Watermelon diet results. Watermelon for weight loss. Cons of the watermelon diet

For weight loss every year attracts more and more girls who want to part with extra pounds. Does it suit everyone? How long does it take to follow a special diet to get visible results? To whom the photo and other materials are contraindicated, you will find in the article.

What are the benefits of striped berries

Watermelons are rich in riboflavin, carotene and antioxidants. They also contain B vitamins, magnesium, ascorbic and folic acid. Watermelon is extremely beneficial for the kidneys and heart. To get it, it is enough to eat only 100 g of a striped berry. It is worth noting that the deficiency of this microelement can cause weakness, nervous tension and muscle spasms.

Side effects of watermelons

For all its merits, a striped berry can also harm the body, especially if it is consumed excessively. What is the harm of a watermelon diet? Firstly, this product has a strong diuretic effect. For people with kidney problems, this can be a real challenge. Secondly, when eating watermelon along with some products, bloating and gas formation can be observed, so this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone.

Watermelon diet: reviews of doctors

We invite you to consider in detail what a watermelon diet is. Reviews of doctors will help determine its effectiveness. The ability of watermelon to speed up the process of weight loss is associated with several factors. The first can be called its diuretic action. Watermelon allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, and this is minus 1-2 kg. Great option for unloading! The second factor is that watermelon pulp fills the stomach. For several hours, a person feels full. is 38 calories per 100 g of product. It is permissible to eat no more than 1-1.5 kg of pulp per day. With excessive use of it, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can occur. As side effects dehydration and diarrhoea.

watermelon diet for weight loss is contraindicated in people suffering from:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • urolithiasis;
  • diabetes mellitus, accompanied by impaired renal function;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • prostate adenoma.

Now you understand that the watermelon diet is not for everyone. Benefits and harms must be analyzed and compared. Otherwise, health problems cannot be avoided.

Diet Benefits:

  1. Easy to carry.
  2. Helps cleanse the body (from toxins, excess fluid, etc.).
  3. Improves metabolism.
  4. Not accompanied by hunger.
  5. Doesn't require a lot of money.
  6. Allows you to achieve good results in a short time.

Diet cons:

  1. Does not cover the body's needs for fats, proteins and some other substances.
  2. Increases the load on the organs of the urinary system.
  3. It represents a certain stress for the body.

Fasting days

To get rid of 2-3 kg that appeared after heavy feasts, a watermelon diet will help you. The benefits and harms of this method of losing weight were considered by us earlier. Now it's time to talk about the varieties and features of the watermelon diet. According to doctors, the most effective and safest option for health is fasting days. The duration of such a mini-diet is 24 hours. Eat from 0.5 to 2 kg of pulp, dividing this amount into 4-5 doses. Between meals, you can drink a cup of green tea. In addition to watermelon, for lunch you need to eat a bowl of boiled rice or steamed chicken.

Watermelon diet options

Girls who have 10 or more extra pounds, one unloading day will not be enough. To get visible results, they need to adhere to a special diet for several days.

The necessary conditions:

  • We divide 1.5 kg of pulp into 3-5 receptions.
  • During the diet, crackers and black bread are allowed, but in reasonable quantities.
  • You can drink plain water and mineral water without gas. Tea and coffee are prohibited.
  • Weight loss in three days of eating watermelons will be 2-3 kg. After a week, the diet can be repeated, but you should not get involved in this way of losing weight.

Watermelon diet for 5 days. First option

  • For breakfast, we use 300 g of watermelon pulp. An hour later, we drink a cup of green tea, eat yogurt (fat-free) or toast with a thin layer of Parmesan cheese.
  • Lunch: 300-350 g of watermelon. After an hour, you can eat a light soup, boiled chicken fillet or steamed fish without salt.
  • Dinner: 300 g of watermelon pulp. An hour later we eat a vegetable salad (without potatoes).

Second option

  • For breakfast and lunch, vegetable salad, two slices of cheese, lean meat, steamed fish and unsweetened cereals boiled in water are allowed. As a dressing, you can use lemon juice and
  • For dinner we eat 1-1.5 kg of watermelon. During the day, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water (regular or mineral without gas).

Diet Efficiency

Physical activity in the process of losing weight plays an important role. Push-ups from the floor, squats and other exercises will only contribute to the active breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Besides, physical activity prevents sagging skin, which often occurs with rapid weight loss. Take note of this.

To apply the weight loss technique, it is better to wait for the start of the watermelon season. It comes at the end of August, at the beginning of September, at which time delicious and juicy watermelon .

It is advisable to use a watermelon diet once a year. And you can consume nitrate-free watermelons every day in moderation. With the right approach to tasty and light diet , can lose extra pounds And cleanse the body .

Any diet should be supplemented with regular sessions of massage or hardware cosmetology. This is necessary to maintain body tone, normalize metabolism, maintain a healthy color and structure of the skin.

Watermelon diet, as a classic mono, built on one product, impairs metabolism, which inevitably leads to a slowdown in collagen production. Here LPG massage and RF lifting come to the rescue. The latter is more popular and represents the impact of high-frequency currents with the destruction of protein tissue and the strengthening of collegiate fibers. As a result, weight loss becomes more effective, the effect of flabby skin does not appear. Try RF-lifting, for example, or in another good medical or cosmetology center.

The principle of the watermelon diet - is it possible to lose weight on watermelons?

A watermelon diet without careful calorie counting, with a simple determination of the daily dose of watermelon, with low-calorie pulp (only about 30 kilocalories) with the right approach, can give good weight loss results .

There are several options for the watermelon diet. It can be a rigid mono-diet or fasting days - based on watermelons alone with water.

Lightweight diet with the addition of small portions of low-calorie breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the light diet, watermelon pulp is introduced as snacks, saving you from starvation. And you can also accompany every meal with watermelon.

Diet watermelon week involves losing three to five kilograms.

The positive properties of watermelon - a valuable dietary food product:

  • It has diuretic and choleretic properties.
  • Watermelon is one of the foods that lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Iron in watermelon 1.0 mg, it is organic, easy to digest. For the prevention of anemia, sometimes watermelons can be used as a treatment.
  • Fiber in watermelon improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Folic acid - 150 g of watermelon pulp will cover the daily need for folic acid.
  • Magnesium in watermelon is a good antidepressant, it reduces the frequency of migraine attacks, helps to restore damaged cells.
  • The use of watermelons in order to remove salts, oxalates from the kidneys (prevention of the formation of urates, oxalates).
  • The balanced composition of watermelon juice helps to restore the acid-base balance.

Choosing the right watermelon

Only ripe berries are suitable for a watermelon diet. The ripening season for watermelons is the end of August - the second half of September.

The most natural and delicious watermelons will be on sale only at the beginning of the season. Berries that appeared on the shelves earlier than the season are most likely grown with the help of growth enhancers and genetically modified additives.

  1. Ripe watermelon matte color.
  2. If you squeeze the watermelon, you will hear a crackling sound, and when tapped, there should be a dull sound.
  3. You should not choose a watermelon weighing more than eight kilograms. Watermelons that are too heavy may contain chemicals, and light watermelons are most often not yet ripe.
  4. When purchasing a watermelon, you need to ask the sellers for documents confirming the quality of the product and its safety.

Before eating watermelon, be sure to wash it under running water with soap.

Watermelon fasting days

It is desirable to introduce fasting days during the ripening season of melons. We choose juicy, ripe watermelons, without nitrates.

Now let's calculate how much we should eat it. The value of your body weight on this moment, divided by 10 , the resulting number is the amount of watermelon that you need to eat during the day. Or for every 10 kilograms of body weight, one kilogram of watermelon (weight 70 kilograms - we eat 7 kg of watermelon).

  1. The resulting figure is the mass of watermelon pulp that you have to eat during the day, dividing it into 5-6 meals.
  2. It is allowed to drink water or green tea.
  3. It is not easy to transfer a mono-diet on watermelons alone. The basis of correct and healthy eating consists of a variety of products. Therefore, it is recommended to stick to the diet for no more than 3 - 5 days.
  4. During this period, you can lose up to 4 kilograms of weight. During the first two days, fluid is excreted from the body, but not accumulated fat.
  5. You can ease a rigid diet by adding a slice of bread to your choice: grain or rye to the main food ingredient. Then one meal will consist of a watermelon with a slice of bread.

5 day watermelon menu for weight loss

If you want to use the five-day watermelon weight loss program, you need to lighten it up a little by adding non-calorie breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

The menu for one day includes:

  • Breakfast , consisting of 150 - 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
  • For lunch : cook 200 - 250 grams of buckwheat (you can use another cereal - rice).
  • For an afternoon snack eat fat-free cottage cheese or a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • For dinner - rice.

For snacks - watermelon, and accompany each meal with watermelon too. If the watermelon is tired in the form of pulp, drink fresh watermelon. Only about 5 kilograms per day.

Fresh watermelon. Peeled, slices of watermelon and sprigs of mint are cut and sent to a blender, add honey 2 tablespoons based on 3 - 4 slices of watermelon.

Follow this menu for five days, during this period it is supposed to reduce from 3 to 5 kilograms of weight.

7 day watermelon menu - eat and lose weight

Watermelon diet food, designed for a week, involves weight loss up to 5 kilograms. But the approach to diet and control of the allowable norms of daily calories from food is individual. The diet can be varied by eating dietary products and their possible combinations.


Breakfast. 100 g rice cooked in water, 200 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled lean meat, 200 g of watermelon.
afternoon tea. 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g of oatmeal on the water, 200 g of watermelon, green tea.
Dinner: 200 g baked lean fish, vegetable salad.
afternoon tea. A piece of hard cheese, 1 egg.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast: 300 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner. 100 g oatmeal, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil or lemon juice.
afternoon tea. 100 g low-fat yogurt.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g buckwheat porridge, 200 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g baked chicken fillet, vegetable salad.
afternoon tea. A piece of hard cheese, 1 egg.
Dinner. 600 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g rice, a slice of wholemeal bread, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled fish, 100 g of buckwheat porridge.
afternoon tea. 100 g low-calorie cottage cheese.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g oatmeal, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled lean meat, vegetable salad.
afternoon tea. 200 g of low-calorie yogurt.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 300 g watermelon, a slice of bran bread, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled low-fat fish, 100 g of oatmeal.
afternoon tea. 200 ml low-calorie kefir.
Dinner: 500 g watermelon.

On a note: Given the diuretic properties of watermelon, it is better to eat it no later than 2-3 hours before you are going to bed. The diuretic effect of watermelon simply will not let you fall asleep if you eat it without fail before going to bed or half an hour or an hour before bedtime.

The right way out of the watermelon diet

You have achieved visible results - you have reduced the extra pounds. How to keep the result obtained by hard days of dieting?

There is an exit!

Don't start eating everything. Eliminate smoked, fatty, floury, fried foods from the diet. Eat right, go in for sports or make daily runs, give up bad habits.

With an active, healthy lifestyle, adhering to the principle of a rational balanced diet, the results of weight loss will continue to please you.

Nutritional value and calorie content of watermelon

Calorie content (100 gr.) - 27 kcal

Watermelon contains:

water 92.6 g

proteins 0.6 g

fat 0.1 g

carbohydrates 5.8 g



Cons of the watermelon diet

  1. Great burden on the kidneys. It is not used for violations of the function of the kidneys (excretory system).
  2. It is not used for gastritis, diabetes.
  3. The rigidity of the mono-diet (only watermelons in the diet).
  4. Lack of a balanced diet.
  5. In the first days, the fat layer does not decrease, but the liquid is removed.
  6. With a long diet, substances useful for the body (salts of sodium, potassium) are also washed out.

It is recommended to visit a doctor before starting a watermelon diet. Consult to exclude diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract. Is this type of diet right for you, compare the benefits and harms of the diet, will there be a result.

There can be no unambiguous reviews, because everything related to the diet is individual. But if you feel discomfort, it is better to give up the diet in time.

Dietitians agree that eating only one type of food ingredient will in any case have some disadvantages.

Consider beneficial features watermelon. During the watermelon season in August-September, eat watermelons for health benefits.

There is one hard rule. The watermelon diet is carried out only once a year, exclusively in August-September. By this time, the fruits ripen on their own. They contain the least amount of additional "chemicals" used to fertilize melons to accelerate maturation or efficient growth.

Watermelon diet: pros and cons

What is the watermelon diet for weight loss? This is a mono-diet, which involves the use of only one product - a sweet and juicy berry. Although there are some variations that allow the reception of other products.

The composition of the striped berry

It is believed that the first mention of watermelons are found in Arabic recipes. Oriental healers noticed a delicious berry that can cleanse the body and “bring out” diseases from it. If we analyze the composition of the product, then its benefits to humans are quite obvious. The table contains the main effects for the body.

Table - The composition of watermelon and its beneficial properties

Water (about 90%)- Intensively removes liquid;
- eliminates swelling;
- enhances the outflow of bile;
- cleanses the urinary system;
- activates metabolic processes
Sugar (fructose, sucrose and glucose)- Saturates with energy;
- tones the body;
- relieves fatigue
Minerals (potassium and calcium, magnesium and iron, sodium)- Serve as antidepressants;
- prevent the formation of stones;
- improve muscle and nerve conduction;
- prevent salt deposits;
- get rid of chronic fatigue;
- normalize sleep;
- relieve headaches;
- protect against muscle cramps;
- normalize blood pressure
Cellulose- Activates motility;
- protects against constipation;
- cleanses the intestines
Antioxidants (vitamins C, A, B3, B1, B2)- Inhibit age-related changes;
- protect blood vessels and cells;
- have antitumor effect
Folic acid- Helps digestion of protein;
- ensures proper cell division;
- improves digestion;
-participates in the formation of hemoglobin;
- rejuvenates the skin
Pectins- Reduce bad cholesterol;
- improve heart function;
- remove radionuclides;
- cleanse blood vessels

Beneficial features

According to the reviews of doctors, watermelon is useful not only for weight loss, but also for recovery. Juicy berries are recommended to be included in the diet for hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout, obesity, anemia, to cleanse the kidneys. Doctors emphasize such beneficial properties of a watermelon diet:

  • removal of excess fluid;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • saturation with minerals, vitamins;
  • cleansing the body of intestinal and alcohol toxins;
  • stimulation of the urinary system;
  • reducing the risk of cancer formation.

How does it work"

Analyzing the reviews and results of the watermelon diet, the question involuntarily arises: how does such a diet “work”? The effectiveness of the technique is dictated by such factors.

  • Low calorie product. 100 g of juicy pulp contains only 38 kcal. This allows you to present the product as a diet.
  • Satisfying hunger. Watermelon saturates the body and eliminates hunger by filling the stomach. But since it is low in calories, it does not lead to fat deposits.
  • Diuretic effect. The juicy fruit ensures the removal of excess fluid from the body. And she is able to increase the weight by about 1-2 kg.
  • Sweet taste. The human brain associates sweets with a feeling of satiety. Therefore, it is much easier not to break into a watermelon diet than to withstand, for example, buckwheat or cucumber.

Who can harm

Despite the significant positive aspects of the watermelon diet, this diet has some disadvantages. Before starting the process of losing weight, you need to consult a doctor and make sure that such a diet will not harm the body. Doctors pay special attention to such moments.

  • Pathologies of the urinary system. Juicy berry increases the load on the urinary system. In case of kidney disease or in the presence of stones, such a diet can be practiced only under the supervision of a nephrologist. Violation of the outflow of urine, glomerulonephritis or renal failure are direct contraindications to the diet.
  • Diabetes . The striped product has a high glycemic index of 75. For people with diabetes, this product can be harmful. In order not to provoke a sharp increase in sugar, it is necessary to consume watermelon in a limited amount and carefully control glucose.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders. With a tendency to dyspeptic disorders, flatulence, bloating, this technique is better not to practice.
  • Deficiency of proteins, fats. This is one of the significant drawbacks of the watermelon diet. Such a diet is not able to saturate the body with the necessary nutrients. Therefore, sticking to this diet is only allowed for a few days.

According to the doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva, a watermelon diet provokes a strong release of insulin into the blood. As a result, sugar levels decrease and appetite increases. A juicy berry can only provide temporary satisfaction of hunger. Therefore, the doctor believes that great patience is needed to endure such a diet.

Diet options and rules

Before considering detailed description watermelon diet, remember how to choose a striped berry. Experts advise purchasing small fruits, always ripe, without chips and cracks that make a ringing sound when tapped. Watermelons up to 10 kg, according to dietitian Elena Solomatina, are “not overfed” with harmful substances and nitrates. There are several options for the watermelon diet.

hard program

This is a true mono-diet, which allows the use of only one product - watermelon. Such a diet is a serious stress for the body. You can start a diet only after a medical examination. The main aspects of a rigid diet.

  • What is possible. Only watermelons and water are allowed in food. All other products are excluded.
  • The amount of food. It is recommended to calculate the amount of daily food using the following ratio: for every 15 kg of a person's weight - 1 kg of sweet pulp. For enhanced weight loss, you can use the proportion: for 10 kg of body weight - 1 kg of juicy fruit.
  • Multiplicity of receptions. You need to eat watermelons four to five times a day.
  • Diet duration. Almost all mono-diets are designed for three, maximum five days. Prolonged use of watermelons alone will lead to depletion of the body. It is best to practice a rigid diet as a fasting diet - one day a week. Under the supervision of an experienced nutritionist, the period of weight loss is sometimes extended up to ten days. But at the same time, every third day, the specialist recommends introducing cereals, sour-milk products or boiled fish, beef into the diet.
  • How not to break. Such a rigid diet is difficult to sustain. Therefore, on the third day, you can eat a small rye cracker for dinner ...
  • Right way out. Abrupt change diet food to the usual often provokes a rapid return to the previous weight. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the exit from the watermelon diet. Initially, the diet is replenished with fermented milk products. Then, two days later, light cereals are introduced (you can use lentils), mashed soups, stewed vegetable dishes are useful.

It is on this watermelon diet that it is possible to achieve the highest rates: minus 10 kg per week. But remember that the amount of weight lost depends entirely on the initial body weight. The more extra kilos - the more "plumb".

Lite version

Such a diet is less painful. A light diet allows you to include certain foods on the menu. But weight loss is slower. According to reviews of those who have lost weight, on average, they manage to lose 5-6 kg per week. The main aspects of a light diet.

  • Eligible Products. In addition to watermelons and water, the menu is replenished with cereals, rye bread, vegetables, and fruits are included. You can not eat fatty foods, simple carbohydrates, high-calorie foods, such as grapes, bananas, are not recommended.
  • Multiplicity of receptions. Watermelons are eaten for breakfast and juicy berries are repeated for lunch. This will “start” the urinary apparatus for the whole day, thanks to which the body intensively gets rid of metabolic products. And in the evening, before going to bed, the process slows down.
  • Diet duration. This diet is designed for an average of ten days. But sometimes you have to sit on a watermelon diet for a longer time. It depends on how many kilograms you plan to lose. If you need to lose weight by 2-3 kg, then a five-day course is enough. If you want to lose 5-6 kg, tune in for 10 days. Being the owner of an extra 8-9 kg, muster up the courage for a 14-day period.
  • Completion of the diet. To maintain the result, complete the diet with a protein-carbohydrate low-fat diet. Fish, seafood, lactic acid products are added to the previously used food. According to the tables, you can navigate in the preparation of the main menu and diet to consolidate the result.

Table - Approximate watermelon diet menu (lite)

Table - Approximate "final" menu of the watermelon diet (lite)

free ration

The free diet is the most sparing type of watermelon nutrition. There is no stress in the body. However, rapid weight loss is not guaranteed. By following a free diet, you can lose about 2-4 kg in two weeks. Despite the slow "melting" of fats, it is this diet that is more preferable. Because it provides painless weight loss, effective recovery and the most lasting results. The main aspects of such nutrition are simple.

  • Power scheme. Juicy berries are consumed only once a day - for breakfast.
  • Diet duration. On average, the diet is designed for 14 days. If necessary, it can be extended.
  • Drinking mode. During the day you need to drink plenty of clean water, without gas. It is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid.
  • Taboo drinks. Ready-made juices, soda, alcohol are strictly prohibited.

It is better to make a daily menu in advance in order to control the number of meals and its volume. You can use the table and plan your meals based on it.

Table - Sample menu for the day of the free watermelon diet

Recipe for a change

Peculiarities . From time to time, watermelon can get boring. In this case, it is recommended to “disguise” the juicy pulp and consume it in the form of a cocktail or dessert. But when choosing recipes, keep in mind that the dish is low-calorie.

Dessert recipe:

  1. The pulp of watermelon (pitted) is placed in a blender.
  2. Then add two tablespoons of honey, a sprig of mint.
  3. Squeeze a tablespoon of juice from a fresh lemon and add to a blender.
  4. They put fine ice, about 200 g.
  5. All components are crushed.
  6. The mixture is placed in an ice cream maker and kept for two hours.

Medicinal use

The watermelon diet is effective method cleansing the body. Therefore, in some diseases or conditions, such nutrition is recommended as maintenance therapy.

For pregnant

It is useful for women in position to consume a little of all foods in order to saturate the body with useful substances. Don't miss out on watermelon either. Sweet berry will ensure the elimination of puffiness, help cleanse the digestive tract and urinary system. However, it is strictly forbidden to abuse a striped berry or practice a strict diet during pregnancy! Expectant mothers should follow these guidelines.

  • Permissible rate. Every day you can eat no more than 3 kg of sweet watermelon pulp.
  • Diet timing. During pregnancy, intensive use of watermelons can last no more than five days.
  • Daily menu. It is important that the body of the expectant mother receives useful material. Therefore, the menu for 5 days must be discussed with an experienced nutritionist and be sure to include cottage cheese, cereals, lean meat, seafood, fish, fruits, vegetables.

For removing sand or stones

Watermelon diet is considered an effective aid in the treatment urolithiasis. But this method of struggle is not suitable for all patients. Watermelon juice can only dissolve calculi formed by urinary salts. For other stones, this technique can cause serious harm by moving the conglomerate and causing blockage of the ureter. With phosphate formations, watermelons are contraindicated! Therefore, before using a tasty diet for cleansing the kidneys, be sure to check with your doctor. To cleanse the urinary system, follow three recommendations.

  1. Daily diet. Every day they eat 2.5 kg of sweet pulp. Watermelon is eaten with black rye bread.
  2. Drinking mode. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of water. The liquid should be unsweetened and non-carbonated.
  3. Cleansing duration. The term of the diet will be prompted by the body itself. Most often, nutritionists develop this diet to cleanse the kidneys for seven to ten days.

If you experience discomfort, the appearance of pulling pain in the side, renal colic, nausea, a sharp increase in temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor.

For the treatment of psoriasis

There is an opinion that with psoriasis, the use of watermelon brings tangible benefits. The treatment method was developed Siberian healer Stepanova. The diet has been developed for a month and includes, in addition to eating striped berries, taking cottage cheese, as well as yellow tomatoes, flower honey, and cucumbers. But you can practice such a diet only after it is approved by a doctor.

So that the watermelon diet for weight loss is easier to accept by the body and provides effective results, nutritionists recommend not only to get out of it correctly, but also to prepare the body for entry. A couple of days before eating a sweet berry, switch to a vegetarian diet. And completely exclude salt, sugar, preservatives from the menu.

Reviews and results

Most recently, I tried the watermelon diet, which is now popular and very relevant for this time of year. Its meaning is very simple - eat watermelons, the more the better. The recommended dose from the authors is 1 kg of net weight for every 10 kg of body weight. So many! I didn’t get so much, it turned out about 3-5 kg ​​per day. Of course, the diuretic effect is very strong, but at the same time the body is cleansed. It is important to observe the correct way out of the diet, so as not to instantly return the lost kg back. The way out is recommended to introduce protein foods for breakfast, and continue to eat watermelons. In general, I sat on the diet itself for 5 days and 3 days off the diet, this led to a loss of 4 kg during this time. Very pleased with the result! These days were not hungry, but rather enjoyed watermelons. Definitely recommend to try!

Svetlankakoshka, http://otzovik.com/review_1242614.html

I have a negative experience. After the first day, I quit this diet, because I was very swollen, and, not that there was excess fluid, but none at all. I got scared and quit this job. Of course, all this is individual. But I have already made sure that radical diets can only give instant results, and in a week to return the weight.

Linda, http://www.woman.ru/health/diets/thread/3998204/

I read about this diet in the newspaper, saying that the famous Ukrainian singer Tina Karol lost 4 kg on it. This summer I decided to try it on myself, because I love watermelons very much and the figure of 4 kg motivated me very much! But first things first! The meaning of the diet: eat watermelon all day and only watermelon based on the following conditions: you need to eat 1 kg of watermelon pulp per 15 kg of your own weight. In fact: hunger is not felt, as the stomach is constantly filled with liquid. This is a big plus as you don't go hungry and angry. However, as you understand these days, you will have to sit at home near the toilet :) I did everything right, only I set myself one more condition (there is no such thing in the diet): I ate watermelon only until 5 pm, and then I didn’t eat anything. 5 days of such a watermelon paradise and I got on the scales and ... minus 6 kg !!! I danced with happiness!!! Moreover, it was a hot month in August and a cold watermelon from the refrigerator perfectly quenched thirst and helped to cope with the heat! I wish you all success in our "dietary" business!!!

The watermelon diet is a monocomponent nutritional system based on eating watermelon. The portion should be calculated depending on the initial weight of the person. For every 10 kg of body weight, you need to eat 500 g of watermelon pulp per day, but not more than 5 kg.

The basic principle of losing weight on watermelons is that excess fluid leaves the body. It is important to ensure that dehydration does not occur. To do this, you need to drink water throughout the day (its minimum volume is 1.5 liters), it is allowed to use herbal teas. Under an absolute ban are any alcoholic drinks and carbonated lemonades.

How many kg can you lose weight on a watermelon diet? As for the duration of the diet program, it directly depends on how much a person wants to lose weight. A watermelon diet lasting 7 days is considered optimal. During this period, it will be possible to lose about 5 kg.

When a person wants to get rid of 3 kg excess weight, then 3 days will be enough. In 10-14 days, you will be able to lose about 7-10 kg of excess weight.

The watermelon diet comes in three versions: hard, light and free. Choosing one or another option, you need to evaluate the individual characteristics of the organism and how it can perceive such radical changes in the menu. Equally important is the initial weight of a person.

A rigid watermelon diet allows you to get a quick result, but only those people who have sufficient willpower can withstand it. As for the free option, it allows you to get rid of a couple of kilograms of excess weight. The result is not too impressive, but the diet does not introduce the body into a state of stress. In addition, a free diet option allows you to improve your overall health.

Rigid. On a rigid watermelon diet, you can last from 5 to 14 days. Any special training to enter the diet is not required. Therefore, you can start practicing it immediately after all possible contraindications, for example, or the digestive tract.

During the day, a person should eat only watermelons and drink clean water. Other foods should be discarded. Once every 3 days, you can eat crackers and bran during the evening meal.

Watermelon should be eaten 4-5 times a day. As for the volume, it is calculated on an individual basis, based on the initial weight of a person (500 g of pulp for every 10 kg of weight, but not more than 5 kg). If you do not deviate from this technique, then in a week you can lose an average of 3-5 kg, and in 14 days - by 7-10 kg.

It should be taken into account that you need to get out of the diet correctly. Otherwise, the lost kilograms will return very quickly.

Lightweight. This type of watermelon diet is designed for 10 days. In addition to the fact that a person will eat watermelon pulp, he should eat rye bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables. Watermelon is included in the menu in the morning and during lunch. Such an approach to nutrition allows you to strengthen the work of the urinary system, due to which metabolic products will be actively excreted from the body. By evening, the speed of digestive processes slows down, which gives the digestive tract a chance to rest.

Nutrition plan for every day with a light version of the watermelon diet:

    First meal: 2-3 pieces of watermelon pulp, a teaspoon of honey.

    The second meal: 2-3 pieces of watermelon pulp, bran flour cracker (1 pc.).

    The last meal: pumpkin porridge, stewed vegetables (carrots, zucchini). Alternatively, porridge can be replaced with apple casserole.

You need to get out of the diet gradually. This will allow you to fix the achieved result.

A sample menu for the day should look like this:

    First meal: bran toast, boiled turkey fillet, vegetable salad (cabbage, radish, cucumber, onion) with lemon juice dressing.

    Main meal: lentil puree, steamed omelet, beetroot salad with prunes and nuts.

    You can eat watermelon.

    Last meal: cottage cheese casserole.

Naturally, this is an approximate way out of the watermelon diet. You can also include fish, cereals, seafood, vegetables, fruits, dairy products in the menu. With caution, you need to use raisins, dates, grapes, bananas.

Free. Such a diet is tolerated by those who are losing weight very easily and involves only a single daily intake of watermelon for food. It will only need to be eaten during breakfast.

An example menu looks like this:

    First meal: a teaspoon of honey and 600 g of watermelon.

    Meal 2: Any baked vegetables that don't contain a lot of starch. You can also make vegetable soup.

    Last meal: oatmeal, apple, steamed pumpkin, a piece of yeast-free bread.

As evidenced by the reviews of people who practiced the free version of the diet, it allows you to achieve much more lasting results compared to a rigid watermelon nutrition system.

In addition, a person will be able not only to lose weight, but also to remove toxins from the body by saturating it with magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, C, B vitamins.

The main condition of the watermelon diet: it is very important to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water every day, and from juices industrial production, alcohol and carbonated drinks should be discarded.

Watermelon diet options

In addition to the options described above, there are certain modifications of the watermelon diet, which involve the combination of watermelon with other foods. All these programs boil down to the fact that it is necessary to alternate allowed foods and watermelon throughout the entire process of losing weight. As for the result, it directly depends on how clearly a person adheres to the established rules, as well as on the individual characteristics of the organism.

watermelon diet

Watermelon-melon diet allows you to achieve excellent results, so it is often used by people who want to quickly get rid of excess weight. In just a week, this technique allows you to lose 4 kg or more.

Calories from food come in a minimal amount, but there are a lot of vitamins and trace elements. In general, this allows you to have a beneficial effect on the body. You need to eat every 3 hours, you should not drink water with food. You can drink a glass or water no earlier than an hour after the last approach to the table. It is not recommended to stick to a diet for more than 9 days.

For 9 days, it is necessary to systematically alternate the three presented diet options:

Ration number 1

Ration number 2

Ration number 3

Fat-free cottage cheese (60 g), 200 g melon, one toast.

boiled egg, 150 g of watermelon.

400 g watermelon, 150 ml yogurt.

150 g of boiled fish, salad: melon, cheese, lettuce. The total serving size is 200 g.

100 g of stewed vegetables, 400 g of melon.

Steamed turkey (100 g), 400 g melon, 150 g brown rice.

Watermelon - 0.4 kg.

Cottage cheese with 0% fat - 0.2 kg.

Bread from bran.

Unpolished rice - 150 g, carrot-apple salad - 100 g, a piece of melon.

Boiled chicken breast (100 g), 400 g watermelon, toast.

150 g of vegetable salad, one boiled potato, 400 g of watermelon.

Watermelon-kefir diet

The weight loss system on a watermelon-kefir diet boils down to the fact that a person alternately, every three hours, needs to eat kefir and watermelon. The volume of the drink is equal to one glass. You should choose low-fat or low-fat kefir. A portion of watermelon should be 300-400 g. The maximum duration of the kefir-watermelon diet is 3 days.

These products produce a diuretic effect, which has a positive effect on the rate of weight loss. For 3 days it will be possible to get rid of 1-3 kg of excess weight. In addition, the work of the intestines, liver, kidneys will improve.

Contraindications. You can not practice the kefir-watermelon diet for people with hypersecretion of gastric juice. The fact is that large volumes of kefir can provoke an exacerbation of an existing one, or cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

watermelon-cucumber diet

Watermelon-cucumber diet is designed for two weeks. Every day you will need to eat 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 kg of watermelon. It is important to drink enough water. You can supplement the menu with a slice of rye bread. In the evening, it is allowed to drink a glass of kefir.

Since the menu has strict restrictions, you should give up physical activity, including exercising in the gym. It is necessary to allocate at least 8 hours a day for rest, spend more time outdoors, take vitamin and mineral complexes.

The watermelon-cucumber diet menu is as follows:

    First meal: watermelon sorbet with mint and lemon juice.

    Snack: four cucumbers.

    Main meal: a large glass of watermelon smoothie, or 400 g of watermelon pulp.

    Snack: three large cucumbers and 400 g of watermelon pulp.

    Last meal: you can alternate 600 g of cucumbers or the same amount of watermelon pulp.

watermelon protein diet

One of the most popular methods of getting rid of excess weight is the watermelon-protein diet. The weight loss system is designed for 2 weeks. During the diet, the body is actively saturated with proteins, which contribute to the burning of body fat and the preservation of muscle tissue. Watermelon, in turn, allows you to remove decay products and toxins from the body. This is possible due to the diuretic and choleretic effect that watermelon pulp produces. The final weight loss is about 10 kg.

During breakfast, lunch and dinner you need to eat protein foods. Between main meals, snacks should be made with the pulp of watermelon. In one approach, they eat up to 0.5 kg of berries.

As for protein products, preference should be given to low-fat cottage cheese, cheese and kefir, fish, chicken, turkey, and seafood.


You can not stick to a watermelon-protein diet for people suffering from the following diseases:


    kidney failure;

    Violations in the liver;


    Allergy to protein.

Watermelon-buckwheat diet

Eating watermelon and buckwheat will allow you to get rid of excess weight without harm to health. In this case, a person will not experience a painful feeling of hunger, and kilograms will begin to quickly leave.

For a day you need to eat 500 g of buckwheat porridge and 1.5 kg of watermelon. You can diversify the menu with vegetable salads with lemon juice and olive oil dressing. Be sure to drink plenty of water, it is also allowed to use green tea and herbal decoctions as a drink. Dinner should be at 6-7 pm. To satisfy your hunger for more late time, you can drink a glass of kefir.

Watermelon-apple diet

Diet on watermelon and apples should last no more than 10 days. This period is optimal for high-quality disposal of extra pounds. On the first day, only watermelon should be eaten, and the next day - only apples, and so alternate.

If you stick to the watermelon-apple diet for more than 10 days, then you can cause significant harm to the body. During this period, it is usually possible to get rid of 7 kg. If the initial body weight is large, then the losses can be greater - up to 9 kg.

You should start losing weight from watermelon day. For every 10 kg of weight, you need to eat 500 g of watermelon pulp, but not more than 5 kg per day. The next day should be apple. The daily portion of apples is 1.5 kg.

Losing weight on watermelon and brown bread is quite simple, since during the diet a person will not experience a painful feeling of hunger. Therefore, this method of getting rid of excess weight is quite popular.

The portion of watermelon pulp to be eaten per day is calculated based on the person's starting weight, as we mentioned earlier. As for bread, its volume is 1 slice for each of the five meals. Bread should be dried in the oven or in a frying pan. Oil cannot be added. It is important to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

It is best to refuse physical activity, active sports are categorically contraindicated. However, outdoor activities are a must.

If the diet is difficult, and during the day a strong feeling of hunger torments, then you can eat one more piece of rye bread, or an apple.

For 10 days on the menu, which consists only of black bread and watermelon, you can lose 8-10 kg.

A diet on rice and watermelon allows you not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to cleanse the body. On the day you need to eat 250 g of boiled rice - this is 100 g of dry kupa. The daily volume of watermelon is 1 kg for every 20 kg of weight, but not more than 5 kg. Other foods are prohibited.

Since rice is a very nutritious product, it allows you to quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger. Thanks to the croup, a person will not experience drowsiness, loss of strength and irritability.

Preference should be given to steamed cereals, or wild or brown rice. Ordinary white rice is not suitable for diet food. The fact is that it contains practically no fiber and belongs to fast carbohydrates that contribute to weight gain.

For those losing weight who tolerate dairy products well, it’s great suitable diet on watermelon and cottage cheese. For a week on such a nutrition system, you can get rid of 4 kg of excess weight. Cottage cheese is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, as well as beneficial bacteria for the intestines. Therefore, during the process of losing weight, there will be no problems with the skin. A person will also not experience a strong feeling of hunger. However, one important condition must be observed - do not combine watermelon and cottage cheese during one meal.

The menu for one day is as follows:

    First meal: 200 g of cottage cheese.

    Snack: 2 pieces of watermelon.

    Main meal: 3 pieces of watermelon.

    Afternoon snack: 150 g of cottage cheese.

    Last meal: 2 pieces of watermelon.

During the bearing of a child, a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements should be supplied to the mother's body, which will allow the fetus to fully develop. Therefore, expectant mothers in the autumn period of time can adhere to a watermelon diet, which makes it possible to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients in the body. Another positive point in the watermelon diet for pregnant women is the ability to cleanse the intestines of toxins, as well as reduce swelling by removing excess fluid.

During the day, a woman will need to eat only watermelon, but not more than 5 kg per day. At the same time, you should carefully monitor your well-being. If the body does not give a negative reaction, then the technique can be continued.

Watermelon helps to increase urination. Therefore, you should not practice a diet for longer than 5 days. You can diversify your menu with rice (150 g per day), cottage cheese (200 g per day), rye bread (up to 3 pieces per day).

Menu for exiting the diet. So that the watermelon diet does not harm the health of the woman and the child, it is necessary to get out of it correctly. The exit must last at least 10 days.

For this purpose, you can use the following menu:

    First meal: oatmeal porridge (portion 200 g), cheese 9% fat - 100 g.

    Main meal: fish or chicken fillet (portion 200 g), vegetable salad: cucumber, carrot, cabbage (portion 150 g), cheese 9% fat - 50 g.

    Last meal: 400 g of watermelon pulp.

Contraindications to the watermelon diet during pregnancy:

    Last trimester of pregnancy.

    Diseases of the digestive tract.

    High blood sugar.

Urolithiasis requires compliance with certain dietary rules. To qualitatively cleanse the kidneys of urate and oxalate stones, you can apply a watermelon diet with brown bread. It allows you to soften the calculi in the kidneys and painlessly bring them out in a natural way.

If a person decides to use a watermelon diet and he has urolithiasis, then about 2.5 kg of ripe pulp should be consumed per day. It is allowed to supplement your diet with 2-3 slices of black bread. In addition, every day you should drink at least 2 liters of water without gas. The duration of the watermelon diet against the background of urolithiasis should not exceed a week (maximum 10 days).

By adhering to a watermelon diet, you can ensure that the size of the deposits in bladder decrease or be completely eliminated from the body. After completing the diet, you can not eat heavy food. For 10 days, you should eat cereals, lean meat, low-fat fish and cheese, berries, vegetables. During dinner, watermelon pulp should be preferred. Such a technique will allow you to consolidate the achieved result and additionally save another 1-3 kg of excess weight.

It should be understood that the treatment of urolithiasis is always associated with the risks of its complications. The fact is that with active washing of the kidneys, there is a possibility that large stones can be moved from their place. This can cause blockage of the ureter and an attack of renal colic. Sometimes it is possible to cope with this problem only in an operative way.

If a person has phosphate stones in the kidneys and bladder, then he is strictly forbidden to practice a watermelon diet.

Pros of the watermelon diet:

    The watermelon diet is easy to transfer.

    During the diet, it will be possible to cleanse the body of toxins, remove excess fluid.

    The metabolism is greatly accelerated.

    A person during the process of losing weight will not experience a painful feeling of hunger.

    The diet does not require significant financial investments.

    In a short time period, it will be possible to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.

Cons of the watermelon diet:

    Watermelon does not contain protein, so the body will suffer from its lack. In addition, the pulp of the fetus is not able to cover the daily human need for all vitamins and trace elements.

    Diet loads the urinary system.

    During a diet, the body experiences stress.

Contraindications. Despite the fact that watermelon is a healthy berry that allows you to lose weight, certain harm can be done to the body when consumed in significant quantities. For example, when combining watermelon with dairy products, it is possible to increase gas formation, the appearance of pain in the abdomen. Therefore, if after the start of the watermelon diet, the state of health worsens, then it is best to refuse the experiment.

Direct contraindications to the watermelon diet are:

    Kidney disease in the acute stage or in a chronic form.

    The presence of large kidney stones.

    Diseases of the pancreas and prostate.

    The presence of intestinal adhesions.

    Ulcer of the stomach and intestines.

    Gastritis with high acidity.

Watermelons can pose a certain threat to a pregnant woman. But this does not apply to all berries, but only to those that contain a large amount of nitrates in their composition. Their maximum concentration is observed in unripe fruits. These substances can harm the body of a woman and a child.

To choose a watermelon that contains a minimum amount of nitrates, you can use a special device - a nitrate meter.

If it is not at hand, then you should pay attention to the following recommendations for choosing a watermelon:

    Before buying, you need to pat on the watermelon peel. If it makes a sonorous and high-pitched sound, as if it is almost empty inside, then the fruit can be considered ripe. And if the sound is deaf and low, the berry is immature.

    You need to buy watermelon in authorized outlets, which are located away from busy highways and roads.

    Before cutting a watermelon, you need to wash it thoroughly, using a brush and soapy water for this purpose.

    Most of all nitrates are concentrated in the watermelon peel, so you should not eat up the pulp of the watermelon to the end. It is best to leave a "border" of 2-3 cm in size. This rule is especially true for pregnant women.

    Store watermelon after cutting should be no more than a day.

    A piece of pulp should be placed in plain water. After 15 minutes, you should see if the water turns pink. Such a change in color will indicate that the watermelon contains a large amount of harmful substances. It is necessary to refuse the use in food of such berry.

watermelon sorbet

Watermelon sorbet is a delicacy that perfectly satisfies hunger, refreshes and allows you to get rid of excess weight. It enriches the body with vitamins and minerals, is a source of valuable dietary fiber.

To prepare it, you will need the following food set:

    One watermelon.

    Two sprigs of mint.

    Two tablespoons of honey.

    One lemon.

    200 g of crushed ice.

Watermelon is peeled and pitted, placed in a blender and crushed together with mint, lemon juice and ice. The resulting mass is transferred to glasses or dessert glasses, kept for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Before serving, decorate with mint, add a little lemon juice.

Watermelon smoothie with raspberries

To prepare a smoothie, you will need the following set of products:

    3.5 cups of watermelon.

    1 cup raspberries.

  • 1/3 cup sugar.

    2 cups of ice.

Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze out the juice. All components are mixed in a blender, the resulting mass is poured into glasses, ice is added and served.

This water is not only tasty, but also a healthy drink that perfectly quenches thirst.

For its preparation you will need:

    Glass of water.

    Lime juice - 1/4 cup.

    Watermelon - 5 glasses.

Watermelon pulp is passed through a blender, after which it is mixed with water and lemon juice. The resulting drink is poured into a jug, and before serving, decorate with a slice of lemon.

To be able to make watermelon ice cream, you must purchase popsicle molds in advance.

Grocery set:

    Two glasses of strawberries.

    Four glasses of watermelon.

Watermelon is cut into cubes, strawberries are peeled from the stalks. The products are crushed with a blender, the resulting mass is poured into molds. Keep the molds in the freezer for 2 hours.

This dessert is original.

To prepare it, you will need the following set of products:

    Four glasses of warm water.

    30 g gelatin.

    Four glasses of cold water.

    Four glasses of berry-fruit mixture: bananas, melon, watermelon, strawberries.

    Whole rind of half a watermelon.

Gelatin is mixed with warm water until it is completely dissolved, after which it is poured in cold water and put in the fridge for an hour. Then a mix of fruits and berries is introduced into the water, poured into a pre-prepared watermelon “form”, put back in the refrigerator for 3 hours. When the dish takes the desired consistency of jelly, it can be served at the table.

There are probably few who do not like juicy sweet berries - watermelon. It consists of more than 90 percent juice, the benefits of which are indicated for urolithiasis, since there are practically no acids, salts in the juice, but a large amount of alkali. Watermelon also contains a fairly large amount of magnesium, it is enough to eat a piece of watermelon in order to get the daily norm, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium.

It contains easily digestible sugars, microelements, vitamins of groups B, C, PP. This berry will help with diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, high cholesterol. If you have been taking antibiotics for a long period of time, the juicy pulp will help in removing the remnants of the drugs from the body.

But the most important thing we want to talk about is that watermelon is an excellent helper in losing weight, since there are only 30-40 kcal per hundred grams of pulp, but at the same time there is a feeling of satiety, and the presence of folic acid improves fat metabolism, helps in the work of the circulatory and immune systems. systems.

Success is achieved in losing weight, thanks to the diuretic effect of this berry, while slags, toxins and others are actively removed. harmful substances accumulated by the body. The diuretic properties of watermelon are milder compared to other medicines. A very important element in the composition of watermelon pulp is the carotenoid lycopene, which has antitumor properties, helps slow down aging, thins and cleanses the blood.

Checking watermelon for nitrates and contraindications

Of course, a watermelon diet can only be afforded at the end of summer, when watermelons ripen, without the use of additional growth accelerators and chemicals. Nowadays, watermelon can be bought in the store at any time of the year, but we do not recommend it. In general, it is best to take fruits grown in your garden, they may not be as sweet, rich in color, but then you will be completely sure of their quality.

You can check the amount of nitrates in a watermelon in the following way: dip a piece of pulp into a glass of water, if it contains nitrates, then the pulp will soften in a glass, acquire a mushy state, without nitrates, the piece will practically retain its shape. Eating watermelons during their ripening period, you will get both benefit and pleasure, because the juice of this fruit will perfectly quench your thirst and cleanse your body not only by urination, but also by sweating, while cleansing your skin, pores, while replenishing the body with microelements .

The watermelon diet is easily tolerated. There is at this time, you will only have this berry, but you can in large numbers and at any time, you can also at night (only you need to take into account the fact that you will often have to get up to use the toilet) and you will not feel hungry. At the same time, it is not necessary to painfully calculate the calories consumed, it is enough to know that one kilogram of pulp goes to ten kilograms of your body weight.

It is advisable to divide the use of watermelon into 5-6 doses, every three hours. This technique is ideal for the benefit of the body. Applying a watermelon diet, you will quickly achieve results. If it is still difficult for you to limit your diet to only watermelon, you can add a small amount of rye, bran bread to your diet. But in this case, the diet will have to be extended.

Contraindications to the watermelon diet relate to people suffering from diseases of impaired renal function and the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, kidney stones) and diabetes.

Watermelon diet - menu and results

When using a watermelon diet in a week, you can get rid of 3-5 kg, and in 14 days lose up to 7-8 kg.

The 14-day diet allows you to include a small amount of different foods in your diet, but you should make sure that they are not very high in calories.

For breakfast, you can add one boiled chicken egg, or 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, or a small amount of porridge in the water. For lunch, eat a piece of lean beef or veal, or a piece of chicken or fish, all this should be boiled or steamed, vegetables. Dinner should consist only of watermelon pulp.

Watermelon diets can be combined with other foods. We offer several options for diets with different menus:

watermelon diet

First option:

  • breakfast - toast, low-fat cottage cheese 60-80 gr., 200 grams of melon
  • lunch - up to 150 grams of boiled fish, lettuce and melon, 150 grams of cheese
  • afternoon snack - 400-500 grams of watermelon pulp
  • dinner - a portion of boiled rice (150-200 grams), carrots + apples 100 grams, a piece of melon

Second option:

  • breakfast - one boiled egg, 150-200 grams of watermelon pulp
  • lunch - stewed vegetable stew 100-150 grams, 350-400 grams of melon
  • afternoon snack - low-fat cottage cheese 150-200 grams
  • dinner - 100-150 grams boiled chicken or turkey, toast and 400-500 grams of watermelon pulp

Third option:

Fourth option:

  • breakfast - rye bread toast + cheese, 200-300 grams of watermelon or oatmeal porridge with melon
  • lunch - boiled chicken breast with buckwheat porridge and fresh vegetable salad, or vegetable soup without potatoes and 100-150 grams of boiled (or steamed) lean meat, or steamed turkey cutlets 100 grams, 150 grams of rice and green beans
  • afternoon snack 300-400 grams of watermelon
  • dinner - 100-120 grams of fat-free cottage cheese and 200-300 grams of melon

If you are on a watermelon-melon diet, do not drink immediately after eating. You can drink green tea or water in the amount of one glass in an hour. The menu needs to be rotated.

Watermelon-kefir, protein and bread diets

★ Watermelon-kefir diet includes two kefir products of 0 or 1 percent fat content and watermelon. It is necessary to eat in turn a glass of kefir or 300-400 grams of watermelon pulp every three hours. It is better to start the day with the pulp of watermelon, and end with kefir.

★ Watermelon-protein diet involves the consumption of watermelon between main meals - 400-500 grams for 10-14 days. The main food these days should be: boiled chicken or turkey fillet, steamed non-fat fish, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese and low-fat kefir, seafood, vegetables.

★ Diet on watermelon and brown bread implies the consumption per day of 0.5 loaves of black (preferably stale) bread and watermelon pulp, as mentioned above, at the rate of one kilogram of pulp per 10 kilograms of body weight. If desired and if you can, then reduce the consumption of bread to 100 grams or replace with two tbsp. spoons of oat bran and you can add a salad of thinly sliced ​​white cabbage, carrots and beets, a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil.

And if you exit the diet correctly after the diet, then the lost kilograms will not return to you, in any case, not as quickly as you lost them. To do this, follow the following rules for two weeks after the watermelon diet: your diet should include foods high in protein and carbohydrates.

The main products after a two-week diet should be:

  • boiled or steamed lean fish
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey) boiled
  • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, natural yoghurts)
  • vegetables
  • fruit

And 2-3 hours before bedtime, continue to eat one kilogram of watermelon per 30 kilograms of body weight.

Fasting days on watermelons can be arranged 2-3 times a week, eat two kilograms of watermelon pulp.

The most optimal weight when buying a watermelon is 7-8 kg. Less may not be sweet, but more weight, perhaps the berry is simply “pumped up” with chemistry. Be sure to wash a whole watermelon before eating, as a large accumulation of nitrates and bacteria is possible on its peel, so you protect yourself from nitrate poisoning. Don't buy cut or sliced ​​watermelon.

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