What is the difference between ephedra and ephedrine. Ephedrine. What effect does this substance have and why is it unsafe? Skeletal muscle hypertrophy

Ephedrine is a drug that has become a drug. Now its storage, use and sale in Russia is limited, because it causes addiction almost from the first use and leads to sad consequences.

Ephedrine as a drug

Ephedrine is a poisonous alkaloid, psychostimulant plant origin. The substance is found along with pseudoephedrine in different types ephedra, which grows in the mountains of Central Asia and Western Siberia.

Previously, this alkaloid was widely used as a medicine. However, at present in Russia, the circulation of drugs with a concentration of ephedrine over 10% is strictly controlled at the state level.

In terms of structure and action on the body, ephedrine has much in common with methamphetamines, which are CNS stimulants. In medicine, it is used in the form of ephedrine hydrochloride as part of the complex treatment of bronchial asthma, allergies, the effects of poisoning with sleeping pills and drugs.

Like other drugs, ephedrine hydrochloride is often misused. This substance is added to weight loss products, and athletes use it to improve athletic performance.

Because of affordable price ephedrine in Russia is also often used by drug addicts to achieve a state of euphoria. The substance is used in pure form or becomes the raw material for the artisanal production of methamphetamine and ephedron, which have a stronger stimulant effect on the central nervous system.


Ephedrine has many useful properties:

  • raises arterial pressure;
  • relieves allergy symptoms;
  • constricts blood vessels;
  • excites the CNS.

The properties of ephedrine make it possible to use it for the treatment of many diseases, although this remedy is now considered obsolete. The effect of the drug on the vessels is to narrow their walls, which causes an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, it is used as part of the general treatment of hypotension, coma and shock conditions, extensive blood loss, shock caused by burns.

In addition, ephedrine interferes with the action of histamine, which is released in the body in response to the irritating effect of allergens. As a result, itching, runny nose, tearing, redness and other manifestations of allergic reactions disappear.

The ability of ephedrine to constrict blood vessels allows it to be used to treat sinusitis and rhinitis. Its stimulating effect on the central nervous system helps to fight asthma attacks.

As a result of the excitation that the body responds to taking ephedrine, the patient's mood improves, and the severity of depression decreases. The person becomes more liberated and sociable. In addition, ephedrine acts in opposition to sleeping pills, reducing the effect of them and alleviating the consequences of an overdose of these drugs.

As a result of long-term observation of patients taking ephedrine hydrochloride, doctors noticed significant weight loss in many of them. It turned out that the drug is able to reduce appetite, but at the same time the body is in an excited state, which requires a significant expenditure of energy. Thus, under the influence of ephedrine, a person spends more calories than he receives, but does not feel hunger.

Manufacturers of fat burning products took advantage of the unexpected discovery of doctors. So, in the 90s. In the 20th century, ECA, a combination of ephedrine, aspirin and caffeine, was considered the best drug in this group. Caffeine enhances the stimulating effect of ephedrine, while aspirin prolongs it.

ECA preparations immediately gained popularity among bodybuilders, as they not only accelerate fat burning during cutting, but also help athletes overcome cravings for sweets and starchy foods during this period. However, later ephedrine was equated with drugs, so it was banned in Russia, Canada and the United States.

Forms of drug release

Ephedrine hydrochloride is available in four dosage forms:

  1. In tablets of 0.001, 0.002 and 0.003 mg for children.
  2. Adult tablets of 0.025 mg.
  3. Solutions for the preparation of injections in ampoules of 1 ml.
  4. 2% and 3% solutions for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract in 10 ml vials (drops).

Mechanism of action

Ephedrine activates alpha and beta adrenoceptors. By influence on the peripheral part of the sympathetic nervous system the substance is similar to adrenaline, but its action is softer and longer. At the same time, ephedrine stimulates the central nervous system in a specific way.

In the sympathetic system, nerve nodes are located outside the organs, and in a stressful situation, they are activated. As a result, a person gets the opportunity to run very quickly, fleeing persecution, or to stand on the snow with bare feet, without feeling frostbite and pain. All are being mobilized defensive forces body, which is sometimes accompanied by an adrenaline rush, and all internal energy reserves are directed to the fight against danger.

It is difficult to drive the body into such a state in a natural way, but it becomes possible given the effect of ephedrine on the body.

It activates receptors, as a result of which processes are launched that require significant energy costs:

  • pressure increases;
  • heartbeat quickens;
  • the content of glucose in the blood increases;
  • increased skeletal muscle tone.

The use of ephedrine leads to the fact that the intellectual and physical abilities of a person increase dramatically, he feels cheerfulness, clarity of mind, and is in high spirits. In fact, the substance "spurs" the body, acting as a whip.

Athletes who seek to improve their performance in competitions are often addicted to ephedrine. The drug causes an increase in the contractile activity of the skeletal muscles and increases the anabolic effectiveness of steroids.

Due to its low cost, ephedrine is common among drug addicts. They make homemade drugs from it, with a stronger psychostimulant effect, which quickly leads to dementia.

Both athletes and drug addicts, after the end of the action of ephedrine, feel a sharp decline in strength and feel the desire to take a new dose to alleviate the condition. In this regard, ephedrine has been equated in its action with addictive drugs, often after a single use.
On the video about the mechanism of action of the drug Ephedrine:

the effect

Drug intoxication after the use of ephedrine has specific features that are unique to this drug.

The action of the substance is expressed in:

  • a strong desire to talk to someone;
  • loss of sense of time;
  • high spirits;
  • fussiness;
  • motor activity.

The first phase of drug intoxication is euphoria, which is accompanied by hypokinetic syndrome. Drug addicts call this state of "coming." When the drug enters the body, a wave of heat immediately passes through the human body, causing a pleasant chill - similar sensations occur when immersed in a hot bath.

At the same time, a psychostimulating effect is manifested. There is a sharp emotional upsurge, which is accompanied by strong joy, delight, and the world filled with bright colors. These effects last 3-5 minutes after the first use of ephedrine, but with each subsequent intake of the substance, the duration of the drug's action becomes shorter.

In the second phase of drug intoxication, euphoria continues, but hyperkinetic syndrome occurs. Immobility is replaced by a burst of physical activity. The addict has a feeling of love and kindness to others, he wants to do something pleasant for everyone.

At the same time, a person feels talented, brilliant, he becomes convinced of the limitlessness of his own possibilities. Thoughts become crisp and clear. They flow quickly, replacing one another and not lingering in memory, so after sobering up, “brilliant” ideas are not restored.

Due to excessive motor activity, senseless fussiness, talkativeness occurs. A person makes many unnecessary movements - impetuous and clumsy, cannot focus on a certain point.

  • pale grayish face;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, lips;
  • dry bright red tongue with a whitish coating around the edges;
  • dense white plaque on the teeth;
  • dilated pupils.

Being in a state of drug intoxication, the patient looks dramatically aged. His gaze becomes restless, running, and lower jaw constantly moving - as if chewing something.

While the effect of ephedrine lasts, the addict does not feel hunger, thirst, drowsiness and fatigue. During the first 3-5 months of taking the drug, there may be an increase in sexual activity leading to frequent change of sexual partners. Later, however, libido decreases, impotence occurs in men, and menstruation disappears in adolescent girls.

As sobering up, the state of a person begins to change, euphoria is replaced by:

  • a sharp drop in mood;
  • severe depression;
  • irritability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • severe weakness;
  • tachycardia;
  • high pressure.

The exit from ephedrine intoxication is always very painful, and it lasts 3-5 hours. Throughout this period, a person feels overwhelmed and helpless.

Development of addiction

The peculiarity of addiction to ephedrine is that at first the use occurs episodically - up to twice a month, but soon the frequency of anesthesia increases. Already after two or three doses of the substance, and often after the first injection, addiction is formed.

A person likes the emotional uplift that ephedrine causes, so after one to two months of regular use or three to four months of episodic use, addiction develops on a mental level. During this period, tolerance to ephedrine increases sharply, so a person begins to use it more often, developing a certain rhythm.

At first, the doses of the drug increase slowly. There are still protective mechanisms, which means that by using more drugs at a time, a person feels a deterioration in his condition.

Addiction is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication:

  • trembling in the body;
  • tingling in the limbs;
  • chills;
  • pain in the occipital region;
  • rise in blood pressure.

At the same time, both euphoric phases are shortened: the first - up to 1 minute, the second - up to 2 hours. This leads to more frequent use of ephedrine and an increase in the daily tolerance of the substance.

Exit from intoxication is accompanied by dry mouth, severe weakness, palpitations. A person develops an obsessive craving for a drug, since taking the drug seems to him the only way to cheer up and improve well-being. The patient recalls his feelings and experiences in a state of intoxication, he wants to experience them again.

Ephedrine is not usually perceived as a drug, so people who are dependent on the drug easily give in to their desire and take it again. The obsessive craving is strong, it persists throughout inpatient treatment and is accompanied by mood swings, tension, a desire to talk about ephedrine.

The absence of the drug causes the patient a feeling of dissatisfaction, irritation, longing. A person is haunted by obsessive thoughts about ephedrine, which excludes the productive intellectual activity of the brain. Taking the drug quickly normalizes the patient's condition, so he cannot get rid of the addiction on his own.

Side effects

Taking ephedrine not prescribed by a doctor leads to the development side effects, which include:

  • increased sweating;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness;
  • causeless anxiety.

As you get used to the drug, such side effects are declining. However, irreversible damage quickly develops in vital organs.
On the video about the side effects of ephedrine:

Overdose and consequences of use

Exceeding the maximum allowable dose of ephedrine is accompanied by:

  • skin rashes;
  • vomiting;
  • insomnia;
  • severe weakness;
  • excited state;
  • a strong increase in pressure;
  • delayed diuresis;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased sweating.

Deaths have also been reported. Therefore, when the first symptoms of an overdose occur, you should consult a doctor. Most often, patients in such cases are given short-acting alpha-blockers.

Long-term use of ephedrine leads to negative consequences that affect both the physical and mental health of a person.

This appears as:

  • depression with suicide attempts;
  • brain dysfunctions;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases.

The greatest danger is the strongest depletion of the central nervous system and the whole organism as a whole, which often causes death. Before death, a person has convulsions and greatly increases blood pressure. Often, an overdose of ephedrine leads to acute heart failure with a pulse of more than 140 beats per minute and respiratory arrest.

In order to achieve the desired results, athletes often resort to the help of sports nutrition and nutritional supplements that help increase endurance, increase strength and eliminate muscle pain. Some of them are aimed not only at simplifying and improving training, but also at reducing weight. There are sports nutrition supplements that help burn fat and blunt hunger, which can significantly reduce portion sizes and force the body to use fat stores as an energy source.

One such substance is ephedrine. It is known not only in the field of sports nutrition, but also in medicine, as it is part of drugs used for diseases. respiratory system such as hypotension and asthma. But today we will look at the properties and use of ephedrine in sports, as well as its effect on the body during physical exertion.

What is ephedrine

Ephedrine is a natural substance of plant origin, presented in the form of an alkaloid. It is one of the stimulants that are obtained as a result of the processing of plants of the genus Ephedra. For many years, this substance was used in Far Eastern medicine, until it was classified as a narcotic drug and drugs used for their production. This is due to the fact that ephedrine in certain quantities has the same effect on the central nervous system as methamphetamines and amphetamines. In this regard, it is not surprising that ephedrine belongs to the group of prohibited doping substances.

To date, ephedrine is obtained not only from natural plants, but also by chemical synthesis, due to which it completely loses all its medicinal properties and turns into a universal stimulant. Such ephedrine is often included in weight loss preparations, helping to reduce appetite and body weight, as well as increase the amount of energy consumed by a person during the day. Today, ephedrine is on the list of banned doping substances, so it is rarely used as a drug. food additive professional athletes.

The action of ephedrine

As mentioned earlier, ephedrine is a stimulant, which is a sympathomimetic, the action of which is to activate nerve endings when they interact with adrenergic receptors. However, the action of ephedrine on the central nervous system is very limited, due to which enough a large number of of this substance to obtain the desired results. Due to its properties, ephedrine is able to start the process of burning fats, using them as energy for physical activity, reduce appetite, giving an additional impetus to weight loss, speed up metabolism and metabolic processes in the body, increase efficiency and endurance, thereby making training more productive.

In addition, ephedrine acts as a drug that speeds up the pulse and has a moderate diuretic effect, thanks to which the body is gradually cleansed naturally. To enhance the effect of ephedrine, it is often combined with aspirin and caffeine. Some sports fat burners are based on this principle, however, they are banned in many countries.

The benefits of ephedrine

Athletes receive the maximum benefit from ephedrine, since its effect on the body allows you to increase the ability to physical activity and significantly improve performance. Thanks to this substance, you can achieve the desired results and goals in the shortest possible time.

After taking ephedrine, the amount of energy produced increases, and fats are also intensively burned, which is the basis of the "drying" that professional athletes often resort to before competitions, and especially bodybuilders. It induces protein synthesis in muscles, helping to increase their volume, eliminates unwanted fat deposits, giving the body relief, and relieves fatigue, making it possible to carry out workouts longer and more intensively.

In the medical field, ephedrine is used to treat bronchial asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis and bronchitis, it is part of some drugs that dilate the bronchi and make breathing easier, it is used for fever, chills and cough. But, do not forget that this drug is among the prohibited ones, therefore, tablets and syrups that include it in their composition are released only by prescription.

Harm of ephedrine

Despite a number of useful properties of ephedrine, it was not just banned for mass use. The fact is that this drug has a number of side effects that you should familiarize yourself with before you start taking ephedrine. The use of ephedrine to increase the efficiency of the body can lead to nausea, headaches, vomiting and dizziness. In addition, ephedrine has a negative effect on the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In some cases, diarrhea and urinary problems may be a side effect. As a result of prolonged use of ephedrine, cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia, cardiovascular insufficiency, arterial hypertension, insufficiency of the respiratory system develop, blood pressure rises, sweating increases, frequent dry mouth, trembling hands, insomnia, nervousness, overexcitation, changes in skin color and even hallucinations. It is also worth mentioning that ephedrine is able to increase the level and concentration of insulin in the blood. Most of These side effects appear after a few days of taking ephedrine.

Contraindications to the use of ephedrine

Ephedrine has not only side effects, which should be the reason for the careful use of this drug, but also a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to take ephedrine in combination with antidepressants, as they will enhance its effect on the body, which will lead to a rapid deterioration in health. The use of ephedrine and preparations containing it should be avoided by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, patients with glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, as well as pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of 18 years. If you have any diseases and are taking medications, you should consult your doctor before you start using ephedrine in order to avoid undesirable consequences in the form of exacerbation of diseases and deterioration in health.

Makhnonosova Ekaterina
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Ephedrine is a fairly popular drug used for medical purposes, in parallel it is a psychoactive poisonous alkaloid, which is why many people used this drug as a drug.

As a result, most countries have banned the production and sale of Ephedrine hydrochloride, which previously could be bought at any pharmacy. Now its maximum percentage in medicines should not exceed 10%.

Brief historical description

Ephedrine is extracted from plants in the form of an extraction, then purified from impurities, so it is considered a natural substance. There are many varieties of ephedra, including horsetail, from which this alkaloid is derived. Such plants grow in large quantities in China and Western Siberia.

In 1885, a Chinese pharmacologist chemist first discovered ephedrine in a two-spike conifer. Started in 1920 industrial production a drug called efetonin.

Over time, chemists learned how to synthesize this drug. The Chinese actively used it to treat asthmatics with bronchitis and as a psychostimulant.

Action on the body

Ephedrine has an effect on the body, which was used quite diversely for various non-therapeutic purposes, namely:

  1. In order to get rid of .
  2. To increase efficiency, endurance, a surge of additional energy.
  3. To boost metabolism.
  4. To improve mood.

Doctors explain that when the work of this substance begins, blood pressure rises sharply, breathing increases, heart contractions increase, blood circulation accelerates, glucose levels and overall body temperature increase.

But this is not the whole list. The alkaloid also strongly affects adrenoreceptors, which promote the release of hormones and neurotransmitters, due to which all kinds of functional and metabolic changes in the body occur.

But when the action of the remedy stops, the person becomes weakened, angry, nervous, irritated, falls into a deep depression. Unfortunately, like drugs, it causes drug addiction.

For such a long time, this psychostimulant of plant origin has been fully studied, therefore, after weighing all the pros and cons, they banned it.

In fact, this substance is too similar to methamphetamines and amphetamines, which are strong central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. It is for this reason that drug addicts began to actively use this psychostimulant to achieve euphoria.

medical application

This alkaloid undoubtedly has a positive effect on the body, otherwise it would not have been used for such a long time for treatment.

This drug is prescribed for the following health problems:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic conditions;
  • serum diseases;
  • bronchitis and other lung diseases;
  • in shock conditions that reduce blood pressure;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • with ophthalmic diseases, for example, conjunctivitis;
  • with low blood pressure, which is chronic;
  • to eliminate the consequences after poisoning with hypnotics, antidepressants or drug overdose.

The drug is used by physicians during anesthesia, if the patient has a sharp decrease in blood pressure, as well as during ophthalmic diagnostics.

Due to the fact that it is a strong CNS stimulant, drugs containing it in their composition are dispensed exclusively by prescription. The production of pharmacological preparations based on it did not stop, because sick people who take such drugs speak very positively about them.

Use in bodybuilding

Observing patients taking medicines based on a plant alkaloid, doctors noted that they had a significant. After analyzing the observation, it turned out that the remedy helps to reduce the feeling of hunger, while giving a person a great desire to lead active image life, wasting a significant amount of energy. Such a magnificent discovery did not go unnoticed by the manufacturers of popular popular fat burners.

Since the 90s, the production of ECA began, that is, a particularly effective combination of ephedrine, aspirin and caffeine. It was the best combination of such tools in this area. Caffeine significantly enhanced the effect of the alkaloid, and aspirin contributed to its extension (). Such a panacea has found a huge demand among bodybuilders.

Athletes take this drug to reduce hunger, especially to overcome the desire to taste something starchy or sweet, which is a common thing for bodybuilders. In addition, ECA contributes rapid burning fat, and also give incredible physical strength, increase endurance, which is so important for a training person. When it was classified as a drug, bodybuilders practically lost access to it.

But our people know how to find a way out of any situation. Now without a prescription you can buy cough syrup "Bronholitin", which contains 100 mg of ephedrine per 1 vial. Athletes successfully drink this syrup, however, according to a certain pattern.

The method and rules for taking "Bronholitin":

  1. A single dosage should not exceed 25 mg. During the day, you can drink 2-3 servings.
  2. Apply either before training or in the morning. But do not do it at night, otherwise insomnia will be guaranteed.
  3. In order to avoid the body getting used to the drug, it is not used for longer than 2 weeks, otherwise the effectiveness will be zero. Mandatory break - at least a week.
  4. To prevent negative effects on the cardiovascular system, you can take beta-blockers, such as metaprolol.
  5. Taking such a drug, you should drink a lot.

Bodybuilders also prepare their own ECA, knowing that its correct effective combination is 1:10:10.

Those who take various dietary supplements (biologically active additives) you should be aware that they contain ephedra extract, which is illegal.

Side effects

Ephedrine was banned for a reason. The following negative effects were tracked:

  • gives disruptions in cerebral circulation;
  • causes tachycardia;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system worsens;
  • contributes to increased pressure, increased heart rate;
  • dehydrates the body, dry mouth appears;
  • gives rise to insomnia, causeless anxiety;
  • contributes to the appearance of irritability, aggressiveness, severe depression;
  • increases sweating, trembling appears in the limbs;
  • constant dizziness, vomiting, nausea;
  • loss of energy/mood.

The alkaloid is excreted from the body for 3-5 hours, all this time the person feels exhausted and helpless.

External signs of the consumer

You can see the external manifestations of taking a psychostimulant in the same way as you can recognize a drug addict. People under the influence of this herbal psychostimulant have dilated pupils, they are characterized by pallor of the face, as well as a certain grayness.

On the teeth you can see a white dense plaque, it is also available along the edges of the tongue. In addition to plaque, the tongue has a bright red color. The skin, mucous membrane of the mouth, lips and nose has a pronounced dryness.

Ephedrine action on the body: Video


In conclusion, we can say that ephedrine, like so much in this world, can be either salvation or a deadly weapon, it all depends on who gets into hands. This plant extract has a right to exist because it brings real benefits to those who are being treated for certain diseases.

And the rest, using it as a psychostimulant, should initially think carefully about whether it is worth starting to take such a strong and dangerous remedy.

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In pharmacy chains, ephedrine can be purchased as part of various medicines, and many of them are sold without a prescription. Preparations containing ephedrine have a vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and antitussive effect. They are available in the form of syrups, injections and tablets.

What is ephedrine?

Ephedrine is a synthetic broad-spectrum component. It belongs to the group of stimulants. He, as a plant alkaloid, previously had a completely natural origin. Ephedrine was obtained from various kinds ephedra plants. At present, the production of ephedrine occurs mainly by chemical means.

In Chinese medicine, this substance has been used for several millennia in the treatment of bronchial asthma. In the Middle East, the use of ephedrine is still relevant in the treatment of fever, chills, tremors and asthma attacks.

In addition, the positive properties of the substance ephedrine for losing weight are known. Ephedrine for weight loss increases the body's energy expenditure and reduces appetite, which leads to weight loss. For the same purpose, ephedrine is used in bodybuilding.

Also, ephedrine is included in the composition of medications, the action of which is aimed at expanding the lumen of the bronchi and the vasoconstrictor effect, which makes these drugs indispensable for pathologies of the respiratory system: bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Action on the body

The main aspects of the action of ephedrine:

  • stimulates the work of the heart muscle, improves atrioventricular conduction;
  • has a hypertensive, vasoconstrictor, hyperglycemic, bronchodilatory and psychostimulant effect;
  • enhances the tone of skeletal muscles, slows down the work of the intestine;
  • dilates the pupil without adversely affecting accommodation and without increasing intraocular pressure;
  • causes narrowing of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, eliminates swelling, for example, with the development of urticaria;
  • in combination with caffeine, ephedrine is used in bodybuilding as a fat burner.

The therapeutic effect of ephedrine is fixed 15-60 minutes after taking the drug inside, the duration of the effect is about 5 hours. With intravenous administration of the drug, the expected effect is achieved after 10-20 minutes and lasts no more than an hour.

Dosage forms

The substance is available as:

  • tablets containing 0.25 g of ephedrine;
  • tablets of ephedrine hydrochloride in a children's dosage - 0.01 g;
  • 5% solution of ephedrine hydrochloride in 1 ml ampoules.

The use of ephedrine in ENT practice

Since ephedrine has a stimulating effect on the body, namely, on the center of respiration, relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchial tree, it is often used in otolaryngology to treat lung diseases - these can be bronchial asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis, whooping cough and dry cough of various origins.

Ephedrine also has a vasoconstrictive effect on blood vessels in the nasal cavity, reduces inflammation in rhinitis, including catarrhal and, with sinusitis, and.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of ephedrine:

  • acute, catarrhal and vasomotor rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis,;
  • arterial hypotension associated with shock, collapse, spinal anesthesia, trauma, severe blood loss, overdose of adrenergic blockers and other medications;
  • bronchial asthma and bronchitis;
  • hives;
  • narcolepsy;
  • depressive state;
  • serum disease;
  • poisoning the body with sleeping pills and narcotic substances;
  • bleeding from the dental pulp;
  • diagnostic measures in ophthalmology associated with the need for pupil dilation.

Contraindications to the use of ephedrine:

  • individual sensitivity to ephedrine and preparations containing it;
  • uncontrolled increase in blood pressure;
  • ventricular fibrillation;
  • insomnia, psycho-emotional arousal.
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • oxygen starvation, hypoxia;
  • hypercapnia;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • hypertension of the lung tissue;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • vascular embolism;
  • hypothermia and frostbite of the body;
  • angina;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Preparations with ephedrine for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Ephedrine is part of a number of medicines.

Syrup Bronchitusen Vramed

Ingredients: glaucine, ephedrine, basil oil.

Indications: dry cough, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, whooping cough.

Syrup Broncholitin

Ingredients: ephedrine, glaucine, basil oil.

Indications: dry cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

Ephedrine from Bronholitin dilates the bronchi, stimulates breathing, and eliminates swelling of the respiratory mucosa.

Syrup Bronholtin Sage

Ingredients: ephedrine, glaucine, sage oil.

Indications: dry cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Ephedrine hydrochloride (tablets, injection, nasal drops)

Ingredients: ephedrine.

Indications: rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever, vascular hypotension, diagnostics in ophthalmology.

Tablets Neo-Teofedrin

Ingredients: belladonna extract, caffeine, paracetamol, ephedrine, phenobarbital, theophylline.

Indications: bronchial asthma, broncho-obstructive syndrome.

Syrup Bronchocin

Ingredients: ephedrine, basil oil, glaucine.

Indications: dry cough, bronchitis, whooping cough.


Ingredients: ephedrine, caffeine, paracetamol, theophylline, belladonna alkaloids and phenobarbital.

Indications: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Effects of using ephedrine

In spite of positive sides ephedrine, this substance cannot be called safe. Medicines based on it bring not only benefits, but also harm. This is due to the fact that ephedrine is considered a narcotic component, so long-term use of drugs with its content sooner or later leads to the development of dependence.

Its effect on the body can be called dual: on the one hand, ephedrine gives a therapeutic effect, but on the other hand, it provokes the likelihood of developing undesirable effects. By increasing the efficiency and tone of the body, ephedrine can simultaneously cause headaches, general weakness, vomiting and nausea, while the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are subjected to serious stress.

Side effects and consequences of taking ephedrine may include the following conditions:

  • from the nervous system - migraine, sleep disorders, nervousness, irritability, dizziness, muscle spasms and convulsions, numbness of the extremities, with an overdose of ephedrine, hallucinations, mental changes occur;
  • on the part of the cardiovascular system - angina pectoris and tachycardia, a drop or increase in blood pressure, discomfort and pain in the sternum, flushing of the face;
  • from the digestive tract - nausea, vomiting, throat irritation, lack of appetite, heartburn;
  • from the urinary system - pain and difficulty with the process of urination;
  • local reactions to the introduction of a solution of ephedrine hydrochloride - hyperemia, pain and burning in the injection area;
  • other reactions - increased sweating, pallor of mucous membranes and skin, allergies, respiratory disorders, chills, fever, dilated pupils.

Application features

To avoid sleep disturbance at night, it is not recommended to take drugs with ephedrine hydrochloride in the evening.

When introducing a solution of ephedrine in ampoules, care must be taken, since the ingress of the drug into the perivascular areas of tissues can lead to necrosis.

Ephedrine preparations, regardless of the form of release (tablets, solution or syrup with ephedrine), should not be used for therapeutic purposes for a long time. After about 2-3 weeks, adverse reactions from the body may increase, which requires the immediate withdrawal of the drug.

Medicinal preparations containing ephedrine hydrochloride are undesirable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. write out these medicines only the attending physician can, after assessing the potential risk to the unborn child and the possible benefit to the woman.


According to the instructions for use, drugs with ephedrine are prescribed for oral, intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, topically in the form of drops.

For the treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic diseases, ephedrine hydrochloride preparations are prescribed in tablets of 25-50 mg 2-3 times a day, as a solution in ampoules subcutaneously or intramuscularly, depending on the indications of the attending physician.

With vasomotor and catarrhal rhinitis, a 2-3% solution of the drug is prescribed.

In case of vascular hypotension, a 5% solution of ephedrine is prescribed subcutaneously, intravenously in a stream of 0.4-1 ml or intravenously drip in 100-500 ml of 0.9% saline.

In ophthalmic practice, a 1-5% solution of ephedrine is used as prescribed by a doctor.

The dosage of ephedrine hydrochloride in pediatrics, according to the instructions for use, depends on the age and weight of the child.


Ephedrine hydrochloride has several analogues according to the principle of action.

Gordenin - a substance, an alkaloid of various herbaceous and cereal plants, including hallucinogenic cacti. Hordenine, like ephedrine, has an effect on the sympathetic nervous system, relaxes smooth muscle muscles, increases blood pressure and speeds up heart contractions. It is used as a circulatory stimulant, as well as to eliminate attacks of bronchial asthma and spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

Citrus aurantium or synephrine - an alkaloid of the Chinese fruit zhishi. It is related to ephedrine, but has a smaller list of side effects. It is an adrenergic, stimulates lipolysis, increasing fat burning in mitochondria. It is mainly used as part of weight loss preparations.

Ephedrine is part of various drugs, which can be purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription. Tablets, syrups and injections containing ephedrine have a vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory and antitussive spectrum of action. They are widely used in otolaryngology and ophthalmology.

There is also a powder containing ephedrine, which cannot be obtained without a prescription or by prescription, since attempts to distribute or acquire this substance in its pure form are punishable by law.

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Description of ephedra

Ephedra - a perennial evergreen - is a shrub. Its branches are multiple, green and smooth. Stems are straight, with a woody surface. blooming plant small flowers collected in small spikelets. This period begins in May or June. Ephedra habitats are the Caucasus, Western Siberia and the southern regions of the European part of Russia. The plant loves semi-desert plains and wastelands, areas with soil of moderate moisture.

Useful properties of ephedra

This marvelous plant has been known for a long time, it was used by Eastern healers, it was gradually recognized all over the world over several millennia. Today, young shoots of wild shrubs are harvested for the preparation of medicines. Many birds feed on berries.

In Asia, the ash of the stems is used in chewing tobacco. The whole plant is saturated with alkaloids, especially in young shoots. Most of these substances contain ephedrine. Also revealed the presence of ascorbic acid and tannins. Pyrocatechin and flobafen are present.

Application of ephedra

Ephedra is perhaps the only plant source of ephedrine, a medicinal substance that can stimulate the respiratory center and relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Due to the special properties of ephedra, it excites the central nervous system, increases blood pressure. Indications for use - infection with microorganisms, various injuries, intoxication, postoperative inflammation, blood loss.

As an antagonist, ephedra is used for poisoning with narcotic drugs. It is useful for the prevention of lung diseases and allergic manifestations. Stimulant properties and the ability to excite the nervous system make ephedra the choice for treatment. IN folk medicine ephedra is indicated for diseases of the digestive tract, gout, hypotension, nosebleeds and lungs.

Ephedra decoction: 8-10 g of chopped herb is boiled over low heat in 600 ml of water until the liquid becomes 1/2 of the original volume. Take the remedy 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Ephedra infusion: 2 g of raw materials must be infused in 1 glass of boiled water, the resulting medicine is the daily rate.

Ephedra tea recipe: 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials is brewed in two cups of boiling water, insisted for 10-15 minutes and drunk 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for colds, asthma and low blood pressure.

ephedra extract

The extract from the plant is obtained by evaporating the decoction or infusion to half the original amount of liquid. Concentrated extract with healing properties, suppresses appetite and promotes fat burning, so it is used in the treatment.

Ephedra horsetail

This highly branched shrub grows in Central Asia, in the mountains of the Eastern Tien Shan, in China, reaches Altai and Sayan, Dagestan and Azerbaijan. Green twigs used in traditional medicine can be cut all year round, best in winter, when the highest concentration is noted in the plant useful substances especially alkaloids. Ephedra is prescribed as a hemostatic agent, it helps well with nosebleeds. The vasoconstrictive properties of ephedra are used for pharyngitis.

Ephedra dvukoloskovaya

Ephedra dvukoloskovaya is found in the European part of Russia, grows in the Caucasus, in the west of Siberia, in the forest-steppe regions of southern Ukraine, in the steppe expanses of Crimea. This dioecious plant is a shrub, bright green, with narrow, furrowed appearance and slightly rough stem and branches. The leaves are very small and opposite. The flowers are collected in spikes. The fruits are fleshy, round, cone-shaped red berries.

Ephedra decoction: 1 tablespoon of the herb should be boiled for 5 minutes in 400 ml of water. With dermatosis, the resulting remedy performs skin treatment, this procedure eliminates.