dozen (12)
  22. How many vertices does a cube have? (eight)
  23. How many musicians are in the quintet? (5)
  24. Unit of work and energy (Joule)
  25. The author of the theory of relativity (A. Einstein)
  26. What is the random movement of solid particles in a liquid or gas called? (Brownian)
  27. Methyl orange color in acid medium (red)
  28. Is the trunk a nose or a lip? (lip)
  29. Outer layer of skin cells (epidermis)
  30. A disease in which color perception is disturbed (Daltonism0
  31. The process of formation of organic substances from water and carbon dioxide in the light (photosynthesis)
  32. The rarest blood type (fourth)
  33. Sum of polygon sides (perimeter)
  34. Chord passing through the center of the circle (diameter)
  35. What is the approximate value of Pi (3.14)
  36. Geometry in which figures on a plane are studied (planimetry)
  37. What is the name of a fraction whose numerator is less than the denominator? (correct)
  38. Equality of two ratios (proportion)
  39. Power unit (Watt)
  40. Physical quantity measured in meters per second per second (acceleration)
  41. The scientist who discovered the law of universal gravitation (Newton)
  42. Device for measuring pressure to a person (monometer)
  43. Atmospheric pressure measuring instrument (barometer)
  44. What is half of half? (1/4)
  45. Another name for swamp gas (Methane)
  46. What does a cannon have in common with a tree? (trunk)
  47. Main artery of the circulatory system (aorta)
  48. Part of a straight line bounded by two points (segment)
  49. Constant value (constant)
  50. Where does the natural series begin (from one)
  51. The reciprocal of five (1/5 = 0.2)
  52. A segment connecting the center of a circle with any point on it (radius)
  53. Unit of measurement of electric current strength (Ampere)
  54. Combustion supporting gas (oxygen)
  55. What acid is found in gastric juice? (salt)
  56. Sides that make a right angle in a triangle (legs)
  57. What determines the number of roots of a quadratic equation (discriminant)
  58. Another name for the independent variable (argument)
  59. Rival "zero" (cross)
  60. How many ends does three and a half sticks have (8)
  61. Unit of force (Newton)
  62. What changes as a result of doing work (energy)
  63. Device for measuring electrical voltage (voltmeter)
  64. Ordered motion of charged particles (current)
  65. The lightest gas (hydrogen)
  66. Favorite delicacy of storks (frog)
  67. Do migratory birds nest in the south? (No)
  68. The plant and the equation (root) have
  69. Body weight unit (Newton)
  70. The line along which the body moves (trajectory)
  71. A line segment that connects any two points on a circle (chord)
  72. Author of school mathematical tables (Bradis)
  73. Animals sleeping with their eyes open (snakes, fish)
  74. What determines the volume of sound? (from the frequency of wave oscillation)
  75. Which shaft is depicted in the painting by Aivazovsky (ninth)
  76. How many years did Ilya Muromets sleep? (33 years)
  77. Reaction between acid and base (neutralization)
  78. What do bees use to build honeycombs (wax)
  79. How many kids did a large goat have? (seven)

Moderator: Thank you to all the teams, we invite the jury to sum up the results of the 2nd round and add quants to the teams.

Musical pause (musical number performed by students)

3rd round: My own game

Host: Each team gets the right to choose one of the sciences: biology, mathematics, physics (by drawing lots). Your task is to correctly answer these questions. Each correct answer is 50 quants. The jury may award additional quants for the completeness of the answer.

Exchange your knowledge more actively for our quants.

Biology field: Determine the systematic position (type, class) of animal genera and distribute them in order of evolutionary increase: octopus; newt; nereid; m alaria plasmodium; l emming; alligator; crab; jellyfish; sturgeon; starfish.


  • Malarial plasmodium (P / c. Unicellular, Type Sporoviki);
  • Jellyfish (Type Coelenterates, Class Scyphoid);
  • Nereid (Type Annelids, Class Polychaetes);
  • Crab (Type Arthropoda, Class Crustaceans);
  • Octopus (Type Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda);
  • Starfish (Type Echinoderm, Class Starfish);
  • Sturgeon (Type Chordata, Class Bony fish);
  • Triton (Type Chordates, Class Amphibians);
  • Alligator (Type Chordata, Class Reptiles);
  • Lemming (Type Chordates, Class Mammals).

Area of ​​mathematics: The price of theater tickets increased by 40%, while revenue decreased by 16%. By how much did the number of viewers decrease?


The field of physics - physical mosaic: Teams are given cards on which Latin letters are written, expressing physical quantities. Make up as many physical formulas as possible and write them down.

While the teams are solving the issues of the 3rd round, a game is played with the audience.

Questions to the audience:

1) Yeralash: The lines of this poem are divided into two parts. The first words of each line are written on the left, and the continuations are written on the right ( Appendix 1). The words are all mixed up. The task is to compose a poem:

Angry boar Sat on a branch Sharpened fangs
steamer languished in a cage gave beeps
Nightingale Sharpened fangs Sat on a branch
Porcupine gave beeps languished in a cage
Cat I taught physics Catch your tail
Masha Catch your tail I taught physics
Pinocchio Sewing my pants Ate all the pancakes
Tailor Ate all the pancakes Sewing my pants
Hedgehog Covered for dinner Chasing mice
Chizh Usami wiggled Flying under the clouds
Cancer Flying under the clouds Usami wiggled
Table Chasing mice Covered for dinner
Teapot Jumping in the yard Bubbling on the fire
Boy Bubbling on the fire Jumping in the yard

2) How many colors can be identified in a rainbow?(7 colors)

3) Name a fruit bird.(Kiwi)

4) Which animal has eyes that rotate 360 ​​degrees?

Crocodile, snake, chameleon, turtle (answer: chameleon)

5) Who discovered the law of gravity?(Newton)

4th round: Prize auction

The team that guesses the lot gets the prize.

LOT #1: A symbol of the Garden of Eden, which we hope hasn't become a cause of contention in your team. (6 apples)

LOT No. 2: Prevents the person from drying out. These are the vitamins necessary for life. ( 6 boxes of juice)

LOT No. 3: This item is necessary for very popular, stellar personalities who are at the zenith of fame. And today - especially to the winning team. (6 fountain pens).

LOT №4 - For those who have accumulated too much currency. We offer a case for millions. Enough for the whole team. (6 plastic bags).

LOT No. 5 - Source " winter freshness”, a super-modern dental instrument. (6 packs of chewing gum).

LOT No. 6 - claims that silence is not only golden, but also a lot of sweet pleasure. (6 lollipops)

LOT No. 7 - a contribution of sponsors in gold who decided to stimulate your intellectual abilities (6 chocolate medals in the form of coins).

LOT No. 8 - is simply necessary for those who sometimes have to "cover their tracks" (6 erasers).

LOT No. 9 - We named this auction lot "Taste of Victory" (6 chocolates).

LOT No. 10 - an occasion for the team to meet in a closer, friendly atmosphere over a cup of tea (biscuit roll).

LOT No. 11 - Talisman of pedantic people who love accuracy in everything (6 lines).

LOT No. 12 - a piece of the jury as a keepsake. (6 bars of soap)

LOT №13 - Step into the future. Who wants to do it? (6 calendars).

LOT No. 14 - "do not be sad - crunch" (corn sticks).

LOT №15 - stress reliever . (6 coffee bags)

LOT No. 16 - an ominous place in Bermuda, a famous figure in love affairs. (6 student triangles).

The prizes have been raffled off, the awards have found their heroes. Thanks to the teams for a great game.