Dream interpretation small embryo. Embryo. Dream Interpretation - The child cut off the cat's head

I have a question .. do kids have nightmares?? I put Arishka to bed, after 15 minutes squeaks began to be heard from the room ... I came up, and she squinted in her sleep, pulling her hands and sobbing ... I stroked her head, so she burst into tears right in her dream, but somehow not her own crying ...thinly...poooooooo so...I put her in my arms, she woke up and burst into tears even more...still sits in her arms and sobs...


Listen, I read that even in the tummy for some weeks of pregnancy, babies see dreams. But only in the form of flashes of a pale pink color. Even then I thought that it was probably theoretically calculated, because no one climbed into the brain of an embryo ...

We are almost 4 months old and this situation periodically repeats. She falls asleep, after an hour or two she may begin to cry in her sleep. Sometimes he sobs without even waking up. Somehow I had no doubt that I had a dream about something bad ...
I am usually nearby at such moments or come as soon as I hear. I hug, soothe, if necessary, I give breasts.

hello girls, my dears :)) of course, what I write will seem stupid .. but I’ll write anyway, only you will understand me :)))) even if you “twist at the weight” I won’t see))) so. I dreamed of a fish shop today .... with such different fish, both large and small, and I even chatted with one :))) when I woke up ... of course I thought .... but I'm running out of M now .. and of course I can't be B... but still... I've never dreamed of fish in my life....)) has anyone had such dreams.... or...


A week after I found out about the pregnancy, I dreamed of fish, and so did my sister. So what can you congratulate?

And I dream of the sea during pregnancy. The first time before I found out about the pregnancy I dreamed of a very beautiful sea and I swim in it and I'm terribly happy. Then I dreamed about it during pregnancy.
And when my son was 9 months old, he dreamed of an ocean with huge waves and I was running away from them, and he was awesomely beautiful and at the same time scared me. It turned out that I was also pregnant and the pregnancy was unexpected and at first scared me like the ocean in a dream.

Oh, I can't, I can't. Tonight, childbirth took place - I gave birth to an underdeveloped child - just a fetus. Sobbed in a dream. Then I dreamed that my mother put something in my food and I had a premature birth. Yelled for a long time, with blood ... gave birth to a child separately, a separate head. Sobbed midnight. I fell asleep. I dreamed that a concrete slab fell on my son, but no one tells me about it. She screamed in terror in her sleep. I woke up - my heart hurts (the son is in the south in the camp, there is no phone). And a day ago I dreamed ...


many people dream about teeth, me too. maybe I don’t eat enough calcium. but about a premature baby - they say this is how fear manifests itself, on the contrary, to face a rather large one. Well, everything else is just a manifestation of anxiety in a hypertrophied form, this will pass, don’t get loaded

08/02/2005 17:34:04, gallor(40th)

I think you still need to consult a doctor about what kind of sedative to drink ...

Home cooking from "Koloskov"

"Koloskova" is a home cooking made exclusively from natural ingredients, which will be brought directly to your kitchen. In a small but sincere assortment there are homemade dumplings with fillings from different types meat, dumplings, as well as delicious sausages handmade for frying and grilling. The composition of minced dumplings and sausages is as simple as possible: chilled first-class meat, onions, salt and some spices. No extraneous additives, flavors, flavor enhancers and other...

here's how to beat it. Or is it the fears that pop up. She dreams that the baby is shoving, then it appears from the stomach (and this does not surprise me). I start counting the fingers on the handles and their number does not converge. That's more. then less. In a dream, I remember that I frantically try to remember how much is true. Then the baby is also removed into the stomach. The dream is already dreaming for the second time in a week. What to do ((On ultrasound only after 2 weeks, the screenings were all normal (1 - ultrasound and blood, 2 - blood)


During my first pregnancy, I also often dreamed that baby arms and legs appeared from my belly, then they hide back. Especially in the second half of pregnancy. I think this is normal, the baby turned out good! :)

Well, I understand this, but my 9-year-old son is afraid to fall asleep, because he dreams of horrors about the baby, it's cool ...

Girls .. At 22 weeks they confirmed the boy .. well, 100% said straight .. And the girl is constantly dreaming .. and everyone around says that I have a girl)) I understand that you can’t rely on the opinions of others and dreams are very subjective, uzistu - you know better ... but purely theoretically - could Mr. Cho make a mistake at 22 weeks? I have already bought so many boys' clothes .. and I can’t imagine how it is so .. if suddenly a girl is born ..


hmm ... they confirmed Masha at 24 weeks and when the doppler was done at 32 weeks. Right in Sevastopol they showed everything on the big screen and the urethra and labia for 4500 rubles ... we were very crazy after giving birth

The character will be girly.

Let's talk about THIS without hysterics with foam spraying around ... That's what everyone says: a woman has an inalienable right to dispose of her body at her own discretion. Any person has the right to dispose of his body at his own discretion. For example, he can decide to live for him, or not to live. Then the question is: at what age can we consider that a person has the right to dispose of his body? After all, an embryo is already a person, and no one knows what exactly he feels. Why then is one person...


I do not understand - do you have any complexes on this topic? I just can't understand why you're so drawn to discussing this issue. Once I raised an explosive topic, people quarreled here (by the way, you prudently went into the bushes - IMHO ugly). However, it didn’t seem enough to you - you need to write almost the same thing in just a few days ???

Not tired?

It would be better if you updated the registration once again - at least your topics would not cause negative emotions.

A woman also has the right to dispose of her body and decide whether she bears a child or not.

no, not about the cruiser question :) but about pregnant mothers. When I went with Seryoga, I don’t remember that I dreamed of something like that .. but here a few days ago ... according to my all sorts of mental (well, which I scraped), I would classify this dream as a nightmare in terms of content .. but my personal feeling from it is quite calm .. i.e. I don’t feel anxiety, as it happens with a nightmare, when you smell something wrong .. I won’t even dare to retell the content .. all the same, maybe I alone am so thick-skinned, while others worry ...


When I was studying at the institute, I had a dream that my friend gave birth to three children, a daughter and two boys. Only in a dream she brought them all to me and said that this was some kind of mistake and these were not her children, but mine, well, I took them for myself :). I already have a daughter and a son, and now we seem to be expecting a boy :). At the beginning of each pregnancy, I dreamed of a child of exactly the sex that he later turned out to be, so my dreams really do come true.

About your time I had a dream that I gave birth to a kind of girl, as I want, I expect, I bring up, feed, swaddle her, already quite big ... And somehow she sits on the potty and I see that she is a boy ! Around all the relatives, witnesses, shake their heads and say that they knew, I was just so tuned in to the girl that they didn’t tell me. Like I didn’t notice it myself, I was so sure of the girl)))))))))) Ha-ha-ha ... I’ll dream ..............(((( (((((((

I have 2 sons, I want a third child - a girl. (please don't talk too much about who cares, as long as you're healthy). I plan pregnancy in this or next year, I am already 30 years old, so I expect this to be the last pregnancy. Tell us who planned the sex of the future child, whether you turned to specialists for help and what were the results. Thank you.


We were planning a girl first. Followed diets, counted the days. on years. by months. And nothing worked. Then put everything to chance and in the first cycle it turned out to be a boy. The second was planned for a boy, for the company, according to all calculations, it should have been so, but a girl was born. Some of us are not like that. I also read that among pilots and those who work in hot shops, girls are more often born, sort of like boyish sperm from hot temperatures and pressure flushes die. I think that if all the methods are tried in totality, something may come out. Of course, there is never a 100% probability, but by combining methods, the chances increase.

If the question seems stupid and inappropriate, please just ignore it. I would like to hear your dreams, which, according to popular belief, foreshadowed pregnancy and came true. The other day I dreamed of a fish, and for some reason there were cockroaches nearby)))) They say that a fish dreams of pregnancy. Now I'm definitely not pregnant - I'm getting ready, I'm drinking vitamins and metabolism, but I plan to soon. The fact is that I often see dreams that come true. That is, I would say that those dreams that I remember come true ...


the fish didn’t bring me anything :) I know that catching fish is kind of like pregnancy :) but I caught it for two years :) I don’t remember my dream at all, unfortunately. but when I was 22 years old, I was married, already with a child, went in company with a friend to a peasant who read tarot cards. well, he predicted my second pregnancy at 30, my second marriage and all sorts of other things :)) and then I didn’t even think about turning into my fate)) in the end it all happened. the description of the future husband did not fit outwardly :)))) instead of a curly blond, a smooth-haired brunette :))) after all the ups and downs of life, I remembered this fortune-telling :) funny :)

I also dreamed of a fish in a pond, and I was swimming on it, and then I found out that I was pregnant)))

I had a dream about a girl yesterday. 1.5 years old, with plump legs in white golfs, dark, cheeky, with ponytails. name is Alena. and then I went to the ultrasound, where they told me a girl by heartbeat, although they laughed at me here :). And so I think, why would it? the first son never dreamed...


I take it first. dreamed of a blond boy about 5 years old, and a daughter was born! :)
but right now, the kid, maybe he will really turn white-haired by the age of five? hee hee!

So far, only with my first child, I had a nightmare. But nothing was dreamed of with Mitka, and now no one dreams of it.

Son 4 years old recent weeks 3-4 with an enviable frequency, the child has nightmares. Approximately at the same time, 2-3 hours after falling asleep. He starts a poster, says incoherently, sometimes points somewhere with his hand, his weight is trembling, his heart is beating fast, he starts. It feels like he doesn't hear me, his eyes are drowsy. In the morning he cannot remember, or he tells the same dream, most likely invented, about Baba Yaga. How to behave and how to return a normal sleep to a child?


Age. The child grows nervous system And the brain reacts the same way. 3-4 years is generally the age of nightmares.

soothing procedures, mimic impressions, baths (needles, salt), books, quiet games.

01/31/2006 5:19:21 PM, =LightA=

O! Just our picture. My daughter (5 years old) has the same thing - only this happens an hour and a half after falling asleep. I came to the conclusion that this is all from overwork. The child has an excitable psyche and because of this, everything happens. Our recipe is simple: MANDATORY daytime sleep, quiet games at night (drawing, taking a warm bath, shower, etc.) I try to follow the regimen, but everything happens and sometimes there is no way to sleep during the day (but I try not to abuse it), then my daughter just lies down relax, better without books and toys, just lie down for 40 minutes in silence and calmly - this also helps.
When everything happens according to the regimen - daytime sleep and at night it fits in time - then everything is just wonderful: a strong healthy night's sleep. As she doesn’t sleep during the day, put out the light: (she has a bad mood and a nightmare at night :-(

Today I dreamed that I gave birth to triplets! Then I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time - I kept thinking how we would live with the triplets, what to raise and how I would distinguish them. Almost to tears ... That's what nerves do in combination with hormones.


I remember the song:
"There is a commotion in the maternity hospital,
A young mother laughs in her sleep:
She dreamed of SEVEN TWINS,
Eighth - father!
So it happens more in a dream :-)

but I keep dreaming that my husband bought me a car and a summer house and I’m so happy ;-)
and when I wake up, I understand that it was a dream, and so far there is nothing ;-)

A couple of times, I came across stories of women on the Internet that a year or a few months before conception, some women felt the soul of the unborn child, communicated with it. What do you think about this? What are your personal experiences with your baby in the months leading up to pregnancy? What is it, a fantasy, a strong desire to have a child, or something more?


I myself did not think about conception, and when there was even a delay, I did not think that this was pregnancy. But now I just found out that the soul of a child, even before conception, chooses its parents. And it is very good if future parents are waiting for her, if they tell her that they love her very much. By the way, this is written in a very interesting book by Luule Viilma "Soul Light". If you get it, I highly recommend reading it.

02/25/2002 18:43:40, Yulchik K.

I'm probably not sensitive, I didn't have it :(

I had a funny dream, generally pleasant. In the summer at the dacha I dug up earthworms under a bush and went to fish. I didn’t have a fishing rod, I fished with a hook and line. Surprisingly, I caught immediately ... sturgeon, and then trout. Both fish are fat and huge. They say such dreams dream of pregnancy :) The dream was late :)))


and I dreamed of huge bushes (like raspberries), but on which strawberries grow, and the berries were huge and bright red, simply the most beautiful. there were a lot of bushes and I picked these berries. when I woke up, I immediately realized that this dream was not just a dream for me, I crawled all over the Internet and found that bright red ripe strawberries dream of pregnancy. And a few days later the test showed me 2 strips! so not only fish to b. dreaming!

And can I fit in not about a dream, but about what happened in reality ... We live on the 16th floor. and above us only pigeons on the roof)) For many years they have never flown to us, although naturally in the summer the windows are wide open. So this summer I woke up in the morning from the fact that something was flying under our ceiling. I jumped up as if cut, started screaming, and then roaring that birds fly into houses to death ... My husband somehow reassured me. Then I rummaged through the entire Internet on the topic of birds. I reassured myself that pigeons are birds of the world and that it is unlikely that the newlyweds would let them go into the sky ... And soon I found out that I was pregnant !!!
Here is my story))
Sorry if this is off topic...

5 weeks, 8th week from last period. The embryo has not yet been found on ultrasound, we will repeat in a week. But I have toxicosis and quite strong. Can there be toxicosis with anembryony or non-developing pregnancy? Does this not mean that the pregnancy is developing?

Psychology classes for pregnant women.

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Dreams about pregnancy!!!

What dreams do you have for pregnancy Oddly enough, in the first place are dreams associated with fish. Catching fish, seeing live or raw fish in a dream - all this is for the upcoming pregnancy. In any case, the dream books say so. By the way, Sigmund Freud himself agreed with this interpretation. In any case, a fish in a dream is a profit, some kind of addition (even for men). If you dream of a stork or swans, then this most likely also portends pregnancy. To see butterflies in a dream means soon ...

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Young child syndrome. Olga_Mo's blog on 7ya.ru

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Why dream of having a baby.

Because on our forum only women can offer up-to-date and interesting information on the site here [link-1] (why dream of having a baby)

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Posture during sleep affects the content of dreams.

What kind of dreams a person does not dream of! And colorful, and black and white, and positive, and nightmarish, and erotic content ... Which of us has not dreamed of learning how to order our dreams? Soon this will become a reality, because, according to Chinese scientists, the plot of dreams depends on the position in which we sleep. After studying the sleep patterns of almost seven hundred students, the researchers found out what the subjects dreamed about. From the results of the experiment, it became known: when a person sleeps on his stomach, he most often dreams of ...

And it is always so interesting what happens inside the uterus, how your child grows, what changes are characteristic of female body. About all this - gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences Elena Nesyaeva. Let's start in order. First of all, I want to remind you that they distinguish the true gestational age - from the day of conception - and which is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. That is, the obstetric period is more than the true one by 2 weeks. We will talk to you...

How to reduce miscarriage.


Hello, please tell me, for the second time, I have an undeveloped pregnancy because of what it could be

02/18/2019 20:53:39, Yuldasheva Zarina

For any woman, this is a terrible blow. And not everyone can find the strength to move on. In this article [link-1], I was struck by how the author, having experienced this more than once, managed to pull herself together.

20.12.2018 16:31:55, ivanceva

From the 10th week of pregnancy, reflexes appear, caused by irritation of the skin areas to which the spinal nerves go. In a word, the baby begins to move in the uterus early enough. True, these movements are not yet coordinated and not conscious, and the relative size of the embryo and the fetal bladder are such that the embryo swims freely in the amniotic fluid and rarely touches the wall of the uterus so that the mother can feel it. However, already from the 10th week of pregnancy, having stumbled upon the wall of the uterus, the baby can change the trajectory of movement. From 9 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus can swallow amniotic fluid, and this is a complex motor process. At 16 weeks pregnant...
... Most women notice some in the hypochondrium in the third trimester of pregnancy - and this is not a deviation from the norm. So how to properly control and interpret fetal movements? It is necessary to listen to the movements of the child. Complete cessation motor activity for 12 hours or more - a very alarming signal. Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the fetus should move on average 10-15 times per hour, it can sleep for 3 hours and still hardly move. However, if the child is too active for several days or, on the contrary, his activity has decreased for several days, the pregnant woman should contact her obstetrician. There are situations where...


Please tell me, can early fetal movements be a cause for concern? I am giving birth for the first time and my baby started to move too early at 17 weeks. Thanks for the answer.

02/07/2014 01:10:15, Anna Sergucheva

I am in the ninth month of pregnancy. Please tell me how many fetal movements for this period normal and how to count the movements?

09/18/2008 00:16:26, Elena

Can you predict the gender of a baby?
...Now that's not about that... Which of the observations of humanity, obtained by practical means, can be put into a fascinating puzzle called "Brother or Sister" for all nine months? Puzzle first. Have you noticed that your spouse has become more sexual during pregnancy? Wait boy! The fact is that the male embryo releases androgens, male sex hormones, into the mother's body. They also increase the sexuality of a woman. Puzzle two. Are you an emotional woman, prone to excessive worries, able to create problems out of nothing? Wait boy! But girls are most often born to calm, happy women with a radiant look and "wings behind his back." In all likelihood, everything in this situation is to blame ...

Possible malformations of the child Indeed, some malformations in children born through IVF are more common. The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been clarified, research is needed to understand its mechanisms. Perhaps, in this way, the IVF procedure itself affects the unborn child, but it cannot be ruled out that the reason lies in the drugs that the woman takes, or in any component of the nutrient medium on which the embryo is grown before being transferred to the uterus. But the increased risk of certain defects is unlikely to keep dreaming of a child, but having problems with fertilization, spouses from applying for IVF. After all, the possibility of having a child with some kind of birth defect always exists, but this does not stop people from having children. In addition, all of the listed malformations in our time are not dangerous for ...

What is the attitude towards artificial insemination of various religions?
...From this moment on, each of us is a living soul, an image of God, called to meet our Creator. Therefore, speaking of IVF, we must take care of both the parents and the child. That is why the three aspects of IVF, from the point of view of Christian teaching, seem to be absolutely unacceptable. First, the creation and disposal of "reserve" embryos. The effectiveness of IVF is low (about 20%), in addition, it is dangerous for a woman. Hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, through which eggs are obtained, is fraught with serious complications. In order not to risk, "reserve" embryos are frozen for repeated implantations. But if these implantations do not occur, human lives often become raw materials from which stem cells are extracted, and even cosmetics are made ...


I managed to avoid IVF, although I have almost reached this stage. Thanks to the perseverance, high qualifications and extensive experience of my doctor, I managed to get pregnant naturally. Karina Grigoryevna, thank you very much for not giving up when I was ready to give up! There would be more such specialists.

It’s very interesting to hear if your kids talk about dreams :) I have different dreams: 1. wings fly behind his back 2. he gets lost in the subway “you and I went to the subway, and you got off at the station, but I didn’t have time. The doors closed and the subway started moving..then the subway stopped at the station and stood for a long time. Then it started and the tunnel closed. and I woke up next to you" option 2 "we were on the subway, first dad got out, and then you, and I didn't have time to get out. I was so scared: (((the subway went and stopped at ...


Mine tells more and more about scary ones that a bear scares him in a dream. Therefore, we fall asleep with the light on and sometimes at night you have to get up and turn it on. From one told dream, her hair stood on end. Little men crawl out of the floor in the corridor and go to our room. (Most likely against the background of the fact that the neighbors downstairs sometimes listen to music VERY loudly). But there are also good dreams.

They don't tell anything. As if I never dream of anything at all ... Somehow I never thought about this topic. Will have to ask around.

What incredible dreams do not dream of women during pregnancy! Some of them are pleasant and joyful, others are sad and even scary. Often, after such a dream, he cannot come to his senses for a long time ...


I had a dream that I gave birth to 4 children. Three girls and one boy... It's not clear who to expect.... Now the second pregnancy and I still don't know who will be. But I was so happy that I now have 5 children) in general, can anyone guess who my second will be a girl or a boy?)

And they put my mind at ease, thank you. I had my first themed dream at 5 months. I dreamed that my favorite tummy was my sister's child, that now it was her girl. And I'm worried, how is it - I was pregnant, and the child is definitely hers. It's a pity and there's nothing you can do.

By the way, she also dreamed that my child was a boy, only he had something wrong with his face.

I can’t wait until we go to the ultrasound, I want to see who I have as soon as possible and whether everything is fine with the sun. We call the tummy so far just a child (it turns out masculine). Hm...

Only in some, the period of continuous night sleep is established from the first weeks of life, however, in this case it does not exceed 5-6 hours, and averages 2.5-3 hours. From the sleep of an adult, the sleep of a newborn differs significantly. The sleep of both an adult and a child consists of phases: the beginning of sleep (the period of falling asleep), sleep, deep sleep, which, in turn, can alternate up to 4-6 times, and the final awakening. For example, in a newborn, the deep phase slow sleep does not occur immediately after falling asleep, but only after 20-30 minutes. The duration of deep sleep lasts no more than one hour, then is replaced by a fast superficial sleep, during which the baby can make movements, shudder, change facial expressions ...


interesting article. I want to confirm about shaking - light shaking movements are really better than the nervous shaking of a child with the amplitude of the ninth shaft and sentences - when will you fall asleep ?! and in my memory it was like that with my cousin, who was rocked on a pillow laid on her knees so that not only the child, but also the mother's head was probably spinning. Well, what to do, the child fell asleep badly and yelled with a good obscenity until he turned blue. now she is an excellent student girl, to the delight of her mother, but she paid for this joy in full with such motion sickness. and today we tried a slight swaying to calm jazz - not even lullabies, from which I myself am sleepy. we fell asleep like little ones, we didn’t even have to give a pacifier to calm down. so bring on the music!

04/21/2010 02:28:47 PM, Ladybug

Great article!!! So on time, just a godsend for me!!! Thank you very much!!!

03/13/2008 01:38:09, Tanya

The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been elucidated, more research is needed to understand its mechanisms. Perhaps, in this way, the IVF procedure itself affects the unborn child, but it cannot be ruled out that the reason lies in the drugs that the woman takes, or in any component of the nutrient medium on which the embryo is grown before being transferred to the uterus. But the increased risk of certain defects is unlikely to keep spouses dreaming of a child from applying for IVF. After all, the possibility of having a child with some kind of birth defect always exists, but people do not stop multiplying because of this. In addition, all of the listed malformations in our time are not dangerous for the life of a child - they are amenable to chi...

Fetoplacental insufficiency and fetal growth retardation


Very informative. They did CTG for me, but we were told the scores (from 0 to 10), and not the heart rate of the child.
Also: there are rare cases when the cycle lasts not the "usual" 28-36 days, but more, then you have to prove that you are "not a camel". My two babies were given IUGR 2 weeks behind. And according to ultrasound in dynamics and according to CTG, everything was also in dynamics, but ultrasound showed a delay just for my two weeks and for some reason the doctor did not want to hear about my native even 43 day cycle. In general, the babies were born on their due date, and not set for a 28-day cycle (I don’t remember what this lag is called, but in general, this is an imaginary lag). And although the babies were born with a weight of exactly 3.0 kg each, there was no IUGR. But, my case is an exception :).

Fetal heart rate studies during pregnancy: ultrasound, echocardiography, fetal auscultation, CTG
... To assess the cardiac activity of the fetus, ultrasound (ultrasound), EchoCG (echocardiography) are used. auscultation (listening) of the fetus, CTG (cardiotocography). Ultrasound of the fetal heart At the beginning of pregnancy, the fetal heart can be determined using an ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Normally, with transvaginal ultrasound (the sensor is inserted into the vagina), contractions of the embryo's heart are detected at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, and with transabdominal ultrasound (the sensor is located on the abdomen) - at 6-7 weeks. In the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks), the heart rate (HR) of the embryo changes depending on the duration of pregnancy. At 6-8 weeks, the heart rate is 110-130 beats per minute, at 9-10 weeks - 170-190 beats per minute, from the 11th week ...

Sometimes the subconscious mind does even more things with us in a dream. The process of childbirth is clothed in bright colorful images.
... Masha Before giving birth, I had a dream that a cat with green eyes attacked me and started biting my legs. I fought him off in every possible way, that I even woke up. I went to the toilet and on the way I thought, some strange dream. It turned out that the water began to break (without contractions). Oksana Future child also sometimes acquires some incredible guises in a dream. All that remains is to say: “The queen gave birth in the night to either a son, or a daughter, not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal ...” And I dreamed that I gave birth to a dog, and such a big, bald one. And I loved her so much, I loved her so much! In a dream, it didn’t even seem strange to me that it was a dog. Mamaoss My classmate at the last school...

I did an ultrasound today, and they told me that the child has an umbilical hernia ... What is it? I looked all over the Internet - I didn’t find anything about an umbilical hernia in the fetus .. I understand when babies have a hernia, but the embryo has 10.5 weeks! I hear this for the first time. Has anyone had this diagnosis? I'm going to the doctor on Thursday, now I don't know what to think. What it threatens - it is not clear ...

Girls, tonight I had a dream, in the pool with dolphins, a beluga whale and my husband swam, swam, examined each other, the beluga whale looked especially attentively into my eyes! O! Read the interpretation. In one version, dolphins are bad, you fall under the influence of a new leadership, or government. Maybe it's from the fact that yesterday I watched Putin with journalists out of the corner of my eye? :))) In another version, the dolphin is symbolic phallic (and there were so many of them around me :)))) and says that there is not enough sex in life and...


you know, it has already been proven that embryos see dreams, so children are even more so, and anything can dream, for example, something incomprehensible that Mas saw during the day :)

It was like this with us too - the first time in 1.5 months - I think these are dreams (When Plyushka woke up, she could not figure out where she was for a long time ...)

I dreamed that a former employee with her husband came to me and brought something on a saucer that looked like a child very small and blurry like egg white, introduced him as his son. I looked, it's really a boy. Then we dropped him, and when I put him on a saucer, he turned into a yellow-bloody goo and seemed to seethe, and then turned into a normal, only a very small child. And I started babysitting him.

I dreamed of a formed child, for some reason outside, I called the man from whom this child was to look at him. The child began to die in my arms, I remember the horror and powerlessness and all the time I ask for their forgiveness. The child was a boy.

Today I have 2-3 days after the transfer of 2 embryos .. tonight I have a dream that ultrasound shows me embryos .. blue and pink .. i.e. a boy and a girl .. but only a girl is introduced into the uterine cavity, and the boy does not it turned out to attach .. that's what such a dream is for? Can't get pregnant for 6 years

I dreamed of an ebryon as in a picture in biology it’s not understandable, then like a boot - then I gave birth to a child, healthy, beautiful, cute, I don’t know the sex, I tell the doctor how it could be, I wasn’t pregnant and I didn’t have a stomach, but she gave birth to a child, the child was calm, I slept, I kissed him, then I began to breastfeed him and rock him, he cried at first but soon fell asleep, there were a lot of people around me, mother, aunt, and two women they were talking and I told them that they would go to they would wake up another room otherwise, they said that he was small and couldn’t hear anything, but still the child left, he was dressed, I was very happy, then we went to the pharmacy to buy everything for the baby, because I didn’t prepare anything for the appearance of such a miracle. I bought everything, came home and I woke up, but I didn’t really want to wake up, I fell in love with this baby, tell me why this dream was a dream?

Hello)) From Thursday to Friday I had 2 dreams that worry me a lot. The first dream is that I’m somewhere on vacation, a large boarding house, I’m running some kind of bugger, something hurts my stomach, and suddenly I have an embryo the size of a palm in my hands. How would it fall for me. I see a girl there, but not alive, as if sleeping, not screaming not to move. I showed my husband everything. And my children were left unattended at home, and I have a panic, anxiety for them. The second dream, my parents have been divorced for a long time, but they have a dream with us, they went somewhere to rest, winter time ( New Year, Christmas holidays) And then dad and mom start to pose beautifully for the photographer, i.e. a photo shoot, they hug sincerely, dad holds mom by the waist, etc. and my mother is always so relaxed, she smokes a cigarette, she has never smoked in her life. Somehow like this.

The child is a symbol of hope, the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future there will appear on Earth a large number of vampires, which in the first place will pose a serious danger to children.

For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his disciple.

See in a dream pregnant man- a sign that in the future, what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere.

For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will very much need his help.

To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger.

In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction.

But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who had no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger.

Because of Environment very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

To dream of a healthy smiling child is a lucky sign.

A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world.

People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will give birth to many healthy beautiful children.

To dream of a child running across the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes a snake or kills it predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat. nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to that life line when you need to reconsider and change your life.

To see a crying child is to endanger your future.

Searching for your child in a dream is trying to find lost hope.

To dream of a child picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment.

To hold a baby in your arms in a dream is to try to find a way out of a predicament.

Interpretation of dreams from

An embryo, or germ, is a collection of cells that gradually develop into a viable organism. Most dream interpreters agree that for a woman, a dream about an embryo is a harbinger of the birth of a child, and even before she feels the signs of pregnancy.

The same meaning is invested in a similar plot dreamed of by a man. The general interpretation of the fetus is somewhat broader, and coincides with the meaning of "Pregnancy".

The embryo symbolizes the beginning of new promising undertakings and plans, while the belonging of the embryo to a certain type of living organism can also carry the symbolism of the sphere of future activity and effort. In general, such a dream is favorable.

Dream interpretation of Gustav Hindman Miller. How to understand the dream "Embryo"?

The dream in which the embryo was seen is a harbinger of the fact that soon something completely new and unknown to you will happen in your life. Perhaps you will receive long-awaited news from distant relatives.

Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud. What does the dreaming embryo symbolize?

For a woman, the appearance of an embryo in a dream means that she may soon become pregnant, and if such a condition is not included in the dreamer's plans, she must carefully observe all possible precautions.

If the dreaming embryo is dead or with some kind of developmental pathology, exactly the same troubles can haunt a future pregnancy in reality, so it must be prevented in advance.

For a man, such a dream means a child who will be born to him or a partner.

Dream Interpretation Frost. Interpretation of the dream "Embryo"

Seeing an embryo in a dream is a sign of poverty. If the dreamer himself appeared as an embryo, this is a very positive dream, which indicates an increase in his income in the future.

Psychoanalytic dream book. Embryo dream symbolism

An embryo seen in a dream speaks of someone's life, which has not yet come or is already strongly suppressed.

Dream Interpretation 2012. The meaning of the dreamed embryo

The dreamed embryo symbolizes new beginnings and perspectives of the dreamer, or the transition to a more perfect life. Sometimes he warns of the need to strengthen immunity.


The dream of the embryo indicates the beginning of development, improvement. Young people who have sexual relations, such a dream most often portends a greater likelihood of conception. However, this symbol can also speak of the emergence of new affairs, relationships, some life situations.

It is especially favorable if the dreamer himself acts as an embryo - this indicates his rapid growth and improvement, which will occur without significant effort on his part.

However, in such dreams, it is necessary to take into account the size of the embryo, the level of its development, the similarity with a person or animal, as well as anatomical correctness.

The more developed and beautiful the dreaming embryo is, the better prospects await the dreamer in the near future, while the environment will only favor him. Conversely, the embryo of something unpleasant, causing you to squeamish attitude - a harbinger of trouble.

In contact with

Dream Interpretation Baby Embryo

Although scientists have already figured out how the process of conception occurs, the birth of a new life remains a mysterious and wonderful event for every woman. Most interpreters argue that visions with the image of a human embryo are predictions of possible changes, revealed secrets, a subconscious hint at the existing potential, strength, energy.

For a sleeping person, night dreams will not only tell about future events, but dreams will also help to deal with experiences that disturb thoughts in reality. Why the embryo is dreaming, dream books will tell you.

Seeing an embryo on an ultrasound in dreams is a good sign for a pregnant girl, which will tell you that the fetus is developing normally, and after childbirth a strong, healthy baby will be born.

If the embryo dreamed of in the story is in the womb, it will be possible to realize plans, long-forgotten desires and aspirations will wake up, harmony will reign at home, shifts in the workplace are foreseen, and dead embryo in nightmares personifies the growing fear, guilt.

Symbol of new life

Such a collection of cells, which represents the embryo of a child, is often dreamed of by expectant mothers. But not all interpreters consider such a symbol as a harbinger of the conception of a new individual. What does the subconscious mind talk about with a person in dreams if it shows the image of an embryo?

See in a dream the birth of life on ultrasound

  • The fetus connected by the placenta, visible on the ultrasound machine, according to the esoteric interpreter, is a sign of a person’s dependence on specific circumstances in a given period of time.
  • The family interpreter considers a plot of this kind as a sign of a strong relationship with parents or close blood relatives raising a person.
  • Miss Hasse assures that to see a conceived fetus in a dream is to fail in reality, to lose a large amount, the opposite meaning, promising income, personal growth, will be the vision where the dreamer himself turned out to be an embryo.

As the modern interpreter says, a dreaming embryo means that soon a sensible idea will visit the thoughts, by realizing which, the capital of the sleeping person will increase.

Short values

In order not to waste precious time searching for the desired prediction among the many meanings, the interpreter gives the dreamer the most common symbolism of night dreams.

Dreaming of a developing fetus

  • The desire to get rid of the embryo is dreamed of by insecure people who are not ready to make a fateful decision.
  • There was a miscarriage - the plan was not destined to come true, despite the efforts made, the time spent.
  • A developing fetus in a dream is a sign of the right direction chosen.
  • The beginning of a new life in dreams should be interpreted specifically, the upcoming changes will help you take a step into a better future.
  • Babies born will become strong personalities in reality when, during pregnancy, women dream of a developing embryo.

The family interpreter indicates that you should not worry if a dead fetus was dreaming, since the vision will indicate that everything unnecessary will itself be removed from your person.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

A well-known psychoanalyst considers dreams based on the characteristics of the perception of certain images by the human brain. Based on observations, the researcher provides several options for consideration.

Developing life in the womb

The growth of an embryo in the stomach is dreamed of before changes, for example, a change in occupation, adoption of a different faith, an upcoming move, or a decision to tie the knot.

New, previously unknown knowledge will be revealed to the dreamer who dreamed of a human embryo.

Receiving news from relatives will happen after a vision of the fetus in the womb.

conception of a baby

The process of development of the future newborn in dreams indicates the metamorphoses that occur with the personality of the sleeping person. Such a person will be able to accumulate the experience and knowledge necessary for career growth, obtaining important information.

A person whose dreams have been visited by the fetus will certainly be in the center of events, will be surrounded by attention and care, interpreter Tsvetkova assures.

To see yourself as an embryo - to find fame, to become an authority for children, colleagues will listen to your opinion.

I dreamed of a fetus with an entanglement of the umbilical cord

To dream that the umbilical cord has passed the throat may be a dreamer who is burdened by circumstances in reality, fears punishment for deviating from the requirements of his superiors.

Interpretations for women

Since individuals of an exclusively female nature are capable of childbearing, some meanings of visions, what the embryo dreams of, are selected especially for ladies.

  • Having visited the ultrasound, did you see the fetus? A dream predicts the conception of the first child to young girls.
  • The death of an embryo in the womb in dreams warns of possible pathologies, complications during childbirth, predicts the appearance of diseases in the female line.
  • An unwanted pregnancy is dreamed of by women who put a career above family happiness.
  • If in dreams the ultrasound showed that the fetus is developing normally, then the course of pregnancy will not affect the health of the mother.
  • The interpreter recommends taking contraceptives to ladies who do not want to become pregnant after dreams of an abortion or a fetus outside the abdomen.

Most dream books agree: a human embryo dreams before conception, both for those who want to have a baby and for ladies who are absolutely not interested in procreation.

Men's visions

I dreamed about the development of the fetus

What are the consequences after dreams, where central location occupies an embryonic fetus, to be experienced by men?

  • As for women, the image of an embryo in a dream predicts that a long-awaited replenishment of the family will occur.
  • A surgically removed embryo is a sign for men that the work they have begun will turn out to be fruitless.
  • The development of the fetus can be dreamed of, predicting the future rise of a career, obtaining the necessary amount to start a business.

Had an abortion

A dead fetus in a dream indicates that a person is not sure of the honesty and sincerity of the second half. Soon after dreams, tormenting doubts will be reinforced by facts of deceit or betrayal.

To kill the beginning of a new life is a symbolic sign hinting at a hidden resentment, unspokenness, an intention to take revenge on the offender.

A similar plot will tell that the dreamer lives with hopes that are not destined to come true.

According to the interpreter of Medea, to kill an embryo is to perform actions that personify all evil intentions, insidious plans, the consequences of which will affect relatives.

Unexpected Predictions

How does he interpret general dream book, the embryo dreams of doctors before a responsible operation.

A dead or frozen fetus according to the Lunar Interpreter will hint at an existing danger for already born children.

An embryo that has stopped developing symbolizes fatigue from everyday life, a thirst for a change in lifestyle.