What to do for breast reduction. Reducing the size of the mammary glands through surgery, diet and visual. Effective ways to reduce breasts

Despite the progressive trend - to stay natural and preserve healthy beauty - many girls are fond of plastic surgery. Sometimes there are reasons for this: too long crooked nose, extra fingers, cleft lip, flat chest. But is it worth getting plastic surgery if the bust is too big? Let's try to figure it out and make a decision.

What nature has endowed

What do girls value in their own appearance? As a rule, graceful features, high elastic chest, strong buttocks. Deviation in the direction of excess or insufficiency are subject to strict adjustment. Small breasts are perceived as a sign of a boyish figure, angularity and asexuality. But too magnificent forms also have little to do with female beauty. It should be especially noted that the bust of the third or even the fifth size is not meant. Girls with such "wealth" very rarely plan to change anything in their appearance. Visits to the surgeon are undertaken by obese and dissatisfied ladies. They have at least six breast sizes excess weight, shortness of breath and stoop. Too large chest outweighs forward, interferes with sleeping on the back, causes extra costs when buying underwear and a swimsuit. Even outerwear has to be made to order, and jackets and sweaters stretch out in a few days. If a lady came to the surgeon, then she has already thought about her decision and knows what she wants. But should she resort to using a scalpel when planning a breast reduction, and will this step be effective?

What do doctors suggest?

A good doctor understands that a visit to him is not always due to an aesthetic perception of oneself. Often, too large breasts cause health problems, especially if the sizes are disproportionate. The solution is breast reduction. The severity of the bust provokes pain in the spine, diseases of the mammary glands, diaper rash in the breast folds, skin rash. In such situations, the doctor suggests breast reduction, but also recommends a comprehensive fight against excess weight, physical therapy and a course of cosmetic procedures.

What is the task?

Breast reduction is a plastic surgery service that involves cutting off excess skin, fat and glandular tissue. The result is an optimal body proportion with a digestible bust size. Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of more than half a kilogram of breast tissue. A qualified doctor will not immediately be able to name a fixed cost, since it depends on a number of factors. The good news is that a lasting result more than pays for all costs.

Operation: preliminary stage

Naturally, such a complex process requires preliminary research and analysis. A consultation should be held with a mammologist and a plastic surgeon who examines the patient, discusses the problem and determines the actual method of operation. There is a list mandatory tests, without which you can forget about such an event as breast reduction surgery. What are these tests?

  • First of all, there is a need for a general biochemical analysis blood.
  • The blood type and Rh factor are determined.
  • X-ray of the chest.
  • Tests for HIV, HCV, RW, HbSAg.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.
  • Abbreviated coagulogram.

In addition, the surgeon collects information about past illnesses, surgical interventions, taking vitamins and medications. A week before breast reduction surgery, it is forbidden to drink alcohol and drugs that thin the blood, which include hormonal drugs and aspirin. It is recommended to stop smoking. On the eve you can not eat tightly, and eight hours before the intervention, it is forbidden to drink. If pregnancy is planned, then you need to inform the doctor in advance. The last point is important because of the unpredictability of the body's behavior during pregnancy.

Operation: Removal step

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure with a number of external changes. In particular, the nipple moves slightly higher. In scientific language, this can be called mastopexy. As for time, ideally the operation takes about three hours. After the analyzes and the approval of the specialist, the surgeon photographs the breast and measures it with a centimeter tape. The doctor must mark the incision lines with a special marker and sterilize the mammary glands. The patient receives general anesthesia, intravenous or endotracheal. Thus, you can make a choice, but be guided by the arguments of the best anesthesiologists of the clinic. The decisive step is the cut. Its size and location are determined by a doctor who has information about the shape of the breast and the amount of excess tissue. The seam is made vertical or in the form of a perpendicular sign.


At the end of the procedure, the doctor applies self-absorbable sutures. With such care, the incision lines disappear or turn pale. By the way, the possible appearance of scars does not stop potential clients of plastic surgeons at all, because on the other side of the scale is a beautiful breast shape. However, patients can be offered hardware techniques to get rid of scars. Immediately after the operation, you can see the result of breast reduction and lift. The doctor removes fluid and blood through the installed devices for drainage, carefully covers the seams with gauze bandages. To save the result, the mammary glands are fixed by means of a compression bra.

A breath of new life

Without exaggeration, we can say that the new size and shape of the breast is a successful “acquisition”, eliminating physical inconveniences, aesthetic restrictions and dismissive looks from the opposite sex. The plastic surgery clinic gives a new chance for a successful personal life, a new appearance and new acquaintances. Stretch marks disappear, skin that sags after childbirth or sudden weight loss tightens. The benefits are obvious!


Breast reduction belongs to the category of difficult procedures and therefore requires a certain rehabilitation period, which should not be less than a month. In two days, the drains and dressings are removed, after which the patient is discharged. External sutures are removed after 2 weeks, and a special plaster is glued at the incision site. Reddish scars will remain on the chest for almost half a year. Gradually bruises disappear and swelling decreases. It will take about a month before they disappear completely. At first, the nipples will be very sensitive, pain when touched is possible. When healing, the opposite effect is observed - a decrease in sensitivity, but this will happen in a couple of weeks.

Doctors to patients

After reducing the volume of the breast, it is necessary to treat new forms with care for some time. Doctors strongly recommend that their patients use special compression underwear. For about six months, physical activity, weight lifting, sleeping on the stomach and sides should be excluded from the plans. The prohibitions also apply to sexual activity(for a week or two). The breast should be handled gently and carefully, it is advisable to wash it in a circular motion with a soft washcloth. There should be no pain during the rehabilitation period, since a layer of adipose and skin tissue was mainly removed. To maintain and improve the result, doctors may recommend a special diet.


Through diets, you can fight excess weight, and with the right choice of diet, you lose weight pretty quickly. Every lost 10 kilograms “remove” 200 grams from each mammary gland, and at the same time, firmness and elasticity go away. Therefore, regular breast massage is needed, which helps to increase the outflow of lymph and normalize metabolism. Even if your plans include a plastic surgery clinic, then preliminary preparation and an appropriate diet will not interfere, on the contrary, they will facilitate the operation and its good result. In addition to the diet, massage with grape seed oil and jojoba will help. By the way, massage is also indicated during the rehabilitation period. So pain goes away faster, discomfort is minimized.

Implants and their varieties

If the shape of the breast is disproportionate, then implants will be needed. In shape, they are close to the anatomical shape of the bust. They are united by a silicone shell and purpose. Most surgeons use silicone cohesive gels to fill endoprostheses. Such products characterize the uniformity of the composition and the naturalness of the breast. There are also disadvantages: the implant retains its shape, and if damaged, it is problematic to detect a rupture of the shell. Products with saline solution are harmless, pleasant to the touch and democratically priced, but they make a sound when moving. It should also be said that implants can be textured and smooth. The former are more stable, while the latter can shift. Round implants are more symmetrical in shape, but anatomical implants have a natural appearance. With a full breast lift with its reduction in sutures, more is obtained than with other types of operations. This is the most traumatic option, implying the impossibility breastfeeding child.

There is only one point left to discuss: how much does breast plastic surgery cost? Naturally, the final cost depends on the volume of surgery and the situation itself. On average, count on an amount of 150 thousand rubles if you are planning a breast reduction. The price justifies itself, as today many establishments offer excellent service and the work of qualified plastic surgeons. Each specific clinic provides an opportunity to preview the price list of services and sign up for an individual consultation. The final amount will be known after the consultation, the results of the tests and the choice of the method of surgical intervention. What can adjust the price of mammoplasty? First of all, it is important to know the condition of the chest, internal and external organs. The amount is formed by the volume of the upcoming operation and its complexity. The difference is about 10 thousand rubles, depending on the shape of the incision made. If you have to do a facelift, then the price almost doubles. An operation with a simultaneous increase in one breast is considered difficult. It will cost at least 200 thousand rubles. Anchor breast lift is considered one of the most expensive surgeries. This is an average of 220 thousand rubles. How much does a breast augmentation cost?

Instead of an afterword

So is it worth it to have surgery? We have described the pros and cons of the procedure. The choice is yours. But remember that any plastic surgery is stressful for female body. You need to decide if there are medical indications. For a woman, an important incentive will be the desire for an ideal appearance, as well as indulgence in the desires of a beloved man. Remember only that the operation is not allowed for persons under 18, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of diseases internal organs and blood infections.

Big breasts are the property of any girl. However, sometimes large sizes cause problems that not only complicate life, but can also lead to the development of diseases. It is at this point that the question arises of how to reduce the breast. In this article we will describe popular ways for self-correction of bust size.

Why might you need a breast reduction?

The desire to reduce the bust can be bewildering for many, because everyone wants to increase it.

However, there are a number of situations where large volumes need to be dealt with. This:

  • Difficulties in choosing clothes and underwear;
  • the formation of stretch marks and sagging;
  • discomfort during sleep;
  • back and lower back pain caused by excessive muscle tension;
  • sports problems;
  • the formation of irritations under the breast;
  • development of stoop;
  • development of pathologies of the mammary glands.

All of these reasons entail the need to reduce the bust. Of course, surgery is one of the most effective methods, but if the volumes are not very large, then you can handle it yourself.

How to reduce breasts with diet?

If you want to know how to reduce your breasts at home, then you should immediately warn that all of these methods should be performed in combination. That is, you should not expect that only one diet can lead you to the desired goal. A strict diet will help get rid of excess fat, while a sports load will tighten the skin and correct the relief.

To reduce breast size, any diet with a limited amount of calories is suitable. In the chest zone, it is adipose tissue that predominates, so a low-calorie diet is necessary for the result.

First of all, it is necessary to limit the intake of salt and sugar, it is also important to reduce the amount of fluid consumed.

Salt retains water in the body, so the metabolism slows down significantly.

Below in the table we have presented a list of the main products that are prohibited or allowed in the diet.

In addition, during weight loss in the décolleté area, it is important to follow the following nutritional recommendations:

  • limit salt intake to 1 tsp per day;
  • reduce calories by 400 kcal per day;
  • cook food for a couple or stew, grilling is allowed, but without oil;
  • replace the usual fat with Omega-3;
  • use fractional meals (5-6 small portions per day);
  • drink up to 2 liters per day;
  • the diet should be dominated by proteins, the least should be fat.

Cosmetic procedures

These methods include:

  • professional or home massage (it is better to do it yourself while taking a bath, as the skin will have time to warm up, it is necessary to bypass the nipple area with massage movements);
  • cold and hot shower;
  • peeling of the décolleté once a month;
  • cosmetical tools for skin tightening;
  • homemade masks made from honey, fruits, milk, cream and butter.

visual reduction

If you need a quick solution to how you can reduce your breast size, then you can use small tricks with clothes to do this.

To do this, ordinary things from the wardrobe can reduce the neckline in a matter of seconds:

  • when choosing a bra, give preference to models with closed cups and wide supportive straps;
  • choose sweaters and blouses with a narrow V-neck: it will distract from the neckline and shift the focus to the neck and shoulders;
  • choose clothes according to your figure: you should not hide your chest behind baggy clothes, as it will make the whole body visually larger, give preference to things that suit you, but do not fit you too much;
  • tunic shirt - this element of clothing will divert the interlocutor's attention from the chest and focus on the hip line;
  • use dark clothes in the upper part, and light clothes in the lower part, in this case the accents will be correctly placed again.

A properly selected bra can reduce breast size by 1-2 units.

When compiling your wardrobe, try to avoid the following mistakes:

  • cutouts with a deep and square neckline;
  • massive decorations and details;
  • transverse stripes;
  • tight fit;
  • ruffles and flounces in the upper part;
  • large accessories in the chest area (beads, necklaces).

Folk remedies

Another effective way to reduce the breast is to use folk remedies. We do not recommend using them as the main method, but as an addition, they can only enhance the effect. If you use them regularly, then the volume of the bust can be reduced by 3-4 cm.


To prepare a poppy compress, we need the following ingredients:

  • poppy - 150 g;
  • dried rose petals - 60 g;
  • chamomile flowers - 50 g;
  • oatmeal - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g.

All flower ingredients must be mixed and poured into 500 ml hot water. Infuse everything for 50 minutes, then pour oatmeal into the broth. Wait another 20 minutes. and put everything on cheesecloth, put sour cream on top and wrap around the edges. Send cheesecloth to the microwave to warm everything up a little. Put the resulting compress on the chest and keep for half an hour. Every 10 min. flip over to the other side.

Almond and walnut

The next version of the compress, which will help in the question of how to reduce breasts for a girl, is made on the basis of almonds and walnut. For cooking, we need the following products:

  • nuts and almonds - 150 g each;
  • egg yolk - 1 piece;
  • honey - 60 g;
  • butter - 35 g.

Mix egg yolk, butter and honey. Blend everything in a blender until smooth. Chop the nuts and add to the mixture. We make a compress with gauze and put it on the chest for an hour.


Honey has many useful properties. This option will not only help reduce volume, but also make your skin beautiful and supple. To do this, use the following components:

  • honey - 170 g;
  • a mixture of sage and eucalyptus - 40 g;
  • cream - 60 ml;
  • sparkling water - 500 ml.

Pour the herbal mixture with water and boil on the stove. Keep it on fire for 20 minutes. Strain through a sieve, set aside the resulting broth, and mix the herbs themselves with honey and cream. Fold the gauze several times, then blot it in herbal decoction, lay the resulting mixture on it. Attach gauze to your chest, constantly shifting in different directions for an hour.

Medicinal herbs

Last folk recipe Consists of a mixture of natural herbs. The following ingredients are used for the mixture:

  • ash and birch bark - 50 g each;
  • oak bark - 100 g;
  • birch sap - 30 ml;
  • pine needles - 40 g.

We mix all herbal components and pour 500 ml of hot water. We insist everything for 4 hours. After the specified time, we heat the resulting tincture and lower a piece of cotton fabric there, lay the fabric on the chest. As soon as the compress has cooled down, you need to lower the cloth again into the water and put it on the skin. We do this 3 times.

Before any compress, you need to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, lay a piece of soaked cloth on the brush. If after a few minutes there is no reaction, then the procedure can be carried out.

Complex of sports exercises

Despite all the above methods, it is imperative to include a set of exercises for breast reduction in your usual daily routine. Below we have presented a table of the most effective workouts.

Name Execution technique
Squeezing brushes Bring your palms together and spread your elbows out to the sides so that they are parallel to the floor. Fingers should be pointing up. Press your palms against each other, holding this pose for 5-7 seconds. Relax, then repeat 5 times.
Knee push-ups Get into a lying position with your knees on the floor. The lower part of the legs should be crossed. Hands wider than shoulders, while inhaling, bend your elbow and lower your chest to the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Do 10 reps for 3 sets.
Dumbbell press For this exercise, we need a bench. You can replace it with three stools in a row. Lie down on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Take dumbbells and place them at chest level. Inhale and lower below the border of the body, hold the position for 2 seconds, and as you exhale, raise the dumbbells to their original position. Do 7 reps in 3 sets.
Pullover Lie down on a bench, put your feet on the floor. Raise the dumbbells over your head, inhale as you lower them down, hold the position for 3 seconds, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Perform 10 times in 3 sets.


Now you know how to reduce breasts, only in the end we want to remind you that fat burning does not occur in one place, but throughout the body. Therefore, if you have a lot of extra pounds, then bust reduction will take more time. Be patient and strictly follow all the recommendations.

Video: “How to reduce breast size on your own?”.

The fair sex often suffer from complexes about the size of their breasts. Oddly enough, not only modest, but also excessively magnificent forms become the cause of spiritual discomfort. except psychological problems, a large bust sometimes creates quite tangible health problems: muscle back pain, constant fatigue, shortness of breath. Over time, excess stress can even lead to the development of diseases of the spine. However, the situation is not hopeless, there are ways to reduce the breast.

It is impossible to pump up the muscles of the chest, since in women the muscles in this part of the body are rather weakly represented. But there are specially designed sets of exercises for the shoulder girdle and upper back. They help to increase the tone of the muscles of the chest region and gradually remove excess fat deposits from the mammary glands and subcutaneous layer. This is not a quick matter, but with a certain perseverance, you can slightly reduce the volume of the chest and tighten it.

Source: depositphotos.com

The result of training will be more noticeable if, simultaneously with physical activity, cosmetic products with a pronounced lifting effect are used. In this capacity, it is useful to use both ready-made oils and creams, and preparations made at home. For example, a mixture of a teaspoon of grape seed oil, two tablespoons of jojoba oil, and a few drops of rose oil works well. Doing massage with this tool twice a day, you can achieve a positive effect in a month and a half.

Source: depositphotos.com

If a woman who wants to reduce her bust is overweight, she should reduce the calorie content of her diet. In combination with moderate physical activity, this will lead not only to a general improvement of the body and an improvement in the figure, but also to the removal of fat cells deposited in the chest. There is no special diet. Any will do diet, selected taking into account the characteristics of the body. However, wait quick results not worth it: it has been proven that with a loss of 1 kg of body weight, the chest loses weight by only 20 g.

Source: depositphotos.com

reduction operation mammary glands considered the most radical means of solving the problem. Unfortunately, this kind of help is not available to everyone. Plus, as with any surgical intervention, there are contraindications for reduction mammoplasty. An obstacle to the operation are chronic ailments ( diabetes and other endocrine disorders, blood pathologies, cardiovascular problems), neoplasms in the mammary glands, infectious diseases, etc.

In addition, surgical correction of the breast means the risk of complications. Patients who underwent reduction mammoplasty face such phenomena as the formation of rough scars (up to 5% of cases), necrosis of the tissues of the areola and nipple (about 3%), suppuration or bleeding (less than 1%). The operation is not done for women under the age of 18, as well as for young mothers who stopped lactating less than a year ago. Doctors categorically do not advise breast reduction if the patient plans to have children in the future.

There are many reasons why women may want to have a breast reduction. Large breasts can lead to serious health problems over time, including back pain, poor posture, and breathing problems. In addition, large breasts sag much more noticeably closer to old age. If you suffer from large breasts and want to change it, keep reading this article to find out how to reduce your breast size.


Part 1

Consult your doctor

    Think about the medications you are taking. Some medications, especially hormonal medications such as birth control, can affect breast size! If you are taking these medications, check with your doctor to find alternative options.

    • Intrauterine devices are best form birth control. The main advantage of IUDs is that they can remain in the uterus for up to 7-10 years.
    • Keep in mind that other hormonal factors can also influence the increase in breast size. These factors include pregnancy and breastfeeding. Since such conditions are temporary, there is no need to change anything in this case.
  1. Get the necessary screening for breast cancer. The likelihood of cancer increases with age, the highest risk group is women over the age of 35, although young women are also susceptible to this disease. If you notice that one breast is significantly larger than the other, or you notice that your breasts have become disproportionate, be sure to consult a doctor. In addition, if you find a lump in your chest, this is also a reason to see a doctor.

    Consult your doctor about possible methods treatment. Talk to your doctor about medical methods that can help reduce breast size. Your doctor may suggest medications or natural remedies that may help you.

    As a last resort, get breast reduction surgery. Do not consider this option if you are young. You may not like something about your appearance right now, but over time you will love your body and your chest. Breast reduction surgery is recommended if a woman is experiencing discomfort or pain in her back and neck. Breast reduction surgery is covered by health insurance (depending on the situation).

    If none of the above reasons fits your case, you most likely need to lose weight. If you are slim, then you can skip this tip. However, if you are overweight, remember that breast size is determined by the amount of adipose tissue, and may decrease with weight loss. In addition, your overall health will improve.

    • You will find helpful tips about how to lose weight in the following sections.

    Part 2

    Diet change
    1. Create a calorie deficit. In order to lose weight, you will have to create a calorie deficit. Calories are fuel for our body. To burn fat, it is important that the body receives fewer calories than it spends. Physical exercise should be accompanied by a proper and balanced diet. You can lower these two factors a bit (this is a healthy way to lose weight).

      • A calorie deficit is only a temporary necessity. After you reach your goal, you will need to balance your calorie intake with your level of physical activity.
    2. Reduce your intake of salt, sugar and fat. The first thing you can do is reduce your intake of salt, unhealthy fats, and sugar if you have them in your diet. Salt retains water in the body, and when you eat a lot of salty foods, fluid is retained in the stomach. Sugar contains many empty calories. The more sugar you consume, the more hungry you feel. Fats... well... it doesn't even need an explanation.

      • Salt is found in canned broths, meat products (sausages, salami and bacon, primarily), pizza, chips and many other products. Healthy adults should limit their sodium intake to 2300 mg per day. However, do not completely eliminate salt from your diet, salt is necessary for correct operation body, especially if you play sports.
      • Sure, sugar is found in candy, but it's also an essential ingredient in coffee (Starbucks), lemonade, and juice. In addition, a large amount of sugar, even natural, is found in fruits, so do not overdo it, remember, everything is good in moderation!
      • Bad fats like trans fats and saturated fat found in red meat butter, mayonnaise and fried food. Healthy fats, such as unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are found in fish and nuts.
    3. Eat foods with high nutritional value. By eating foods that are rich in nutrients, you will not experience the excruciating feeling of hunger. Do not limit your diet to vegetables and fruits only. Make your diet varied.

      • Healthy grains include oatmeal, quinoa, barley and brown rice. If you're shopping for bread, opt for whole grain bread over multi-grain bread. Whole grain bread is much healthier than multigrain and white bread.
      • Fruits and vegetables with high nutritional value include lemons, cranberries, bananas, kale, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts.
      • The best sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, nuts and beans. These foods are low in fat and high in protein, essential for the proper functioning of the body.
      • Healthy dairy products are fat-free yogurt (use it with fresh fruit), cottage cheese, and skim milk.
    4. Stick to a balanced diet. You should not only eat healthy foods, but you should also eat them in the right amount and proportions. Your body needs in large numbers carbohydrates, found in grain products, as well as a large amount of vitamins and fiber, which can be found in vegetables. In addition, your diet should include protein, as well as fruits and dairy products. Find information about the right ratio useful products in your diet. Your body needs every food group if you want to be healthy.

      Reduce serving size. Many people eat too much food at one time. Large portions stretch the stomach, make you feel hungry, even if your body does not need food in this moment! Use a saucer instead of a plate. If you are still feeling hungry, you can eat an additional serving (half of the previous one) 15 minutes after you finish the first one.

      • Listen to your body. How are you feeling? Are you still feeling hungry? There is a big difference between feeling full and overeating. Avoid the latter.
      • Try to eat at restaurants and cafes as little as possible, and if you do have to visit such establishments, ask for a container where you can put the leftovers to take them home. Almost all restaurants serve oversized portions. In addition, as an option, you can order just a snack. This is usually the healthier option.
    5. Eat more often. This will make you feel less hungry. It will also have a beneficial effect on the metabolic process, because people are designed to eat. Eat less, but more often.

      • For example, have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, a banana around 10 a.m., a turkey sandwich for lunch, a plate of cottage cheese and a slice of toast for an afternoon snack, and a salad for dinner.

    Part 3

    Physical exercise
    1. Get exercise. Choose a set of exercises that will benefit your entire body. You should choose such a set of exercises that will help reduce the amount of fat not only in a certain part of the body, but to reduce its amount as a whole. Therefore, do not try to reduce your chest or abdomen by doing exercises only for these problem areas. If you want to be successful, you must do full body exercises.

      • That is why, even if you become lean enough, exercise and diet will not be able to reduce the size of the bust. Your body has already burned as much fat as possible.
    2. Walk more. No need to spend 10 hours a week in gym just to lose weight. You can burn more calories if you walk a lot. Walk at least twice a day, 15 minutes at a time, for a total of 30 minutes, and you will see results.

      • Walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator or escalator.
      • Park your car further away from your destination so you have an opportunity and a reason to walk. If you drive, park your car further away from the mall or office so you can walk.
    3. Burn calories by doing your daily activities. You can burn extra calories by doing your daily activities. If possible, use a multifunctional treadmill for busy people at work instead of a table and a fitball as a chair. Do exercises while doing your daily activities, such as doing a couple of squats while you wait for a meal near microwave oven or before going to bed. Take advantage of every opportunity and great results await you.

    4. Going to work or on business, do not forget about exercise. You can ride your bike to work or school, walk to the grocery store, or jog to work.

      • If your destination is far from your home, you can take the bus part of the way and then continue on your bike or on foot.
    5. Do exercises that will give you results. Many people perform such exercises that do not bring the desired result. Therefore, they often give up. Performance exercises tend to take less time, and the results are immediate.

      • Effective exercises are squats, burpees, exercises on the horizontal bar. A description of the exercises that can benefit you can be found in the article "How to exercise", which you can on our website.
    6. Stay motivated. The right motivation will help you make exercise a part of your life. Unfortunately, if you stop dieting and exercising, the extra pounds will come back very quickly. Therefore, try to choose for yourself such a set of exercises that will help you stay in good shape.

      • While exercising, listen to music or work out with a friend. This will make it easier for you to stick to your plan. Besides good mood you are guaranteed!

Most girls dream of increasing their breast size. A lush bust always attracts the attention of the opposite sex. But, alas, for owners of large forms, such dignity can only cause trouble. Firstly, it is not pleasant for everyone and not always to catch “admiring” male glances in your neckline. Secondly, you constantly have to support your chest with underwear even in hot weather. And there is no need to talk about the difficulties with buying blouses and dresses.

Along with tricks for breast enlargement, there are ways to reduce it. To the most effective methods include weight loss, gymnastics, the correct selection of underwear, clothing and accessories, and the most radical method is plastic surgery.

weight loss

Contrary to popular belief, extra pounds are deposited not only on the abdomen and hips, usually the weight is distributed throughout the body. Thus, losing weight, you can reduce the chest by 1-3 sizes.

The main key to success is proper weight loss. It must be gradual. Sudden weight loss can lead to sagging skin and stretch marks. Therefore, the diet should be combined with exercise and the use of special creams for skin elasticity, preventing the formation of stretch marks.


Tightened and elastic breasts visually look much smaller. In addition, strengthening the pectoral muscles is always useful. Muscles should be trained regularly, 2-3 times a week.

1) Pick up small dumbbells. Standing, spread outstretched, straight arms with a load to the sides. 15 times for 4 sets. Instead of dumbbells, you can use ordinary plastic bottles 0.5 l, filled with water or sand.

2) Push-ups from the floor. Gradually spread your arms to the sides. 10 pushups x 3 sets. The greater the distance between the palms, the more difficult it is to do push-ups, but the result is more effective.

Underwear correction

If you choose the right supportive underwear, you can visually slightly reduce the chest. A semi-grace bra and a corset bra are best suited for full breasts.

Pay attention to the bones in the corset. In addition to the arc bones under the breast, there must be additional side ones sewn into the corset. It is they who allow the corset to support large breasts well.

Corrective underwear must be selected according to size. It should not cut into the skin or strongly pull. Otherwise squeezed blood vessels, and as a consequence, due to circulatory disorders, health problems are possible. Choose a bra with wide straps and closed sides.

Choosing the right wardrobe

When choosing clothes and accessories, avoid drawing attention to the chest.

  • Brooches, badges, short chains and large beads are prohibited.
  • Deep necklines, prints, patterns and cutouts in the neckline should be abandoned.
  • Also visually add volume foam coat hangers and loose hoodies.
  • Clothing should be selected with undercuts in the chest area and a fitted silhouette.
  • Pay special attention to jackets and jackets. They should fit well and not pucker at the back. Great option- Model with a deep neckline.
  • You can also resort to a distraction. A high hairstyle or large earrings will divert the main attention to yourself.

Plastic surgery

If all of the above methods reduce the breast only visually, then reduction mammoplasty, or mammoreduction, solves this problem on physical level. You can reduce any breast to the desired size.

The essence of this plastic surgery consists in removing part of the mammary gland while the nipple is moved to a higher position. The main difficulty of mammor reduction is not to damage the nerve endings and blood vessels that feed the nipple.

This operation is relatively cheaper than breast augmentation surgery, because you do not need to purchase expensive implants. But there are contraindications for reduction mammoplasty. In addition, this is a serious operation, examination and testing will be required. And the choice of clinic and surgeon should be taken even more seriously.