How to make a wild hiller on a walk-behind tractor at home. Okuchnik disk to the walk-behind tractor characteristics and application. Hilling potatoes with a walk-behind tractor video selection

Proper handling personal plot significantly increases the yield of planted crops. In modern conditions of lack of time, summer residents often resort to small-scale mechanization of garden work. The walk-behind tractor has not been in short supply for a long time, and it can be found in almost every household.

Having spent a certain amount to purchase this useful device I want to save as much as possible on the operation. One way to save money is to make attachments with your own hands.

Of course, no one suggests forging a plow in a forge, as was done many decades ago. However, you can not do without elementary plumbing equipment.

For the manufacture of homemade devices to the motoblock you will need:

  • Welding machine, preferably for arc welding;
  • Gas-burner. Not to replace electric welding, but to warm up the product during hardening;
  • corner grinder machine(grinder) of medium power, with a set of cutting and peeling discs;
  • Drilling machine or powerful drill. Of course - high-quality drills;
  • Electric emery (grindstone);
  • High-quality locksmith's workbench, vise, files and fastening tools.

The most popular in use are mechanized hillers for walk-behind tractors. We will talk about the culture for which summer residents are ready to stand in the field for hours, bent over in three deaths. And an indispensable assistant in the struggle for the harvest, is attachments.

How to make a potato hiller yourself

First of all, let's decide which tool is right for you. Hilling devices are of several types:

Lister fixed and adjustable angle

Fixed - This is the easiest device to use and manufacture. It is easy to make using the attached drawings:

The base is welded from a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm. This node is the first to meet the resistance of the soil.

We use a 4 mm steel strip for the bracket, it is advisable to harden the part after molding. The field board can be bent from 5 mm steel, for example from a leaf spring. Only the metal must first be “released”, and then hardened again.

Advice! A crucible is not required for tempering and quenching. With such dimensions of workpieces, a gas burner is quite enough.

Rack - a structural element that carries the entire load. Therefore, for it, select a strip of at least 8 mm thick.

Potato is the second most popular cultivated crop. If you are growing potatoes, then you will need a walk-behind tractor with the appropriate attachments on the farm, below we will describe why you need to hill potatoes and how to make a disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands to save you time and money.

Potato is a plant that is quite tenacious and has a fairly high germination rate. It is from the cultivation and hilling of potato beds that a high yield depends. Hilling is one of the most effective and useful agronomic technologies that are used during potato cultivation.

When hilling, oxygen saturation of the soil occurs, i.e. an aeration process occurs, which leads to an increase in growth and the number of bush tubers. Due to this, a high yield of potatoes is achieved.

Since under modern conditions potatoes are grown on large agricultural areas, this cultivation method without the use of mechanisms is simply impossible. Nowadays, one cannot do without a hiller even in the beds of summer residents.

On large cooperative or farm enterprises, the work of hilling potatoes is carried out by tractors. Summer residents, just work with a shovel. It becomes physically unbearable if potato plantations exceed one hectare. In this case, resort to the help of small-scale mechanization.

How to make a do-it-yourself disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor

The optimal solution for Russian reality- This is the purchase of a walk-behind tractor. Now there is such a huge selection of hillers for walk-behind tractors on the market that you can get lost when choosing the right tool. In use, the disk perch is one of the most practical and convenient.

But there is still a minus - the high cost in comparison with other types. Therefore, it is easier to make a disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands.

Disc hiller device

Manual hiller, assembled with only one branch, so that one person works. The hiller consists of four elements:

  • two disks;
  • two screw lanyards;
  • two racks;
  • T-shaped leash.

Turnbuckles are used to adjust the rotation of the disks along the vertical axis. However, the forward tilt angle cannot be adjusted. For more convenient work, you need to install the disks so that the wheel track width is equal to the distance between the lower points, which, in turn, should be equal to the row spacing. This will be easy to do if it is possible to change the width between the shares.

  • C - racks that are symmetrically rearranged to change the distance between the disks.
  • B - bolts that hold the discs.

So that the hiller does not pull to the side, the disks must be set strictly symmetrically. Otherwise, it will be very inconvenient during work.
To attach the tool to the walk-behind tractor, we use the hitch bracket without a beam. The leash of the assembled hiller is attached to the bracket with two bolts and a stopper. We insert the stopper inside the square pipe and press it from the outside. Using two bolts, you need to turn the hitch bracket and set the leash along the longitudinal axis. We fix the position with nuts.

  • G - nut;
  • B - mounting bolt.

To increase the traction of the walk-behind tractor, we work with the hiller in low (first) gear. If the wheels are slipping, and the walk-behind tractor has one gear, for the convenience of hilling, you need to pair the wheels.

A disc hiller for a walk-behind tractor is a very effective and convenient tool when working with potatoes. This device allows you to process large areas, spending much less effort on work, compared to conventional manual

tool. As you have already seen, such a unit is assembled with your own hands without any problems.

Diagrams and drawings of a hiller for a walk-behind tractor

Do-it-yourself hiller for a walk-behind tractor video

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Growing potatoes requires a lot of effort and time. During the season, potato bushes need to be spudded several times: cover the stems with loose earth to provide the roots with free access to air and retain moisture. Thanks to hilling, lateral shoots (stolons) develop better, more new tubers are formed.

The use of small-scale mechanization greatly facilitates this process. There are many types of attachments for walk-behind tractors or mini-tractors, as well as various hand tools designed for hilling.

Types of hillers

The easiest way is to loosen the ground between the rows with a hoe or chopper and pour soil under the bushes, forming mounds. But it is much more convenient to form ridges with a manual potato hiller. By hanging such a device on a walk-behind tractor or an electric cultivator, you can quickly process even fairly large areas.

In one pass, a manual hiller is processed on one side of two adjacent rows, and if the work item is attached to a walk-behind tractor, then several at once. On the small plot it is more convenient to use a hand tool.

In specialized stores, various models of hillers are sold, each of them has its own principle of operation. When choosing a tool for yourself, you need to take into account the size of the area to be treated, and if there is a walk-behind tractor or other unit, the brand and characteristics.

Depending on the principle of operation, hillers are:

  • disk;
  • plow.

According to the device of the working element, hillers are classified as follows:

  • models with a constant working width (distance between discs or plow shares);
  • models with adjustable working width.

Figure 1 and Figure 2 show manual hillers. These models are usually equipped with one working element and comfortable handles (for joint work of two people).

Fig 1. Disc hiller Fig 2. Plow with adjustable angle attacks

Figure 3 shows a hinged disk device with a connecting node to a motor-cultivator or mini-tractor. Such hillers may have one or more pairs of discs (or several plows) mounted on a special beam. The number of working elements depends on the power of the machine.

Fig 3. Walk-behind tractor with a disk hiller and adjustable working width

Self-made hillers

The purchase of such equipment will not be cheap. Having skills in plumbing and necessary tools, you can save money by making a potato hiller from improvised materials.

Let's take a closer look design features hillers that you can make yourself.

The most popular among gardeners are disk models, the main element of which is a pair of concave metal disks installed at an angle relative to each other. In turn, hillers of this type can be with a fixed or adjustable distance between the disks and the angle of inclination relative to the vertical stand. The discs are mounted directly on the axis or with the help of plain bearings, which greatly facilitates the work.

Hillers with plows (lister) are considered the simplest, and therefore the most reliable in operation. They come with a constant distance between the shares or with spacers installed, with which you can change the width of the grip (photo, Fig. 4). This type of hiller has a drawback - they require a cultivator with more power than disk ones.

Rice. 4. Plow with adjustable working width

Making a manual disk-type hiller

Rice. 5. Scheme of manual assembly disk hiller

Getting started, you should first make a drawing of a disk-type hiller, guided by a detailed assembly diagram and putting down the exact dimensions.

To make such a device, you will need the following tools:

  • gas cutter - for cutting parts from sheet metal and steel profiles;
  • gas welding post - for connecting parts with welds;
  • gas burner - for heating sections of metal parts before bending them;
  • vise and other metalwork tools;
  • a powerful drill and a set of carbide drills for metal;
  • angle grinder (grinder) - for cleaning welds;
  • pipe bender - desirable, but not required.

Assembly diagram of a manual disk hiller

Land with potato sprouts; 2. Discs - 2 pcs.; 3. Cam-type mechanism - 2 pcs.; 4. Bracket - 2 pcs.; 5. Rack - 2 pcs.; 6. Scraper - 2 pcs.; 7. Bridge beam - 1 piece; 8. Locking bolt - 2 pcs.; 9. Handle-ridge - 1 pc.

The bridge beam is made of a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a wall thickness of at least 2.5 mm.

Rack (pos. 5 fig. 5)

Rice. 6. Rack for disk hiller

Sleeve - 2 pcs. thick-walled steel pipe diameter 45 mm (45x6.5);

Jumper - 1 pc. Steel pipe with a diameter of 32 mm (32x2.5):

Nut M10 - 2 pcs.

Handle-ridge (pos.9 fig. 5)

Rice. 7. Handle-ridge

Sleeve - 1 pc. (steel pipe 45×6.5, length 120 mm);

Nut Ml0 - 2 pcs.;

Communication - 2 pcs. (steel pipe 21×2.5, length 1400 mm);

Ukosina - 1 piece (steel pipe 21 × 2.5, 700 mm long);

Crossbar - 1 pc. (steel pipe 21×2.5);

Handle - 1 pc. (steel pipe 21×2.5, length 450 mm).

Scheme for adjusting the width of the disk hiller

Rice. 8. Scheme for adjusting the width of the disk hiller

View a - collapse; view b - convergence

Description of the build process

The main structural element is two concave metal disks connected to each other with a diameter of 370 to 700 mm with sharpened edges. They must be made of steel sheet with a thickness of at least 2 mm. Craftsmen solve this problem in different ways, someone even adapts lids from failed large pots. Others cut off the bottom and top from the heating tank of an old boiler, you can remove the discs from a seeder that has served its time. It is acceptable to use old large diameter saw blades. But the best thing, of course, is to make stainless steel discs and give them the desired shape in production.

The simplest option is to fasten the discs using bushings welded together (two pieces of pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 50–80 mm). In this case, the distances between the lower points and the angles of inclination of the disks always remain unchanged. The discs rotate due to the sliding of the axles in bushings packed with grease (bolts of a suitable diameter and length are selected for the axles). With such a design, the row spacing will have to be made equal to this distance.

If hubs are welded to the discs, each of which will have two plain bearings installed (203, single-row ball is suitable), and the axles of the discs are aligned with the racks using homemade cam mechanisms, then the discs will be able to rotate freely, which will greatly facilitate work. A steel scraper mounted on the axis on the concave side of each disc will clean it of adhering earth during operation.

On the bridge beam, several through holes are drilled in increments of 50 mm in order to adjust the distance between the disks to the size of the row spacing. With such a mechanism, you can work alone, but it is easier and more convenient - together. It is advisable to make front and rear traction. Then one person will push the device from behind, and a partner will guide and pull forward.

On fig. 6, 7, 8 respectively show how vertical racks and what the handle-ridge looks like. On fig. 8 - mounting disks and ways to adjust them.

Installing a homemade hiller on a walk-behind tractor

The okuchnik, mounted on a walk-behind tractor, must be equipped with a clutch assembly with the unit. It must be made, taking into account the connecting dimensions of the counterpart, and provide pins that will firmly connect the attachment to the unit. All parts of the clutch assembly must be made of high-carbon steel sheet with a thickness of at least 5-7 mm. Bolts of suitable diameter and length can be used as pins.

Scheme of a disk hiller designed for installation on a mechanical or electric cultivator

Rice. 9. Scheme of a disk hiller for installation on a mechanical cultivator

In order to be able to adjust the angle of rotation of the disks, two turnbuckles are installed on the beam (see Fig. 10). To change the distance between the disks in the beam, a series of holes are drilled for bolted connections. The design must be completely symmetrical, otherwise during operation it will be difficult to withstand movement in a straight line, the hiller will begin to go to the side.

On fig. 10 shows the location of the lanyards and special bolts (B and C), with the help of which the position of the disks is adjusted.

Rice. 10. Turnbuckle adjustment

Making a plow hiller

It is also possible to make a hiller for lister (plow) type potatoes with fixed "wings" and with an adjustable distance between them.

A drawing of a plow for a hiller with an adjustable width between the shares, recommended for self-production.

Fig 11. Drawing of a plow-type hiller

If you provide such an element with two rods: rear and front, it is suitable for handmade. As an attachment, the plow can be mounted on a bridge beam with a connecting unit (to a motor or electric cultivator).

The main purpose of the walk-behind tractor is tillage, where one of the tasks is to prepare it for planting. Consequently, walk-behind tractors can be equipped with special equipment, one of which is considered a hiller. With its help, preparatory and planting work with potatoes is carried out, greatly simplifies the work. The task of the hiller is to make a furrow on the ground and fill it with earth after planting.

But even this is not all, hillers can also have different types designs and characteristics, the most popular can be considered:

  • propeller-type hillers;
  • lister hillers;
  • disk;
  • with the ability to change the span width.

If you do not know which hiller is best for a walk-behind tractor, let's look at the characteristics and advantages of each type.

Disc hiller

It is distinguished by excellent efficiency, the efficiency and power of the hiller is affected by the speed of the cultivating unit, where, at lower rates, the power increases. With a disk hiller, the life of the device increases, Having simple design and an understandable principle of operation, the hiller does not require much effort during operation. It also doesn't require much maintenance. Ideal for use before planting potatoes. Disc models are considered the most popular, if only because they are represented by several types. There are the following disk hillers:

  1. With a constant working width - the average constant width is 20-30 cm, set by the manufacturer. Recommended for use with walk-behind tractors low power and weight.
  2. With a variable grip width - they are actively used for hilling various agricultural crops, adjusting the grip width will allow you to adjust the hilling for potatoes, and after the change, you can hill the beans with a smaller width. The maximum possible working width is 70 cm, so it is perfectly adjustable for different processes.

Also, many are wondering: how to set up a disk hiller?

How to set up the hiller?

Using washers and bolts on the hitch bracket. the hiller is hooked to the walk-behind tractor. If you are working with an adjustable hiller, it is important to consider parameters such as the depth of penetration into the ground and the width of the dive angle. The disk hiller must be positioned so that its racks are vertical.

Next, you will have to adjust the width of the corner and the depth of immersion; for this, lanyards and special screws are used, which regulate all indicators. You will have to adjust for certain crops for which hilling is carried out.

Propeller type hiller

If your walk-behind tractor has two forward gears, this type of hiller will be an ideal option. The basis of the presented hiller can be called special propellers, the task of which is to pre-crush the soil, and then get all the unnecessary weeds. The resulting loose soil is available for use, that is, ready for hilling.

Try to use streamlined hillers, they allow you to leave moisture in the soil, because they have less intensity when working with soil.

Lister Hiller

Models with a lister design can be considered the simplest, because they do not have the ability to adjust the working width, the system has already set the furrow width. The average capture of a lister hiller is 30 cm, which is quite an average figure for planting most crops.

The lister hiller works great with most walk-behind tractors; having racks installed, there is no possibility of overloading the walk-behind tractor.

Hiller with variable working width

The ability to change the width of the grip is one of the most important characteristics of the hiller, so the presented model can be called the best hiller for a walk-behind tractor. This is the most convenient and effective method prepare the ground before planting. The design of the hiller involves an adjustment mechanism that can adjust the location of the wings. By correctly setting this indicator, you get the optimal width between the rows. Manufacturers of such models recommend the use of hillers with a variable working width paired with walk-behind tractors with a power above 4 hp. This is an important parameter, otherwise it will harm the walk-behind tractor itself.

Single-row hiller for walk-behind tractor

A single-row hiller can be called a standard model with simple use, it also has the ability to work with low-power walk-behind tractors, providing good work. It is possible to spud only 1 bed per pass, but in turn this will make it possible to adjust the device to the exact parameters. Single-row models can also be presented in different designs and are intended for certain walk-behind tractors.


Potato is one of the most important food crops grown on the farm. This plant has a high percentage of germination. From the timely and proper cultivation and hilling of the rows, it depends on what kind of crop you get. Hilling is a technology that is used by agronomists during the period of growing potatoes.

Do-it-yourself disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor

During hilling, the soil is saturated with oxygen, which leads to aeration. And it increases growth with the number of tubers. This process increases the yield percentage. If potatoes are grown on areas over 1 ha, then it is impossible to do without the use of special mechanisms. Hilling on farms is carried out by tractors. A furrow is created on the ground. A share with a special shape distributes the soil on two sides, which facilitates the work. This is a common nozzle for the Neva walk-behind tractor.

Amazing Device

Okuchnik is an attachment. There are several types:

  • disk hiller for walk-behind tractor;
  • hiller, which adjusts and does not adjust the capture distance.

Okuchnik for the Neva, in which the initially fixed capture distance is inexpensive. The height of the ridges, from the use of this type of hiller, does not change. Therefore, the distance between the rows should be determined directly during the planting period. The advantage of the hiller, where the gripping distance can be adjusted, is the ease of rearranging for different distances between rows. But this device also has a drawback. When working, the earth falls into the furrow, this leads to poor tool performance.

All types can be used in the work, but it is quite expensive and economically unprofitable.

Motoblock "Neva" goes well with homemade hillers

Disc hiller and its device

For the Neva walk-behind tractor, the disk one is the most practical to use. In terms of price parameters, it costs an order of magnitude more expensive than other types. The okuchnik makes the ridges high and regulates them. Can push and pull discs together. Allows you to change the recess with the angle of attack of the disks. Regardless of which hiller the Neva walk-behind tractor will work with, it is better that it has metal lugs. They provide traction on the ground. On some types of soil, pneumatic wheels can be used for hilling.

Do-it-yourself disk hiller

Today, there are a lot of different disk hillers. This is the most practical tool, but its price is several times higher than other types. Therefore, it is better to make a mechanical tool with your own hands.

Before you make the unit with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the drawings. One of the easy options for manufacturing the structure will be a model capable of fixing the working width. To make such a model with your own hands, wings are used that are fixed to each other and slightly moved apart. These elements should be two.

Scheme of a disk hiller for the Neva walk-behind tractor

How does a disk hiller work?

For manual hiller one withdrawal applies. This means that one person can do the work. The hiller includes 4 components:

  • disk - 2 pcs.;
  • screw lanyard - 2 pcs.;
  • stand - 2 pcs.;
  • T-shaped leash.

To properly assemble the hiller with your own hands, you should use the drawings. First of all, you should prepare the material. This will be a steel metal template, not exceeding 2 mm in thickness. A screw lanyard is needed to rotate the disks along the axis vertically and along. The forward tilt angle remains unadjustable. To make the work as convenient as possible, the disks are installed at a distance equal to the wheel track width, and they must be the same with the width between the rows. This is possible provided that the length between shares is adjustable.

Such a device, during operation, can be pulled to the side, in order to avoid this, the disks are arranged symmetrically, otherwise it will be difficult to work. To attach the hiller to the Neva walk-behind tractor, use the hitch bracket. And with bolts and a stopper, the assembled hiller is fixed to the bracket. The stopper is inserted inside the square-shaped pipe and pressed from the outside. With the help of two bolts, the bracket must be deployed so that it is possible to install the leash along the longitudinal axis, and the nuts will fix the position. To increase the traction of the Neva walk-behind tractor, the hiller is launched at low speed.

If the wheels slip when working at this speed, then it is better to pair them. During the entire assembly process of the hiller for the Neva walk-behind tractor, drawings should be used, otherwise the tool will not work correctly.

Below is a drawing of a disk hiller, which is assembled by hand. All components shown in the diagram must be bolted or welded together.

Dimensions of discs for hiller

Assembled by hand, the device is an effective mechanical tool for processing large areas of potatoes. Much more convenient to use than a manual one, and cheaper than a factory unit.

After work, you need to Maintenance hiller, assembled by hand. It needs to be cleaned up. The joints where the threads are located are coated with a special lubricant. Store a home-made unit, for the Neva walk-behind tractor, should be indoors.