Mass effect 3 poison cerberus. Such a terrible poisonous tree - Cerberus. N7: Cerberus Assault

Completely ignorant of tropical vegetation, when I arrived on the island, although not for the first time, I was surprised by the rather large number of mangoes growing in the complex. Four or five medium-sized trees fit perfectly into the beautiful green addition to the houses - villas. The tree is spreading and has beautiful leaves, attractive flowers and beautiful fruits.

If I had not tried to understand and study local plants, I would have thought that this was a mango. What was my surprise and misunderstanding when I saw in the atlas of the vegetation of Asia that it was Cerberus Odollam or sea mango. Probably, such low and beautiful trees are suitable for landscaping in terms of their external qualities. The tree has a beautiful crown, attractive white flowers and fruits of beautiful shape and color.
But according to the descriptions of the properties, this tree is very poisonous. Moreover, all its parts are poisonous, especially the fruits.
Sea mango seeds contain the glycoside cerberin, which causes cardiac arrest when ingested. The poison acts quickly, it is difficult to determine it in the body. Many tropical plants are poisonous. . But if plumeria juice can cause burns, then cerberus kills. It is possible that this is protection from various pests, monkeys and other enemies of plants. I, as an adult, do not "peck" on such a free fruit, but the children who are of different ages in the complex and do not always walk with their parents are unknown. After all, they can pick beautiful fruits for fun. This tree is often used by suicides, because it also has another unpleasant name - the suicide tree. Another name for this beautiful tree- a dog with three heads that guards the entrance to the heavenly hell. However, it is believed that this tree of good spirits attracts, and drives away bad ones. Apparently, therefore, such trees are grown near dwellings. And the good spirits are revered here, and the evil ones are feared. They try their best to please them.

I found a description of the poisonous properties of Cerberus fruits in the atlas of plants of Cerberus mango and, again, sea mango. This is a different kind of Cerberus. This type of Cerberus differs from Odollam only in a small detail in flowers and fruits. Cerberus odollamskaya has a middle white flower with a yellow spot. Therefore, she is also called the yellow-eyed Cerberus. In the mango-shaped cerberus, the middle of the flower with a red or pink spot is the red-eyed cerberus. Also, the fruits of the Odollam Cerberus are green in their mature form, while those of the mango-shaped are brown. But in the description there is also a line that all Cerberus are very poisonous. Some are less poisonous, others - with deadly properties of fruits.

Mango, unlike sea mangoes, is a very tall tree. This is the mango that blooms. This tree grows a few meters from our complex. It is always in sight.
Mango fruits are more elongated in shape. Mango fruits are bright yellow when ripe. But until such a state, they are not on the tree. Green, but already ripening fruits fall to the ground, especially after strong gusts of wind. Cerberus fruits are brown or green when ripe. The crown of the trees is different. In mango it is more protruding, in Cerberus it is more sprawling. The leaves are almost the same for mango and cerberus. The mango fruit has a huge bone inside.

I didn’t particularly want to study the Cerberus fruit, but I did it anyway. Cerberus fruits fall to the ground. It was not difficult to find such a fruit.
I am trying to cut the fruit in half with a sharp large knife. It didn't work out. As I expected, there is a hard bone inside. I cut off the pulp of the fruit on the sides.
The pulp is hard and looks like shavings.
Almost inside round shape bone 3.5 cm long.
The stone is not cleared of pulp, but it is felt that it is tuberculate. The bone is hard, but it has a crack on one side. Apparently, the fruit is mature and this crack will allow the sprout to appear. With a little difficulty, I cut the bone along the crack.
Inside is a soft light pulp. I don't smell it, but it's all sticky. There is probably a lot of oil that does not spare the heart in such a bone. I quickly get rid of all this mass. The mango stone differs significantly from the stone of the Odollam Cerberus.

Mango also blooms in a completely different way. Mango has inconspicuous small yellow flowers collected in a panicle.

The flowers of the Cerberus are of medium size, quite attractive in appearance.

A very interesting detail in the structure of the Cerberus flower. One part, more often the left, of all petals is elongated. The petals are not proportional in shape.

Growing such a tree is easy. Growing a sea mango is similar to growing a coconut tree. Ripe fruit burrows one third into the ground. Later, one sprout appears. The tree is unpretentious in cultivation, including room conditions on the windowsill.

Such a poisonous tree is a sea mango. It does not cause pleasant feelings, although it is beautiful. This beauty is somehow evil and repulsive.

It is not entirely clear why the plant is called a mango tree. Although the fruits are similar in some period of ripening according to appearance outside.

Cerberus (Cerbera odollam) from the kutrovye family (Apocynaceae) is a fairly common plant, whose homeland is considered to be India. However, it also grows in Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean. In India, Cerbera odollam is called othalanga maram (othalanga maram) or in Tamil kattu arali (kattu arali). In the east, its range is limited to French Polynesia.

The plant is a large bush or small tree, the height of which does not exceed ten meters. Cerberus grows on sandy coasts, along the shores of sea bays or rivers, almost everywhere it can be found in saline mangrove swamps.

Beautiful, opposite, glossy dark green leaves grow in a lush whorl on rather thin branches. Cerberus leaves feed on the larvae of many Asian butterflies. Graceful white flowers with a reddish core smell pleasantly of jasmine.

After flowering, a green fruit is formed, resembling a small mango, as it ripens, it becomes bright red. Cerberus fruits dry right on the branches, the dried fruit-drupe has a length of 5-10 cm. When the dried fruits fall to the ground, a thin, outer film flies off, exposing a thick, fibrous, very decorative shell.

Due to this fibrous shell, Cerberus fruits are very light, they are easily picked up by ocean currents and transported over long distances, contributing to the spread of the plant in the region. The fruit itself consists of two halves, each of which contains one very poisonous bone.

This plant resembles a plumeria, however, the Cerberus leaves are slightly smaller, slightly more wavy, and have a reddish midrib. All parts of Cerbera odollam are highly toxic, however, the largest amount of the toxin is found in the seed oil.

The seed oil contains the alkaloid cerberin, which is similar in structure to digoxin, a toxin of digitalis (digitalis), as well as the glycoside cerberoside. These poisons block the passage of calcium ions in the heart muscle, which causes a gradual slowing of the heartbeat until it stops completely. Death occurs 3-4 hours after the poison enters the body.

The most active toxin is cerberin. Moreover, if it was not known about the use of Cerberus by the victims, it is practically impossible to determine the cause of cardiac arrest.

If we take into account that this, one of the most potent poisons on earth, is practically unknown to Western doctors, chemists, analysts and forensic scientists, and, moreover, cerberin decomposes very quickly without a trace in the body, and therefore is not determined when establishing the causes of death, This makes Cerberus the perfect natural killer.

AT recent times When it became possible to carry out studies using high-tech methods of chromatography and spectrometry to test plant samples, scientists suggested that the number of deaths caused by cerberin poisoning could be a much higher percentage than previously thought.

Also, a certain percentage of suicides could well be considered criminal murders. Even if we count only officially recorded deaths from Cerberus poisoning, their number is steadily growing. During the period from 1989 to 1999, this number increased almost tenfold.

In India, the "perfect killer" Cerberus is used quite often. Since the kernels of the stones have a bitter taste, they are usually ground up and mixed with spicy and spicy local food.

Traditionally, this tool is more often used by Indian women who cannot otherwise resolve their matrimonial or legal problems.

In some Indian states, where the birth of girls in a family is considered undesirable and almost shameful, Cerberus is used to "regulate" the birth of babies of the desired sex. A pregnant woman who has undergone an ultrasound examination, which determined that she is carrying a girl, is simply killed in a proven way for centuries. Or, already after birth, “unnecessary” girls are killed in the same way.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, Cerberus is called pong-pong, buta-buta or nyang. Its oil is successfully used as an insecticide. In Madagascar, Cerberus has long been used as a "God's court" in determining the guilt of a particularly dangerous criminal. Took poison, died - so guilty! Especially often the verdict of guilt Cerberus "carried out" in the trials of witches or conspirators against royal power. This custom has survived to this day. According to official figures, in 1991, more than six thousand Madagascarians died as a result of such a "divine judgment."

Cerbera odollam is named after the mythological Cerberus - a terrible dog guarding the gates to the realm of the dead. His saliva was so poisonous that it destroyed all living things for several meters around him. Well, the tropical plant bears its name worthily.

Not so long ago, Cerberus began to be grown in Hawaii as an ornamental plant. If you are careful, it can be quite successfully bred at home - Cerberus is very decorative. The plant feels great in a small pot, standing on the windowsill, desk or anywhere else - beautiful foliage and graceful white flowers will adequately decorate your apartment. But enjoying the pleasant jasmine scent, you should always remember that in front of you is the perfect killer from distant India. And treat him accordingly.

Cerberus. The Perfect Jasmine Scented Killer

Cerberus (Cerbera odollam) from the kutrovye family (Apocynaceae) is a fairly common plant, whose homeland is considered to be India. However, it also grows in Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and tropical islands. Pacific Ocean. In India, Cerbera odollam is called othalanga maram (othalanga maram) or in Tamil kattu arali (kattu arali). In the east, its range is limited to French Polynesia.

The plant is a large bush or small tree, the height of which does not exceed ten meters. Cerberus grows on sandy coasts, along the banks of sea bays or rivers, it can be found almost everywhere in saline mangrove swamps.

Beautiful opposite shiny dark green leaves grow in a lush whorl on rather thin branches. The larvae of many Asian butterflies feed on Cerberus leaves.

Graceful white flowers with a reddish core smell pleasantly of jasmine.

After flowering, a green fruit is formed, resembling a small mango.

As it matures, it turns bright red.

Cerberus fruits dry right on the branches, the dried fruit-drupe has a length of 5-10 cm. When the dried fruits fall to the ground, a thin, outer film flies off, exposing a thick, fibrous, very decorative shell.

Due to this fibrous shell, the fruits of Cerberus are very light, they are easily picked up by ocean currents and carried over long distances, contributing to the spread of the plant in the region.

The fruit itself consists of two halves, each of which contains one very poisonous bone.

This plant resembles a plumeria, however, the Cerberus leaves are slightly smaller, slightly more wavy, and have a reddish midrib.

All parts of Cerbera odollam are highly toxic, however, the largest amount of the toxin is found in the seed oil.

The seed oil contains the alkaloid cerberin, which is similar in structure to digoxin, a toxin of digitalis (digitalis), as well as the glycoside cerberoside. These poisons block the passage of calcium ions in the heart muscle, which causes a gradual slowing of the heartbeat until it stops completely. Death occurs 3-4 hours after the poison enters the body.

The most active toxin is cerberin. Moreover, if it was not known about the use of Cerberus by the victims, it is practically impossible to determine the cause of cardiac arrest.

If we take into account that this, one of the most potent poisons on earth, is practically unknown to Western doctors, chemists, analysts and forensic scientists, and, moreover, cerberin decomposes very quickly without a trace in the body, and therefore is not determined when establishing the causes of death, This makes Cerberus the perfect natural killer.

Recently, when it became possible to conduct studies using high-tech chromatography and spectrometry methods to test plant samples, scientists have suggested that the number of deaths caused by cerberin poisoning could be a much higher percentage than previously thought.

Also, a certain percentage of suicides could well be considered criminal murders.

In India, the "perfect killer" Cerberus is used quite often. Since the kernels of the stones have a bitter taste, they are usually ground up and mixed with spicy and spicy local food.

Traditionally, this tool is more often used by Indian women who cannot otherwise resolve their matrimonial or legal problems.

In some Indian states, where the birth of girls in a family is considered undesirable and almost shameful, Cerberus is used to "regulate" the birth of babies of the desired sex. A pregnant woman who has undergone an ultrasound examination, which determined that she is carrying a girl, is simply killed in a proven way for centuries. Or, already after birth, “unnecessary” girls are killed in the same way.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, Cerberus is called pong-pong, buta-buta or nyang. Its oil is successfully used as an insecticide. In Madagascar, Cerberus has long been used as a "God's court" in determining the guilt of a particularly dangerous criminal. Took poison, died - so guilty! Especially often the verdict of guilt Cerberus "carried out" in the trials of witches or conspirators against royal power. This custom has survived to this day. According to official figures, in 1991, more than six thousand Madagascarians died as a result of such a "divine judgment."

Cerbera odollam is named after the mythological Cerberus - a terrible dog guarding the gates to the realm of the dead. His saliva was so poisonous that it destroyed all living things for several meters around him. Well, the tropical plant bears its name worthily.

Not so long ago, Cerberus began to be grown in Hawaii as an ornamental plant. If you are careful, it can be quite successfully bred at home - Cerberus is very decorative.

The plant feels great in a small pot, standing on a windowsill, desk or other place - beautiful foliage and elegant white flowers will decorate your apartment with dignity. But, while enjoying the pleasant jasmine aroma, you should always remember that in front of you is the perfect killer from distant India. And treat him accordingly.

Synonym: pong-pong, buta-buta, nyan, tree of suicides.

Cerberus Mangas - evergreen tree with whorled branches, dark green leaves and fragrant white-pink flowers. The fruits of the plant look like mangoes, but are inedible. The plant is highly poisonous. Cerberus mangas is known as an ornamental culture in indoor floriculture.

The plant is poisonous!

Ask the experts

In medicine

Cerberus mangas is a non-pharmacopoeial plant and is not used in official medicine. The plant is highly poisonous, but some peoples of Malaysia use Cerberus latex for medicinal purposes in case of poisoning, causing a gag reflex.

Contraindications and side effects

The plant is highly poisonous, so it is very dangerous to use it for medical purposes. All parts of the plant contain the cardiac glycoside cerberin, which in large doses can be fatal. Inhalation of Cerberus mangas vapors provokes severe malaise. Cerberus mangas fruits look like mangoes, but taste very bitter. There are known cases of poisoning of people with the fruits of Cerberus.

In floriculture

Cerberus Mangas - ornamental plant, known in indoor floriculture. Growing it is quite easy. The plant is unpretentious in care. It grows quite slowly. Cerberus - photophilous plant, grows well in western, eastern exposure. Cerbera requires moderate watering, does not need spraying. In winter, the plant is kept at a temperature not lower than +18 degrees, in summer - at +25 - 30 degrees.


Cerberus mangas (lat. Cerbera manghas) is an evergreen tree, a species of the genus Cerberus (lat. Cerbera). Belongs to the Kutrovye family (lat. Apocynaceae). The genus Cerberus (lat. Cerbera) includes 6 species, including Cerberus mangas.

Botanical description

Cerbera mangas is a perennial evergreen tree reaching 8, occasionally 20 m in height. The bark of the tree is gray-brown, the branches grow whorled. The leaves are dark green, obovate in shape with a pointed end, on long petioles up to 5 cm. The leaves are arranged oppositely on the branches. In the leaves and other organs there are tubules-glands that contain a milky juice - latex.

Cerberus blooms with corymbose dense inflorescences up to 20 cm wide and long, which consist of small fragrant flowers. The corolla has a pure white limb and a red-pink tube. The calyx is divided into ovate-quadrangular or ovate-triangular sepals. Stamens up to 1 mm long, have lanceolate anthers up to 2.6 mm long, pistil - up to 1 mm long.

The Cerberus fruit is a large green drupe up to 8 cm long and up to 6 cm wide, resembling a mango fruit. The fruit contains several seeds. The flowering of the plant can be observed from March to mid-autumn.


The natural range of Cerberus Mangas is the islands of Malaysia in the western Pacific Ocean. The plant is also found in Australia, the Seychelles, Madagascar. India is considered the birthplace of Cerberus. It grows along the shores of sea bays or along the sandy banks of rivers; it is found everywhere in saline mangrove swamps.

Procurement of raw materials

The plant is highly poisonous, as it contains poisonous milky juice. However, the locals use the dried leaves as an external remedy. Dry the leaves in the shade under a canopy.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition Cerberus mangas is not well understood. The milky juice contains a large amount of rubber. The poisonousness of the plant determines the presence of alkaloids, among which cerberin is isolated. This toxin is most found in the fatty oil of the seeds of the plant. In addition to cerberin, cerberoside glycoside has been isolated in the composition of cerberus.

Pharmacological properties

Cerberus latex (milky juice) and seed oil contain the poisonous cardiac glycoside cerberin, which causes severe poisoning, and in large quantities can kill a person. Cerberin is similar in structure to digoxin, a toxin of digitalis or foxglove, which blocks the conduction of impulses in the body, including the heart rhythm. 3-4 hours after the intake of Cerberus poison, death occurs. Even inhalation of smoke from a fire from the wood of a plant can provoke severe intoxication of the body. Inhabitants of some Pacific islands use the minimum amount of Cerberus for medical purposes to induce vomiting in cases of poisoning.

Application in traditional medicine

Traditional healers use dried leaves of Cerberus Mangas externally, applying to places of skin irritation.

History reference

Local residents have known about the poisonousness of the plant for a long time. Fishermen from the Philippines used Cerberus seeds to fish. The natives of Madagascar used toxic seeds to determine the guilt of the defendant. It was believed that the one who ate the Cerberus seed and remained alive was not guilty. Conversely, the culprits from the use of this plant poison died. However, after 1861, such "justice" was canceled due to the tragic death of almost two percent of the island's population. Mangas Cerberus fruits look like mangoes, so many mistakenly confuse them, being in danger.

Cerbera odollam is named after the mythological Cerberus, a monstrous dog that guards the gates to the realm of the dead. People believed that his saliva was highly poisonous, destroying all life around him. Another well-known name for Cerberus is suicide tree, which means “suicide tree”. Residents of many countries of Southeast Asia call the plant nyan, pong-pong, buta-buta.


1. Family 165. Apocynaceae // Flora Vitiensis Nova. - 1988. - Vol. 4. - P. 89-92.

2. S. Scott, C. Thomas. Poisonous Plants of Paradise. - 2000. - P. 37-41.


It would seem that frightening can be in nature? However, some of her creations can only dream of you in a nightmare.

There are hundreds and thousands poisonous and predatory plants, which sometimes pose a mortal danger.

These plants once again remind us to be careful with what you touch and taste.

Despite their harmless appearance, meeting some of them can be unpleasant, if not fatal.

1. Cape sundew - a predatory plant

Cape sundew ( Drosera Capensis) looks quite cute with pink flowers and a pleasant smell. However, it actually refers to carnivorous plants that feed on flesh, namely insects.

Unlike other carnivorous plants such as the Venus flytrap, sundew eats its prey outdoors, wrapping it in his sticky trap and slowly dissolving it.

2. Manchine is the most dangerous tree

Mancinella ( Hippomane Mancinella) is an most dangerous tree on a planet that can kill a person.

If you just stand under this tree when it rains, you will begin to blister. The milky juice of the manchineel contains strong toxins, including phorbol, which leads to severe allergic dermatitis. If you try to burn a tree, if smoke gets into your eyes, it can lead to blindness.

In addition, the fruit of this plant can be deadly and cause symptoms. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and seizures. No wonder its name is translated as "little apple of death."

3. Fig tree

Although the fig tree does not pose any danger to humans, it is able to viciously take revenge on the wasps with which it has a symbiotic relationship. Wasps lay their eggs on a tree and for this they must pollinate it.

If the wasp does not comply with the tacit agreement, and lays eggs in fruits without pollinating the tree, the fig tree applies "sanctions", throwing away the fetus and killing the young wasps.

4. Chilean Puya - Sheep Eater

Wood Puya Chilensis often call " sheep eater". Although the plant itself does not eat the poor animal, it is able to trap it with its thorns. When the sheep dies and begins to decompose, it becomes food for the plant.

5. Cactus Euphorbia resinous

Euphorbia resinous ( Euphorbia Resinifera) is a small Moroccan cactus that looks quite harmless.

The real danger lies within. The fact is that the plant contains a large amount of the chemical resinferatoxin, which has a very pungent taste.

For comparison, on the Scoville scale, pepper spray has a hotness index of 1.5 million units, the hottest pepper in the world "Trinidad Scorpion" - 2 million units, and resiniferatoxin - 16 billion units.

If a drop of this plant gets on your tongue, you will not get by with ice alone.

6. Abrus prayer - a poisonous plant

It is unlikely that you have heard of such a plant as prayer abrus ( Abrus Precatorius), as its most notable part is the tiny bright red seeds often used in jewelry and tool making.

But it is worth knowing that these seeds are extremely dangerous, as they contain a toxin that is many times stronger than ricin.

One seed contains everything one milligram of the poisonous substance abrin, which is a lethal dose for a person. However, if you swallow an abrus seed, something is unlikely to happen to you, since it is covered with a very dense shell and therefore leaves our digestive tract almost intact.

7. Cerberus odollamskaya - poisonous "suicide tree"

Cerberus odollamskaya ( Cerbera Odollam), or as it is also called the "tree of suicides" received such a name not by chance. It grows in India and southeast Asia, and is most often used for suicide purposes due to the unique properties of its fruits. Although the fruit has a bitter taste, it can be masked by mixing with spices.

Pathologists cannot always determine Cerberus poisoning unless there is evidence that the victim ate the plant. In some Indian families, the fruits are used as an ideal murder weapon, the victims of which are women.

8. Ongaonga - very stinging nettle

Ongaonga ( Urtica Ferox) refers to a species of nettle native to New Zealand. The plant grows up to 3 meters in height, forming huge impenetrable thickets.

The leaves, as well as the branches and flowers of ongaong, are covered with many burning hairs, which reach 6 mm in length. At the slightest touch, the hairs release a toxic substance that causes an unbearable burning sensation that can last up to two days.

With extensive exposure, this can lead to rashes and multiple blisters. There were times when people died stuck in dense thickets this plant.

9. Darlingtonia California - lily-cobra

This plant ( Darlingtonia californica) are compared with the cobra, an animal known for its bloodthirstiness. Its tubular leaves are reminiscent of a rising cobra, and the leaves are poisonous teeth or the tongue of a snake. It grows in Oregon and Northern California and belongs to carnivorous plants.

The plant contains sap, which attracts insects that later find themselves inside its water lily. As soon as the insect has got inside, the steep and slippery walls do not allow it to get out, and the plant begins to produce digestive enzymes to digest the victim.

10. Hura exploding - wood-dynamite

Hura exploding ( Hura Crepitans) has a rather menacing appearance with many dark thorns covering the trunk of the tree. It was named so because its ripe fruits literally explode, releasing seeds at a speed of 67 meters per second and scattering them up to 90 meters in all directions.

If you try just one seed of this fruit, it will lead to strong stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, blurred vision, and palpitations. If you try more, it can cause delirium, convulsions and even death. Its yellow sap leads to inflammation when touched with the skin and can cause temporary blindness if it comes into contact with the eyes.