The power of faith and prayer. Miracles of healing diseases of people by the Lord God. miraculous healing

It happens that the Lord grants special mercy to people when they are, as they say, on the edge of the abyss. For example, when in the last stage of cancer they are discharged from the hospital to die, or get sick with another incurable disease. Then they clutch at straws - they go to Church, because nothing else helps. I myself have witnessed many times how such people, after confessing, taking communion, conferring, starting to read prayers (that is, completely changing their former godless life), became completely healthy.

It happened in Berdsk in 1987. A young woman came to the temple:

Father, my mother was discharged from the cancer hospital to die at home. No medicines help anymore. There is no hope. Mom asks to confess her, to consecrate - to prepare for death.

They came to this woman - she already does not get out of bed. Three pillows under her back - all swollen, blue. The cadaverous smell has already appeared. Barely talking. I confessed it, consecrated it, took communion. I ask:

Do you know prayers?

I know three prayers, she answers.

Read prayers, - I say to the patient, - don’t think about tomorrow, don’t think about anyone or anything - your relatives will take care of you, and you just read prayers incessantly. You can cross yourself at least once a day - and that is enough. And the Lord will heal you, if it be His holy will.

And he punished his daughter-in-law and daughter:

You do not disturb her, do everything necessary for care quietly, imperceptibly, do not ask questions. Let him pray without any interference...

Two months later, the daughter and daughter-in-law of this woman come: I didn’t recognize them at first - I see that the faces are familiar, but I don’t remember where I saw them.

Father, remember, you were with us?! they said and wept.

A miracle happened, - the daughter says, - mother fulfilled everything that you told her, - she read prayers incessantly. Now she has recovered and sent to thank you.

I'm talking:

You don't have to thank me, but God. Indeed, only the Lord could have done what happened to this woman. She was registered at the oncology hospital, every day they came to her to give painkillers injections. They look - the tumor subsided, the putrid smell disappeared, the patient began to recover: she began to eat, talk, walk. In the hospital they took an analysis - no cancer was found. Surprised:

It can't be! What were you treated with?

The woman said that she called the priest, confessed, took communion, began to read prayers - and so she began to recover.

Now my mother is already praying standing up, - her daughter and daughter-in-law shared their joy, - they bought a lamp, now icons hang in our house.

"Miracles happen!" - so says the famous German oncologist, Dr. Herbert Kappauf in his book, where he talks about many amazing cases of recovery from fatal ailments.
Spontaneous remission of cancerous tumors is known to any doctor. According to statistics, a similar phenomenon is observed in one case out of 60-100 thousand. However, many of the factors underlying this phenomenon are not yet understood by scientists. Each person who has experienced miraculous healing has his own destiny, his own unique organism.

Why is this possible?

AT scientific literature The facts of the “miraculous deliverance from cancer” have been noted since the beginning of the 20th century, but only in the last two decades have they attracted significant attention from researchers. What factors, according to experts, play a key role in recovery?
American biochemist Caryl Hirshberg states: "We all know that a cure is possible only with the participation of the forces inherent in the body itself, and this also applies to chemotherapy." But what are these mysterious forces that can heal a person from cancer? Some scientists believe that powerful the immune system person. There are cases of recovery of cancer patients who have undergone an acute infectious disease or an inflammatory process caused by a wound. This is apparently due to the fact that as a result of the immune reaction, not only pathogens of the disease, but also tumor cells can die. On the other hand, spontaneous remission is sometimes recorded in people with AIDS. And their immune system is not particularly strong ...
Undoubtedly, various psychological factors also affect. For example, cases of miraculous healing of people who knew nothing about their oncological disease. Great importance also has the identity of the patient. Caryl Hirshberg interviewed 50 cancer survivors. As a rule, these people were distinguished by an unusually strong will to live. They accepted their diagnosis, but did not accept the prognosis and fought.
In all likelihood, hormones and mediators released during various mental processes can somehow control the cells of the immune system. True faith, no matter what - in God, in the love of loved ones, in a miracle drug - can restrain the development of a tumor and even suppress the activity of cancer cells. For example, a patient may be grateful to God for a test sent down to him, and this psychological attitude turns on some regulatory mechanisms that contribute to recovery. Cases of spontaneous remission of deeply religious people have been reliably noted. However, it is not yet known whether this is due to coincidences or some real reasons. In addition, the beneficial effect of prayers and the support of loved ones was noted.
The work of the American psychiatrist David Spiegel is known in the West. According to his observations, patients who were at an advanced stage of breast cancer and surrounded by the care and attention of loved ones lived an average of one and a half years longer than single women from the control group. This was also confirmed by another American study in which 30,000 patients with cancer were monitored. The result was similar. Lonely people are less likely to survive.
Another American researcher, Marilyn Schlitz, who has collected information on more than a thousand cases of spontaneous healing, is convinced: "Such a phenomenon is most often associated with a decisive change in the patient's life - whether it be a wedding, divorce, or turning to God."

However, as experts note, in some types of cancer (kidney carcinoma, melanoma, lymphoma, childhood neuroblastomas that degenerate into benign tumors of the nervous tissue), spontaneous remissions occur more often than usual. These malignant formations are among those few types of tumors whose development can be inhibited or suppressed for a long time by the body's immune system or some other regulatory systems that have not yet been studied well.
With the most common types of illness - cancer of the lungs or stomach, breast cancer, acute leukemia - an unexpected recovery is extremely rare. More often there are cases of “imaginary remission”, when the patient was incorrectly diagnosed with “cancer” or the disease was still defeated thanks to the chosen course of treatment, which the recovered person himself might not have known for sure.

hope dies last

However, scientists have not yet identified any unambiguous connection between a certain line of behavior of the patient and his spontaneous recovery. Every healed person has their own philosophy that explains how this “miracle” happened. Among these lucky ones there are fighters who fought desperately for their lives, and those who, it would seem, gave up. Some of the recovered patients decidedly changed their lifestyle, others did nothing.
Herbert Kappauf gives the example of a heavy smoker who was diagnosed with lung cancer. Medicine was powerless to help. The woman, despite the prohibitions of doctors, continued to smoke, and suddenly the tumor disappeared. So there is no scheme, no line of conduct, before which the disease would recede.
But is it worth hoping only for a miracle? Doctors are convinced: patients should not rely on happy coincidence circumstances. They have to go through a full course of therapy for cancer, and only then believe that something unforeseen will happen - a sudden deliverance from the disease. Hope, as you know, always inspires!

Much was written in the press that the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong, thanks to "his unbending will", defeated cancer and returned to big sport. In fact, a strong character and sports success achieved by him have nothing to do with recovery. Like thousands of other patients, Armstrong was helped by radiation and chemotherapy.
It is a mistake to think that there are people who, because of their nature, find it easier to recover from cancer. It is also erroneous to assume that only patients endowed with exceptional qualities can cope with cancer on their own. Even the most strong-willed people, alas, sometimes die ...

P.S. While I was preparing this material, I came across an interesting article in Komsomolskaya Pravda, just on this topic. I present it without abbreviation.

« Doctors promised Vladimir Zarechny a month of life, and he built a plane and recovered.

Usually in a dream, people fly only in childhood. And I always dreamed about the sky. It's just that in childhood it was white and blue, as a teenager it was deep blue, and then it turned black. Like a southern night,” says Vladimir Zarechny. - When the clouds in my dreams became lead, I realized that the end: I will die soon! I guessed it myself, although the doctors initially hid the diagnosis from me. He asked to tell the truth - they said you would live a month, no more!
The man interrupts the story to carry a huge pipe to the barn. I even have doubts creeping in, maybe he's lying ?! He carries a heavy bandura easily, I do not have time to light a cigarette.
“My roommate was with me, also cancer,” Vladimir returns, “we chatted with him, he asked what I would like to do in the end. I didn't even think: I want to fly! So that the clouds are not in a dream, but really become white. And see them up close!
By conversation, Vladimir is more like a village teacher than a welder. Although he even has a secondary technical education.
- As a teenager, I raved about the flight school, for this I studied well, went in for sports. But we had a big family, we lived in Kazakhstan, and there will be no working specialty - you can stretch your legs: you went to a vocational school, - Zarechny lays out documents and albums on the table in the house. - I thought it would be easier, I would take the documents to the university, but I got married, the children went.
The daily hustle and bustle quickly sank, from a childhood dream there was only a love for old films about pilots and books about airplanes. A lot of books. Among them, Zarechny now keeps a medical book with a fatal diagnosis: third-degree lymphosarcoma.
“After a course of radiation and chemotherapy, the doctors let me go home, they say we can’t help you,” the welder continues and shows a photograph where he looks more like a stooped teenager than an adult man. - I went out and went to the landfill, where we used to have an air regiment nearby. My head is spinning, my eyes are dazzling, and I am collecting aircraft parts.
I took the wings from a rusted An-2, the wheels from a forgotten cart, only I had to buy an engine - there was enough money for an outboard outboard motor. He adapted a canister under the gas tank, tore the chair off the motorcycle sidecar. Books helped to assemble the whole structure again.
“The Wright brothers took the “duck” scheme as a basis, they once flew on such, well, improved it a little, of course, and it turned out to be my personal plane,” Zarechny laughs.
Lyuba's wife was then alarmed, her husband suddenly takes off and rushes down! Who knows what's on the mind of a hopelessly ill person? But Zarechny built the plane in order to survive, when he finished welding the frame, death a month later was no longer part of his plans.
Enthusiasts like Vladimir Zarechny are called "homemade" by professional aircraft designers. Only one out of a hundred planes made in a barn takes off. Yes, and good luck is achieved by people with higher aviation technical education.
- Everyone told me that you quit doing nonsense. We are not in films, do not hope - you will not take off. And I thought, well, I’ll quit, lie down, I’ll slowly die, but what if I still succeed? Zarechny says.
Moreover, while Samodelkin was assembling the plane, the time allotted by the doctors had expired. And the forces during this time did not decrease, on the contrary, it became easier to breathe. And he took a deep breath when he nevertheless lifted the plane into the sky.
- Eleven minutes flew by ... There was an indescribable feeling in the air at a height of 70 meters. As if all earthly problems remained there, in the steppe, - at this moment Zarechny's eyes become clear blue. Such are the children and dreamers. - And here - only silence and clean air. Well, then I turned around, slowed down the gas, and began to decline. Suddenly I decided to make a circle again. But volatility has already lost due to power loss. I landed without a scratch. And the plane is shattered.
But it was no longer important, the sky burned in my soul. He began to make a second plane, but in Kazakhstan they began troubled times. Zarechny collected the remains of the plane, his wife, children and rushed to Russia. I had to feed my family - then I didn’t think about sores.
In the village of Tsarevshchina, Saratov Region, they found a strong house for housing and ... a potato field for flying. Here Zarechny assembled the second aircraft.
And flew again. The villagers opened their mouths when they saw it for the first time, since then Zarechny has become a “Vova-pilot”.
That is why one day a squad of local police came to the Zarechnys' house.
- That's it, I think my design is not registered. Now they will be taken to the department!
But it turned out that in the vicinity of Tsarevshchina, someone took away a herd of cows. And you can't see them because of the hills.
- I found them from a height quickly. The police then gave me a ton of gasoline as a gift - just for my unit, - the former patient smiles. The fact that he was the former became clear when Zarechny went to the Engels Cancer Center.

“There was a disease, I see from the tests, but now it is gone,” the doctor spread his hands. - You are healthy!
“I rushed out of the hospital, came to some field, picked snowdrops and back like a fly,” continues the miraculously cured. - I went through the wards and put a flower in a glass on each bedside table for the patient. He regretted everyone's health, and so that dreams come true. And nothing else is needed for life, really, really!
- Are you dreaming now? - on the threshold I remember our first conversation. Zarechny closes his eyes for a second and smiles. You can no longer wait for an answer, the smile said everything by itself.
Clouds in a dream are white again.


Sergey Toma, oncologist:
- Such cases are known in medicine, although they are rare. Why I rarely speak, because at this stage, cancer is almost incurable, chemotherapy can only stop the process. And Zarechny has been living with him for 15 years. From a scientific point of view, this can only be explained by a sharp production of adrenaline in the blood. Such a powerful constant surge stopped the growth of the tumor and defeated the sarcoma. Well, if you look from the unscientific, then it's just a miracle!

And another article from Komsomolskaya Pravda:

In Norway, the theme of the day was the recognition of Thora Berger, who won three gold medals in Ruhpolding. The Vancouver Olympic champion said that already at the 2010 Games she was diagnosed with melanoma, a type of skin cancer, and she came to Germany for the current World Cup after transferred operation and recovery process.
Back in the spring of 2009, a mole appeared on the skin of Torah, which, on the advice of the team's doctors, was removed, then sent for examination. A month later, a disappointing diagnosis was made: the mole turned out to be malignant. A year before the 2010 Olympics, there was even a possibility that Berger would simply not live to see the start of the Games.
The Norwegian biathlete underwent surgery, after which she was able to return to training after some time and even go to Olympic Vancouver. True, now, as Tora admitted in an interview with Norwegian television, she is forced to undergo medical examination every six months.
“I was very scared,” Berger said. “When you're only in your early twenties, life seems to go on forever. And such news about a deadly disease makes you shake yourself up. Now the athlete is all right. Although it is unlikely that now she considers success in biathlon her main victories in life.

Miracles of Faith. Unexplained cases of healing.

Prayer to God. Conversation with God

Vladimir from Tolyatti sent us his story.

After 50 years, he began to have health problems, this concerned a disease such as osteoporosis. Vladimir broke his leg while working at his dacha.

The fracture turned out to be complicated, the leg did not heal well, so the doctors broke his leg again, and then they put it in plaster again.

But after the cast was removed, one leg became a little shorter than the other, so the old gait cannot be returned. The doctors explained that because of the compound fracture, Vladimir would always limp. We just started to correspond with him and advised him to join our community.

Because many people who read our articles or become partners then write and tell inexplicable cases of miraculous healing.

Vladimir did just that. He just went to the Living Faith website every Sunday and carefully read new article and prayers.

We also began to pray for him, because Vladimir wanted to become our partner. After a few months, he noticed that the lameness became less, and then disappeared altogether. From the point of view of science, such an outcome was simply impossible.

Julia from Pavlograd spoke about her father.

A real miracle happened to him. Her father was diagnosed with lung cancer and was told that an operation was urgently needed. Julia wrote to us about it as soon as she heard the news. We all decided that the father must definitely recover, so we began to pray for him.

Julia is our partner, we all stood on the Word of God, which says:

"By His stripes you were healed."

The disease did not want to recede, but none of us gave up.

Two months later, Yulia's father went for an examination, and it turned out that his lung began to recover in a way incomprehensible to doctors. And after a while, there was no trace of a serious illness.

Prayer to God is a very powerful tool in the fight against any disease!

Olga from Arkhangelsk wrote to us about the child.

Her child was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease: congenital heart disease with complications.

Medicine could not help, the child was getting worse. She and her husband began to read the word of Living Faith. Then they became our partners and told us how things were going.

At first, nothing changed, the child continued to get sick and did not feel well. Doctors said that only surgery can help, but it is very expensive.

When the grandmother of this child joined the interactive community "Living Faith", and then the grandfather began to go to the site and read prayers, something happened.

The kid began to feel better, became more mobile than before, and cheerful. After another examination, we received good news from Olga. It turns out that the child is on the mend, and the complex disease simply disappeared. Of course, there are some deviations from the norm, but we hope that their child's heart will be completely healed soon.

Elena from Yekaterinburg also wrote about how her son got rid of constant complications after colds.

The little boy constantly had pneumonia. Any, even the most insignificant cold, gave such a complication. Doctors said that the child has a very weak immune system. Parents took their son to herbalists, treated with herbs. In the summer everything was fine, but as soon as winter came, all the diseases returned again.

The grandmother took her grandson to a healer, but it still did not help. They didn't know how to help their child.

Parents read articles on the Living Faith website on Sundays, but were not our partners. Then they made a decision that they needed to become partners with us, so that God's grace would spread to them too.

Of course, prayers to God were answered.

The child is now completely healthy, he no longer suffers from pneumonia and does not even catch a cold. After all, the grace and power of healing passed from the parents to their child.

Natalya from Zhytomyr told the story of how her husband's severed hand was sewn on, and it happened in a miraculous way.

Her husband worked in production, and by chance his hand fell into a complex mechanism. The hand was cut off, the injury was very serious. While they were taking her husband to the hospital, they no longer hoped to save his hand.

But by the grace of God, it turned out that it was on that day that a neurosurgeon arrived at the hospital. (He is also our partner, this doctor first told us this story, and then we contacted Natalya).

It was he who began the operation and saved the hand, the hand is now in place, and its work has almost completely recovered.

Natalia reads our articles and now knows that God always comes to the aid of those who seek Him and fulfill the spiritual laws written in the Word of God.

Prayer to God- this is a very powerful tool. The main thing is to have faith, and faith works real miracles!

Conversation with God very important for every believer, remember this.

Detailed description from several sources: "prayer miracles of healing" - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Probably, every person had a seriously ill friend or relative, to whom doctors did not give guarantees of a cure. Some of these people continued to fight for their lives with the help of medicines, someone turned to sorcerers and psychics, and someone cried out to God for healing. And, of course, each of us heard about the miracles that the Lord performed in the lives of people who turned to Him for help. Indeed, only the one who breathed life into a person created from the dust of the earth can perform a true miracle cure. It's Almighty God

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7).

“Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, but You are our educator, and we are all the work of Your hand” (Isaiah 64:8).

“I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6).

Holy Bible repeatedly speaks to us about faith, which unites us with God, protects us from the flaming arrows of the enemy, keeps us safe, makes us strong, performing miracles. With faith, nothing is impossible:

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1).

When Jesus Christ - the Son of God - lived on earth, he served people with love, healed the sick, even raised the dead. Not a single person who sought His help was rejected:

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28; see also Matt. 4:23, 8:16, 9:35, 12:15).

In the 5th chapter of the Gospel of John we learn the story of a man who was a helpless cripple for 38 years. This sick man was lying on his mat, occasionally raising his head to look at the pool, where from time to time the Angel of the Lord descended and disturbed the water. And whoever enters it first gets better. Suddenly, a Man bent over him, whose face expressed meekness and compassion, and asked: “Do you want to be healthy?” There was hope in the heart of the cripple. He felt that help was close, but the ray of joy faded as soon as he remembered his fruitless attempts to get to the bathhouse. He said wearily: “Yes, Lord; but I have no man to lower me into the pool when the waters are troubled; but when I come, another is already descending before me.”

Jesus said to the sufferer, "Get up, take up your bed and walk." The patient with faith seized on these words. He obeyed Christ implicitly. Every nerve and every muscle began to come to life in him thanks to the influx of new forces. Jumping to his feet, he felt that health and vigor returned to him. But Jesus did not give him the assurance of Divine help! This person could doubt and lose the only opportunity for healing. But he believed the word of Christ and, in obedience to Him, gained strength!

Carl Bloch. Healing in the pool of Bethesda. 1880

The Lord has promised us:

“If you have faith and do not doubt, ... whatever you ask in prayer in faith, you will receive” (Matt. 21:21,22, see also Mark 9:3, James 1:5-7).

Moreover, Jesus inspired us by saying:

“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, and say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matt. 17:20).

That is, faith can even make us able to move mountains. And, even more so, to bring physical and spiritual healing. When on the road to Galilee, two blind men urgently called out to Jesus, He directed their eyes to His power, asking:

"Do you believe that I can do it?" (Mat. 9:28).

They believed! And Jesus healed them.

At the same time, the Lord teaches us not only to believe, but also to act:

“Faith without works is dead” (James 2:20).

We must make an effort, not remain passive in the face of our disease. We cannot sit back and let disease paralyze our spirits. We must seek God, go to Him, learn and do His will:

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17).

“But that we have come to know Him, we know by keeping His commandments” (1 John 2:3).

For experienced Christians, the Apostle James gives instruction:

“Is any of you sick, let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up” (James 5:14,15).

And for people who are still weak in faith, illness can provide an opportunity to “get acquainted” with God and know His Power and Glory. In Mark 5:25-34 (see also Luke 8:43-50) we learn of a poor woman who suffered for 12 years from an illness that made her life a heavy burden. She spent all her money on doctors, but her illness was declared incurable. Hope was revived when she heard about the healings performed by Christ.

Suffering and exhausted, she came to the seashore, where Jesus taught, and tried to squeeze through the crowd to Him, but it was all in vain. The Great Physician is near, but you cannot talk to Him, ask for recovery. Fearing to miss the only opportunity to be healed, she rushed forward, repeating: "If I even touch His clothes, I will recover." When Jesus passed by, she rushed forward and managed to touch only the hem of His garment. And in that moment, I felt healed. All her faith was concentrated in this single touch, and in an instant her pain and weakness were replaced by cheerfulness and perfect health. With a heart overflowing with gratitude, she tried to get out of the crowd, but suddenly Jesus stopped, and the whole crowd froze with Him. He turned around and asked, "Who touched me?"

Seeing that it was useless to hide, the woman, trembling, stepped forward and threw herself at His feet. With tears of gratitude, she told about her illness and about her healing. Jesus sympathetically said to her, “Daughter! Your faith has saved you; go in peace and be healed from your sickness." The Lord left no grounds for superstition and rumors that healing power comes from a simple touch on His garments. The Bible teaches that the determining factor for the performance of a miracle was and is a person's faith. So later the Apostles, by the power of the Lord, healed the sick, but always in the presence of faith in people.

“In Lystra, a certain man, who could not control his legs, sat lame from his mother’s womb, and never walked. He listened to Paul speaking, who, looking at him and seeing that he had faith to receive healing, said with a loud voice: I say to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: stand on your feet straight. And immediately he jumped up and began to walk” (Acts 14:8-10).

So, in his native city, the Lord could not perform miracles and healed only a few people in all of Nazareth, because there was no faith in the rest of the people:

“And he did not many miracles there because of their unbelief” (Matt. 13:58; see also Mark 6:5,6). Jesus was remembered here as a simple boy, so the majority did not perceive Him for who He really was - Christ (Messiah), Lord and Savior.

It is not enough to know about Christ: you need to believe in Him! Only then can faith help us when we accept Jesus as our own Savior and trust in His merits.

“Who wins. how not he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” (1 John 5:5).

Many consider faith to be a conviction, but saving faith is a union that a Christian makes with God. True faith is the principle of life. Living faith means growth in the Lord, unshakable trust in Him, thanks to which a person, with the help of God, becomes a winner.

However, it must be remembered that, while healing some of the sick, the Lord did not immediately grant them the desired blessing. It is important to Him that a genuine change take place in a person. After all, the main purpose of God is to promote our spiritual growth in order to save us.

And, of course, the silence of the Lord does not mean that He has left us. God wants us to learn to trust Him. Through the Holy Scriptures, the Lord shows that even with the “heroes” of faith Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Job and David, silence reigned for a long time in His relations. And we see that trust in the Creator has always ended in victory, while impatience had negative consequences.

Prayer miracles of healing

By the grace of God, many miraculous healings are taking place. If a miracle of healing happened to you or someone close to you from the miraculous image of the Icon of the Mother of God the Healer or from others miraculous icons– please tell us and attach the facts that you have, and we will post your information on our website. Remember that if a miracle happened to you, you must tell everyone about it, and then the mercy of God will be with you forever! By Faith it will be given!

This story happened last winter in one of the villages in Russia. Second-grader Stasik Vanyashev went downhill after school. There were many children. Ride from the heart. Mishka was the first to chill: "That's it, Staska, I went home." It was evening. Stasik was left alone. The last time he climbed the mountain and rushed down. Whoo! Wind in the ears, snow dust in the face, in a snowdrift - bang! He got up, took a step, and suddenly the snow cliff began to sag under his feet. Without having time to understand anything, Stasik collapsed into the unfinished neighbor's well.

Having broken the ice, the boy fell to the bottom. The icy water burned his legs and began to slowly rise up, soaking his clothes. Stasik peered into the twilight: ice growths hung from the walls of the well. The boy tried, clinging to the ice, to climb onto the ledge, but try to hold on to the icicles!

Once upon a time, when Stasik was little, he had terrible dreams. He woke up in the middle of the night and cried. It was then that his grandmother taught him the Lord's Prayer: if you are afraid, read "Our Father".

Falling into a black ice well, Stasik first of all began to call for help. But the lips quickly froze. It is good that there was a proven remedy for darkness and fear!

"Our Father, Who art in heaven!.. - Stasik prayed and immediately began again. - Our Father!.." So five hours in a row.

Soon Stasik heard the voice of his older brother Pavel: "Sta-asik!" At the same instant, the man above the well disappeared and the light went out. "Pa-sha." Stasik croaked. Pavel flattened the snow, lay down at the edge of the well, and hung down to his waist inside. Stasik raised his hands. Pavel picked up his little brother and ran home, choking at the thought that the baby might die.

But Stasik was kept in the hospital for only one day. Because they didn't find anything! Even a runny nose. How to explain this miracle? The doctors don't know. And in the village they say: God saved.

Epiphany night has always been considered holy and rich in miracles. They say that it is on this night that the sky seems to open and grace descends to the earth.

On the evening of January 18, a festive liturgy is held in churches, which usually lasts until 3 am. Then go procession to the river, they cut a jordan in the ice - a hole in the form of a cross - and sanctify the water.

“When the cross falls into the hole, the water seems to boil and splash out,” Father Pavel says. - It pours so that you stand wet to the waist! It always happens, so I usually stock up on dry clothes and shoes in advance. Daredevils plunge into the Jordan, others simply collect water in cans.

People say that by plunging into the water on Epiphany night, you can get rid of a variety of diseases.

“Two years ago, at Epiphany, we were going to the holy spring of 12 springs (It is located 4 km from Venev. - Approx. Aut.), Faina Mikhailovna Babanova, a parishioner of the Venev Church of the Resurrection of Christ, told us. - When I went to church, I felt that renal colic was beginning. I also thought: this is inopportune, how it will twist now! And yet I went to the source. Even though I don't like cold water, then plunged into the source. I drove back, the colic was gone! Gone are my sick bronchi, which tormented me from my youth. The next morning, the husband said: “I got up several times and went to your bed to check if you were alive. You breathed so quietly, as in your youth!

“Some people don't believe that bathing helps,” says Olga. “And I saved myself from a severe headache. Doctors considered my migraine to be incurable. The attacks of pain were so strong that I wanted to beat my head against the wall, and the pills did not help. Since then, I forgot about the pain.

By the way, pilgrims from various parts of our region and from Moscow come to the Venevsky temple to collect holy water here. The temple stands on an underground lake, from which unusually clean and tasty water is pumped. She is consecrated.

Nina Petrovna Levshina: “I always take a bottle of water for Epiphany. She stands in my sideboard as an ambulance medicine. I have an artificial valve in my heart. In my case, pills are indispensable. But before taking the pills, I always drink baptismal water. I also take it as a sedative. Epiphany water helps to cope with stress and anxiety, gives strength, restores self-confidence.”

Svetlana Ilyina: “For several years now I have not taken any medicine at all, I am treated only with holy baptismal water and oil from icons. When I became very ill last year, it seemed that I was dying. The husband went to the temple, ordered a prayer service and brought some water. The water lifted me to my feet! The main thing is to believe truly, sincerely.

Lyubov Vetutneva: “I take Epiphany water as a medicine when I catch a cold. You drink water, you say "In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" and you feel different. I have hypertension, and I have not been to the doctors for more than 2 years. As soon as I feel the pressure rises (I usually tighten the skin under my knees), I take out some water. I’ll sprinkle my feet, lie down for a bit, and everything will pass.”

Galina Aleksandrovna Postnikova works as an accountant in the church. She told us this story:

In 1998, I was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - cancer. Had surgery and chemotherapy. But no favorable forecasts. And my son was 13 at the time. I had to put him on his feet. I came to the icon of Kazan Mother of God got on her knees. And suddenly the icon began to stream myrrh! I went to the holy spring "12 Keys", plunged into the icy water, despite the fact that the seam from the operation had not yet healed. And that's it! Since then, nothing has bothered me. Doctors examined, everything is in order.

Scientific research to which any medicines, Epiphany water did not pass. And as far as I know, there are no medical conclusions about the properties of baptismal water. But there is an experience of a huge number of people. And, probably, it is not so important what heals, the properties of water or the firm faith of a person that this will help him. It is not necessary to oppose the achievements of official medicine and baptismal water, in the power of which people firmly believe. The main thing is the result.

And by own experience I will say that after pouring water from a holy spring, you experience an incredible surge of strength and vigor. We, physicians, do not know a single case when baptismal water would be harmful.

Valentina Kuzminykh comes to church with her granddaughter Angelina. 3-year-old Angelina is a cheerful, active girl. Looking at her, it is hard to imagine that when she was born, no one believed that the girl would survive.

“When my granddaughter was born, doctors discovered she had a complex heart defect,” says Valentina. We were told that the girl would not live. It turned black within a day. The baby was taken to Tula, put in a children's intensive care unit, in a pressure chamber - she could not breathe on her own. The doctors' verdict was terrible: "The girl will not live." I came to church to Father Pavel: “Father, a little girl without a name will die. Let's name her!" Father Paul agreed. I went to the intensive care unit and christened the girl right there. And things got better! Now our Angelina is the fourth year. Her parents took her to Moscow, the doctors examined her and said: “The child has no heart disease! The heart is working properly. Here it is a miracle - our Angelina!

Miracle #1. One woman was expecting guests in the morning and decided to bake a cake in the evening. She had already begun to prepare the dough, when she suddenly discovered that the milk required by the recipe was not in the house. What to do? The time is late, the store has been closed for a long time, there are no round-the-clock outlets near the house, there is no Internet in the apartment either. The woman began to pray: "Help, Lord, I really want to treat my friends to this pie." After a while, she decided to go out onto the landing and saw that between the two doors of her apartment was ... a carton of milk. How he ended up there is a mystery, but the cake was ready by the time the guests arrived.

Miracle #2. to one young man bored to death with his work. At the same time, there was a crisis in the yard - it is risky to simply “go nowhere”. And he has already imagined a new position and a somewhat new kind of activity for himself: “the head of such and such a department.”

For about a month, the young man was constantly crying out to God with a request: “Lord, help me become the head of such and such a department. I will do my new duty well, I promise you.”

Once upon a time mailbox a letter arrived at the young man, which at first he almost mistook for spam and did not delete. There was an announcement: "Such-and-such an enterprise requires the head of such-and-such a department." This was the job he dreamed of. The young man phoned a potential employer and went for an interview. He was very worried: after all, he did not have managerial experience, he applied for a position with a promotion. But a few days later, the company called him back and said: “Congratulations, you have been accepted. We looked at about 30 candidates and decided that you are the best fit for us.”

Miracle #3. A pregnant young wife was about to undergo a paid ultrasound prescribed by doctors and suddenly discovered that not a penny of money was left in the house. Well, okay, you can live without ultrasound, but what to eat? At the same time, the only breadwinner in their family - her husband - was delighted at work with the news that the salary, which had already been delayed for two weeks, would be issued no one knows when.

The woman began to pray, order prayers in the church and ask various acquaintances to pray for herself. After praying, she felt she had to take such and such a book off the shelf. Opening the book, the woman found between the pages ... a thousand dollars. Who, when and why put money in this book, they never found out. But they went through an ultrasound, bought good products and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

Miracle #4. In the highlands of Central Asia there was a church in which two priests served. One day a parishioner came from a village with a request to give communion to a dying man. One of the priests was sick and the other refused to go for some reason. Sadly, his relative returned to the dying man, thinking that he could not fulfill his last request. But when he returned to the patient, he found him in a joyful, enlightened state. - How grateful I am to you that you bothered to call the priest to me and I had the good fortune to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries. The visitor was amazed and realized that instead of a dying priest, the Angel of the Lord confessed and gave communion. Miracle #5. This happened at the front during the 2nd World War. A company of Red Army soldiers went on the offensive. Every now and then someone fell, hit by a bullet or a shell. Near one of the fallen, a comrade bowed and was happy to find that the guy was alive. The bullet only pierced the overcoat and tunic on the chest, but there was no blood! What kind of armor protected the soldier? Putting his hand into the pocket of his tunic, the rescued man took out a small Bible, which he always carried with him. There was a hole on the cover that was burnt around the edges. The bullet pierced half of the Book of Books and got stuck in the Psalms, right in the middle of Psalm 90 next to the lines: "A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you." The rescued soldier was a believing Christian.

A little girl came up to the church

She crossed herself with her hand, went to the altar.

She stands and asks the Mother God to help:

“Mommy’s legs hurt, she doesn’t sleep what night.”

And at the very teardrop, they run down the cheek,

Like pure dewdrops and a candle in your hand.

I lit it, put it for the health of the saints,

He does not speak in prayer, but in simple words.

From the throne, she took a cross with a crucifix,

And she called Jesus dear God.

“I beg you, my dear, treat my mother!

Do not refuse, dear! Doctors didn't help."

The priest stood aside, wiped away a tear with his hand -

“Would you like to help a child?” And he sighed heavily.

The girl left the church, she was not there for a week.

Small, like a squirrel, but let God know.

And suddenly the priest saw her on the porch,

She stood with her mother - the Lord gave health!

And the little girl - ran to the throne,

And she put the rose on God's marvelous table.

“Thank you, dear God, for helping mommy!

The legs did not hurt, You are a real God.

Is it right to call such stories miracles? After all, they are all quite everyday, nothing supernatural happens: fire does not descend from heaven, and stones do not speak.

What is a miracle? The question itself contains an internal contradiction. Because the subject of our study, by its nature, is not amenable to complete knowledge, study by a rational mind. When we formulate such questions, we try to lift ourselves up by the hair,” said Hieromonk Macarius (Markish), a teacher at the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Theological Seminary, in an interview with Pravda.Ru.

According to a well-known priest, “speaking of a miracle, we go beyond the laws of the material world. And as soon as we go beyond the laws of the material world, we cannot give a formal definition to a miracle.”

“A miracle is our connection with otherness. Does a miracle require a violation of the laws of nature? Of course no. We find a wonderful example in theological textbooks. Imagine, people landed on the moon and found that there ... a steam locomotive is on rails. Of course, they would take it as a miracle. But there is no violation of the laws of nature here: the steam locomotive consists of the same parts that are present in the material world. But the fact of its presence on the moon would be very wonderful,” said Father Macarius.

As he emphasized, this or that event will be miraculous, will reveal a connection with the invisible world “only through the personal perception of a person, through his personal destiny. Outwardly - well, you never know, went, looked for a job, then found it. Well, what's so special about it? And internally, some new phenomena or events, invisible to the outside world, are already arising that elevate this phenomenon to the category of a miracle.

As an example, Father Macarius told the following parable:

One person comes to work very excited, nervous:

Oh, a miracle happened to me, just huge, I don’t even know how to thank the Lord!

He is asked:

What exactly happened?

Oh, I was driving a car to work ... Suddenly, for no apparent reason, a huge truck flies through a red light, rushes straight at me and stops ten centimeters from me. And not a scratch, nothing. I went further.

In search of God, the author experienced incredible adventures in anomalous zone located in the vicinity of the village of Molebka in the Perm Territory. The meeting with the spiritual world was the main impetus for coming to the Heavenly Father. 20 years of spiritual experience embodied in a book filled with amazing cases of miraculous healing, amazing facts of God's protection in critical situations, stories of people who have been on the verge of life and death, the secrets of another life.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book God works miracles in our time (V. A. Erogov) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Miracles of Healing

On Divine Healing

And a multitude of people came to Him, having with them the lame, the blind, the dumb, the crippled, and many others, and cast them down at the feet of Jesus; and he healed them; so that the people marveled, seeing the dumb speaking, the crippled healthy, the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and glorified the God of Israel. (Mat. 15:30-31)

By His stripes we are healed

My life was such that I was brought up by my mother and grandmother. My father left us when I was 1.5 years old. Childhood was difficult, often had to starve.

From the age of fourteen, a hereditary disease of the duodenum manifested itself, which later turned into a peptic ulcer. Periodically suffered from respiratory diseases. For many years, a slight elevated temperature was maintained, indicating an inflammatory process inside the body. In 1969, while serving in the army, he was operated on for perforation of the duodenal bulb. The conclusion of doctors - peptic ulcer will be until the end of life. As long as I can remember myself up to the age of forty, these are constant visits to the sick leave, staying in the hospital twice a year at times of exacerbation of the disease, treatment in dispensaries, resorts, attempts at curative fasting, running for health, auto-training and much more. All methods of treatment gave only a temporary effect.

After being born again for another four years, recurrences of exacerbation of peptic ulcer occasionally recurred. But one day, after meditating on the word of God, the meaning of the atoning sacrifice of Christ in relation to my infirmities and illnesses was revealed to me. I just said to God, "Lord, it's written in the Word that by His stripes we are healed." Jesus did this on the cross 2,000 years ago. What is the point of bringing these sicknesses to both of us, if You have already carried them?

From 1996 to the present, I am completely free from peptic ulcer and from all others chronic manifestations. The need for pills, medicines, resorts has completely disappeared. God is our healer. Thank God!

Confounding the Devil

A personal testimony of how great is the power of prayer spontaneously spoken under the inspiration of the Spirit.

In August 1994, I caught a cold somewhere and went to work for two weeks, coughing, feeling weak and inhaling pain in the left chest area. The temperature usually rose to 39 0 C in the evening.

The Lord prompted me to go to the doctors for an examination.

In the laboratory of the polyclinic, they took my blood for analysis. The results are not encouraging - ROE is 26 mmr. A referral was made for a chest x-ray.

I remember that after developing the x-ray film, the radiologist came to me frightened and, pointing to the negative of the film, said:

“I wonder how you are still alive walking in this. You see, the left lung is completely black. You will have to come back in three days for a second fluoroscopy, perhaps this is a defect in the manufacture of the film.

As I descended the stairs leading to the exit, I burst into laughter. I remember saying:

“Devil, you will be put to shame, and all the X-ray machines and doctors who made the diagnosis! My lungs are clean and completely healthy in the name of Jesus Christ. They are like a newborn baby.

I said this without even realizing how great the power of an impromptu prayer can be.

Three days later, a second fluoroscopy was performed, and the doctor with surprise, not believing his eyes, said:

- I don't understand anything. Yes, apparently, there was a marriage in the film. Yours is clean. Get some more blood for analysis.

The next day I took a blood test. No pathology was found in the blood. Weakness, pain in the left lung and fever disappeared somewhere. I was completely miraculously healed to the glory of the Lord.

God is good, God is a healer, and He rewards everyone according to faith! Of course, I was aware that the Lord Himself gave me faith at that moment, and the Holy Spirit spoke through me when I laughed.

The Lord put the kidney in its place

Is it possible to cure such a disease as kidney prolapse with non-traditional methods? – Yes, you can.

... Starting from 2000 to 2001, I began to be plagued by pain in the right lumbar region. It was difficult to turn the body to the right and bend over. I assumed that it might be related to the right kidney, but there were doubts. Didn't go to doctors. He repeatedly relieved pain through prayer, but after a while everything returned.

I began to ask the Lord about the cause of my ailment. Finally came the answer. The Lord said, “Why don’t you go to a doctor to determine the exact cause of the disease? I'm not saying that you need to be treated by doctors, but only get a diagnosis.

In June 2001, I was examined by ultrasound. Diagnosis - omission of the right kidney by 8.5 cm relative to the left.

Treatment with traditional methods is ineffective, as the doctor told me. She explained that this happens to many with age. Pulling up the kidney by surgery does not give the desired effect, since over time the ligamentous apparatus weakens, and the kidney falls again.

Thank God! I had an accurate diagnosis.

End of introductory segment.