Seeing in a dream that I am crying. Crying in a dream - what can it mean? Miller's dream book - sad news awaits you

Many are interested in the question of why dream of crying in a dream. Such a dream can hardly be called pleasant, except in cases where tears are caused by joy or tenderness. From the point of view of psychology, when a person cries, it relieves negative emotions and a psycho-emotional discharge occurs, which does not allow the nervous system to wear out.

In most cases, when you dream of crying, you can expect real life positive events. In addition, overflowing with feelings in reality can cause tears in a dream. Dreams require a special interpretation, in which a plot is played out that causes pity in the dreamer's soul and, as a result, tears. You should also know that if a person in real life has a reason for sadness, then if he dreams during this period that he is crying in a dream, then this indicates that events in reality can change for the better.

Other people are crying

Very often, according to the testimony of dreamers, dreams are dreamed in which other people cry. The most common interpretation of such dreams is an explanation that someone close to you needs help and support. When, according to the plot of night dreams, you have to console a crying person, then a joyful event will occur in the life of one of your close people, which will indirectly concern you personally.

What is the dream of a crying dead man

Among the unusual dreams, a plot stands out in which a crying dead man dreamed. If such a dream is not associated with mourning, then, of course, it needs to be deciphered. When a crying dead man dreams, then one should not expect something very bad in real life. Such a dream focuses on the fact that in the near future changes will come that will fill life with positive. But with what they will be connected, the dreamer must understand intuitively.

Crying baby

Quite often the question arises of why a crying child is dreaming. After such a dream, there is always a feeling that something significant should happen in real life. Therefore, I want to know whether the changes will be negative or positive.

Most dream books of night dreams in which a child’s cry is dreamed of are interpreted depending on whether the dreamer singled out the crying baby or only heard him. If a child dreams in tears, then in real life a person will be greatly disappointed. But, if the crying of the baby was only heard, then such a dream portends good news or a pleasant meeting.

When a crying baby appears in a dream, this indicates that the dreamer's life will be filled with petty chores and everyday problems, which simply will not be brushed aside. Also, such a dream can portend life's disappointments, which will be very difficult to cope with. They can permanently unsettle a person.

In addition, when a crying child dreams, a deterioration in health should be expected. It is unlikely that this may be associated with the development of serious diseases. Most likely, you need to pay attention to nutrition and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

If you have a baby in your house who periodically cries in reality, then a dream with a crying baby is a reflection of reality and does not need to be interpreted.

It is very interesting what a crying woman or other people dream about in night dreams. On this occasion, there are a lot of different interpretations in the dream books, therefore, in order to correctly decipher the dream, one should remember the smallest nuances of the plot.

When a woman cries in a dream, the general interpretation of the dream suggests that in real life you will meet very interesting people. But at the same time, when a crying woman dreams, then you need to pay attention to certain nuances of the storyline in order to get a more accurate decoding.

  • If a woman in a dream cries uncontrollably and is on the verge of hysteria, then one should expect conflicts with her loved one in reality. But at the same time, the dream focuses on the fact that they can be resolved very quickly and the relationship will again become cloudless. The loud crying of a married woman indicates a very good relationship with her husband. If an ugly and poorly dressed woman cries, then we should expect not very good news from afar. The crying of a naked woman is a harbinger of material difficulties in reality.

dream of a crying girl

When a crying girl dreams, it always portends news. But how pleasant they will be or not really depends on how the girl looks.

  • If she is attractive, then get ready to receive good news; When a girl looks tired and haggard, the news received can be upsetting.
Other dreams with women who cry can be interpreted as follows:
  • A crying mother is a reminder of possible problems with people from close circle. A crying girlfriend indicates that one of the people close to you is hiding his sincere intentions. A crying daughter indicates that your daughter may have serious problems in the real world. A crying unfamiliar girl reminds you that you need to pay attention to your own health. A crying wife predicts difficulties in business. A crying grandmother warns of injustice that you may encounter in reality. A crying bride portends failure in her personal life. A crying sister indicates that you may be drawn into a conflict against your will.

When a crying man dreams, then joyful events or news should be expected in real life. If you see in night dreams that your acquaintance is crying, who would not have thought to cry in reality, then this portends positive changes in the professional field.

Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:

  • A crying husband focuses your attention on everyday little things that for some reason you do not want to notice. Most likely, after such a dream, you need to be more attentive to the problems of the household. The crying ex-husband is evidence of that. that you can always count on the help of a person with whom you once had a close relationship. Crying dad predicts that your worldview will soon change. A crying son indicates that your son in the real world is in dire need of your support right now. A crying stranger warns that one of the people from your inner circle intends to take advantage of your kindness for personal gain. A crying loved one portends a quarrel in reality.

Why dream of your own tears

When you dream that you had a chance to cry in a dream, then you must definitely remember what was the reason for your tears. It is also important to analyze your own feelings that arose after you woke up.

According to the interpretation of Vanga's dream book, if in a dream you saw your own face filled with tears, then this is a very good sign. Such night dreams portend positive changes in life. It is also likely that they will be associated with receiving important and very pleasant news. It is also good if you see that in a dream you are crying uncontrollably. Despite the burden of such a plot, it indicates that joyful events will occur in real life. There comes a period of life when fate will be favorable to you, so take advantage of this.

Other storylines can be interpreted as follows:
  • When in a dream you had to shed tears not alone, but together with someone, for example, with a close friend, then in reality you will have to participate in a noisy and fun event. If you dreamed that you were crying on your own bed into a pillow, then this indicates that you will soon get sick. You should not worry about this, as the disease will not be dangerous to health in general, and you will quickly cope with it. When in night dreams you are struggling to hold back tears, this is not a very good sign. It symbolizes that you strive for loneliness and deliberately shut yourself off from your loved ones. If, according to the plot of a dream, you mourn loved one in night dreams, who is alive, this portends him great happiness in life, which will also indirectly affect you. In addition, such a dream symbolizes the fact that you and this person will never become enemies. If you are mourning a person who really died, then this dream symbolizes your inner purification. You will be able to step over the past and start life from scratch. When you dreamed that in a dream you were crying for joy, then in reality you will finally be able to solve an outdated problem. When, according to the plot of a dream, you shed tears because you were undeservedly offended, then in real life recognition and honor await you. Also, after such a dream, you can count on material rewards. If you cry in a dream because you were greatly upset by the actions of other people, then in reality you may be in trouble. But they will not have a global impact on the course of your life, and you can survive them quite easily. Not a very good sign are dreaming tears on your face at your own wedding. Such a dream may warn that you are going to link your fate with an unloved person. If in your nightly dreams you had a chance to cry in the temple, then soon you will be invited as an honored guest to some kind of solemn event.

Learn from online dream book why dream of Crying after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the authors-interpreters.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream of Crying and what does it mean:

Cry - To joy and all that is good. Crying and wiping tears in a dream - to receive unexpected consolation for you; a face in tears - to unexpected profits; laughing at those who cry in a dream - to gain a strong union; crying with someone - to celebrate, congratulations, gifts; crying loudly - to a joyful event. Wipe the tears of a crying young woman - to break with a loved one.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of crying in a dream?

Cry - A harbinger of bad news and frustrations in the family circle, as well as imaginary pleasures.

Small Velesov dream book

Why dream of crying?

Cry - Rejoice, consolation; crying, a pitiful voice to hear - joy, news // they are sad for you; to wipe away tears is a consolation.

Old Russian dream book

I dreamed of crying

A dream portends joy and consolation in reality.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the dream book Cry interpret?

Cry - Take comfort; someone is crying - to the news.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To see a dream about crying, what does it mean?

Cry yourself - Your anxieties will soon dissipate, in reality you will find good news to see the Weeping One - Trouble may happen to a person from your close circle, but it is in your power to prevent it. Take a closer look at who needs your help.

Islamic dream book

Why dream of crying

Crying - To joy, and laughing in a dream - to heavy thoughts and sadness.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Why dream of Crying over a dream book:

We often cry in our sleep. Crying, as a rule, is a person's response to the impact of images or people appearing in a dream. Crying in a dream, you do not cry in the truest sense of the word, as in reality. You are simply overcome by a feeling of compassion and pity for the touching scene unfolding before your eyes. In this case, follow the dream of the crying person. Emotional discharge has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to take advantage of this discharge at every opportunity.

However, you must identify the PUSH EVENT that triggered the appropriate emotion. Who made you cry? Did you cry for a specific reason, or was it just a general release of emotional tension? What did you feel when crying: relief or heaviness?

Modern dream book


Cry - Family joy.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Cry to see in a dream:

Cry - Unexpected news, great joy; to see crying people - you will do dirty tricks to a loved one.

Esoteric dream book

Cry in a dream

Cry - Your emotions need to be released and you have to throw them out: there is a quarrel or scandal with tears ahead, or laughter to the point of hiccups; booze ends sadly.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong

Cry on Chinese ancient books:

  • Crying with someone - portends a celebration, congratulations with gifts.
  • Crying and dressing in mourning clothes - portends an appointment not a position.
  • Crying out loud - portends a joyful event.
  • Mourn and cry about a person from afar - portends misfortune.
  • Crying while sitting on the bed - portends a great misfortune.
  • A man cries, baring his teeth - There will be rivalry, litigation.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why dream of crying for a saint?

Cry - Family joy.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why dreamed of Crying

Sometimes contemporaries have so many things to do that there is simply no time to shed tears, even if there is a reason or need. The symbolic background of the interpretation of sleep that you yourself cried or saw someone crying should be taken as a changeling.

Seeing in a dream how you cry all alone? This is good: along with salty droplets, you get rid of spiritual anguish and failure, drive bad people away from you, attract the attention of kind-hearted people. Each tear promises a quick carefree fun, a successful completion of business. Business ideas will bring considerable profit. In a dream, you can mourn the imminent loss of a loved one due to a rival, but a heartfelt loss will turn into a new, brighter relationship.

A stranger is crying - a dream means the joy of acquaintances or neighbors, which they will share with you. Often, a crying dear friend in a dream portends a magnificent wedding.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Cry

Usually, when it happened to cry, a person gets out of bed in a vague alarm. However, anxiety here is completely unnecessary, because such dreams are essentially nothing more than shifters, although they appear to us for a reason. Plots with a crying person traditionally symbolize the dreamer's subconscious desire, who needs to be freed from the accumulated negativity, from everything bad that stretches like a trail from the past, from unnecessary ballast that complicates moving forward.

Remember how you cried sobbing in your sleep? This is a harbinger of long-awaited relief, when not only anxieties, but also past disappointments turn out to be groundless. In a dream, were the tears hot and caustic? This is a projection of your need for understanding and comfort, and you will receive it soon.

Romantic dream book

Why dream of crying

The love interpretation of the signs that you cried is most often due to the social status of the dreamer and the variability of plot circumstances.

  • Seeing bitter large tears or crying sobbing is a symbol of the inevitability of future happiness, especially if there are specific plans for personal life in reality.
  • Unmarried girls may cry in their dreams in anticipation of imminent love and subsequent marriage. Some are waiting for the recognition of a longtime admirer, an engagement with a boyfriend or a long-awaited acquaintance with a chosen one.
  • Seeing in a dream how others cry, according to the dream book, this symbolizes that the marriage will be happy and full of prosperity and joys. An exception will be tears of self-pity: such a plot warns that your selfishness and unwillingness to understand others will disappoint your partner.
  • In a dream, I dreamed of crying blood at the bed of the deceased, threatening family squabbles, the loss of a loved one due to the inability to restrain emotions.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Crying for some reason in a dream - rejoice in reality.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Crying sobbing in dreams - to the manifestation of violent emotions.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Crying with tears is consolation and joy.

Sobbing in a dream often promises a person of either sex joy and relief. They suggest that the sleeper needs to get rid of the accumulated emotional ballast and then his life will become much easier, happier, more enjoyable. Trying to find out why you dream of crying in a dream, you must first of all rely on this information.

Modern dream books interpret crying in a dream in different ways. It is very important to choose for yourself as an "adviser" the work of exclusively proven competent interpreters.

Vanga has a dream book - crying in a dream has to improve his financial situation. The more bitterly and actively a person sobbed, the more money will appear at his disposal in the near future. True, such changes will not bring happiness to him. It must be sought in other areas of life.

According to Miller's dream book, tears in a dream portend an unexpected high rise up the career ladder or success in your own business. If a person is not yet working, one should expect good luck in other areas of activity, for example, in studies.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, sobbing at his own wedding is a clear sign that the dreamer has a chance to link his fate with an unloved person. Such a mistake would be fatal. It must be avoided by all possible means.

According to Freud, footprints are a symbol of fertilization. If a girl cries in her dream, it means that she dreams of becoming a mother as soon as possible. If a man, he wants to start a family and an heir.

Cry for the dead, or see the crying dead

Tears for a person who has died in real life is a kind of psychological reaction of a person sleeping on a mountain. Thus, his subconscious longing for the departed is manifested. Do not try to find a special meaning in this story. You just need to give yourself time to forget about what happened and let go of the dear person.

If the deceased dreams repeatedly, and each time the dreamer sheds tears over him, probably in this way, the one who has gone into another world reminds of himself. The best solution would be to visit the cemetery and the grave of the dream character or light a candle for repose in the church.

It happens that it is the deceased who sees the crying sleeping. This is a bad sign that promises a long quarrel with loved ones. Sometimes in such an unusual way, the deceased warns a living member of his family about a possible tragedy. Therefore, after seeing the plot, you should behave more carefully.

It happens that in a dream a man or woman with tears buries a loved one who is alive and well in reality. This is a clear sign that the sleeper is in trouble with the character. Perhaps parting with a soulmate, a major quarrel with a friend and other similar events.

Dreaming of other people crying

Had to watch in a dream how someone else was crying? Surely this is a sign for the dreamer that one of the people dear to him in reality needs care, support and love. Perhaps the dream character urgently needs help, but he himself is embarrassed to ask for it.

A weeping familiar man, who in reality is unusual for such a manifestation of feelings, suggests that a person is expected to have positive changes in his career. No need to be afraid of a new job or a dramatic promotion. Over time, such changes will begin to bring joy to the sleeper. You just need to get used to them.

If parents cry in a dream, this is a clear sign that the dreamer's soul is restless. Recent serious problems have literally knocked the ground out from under his feet. You need to pull yourself together as soon as possible and return to your usual life track.

A spouse sobbing in secret is an important subconscious signal for the fair sex. In real life, a woman is too passionate about herself and does not notice at all the things that greatly disturb her soulmate. You need to look at the behavior of a man, show participation and care.

Your own crying children in night dreams should also be taken as a call to action. Most likely, in reality, a son or daughter began a difficult period. The offspring needs advice and parental support. It is necessary to allocate time for a joint exciting walk and heart-to-heart conversation.

Cry out loud, cry a lot in your sleep

When figuring out why one dreams of crying very much in a vision, one must take into account the circumstances under which this all happened:

  • sitting on the bed - to the sad sad news;
  • alone (hiding from others) - to soon well-being;
  • together with friends - to valuable gifts;
  • with the second half - to problems in relationships.

If, sobbing in a dream, a person wakes up in tears in reality, it means that he urgently needs an emotional reboot. It's time to take a vacation, forget about all the pressing problems and do what the dreamer likes.

Dreamed of a crying child

If a person had a dream with a sobbing baby, it should be taken as a good sign. Majority famous dream books interpret it as a harbinger of good news. In the near future, a person will learn important information on a topic that interests and worries him.

When in the house he lives in reality Small child, then his tears in a dream do not at all promise parents anything bad. It's just a reflection of current events. In this case, you do not need to try to interpret your vision in a special way.

If a completely unfamiliar child cries sobbingly in the dreamer's arms, while hiding his face, then in real life you should pay special attention to your state of health. Perhaps the dream suggests that a dangerous disease has already begun to develop in the body of a man or woman.

Cry in your sleep

When the sleeper himself weeps bitterly for some acquaintance in his nightly dreams, this may suggest that the latter is in serious danger. You should try to warn him about it.

Crying in your dream with joy - to the fulfillment of a cherished dream. Soon a man or woman will be able to achieve a goal or get the desired material value. For the fair sex, who have long dreamed of motherhood, but could not give birth to a child for health reasons, such a plot promises pregnancy. This will not be prevented even by a serious illness and disappointing forecasts of doctors.

And in the Muslim dream book it is noted that tears in a dream promise bright strong emotions in reality. True, it is not clear whether they will be positive or negative.

If the sleeping person himself cries bitterly, and one of his acquaintances comforts him, then it is to this person in reality that one should turn for help when serious problems arise in the first place. He certainly will not refuse support.

Cry in a dream from resentment

If you dream of tears due to an insult, a similar situation can arise in real life. The plot portends a person an unpleasant conversation, conflict or dirty gossip that will greatly damage his reputation.

If someone else sobs from resentment in a dream, it means that the dreamer himself will be able to easily get out of any (even the most difficult) situation. In this he will be helped by the wisdom accumulated over the years and worldly experience.

A man crying because of an insult received from a girl should listen to such a dream. Most likely, in reality he behaves unworthily with the fair sex, and that is why he still cannot find happiness in his personal life.

Ekaterina Vyatskikh

Specialization: Esoterics
Education: Professional

Articles written

Without emotions, it is difficult to imagine our world, because through them people's reactions to events are manifested, life situations and etc. Crying is one of the strongest and most eloquent manifestations of human emotions. The instinct to cry, as an expression of emotions, is already laid down from infancy. It can occur for various reasons, but mostly crying is associated with negative events.

Sometimes you have to experience certain situations in a dream by crying. After restless "lamentable" dreams, awakening occurs with relief that this did not happen in real life. However, not everyone prefers to forget the vision, and many dreamers are concerned about the question, why dream of crying sobbing in a dream?

Dream Interpretation

Miller's dream book - sad news awaits you

Miller advises to understand such a dream as a warning from above: be prepared - sad news coming soon. It may be worthwhile to postpone long trips far from home for the time being, and also try to avoid making final decisions on important issues.

Crying in a dream a person who has to go through a serious quarrel with a close relative or even with the whole family. A young girl to grieve and cry in a dream - to a scandalous break in relations with her beloved, and it will take a lot of time and diligence on the part of the girl to restore the union after such a quarrel.

If in real life you are a businessman or are engaged in trade, then why dream of crying bitterly portends the onset of a dark streak in business. Moreover, after such a dream, one should not take the path of entrepreneurship - the venture will not succeed. It is also better to postpone the sale of a car or real estate for a while. Watching crying children in a dream - to experiences that may be related to health nervous system someone close.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Cry yourself - your worries will soon dissipate, in reality, good news awaits you.

Seeing crying - trouble may happen to a person from your close circle but it is up to you to prevent it. Take a closer look at who needs your help.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Cry - joyful events, fun and entertainment.

Modern combined dream book

Crying is family joy.

You will cry - consolation and joy.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Crying sobbing in a dream - to the manifestation of violent emotions.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Crying for some reason in a dream - rejoice in reality.

Crying sobbing in a dream - having fun in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Cry - to joy.

Crying sobbing in a dream is a relief.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Crying is unexpected news, great joy; to see crying - you will do dirty tricks to a loved one.

Islamic dream book

Crying in a dream - to joy, and laughing in a dream - to heavy thoughts and sadness.

Cry in a dream according to Vanga's dream book

Roaring sobbing in a dream is a very good sign. The nature of tears, according to this interpretation, determines the degree of future joy. A couple of tears in a dream - good news awaits the sleeper. If tears flow in a stream, everything in life will be just wonderful, everything will work out, there will be a reason for fun. The filmed cry, which reaches hysterics, marks the wedding soon (yours or one of your friends).

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Why dream of crying over a dream book?

Crying to see in a dream - Family joy.

Autumn dream book

Why dream of crying in the fall?

Cry - Cry for some reason in a dream - rejoice in reality.
Cry sobbing - Cry sobbing in a dream - having fun in reality.

Summer dream book

Why dream of crying in the summer?

  • Cry bitterly - Cry bitterly in a dream - to the manifestation of violent emotions.
  • You will cry - Consolation and joy
  • Cry sobbing - Cry sobbing in a dream - sad about a lost friend.

Spring dream book

Why dream of crying in spring?

Weeping openly - To the disease of the bloodline.
Cry openly - To the catch.

Seeing in a dream that someone is crying or crying yourself is a disaster that inevitably approaches you. Perhaps this will be unpleasant news or a loss that is quite tangible for you (if you see a deceased relative in tears). The dream in which you see a stranger crying indicates that you will not find comfort in your grief in anyone.

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

According to the Esoteric dream book

Esoteric dream book gives an interpretation of sleep associated with the state of mind of the sleeping person. A person crying in a dream is overwhelmed by the emotions that he holds back in reality. Thus, having freed himself from conventions in a dream, he gives them a way out and relieves himself of the burden of discontent and grief. After that, life will go into an even rut, and the person will become calmer.

English dream book

If you are wondering why you dream of crying a lot in a dream, refer to the experience of the British. They interpret this vision as follows:

  • Tears portend the onset of joyful events. You expect success in work and complete harmony in family relationships. It may also portend a profit.
  • Crying can symbolize a work rush at work, which will take almost everything from you. free time and energy. But rest assured that your efforts will be rewarded.
  • Sobbing in a dream can mean parting with your soulmate. But the decision will be mutual, and you will maintain good friendships.
  • If in a dream you hear other people crying, this means that joyful events are coming for your friends or relatives. You will also be able to share their happiness with them.
  • Loud sobs a large number people portend a noisy wedding. Most likely, you will be among the guests at such an event.
  • If in your vision you were watching a crying stranger, this is also a good sign. You will become an unwitting participant in some fun event.
  • If in a dream you saw your parents crying, it means that soon you will leave your father's house and start your own family.

Chinese dream book

Chinese sages were well versed in the vicissitudes of real life, as well as the intricacies of night visions. This is what dreams of crying a lot in a dream:

  • If you shed tears with someone, then remember who it was. It is with this person that you have to experience joyful moments or achieve serious success.
  • If you cried because of resentment against someone, this means that in real life you will enjoy the authority and respect of others.
  • If the tears were the result of the actions of another person, then in life he will also try to harm you. But you will emerge victorious from this confrontation.
  • If in a dream you heard a child crying, which means you will receive news of the infidelity of a loved one. But if you managed to calm the baby, then it will be just a rumor.
  • If a familiar person cries in your vision, then he is in danger, and you are entrusted with the mission to prevent it.
  • If you shed tears for a living person(to a friend or relative) means that this man is in trouble. You must help him deal with this situation.
  • If you had to wipe tears from someone's face, it means that you should not ignore requests for help. You will be richly rewarded for your kindness.

Why dream of crying according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that crying because of a loved one in a dream means a happy and joyful life in reality. Perhaps you yourself will no longer hope that happiness is possible in these relationships, but it will definitely happen to you.

If you cry in your sleep and your loved one calms you down - try to be as close to him as possible, now you need each other more than ever. Try not to sort things out and not look for the guilty where, in fact, no one is to blame. Just learn to agree on those little things that do not play a big role in your personal life.

If you dream that you are crying because of your mother or father, in reality you will cry because something will be wrong with their health. Prolonged stress will play a role and your loved ones will worry and cry with you because of health problems.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is crying, it is time for her to rest, perhaps she is too worried about everything that happens to her. Perhaps she is too worried about communicating with loved ones, precisely because she does not feel support and love from them. The dream interpretation advises to talk with relatives and explain that now more than ever you need their support. Try not to refuse them everything they ask for.

Cry in a dream according to the dream book of Razgadamus

The louder the crying is, according to the dream book of Razgadamus, the larger the joy, the grander the event will be.

Dreaming of people crying in church? This is a harbinger of a fun wedding, to which you will definitely be invited, and perhaps not as a guest, but as a toastmaster, or a witness.

Why dream of crying? In most interpretations, such a dream is interpreted as a joyful family event, however, a dream can be closely related to work, promotion, a significant increase in business income, etc.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cry - an ambulance awaits you.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Crying in a dream - to joy.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Crying yourself crying in a dream is to unload yourself from accumulated negative emotions that block the lungs and can cause illness and the collapse of affairs and relationships, since a person in despondency and depression is engaged in business and is not able to maintain normal relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Crying is joy.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

She dreams that you are in tears - to receive a letter containing bad news.

To see a crying baby - a letter will bring good news.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Cry - rejoice, consolation; crying, a pitiful voice to hear - joy, news / they are sad for you; to wipe tears is a consolation.

The plot of the dream

Weep in a church or graveyard

Expert opinion

dream interpreter


Seeing a church in a dream usually indicates that you are trying to fill in the gaps in your spiritual life. It can also be a harbinger of fundamental changes in some area, entering a new stage. Most likely, you already have new plans that you plan to do, but you should not rush things. First, carefully plan everything, think it over, and only then proceed with the implementation of your plans.

To cry bitterly in a church in a dream means to find peace and spiritual joy in reality., gaining positive energy and strength. According to Miller's dream book, tears in the temple may indicate negative events in the near future.

If you dream of a grave or a cemetery, then such visions will definitely not cause pleasant emotions. Especially if they were also accompanied by your tears. But do not panic, as perhaps this is just a warning about mistakes being made or possible obstacles. It is in your power to change everything.

According to Meridian's dream book, if you cried in a dream at the grave and at the same time felt some kind of emotional relief, then your troubles will soon end and a white streak will come in life. If the tears were accompanied by a feeling of loneliness or pain, then get ready for the worsening of the situation.

According to the Egyptian dream book, such dreams are a good sign. They mean that this moment you are at the stage of purification, which will subsequently lead to spiritual growth. Now it is necessary to accept new emotions and calmly, without fear, open up to the new.

Tears of happiness: what do they mean?

It is much more pleasant to cry in a dream from happiness. Moreover, such a dream does not apply to shifters and should be interpreted literally. That is, in real life, you will soon experience joy and enthusiasm.

Pay attention to the circumstances that made you experience such emotions, because they are your real aspirations.

Crying in a dream with joy speaks of the imminent onset of pleasant events, perhaps some kind of holiday (family celebration, anniversary, wedding).

Cursing and roaring

If you dreamed that you were cursing and crying at the same time, then take a closer look at your well-being, you may have a nervous strain. And soon it will reach its maximum. Therefore, try to reduce the ardor a little and, as soon as the right opportunity arises, restore strength and rest. Otherwise, this can lead either to a serious scandal or to unbridled fun, depending on what kind of emotional outburst you will have.

Also, such visions can warn that life is not going the way you dreamed. This is probably a kind of subconscious signal that you are busy with the wrong thing and you should reconsider your aspirations, change your field of activity.

Cry for the dead, or see the crying dead

Tears for a deceased person in real life - this is a kind of psychological reaction of a sleeping person on a mountain . Thus, his subconscious longing for the departed is manifested. Do not try to find a special meaning in this story. You just need to give yourself time to forget about what happened and let go of the dear person.

If the deceased dreams repeatedly, and each time the dreamer sheds tears over him, probably in this way, the one who has gone into another world reminds of himself. The best solution would be to visit the cemetery and the grave of the dream character or light a candle for repose in the church.

It happens that it is the deceased who sees the crying sleeping. This is a bad sign that promises a long quarrel with loved ones. Sometimes in such an unusual way, the deceased warns a living member of his family about a possible tragedy. Therefore, after seeing the plot, you should behave more carefully.

It happens that in a dream a man or woman with tears buries a loved one who is alive and well in reality. This is a clear sign that the sleeper is in trouble with the character. Perhaps parting with a soulmate, a major quarrel with a friend and other similar events.

Dreaming of other people crying

Had to watch in a dream how someone else was crying? For sure this is a sign for the dreamer that one of the people dear to him in reality needs care, support and love . Perhaps the dream character urgently needs help, but he himself is embarrassed to ask for it.

A weeping familiar man, who in reality is unusual for such a manifestation of feelings, suggests that a person is expected to have positive changes in his career. No need to be afraid of a new job or a dramatic promotion. Over time, such changes will begin to bring joy to the sleeper. You just need to get used to them.

If parents cry in a dream, this is a clear sign that the dreamer's soul is restless. Recent serious problems have literally knocked the ground out from under his feet. You need to pull yourself together as soon as possible and return to your usual life track.

A spouse sobbing in secret is an important subconscious signal for the fair sex. In real life, a woman is too passionate about herself and does not notice at all the things that greatly disturb her soulmate. You need to look at the behavior of a man, show participation and care.

Your own crying children in night dreams should also be taken as a call to action. Most likely, in reality, a son or daughter began a difficult period. The offspring needs advice and parental support. It is necessary to allocate time for a joint exciting walk and heart-to-heart conversation.

Cry out loud, cry a lot in your sleep

When figuring out why one dreams of crying very much in a vision, one must take into account the circumstances under which this all happened:

  • sitting on the bed - to the sad sad news;
  • by oneself ( hiding from others) - to the imminent well-being;
  • with friends- to valuable gifts;
  • with the other half- Relationship problems.

If, sobbing in a dream, a person wakes up in tears in reality, it means that he urgently needs an emotional reboot. It's time to take a vacation, forget about all the pressing problems and do what the dreamer likes.

Cry in a dream from resentment

If you dream of tears due to an insult, a similar situation can arise in real life. The plot portends a person an unpleasant conversation, conflict or dirty gossip that will greatly damage his reputation.

If someone else sobs from resentment in a dream, it means that the dreamer himself will be able to easily get out of any (even the most difficult) situation. In this he will be helped by the wisdom accumulated over the years and worldly experience.

A man crying because of an insult received from a girl should listen to such a dream. Most likely, in reality he behaves unworthily with the fair sex, and that is why he still cannot find happiness in his personal life.

Who cried in their sleep

Cry in your sleep

When the sleeper himself weeps bitterly for some acquaintance in his nightly dreams, this may suggest that the latter is in serious danger. You should try to warn him about it.

Crying in your dream with joy - to the fulfillment of a cherished dream. Soon a man or woman will be able to achieve a goal or get the desired material value. For the fair sex, who have long dreamed of motherhood, but could not give birth to a child for health reasons, such a plot promises pregnancy. This will not be prevented even by a serious illness and disappointing forecasts of doctors.

And in the Muslim dream book it is noted that tears in a dream promise bright strong emotions in reality. True, it is not clear whether they will be positive or negative.

If the sleeping person himself cries bitterly, and one of his acquaintances comforts him, then it is to this person in reality that one should turn for help when serious problems arise in the first place. He certainly will not refuse support.

About father

If you dreamed that your father was crying, the dream book interprets such dreams as a reflection of your inner state. Recent unexpected events have literally knocked the ground out from under your feet, you are frightened by the unpredictability of the world around you, in which there is so little stability.

When you dreamed that dad was crying, the dreamer should be prepared for the fact that his worldview will soon cease to be the same. In the near future, we will have to see with our own eyes what previously seemed as impossible as the very fact that dad is able to cry. Upcoming events may force the dreamer to seriously reconsider his views.

When you see in a dream how your husband is crying, the dream is trying to focus your attention on the little things that you are in this way. Everyday life do not attach importance. Most likely, you have noticed that your husband is worried or upset about something. There is a high probability that your relationship or the well-being of the family is at risk, the dream book warns.

If you saw your son crying in your dream, the dream book believes that right now he needs your support or advice, not daring to actually cry into his vest. Spend time together for a walk or for a heart-to-heart conversation.

When dreaming of a stranger crying, the dream book reminds you that such wonderful qualities as selflessness and the ability to empathize with those around you are not always appreciated. It is possible that someone intends to take advantage of your kindness.

What is the dream of a crying guy whom you know well, the dream book explains his need for emotional release. It is possible that he was simply tired of being alone with his problems, only you can only guess about this in a dream.

ex boyfriend in tears

If you dreamed about how the ex-boyfriend was crying, the dream book promises that your quarrel will be resolved in the most incredible way. In the near future, it will turn out that the cause of your quarrel was just an unfortunate misunderstanding.

When dreaming about how a loved one cries, the dream book warns of a possible brewing conflict. A careless word or a misunderstood statement can lead to a serious disagreement, mutual disappointment. Feminine flair and wisdom will help smooth out sharp corners.

crying girl

Explaining why a crying girl is dreaming, the dream book first of all draws attention to her appearance. A girl who is attractive even when she cries portends good news. If you dreamed of an unpleasant, emaciated person, the news may turn out to be disappointing.

If you dream like yours ex girlfriend cries, it is quite possible that you will be able, if not to renew the relationship, then at least overcome the bitterness of separation. The dream interpretation promises that only warm memories will remain with you, in reality there will be nothing to cry about.

Since you had a chance to see a crying woman in a dream, you will not be able to avoid new acquaintances, many of which will turn out to be very interesting, the dream book promises. If you already know a woman who had to cry in a dream, you can be happy for her: this woman will have a favorable period.

Mom's tears

Everything that dreams about, how mom cries in a dream, the dream book regards as a transparent hint that it is time to think about your lifestyle. Mom is worried about your state of health and how your personal life is developing, perhaps not without reason.

Interpreting what a crying mother dreams of, the dream book mentions possible problems in communicating with others, difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, disorder. Another option is also possible: a too cheerful lifestyle often creates a feeling of emptiness in the soul.

When you see your girlfriend crying in a dream, take this dream as a warning that someone from your environment is hiding their true intentions for you. This is not necessarily your friend who had a chance to cry in a dream.

If you happened to see a crying daughter in a dream, the dream can have a completely straightforward interpretation. The daughter may indeed have problems that she is in no hurry to share with her family, however, you can guess about them.

A dream in which the daughter is crying is considered by the dream book to be a harbinger of a series of significant and impressive events. Will you be pleased with what is happening or not? It really depends on which side you look at these events.

What you dream of as an unfamiliar girl crying should be understood as a call to take care of yourself. The dream book mentions possible health problems or chronic fatigue, which also does not bring any benefit to the body.

Dreamed wife

If you dreamed about your wife crying, the dream book advises you to prepare in advance for unforeseen difficulties in business. There may be problems at work or protracted paperwork. What you see in a dream portends only temporary difficulties, but not a complete collapse.

  1. The dream in which the grandmother cries is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of injustice that threatens you. Try not to be too upset if you are presented with undeserved reproaches or accusations in which you are not involved.
  2. That, why the crying bride is dreaming, the dream book explains with a recent streak of bad luck on the personal front. The lack of stunning success with the opposite sex is not a reason to exchange yourself for the first people you meet and unloved.
  3. Interpreting why she is dreaming about how a rival is crying, the dream book assures you that you will prevail over her. In fact, some woman is trying to cross your path and make you cry, however, she will not succeed.
  4. If you dreamed about your sister crying, be on the lookout: you can be drawn into a quarrel from scratch or a heated argument about nothing. Even if you manage to rise to the occasion in this verbal duel and demonstrate your superiority over your opponent, it will not bring you much joy.

Animals and objects of worship can also cry

Since anything can happen in a dream, and even inanimate objects can cry, the dream book offers an interpretation of what the crying icon is dreaming of. It turns out that such dreams are unwise to ignore: they often signal an impending disaster or illness. Try to anticipate and prevent danger.

If you dreamed that the dog was crying in a dream, then the enemy obviously did not calculate his strength by contacting you. Your invulnerability will infuriate him. The more noise he makes, the more he hurts himself. You will even feel a little sorry for him.

see a crying baby

Not the most rosy message carries a dream with a crying child. unmarried girl there will be a painful break with a loved one. A businessman will get confused in the calculations and miss out on a good deal due to his self-confidence and shortsightedness. After a woman sees her own crying child in a dream, she will have a lot of housework to do.

The best way out in a dream with an upset baby is to try to calm and lull him. If it is successful, the dreamer will have to work hard, but the reward will exceed the wildest hopes. This is especially true when sleeping with a crying baby.

Among other interpretations: deterioration in health , according to Miller, and the fear of a person to face everyday difficulties. When a boy cries, the sleeper misses something important, but does not feel it. The dream calls for paying attention to relatives and asking them about their needs and problems. If a girl sheds tears, an improvement in her financial situation is not excluded.

Close ones cry in a dream

Quite often, in a dream, a person dreams of his loved ones who cry. The reasons for this may be different.

So, for example, they can sob in a dream:

  • mum;
  • dad;
  • child;
  • grandmother;
  • beloved person.

Most often, dreams in which your relatives cry indicate that, most likely, in real life, it is the one who shed tears in your dream that lacks attention and support from the sleeping person.

A dream is considered a good sign, where the dreamer comforts the crying in a dream. In this case, life will soon give you a chance to participate in a joyful event that will affect the person you are comforting.

When you see your mother crying in your dream, such a dream informs the dreamer that a woman who loves you with all her heart in real life worries and worries a lot about you. Most likely, your lifestyle or recent events that made the dreamer nervous became the reason for her excitement. Also, such a night vision indicates possible health problems that need to be urgently addressed so as not to aggravate the situation.

Seeing tears in the eyes of a father in a night vision indicates that the sleeper will soon drastically change his mind about many familiar things. Perhaps a person will discover secret things that he had not even guessed before.

Also, such a night vision may portend a change in religious beliefs. Experts say that such a dream, in which the always strong head of the family shed a tear, can reflect the deep feelings of the sleeping person and say that events are happening in his life for which he is not ready.

Quite often, women can dream of weeping husbands. In this case, the crying of a loved one indicates the seriousness of the misunderstanding between the spouses.

If the other half does not pay attention to the behavior of her man, then a strong conflict and even separation is possible, followed by a divorce and division of property.

Night vision has the same interpretation if the guy and the girl are not in official relations, but simply meet.

If during a night's rest a grandmother dreamed in tears, it means that soon a person will be undeservedly accused of something. Subsequently, the situation will be resolved favorably, but the sediment will remain and for a long time will belong to the category “I remember and will never forget.”

The dream book advises you to try to calmly respond to the accusations against you, which will help the situation to resolve itself faster and not make yourself a lot of unnecessary enemies.

Weeping friends and strangers

During a night's rest, I had a chance to see a dream in which grief touched a friend who was friendly to you in real life, a good friend or close friend, this draws the attention of the sleeping person to the fact that this person needs his support.

You may have to bring the dreamer crying to a frank conversation to help him solve the problem or just speak out. Also, a dream about a sobbing girlfriend can warn the sleeper that not everyone in his inner circle is sincere and you should carefully monitor who and what to say.

If a woman dreamed of a crying stranger, then this dream promises her good news in the future. And here is a dream in which tears roll from the eyes unknown guy, recommends the dreamer to be more careful in showing good nature and understanding, since not everyone can appreciate such sincerity.

A man to see in a dream how he cries unknown girl, promises trouble. However, you should not be immediately upset, but it is recommended to look at the appearance of the sobbing. If she is attractive, then good news awaits the sleeper, and if not, then the news will be unpleasant or even tragic.

To see in a dream a crying ex-lover, both a guy and a girl, suggests that soon the relationship between the parted will improve. This in no way means that warm feelings will be reborn and people will be together again. The context of such a dream suggests that they will finally be able to talk about each other calmly and with respect.

You cry, and the former young man comforts you? Such a vision suggests that help in difficult times will come to you from this person, after which it is possible to renew feelings and relationships.

If in a dream a lot of people cried with you, then such a night vision indicates that a bright streak has begun in a person’s life. Experts assure that collective crying in a dream is evidence that the sleeper has cried out all his tears and now he will only have to rejoice.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look into Moon calendar and find out what phase of the moon is today and what lunar day.


The most unexpected things can dream, but psychologists rightly believe that the emotions and mood of people affect both the events of the dream and its perception upon awakening.

If a person is tormented by conscience, he realizes that he offended someone, it is not surprising that a dream with crying acquaintances appears. Do not think that after it it will become easier, and the feeling of guilt will be forgotten. Disagreements and disputes need to be settled in order to calm down and not drive disturbing thoughts from yourself. In this case, dreams will become more joyful, and awakening will be carefree.

If a person dreams that someone or something made him cry in his sleep, then such a dream is not without reason. A similar plot comes in order to free the dreamer from the accumulated negativity, which prevents him from moving forward.

Crying bitterly and strongly in a dream, according to the dream book, portends joy, fun and good news. All started cases will be successfully completed, and desires will be fulfilled. If you have to cry with someone - for gifts and holidays. So, why see yourself crying in a dream, and also wake up in tears? Let's try to figure it out.

Sob in a dream

If the dreamer dreams that she is crying heavily with tears sobbing, then you need to pay attention to the following details in a dream:

  • sitting on the bed- great grief is expected;
  • together with someone - for gifts and congratulations;
  • one- soon everything in life will return to normal, and all troubles will leave the house for a long time.

If in a dream you have to swear, scream strongly, sob with tears sobbing from resentment, then this may reflect the events taking place in life. In this case, you should not take such a dream too seriously and expect various misadventures, because this is a subconscious emotion and reaction to an occasion or event.

Cry in your sleep and wake up in tears

If the dreamer cries a lot in a dream and wakes up all in tears, this means a psychological reboot of the body due to problems, resentments and partings in reality. As indicated in Freud's dream book, waking up in tears means in reality:

  • a woman's readiness to become a mother;
  • trouble;
  • loneliness;
  • depression.

Sobbing in a dream at a funeral

According to the dream book, to see yourself crying bitterly at a funeral means that in reality you should expect the onset of good events. Such a dream means that the dreamer has already experienced all the troubles and sorrows and cried out all the tears. It is time to enjoy life, give joy and love. You just need to relax and enjoy life.

Cry over the grave- you should expect changes in life. It is necessary to bury all doubts and grievances. Fortune is on the side of the dreamer, and fate will give a chance to realize all the plans.

If you dream about the funeral of not one person, but several, and at the same time the dreamer cries very much, then you should expect quick changes that will become an important step in the formation of personal and professional achievements. You should not be afraid of possible difficulties, as they will lead to a better life.

Sobbing in a dream at the funeral of a loved one or husband- in reality, a new round in relations is expected. It will be possible to forget all misunderstandings and resentments and take a correct look at your life. At the same time, your sex life will improve, which will give you new sensations thanks to the newly flared passion.

If the dreamer cries bitterly in a dream over the grave of a person unknown to her, then, according to the dream book, she will have a new pleasant acquaintance. A new friend will help the personal and intellectual development of a person.

See yourself in a dream weeping over her mother's grave- in reality means a strong desire to have your own child.

If the dreamer cried in her dream at the wedding from bitterness and resentment, then in reality there is an unworthy person next to her. It is possible that a person is trying to deceive himself, convincing him that this true love. The dream book advises you to think and analyze your own life, deciding which of the environment she really needs.

Crying at a wedding with joy - love and success should be expected. The dream book promises that the other half will support the dreamer in everything and make his life as happy as possible. If you dream of a wedding within church walls, then in reality you should expect an imminent celebration. It is likely that such a celebration will be directly related to the dreamer's activities.

Seeing yourself crying at the wedding of one of the relatives and experiencing depressing feelings at the same time, then such a dream speaks of a feeling of envy or misunderstanding towards this person. It is necessary to let go of the situation and get rid of negative emotions, because this can worsen the health and mood of the dreamer.

There are several interpretations of such a dream. cry for ex-husband and waking up in tears - you need to get rid of the past and start your life from scratch. former relationship do not constrict tears, so the dreamer must learn to live in such a way that losses from the past do not interfere with present or future happiness.

Seeing yourself crying in a dream because of a deceased husband - everyone will leave in reality extra people. It is possible that the dreamer will be worried about this, but after a while she will realize that this was necessary.

Strongly shed tears because of her husband's betrayal - such a dream indicates empty experiences. All worries are groundless and should not interfere with life and work. The second half of the dreamer is a faithful and loving person.

It is bitter to sob because of a quarrel with her husband - in real life there will be a joyful meeting. You can expect the arrival of a relative or friend whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time. In addition, this portends a new successful acquaintance.

Cry with tears

If you have a dream in which the dreamer cries with tears, then Miller's dream book warns of impending conflict in the family. It is best during this period not to take everything to heart and not overreact to emerging situations.

It is a dream that one has to sob with tears, and someone wants to relieve the dreamer's pain, then, according to the dream book, in reality there is an ill-wisher who has conceived something bad. You should not trust unfamiliar people and you should not tell anyone about your plans.

As stated in Modern dream book if you see a dream with tears, then this is a sign of an approaching joyful event. The more tears there are in a dream, the more joy will happen in real life.

Why do people cry?

If you dream that someone is crying, then in reality this means that friends or relatives are in dire need of the dreamer's help. If you had a dream in which you have to console a crying person, then in reality one of the dreamer's relatives will receive great joy, which will directly or indirectly affect her.

Why is a crying person dreaming? Such a dream is interpreted differently depending on who dreamed:

  • if a child cries- to disappointment, to hear only children's crying - to a pleasant meeting or good news;
  • crying man- to a joyful event or news;
  • sobbing husband– the relationship or well-being of the family is at risk;
  • ex-boyfriend sheds tears- soon the quarrel will be resolved by itself;
  • crying beautiful girl- to good news, if this is a haggard person - to disappointing news;
  • sobbing woman- to new and interesting acquaintances.

Thus, many are interested in the question: if I cry in a dream, why do I have such a dream? Is this a good sign or bad? Usually this is a favorable dream. It gives a chance to reflect on your life and allows you to prevent numerous events. You need to enjoy life and love each other, and then all problems will bypass.

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