Monthly passed and after a few. Period a week after period. Violation of the menstrual cycle: causes, treatment. Menarche and expectation of menopause

If a woman is healthy, then menstruation lasts no more than a week. The next period comes only after a month. But after a certain time after the end of the “critical days”, some young ladies again notice discharges of a different nature. The condition when blood appears a week after menstruation is defined in medicine as metrorrhagia.

The menstrual cycle has several phases. This time is conditionally divided into 3 periods. In the first phase, the uterus prepares for the intended fertilization. The uterine walls thicken.

The next step is preparation for the intended fertilization of the egg. This phase is called ovulation. Meanwhile, in the middle menstrual cycle women have discharge that has a bloody tinge. If these discharges are clear or slightly pink in color, this is not considered a pathology.

If fertilization does not occur during or after ovulation, weakening of the uterine walls is observed. Bleeding begins against the background of separation of the upper layer. This completes the menstrual cycle.

For each young lady, “critical days” can go differently. Some women suffer from severe pain, while others do not experience any discomfort at all. Normally, the next period should go on the same day of the next month. But a discrepancy of two or three days is quite acceptable.

The question of why a woman bled almost immediately after the end of the previous menstruation can only be answered by a gynecologist. This is usually related to:

  • age-related changes;
  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • uterine pathologies;
  • ovulation;
  • taking strong contraceptives.

Main causes of failure

If new bleeding opens the next week after the end of the previous menstruation, this may be due to both the course of certain diseases and external factors. The main provocateur of this phenomenon is the deterioration of the environmental situation. Also, the causes of this condition may be related to individual features female body.

Another serious cause of menstrual irregularities, doctors call hormonal failure. At the same time, menstruation can appear both next week and after 2 weeks. To clarify the cause, a woman must contact her doctor.

In young girls under the age of seventeen, the menstrual cycle only normalizes. This is also due to hormonal failure. The next menstruation can come both in the next week and in 1-1.5 months. This condition is also not considered a deviation from the norm. The cycle is set as a person grows up.

Bleeding can also appear in a woman after forty-five years. This is because the ovaries, like the reproductive system, age. A woman who is in this difficult period should visit a gynecologist. She may need surgery.

The onset of pregnancy

Sometimes blood after menstruation a week later indicates that a woman is pregnant. Allocations are not plentiful enough. To a greater extent, they resemble a daub. About availability ectopic pregnancy say the following signs:

  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen;
  • decrease in activity;
  • pressure reduction;
  • obscure;
  • unexplained dizziness.

An ectopic pregnancy refers to the ectopic growth of an embryo. Such a pregnancy can be dangerous for both the woman herself and her child. In the worst case, both the woman and the child may die.

Taking strong contraceptives

Sometimes they are provoked by incorrectly selected contraceptive medications. Also, the appearance of blood may be associated with the sudden cancellation of the contraceptive prescribed by the doctor. This can happen both a week after the end of the “critical days”, and two or three days later.

If a young lady uses medicines for emergency protection against unwanted conception, the appearance of blood should be expected immediately after the pill. With the occurrence of blood after menstruation, women using an intrauterine device are faced. Bleeding may not be heavy, but this should make the woman alert. A symptom in this case signals that the spiral is not located correctly and the uterus is injured.

The course of serious diseases

If a woman bleeds after her period, this may be due to:

  • polyps;
  • endometritis;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • microtrauma of the vaginal membranes;
  • anovulation or ovulation;
  • embryo implantation.

Polyps are understood as a strong growth of the uterine mucosa. Usually polyps appear both on the cervix and in her body. This is a rather insidious condition that is very difficult to diagnose. The main provoking factor is the artificial termination of pregnancy or the presence of an IUD. Another reason for the formation of polyps is hormonal failure, as well as the course of one or another venereal anomaly.

Endometritis refers to an inflammatory process that affects the endometrium. If a woman bleeds 7 days after the end of menstruation, this often signals the course of chronic endometritis. The main provocateur of this anomaly is the penetration of infection into the body. Endometritis itself can provoke the appearance of polyps.

In young ladies with a submucosal location of nodules, uterine myoma is sometimes diagnosed. This is also a rather dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Endometriosis is characterized by the appearance of cells of the uterine mucosa in unusual places. They can grow inside the vagina or on the cervix. In this case, bleeding can still be a couple of days after the end of the “critical days”. The fact that a woman develops endometriosis is indicated by the appearance of discharge of a brown tint. They can appear both before menstruation and after it ends.

In addition, the appearance of intermenstrual blood may indicate an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones. Against this background, most of the fair sex complains of frequent and severe fatigue. They tire easily even after minor physical or mental exertion. This is often accompanied by increased irritability. Only a qualified endocrinologist can help in this case.

If blood appears in a small amount, this almost always indicates that the vaginal mucosa is injured. The appearance of injury may be due to sexual intercourse. Often this is observed with too hasty introduction of the penis into the vagina.


When ovulation occurs, female body there is a change in estrogen levels. Against this background, there is a significant weakening of the endometrium. A week after the end of the “critical days”, blood appears. This condition is not considered pathological.

If a woman complains about the lack of monthly ovulation, the doctor diagnoses anovulation. This condition is characterized by an irregular menstrual cycle. In addition, menstruation may be absent for a very long time. The weak may appear at any moment.

Sometimes the bloody nature of postmenstrual discharge is explained by the implantation of the embryo. In this case, they appear when the embryo is attached to the uterine wall. This indicates that the woman is pregnant.

If postmenstrual bleeding appears regularly, this indicates the growth of cancerous tumors. Also, a woman may suffer from lower back pain and significant fluctuations in body temperature. The discharge may be copious but colorless. There are problems with the intestines, the lower limbs are very swollen.

Is there any reason to worry

If postmenstrual blood appears after two weeks, most often the woman has no cause for serious concern. If the cycle is regular, then on the fourteenth or fifteenth day. This process is often accompanied by daubing.

This condition may be accompanied by mild weakness. A woman may complain of severe or moderate dizziness. Pain in the lower abdomen can be very strong or mild.

Normally, the duration of this condition varies from two to three days. Otherwise, the young lady is recommended to immediately seek help from her doctor.


Having found postmenstrual blood in herself, a woman should not panic. It is important to understand that emotional overload often only exacerbates unpleasant symptoms. Having visited the doctor, you need to scrupulously follow all his recommendations. A woman needs to adhere to a certain diet and give up destructive habits.

Sometimes a woman has spotting after menstruation. The event is extremely unpleasant, it causes inconvenience and anxiety. Allocations in the intermenstrual period can be a sign of pathology in the body.

Every woman has a discharge. Basically, they consist of exfoliating epithelial cells, a certain microflora and a certain amount of leukocytes. They prevent congestion, provide natural lubrication of the vagina and prevent infection from developing. Usually after menstruation there is a clear mucous discharge, sometimes with a white or creamy tint.

Blood discharge after menstruation can be different - profuse or smearing, having a certain color, consistency, the presence of mucus, neutral or bad smell. The main sign of intermenstrual discharge is the presence of unclotting or already altered blood. They can go as early as 3 days after menstruation. Sometimes a woman can watch.

Allocations that began three days after menstruation do not always indicate violations in the body. If intermenstrual phenomena appear every month, there is reason to be wary and seek advice from a gynecologist. Urgent help will be needed if the discharge is abundant, scarlet or accompanied by painful sensations.

Bleeding, a few days after menstruation, is not uncommon. Why does every woman face such a phenomenon at least once in her life? Bloody discharge after menstruation can be both physiological in nature and speak of pathology. It will not be possible to identify the cause on your own, so you should contact a gynecologist.

Many seek help with this problem. Often absolutely healthy, at first glance, patients have similar failures. There are a number of factors that can cause spotting after menstruation:

  • genital injuries - defloration of the hymen, gross sexual violence;
  • dysfunction of the menstrual cycle;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • infections of the internal reproductive system;
  • the development of diseases such as endometriosis and endometritis;
  • proliferation of the endometrium, the growth of polyps;
  • the presence of uterine fibroids;
  • malignant tumors in the uterus.

When it comes to sexual violence, many women are hesitant to publicize such facts. But an attempt at self-treatment with a rupture of the walls of the vagina, after a while, leads to complications. Such cases require qualified assistance and treatment.

The reason for the bleeding may be contraceptives, the presence of an intrauterine device, the onset of pregnancy - the fixation of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

Norm and deviations

Allocations that occur the first 2-3 days after menstruation are considered the norm. Often these are the remnants of blood that have accumulated and come out more slowly. Bloody discharge a week after menstruation may occur due to hormonal changes at the end of the ovulation period.

An unstable menstrual cycle can be the culprit for spotting. This situation is especially typical for girls during the formation of the menstrual cycle and can last two years. And also the reasons may lie in malnutrition or stressful situations.

Do not worry if the menstruation ends, and the discharge that reappears after 3 days passes without pain and discomfort. The composition and amount of the outflowing substance depends on the general condition of the body, psychological balance and other factors.

A change in the color of the secretions, their intensity and quantity, the appearance of an unpleasant odor - all this signals the presence of a pathological process. Especially if symptoms such as malaise, weakness, pain, fever appear. Such violations are characteristic of the development of the inflammatory process, require clarification of the cause and immediate treatment.


A woman should take care of her health herself, but a doctor should find out the reasons and help. Intermenstrual bleeding can be a sign of many diseases. For diagnosis, anamnesis, complaints and symptoms, laboratory data are important.

It is important that a woman can pre-recognize. Main symptoms:

  • the need to change the gasket every hour;
  • bleeding continues for a long time;
  • there are blood clots in the secretions;
  • a woman is worried about pain in the abdomen and genitals;
  • signs of anemia increase, weakness, drowsiness appear.

Terrible pathology is the development of ectopic pregnancy. Blood discharge that went on the 5th day may indicate a pathological location of the embryo, and not in the uterus. The development of an ectopic pregnancy threatens the life of a woman. When such phenomena are accompanied by dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, a drop in pressure, emergency medical care is needed.

Blood after menstruation can go with the growth of the inner layer of the uterus (endometriosis), polyps, disruption of the ovaries. The discharge can range from scanty spotting to heavy bleeding with clots.

The most common cause of discharge after menstruation is over is venereal disease. In addition to discharge, a woman feels discomfort in the genital area, itching or burning. In this case, you will need to consult a dermatovenereologist, additional tests to detect pathogenic microorganisms.

Help with bleeding

The resulting bleeding in any case indicates any changes in the body. Do not ignore the visit to the gynecologist and treat yourself. Sometimes timely help saves a woman's life. In addition, treatment in the initial phase is most effective.

First aid for a woman is to stop severe bleeding, restore the body with the help of drip therapy. It is important to search for the cause that caused violations of the reproductive system. You will need an additional examination, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, bacterial culture of smears. For treatment, a conservative and operative method is used.

The doctor selects the treatment regimen individually, depending on the results of the examination and diagnosis. Basically it is hormonal therapy. In addition, symptomatic treatment is carried out - these are drugs that increase uterine contraction.

To restore the body, general strengthening drugs are prescribed. Because stress and nervous disorders can provoke the appearance of secretions, conduct a course of treatment with sedatives and psychotropic drugs. It will take five months or more to fully restore the functions of the reproductive organs.

The second method of treatment is surgical, more often used for heavy bleeding. Curettage of the walls of the uterus is mainly carried out by women menopause. Such an operation for young girls and adolescents is done only for health reasons.

Possible complications and prevention

Monthly recurring episodes of intermenstrual bleeding require serious diagnosis and competent treatment by a gynecologist. Careless attitude to one's health, use folk remedies on the advice of grandmothers healers or girlfriends, self-medication can end in infertility.

If a tumor is suspected, treatment should be started as early as possible in order to preserve fertility. The risk group includes:

  • women who have an early sexual life;
  • patients with a history of frequent abortions;
  • nulliparous women;

In this situation, in addition to discharge, there are pain in the lower back, disruption of the intestines, fever, swelling of the lower extremities.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms, you need to carefully monitor your health and feelings. In case of violations, immediately consult a doctor. For preventive purposes, undergo an examination by a gynecologist once every six months. Use contraception, avoid abortion. Monitor your hormonal levels.

Carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene, be more selective in choosing a sexual partner. It is important to form healthy lifestyle life, eat right, keep fit, play sports.

Menstruation in a woman is an absolutely normal process. It manifests itself in the form of a small bleeding from the vagina. These discharges last from three to seven days. After this, there comes a period in which the body of the fairer sex undergoes hormonal changes. This is how the follicle grows and develops. Later, an egg comes out of it, which is fertilized by a sperm or simply dies. Sometimes women note that they began menstruation a week after menstruation. Is it normal? You will get the answer to this question from this article. It is also worth mentioning how the violation of menstruation is corrected in one case or another. Expert opinions and effective drugs will be described below.

Period one week after period

Normal menstruation in a woman lasts on average up to one week. However, it can be plentiful or scarce. Approximately 30 percent of the fairer sex note that immediately after the end of bleeding, the discharge may resume. This happens about seven days later. In this case, the patient comes to the gynecologist and complains that she has another period a week after menstruation.

Doctors say that in some cases this situation is a normal reaction to hormonal changes in a woman's body. However, more often this symptom indicates a pathological process. In this case, the woman is shown treatment. Consider the main reasons why menstruation appears a week after menstruation.

Rupture of blood vessels during ovulation

If the periods have passed, and after about seven days new bleeding has appeared, then this may be a sign of ovulation. Under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the follicle grows and increases in volume. About a week after the end of menstruation, the release of luteinizing hormone begins. At the moment when the substance reaches its maximum level in its quantity, the sac ruptures and the female gamete is released.

During this process, the smallest vessels on the woman's ovary often burst. They may exude a small amount of blood. It is she who is observed by the representative of the weaker sex in the middle of the cycle. This phenomenon does not require medical intervention and rarely recurs in the following cycles.

Hormonal diseases

Violation of the cycle of menstruation most often has hormonal causes. Often spotting in the middle of the cycle appears due to the development of endometriosis. In this case, the tissue, which is normally located in the cavity of the reproductive organ, grows in the abdominal cavity and cervical canal. These formations not only bleed, but also give the woman quite painful sensations. Treatment in this case is most often prescribed surgical. During the operation, the doctor removes the pathological endometrium. After that, long-term hormonal treatment is prescribed. Often it requires the introduction of the patient into an artificial menopause with drugs such as Zoladex, Buserelin, Deferelin, and so on.

Menstrual bleeding that occurs after the end of the next discharge a week later may indicate a low level of thyroid hormones. At the same time, the woman notes increased fatigue, weakness, headaches and other accompanying symptoms. Treatment in such cases is prescribed only after a preliminary examination and blood tests.

Inflammatory diseases

Violation of the cycle of menstruation may have infectious causes. Most often this is a consequence of diseases that are sexually transmitted. The inflammatory process affects not only the functionality of the reproductive organ, but also leads to malfunction of the ovaries. Treatment in this case is the use of antimicrobial and immunomodulatory drugs. It should be noted that antibiotic therapy is prescribed only after a preliminary study and determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to various drugs.


Menstruation in women can be disturbed due to a long absence of treatment for inflammatory and infectious diseases. In this case, the pathology becomes chronic and leads to breakthrough bleeding after the next menstruation.

In most cases, medical treatment is chosen. It consists in the use of antibiotic therapy and immunomodulating agents. Also, doctors often recommend performing diagnostic curettage before correction. This manipulation will allow for a more detailed analysis and find out the main causes of chronic inflammation.


If after the next menstruation a woman notes spotting, then in this case pregnancy cannot be ruled out. In this case, the fetal egg can develop both in the genital organ and outside its cavity.

With the attachment of the embryo in the uterus and the occurrence of spotting we are talking about the threat of miscarriage. Most often, doctors in this case prescribe preserving drugs "Duphaston" or "Utrozhestan". Medicines that stop the blood are also prescribed - Dicinon, Traneksam and others. Sedatives and complete rest are definitely recommended.

If a fertilized egg fixed outside the uterine cavity, then we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy. Breakthrough bleeding is often the first symptom. Treatment in this case can only be surgical. It requires hospitalization of the woman.

Ovulation disorders

Quite often, failures in the menstrual cycle occur due to a violation of the ovulatory function. At the same time, a woman can notice long cycles that constantly change their duration. Also, many representatives of the weaker sex complain of infertility.

The drug in violation of menstruation in this case is selected individually. Most often, these are conventional hormonal contraceptives. They are appointed within a period of three months to six months. These funds include "Logest", "Zhanin", "Diana" and many others. It is worth recalling that doctors categorically do not advise prescribing such medications on their own.

Mucosal damage

Bloody discharge after menstruation is often perceived by a woman as the onset of a new cycle. However, this is not always the case. Often, such a sign indicates a pathology of the vagina and cervix. Erosion, polyp, endocervix cyst, and so on can be attributed to such an ailment.

The treatment of such pathologies in most cases is surgical. So, erosion is corrected by cauterization. Cysts and polyps are removed using minimally invasive modern methods.

Reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle, not related to the health of women

In some cases, breakthrough spotting at the beginning or middle of the cycle may be due to the influence external factors. So, in stressful situations, a woman can detect menstruation a week after the next menstruation. A change in the climatic zone can in the same way affect the work of the body of the fairer sex.

Most often, doctors do not prescribe treatment in these cases. Usually the work of the body is restored on its own after a few cycles. Otherwise, a representative of the weaker sex is assigned a detailed examination and the issue of the need for correction is decided.

If you regularly experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Only an experienced specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. Otherwise, this symptom can lead to complications of a different nature. Health to you!

Almost every woman of reproductive age has such a problem as bleeding after menstruation. They can appear on any day of the cycle, although it would be more correct to say that if in the first half of the cycle - after menstruation, and in the second - before menstruation. But no matter how you call such an "event", it is rather unpleasant, and worries women. Blood discharge can be both insignificant and quite plentiful. They are called intermenstrual, and usually the appearance of such secretions means that there is some kind of pathology in the body. Blood discharge a week after menstruation does not always mean illness, but can be an alarming signal about disturbances in the body.

What causes bloody and other discharge

In a healthy body of a woman, there should not be any discharge between periods. In addition, intermenstrual bleeding may not be a sign of ovulation. Both the egg and the follicle are so negligible that there is nothing to say about the smallest drops of blood that flow down the fallopian tubes. Only during menstruation can there be spotting. In the rest of the intermenstrual period, there can be exclusively leucorrhoea, which, under the influence of hormones, can change in abundance and consistency. This leucorrhoea should not be unnaturally yellow or green in color, should not have an unpleasant odor, should not be curdy or foamy, should not cause itching, burning, pain, or any other discomfort. If this is observed, then the inflammatory process has definitely begun in the body, and in this case a visit to the gynecologist is inevitable.

bloody discharge photo

Bleeding after menstruation may be red, pink or Brown color. In this case, there is pathology and evidence of the presence of some kind of disease.

Causes of spotting

There are many reasons for the appearances, and it can never be argued that the blood discharge that appears a week after menstruation is of a different nature, as if it had appeared five or ten days “after”. Some of the reasons are explained by natural metamorphoses in the body, others are signs of pathologies and require immediate qualified appropriate treatment.

Pain and bleeding

Here are some of the most common causes in women:

  • Injuries of various nature of the genital organs. The reasons for them may be hard sexual contacts, which can lead to rupture of the posterior commissure. Such a process is necessarily accompanied by blood secretions;
  • Endometritis (endometriosis)- is an inflammation of the endometrium. When bleeding a week after menstruation made itself felt, this is direct evidence of chronic endometritis. In most cases, endometritis develops against the background of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and various infections. If endometritis is not cured in time, it largely contributes to the formation of polyps;
  • polyps- they occur on the cervix and in the uterus itself. If intrauterine polyps are very difficult to diagnose, then external ones are quite easy to determine during even a very superficial gynecological examination. A single symptom of a polyp in the uterus is bloody spotting after 7-10 days of the end of menstruation. Polyps can be the consequences of abortions, intrauterine devices, sexually transmitted diseases, and hormonal disorders in the female body;
  • Damage to the lining of the vagina- if during sexual intercourse enough natural lubrication has not been developed, damage to the mucous membrane may occur. Because of this, a small amount of blood may stand out. But such bleeding after menstruation is not related to any pathologies;
  • Myoma- manifested by disturbing bleeding occurring in the intermenstrual period. Women experience pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The discharge is painful and prolonged. Such symptoms are usually in women with submucosal nodes;
  • Ovulation- due to the change in estrogen levels during ovulation, the endometrium weakens, and blood discharge appears a week after menstruation. But in this case, do not worry, this is the norm;
  • anovulation- this is the name of the pathology in which there is no monthly ovulation, monthly cycle unstable, periods do not occur for a long time, but at any time there may be slight uterine bleeding;
  • Ectopic pregnancy- when bleeding occurs a few days after menstruation, accompanied by dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, a decrease in blood pressure, this may well be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, i.e. the embryo is implanted outside the uterus fallopian tubes. This is a very serious situation for women, untimely access to a doctor can have the most unfortunate consequences. It is impossible to delay the solution of the problem, there are deaths due to an indifferent attitude;
  • Malignant formations- the situation when menstruation is over, and blood is coming, becomes regular, this may be evidence that malignant tumors have appeared in the reproductive system. Bloody discharge in this case is accompanied by lower back pain, abundant white (or colorless) discharge, an increase (decrease) in body temperature, swelling of the legs, problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding- this is a condition when menstruation does not stop on its own, and at its maximum duration - a week, the discharge continues, you need to consult a doctor for advice. There is a high probability of a large loss of blood;
  • Cervical cancer. With this disease, bleeding can appear in any phase of the monthly cycle;
  • Hypothyroidism- with it, intermenstrual bleeding indicates an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones. With hypothyroidism, women become irritable, feel tired, and quickly get tired. In this case, the attending physician should be an endocrinologist;
  • Embryo implantation- blood after menstruation a week after ovulation can stand out in very small quantities - just a few drops at the moment when the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus;
  • Ectopia of the cervix (obsolete name - erosion)- also in rare cases, it can manifest itself as minor bleeding. This usually happens after intercourse, and most gynecologists do not consider ectopia a serious pathology;

Diagnosis of the causes of bleeding

Diagnosis of bleeding

When making a diagnosis, the gynecologist collects an anamnesis from the patient, conducts a thorough gynecological analysis, studies complaints, and only after that prescribes, depending on the results obtained, the following procedures:

  • ultrasound, which is the simplest, highly informative diagnostic method, with which you can determine the presence or absence of pathology of all organs of the small pelvis.

  • Hysteroscopy- which is used to diagnose the pathology of the internal surfaces of the uterus - endometritis or endometrial polyp;
  • Colposcopy- which is a thorough examination under multiple magnification of the cervix. The examination can be supplemented by the Schiller test, which diagnoses diseases of the cervix;
  • Concepts need to be separated.- intermenstrual bleeding and metrorrhagia. The first is intermenstrual bleeding, while the second is profuse uterine bleeding requiring urgent hospital treatment.

It should be noted that all diseases, the symptoms of which are bleeding, do not have other symptoms. Therefore, with any changes in the menstrual cycle, you need to consult a doctor, only he can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe an effective treatment.