What is the calorie content of watermelon, how much it can be consumed when losing weight. How many calories in watermelon and its beneficial properties How many calories in 1 piece of watermelon

Watermelon has been known since ancient egypt, because the cultivation of culture was in full swing. The gourd culture was used not only as food, but also as cosmetic product. To this day, it remains a mystery what it is - the fruit of the pumpkin family or a giant berry, the weight of which reaches several kg. Scientists say that watermelons were left in the tombs of the pharaohs so that they would eat them while in the afterlife. Watermelon appeared in South Africa, where to this day it is found growing in the wild.

Europeans tasted the delicacy during the time of the Crusades; for Russia, this plant was a rare occurrence on the tables until the 19th century.

An important question - is it possible to eat watermelon with a diet for weight loss? Yes, sure!

Useful properties of a member of the pumpkin family, or a false berry, as is commonly believed, lie in the richness of trace elements, vitamins and others. useful substances. Among them, lycopene is a substance belonging to the group of antioxidants.

  • Due to the content of lycopene, watermelon helps in the fight against male infertility.

The product is also good for weight loss - the calorie content of watermelon helps not to gain excess body weight, but to enjoy the taste with benefits for the body. high, but at the same time, the plant has useful composition. Nature endowed it with choleretic and diuretic properties, which helps to gently cleanse the body.

Taking watermelon juice, absorbing the pulp is useful for those who need it. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, anemia, is being carried out, thanks to the fiber that the fetus contains. Cleansing the kidneys and liver of toxins allows the body to improve performance, and also has a beneficial effect on other organs.

How much can you eat per day?

To remove sand from the kidneys, you should consume 2 kg of pulp and juice on an empty stomach for five days, preferably in two doses. Helps juice and pulp with weight loss. The glycemic index contributes to the use not only for breakfast, but also for dinner. However, we must not forget about the measure, because if it is increased, a negative reaction will occur.

Patients suffering from gout and anemia have the opportunity to consume watermelon regularly without fear for their health.

Watermelon juice helps to cope with the following diseases:

  • Jade;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • In case of poisoning;
  • cirrhosis;
  • jaundice;
  • Kidney diseases.

In addition, hypertensive patients and people experiencing joint pain, and those who want to get rid of excess fluid in the body, cleanse the gallbladder, can take watermelon juice in between meals. Doctors do not give recommendations on dosage, because the energy value watermelon is small, it does not cause harm, except for personal intolerance to the product, and the benefits are great.

Watermelon does not harm the body, but at the same time we must not forget, even despite the 95% composition of the liquid, the glycemic index is high and equal to 95 - this means that a feeling of hunger will soon appear.

The glycemic index, useful composition, low calorie content of watermelon make it possible to use fasting days, each of which accounts for 1.5-2 kilogram fruit, green tea and mineral water without gases. The properties of the product will provide a competent approach to improving well-being.

When breastfeeding

The fruit is useful for nursing mothers, helps to get rid of anemia without harm to health, to produce milk for the baby. Use is possible only from the 3rd month of breastfeeding, because. it has properties that can not be the best way to affect the digestion of the baby. The first day, which includes eating watermelon by a young mother, is limited only to this innovation; other foods unfamiliar to the child should be temporarily forgotten for five days in order to identify possible negative consequences in time.

The harm to the product, like other crops belonging to the melon family, lies in the possibility of accumulating chemicals that unscrupulous farmers use. Preference to give better themes to sellers who do not use "chemistry", and have also been known for a long time.

Tip: to identify harmful substances, should be cut and look at the pulp. The yellow color of the threads or seals indicate the presence of nitrates, which means that there may be unpleasant consequences:

  • Nausea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea.

The safe period for purchasing watermelon is mid-August.


The plant harms the body of those who have diabetes or problems with the spleen. Cellulose, digested in the body over a long period of time, is harmful to people with typhoid. For them, it is preferable to drink juice rather than consume the pulp, because the properties worsen the work of a weak digestive organ.

Calories per 100 grams

How many calories per 100 grams of watermelon is not exactly known, because. the exact number depends on the volume of the fetus, but on average it is 25-35 kcal per 100 grams of product. It is important to know not only how high-calorie watermelon is, but also the composition of BJU:

  • How many proteins? 0.6 grams.
  • How many carbs? 8 grams;
  • How much fat? 0.2 grams;
  • How much cholesterol? 0 grams;

Diet and watermelon

There is an opinion that watermelon is suitable for a diet, but this is not entirely true. Despite the willpower when eating only one watermelon during the day, as well as the strong feeling of hunger that the product causes, insulin will begin to be produced, which will lower the glucose level. The feeling of hunger will increase, therefore, it will not be easy to cope with such a diet, because the glycemic index is high, and the composition of the fruit is simple, but not high in calories.

Watermelon can be used for weight loss, but there may be slight difficulties associated with a sense of proportion. On average, 1.5-2 kg per day is acceptable for the average person.


The valuable properties of watermelon are manifested in a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, heart and blood vessels. Delicate dietary fiber, which is part of (0.5%), removes cholesterol and toxins. Losing weight people calculate bzhu (the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates based on a certain body weight) and be sure to include watermelon in the diet.

Despite the glycemic index, the abundance of the following components makes the composition of watermelon unique and healthy:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • folic acid;
  • Carotene;

The combination of salty foods and watermelon puts an additional burden on a weakened heart, and also causes swelling, because a large amount of fluid is retained due to salt in the body. Doctors do not recommend the simultaneous consumption of nuts, crackers, salted fish and other things with watermelon.

Selection rules

Buying a watermelon is very important aspect, since it depends on it whether it will be harmful or whether the product will be beneficial. Rules for choosing a good watermelon:

  1. A slice of watermelon is immersed in water. In the presence of nitrates, the liquid will turn pink or red. In the absence, it will only stir it up;
  2. The fruit must be harvested. No crack, but appearance is he mature? Evidence of chemical additives;
  3. The watermelon in the cut does not have a perfectly smooth surface, there are sugar grains on the pulp, whitish-pinkish thin veins.

Permissible norm of nitrates: 60 mg per 1 kg of fetus. The accumulation occurs unevenly, and in order to avoid the possible entry of toxins into the body, take very large fruits Not recommended. The average fruit weight does not exceed 8 kg, although it depends on the variety.

It is desirable for children to give only the core, it is healthier and tastier.


Fruit jelly in watermelon peels

  • Fruit and berry powdered jelly - packaging;
  • Dark chocolate - 100 grams;
  • Watermelon (a couple of kg).

Take a small fruit, cut in half, remove the pulp. You can use the method of making jelly from the juice and pulp of watermelon and gelatin. Jelly is poured in stages into empty crusts, chocolate chips are poured between the layers. When filling the crust after each layer, clean it in a cold place, when the half is full - the dessert is ready. Divided into slices, served at the table. The taste and benefits of dessert will delight guests and loved ones.

watermelon bunch

  • Half a glass of water;
  • Starch - 50 grams;
  • Wheat flour - 50 grams;
  • Two egg whites;
  • One watermelon;
  • Powdered sugar for decoration.

Cut the watermelon, cut balls of any size with a special knife for vegetables. Dilute the starch in water, beat the proteins in a separate form, combine with starch. Dip each ball in flour, and then in the mixture. Fry in deep fat, generously decorate with powdered sugar. Lay out like a bunch of grapes.

The excellent taste of watermelon is not disputed by anyone, but opinions differ about its other qualities. Someone is haunted by the question of whether he is dietary product Or is it a useless treat?

Watermelon calories 100 g of pulp is small, but it contains a lot of fructose - it is instantly absorbed, causing appetite. So watermelon diet- not the most The best way reset excess weight. There is also no consensus on whether a watermelon is a berry, as we were told in school, or is it a fruit? Botanists attribute it to the gourd family (cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, zucchini). The botanical name of their fruit is pumpkin, a false berry. Like a real berry, watermelon hides the seeds inside the fruit, the skin covers the juicy sweet pulp. Pumpkin is distinguished from berries by a large number of seed pits, a thick rind and, of course, size.

Watermelon is native to the Namib Desert in South Africa, where the Egyptians discovered it in ancient times. The seeds of the striped fruit have been found in the tombs of the pharaohs. From Egypt, they spread both to the East to China, and to the West - to the limits of the Roman Empire. In Europe, the juicy pulp of the striped berry was appreciated in the 13th century. after the campaigns of the crusaders, noble persons in Russia first enjoyed it in the 17th century. The bitter wild ancestor of watermelon - tsamma - still grows in its historical homeland. And its cultural offspring is spread all over the world.

Variety of varieties

Breeders have worked hard and brought out a large number of varieties of dessert pumpkin.

  • Variety "Astrakhansky" - especially appreciated in Russia, due to its sweet delicate taste. Before September, this variety does not appear on the market, it ripens only by the end of August.
  • Variety "Crimson Swift" - in terms of taste it is slightly inferior to "Astrakhansky", but it ripens earlier. In contrast to the matte crust of the Volga counterpart, Crimson Swift has a shiny, bright surface.
  • "Holodok" is one of the most cold-resistant varieties, its fruits are stored until the New Year.
  • The Charleston Gray variety has an unusual form of zucchini, and Japanese breeders brought out a cube-shaped pumpkin.

In Israel, there are yellow-fleshed watermelons; varieties with underdeveloped, barely noticeable bones are bred, which can be eaten along with a sweet core.

Growing watermelon in Russia

In central Russia there is not so much heat and sun as in Brazil, Spain or Iran, from where striped fruits are imported to us at the beginning of summer. Our country, however, ranks 7th in the production of sweet gourds. Traditional growing areas: Southern Volga region, Stavropol region, Krasnodar region, - watermelons appear on the market in September. In the dachas of the Moscow region in a warm summer, you can grow small but sweet varieties "Sugar Baby", "Spark".

Nutritional and energy value

KBJU watermelon allows you to use it in diets for weight loss. The energy value of the product depends on the amount that a person eats per day, the maximum daily dose is 2 kg of fresh pulp without peel.

Table: calorie content of various servings of watermelon

For those who are losing weight, it is important to consider how many calories are in a watermelon, but we must not forget about its nutritional composition:

  • proteins - 0.6 g / 100 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g / 100 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.8 g / 100 g;
  • water - 89-92 g / 100 g;
  • fiber - 0.4 g / 100 g.

Basically, pumpkin consists of water, so eating more than 2 kg of it a day means creating a big load on the kidneys. However, a couple of slices at night will not hurt. During sleep, the body gets rid of toxins, this process requires water. Juicy slices with a minimum number of kilocalories will be an excellent supplier of it.

Watermelon and weight loss

Watermelon BJU limits its use in mono-diets: it can give the body only 3 g of fat per day, and this will slow down the production of estrogen and disrupt menstrual cycle women. Hormonal disruptions are difficult to recover. And the benefits of such diets are doubtful: carbohydrates in watermelon are represented by simple saccharides, they instantly turn into glucose, insulin is released, which transports it to fatty fibers in reserve. And a person has an appetite and an irresistible desire to eat something high-calorie. However, you can use the diuretic property of watermelon pulp, rid yourself of 2-3 kilograms of excess fluid and toxins.

Mineral composition and useful properties

There is every reason to call the watermelon a "great healer":

  • Recent studies have shown that he is a real champion in the content of lycopene, ahead of even tomatoes in this indicator. The beneficial effect of lycopene in protecting the prostate from cancer has been proven. Lycopene prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, cataracts.
  • The high content of vitamin A strengthens the retina and improves vision.
  • The diuretic effect makes the sweet pulp a successful means of cleansing the body of poisons and salts. The alkaline environment of watermelon liquid is able to dissolve sand and small stones in the kidney. It is dangerous for people who have large stones in the kidneys and gallbladder to eat a lot of watermelon pulp - this will cause the movement of stones and severe colic.
  • Due to the content of the amino acid L-citrulline, watermelon is one of the the best means reducing pressure.
  • Watermelon fiber removes cholesterol, so it is good to use it for those who suffer from gout, atherosclerosis.

An excerpt from the program “About the most important thing”, starting from 13 min. 40 sec., will provide a lot of instructive information about the benefits and harms of a juicy product.

Watermelon harm

The same properties of a juicy fruit can be beneficial and harmful, it all depends on the amount of product consumed and the state of human health. A lot of watermelon is harmful to use when diabetes, kidney disease. Fruit bought early summer almost certainly contain nitrates.

You can check the product for the presence of hazardous substances by home methods:

  • Put the purchased watermelon in a bath of water - if it sinks, then it has a lot of nitrates.
  • Place a piece of pulp in a glass of water - intense coloring of the liquid is a sign of a high content of nitrogen salts.

How to choose the right striped fruit

Some people make a distinction between a male and female specimen. In the first, the dark ass (the place opposite the stalk) is gently pulled inward, while in the female fetus it spreads like a light spot along the crust. But this does not prove that a fruit with a light ass will be tastier than its male counterpart.

The rules for choosing a ripe pumpkin are as follows:

  • beaten, cracked fruits are unequivocally rejected;
  • the sound when tapping a ripe watermelon is sonorous, not deaf;
  • when squeezed, the ripe fruit crunches slightly.
  • when buying, it is better to avoid collapses along the roadsides (perhaps they sell there without a certificate);
  • places where fruits of different sizes, varieties and degrees of ripeness are piled up are suspicious.

How to cut a watermelon

An elegant and ceremonial way to serve sweet pumpkin to festive table requires its complete cleaning from the crust. Then the sweet pulp is cut into small portions to be eaten right away and not dripped, and served to guests with special forks. In a relaxed friendly atmosphere, it is better to cut a round watermelon into slices in strips from top to bottom (after cutting off the bottom and top). It is more convenient to divide high cylindrical fruits in half and cut into transverse slices.

Culinary processing

The best use of watermelon is fresh for dessert, containing a small amount of kilocalories. There are ways to cook striped berries: pickling, salting, cooking watermelon honey. From the crusts, which are usually thrown away, you can make candied fruits and marmalade.

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Loved by many, the big berry watermelon is an indispensable part of our summer diet. The product belongs to the gourd family. Since ancient times, people have been cultivating watermelons. Minke gourds spread throughout the world from South Africa, and wild fruits are still found there to this day. During the Crusades, watermelons were brought to Western Europe. In Russia, they appeared in the 16th century, but until the 19th century, these unusual berries were a rare dish in our country.

Watermelon is not just a tasty product, it also perfectly quenches thirst, saturates the body with nutrients. When we eat it, we consume a lot beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. When we eat this berry, it is difficult for us to stop - we want more and more, but we need to stop. Despite the insignificant calories in watermelon, it contains a lot of sugars and carbohydrates, the excessive consumption of which can adversely affect the figure. At the same time, there are many types of watermelon diets that help to quickly throw off a few extra pounds. So good for watermelon proper nutrition or harmful? Let's figure it out.

Calorie content and glycemic index of watermelon

Such a large and sweet berry contains only 33 kcal per 100 grams. The calorie content of 100 grams of watermelon is low, given that many vegetables have about the same number of calories. And this berry contains fewer calories than most fruits. Judge for yourself: 1 kg of watermelon accounts for only 330 kcal! It is easy to calculate that the calorie content of 1 pc. an average berry weighing about 6 kg will be about 1800 kcal. Let's not forget that most of the mass of a watermelon is mainly the peel that is not eaten fresh. Therefore, when compiling your watermelon menu, it is better to make calculations based on the weight of the watermelon pulp.

At the same time, the peel of a quality watermelon (ripe, grown in natural conditions and bought from a trusted seller) contains many useful substances. In order not to throw away such a useful component of watermelon melons, many people eat the peel, making candied fruits and other sweets out of it. It is better not to buy a watermelon weighing less than 6 kg - it probably ripened unnaturally using various technologies. It is better to use large fruits.

Basically, nitrates accumulate in the watermelon peel. At home, it is easy to test watermelon for nitrates. You need to throw a piece of fruit (preferably with a peel) into a glass of water and stir. If the water turns pink, there is a high probability of a high nitrate content. If the water just turned cloudy, then the watermelon can be eaten.

The calorie content of a slice of watermelon is 76 kcal. You can eat up to 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp per day. The exception is watermelon diets, which are not suitable for everyone and are used most often by people with diseased kidneys and those suffering from urinary tract diseases.

BJU for 100 gr of watermelon

The nutritional value of this fruit is very different from the BJU of many fruits and berries. The fact is that watermelon pulp is mostly water. For 100 grams of watermelon, there are 90 grams. water, 0.7 gr. proteins, 0.2 gr. fat, 5-13 gr. carbohydrates. The carbohydrate component of this berry includes mainly fructose (about 90%), the content of glucose, sucrose and fiber in this melon is negligible. Therefore, watermelon can be consumed even by diabetics, however, one should adhere to the norms and not overeat. It must be remembered that in some cases of diabetic complications, this berry is prohibited. The main calorie content in the balance of watermelon BJU is carbohydrates. Thus, the nutritional and energy value of the product makes it possible to safely include striped berries in the menu when losing weight.

Glycemic index

The glycemic index of watermelon is 75 units. At first glance, it seems quite high. But the glycemic index of watermelon differs from that of sweet pastries, equal in units. Due to the low (compared to baking) carbohydrate content. Therefore, a kilogram of watermelon pulp in terms of harmfulness cannot be compared with a kilogram of buns.

Useful vitamins and substances

The vitamin composition of this sweet striped "pumpkin" is rich:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • and folic acid.

The mineral composition of watermelon includes magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, etc. In addition, the product contains fiber, organic acids, pectin. By the way, .Due to the presence of so many vitamins and microelements, watermelon has a lot of useful properties and has a beneficial effect on the human condition in many diseases.

Watermelon is consumed not only fresh. Jam is made from it, juices are made and even canned like cucumbers or tomatoes. However, it is most useful to eat it fresh: the body will receive most of the nutrients with minimal calorie intake. Do not forget that the calorie content of fresh watermelon will be different from canned.

Watermelon is one of the most popular gourds. In the summer heat, there is nothing more pleasant than a slice of sweet red fruit that can quench your thirst.

Watermelons are useful for the human body primarily because this product helps to remove excess moisture, allows you to cleanse the kidneys and the urinary system.

As a food product, watermelon can be used in pickled form or as juice, but it is most popular to eat it fresh.

Many consider watermelon to be an excellent component of a weight loss diet. The pulp of watermelon, in addition to many vitamins, has a large amount of fiber useful for the body, it contains glucose, sucrose and fructose. It is perfectly digested and creates a feeling of satiety for a while.

However, before applying the “watermelon diet”, you should find out how many calories a watermelon can contain.

This indicator depends not only on the variety of watermelon, but also on the conditions in which it grew, and on the size of the fruit used for food.

Calorie content of watermelon depending on the weight of the fetus

For those who want to keep their figure, when choosing a watermelon, you should focus on its size. You need to know, for example, how many calories are contained in a 4 kg watermelon, quite popular medium-sized varieties. A small watermelon can contain between 1700 and 1800 calories. It is worth noting that this figure is twice that of its large counterpart.

Focusing on the initial numbers, you can approximately determine how many calories are in a 5 kg watermelon. Its calorie content on average increases by 100-200 kcal and is up to 1900 kcal.

The calorie content of large varieties of watermelons largely depends on the natural conditions in which they ripened. In hot sunny weather, these gourds not only increase in size, but also gain sugar content, which, in turn, increases their calorie content.

In general, in order to determine how many calories are in an 8 kg watermelon, you just need to try it. If such a fruit has ripened in a cool and rainy climate, it will gain excess moisture rather than the prescribed sugar content. Often, choosing a beautiful and ripe-looking watermelon, cutting it, we are convinced that the pulp has a sour taste. Accordingly, the calorie content in such a fruit is significantly lower than in a well-ripened one. The number of calories of a watermelon of this weight is on average 3000 kcal.

There are tried and tested ways to choose a watermelon. To determine how many calories are in a 10 kg watermelon, it should be slightly squeezed. A slight "crackle" should be heard. When cut, the surface of the pulp of a ripe watermelon is not smooth, with small grains - sugary. The veins of such a fruit are light and thin, in no case yellow.

Watermelon calories per serving

As you know, watermelon is served on the table, cut into slices. To determine how many tidbits you can afford, you need to know how many calories are in 100 grams of watermelon.

An average slice of this fruit dessert weighs about 200 grams. This portion will bring the body from 40 to 45 kilocalories.

For people on a diet for weight loss, it should be remembered that after eating 5 slices (respectively, 1 kg) of watermelon, the body will acquire at least 300 kcal, or even up to 330.

Regardless of the desire to lose weight, watermelon pulp should not be carried away. Despite the external harmlessness of the product, in large quantities it can adversely affect the condition of the kidneys and urinary system.

The maximum allowable daily dose should not exceed 2 kilograms, which is about 640 kcal.

Already in late spring, we begin to wait for the fresh harvest of watermelons to enjoy its sugary pulp and fresh aroma. But is it possible for those who are losing weight to get carried away with juicy delicacy uncontrollably? And what are the benefits and calorie content of watermelon per 100 grams?

The nutritional value

To find out how high the calorie content of watermelon is, let's analyze its composition. He will just tell us about the benefits of the product and safety for losing weight. Such close attention to watermelon nutrients reveals the following facts:

  1. Water makes up one-ninth of the fruit.
  2. It is completely free of fat and cholesterol.
  3. 100 grams of fruit pulp contains 0.6 g of proteins and 7.5 carbohydrates, most of which are simple carbohydrates (6.2 g) and fiber (0.4 g).
  4. The sweet taste is due to the presence of sucrose (1.21 g), glucose (1.58 g) and fructose (3.36 g).
  5. The berry contains minerals:
  6. Watermelon is a source of vitamins:
  • iron - 1.3% of a person's need per day;
  • magnesium - 2.5%;
  • phosphorus - 1.1%;
  • potassium - 2.4%;
  • calcium - 0.7%.


Thus, watermelon pulp contains a lot of potassium, vitamins A and C. Therefore, the fruit is recommended for diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, heart and blood vessels. It stimulates digestion, prevents oncological diseases. It is known that it effectively removes toxins and cholesterol plaques, has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. It is a strong antioxidant and strengthens the immune system. But the abundance of sugar violates this unconditional usefulness. How will it affect the calorie content of watermelon?

Can or can't you lose weight?

It's time to reveal the intrigue and tell how much one watermelon calorie “weighs”. It is believed that the calorie content of the product is low. Two facts contribute to the widespread opinion about its beneficial effect on the figure:

  • removes excess liquid;
  • suppresses hunger.

Plus, it is actually low in calories - 100 grams contains only 25 kcal.

But after all, your long-awaited meeting with the fruit is not limited to a small piece. Let's calculate the calorie content of the whole fruit, the average weight of which is 5-6 kg. It turns out that it contains 1250-1500 kcal. Almost all of our diet.

So much contains fresh fruit. In a canned analogue, there are already 36.5 kcal, in juice - 38 kcal. You will be shocked to learn how high in calories watermelon seeds are. They contain 557 calories. controversial issue about low-calorie watermelon, right? Yes, and it satisfies the appetite for a short time. What do nutrition experts say?

Nutritionists recommend eating watermelon, the calorie content of which is quite high for weight loss, under strict control. If you really want to taste the fragrant pulp, follow the tips:

  1. Eat it separately without adding extra calories with additional food.
  2. Use for fasting days. But it should only be one day. To dull the feeling of hunger during the day, divide the whole fruit into 5-6 doses.

The weekly watermelon diet sounds intimidating. Such strict diets are highly prohibited by nutritionists, because they are a great stress for the body.

  1. If you chose watermelon for a snack, then choose the middle between the two main meals.
  2. The daily dose of fruit should not exceed 2-2.5 kg.
  3. When losing weight in the evening, you can eat only a small piece.

Healthy low-calorie watermelon is not a myth. Its benefits have been proven. Only for dieters there are small restrictions, subject to which the fruit will become your assistant on the thorny path to the dream figure.