Cadet Corps - about the Cadet Corps. How to enter the cadet corps: admission to the cadet corps

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution "Ufa General Education Boarding School with Initial Flight Training named after Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Gareev Musa Gaisinovich" of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan General information

Ufa general education boarding school with initial flight training "Cadet Corps" - an educational institution for the intellectual, cultural, physical and moral development of students, educating them in the spirit of officer honor, creating the basis for preparing minors to serve the Fatherland in the military and civilian fields - was formed in July 2000 Organizer and director of the school (2000 - April 19, 2018) - Colonel Salavat Giniyatovich Yakupov, career combat officer. Since April 20, 2018, the director of the school is Major Sultangulov Fanil Radikovich.

Admission conditions
Boys and girls with incomplete secondary education (boys who have completed 7 classes) who are fit for health reasons to study at higher military aviation schools for pilots (navigators) are admitted to USHI with PLP. For the first time in 2012 girls were enrolled in grades 5-6. Documents are accepted from April 1 to June 15. Since June 15, a medical flight commission has been held under the military commissariat of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Educational process
WASHI with PLP is a state educational institution. In November 2001, by directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he was included in the system of pre-university training of the country's Air Force with the allocation of a group of military specialists. In the Republic of Bashkortostan, this is the only educational institution of this type. Total in Russian Federation such educational institutions seven.
In the educational process, special attention is paid to fundamental sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry, information technology. Apart from general education program students master aviation, airborne, drill training, study the charters of the garrison, guard and internal services, undergo military field training, and parachute jump. Theoretical training is conducted in aerodynamics, navigation, aircraft and engine design, aviation and electronic equipment of the aircraft, search and rescue service.
Flight practice is organized annually on the Yak-52 training and sports aircraft on the basis of the Kurgan Aviation and Sports Club. Upon completion of practice, cadets receive flight books. The raids of each pupil average 10-12 hours. By graduation, the cadet makes 4-5 parachute jumps and receives a "Certificate of a parachutist" on the completion of the III adult category.
The system of work of the Ufa boarding school is modeled after the Suvorov military schools. It is considered one of the best in the Russian Federation: the winner of the All-Russian aviation and space competition "Cosmonaut of the Year" among schools with initial flight training (Krasnodar, 2005; Chelyabinsk, 2006; Armavir, 2007), and in 2008 (Armavir) - the winner of this competition. Six pupils in 2007 and four in 2008 became laureates of the award for supporting talented youth established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Pupils are repeated prize-winners and winners: in taekwon-do - All-Russian competitions (Sochi, 2007), championship and championship of the Republic of Belarus (Ufa, 2010), championship of the Republic of Belarus (Ufa, 2011), championship and championship of the Republic of Belarus (Neftekamsk, 2011), championship and championship of Russia (Tyumen, 2011); All-Russian Oriental Tournament of the All-Russian Forum of Martial Arts (Ufa, 2010); I Open Championship of Russia in battalion self-defense (Ufa, 2011); II Cup of Russia in battalion self-defense (Tuimazy, Ufa, 2012); All-Russian Pankration Tournament (Ufa, 2012); world championship (Ukraine, Odessa, 2012) in safe-Point and light-Combat; Open Championship of the Republic of Belarus in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Ufa, 2012); Championship of the Ulyanovsk region in Kyokushin (Ulyanovsk, 2012); open cup Chelyabinsk region in Shinkyokushinkai Karate (Asha, 2012); World Cup in battalion self-defense (France, Paris, 2012). The vocal-instrumental ensemble is the winner of the regional competition of a soldier's song (Asha, 2006). The boarding school was awarded a diploma of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force of the Russian Federation for active work in the military-patriotic education of students of the Cadet Corps (2005).
Educational work is carried out by 26 teachers (15 - the highest category, 5 - the 1st category; 1 - an honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation, 1 - an excellent student of education of the Russian Federation, 1 - an excellent student of education of the Republic of Belarus), 5 personnel officers through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, educators-officers, attendants.
The cadet corps is located on the territory of the former Ufa Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots, the area of ​​the educational and residential three-story building is 4,230 m2. There are general and computer classes, chemistry, physics, Bashkir language classrooms, a gym, an assembly hall for 250 seats. In the 2015/16 academic year, 327 pupils of grades 7-11 study at the boarding school. They live in cabins of 6-8 people. AND Three classes were formed from the enrolled girls - 7, 8, 9.

One of the main events in the life of every student is initiation into cadets.
Pupils take part in the military-patriotic events of the district, Ufa, the republic. In 2002, the VIA "Cadet Onslaught" was created. The ensemble performs military-patriotic songs, participates in the events of the Cadet Corps, the city, in the aerospace competition "Cosmonaut of the Year". In September 2003, a brass band was organized, the cadets learn to play the trumpet, horn, trombone, saxophone, and percussion instruments.
In the Cadet Corps, subject circles, sections of hand-to-hand combat, taekwon-do, kyokushin, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, freestyle wrestling, combat self-defense are organized.

By 2017, the boarding school made 17 graduations, sending more than 700 pupils to a great life. Among those who graduated - 8 gold and 26 silver medalists. 140 people entered the higher military schools of pilots, 63 people - to the military aviation academies and engineering schools of the Air Force, 260 people - to other higher military educational institutions, more than 150 people - to higher civilian educational institutions. Among the higher military educational institutions of the country in which graduates studied and are studying: Air Force Engineering Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky, Moscow Higher Military School, Ryazan Higher Airborne School, Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial and Economic School, Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation Pilot School, Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics and Transport, Kazan Higher Tank Command School, Law Institute Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School for Navigators. Graduates of the first eleven issues serve as officers in the army. Three graduates were awarded the medal "For Courage" by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
It is planned to train specialists for civil aviation, and, if necessary, for the Russian Air Force from the pupils.
A graduate of the Cadet Corps is issued a silver number badge with a certificate.

It is hard to disagree with the fact that every parent wants only the best future for their child. Those mothers and fathers who aim to raise their child as a self-confident, strong and decent personality think about his military training. Today we will try to figure out what a cadet school is - that idealized place from the series "Kadetstvo" or the starting point where the path of a young cadet begins, who is able to independently bear responsibility for his actions, make decisions and always remain the one you want to be equal to.

It must be remembered that one parental wish for successful admission to a cadet school, it will not be enough. First of all, the child himself must be aware that in the future it will not be an easy time. The habitual way of being a schoolboy will soon change radically. Willy-nilly, he will have to grow up, namely: to become an organized and collected cadet, to endure all difficulties, both physical and moral, to be responsible for his every act.

You also need to understand that the cadet corps is not the place where the child is always in front of the parents. In other words, this is a boarding school where the student stays around the clock, and his skills are formed independently without the help of parents. A boarding school is an excellent opportunity for developing in a child such qualities as independence and self-sufficiency. And which of the boys did not dream of the sea and long voyages on a huge ship? Then the maritime school in the city of St. Petersburg will be the best solution.

Having studied all the pros and cons, parents are puzzled by how to enter a cadet school, what data a child needs to have, and also what are the living conditions in educational institutions. About everything in order.

To date, the doors of several dozen cadet corps are open throughout Russia.

a list of cadet boarding schools is given, as well as their contact details with a link to official websites. Of course, the requirements of each educational institution may differ from the others, but general rules unchanged for everyone.

What should be considered when entering the cadet corps?

1. Age

The first point can immediately confuse, or maybe vice versa - to reassure parents. There is no single age criterion for all cadet corps. In some schools, guys already accepted from early years namely, from the age of seven. In others, the priority for admission is a child who has completed grades 8-9. It's never too late to start, but in our case, it's never too early either.

It would seem, what could be simpler than the point about age? But it’s up to you, parents, to decide whether you think it’s right to lay a powerful foundation in your child’s head from an early age, consisting of discipline, self-organization and responsibility, or these qualities will be consciously introduced only in adolescence.

Should note an important detail- girls, for some time now, can also study in the cadet corps on the same basis as boys. Girls who graduated from the cadet school are distinguished by their special endurance, stamina, a pronounced sense of duty and patriotism, determination, the ability to think outside the box and compete with graduates of secondary schools in erudition and physical training.

2. When to start preparing?

If you still decide that your child will go to a cadet school, then start getting ready from now on. After all, as in any educational institution, several people always apply for one place at once. There are also a number of eligible children. They enter the cadet school without competition and without exams. Benefits are received by:

  • a child whose parent is in the military;
  • a child whose parent has been awarded an order (Order of Glory, Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Order of the Hero of Russia);
  • a child whose parent died while on duty;
  • orphans.

3. Collection of medical certificates

The health of a future cadet is one of the most important factors that are taken into account when entering an educational institution. You should take care of going to the clinic to undergo all the necessary doctors and procedures in advance. It can take from several weeks to months to collect certificates.

Help about professional suitability(086 / y) can be obtained at the clinic at the place of residence, having undergone an examination by the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • ENT doctor;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon;
  • endocrinologist.

In addition, a prerequisite is fluorography pass mark and a number of analyses. The list of tests varies in various medical institutions, but more often it is a urine, blood, hepatitis and HIV test.

In addition, it should be noted that there are a number of diseases that can prevent successful entry into a cadet school. They include tuberculosis, diabetes, diseases immune system, diseases of the blood, skin, diseases nervous system And mental disorders and many others. Without fail, without hiding, it is necessary to tell the general practitioner about this during a medical examination.

4. Level of physical fitness and education

In addition to the health status of a potential cadet, the selection committee will be interested in what physical shape he is in and what his school performance is. Children who enter the cadet school at the age of seven will have to have a conversation with a psychologist, according to the results of which the specialist will decide whether the child is ready to study in a specialized school. Children who dream of becoming cadets after grades 8-9 will need to pass the standard for pull-ups, running and cross-country (1 kilometer). The conditions for passing the standard must be announced by the exam taker.

There is also a music department in the cadet corps. For those wishing to enter there, it will be necessary to pass exams in the Russian language and solfeggio.

5. Documents required for admission to the cadet school

  1. Application addressed to the director from the parents;
  2. Application from the applicant;
  3. Applicant's birth certificate;
  4. Copies of passports of both parents;
  5. Certificate from the place of work of both parents (guardians)
  6. A copy of the applicant's passport;
  7. Four photos 3×4;
  8. Reference sample 086/y;
  9. A copy of the insurance policy;
  10. Copy medical card with the stamp of a medical institution;
  11. Vaccination card;
  12. CV of the applicant;
  13. Information about school performance and references from teachers.

Start and end dates for submissions may vary. various cadet schools in Russia, but most often, this is the time interval between mid-April and mid-June. It is necessary to clarify the terms, as well as the list of required documents, in the educational institution where you plan to enter.

The best cadet schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Below is a list of the most famous cadet schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with links to their official websites, where you can go for detailed information. Website links are listed below.

  • Cadet Boarding School No. 5 "Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps", Moscow (;
  • Cadet Boarding School No. 11 "Moscow Diplomatic Cadet Corps", Moscow (;
  • St. Petersburg Cadet Military Corps, St. Petersburg (;
  • Moscow United Marine Corps of Heroes of Sevastopol, Moscow (−2);
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, St. Petersburg (;
  • Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow (;
  • Moscow Musical Cadet Corps, Moscow (

Every morning, second-grader Sasha Shamporov starts with intensive exercises, and after school he goes to the weightlifting section. In his incomplete nine, he effortlessly pushes out a hundred times, squats the same number of times, pulls himself up on the crossbar. He is preparing to enter the cadet corps, where he will be able to go only after four or five years.

But, despite the excellent physical preparation and excellent report card, the parents of the future applicant are worried: today there are a lot of people who want to enter the “cadet school”, and this path will not be open to everyone.

Competition as in a prestigious university
Folders with documents, certificates, certificates, characteristics ... Interviews with psychologists, a medical examination ... Exams in Russian, mathematics, physics, tests in physical education ... Admission to the corps is truly a marathon, the winner of which will be only one out of every twenty boys.

Yes, such is the competition for our educational institution, - confirms Evgeny Rogov, deputy director of the Ufa comprehensive boarding school with initial flight training named after Musa Gareev. Upon admission to the Bashkir Cadet Corps of the Volga Federal District
named after Dostavalov, who is located in Ishimbay, will also have to overcome an equally high threshold.

The Ufa “cadet” this year accepted 83 recruits who graduated from the seventh grade. In total, about 300 people will study at the school this year, despite the fact that the dormitory building is designed for 150 places.

"Golden" overcoats
Five years ago, the parents of newly-made cadets boasted to their neighbors: they gave their son to the full state provision! Today, education is becoming a significant burden on the family budget. The thing is that in 2011 the lion's share of educational institutions with initial military training was removed from the balance sheet of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and transferred to the department of the Ministry of Education. Under the wing of the Ministry of Defense, the Suvorov Schools and a few cadet schools (22 institutions in total) remained. The rest moved into the category of general educational institutions and began to receive appropriate funding: normative per capita. Now, in order to provide their students with the equipment necessary for military training, cadet schools are seeking funds where they can. Even uniforms are celebrated "by the whole world."

The uniform for a cadet this year costs 42,750 rubles, but the corps management agreed that parents would be given a discount, and they had to pay
25,000, - Evgeny Rogov continues his story.

In the military department of Ufa, the prices for uniforms for cadets are as follows:

Tunic, trousers - 7000 rubles.
White tunic - 4000.
Jacket, winter trousers
insulated - 5000.
Casual, field
cotton jacket, trousers - 6000.
Cap - 900.
Winter hat (for 2 years) - 700.
Everyday cap - 400.
Blue shirt - 700.
White shirt - 700.
Bertsy - 3000.
Boots - 1500.
(winter coat) - 12,000.
Belt - 450.
T-shirt - 400 rubles.

From this list, only a winter hat and overcoat are designed for two years. Everything else will have to be updated by the next academic year at the expense of funds raised by the head of the cadet corps. However, the expenses of parents do not end there. Since the school provides basic flight training, cadets must practice skydiving and flying. The program provides for two mandatory parachute jumps. The cost of each is 2,500 rubles, and this simple financial arithmetic falls on the shoulders of moms and dads. Flight hours are more expensive: one hour is 7000, and their number will depend on how much money the commander can find. Last academic year, the guys were able to fly five hours, this year - only two.

Due to the lack of funding in the Ufa Cadet Corps, most of the subject classrooms do not have the proper equipment, there is no sports hall with equipment, a school bus, there is not enough modern computer equipment and musical instruments, there is no sports town. At the same time, dozens of masters and candidates for master of sports, champions and prize-winners of the world and Europe, Russia in various types sports. Almost every pupil has a sports category.

How to save yourself...
The transition to a civic education system played a cruel joke on cadet schools: some were disbanded, others merged with regular schools in an attempt to survive. Problems touched even the famous Nakhimov Naval School. Most recently, the teachers of the educational institution sent letters to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Viktor Chirkov, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Vladimir Komoedov, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and even director Nikita Mikhalkov. The authors of the appeal are sounding the alarm: education in a glorious school is degrading to the level of a provincial school. In 2014, the average USE score at the school was 52, while in the country it was 64.4 among university applicants. Of the 36 graduates, only 17 entered universities. In the last academic year, 52 pupils left Nakhimovskoye. Someone left of their own free will, but there are also many who were expelled for academic failure and bad behavior.

The teachers of the long-suffering “Nakhimovka” consider 2011 to be a turning point, when, by order of Anatoly Serdyukov, the school turned into an ordinary school, officially ceasing to exist as a military educational institution. Officers were withdrawn from the teaching staff, and maritime disciplines, including the basics of naval training, were “overboard”. Instead, a school subject of life safety was introduced, which teaches not how to defend the homeland, but how to save oneself ... The Ufa “cadet” also fell under the same order.

To date, there are more than 80 cadet corps in the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. But de jure they do not exist: standards of educational programs are not defined for cadets, there is no accounting system and state control over their functioning, training and retraining of workers. Graduates do not even have benefits when entering military educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Meanwhile, the fashion for kadetism brings this form of unique education into circulation: similar classes are opened in general education schools, whose students often differ from their peers only in shoulder straps on their uniforms. Such “pseudo-cadetism” is a parody and is rapidly developing in Russia only because of the lack of a regulatory framework.

Undoubtedly, the fate of the Russian Kadets should be decided at the highest level. However, those who understand and take responsibility for the fate of cadet boys are already solving this problem on the ground with all their might. By the way, graduates of the Ufa Cadet Corps do not drop the bar of prestige, despite financial difficulties. Having no benefits when entering military universities, the boys from the school named after Musa Gareev conquer the best higher military educational institutions of the country with almost the entire staff. This is evidenced by the data for the last three years: in 2013, 61 out of 64 graduates entered military universities, in 2014 - 51 out of 60, in 2015 - 46 out of 48. In three years, about 100 students became cadets of Russian Air Force schools . Every 12th graduate graduates with a medal.

The first cadet corps appeared in Prussia in 1653, the children of noblemen served in them. In Russia, the forerunners of this movement are considered to be the garrison schools that arose in 1721 by decree of Peter the Great and were located at the military regiments. In such schools, children from the age of seven were taught military sciences and literacy, and at the age of 15 they were enlisted in the army. By 1917, 30 cadet corps operated in Russia. After the revolution, the cadet corps were abolished.

Their revival began in the first half of the 1990s.

The Ufa Cadet Corps named after Musa Gareev was established in 1999 with the support of the leadership of the republic and the city administration. The idea of ​​​​creation belongs to the regular combat officer Salavat Yakupov, who has been the director all these years. In November 2001, the Musa Gareev School, by directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, was included in the system of pre-university training of the country's Air Force with the allocation of a group of military specialists. This is the only educational institution of this type in Bashkortostan. And in Russia there were only nine such educational institutions.

The system of work of the Ufa school is modeled on the Suvorov military schools and is considered one of the best in the Russian Federation. In the entire history of the Russian Presidential Prize for outstanding academic achievement, 19 schoolchildren from Ufa have become its laureates, 9 of them are pupils of the Ufa “kadets”, one of whom received this award twice.

Last year, on the eve of the new academic year, three presidential cadet corps were opened in Vladivostok, Kyzyl and Sevastopol, which were included in the system of pre-university training of the Ministry of Defense, which means that they are fully supported by the state.

Both boys and girls are admitted to the presidential cadet schools. Priority is given to children of military personnel, orphans and children left without parental care. The complete set of classrooms for physics, chemistry, biology, language laboratories for studying foreign languages ​​provides the opportunity for practical and laboratory classes of an in-depth level. All classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards. Workplace each student is equipped with a computer. Children live two people in a room with all amenities. The schools also have modern GYM's, swimming pools, ice palaces, outdoor sports grounds and high-class sports equipment.

Valor, courage and honor - this is exactly what the boys want, dreaming of entering the Suvorov Military School. They are not afraid of the difficulties that await them in the cadet, they dream of wearing shoulder straps from a very young age and, when the time comes, change them for officers. And there are a lot of such boys - the competition for admission to Suvorov sometimes reaches five, or even seven people for one place. That is why it is better to prepare in advance for admission so that the dream can become a reality.

Who can enter the Suvorov Military School?

The very first and most important condition for admission to the Suvorov Military School (SVU) or the Cadet Corps (KK) is citizenship of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation boys and girls under the age of 15 can enter the Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools(as of December 31 of the year of admission), after the 4th, 8th and 9th grades of the secondary general education school in the year of admission. Different Suvorov schools have different requirements for the age of applicants, the only thing that remains unchanged is that after 15 years, Suvorov students definitely do not take.

Another important condition for admission is good health.. The suitability of a state of health for training in a military school is determined by doctors. Only with the conclusion of the military medical commission in hand can one submit documents to Suvorovskoye. At the same time, there are quite a few reasons for recusal for health reasons:

Serious infectious diseases: hepatitis C or B, HIV infection, tuberculosis in any form; Various neoplasms, with the exception of nevi, which do not interfere with wearing clothes;

Various diseases of the endocrine system, including obesity of 3 and 4 degrees; Serious blood diseases such as hemophilia, leukemia and the like; A serious decrease in immunity, if there is a history of frequent acute respiratory viral infections that occurred with complications;

Various skin diseases, for example: psoriasis, vitiligo, neurodermatitis;

Any mental disorder; Diseases of the nervous system;

Serious visual impairment, even - strabismus; Systematic and chronic diseases of the ear, for example, frequent purulent otitis media;

Diseases respiratory system in particular - bronchial asthma;

Acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system, for example - stomach ulcers or gallstones;

Diseases of the skeletal and muscular systems, in particular, now widespread scoliosis of 2-3 degrees;

Serious diseases of the genitourinary system, including; Severe congenital anomalies.

However, doctors will consider each case individually and make a decision based on the current state of health and the prospects for the development of the disease. Therefore, it makes sense to think about how to enter the Suvorov School and prepare for admission, even if there is some chronic illness. The main thing is to have a desire to become an officer.

Where and what documents to submit to enter the Suvorov Military School?

Documents for admission according to the list, which is better to check on the website of the selected school or at the local military registration and enlistment office, must be sent to admission committee schools in the period from April 15 to May 15 of the year of admission. This means that the preliminary assessment of the success of a potential Suvorov student will be assessed without the results of the last quarter. It is very important to pay attention to this if a decision is made to act. Although the military registration and enlistment office will explain everything in detail and help you draw up an application, it is still better to know the list of necessary documents in advance. This will help you prepare in the best possible way. After all, only those applicants who pass the preliminary selection will receive an invitation to face-to-face tests at the Suvorov Military School.

So, For admission you will definitely need:

1. An application from the parents or guardians of the applicant about his desire to enter the Suvorov School or the Cadet Corps. It is written in the name of the head of the school chosen for admission.
2. Personal statement of the applicant about the desire to enter the Suvorov Military School and become an officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the future.
3. A copy of the applicant's birth certificate.
4. Report card with grades for the first three academic quarters, certified by the official seal of the school, and indicating the studied foreign language.
5. Pedagogical characteristics for the applicant, signed by the class teacher and director of the school and certified by the stamp of the school.
6. Medical certificate of the applicant's suitability for admission to the SVU. Such a certificate is issued by the VVK at the military registration and enlistment office, however, for this it is necessary to collect all medical documents from your clinic.
7. Four photographs of the applicant measuring 3 x 4 centimeters.
8. A copy of the applicant's medical insurance policy, certified by a notary.
9. Certificate from the place of residence on the composition of the family.
10. Certificates from the place of work of the parents.

In addition, documents confirming citizenship may be required in case of permanent residence of the applicant outside of Russia. If the applicant is eligible for admission benefits , it is necessary to send documents confirming the right to these benefits to the selection committee.
The originals of the birth certificate and report card are presented by the applicant personally to the admission committee of the Suvorov School or the Cadet Corps, upon arrival to pass the entrance exams.

Benefits for admission to the Suvorov Military School

Some categories of applicants entering the Suvorov School are entitled to benefits. So, orphans or children left without parental care are subject to enrollment in the Suvorov School without exams, only based on the results of an interview and a medical examination.

In addition, there are categories of people eligible for enrollment outside the main competition. That is, if they successfully pass the entrance exams, they are enrolled in Suvorov in any case. These categories include:

Children of military personnel who died or died as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions) or diseases received by them in the performance of military service duties;

Children of military personnel serving in military conflict zones, as well as being brought up without a mother;

Children of servicemen performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more in calendar terms;

Children of citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more in calendar terms;

Children of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

Besides, excellent students in general education school have the right for enrollment in the Suvorov School only on the basis of the results of one, the first exam. Subject to passing the standards for physical fitness. If the first exam is passed with 5 points, then they become Suvorovites, when they receive 4 or 3 points, they continue to take exams and are enrolled based on the results of the general selection. As a rule, the competition for one place in the Suvorov Military School reaches five people per place.

What exams do you need to pass to enter the Suvorov Military School?

Admission to the Suvorov Schools and passing the entrance exams begins depending on the schedule in each particular school and lasts until August 15. Applicants who have passed the preliminary selection from the school commission and are allowed to take exams take an exam in mathematics and the Russian language.

In addition, all applicants, without exception, undergo a medical examination, an interview with a psychologist for readiness to study for IED. A prerequisite for admission is the delivery of standards in physical education. They include pull-ups, a 100-meter run and a 1000-meter run.

Applicants who do not meet the conditions of admission for health reasons, those who did not pass the entrance exams, as well as those who did not pass the competition, are not accepted to the Suvorov School and are sent to their place of residence. There are no retakes of exams. During the stay of applicants at the Suvorov School for exams, they are provided with free meals. Training courses for those entering the Suvorov Schools are not provided.