Is it possible to drip eyes with honey. Can you put honey in your eyes? Ointment with fish oil for inflammation of the eyes

Honey treatment

Traditional medicine has a long history. Recipes and methods of treatment have survived to this day. In remote villages, herbal grandmothers still live, who undertake to treat with herbs, themselves and everyone who turns to them for help. They use honey in their recipes. Indeed, such treatment is very often more effective than many modern drugs. In which diseases honey has a positive effect:

For burns and cuts;
- with inflammatory diseases of internal organs;
- with a lot of gynecological diseases;
- in diseases of the immune system.

All these data have been studied and confirmed by scientists from many countries.

What and how is treated with honey

The first mention of eye treatment with honey was made by the doctor Avicenna, medieval doctor and a philosopher.

In this article, the recipes will not contain vinegar, as it is dangerous to the eyes.

Honey, rich in vitamins and microelements, strengthens the body, its effect is also beneficial for the eyes. Bee nectar dilates blood vessels and increases blood circulation in the organs of vision. As a result, sharpness increases, the field of visual perception expands, and adaptation occurs faster in low light conditions.

With inflammation, burning sensations and itching, swelling, tearing and pain, the antibacterial properties of the amber product come to the fore. When it correct application you can stop the listed symptoms.

With the help of honey, the following eye diseases can be cured:
- redness of the eyes,
- inflammation of the cornea,
- tearing,
- conjunctivitis caused by viral infections,
- different kinds blepharitis,
- destruction of the vitreous body, appearing in the form of flying flies,
- in the initial stages of cataracts and glaucoma.

Honey for the eyes - for some people it sounds strange, but it really is treated.

What recipes exist in the modern world based on honey for eye treatment? For example, you can make honey eye drops. You will need the following ingredients:

Natural honey - 1 teaspoon;
- pure water - 200 ml.

In a glass container, mix water with honey, shake everything well.

Remember, the dishes in which you mix everything must be sterile. Water with honey is brought to a boil over low heat. We cool. Eye drops are ready. Instill in the eyes 2-3 times a day, one drop in each eye. This recipe is good to use for inflammatory diseases and tearing.

A positive reputation and the honorary title of eye honey has been earned by nectar obtained from flowering acacia clusters. Delicate and fragrant light liquid - a natural medicine that supports vision.

The variety is known for its antimicrobial, disinfectant and soothing properties. Popularity won classic recipe for eye health: honey drops are obtained from this variety diluted in distilled water.

Acacia variety containing a large number of fructose, does not crystallize for a long time, remains liquid and fluid for a year or two, so it can be stored for a long time.

Application features

If you decide to improve your eyesight in folk ways, first get the approval of an ophthalmologist.

Apitherapy is not suitable for patients who have allergic reactions to bee products. Side effects may be dangerous to the eyes.

Can honey be instilled into the eyes? Patients starting to practice apitherapy, in pure form nectar is not used, but diluted with other ingredients.

Only experienced lovers of treatment with bee products can afford to drip honey into the eyes. Conditions - a high-quality liquid variety and the gradualness with which the proportion of nectar in the solution increases.

An undiluted product is rarely used: it causes discomfort and a short-term burning sensation.

Please note that you need to allocate separate time for the procedures, at least 20-30 minutes. After manipulation, sharpness and clarity may temporarily decrease, and The best way spend the prescribed minutes - lie down or sit quietly in an armchair.

Accurately observe the proportions, dosage and multiplicity. During the cooking process, use sterile dishes. A glass container is suitable for storing the drug, and a pharmacy dropper bottle is suitable for dosing. Filter liquid before use.

Honey drops:

Against inflammation
1 part acacia honey;
3 parts boiled or distilled water.

To relieve cramps, swelling and redness, lotions are made at night, and a honey solution is also instilled into the eyes. If the drug is well tolerated, you can gradually increase the ratio of the sweet agent to water: drip the solution 1:3 for a week, the second - 1:2, the next two - 1:1.

For cataract #1
In equal proportions, we prepare eye drops with honey:
- aloe leaf juice
- bee nectar
- distilled water.

The leaves are cut, washed, dried with a towel, wrapped in foil and kept in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. Squeeze out the juice and mix all the ingredients. The solution is infused in the refrigerator for 5 days. For cataracts and inflammation, they are first instilled twice a day, then three times a day.

For cataract #2
- 1 egg,
- hard boiled
- 1 tbsp. l. bee product.

The egg is cut in half, the yolk is removed and an amber liquid is poured in its place. The halves are combined, baked in the oven for about 20 minutes. The resulting solution is poured into a clean container. In the treatment of cataracts and the initial manifestations of glaucoma, the drug is used twice a day, dripping 2 drops into one eye. Duration - 5 days followed by a break for the same period.

For cataract #3
- apple 1 fresh apple,
- 1-2 tbsp. l. bee nectar.

The pulp is cut out from the apple and an amber product is placed in it. The top is closed with a cut top. Fruit insist in the refrigerator for two days. The solution is instilled into the eyes in the morning and evening during the initial stages of cataracts.

With conjunctivitis
- 3 tbsp. l. chopped onion,
- 50 ml of boiling water,
- 1 tsp nectar.

Onions are poured with boiling water. When the water has cooled, add the bee product. The liquid is stirred and left for half an hour. Drops are used to treat conjunctivitis.

Compress with celandine
- 200 ml of celandine decoction,
- 1 tsp bee product.

A decoction prepared from 1 tbsp. l. dried raw materials and a glass of water, cool and infuse for 20 minutes. Mix with sweetener. Cotton pads moistened with a decoction are used as lotions before bedtime. The compress helps with fatigue and eye pain.

Instead of celandine in honey eye drops, you can use infusions of chamomile and string.

Dandelion ointment
- 1 tbsp. l. dandelion juice and honey
- 3 tsp onion juice.

Mixed, incubated for 3 hours. Ointment improves visual acuity. It is laid behind the lower eyelid 2-3 times a day.

Ointment with fish oil
In equal proportions:
- ,
- nectar.

The first days the ointment is laid at night, on the fourth day the multiplicity is increased up to three times a day. Course - 5 days.

The effect of local therapy is enhanced if a natural treat is included in the daily diet. To feel better, one teaspoon is enough in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

Amber liquid goes well with vegetable oils, aloe juice, blueberries, sea buckthorn, carrots, herbal decoctions.

Folk recipes with honey for the eyes

Honey for eye treatment, used mixed with various medicinal plants. For example, the disease "thorn" - as it is popularly called, a prescription for treatment:

Improve eyesight with aloe and honey

We take a peeled onion, small in size, 1 spoon of honey, 200 ml. clean boiled water. We mix everything and instill the resulting drops in the eyes 2-3 times a day.

For conjunctivitis, keratitis and ulcers:

Leek or clover leaves, steamed in a water bath, 1 st. spoon for 200 ml. water. Then stir with 1 teaspoon of honey, let the infusion stand in a dark place for 5-6 hours and instill 1 drop, 2-3 times a day;
- Celandine, 1 teaspoon, steam with water, add 1 teaspoon of honey, stir. Apply in the form of lotions on the eyes.
Cataracts and glaucoma are very insidious diseases. It is treated only by surgery. Treatment with honey can stop the development of these diseases.
- Honey should be taken on an empty stomach, every morning with one glass of water. Water and honey will help the body remove toxins, metabolism improves, helping to restore vision;
- Drops of honey also have good effect, cataracts and glaucoma. Stir the boiled water, preferably with May honey, drip the resulting drops into the eyes;
- We take a boiled egg in a steep one, cut it in half, take out the yolk and pour honey into this hole. Put in a preheated oven. The egg with honey should be baked until an egg-honey mixture is obtained. This mixture in the form of lotions, after cooling, apply to the eyes;
- We choose Aloe with large leaves, the plant must be at least three years old. But first, we take the leaves and put them in the refrigerator for 10 days. Only after that we squeeze the juice and dilute it with liquid honey and water in equal proportions. We put the finished drops in the refrigerator for 7 days. After that, we instill: the first two days, twice a day, one drop, and then three times a day;
- Dandelion root juice 3 ml, onion and honey - all in equal proportions. Bury 2 times a day;
- For vision - instill pure and liquid honey one drop in the morning.

Treatment of eyesight with honey is a time-tested method due to its healing components: carbohydrates, sucrose, fructose, vitamins B, C, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron.

The most important condition for apitherapy is high-quality honey. Buy from beekeepers you know.

Proper nutrition for eye disease
When treating vision, do not forget to eat right. Since everything you take inside: food, drinks, medicines - it affects your eyes. Therefore, it is very important that your daily ration and lifestyle in general. Eliminate spicy seasonings, fatty, fried, starchy and sweet foods from your diet.

Try to use more often:

Non-fatty fish;
- Red beans;
- greenery;
- whole grain bread and cereals;
- pumpkin, bell pepper;
- leafy greens;
- melon, apricots and oranges;
- blueberry;
- all vegetables and fruits;
- eggs;
- nuts.

Limit starchy foods and dishes, sweet, spicy and fatty foods.

Attentively and precisely lotions
A responsible procedure requires composure and accuracy - the mucous membrane of the eye is delicate and easily damaged. If you have doubts or fears, at first limit yourself to lotions, then move on to drops.

Eye treatment with honey gives good results if the drugs are used at the beginning of the disease. An aqueous solution enriched with a sweet medicine successfully fights inflammation and swelling, strengthens blood vessels and increases blood flow, contributing to a speedy recovery:

Eye treatment with honey

Treatment of eye diseases with honey should be carried out after consultation with an Ophthalmologist. He will explain to you in which cases to use honey drops, lotions, or it is enough to add honey to your daily diet.

Honey for cosmetic purposes
Honey is very popular for cosmetic purposes. For the skin around the eyes - it's just a help in maintaining youth and beauty. Ever since the time of Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen, honey has been used to improve the condition of the skin. This divine nectar is especially effective for wrinkles around the eyes. In ancient books there are many descriptions of the use of honey for rejuvenation.

Modern cosmetic campaigns very often use bee products in their creams:

- royal jelly;
- ;
- pollen, especially good, collected in the month of June.

But you can also at home, prepare masks, lotions, creams based on honey for the skin around the eyes:

Remove wrinkles around the eyes

1. We take honey, sour cream and egg yolk in equal proportions. We knead. Apply this mask to cleansed skin around the eyes. We keep 20-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water;
2. Cooking honey water, from bags under the eyes. Mix honey and parsley broth. Pour into an ice mold. I put it in the freezer. Every morning we wipe around the eyes with a cube. This method helps not only with swelling, but also whitens the skin;
3. You can also make a patch mask from honey, which is especially popular with women. Honey and beeswax, heat in a water bath, stir until smooth. After cooling, but not complete, the cakes should be slightly warm, in consistency, it turns out like plasticine. Apply this mask under the eyes for 30-40 minutes. If you do this procedure every week, wrinkles will become less noticeable;
4. Two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of hercules, mix. Lubricate the skin around the eyes with the resulting mixture. We stand 15-20 minutes. Wash off.

All of the above tips are suitable for the skin of the face and neck.

Men can also use honey face masks, especially after shaving. Relieves irritation, redness and discomfort.

To whom honey is contraindicated
When starting treatment with honey, make sure you are not allergic to it first. A reaction to honey can occur at any age. Its manifestations are visible within 30 minutes after consumption:

Redness, redness and itching in some areas or throughout the body;
- breathing problems, fever, tearing;
- problems with the intestines and stomach, vomiting and diarrhea may occur;
- swelling of the throat and lungs.

Whatever symptom you have, see your doctor immediately.

An allergy to honey can appear due to:

Poor product quality;
- treatment of beehives with chemicals also affects the properties of the product;
- treatment of bees with various medicines;
- Abuse of honey also causes an allergic reaction.

Therefore, when using bee products, be careful and careful.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Honey and other components can make them not only more beautiful, but also improve eyesight.

The secret of Russian honey

On this topic...

Honey is unique useful product, presented to man by nature, which has a powerful healing potential. The topic of our conversation today: honey water for the eyes. We talked in detail about the healing of our body: drinking a glass of this delicious and healing drink in the morning on an empty stomach, you can significantly improve your health and regain strength.

Now, continuing the topic, you will learn the addition of the current and useful information on the use of honey water for the treatment of the eyes. Ancient Indian methods and treatises of the famous ancient Arabic physician Avicenna contain recipes for treating eyes with a honey solution.

Observations and practical experience of ancient healers were based on the anti-inflammatory effect of honey, it is this property that gives a positive therapeutic effect in the treatment of eye diseases.

A solution of honey helps with: inflammatory processes of the outer shell of the eyes - keratitis, conjunctivitis, with a corneal ulcer. It is also very useful to apply honey eye drops to maintain vision and improve its sharpness.

Ascorbic acid, soluble thiamine and carotene are contained in natural honey, their combination expands the range of color perception and improves visual acuity. If you often work at a computer for a long time and feel tired eyes, then eat honey on an empty stomach in the morning, its regular use will protect you from harmful effects. external factors and improve vision.

In the morning, after waking up, 15 minutes before you brush your teeth, slowly dissolve a tablespoon of honey. Also, do this procedure before you go to bed. Light varieties of honey are considered the best for vision.

For sharpness and preservation of vision

Once I happened to be visiting a village, and I was very surprised that an old grandmother of eighty-five was reading a newspaper in small print without glasses. Of course, I asked my grandmother how she kept such good vision and learned from her such a simple and effective recipe. It turns out that for many years a woman has been instilling honey drops in her eyes, and at such a respectable age she reads and sews without glasses and sees everything perfectly.

To prepare the drops, you need to take one full teaspoon of natural honey and dissolve it in 100 milliliters of warm water. Honey for the preparation of drops is recommended to take natural, light shades, so that it is not subject to heat treatment. We will get a 25% honey solution, which should be instilled in the eyes 2-3 drops in the morning and evening.

Or you can put cotton pads soaked in honey water on your eyes. It is necessary to put honey lotions twice a day, for 15 minutes. This tool has a good effect on eye health and has a cosmetic effect on the skin around the eyes.

Thus, we get healing and a honey mask for beauty.

Honey drops, prescription for eye pain, cataracts, inflammatory processes

If you work at a computer for a long time and very often feel tired eyes, then this tool will also be useful to you.

How it works: the fact is that honey forms the thinnest protective film that protects our eyes from all harmful factors. environment, helps to relax the eye muscles and reduces inflammation.

Preparation: one drop of natural, high-quality liquid honey (if the honey is solid, then it must be melted by heating at a low temperature of 35 degrees), we mix honey with ten drops of distilled or pure spring water.

The resulting solution should be instilled in the morning in the eyes of three drops. You will spend several honey procedures and notice a significant improvement in your condition.

The course of treatment with honey drops is two weeks, then you need to take a break for ten days. After that, the course can be repeated.

General improvement in vision

We prepare honey water: for this we take 200 milliliters of distilled water and dissolve one tablespoon of natural honey with it. Drink this healing drink at night.

With inflammatory processes in the eyes, you can wash them with this water.


Before starting honey treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor and find out if you are allergic to honey.

I suggest you watch: video honey water

Now you know how honey water is useful for eye health and how to properly prepare honey drops to improve visual acuity.

The benefits of honey have been proven for a long time. This sweet product treats the respiratory and digestive organs, and also cleans the blood vessels. Use honey for the eyes as an anti-inflammatory and moisturizer. Medicinal drops are prepared on the basis of a sweet product.

Benefits of honey for the eyes

With the help of honey drops, you can recover from a number of ophthalmic diseases and somewhat restore vision. The product helps with inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva and cornea. Corneal ulcers are also successfully treated with this product.

Honey mixed with water is a unique medicine that can cure a number of diseases and prevent their occurrence. Honey is credited with the following beneficial properties:

  • It is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It has a detrimental effect on many bacteria;
  • Helps fight fungal diseases;
  • Reduces mimic wrinkles around the eyes;
  • Prevents macular degeneration;
  • Used in the treatment of burns. Promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • Eliminates dry eyes;
  • It has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties.

Honey helps to normalize metabolism and improve blood circulation. It promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Treatment with bee products can only be carried out if there is no allergy to them.

What diseases are honey drops used for?

Thanks to the use of honey, human vision is also restored. This product contains a large amount of vitamins and essential human body minerals. The product is recommended for use in such ophthalmic diseases:

  • With glaucoma and cataracts;
  • With conjunctivitis in adults and children;
  • With the flashing of black circles before the eyes;
  • With lesions of the retina and cornea of ​​various etiologies;
  • With corneal ulcer and keratitis;
  • With a decrease in the tone of the fundus;
  • With children's myopia.

For the treatment of eye diseases, honey can be used both externally and internally. Non-traditional methods complement the treatment prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

It is quite possible to replace expensive artificial tears with honey drops.


In fact, honey has no direct contraindications. In particularly sensitive people, it can cause allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in different ways. Caution should be used with honey products for people with diabetes. Before giving honey to children younger age. you should consult your doctor.

How to make honey eye drops

Natural and unprocessed honey is considered an excellent medicine for a wide range of diseases that are accompanied by visual impairment. It is used for diseases of various etiologies, as well as for injuries, to accelerate tissue healing.

Sweet products are the first remedy in the treatment of cataracts at the initial stage. And freshly picked honey helps to eliminate the dullness of cataracts.

Recipes for honey treatment were known in ancient india. It is worth saying that the drug is prepared quite easily:

  • They take a dessert spoon of natural honey, preferably May honey, and place it in a glass;
  • Poured into a glass cold water, without reaching the edge a couple of centimeters;
  • Stir the liquid until the sweet product is completely dissolved;
  • Next, sweet water is poured into an enamel bowl and put on low heat, brought to a boil and immediately removed from the oven.

After that, the composition is cooled, cotton pads are moistened in it and applied to the eyes twice a day. A similar liquid can be instilled into the eyes 2 drops, with reddening of the proteins.

From fatigue

The beekeeping product helps with fatigue. For treatment, a medicinal composition should be prepared:

  • Take 10 drops of purified or spring water;
  • Add a drop of liquid honey and mix thoroughly;
  • the solution can be prepared in a glass vial. In this case, it is possible to mix the drug especially well.

The resulting healing composition is dripped into the eyes once a day, in the morning. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks, after that a week break is made and the treatment is resumed.

From glaucoma

Useful honey drops to restore vision in glaucoma.

Treatment can be done in several ways.

Drops recipe 1

  • Hard-boiled egg, peeled and cut into two halves;
  • The yolk is pulled out, and the halves of the protein are filled with honey;
  • Connect the halves and put the egg for 20 minutes in a heated oven.

The honey juice obtained during the baking process is poured into a glass jar. The composition is dripped for 5 days, twice a day, 2 drops in each eye.

This recipe is great for treating early stage cataracts.

Recipe 2

For this recipe, you need to cook a fresh apple of a small size, no matter what variety and color:

  • The top with the stalk is cut off from the apple;
  • Carefully pull out the core with a knife, along with the seeds;
  • The resulting recess is filled with fresh honey and covered with a cut top;
  • They put an apple on a saucer and leave it for three days;
  • After this time, the resulting juice is poured into a glass jar.

The resulting solution is instilled into the eyes in the evenings for two weeks. Store the medicine in the refrigerator, before use, dial into a pipette and slightly warm it in your hand to a comfortable temperature.

Recipe 3

To prepare the medicine according to this recipe, you should stock up on acacia honey and an aloe leaf from a plant that is at least 3 years old. Pre-wash the sheet, wrap it in parchment paper and put it in the refrigerator for a week:

  • The aloe leaf is crushed, the juice is squeezed out of the resulting slurry;
  • Pour the juice into a glass, add an incomplete tablespoon of acacia honey and a tablespoon of purified water;
  • The solution is mixed well, poured into a jar, preferably from dark glass, and sent to the refrigerator for 5 days.

After this period, the medicine is taken out, mixed again and instilled into the eyes in the morning and evening. Pre-heat the solution in a pipette to a comfortable temperature.

From cataract

With the help of honey water, it is quite possible to cure cataracts. The recipe for eye drops for this purpose is as follows:

  • Take a teaspoon of fresh honey and mix it with three teaspoons of purified water;
  • Next, the solution is filtered through a couple of layers of bandage or filter paper and poured into a glass bottle.

The therapeutic composition is dripped into the eyes twice a day - early in the morning and immediately before bedtime. To obtain a lasting effect, treatment is carried out throughout the year.

For conjunctivitis

People who have treated conjunctivitis with honey note a quick and effective result:

  • Cut off two leaves from aloe. The age of the plant must be at least a year;
  • The leaves are washed, wrapped in a napkin or paper and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • After 5 days, juice is squeezed out of vegetable raw materials;
  • Mix it with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of water.

The resulting composition is instilled into the eyes three times a day, one drop at a time. After instillation, the eyelids are closed for a couple of seconds and gently massaged so that the medicine disperses evenly.

Against inflammation

For inflammatory diseases of the eyes, you can use this recipe for drops:

  • Take ½ cup of distilled water and a few geranium leaves. The leaves are washed, rubbed with fingers and poured with water;
  • Add a teaspoon of honey, mix everything well;
  • Leave the composition for a day at room temperature.

After that, the composition is filtered and used to wash the eyes. You need to wash yourself with a similar solution at least 3 times a day.

Onion composition with honey also helps with inflammation of the eyes. Prepare this drug according to the following composition:

  • Take a small head of onion and rub on a grater;
  • Squeeze the juice, measure out a dessert spoon and pour into a glass;
  • Add a teaspoon of honey and mix thoroughly;
  • Top up the glass with cooled boiled water, mix again.

In the resulting composition, moisten cotton pads and apply to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Application rules

Non-traditional methods can only supplement the treatment prescribed by a doctor, but not replace it. Keep sweet water in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Before instillation of the eyes, the required amount of the solution is heated in a pipette. To do this, it is filled and clamped for a couple of minutes in the hand.

If an allergic reaction occurs during treatment, the use of the drug is stopped. You should not continue treatment even if the result is not noticeable for a week.

Honey is certainly a useful product that can be used to treat various ophthalmic diseases. But do not forget that you must first consult an ophthalmologist.

Products from bee nectar - unique remedy used in various recipes traditional medicine. Honey is used for the eyes,. This is determined by the rich composition of the product.

The use of honey products is due to useful components: vitamins, minerals, acids, enzymes. Together, they exhibit the following properties:

  • elimination of redness;
  • prevention of excessive tearing;
  • removal of puffiness, symptoms of an inflammatory reaction;
  • getting rid of itching, itching, burning;
  • stimulation of blood flow;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • tissue nutrition;
  • destruction of pathogenic microbes;
  • acceleration of regenerative abilities of cells.

Treatment of diseases and disorders in the eyes with honey is common due to the special ability of bee nectar. It forms a thin film on the mucous membrane of the eyeball, which exhibits protective properties from the adverse effects of the environment.

The main advantage of honey medicines is the safety and painlessness of medical procedures. When used correctly, they will help get rid of the following problems: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball, cataracts; walleye; glaucoma; degenerative changes.

Honey is indispensable in the deterioration of vision due to fatigue, high blood pressure inside the eyes, poor tissue innervation. In many ways, vitamin A helps with this, which returns visual acuity.

What variety to use in treatment?

The natural remedy is known for its ability to maintain visual acuity. More often used in the traditional recipe - instillation of honey drops.

The carbohydrate component of acacia honey is represented mainly by fructose, which allows it to remain in a liquid state for a long time. It undergoes crystallization only 1–2 years after collection. This determines the ability of acacia nectar to be stored for a long time.

How to use honey for eyes?

Application medicines based on honey is explained by three advantages:

  1. Suitable for children. The child often shows side effects in the treatment of pharmaceutical preparations, as they are highly sensitive to synthetic substances. This determines that honey products are often the only remedy for a child.
  2. Allows you to save money. Preparing medicines at home will be cheaper than buying them at a pharmacy. Doctors often prescribe expensive drugs that are not available to everyone.
  3. Reduce the likelihood of allergic reaction. Honey is a strong allergen, but it rarely triggers a body response, especially in adults.

The main advantage of the treatment of eye diseases with the help of bee nectar is the possibility of joint use of both an external agent and a medicine, and taken orally. In this case, doctors advise to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • use purchased from trusted beekeepers - it should not contain impurities (sugar, water, chalk, starch);
  • follow the cooking instructions, keeping the ratio of ingredients;
  • bring the agent to the desired concentration;
  • use only disinfected tools, containers, materials;
  • carry out in dry cool places in glass containers.

Before using the selected tool, you must familiarize yourself with the rules of use. For example, dripping honey into the eyes is recommended by pulling back the lower eyelid while moving the gaze up.

External funds

The main methods of external use are ointments, compresses, lotions and baths. Common recipes:

  1. Juice compress. Take a glass of water, dissolve a small spoonful of bee nectar, add 5 drops of aloe leaf extract. Mix the ingredients, place in a glass bottle, let it brew in a dark place for 4 hours. To use, moisten cotton swabs with the solution and put on the eyes for 15 minutes. Repeat 2 times a day. The main purpose of use is to relieve burning, itching.
  2. Ointment. Take 8 grams of a sweet product, add 4 ml of onion extract and 6 ml of dandelion root juice. Mix the ingredients, let it brew for 2.5 hours. The use of ointment will improve visual acuity.
  3. baths. Cover the neck with a honey product, rub until redness appears. Repeat 3 times. Soak in a warm bath for 20 minutes. The number of procedures per week - no more than 3 times. This method will saturate all the elements of the eyeball with useful substances.

External folk remedies are the main treatment options for eye diseases, but the effect will increase with additional oral medication.

Internal reception

Honey is taken orally for preventive purposes, to strengthen the vascular walls. The best time for use - in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime. Serving - 1 tablespoon, put the contents in your mouth, slowly dissolve and swallow. Another way to ingest is honey water before bed.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies are prepared from freshly harvested honey. Drops are common for eye treatment. For every disease in folk medicine there is a recipe.

Treatment with honey water

A unique remedy for the treatment of eye diseases, as it is used both inside and as compresses, drops, lotions. Step by step recipe simple: take a glass of cooled boiled water, dissolve a tablespoon of natural bee products in it. Reception time - in the evening, before going to bed.

Positive effects from the use of honey water: removal of symptoms accompanying inflammation, elimination of pain, burning, cramps. It also stabilizes intraocular pressure, improves visual acuity.

Treatment with honey drops

Honey drops act directly on the treatment area, which is more effective for the eyes. In folk medicine, a simple recipe is common:

  1. Take 2 small spoons of sweet nectar.
  2. Dissolve in a glass of warm water.
  3. Bury 2 times a day, 3 drops.
  4. Honey is better to choose a light variety, without impurities and dilution.

The recipe is aimed at eliminating burning and itching, fatigue, reducing intraocular pressure. In case of serious eye diseases, additional ingredients are included in the recipe: onion extract, aloe or clover juice, chamomile. Sometimes honey is baked in half an apple or instead of yolk in a boiled egg.

With inflammation

Inflammatory processes in the tissues of the eye respond with unpleasant sensations that cause discomfort. To eliminate them, the following options are used:

  • applying cotton pads soaked in honey water for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day. The recipe will help with inflammation of the cornea;
  • wiping the eyelids with a prepared solution: mix a small spoonful of bee products with 5 grams of crushed geranium flowers in a glass of warm water. Allow to infuse for 12 hours before use. Wipe your eyelids before going to bed.

These funds will remove puffiness, eliminate redness, pain, burning. Enhance the effect of taking honey water inside.

With cataract

Treatment options with eye drops based on a bee product for cataracts:

  1. Drops number 1 - mix 10 tablespoons of water with one spoon of honey. Let it brew for 1 hour. Bury 2-3 drops in the morning and evening.
  2. Drops number 2 - divide the apple in half, remove the seeds with part of the pulp. Add a honey product to the recesses, leave for 2.5 hours. Bury the resulting juice 2 times a day.
  3. Drops number 3 - put the leaves of the agave in the refrigerator for a week. Before preparing the product, squeeze the juice from the leaves, mix it with the same volume of bee nectar. Leave in the refrigerator for another 5 days. Bury 1 drop in the morning, evening and mid-day.

Medicines will show a good result in the initial stages of cataract development, with mild symptoms. They will help reduce sensitivity to light, improve visual abilities, restore visual acuity.

With conjunctivitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is easily treated with pharmaceuticals, but you can make drops yourself:

  1. Chop the onion head.
  2. Take 3 tablespoons, pour boiling water over.
  3. After cooling, add a small spoonful of bee nectar, mix, leave for 30 minutes.

Drops will help relieve redness, swelling, reduce pain, tearing, expiration.

With glaucoma

Means to eliminate the symptoms of glaucoma:

  • drops - make an infusion of 5 grams of chamomile and 1 liter of boiling water, infusion time - 20 minutes. Add 2 small spoons of bee nectar to the resulting solution. Instillation time - morning and evening. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to lie down after the procedure and close your eyes for 5 minutes;
  • compresses - make an infusion of 30 grams of nettle leaves, 3 grams of lily of the valley flowers and a glass of water. Duration of infusion - 12 hours. Add one teaspoon of honey before use. Apply moistened cotton pads for 10 minutes 2 times a day.

A complex of methods will help relieve pain and redness, reduce tearing and sensitivity to light.

With an eyesore

In order to remove the thorn in the eye, drops are used:

  1. Chop the onion.
  2. Mix 3 tablespoons with a glass of water, leave for 3 hours.
  3. Strain the mixture.
  4. Add a teaspoon of the bee product to the onion juice and dilute it slightly with water.

The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening until the symptoms disappear: decreased vision, photophobia, tearing, pain.

To relieve fatigue

Step-by-step preparation of drops for severe eye fatigue:

  1. Hard boil an egg.
  2. Cut in half, take out the yolk.
  3. Place a teaspoon of honey into the resulting recess.
  4. Cover with the second half of the egg, place in the oven.
  5. Leave for half an hour.

The resulting solution is instilled 2-3 drops in the morning and evening. The duration of the course is 1 week.

With high intraocular pressure

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that accompany an increase in intraocular pressure, drops from a special solution are used. It is obtained by infusing honey in apple halves. Additionally, compresses are used:

  1. Mix equal amounts of birch leaves, horsetail grass, string and tansy.
  2. Add plantain leaves and coltsfoot grass in double portions.
  3. Pour the mixture with boiling water (0.5 liters).
  4. Leave to insist in a thermos for half a day.
  5. Before use, add 2 teaspoons of sweet nectar.

The procedure is carried out by wetting cotton pads in a solution. They are applied for 15 minutes 4 times a day. An integrated approach will eliminate unpleasant symptoms, expressed in pain in the eyes, decreased vision.

cosmetic problems

The bee product is good for the skin. It effectively fights the signs of aging. Honey masks help with wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of bee products.
  2. Mix with the same amount of oatmeal.
  3. Cover the eyelids with the resulting mass for 12 minutes.

Honey will help restore skin elasticity, youth, freshness. Instead of cereal, you can add parsley, cucumber, citrus juice, aloe, essential oils.


Contraindications to the use of honey for the treatment of eye diseases:

  • allergy or intolerance to the components of bee products;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fever;
  • heart or lung failure.

Do not prescribe eye medications on your own. This is only done by an ophthalmologist. With permission for the use of honey remedies, they will produce a therapeutic effect, help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Everyone is familiar with the phrase “the eyes are the mirror of the soul”. It is good when they are clean and transparent, and the vision is perfect. When the "mirrors" become cloudy, covered with a dull film, and visibility deteriorates, life becomes gray and limited. You have to wear glasses, bury eye drops, sometimes it comes to operations. However, before resorting to surgical intervention, it is worth trying to apply traditional medicine recipes for treating eyes with honey.

The treatment of eye diseases with this bee product has been used for a long time, and has benefited many. There is almost no harm from this method. Recipes for making honey water are quite simple, and almost everyone can find the ingredients.

The list of eye diseases in the treatment of honey:

  • glaucoma, cataract,
  • conjunctivitis in children, adults,
  • flickering dots, flies before the eyes,
  • damaged retina,
  • keratitis or corneal ulcer,
  • childhood myopia,
  • decreased tone of the muscles of the fundus.

Eye treatment with honey water

Recipe for making honey water for lotions:

  1. Add a spoonful of fresh honey to a glass clean water, mix, boil exactly two minutes. If you hold the mixture on gas longer - medicinal properties will be lost. It is advisable to take acacia honey, but any will do.
  2. Cool the drink at room temperature, pour into a bottle with a screw cap or cork.
  3. We make lotions on the eyes in the early morning and before going to bed. This will help relieve eye fatigue, swelling, redness, pain.

Recipe for honey water for instillation:

  1. We take 3 parts of boiled water, a part of liquid fresh honey,
  2. Mix everything with a spoon, leave to stand,
  3. We instill 2 times - in the morning and at bedtime - 2 drops in each eye for about a week.

For the treatment of cataracts, it is necessary to drip the solution for at least six months, it must be stored in the refrigerator.

Honey water helps:

  • reduce eye pressure
  • relieve pain, pain in the eyes,
  • reduce inflammation of the cornea,
  • improve eyesight.

Cataract treatment with honey solutions

For 1 recipe you will need a medium-sized fresh apple:

  • cut off the top of the apple with a handle, carefully take out the insides with stones with a knife,
  • pour honey inside
  • we leave everything for three days on a silver platter,
  • carefully pour the juice from the apple, taking a small jar of tablets or pills,
  • we instill this juice with a pipette into the pupils, 2 drops in the evening for two weeks.

For 2 recipes, you need a fatty aloe leaf and acacia honey:

  • aloe should grow at home for at least three years, only its leaves have a healing effect,
  • tear off the fleshy leaf from the bottom of the plant, put it on the refrigerator shelf for 10 days,
  • we take out a leaf of aloe, grind it with a knife or hands, squeeze out a spoonful of juice,
  • add a spoonful of acacia honey and a spoonful of water, mix,
  • keep the solution for 5 days in the refrigerator for complete readiness,
  • The resulting medicinal mixture is instilled 2 times a day in the eyes.

Treatment with honey solution for glaucoma

Solution recipe:

  • hard-boiled egg, peel, cut in half,
  • take out the yolk, you won't need it,
  • fill two halves of boiled protein with honey,
  • connect the slices, bake for 20 minutes to get honey juice inside,
  • pour the solution into a jar, instill 5 days, 2 drops in the morning and at bedtime in the eyes.

This recipe also helps in the treatment of the initial stage of cataracts.

Treatment of conjunctivitis with acacia honey

Recipe 1. You will need acacia honey and water:

  • take a spoonful of acacia honey,
  • dissolve in two tablespoons of water
  • we dig in at night and make lotions with cotton pads, holding them for about 10 minutes.

Recipe 2. Need acacia honey and clover juice:

  • take a spoonful of honey and clover juice,
  • mix,
  • instilled into the sore eye twice a day.

Eyesore treatment with honey mixture

The recipe is quite simple:

  • squeeze the juice from a medium-sized onion,
  • mix it with a teaspoon of honey,
  • dissolve the mixture in a glass of clean boiled water,
  • we instill the solution twice - in the morning and in the evening - until complete recovery.

Reducing eyelid inflammation

You need to take:

  • a glass of boiled and cooled water,
  • honey - 1 spoon,
  • several flowers of room geranium.

Preparing the infusion is easy:

  • mix everything,
  • we insist on the table for a day,
  • We wash the eyelids in the morning and in the evening.

The use of honey internally for the treatment of eye diseases

An excellent effect in the treatment of eye diseases gives the use of a sweet medicine inside. It helps to improve vision, relieve inflammation.

The recipe is simple:

A spoonful of honey should be dissolved in a glass of warm water and drunk daily in the evening before going to bed. It is necessary to drink such honey water until it has cooled down, in the evening.

Using honey for eye inflammation

Recipe 1. Instead of ointment:

  • scoop honey on the tip of a spoon,
  • smear the eye with a cotton swab, pulling the eyelid to the side.

Recipe 2. Fish Oil Blend:

  • honey and fish oil, one part each, mix,
  • smear the eyelid with ointment, slightly pulling it down,
  • use the product for 5 days.

All these recipes really help to cope with diseases, reducing inflammation and pain.

However, such solutions can only be used if there is no allergy to bee products. When you first apply the drops or honey water, you may feel a slight tingling or burning sensation, this is normal.

But it will still be better to treat the eyes of a doctor, using the advice of traditional medicine in addition.