Dendroplan: the purpose of dendrological surveys and examples of finished plans. What does the dendroplan of a personal plot include When it is important to have a dendroplan and a green space transfer

Planning landscaping suburban area, which is an indispensable part of a landscape project, it is very important not only to beautifully arrange trees and shrubs, it is equally important that they do not interfere with each other's growth and development.

On the other hand, if there are already green spaces on the site where construction is planned, and you want to save them, then in both the first and second cases a dendroplan of the site is drawn up.

Video: dendroplan of a plot of 10 acres (visualization)

What is a dendroplan

Dendroplan is a kind of topographic map of the site, which indicates the location of all green spaces.

Trees, shrubs or their groups are assigned a number and entered into the dendroplan and the transfer sheet. So about at once, the counting sheet contains all the names of green spaces and the assigned andm serial number.

In what cases is a plot dendroplan necessary?

If your site is located within the city, and in the process of construction or repair work there is a need to cut down trees, you must submit a dendroplan with a transfer sheet to the Department of Natural Resources. Only on the basis of these documents will you be able to obtain permission to cut down individual plantings.

If you got a site where there is no need to carry out any felling, anyway, sooner or later, there will be a need to carry out its landscaping and landscaping. Although the dendroplan of the site is not as large and complex as the dendroplan of the park, but, properly drawn up, it makes it possible to avoid unnecessary costs when performing landscaping work.

Video visualizations of planting design plans

What factors are taken into account when compiling a dendroplan

Landscape designers are developing a dedroplan of the site. This work is not only creative, but also very responsible, because the appearance of the entire site depends on it.

The planting plan takes into account the size of trees and shrubs in the future, flowering periods, crown shape, foliage color and many other factors.

Plant compatibility

Plants, like people, are not always compatible with each other. This factor must be taken into account in the dendroplan. In plant biology, there is such a thing as phytocentosis - a plant community. Within this community different kinds plants create for each other favorable conditions development and growth. Good neighbors for oak are pine and juniper, for fir and wild rose - larch. Rowan perfectly coexists with birch and hazel.

Antagonist plants should not be forced into the neighborhood

A pine tree, for example, cannot be planted next to a poplar - this is a vivid example of antagonistic neighbors.

plant growth conditions

When developing a dedroplan, the designer must take into account the climatic conditions and soil quality of the area, the illumination and moisture content of the site, as well as its topography. If the barberry and cotoneaster need a lot of sun and they feel great in drought conditions, then spruce, fir, larch prefer shade and moisture.

Compatibility and aesthetics

Two more factors that are very important for a landscape designer are compatibility and aesthetics.

Compatibility means not only compliance with the surrounding landscape, but also compliance with the architecture of the house. With the help of plants, you can emphasize the dignity of the building or hide its shortcomings.

Structural and accent plants properly organize the space of the site, create a sense of unity and harmony.

Tiered landings look as organic and natural as possible

seasonality of plants

Harmonies on the site are achieved by combining the size and shape of the crown, as well as the color of the foliage of plants.

Multi-tier plantings make it possible to achieve the natural organicity of all plantations. This takes into account the seasonality of plants, that is, the period when the plant manifests itself in all its glory.

When developing a dendroplan, it is desirable to take into account the seasonal characteristics of each plant.

For example: the peak of seasonality for lilac falls on May, and for hibiscus - August. Climbing roses delight the eye with flowering in June-July, and a bright palette of girlish grape leaves - in September.

Knowing the seasonal characteristics of each type of tree and shrub, you can give the site a well-groomed and festive look.

Project's budget

It is impossible not to mention another important factor - the cost of plants chosen for landscaping. As a rule, first of all, the designer negotiates the budget of the project with the customer. Based on the budget and preferences of the customer, work begins on the dendroplan of the site.

It is this approach, taking into account the above factors, that makes it possible to make the summer cottage beautiful and well-maintained without unnecessary financial and physical costs.

What is a plot dendroplan? This is a special topographic map of the area with the designation of all growing trees and shrubs. To accurately indicate the location of plants, the boundaries of the territory, buildings and paths are applied to the drawing. Distances from capital structures determine the binding of plantings to the area.

Why make up a dendroplan

Along with the production of research and preparatory work the dendrological plan of the estate is carried out at the initial stage dacha construction. It allows you to correctly place, arrange the desired fruit and ornamental plants according to all laws. landscape design, to avoid their chaotic piling up, shading each other, crowding out, loss of decorativeness. This type of project documentation is designed to save money on landscaping, as well as to exclude the payment of a penalty for unauthorized felling or damage to green spaces.

A responsible homeowner who spends his money prudently, in order to avoid penalties, always orders the development of denrological documentation of the site. Like any design work, landscape require a serious approach and appropriate professional qualifications.

Main types

There are two types of dendrological plans, the difference between which is determined by the type of work to be done:

  1. Compensatory or future landscaping plan;
  2. Plan of existing plantings.

The first is drawn up after cutting down the existing vegetation to compensate for the lost landscaping. The same type of documentation is used if there is no vegetation in your summer cottages that impedes the planned construction, does not require transfer or destruction. You can limit yourself to the choice of fruit trees, shrubs and ornamental plants for adjoining territory. In this scenario, the dendroplan will not require the calculation of compensation payments for damage caused to nature. You don't get fined either.

The second is carried out if it is necessary to clear the future construction site from interfering trees, shrubs, and dead wood.


Depending on the upcoming work and the type of dendroplan of the territory, it includes various documents, statements, drawings. For a better understanding of the issue, consider both options.

Dendroplan of the future or compensatory landscaping

Dendrological planning of a suburban area, which initially did not have vegetation intended for felling, does not require obtaining felling tickets and other permits from administrative structures. This greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of landscaping.

In this case, the development of a dendroplan for the site is reduced to the preparation of the following documents:

  • Layout and landing drawing. Contains, marked on the scheme of the site, the location of the plants planned for planting. This takes into account the size of their crowns in adulthood and the standard distances between them necessary for care and free growth. An explication of plantings is attached to the drawing. Planting places for trees and shrubs are numbered. A group of representatives of one species is indicated on the plan by a fraction, in which the numerator is the number in the explication, the denominator is the number of plants;
  • Assortment sheet. The document contains a list of all planted plants by groups - fruit, deciduous, coniferous, creepers. Along with this, the species, variety, full name (including Latin), quantity, height, crown diameter in the adult state, structure of the root system, decorative characteristics are indicated;
  • Estimate. Includes the cost of acquiring plants plus the cost of landscaping.

An example of an assortment list

The dendrological project of compensatory landscaping has similar components. It is compiled when cutting down vegetation is replaced with new plantations.

IMPORTANT! The explication accompanying the dendroplan does not replace the assortment list. It serves only to decipher the symbols and numbering assigned to plants on the planting drawing.

Dendroplan of existing plantations

If there are plantings on the territory that require destruction, transfer, significant sanitary pruning, the preparation of a dendroplan of a summer cottage is carried out with the following list of documents:

  • Plan for the location of existing plantings. Includes designation, binding to the area, numbering, explication of all existing at the time of the start of work, trees and shrubs;
  • Transfer sheet. List of all plants plotted on the dendrological survey of the estate. Their type, number of trunks, diameter, height, condition, presence of damage are indicated. Compensation amounts are calculated for each fact of felling.
  • Estimate.

Why is a checklist needed?

To avoid problems with unauthorized cutting of green spaces, you need to know how to draw up a dendroplan with a transfer sheet, and what it is for.

The transfer sheet should reflect the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of all types of plantings, including self-sowing, in the following order:

  1. coniferous species
  2. fruit species
  3. deciduous and creepers

A detailed description of the state of plants contains an indication of damage in percentage terms (dry branches, hollows, cracks, fungal infections, dry branches). Separate paragraphs provide plans for conservation, destruction or pruning, the compensation cost of each felling.

Based on these dendrological data, in accordance with modern Russian legislation, it is necessary to obtain a logging ticket, a permit for transplantation from the environmental department, pay a compensation amount, and subsequently compensate for the damage caused to nature by landscaping.

Where to order a drawing of a dendroplan with a checklist

If you are the proud owner personal plot, it is quite difficult to independently prepare project documentation for its landscaping without miscalculations and errors. For example, a dendroplan of a plot of 15 acres with a counting sheet will require painstaking work with computer programs, reference materials, and standard forms. Mistakes in its development will lead not only to failures in the design of the landscape, but also to monetary losses.

You can order a complete package of dendrological documentation here A professional dendrologist will help you choose the right plants for your estate, taking into account their compatibility, compatibility, decorativeness, and climatic conditions. Specialists will coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources, issue permits, and minimize your costs for compensatory landscaping.

Dendroplan is a necessary component of success in the design of a summer cottage with green spaces. It allows you to properly plan the garden, achieve a harmonious appearance territory. In addition, this project documentation will help to comply with legal requirements and avoid unnecessary financial costs.

Effective landscaping can be achieved through careful landscape planning. Plants must be placed beautifully on the landscaped area, adhering to a certain order, so that when they grow, they do not interfere with the development of each other. The purchase of planting material is carried out taking into account the existing plantations. During the construction of new facilities, they try to preserve mature trees and shrubs to the maximum, the location of which is applied by specialists on the dendroplan (topographic map) in the form of generally accepted signs. Single plants, as well as groups of homogeneous plantings, are assigned their own separate number, which is indicated on the plan and entered in the counting sheet. This document indicates the name of each plant, and also describes in detail all its properties and characteristics. From the checklist, specialists learn about the height and stemness of the plant, the presence of damage, dry branches, hollows. This information allows you to make an assessment of each plant and express it in compensation value. Further, the issue of cutting down plantings that interfere with construction is being resolved, and it is planned to plant new representatives of the plant world.

Cutting down, as well as transplanting green spaces that fall into the development zone or the laying of engineering communications, is possible only with the permission of state bodies responsible for regulating issues in the field of nature management. Therefore, when designing construction works along with other types of surveys, dendrological studies are also carried out on the built-up area, as a result of which a dendroplan of the site appears. This document, together with the transfer sheet, is submitted to the controlling state bodies, which give an opinion and a logging ticket that allows cutting down green spaces or transplanting them.

Cutting down trees on garden plot carried out with the permission of the authorities that control the implementation of the rules for the use of natural resources by citizens of the country, on the basis of a dendroplan and a transfer sheet

For all plants destroyed and damaged in the course of construction work, the developer must pay their full compensation value. In addition, the company carries out works on landscaping the territory, which are designed to compensate for the damage and harm caused to nature.

Landscaping and landscaping of a garden plot cannot be carried out without the preparation of a competent dendroplan by specialists. A planting plan is developed on a computer in special programs, while the established standard distances between the axes of plants and the existing building are necessarily observed. Also, the gaps allowed between adjacent areas of green spaces are maintained without fail.

Tree topographic survey of trees in a garden plot is carried out by specialists who evaluate tree plantations and record their location on a dendroplan

A well-timed dendroplan allows you to avoid mistakes during landscaping and avoid unnecessary expenses. The implementation of the planned activities for the improvement of the territory is also accelerated, since the work is carried out clearly in accordance with the dendroplan of the garden plot.

Topographic plan scale and symbols

The scale of the dendroplan 1:500 means that five meters of the site on the map are depicted as a centimeter segment. When developing landscape design projects, drawings made on a larger scale (1:100 or 1:200) can be used. This allows you to display each tree and indicate its species, height, and trunk diameter.

Dendroplan of a garden plot, made by specialists on a scale of 1:100, with a detailed explication, which indicates the names of the plants used in decorating the territory

For drawing on a dendroplan, performed on a scale of 1:500, tree and shrub vegetation, special symbols are used - circles, the diameter of which is 3 mm. If the drawing is heavily loaded, then the diameter of the circles is reduced to 2 mm. Observing the rules for compiling a dendroplan, especially valuable trees, coniferous, historical and relict, are highlighted with a color or an additional circle of a larger diameter.

  • If the circle is not filled in on the dendroplane, then this tree must be saved.
  • If the circle is half-filled, then the large-sized tree will need to be transplanted.
  • If the circle is filled in completely, then the tree must be cut down.

Multi-stemmed trees, like single-stemmed ones, are designated on the dendrological plan of the garden plot with one circle. Groups of shrubs and trees can be represented on the plan in the form of separate circles or in the form of an oval, which, taking into account the scale, occupies the same space on the map as on the site. When performing tree-by-tree shooting, self-sowing and shoots are indicated by a contour, like a shrub, not forgetting to assign a serial number.

Important! When transferring existing plants to the topoplan in the form of circles, an error equal to one millimeter on the scale of the drawing is allowed. On the ground, this is equivalent to half a meter.

Below are a few examples of a dendroplan of garden plots, on which the construction objects and green spaces listed in the explication are schematically located.

Dendroplan of a suburban area, on which the buildings are marked with numbers in red circles, and the plantations listed in the explication are numbered in black circles

An example of a dendroplan of another suburban area, during the creation of which other symbols were used. In particular, the buildings are numbered with Roman numerals.

Remember that spruces, firs and yews prefer to grow in the shade, with a sufficient level of humidity and an even thermal regime, devoid of sudden changes in temperature values. When planting barberry and cotoneaster, it must be borne in mind that these shrubs require a lot sunlight. Evaporation of moisture and constant temperature changes have a beneficial effect on the well-being of these plants.

What factors are taken into account when developing?

The beauty of the design of the territory depends on the creativity and responsibility of landscape designers involved in the development of the dendroplan. Moreover, over time, the appearance of the site should improve. To do this, it is necessary to plant plantings in conditions favorable for their further growth and healthy development. The planting plan is drawn up taking into account the size of the crowns of adult trees, flowering periods and other conditions. When developing a dendroplan and planning future plantings, specialists take into account a number of factors.

  • Peculiarities of soil and climatic conditions in the region. The selection of plants is made taking into account these conditions, otherwise it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve a flowering appearance of all plantings. Attention is drawn to the need of plants for moisture, light, heat. The actual topography of the land is also important.
  • Compatibility. Plants selected for planting should be appropriate to the environment and the age and architecture of buildings once built or newly built in the area. With the help of plant varieties and the way they are located, you can shade the contours of individual objects located on the site. Harmony and naturalness can be achieved through a special organization of space, carried out with the help of structural and accent plants.
  • Compatibility. Ignoring this factor with all the desire will not work, since compatibility rules apply in the plant world. Subject to their adjacent specimens perfectly complement each other. For example, spruce perfectly coexists with mountain ash, birch or hazel. Pine neighbors can be oak or juniper. Larch gets along with fir and wild rose.
  • Availability. When planting plants provide freedom of access to them for subsequent care. Crowding of plantings should not be allowed, trying to plant as many varieties and species of plants as possible on the site. With this approach, it is impossible to provide a decent one.
  • Seasonality. To give the site a flowering appearance in different periods of the year, pay attention to the timing of flowering of planted plants. Some styles of landscape design involve a certain color scheme in garden design. By choosing unpretentious plants, you can minimize garden maintenance without compromising the attractiveness of the site. One of these plants is the wild rose, which adorns the territory for a long time due to its long flowering.
  • The cost of landscaping. The project budget, calculated using the assortment list, depends on the financial capabilities of the customer. Therefore, the amount of funding also has to be taken into account in the improvement and landscaping of the land.

It is better to do the preparation of the dendroplan of the territory and filling out the transfer sheet on a computer. By using off-the-shelf software, technicians are able to quickly align the actual site plan with the planting plan. By modeling, it is possible to predict the landscape of the territory after a given period of time and see plantings at the peak of their heyday.

Rules for compiling an assortment list

When planning plantings on a garden plot, an assortment list is applied to the dendroplan, which lists all purchased plants. This document allows you to draw up a project budget, substantiating all items of expenditure for the purchase of the necessary planting material. When filling out the assortment list, plants are arranged into groups in a certain sequence. At the beginning of the list indicate coniferous trees and shrubs. Then comes the turn. After that, all deciduous plants are brought in, and after them - creepers.

The assortment list must necessarily indicate the full name of the plant, including in Latin, and required amount landing copies. In addition, the assortment sheet reflects the characteristics of plants, such as height, crown projection, decorative features, variety of root system, etc.

The preservation of tree and shrub vegetation during the construction of facilities is possible with a competent study of the site and the preparation of a dendroplan with a transfer sheet

In conclusion, we can say that the dendroplan, developed by professionals, taking into account the requirements for this type of document, allows you to optimally arrange the objects under construction, while preserving the trees and shrubs growing on the site. This will affect the reduction of financial costs required for the organization of cutting down plants and the subsequent work on compensatory landscaping. Tree-by-tree shooting provides a rational approach to landscaping, which preserves healthy tree vegetation in its virgin form. This increases the attractiveness of the site and reduces (or completely eliminates) the purchase, delivery and landing of large-sized plants.

Cutting down or transplanting green spaces in the territory allocated for development is determined by legislative norms for the protection environment. In accordance with the rules of the work, the developer must obtain a special permit - a logging ticket, if there are shrubs and trees that are subject to destruction or replanting. This requires dendrological research. In this article, we will get acquainted with the composition of these works, and also consider what a dendroplan is (examples of finished plans will be given for maximum clarity).

Carrying out dendrological research

Before starting construction design on a site with existing green spaces, it is necessary to carry out dendrological studies, including the preparation of a dendroplan and a counting sheet indicating data on the location of all trees and shrubs growing on the territory. The drawing can be combined with a tree-by-tree topographic plan (at a scale of 1:500). Without dendrological surveys, it is impossible to obtain a logging ticket, which gives the right to cut down or replant plantings in the territory of future development.

Engineers are faced with the task of studying in detail the age, species and type of trees (shrubs), as well as assessing their cost. Experts conduct research in accordance with normative documents and develop the necessary recommendations to minimize damage to nature during the construction (restoration) of objects. Upon completion of the work, a dendrological plan is drawn up and the subsequent examination is carried out. There are standards for the distance between objects and green spaces, which the developer must adhere to without fail. This is impossible without dendrological research.

Drawing up a dendroplan is recommended to be carried out simultaneously with the geological surveys. If this drawing is missing, it is simply impossible to observe the gaps between plantings, as well as the standard distances between plant axes and buildings.
A well-designed dendroplan allows developers to make informed decisions on the optimal placement of an object on the ground relative to existing green spaces in order to comply with state requirements for environmental protection.

Composition of engineering surveys in dendrology

    Inventory of green spaces, examination of their current state.

    Assessment of the compensation value of trees to be felled.

    Drawing up a list of all green spaces indicating qualitative, specific and quantitative characteristics.

    Creation of a dendroplan, a checklist and an explanatory note.

The main goal of dendrological research is to minimize damage to nature in the process of construction or reconstruction of objects, as well as environmental protection.

What is a dendroplan?

A professional dendroplan allows developers to make cost-effective decisions on the placement of objects on the ground in relation to existing plantings, taking into account state requirements for nature protection. It is a special topographic map of the site with a detailed designation of the number of green spaces, the perimeter of their location, as well as species and quality characteristics.
Each individual shrub, lawn or tree on the dendroplane is assigned a number. Sometimes it can be fractional. AT this case the numerator indicates the number assigned to the plant in the counting sheet, and the denominator - the total amount of planting material. Symbols are used in the drawing. Single plants are displayed as a circle, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the crown of a bush or tree in the required scale. Group landings are depicted in the form of geometric shapes.
As a rule, a scale of 1:500 is used to develop a drawing, however, in some cases, more detailed detailing is required - 1:100 or 1:200, for example, if you need to specify planting information in detail (height, species, diameter). When performing dendrological surveys, special attention is paid to historical, valuable, coniferous, relict trees and shrubs.

The drawing indicates:

    Location of the land.

    Ecological, biological characteristics, as well as features of all plants available on the site of future development.

    The composition and properties of the soil.

    Illumination of the site.

    Other data according to customer requirements.

Documentation features.

At present, the transfer sheet and the dendroplan are mandatory included in the package of project documentation (if there are green spaces on the site). There are many nuances that need to be taken into account when developing this documentation, so it is important to entrust the work to qualified engineers with relevant experience.

The transfer sheet as part of the dendrological plan

As part of any project documentation (for reconstruction, construction or overhaul) includes a dendrological study of the territory. The purpose of this work is to study the green spaces growing in the area. Based on the results of the survey, specialists develop a dendroplan, which allows an objective assessment of the situation regarding the location of objects, existing shrubs and trees.
An addition to the dendrological plan is a transfer sheet indicating the amount of vegetation. It contains the most complete information about all green spaces located on the site, including the serial numbers of shrubs and trees, as well as their dimensions (height, diameter), species names. In addition, the transfer sheet indicates the current state of plantings (dry branches, diseases, damage) and the compensation value of vegetation. The statement reflects the results of a full-scale survey of the area, which is carried out by dendrological engineers.

The characteristics specified in the documentation may vary, depending on the requirements specified by the customer and the goals of the dendrological study.

The bill of lading contains the following data:

    Plant number (according to the dendroplan).

    The name of the plant (in Latin, as well as national languages).

    Age and diameter of the plant.

    condition at the time of the study.

    Crown projection and type of root system.

    The decision of the designer on the need to cut down or transplant a shrub (tree).

    Other characteristics.

It should be noted that the conduct of dendrological surveys involves the creation of a dendroplan (main drawing), a transfer (inventory) statement, as well as an explanatory note that explains the goals and methodology of the work, and also indicates information about the land. Its design is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations.

The dendroplane and the transfer sheet contain detailed information about the characteristics of each plant. This allows you to determine its compensation value. Only after the implementation of these works is it possible to competently compile a list of existing plantations that interfere with the construction of the facility, as well as draw up a plan for planting new vegetation upon completion of construction work.

Examples of finished dendroplans

What documents are required to create a dendroplan?

When applying for the execution and approval of the dendroplan and the transfer sheet by highly qualified specialists of the Hektar Group company, we recommend that you make sure that the necessary package of documents is available.

To create a dendroplan, you need:

  • Situational plan of the area on a scale of 1:2000 with the designation of the boundaries of the land.
  • Geo-baseline (in modern digital format).
  • Permits for work.

In what cases is dendrological research required?

A dendrological plan is necessary when carrying out restoration, construction or repair work, if it is planned to transplant or cut down trees (shrubs) on the site. In this case, you need to get a logging ticket and a conclusion from the controlling authority (Department of Nature Management). Only if these documents are available, the developer has the right to transplant or cut down green spaces.
If plants are destroyed or damaged during the work, the developer must fully compensate for their cost and carry out landscaping of the territory upon completion of construction in order to compensate for the damage caused. Also, a dendroplan is necessary when designing landscape design for a visual representation of the composition. In addition, it is required to perform work on the landscaping of the land allotment.

A dendrological plan is an obligatory component of a competent landscaping of a land plot, regardless of its intended purpose. The creation of gardens and park areas, as well as the harmonious distribution of shrubs and trees, is essential for urban planning. Also, these events are an important element of urban ecology.

Dendroplan is required in the following situations:

    For construction or restoration work in areas with green spaces.

    To carry out landscaping work.

    When designing landscape design.

Passing the state examination

One of the most important natural resources are trees and shrubs. They perform the function of environmental elements that affect the state of ecology.

Dendrological expertise is a tool that allows you to determine the current state of green spaces and the nature of their damage. The interests of forestry enterprises and cities include the maximum preservation of the number of growing specimens.

Based on the results of dendrological studies, the Committee of Moscow State Construction Supervision (State Construction Supervision) is obliged to provide an opinion to continue the development of the project. To do this, the compiled dendroplan passes the state examination. This is a mandatory procedure, since it is extremely important that the construction is not carried out to the detriment of nature. After studying the project, Mosgosstroynadzor makes a decision on the legal transplantation or cutting down of plantings.
Carrying out dendrological surveys is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

    GOST R 55935-2013,

    GOST R 55528-2013,

    Law of the city of Moscow dated 05.05.1999 No. No. 17.

It should be borne in mind that this document is relevant for 4 years from the date of examination by the regulatory authorities. After this period, re-testing is required. When updating the dendroplan, a mandatory reconciliation with the transfer sheet is carried out.

What affects the cost of the work?

The price of creating a dendroplan largely depends on the purpose of the work: landscaping, submission to the controlling department to obtain a decision on transplanting or cutting down plantings, as well as other tasks. The cost is influenced by the area of ​​the study area and the number of green spaces. In addition, pricing is influenced by such a factor as the availability (location) of the allotment.
It is recommended to think about the execution of this document in advance in order to avoid the need to overpay for urgency and make timely competent decisions at the design stage.

What factors affect pricing?

  • Accessibility of the land plot (location).
  • Number of green spaces (shrubs, trees and overgrowth).

    The number of engineers on site that are needed to complete the plan.

    Detailing (scale) of the dendroplan.

    The objectives of the work and the amount of required research.

    The timing of the project.

We hope that this article was most useful for you. Now you know what a dendroplan is (examples of ready-made plans are given above). Subscribe to our social media to get maximum useful information in the field of engineering research.

The conceived image of a plot with an orchard, flower beds and flower beds cannot be created without careful planting planning. This is what a landscape designer does first of all when he draws up a plot dendroplan - a drawing on which the contours of all green spaces are plotted at the time of their greatest growth. In addition, it depicts the boundaries of the site, functional areas, house, outbuildings and paths. This is necessary in order to bind the plants in the drawing to hard lines and hard surfaces.

The dendroplan is necessary for the visual representation of the spatial composition of the created landscape, as well as for the implementation of landscaping work.

The development of a dendroplan and the selection of plants for the site must be carried out not only in terms of aesthetics. A rational approach is required, which takes into account both the composition of the soil on the site, and maximum size plants and climatic conditions. The type of root system of plants, as well as their shade tolerance, is also evaluated.

Several types of plants are usually grown in the garden, therefore, when compiling a dendroplan, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility in the same area. If competing species grow in the same area, the death or suppression of weaker plants cannot be avoided. Therefore, when compiling plantings, a landscaping specialist or landscape designer will certainly strive to form a phytocenosis on the site - a natural community of plants that do not compete with each other.

If you need to draw up a dendroplan of your summer cottage, you can do it yourself, having previously studied the material, or entrust the work to a landscape designer. But in order to obtain a permit for new construction, when reconstructing buildings or laying communications, it is necessary to develop and agree on the dendrological part of the project. This is a rather difficult task that is best left to professionals. We advise you to contact, because. she has been specializing in dendrology services for a long time and really competent specialists work in it.

Symbols on the diagrams

Single plants on a dendroplane look like a circle, the diameter of which in plan corresponds to the crown diameter of a mature tree or bush. Group landings are depicted in the form of geometric figures, which they will correspond to during the period of maximum growth. Each plant in the dendrological drawing is assigned a numerical value. Sometimes it can be in the form of a fraction, in which the numerator indicates the number assigned to the plant in the assortment list, and the denominator indicates the amount of planting material. If the denominator is absent, then this is the designation of a single plant.

The dendroplan of a park or site used for landscaping the territory must be supplemented with an assortment list.

Assortment list - list of planting material

The assortment sheet details all types of plants used for landscaping. This document is a table, in the columns of which are entered:

  • specific name
  • height
  • fit rate
  • amount

Sometimes recommendations for plant care (watering, lighting, etc.), flowering or fruiting time, and the price of planting material are included in the assortment list.

Plants in the assortment list are recorded in a certain order. First come coniferous trees and shrubs, then deciduous and fruit trees, followed by ornamental and fruit shrubs, and then climbing, heather and ground cover plants. If there is a rock garden on the arboretum, then the plants that will be planted on it are entered in a separate statement. Annual flowers are also entered in a separate statement, which will fill the voids in the garden until the main perennials grow.

Dendroplan and transfer sheet

To obtain a permit for new construction, it is imperative to develop a dendroplan of existing plantations, accompanied by a transfer sheet. This is a table describing the trees or shrubs growing on the site.

The bill of lading states:

  • plant number (corresponds to the number on the dendroplane)
  • specific name
  • amount
  • dimensions (diameter, height)
  • condition (dry branches, damage, etc.)
  • further actions (to be cut down or not)
  • Compensation cost for felling (paid by the developer)

The transfer sheet must be drawn up for new construction, reconstruction or repair of the territory, when it is planned to cut down existing plantations

A professionally designed dendroplan, which takes into account the compositional and specific features of plantings, will allow you to organize the space of the garden and create its structure.

Zoning rules and planning