How many calories should a woman eat per day. Calorie limits for weight loss. Calculation of the indicator for active weight loss

In modern dietetics, a special kilocalorie calculator has been developed, which online contributes to productive weight loss and helps to answer main question how many calories to eat to lose weight. If you correctly determine the numbers, the process of correcting excess weight is quick and imperceptible, and the result will pleasantly surprise you with your own reflection in the mirror. Before you calculate kilocalories per day for weight loss, you need to enlist the support of a competent nutritionist, otherwise, out of ignorance, you can harm your stomach and ruin your health.

What are calories

A calorie is the energy the body needs to function normally. Permissible norms of calorie intake are determined not only by the age of a person, but also by his gender, physical activity. For example, a young body active image life requires more energy for development, while for the adult generation, with excessive passivity, such surpluses are not at all a useful value. A calorie deficit helps to quickly stabilize weight, but the process of losing weight requires finding the right approach.

Calorie norm

In the process of productive weight loss, it is important to correctly distribute the ratio of BJU, and proteins make up the main useful value for a losing weight organism, fats should be supplied in moderation, but simple carbohydrates should be completely excluded. Diet meals select taking into account the total calorie content, otherwise the weight will not be able to stabilize the unacceptable mark. If you are wondering how many calories you need to eat for weight loss, below is a table indicating the age and gender of a person who is losing weight:

How to calculate how many calories you need per day

To make the correct calculation, you can use a special calculator online or calculate the allowable number manually. The determining factors are the age and weight category of a person, metabolic characteristics, habitual lifestyle, physical activity, the presence of bad habits and internal diseases. You can spend not so much time to consume in the daily diet only healthy foods nutrition that allows you to control body weight, quietly lose weight.

How many calories do you need to lose weight

It is not at all necessary to go on a strict diet in order to lose weight productively. Before each meal, you need to count calories, while monitoring water balance organism. If their daily amount corresponds to the energy consumption of the body, the person will not recover, and an increase in body fat is not observed. The daily diet of a person who is losing weight should be low-calorie, while food products are simply required to stimulate metabolism. The basic principle: how many calories to consume, so much energy and spend, you can even more.


Most of the fairer sex are keenly interested in how many calories you need per day for fast weight loss. It all depends on how much you need to lose in order to acquire an attractive female figure. The permissible value for the productive correction of overweight is no more than 1,200 kcal per day. In addition, it is important to speed up energy metabolism, and for this, a woman needs to supplement low-calorie food with enhanced training at least every other day, water consumption up to 2-3 liters per day.


To lose weight, a man needs to eat up to 1,800 - 2,000 kcal per day, especially for the stronger sex, who have chosen a passive lifestyle for themselves. With regular training, it is allowed to eat up to 2,000 kcal per day to make up for losses for male body during moderate-intensity physical activity. Such a publicly available method of correcting overweight is more gentle, because it helps a man not to experience an unbearable feeling of hunger.

How much to eat to lose weight

Losing extra pounds is real, you need to use one of the existing calorie counting formulas. For example, with an acceptable daily level of 1,600 - 2,000 kcal, most of the calories are in the first half of the day (breakfast and second breakfast), while in the evening it is recommended to reduce the calorie content of dinner as much as possible. With a percentage ratio, the distribution of calorie content of meals looks something like this: in the morning 40 percent, in the afternoon - 30; in the evening - 20%. The remaining 10% falls on snacks that are habitual for a person who is losing weight. It remains to find out how many calories you need per day for weight loss.


To lose weight productively, you need to eat right, eat healthy and balanced food. Physical activity is only welcome. It is necessary to eat as many calories as the calculation according to the Harris-Benedict formula, developed at the beginning of the twentieth century, indicates. Three main parameters are used in the calculation - body weight, height and age. To determine how many calories you need to eat for a productive correction of excess weight, you need to use the following formula:

  1. For women: 655.1 + 9.6 * number of kg + 1.85 * number of cm - 4.68 * number of years.
  2. For adult men: 66.47 + 13.75 * number of kg + 5 * number of cm - 6.74 * number of years.


You can lose weight slowly, and for this you need to adhere to the basic rules of proper nutrition. With moderate physical activity, a man needs to eat 2,500 kcal, a woman - 2,200 kcal. With the question of how many calories you need to eat in order to lose weight, you can contact a nutritionist who will advise you not to limit yourself in nutrition, but to slightly change the daily diet.

You can print out a food calorie table and every evening select new food ingredients for tomorrow's menu. The Muffin-Jeor formula is also useful, as it determines the optimal daily calorie content of dishes depending on age, physical activity, weight, and hormonal characteristics. Below are two modifications of the formulas for women and men:

  1. The first case: 9.99 * number kg + 6.25 * height cm - 4.92 * age years - 161 (constant component).
  2. Second: 9.99 * number kg + 6.25 * height cm - 4.92 * age years + 5 (constant component).

No harm to health

To lose weight, you need to eat a minimum number of calories, but it is important not to harm your own health and not disrupt the functioning of the digestive system. In the daily diet, you need to eat lean meats, lean fish, eggs and dairy products, with the main emphasis on protein intake. With a sedentary lifestyle, additional calories can be spent in the fitness room or with moderate physical activity. This issue should be discussed with a nutritionist, first consult with your doctor.


How many calories do you need per day to lose weight?

First, let's talk about what basal metabolism is - that is, how many calories per day you need if you were in a state of complete rest - just to survive. It is calculated by the formula:

Base exchange = body weight x20

If you weigh, say, 70 kg, then your basal metabolism is 1400 kcal.

This calculation is not ideally correct, approximate, but you can be guided by it.

Now, to this number of calories, you need to add the amount that you spend per day while moving. This is called the "activity ratio":

1,2 - inactive

1.3 - inactive

1.4 - active

1.5 - very active.

There are even more options for physical activity in our online calculator - choose your own so that the calculation is more correct.

Ready, steady, go!

Attention: this coefficient does not take into account training. It's about about your daily activities and the nature of your work. On training days, the expense will be . About 10 kcal is consumed per minute of cardio training, and 5 kcal per minute of strength training. If your workout, let's say, looks like 1 hour of strength and half an hour, then you burn 5 × 60 = 300 kcal for strength and 10 × 30 = 300 for cardio. Total - 600 kcal. Once again, the figures are approximate. You can make a more accurate calculation in the online calculator above on our page.

It's called the TDEE calculator. TDEE is the number of calories your body burns in 24 hours, including work, sports, entertainment, exercise, and even food digestion.

The calculator is designed specifically for calculating TDEE and is based on several key factors (+ total energy consumption). Those. to lose weight, you need to take the resulting calorie intake and consume a little less, forming a deficit. And to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than your body requires.

TDEE - the most important data you need to know in order to grow muscle mass, lose weight or burn fat.

The readings can vary significantly depending on the percentage of body composition and the intensity of your training. For long-term fitness people who have achieved great success, with a low body fat content and a consistently high intensity of cardio training, up to 600 kcal can be burned in half an hour. Now you understand, how many calories do you need per day to lose weight considering training. Try to cut calories, but not too abruptly - otherwise you will slow down your metabolism and not come to any result at all.

Number of meals

If after the calculations you find that you need to significantly reduce your daily calorie intake, this does not mean at all that the number of meals should also be reduced. Nothing like this! and lower your calories!

Attention: it's real important rule, mandatory for those who want to lose weight, and not at all general recommendation! Let's talk a little about the biochemistry of the hunger process.

The normal functioning of the body and especially the brain is possible only if there is a sufficient amount of glucose in the blood. The normal ratio is 0.8-1 g per 1 liter of blood. But as we know, the blood does not stand still, it circulates throughout the body all the time, and the amount of sugar in the blood is enough for about 3-5 minutes. This means that the amount of glucose must be constantly maintained, and if it were not for glucose stores, we would have to constantly eat. Glucose is stored as glycogen, stored in the liver, and replenishes blood sugar in quantities equivalent to those consumed. Simply put: when blood sugar drops, we feel hungry; when blood sugar is above normal, the excess is stored as fat.

Hunger is the most important factor influencing our figures. You can, of course, ignore the feeling of hunger, but sooner or later it will lead to a breakdown and an attack of bulimia. The only way out is to increase the number of meals, preventing the feeling of hunger.

The amount of sugar in the blood is constantly measured by glucoreceptors in the hypothalamus. The brain has to constantly monitor this indicator because it is very important for the normal functioning of the muscles, brain and nervous system. The state of hypoglycemia occurs when the blood sugar level drops to 0.5 g.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

  • Agitation, aggressiveness, anger, anxiety, panic attacks, fear attacks
  • Hunger, nausea, weakness, lethargy
  • sudden pallor
  • Hand tremor
  • sweating
  • Headache
  • Sudden loss of vision
  • Arrhythmia of breathing

We think many of you have experienced these unpleasant conditions during strict diets, for example.

Unfortunately, if you fasted for several hours a day, and then ate a lot and as a result did not exceed the daily calorie intake, you still will not lose weight. Take, for example, a typical working day of a person employed in an office, and see how the number of meals and blood sugar levels correlate.

typical working day

  • Breakfast.

You didn't have breakfast, or you drank coffee, or you grabbed a sandwich. The body received very few calories, and most likely, these calories were from fast carbohydrates. By 11 a.m., you are most likely hungry again.

Most likely, your lunch at the office was far from ideal. No matter how it was a burger with potatoes!

You came home and after a whole day of being hungry, naturally pounced on food. You are comforted by the fact that after the restrictions of the day, you will not get fat, no matter how much you eat for dinner.

Drawing conclusions

As a result, crazy jumps in sugar levels occur in the body: when as much energy as possible is required (morning, afternoon) - sugar is low, when activity is low (evening) - sugar is high.

A little more biochemistry: when fats and adipose tissue are hydrolyzed, glycerol is released. The release of glycerol is the very process of losing weight, long-awaited and desired. But glycerol is used only during fasting or during very intense physical activity.

In a regime where you fast all day and overeat at night, sugar levels jump, forcing you to burn muscle, then store fat. As a result, body weight may not even change, just adipose tissue will begin to replace muscle. The body will become flabby, cellulite will appear.

To prevent this from happening, eat more often - and let it be low-calorie! If you smoke or have ever smoked, you know that there are always 15 minutes of smoking every 2-3 hours. Let your relationship with food be the same: every 2-3 hours, eat a whole grain bread with a leaf of lettuce!

The service website presents several lines from 1000 to 2500 kcal per day, fully balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

For rapid weight loss - the Super Fit line for 1000 kcal / day.

For comfortable and effective weight loss, we recommend the Fit line at 1200 kcal/day. By choosing it, you get a delicious and varied five-course menu. The diet consists of nutritious breakfasts, light and convenient snacks, full lunches and dinners, and even low-calorie desserts. For example, the menu has healthy muffins and smoothies, rice pancakes, cottage cheese casseroles and other low-calorie sweets for emotional release and good mood.

Few people know how to properly handle their body, especially about the calorie counting system. To paraphrase, we declare that this is a diet without any restrictions. You are allowed to eat absolutely any product, but before you eat it, you need to find out its exact calorie content. For some, this may seem like a daunting task. Of course, at first it will be unusual. You should have the entire calorie sum of all meals. Food accounting must be accurate. In the future, the method of doing this will become a habit. Then, without difficulty, immediately say how many calories are in a banana, borscht or mashed potatoes with chops.

Beginners can use special programs on the phone, which are very easy to use. They will calculate for you and calculate the total calorie content for the day. So let's find out how many calories you need to eat in order for the body to lose weight?

How to count calories correctly to lose weight: what is a calorie

Calorie is an energy unit. 1000 calories has only 1 kilocalorie. Calories are used not only in everyday calculations on food packages, but also in things that have received an energy composition. As you can see the word "calorie" is popular and does not only refer to food.

How many calories should be consumed?

Each movement of a person burns a certain amount of calories. The total amount of energy spent is calculated separately for each person, which he is forced to consume per day. Calories are divided into categories to make it easier to count:

  • Young people;
  • Middle-aged;
  • Elderly.

Young men and girls spend many times more energy. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the exact cost for men and women of different age thresholds and types of activities. Please note that for overweight people, the following numbers are not very suitable.

How many calories should a woman eat

Paradoxically, it all depends on the type of life of the girl:

  • Women with a sedentary activity should eat 2050 kcal. Age threshold 19 - 26 years. Then 1800 kcal for women aged 26-50 and 1620 kcal for people over 50.
  • Girls with an average activity of life should eat 2180. Age threshold 19-26. Then 26-50 years is enough 2250. Older than 50 no more than 1800.
  • Women from 19 to 31 years old can eat 2455 kcal. Then the threshold of 31-61 years old is enough 2225. Older than 61 years old - no more than 1950.

How many calories should a man eat per day

Here, too, it all depends on the type of activity:

  • Men from 19 to 31 years old who have a sedentary lifestyle should consume 2350 per day. From 31 to 50 years old - 2120 kcal and over 51 years old - 1950.
  • The average lifestyle calls for 2,750 calories for men aged 19 to 31. From 31 to 51 - 2550 and over 51 - 2350.
  • Active life requires about 3150 for men from 19 to 31 years old, from 31 to 51 - 3060, over 51 - 2500.

Please note that a 100-calorie error is allowed, but only if you feel your body.

The way to count calories every day is the only one scientifically proven. Its effectiveness is based on proven people. To lose 2 kilograms you need to burn about 15350 calories, and to lose weight by 500 grams - 3850. You should always consider what you are doing. Even the slightest movement burns sweat. We offer you to get acquainted with the advice of the best nutritionists of our time:

  • Usually, those with little excess weight and if you have classes three times a week, it is enough to reduce 10 percent of the total calorie content. So you have an ideal option without harm to the body.
  • The second type of people with low weight, but without attending training should be reduced by 20% of the total norm. The daily serving is 20% smaller.
  • The third type, who is very overweight, should reduce the total caloric intake per day by up to 40%. Unfortunately, due to contraindications, they cannot feel comfortable in classical training, so nordic walking and charging.

Sample menu for the day with 1800 kcal calories

Menu 1800 calories:

  • Breakfast - lean meat of any kind - 85 grams, vegetable salad 300 grams, a small boiled egg, tea with viburnum;
  • Snack - kiwi;
  • Lunch - soup with meatballs - 100 grams, steamed cutlets 95 grams, spinach salad - 185 grams;
  • Second snack - cottage cheese 90 gr, coffee without sugar;
  • Dinner - sea fish - 80 gr, vegetable salad - 135 grams;
  • Snack - 125 grams of cottage cheese or kefir.

Sample daily menu with 1200 kcal calories

Menu 1200 calories:

  • Breakfast - oatmeal porridge 135 gr, vegetables 185 gr, plain water;
  • Lunch - cormorant;
  • Lunch - turkey broth 215 gr, cutlet 95 gr, salad 65 gr;
  • Snack - grape juice 285 gr;
  • Dinner - fitness salad 250 gr with olives, steamed meat 110 gr;
  • In case of hunger - an orange.

Sample menu for a day with calories per 1000 kcal

Menu 1000 calories:

  • Breakfast - omelette with 1 egg, coffee;
  • Snack - half a pomegranate;
  • Lunch - rabbit meat broth 185 gr, jelly compote 175 grams;
  • Snack - 1 piece of watermelon or grapes;
  • Dinner: porridge - 105 grams, tea - 80 grams;
  • Snack - skim milk no more than 2%.

Calorie formula for weight loss

The most accurate formula from Muffin-Jeor. She has been helping people for over 25 years.

Advantages of calculation

After considering the easy approach, you should have doubts about the pros and cons. Let's note the most popular advantages of this method of counting each product from well-known nutritionists:

  • There is no need to give up your favorite foods. You can pamper yourself with any food. Even if chocolate with nuts fits into the norm in 24 hours. It is clear that relatively "harmful" your favorite foods will be reduced. No one forces you to exclude your favorite cakes or a bun. Do you love chocolates with jam? Excellent, two a day, so as not to break the rule. Taste buds are satisfied.
  • Also, you are not forbidden to visit your favorite places and drink cocktails with friends. Almost any modern cafe has a menu with detailed calorie content. There will be no restrictions for you while walking with friends, so this method has received a psychological trump card among others.
  • Finally, careful counting will become so simple that in the end you will become a professional without the help of a counting program. After learning your favorite food, you won't need a special post-diet menu. This means that excess fat will bypass you.

Cons of calculation

Opponents of this option may argue that it is difficult to calculate the ratio of carbohydrates every time. Therefore, some will dissuade you from this method. Do not listen to people with such statements. It is also advised to control by comparing the portion with a fist. So this is your norm for the main lunch. This alternative will help avoid the mathematical calculations of each product.

Afterword about calories

The scheme of an unusual at first glance weight loss option may seem difficult to perceive. We assure you that you will like it. Counting food is a novelty of our days, because not everyone can follow a diet. They came up with a method more than fifty years ago. To try or not is up to you. But we recommend at least a day to take a chance. The main thing is not to rush and not violate the calorie content during the meal of your favorite food.

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Hello dear readers! Depending on what time of day you started reading this article, you've just cooked yourself a juicy scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast or you're eating delicious pasta after your workout. Or maybe you are preparing for a hearty Saturday dinner at one of the nice restaurants with friends? Or are you content with kefir at night?

Food is something without which human body cannot exist. Whether we like it or not, we always want to eat, and if you suddenly decide to go on a diet or earn money and forget about lunch, then your body will definitely not forget about you, and at the right time will remind you with a gentle rumbling about the need to refresh yourself. And where there is food, there are calories, which, under certain conditions, either "burn out" or "settle" in the most dangerous places - the stomach, buttocks, hips. Have you ever wondered how many calories you need per day to lose weight.

Often friends and acquaintances in the gym ask me questions about nutrition and calories like: “If I exercise 3 times a week, does this mean that I can eat everything in a row?” “Tell me a diet to quickly get rid of kilograms?” "You need to eat to lose weight"? Familiar? I am sure that in various variations, nutrition-related issues have worried you and still worry you.

So, I wrote about not so long ago, and in this article we will take a closer look at the method of calculating calories for each of you, and find out how many calories you need to consume per day for safe weight loss.

Mathematics is the queen of sciences

Let's start with how to calculate the daily calorie intake. First, let's remember once and for all that all this is very, very individual! Many variables come into play - height, weight, age, physical activity, and even the nature of your job and your end goals.

If you have a sedentary job close to home, you go to the gym once a week for aerobics, and do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating cakes and coffee during breaks, then it is pointless to be surprised how, over time, the weight will creep slowly but inexorably up. In order to understand how much you can eat per day, arm yourself with a calculator and the formula below:

Calculation of DCI using the Mifflin-San Geor formula.

For example, you are a 30-year-old girl, regularly go to your favorite fitness club for step aerobics 3 times a week, your weight is 65 kg, your height is 170.

DCI = (65*10+170*6.25-30*5-161)*1.38 = (650+1062.5-150-161)*1.38=1934 calories.

This will be the daily calorie intake if you do not plan to lose weight. While maintaining the frequency and intensity of physical activity, as well as proper nutrition, this guarantees you a stable weight, health and well-being.

For men, the formula is slightly different. Let's calculate how many calories a representative of the stronger sex needs to consume.

So, you are a man of 26 years old, physical activity - 1-2 workouts per week in gym, weight 83 kg, height 186.

DCI = (83*10+186*6.25-26*5+5)*1.2= (830+1162.5-130+5)*1.2=2241 calories.

Thus, we calculated the daily calorie intake.

Personal calorie diary

1. Keep a diary and write down everything that you eat and drink during a typical working day - what exactly and how many grams. When counting calories, every little thing is important - syrup in coffee, a spoonful of mayonnaise in a vegetable salad, a jar of cola.

2. Use the food calorie table or any mobile application, which shows the calorie content of ready meals.

3. We count and compare with the norm calculated above.

4. Voila! If the amount of calories you consume equals (+/- 100 calories) your individual norm, then everything is fine. If the amount is higher or significantly lower, then there is a reason to think about your diet and level of physical activity, since excess consumption is just as dangerous for your figure and health as lack of food.

Towards the perfect figure

  • Reduce the amount of calories consumed per day without changing physical activity.
  • Burn more calories by increasing physical activity without changing the amount of calories consumed.

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

You can not reduce the rate of calories consumed sharply and by more than 15% at once, otherwise your body will get scared and turn on the energy saving mode, in which it will be even more difficult to part with the hated kilograms. In addition, muscle tissue may suffer, which the body begins to "eat" in emergency"effective low-calorie diet". Your muscles will melt, but not your fat.

At least start by cutting out fatty, fried foods, sauces in meals and sugar in tea/coffee, as well as soda and lemonade. Break your daily calorie intake into 4-6 meals instead of the traditional two or three, and eat more often. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt and cottage cheese are great snacks.

To burn calories, functional training, cardio training in the gym and any physical activity that can be done even at home will help. You can burn calories not only in training in the gym, but also during daily rituals - go to a stop earlier than necessary, walk more, prefer the stairs to the elevator, do exercises in the morning, walk longer with the dog, and after a month you will notice improvements.

Ideally, in order to lose weight faster, you need to gradually increase physical activity, and reduce your calorie intake wisely. Share your daily calorie intake in the comments! I will end with this. See you later!

Every person who has faced such a problem as being overweight begins to think about daily caloric content and its calculation. And the biggest mistake of the majority of those who lose weight is that they take the wrong numbers for the calorie intake, which for some reason “walk” among the people.

And those numbers are:

  • daily calorie content for a woman - 2000 kcal;
  • daily calorie content for a man is 2500 kcal.

And these indicators make it possible to allegedly maintain normal weight, and if there is a need to lose weight, the daily caloric content should simply be reduced by 400-500 kcal. At the same time, this calculation does not take into account such indicators as initial weight, height, age, as well as the lifestyle that a person leads.

After all, this is very important, since the need for calories in a tall woman who goes in for sports 3-5 times a week is much greater than in a woman who is short and at the same time leads a sedentary lifestyle.

So, before talking about how many calories to eat to lose weight, you need to correctly calculate the daily calorie intake, which will help you maintain normal weight.
When food enters our body, it goes through several stages of digestion, which results in the release of energy. Due to this energy, the vital activity of the body takes place. When energy expenditure is high, but calorie intake is low, the body begins to take energy from its reserves, which leads to a decrease in body fat and, accordingly, to weight loss.

When the intake of calories is greater than energy costs, deposits occur in the body (thus the body stores energy for difficult times - the instinct of survival), which leads to the appearance of a fatty layer and an increase in indicators when weighing weight.
Therefore, in order to prevent such fluctuations, it is necessary to make sure that the energy expenditure and the intake of calories in the body are the same. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate the daily caloric intake.

But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. The thing is that with age there is a slowdown in metabolic processes, which contributes to the inevitable weight gain. Unfortunately, in this case, we cannot help ourselves in any way, just gradually reducing the daily calorie content.

So let's get straight to the count. required amount calories per day. To do this, we first need the basic metabolism, which our body spends at rest on pumping blood, breathing, etc.

And for this purpose, the following formula will help us:

(10 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) - (5 * age) - (+) n

IN this case n has a different meaning. And if you are a woman, then n is subtracted and equals the number 161. If you are a man, n is added and equals the number 5.

So let's look at an example. Before us is a young woman 25 years old, weighing 59 kg and 164 cm tall. The daily calorie intake for her is:

(10*59)+ (6,25*164)- (5*25)- 161=590+1025-125-161=1329

1329 - this is the number of calories that this woman needs to eat in order to cover the body's expenses for basic exchanges.

And now let's calculate the main exchange for a man, aged 40 years, weighing 80 kg with a height of 170 cm.

(10*80)+ (6,25*170)- (5*40)+ 5=800+1062,5-200+5=1667,5

This man must consume 1667.5 kcal to cover the energy costs for the basic functions of the body.

But these figures are not the norm of daily calories. For an accurate calculation, it is also necessary to take into account motor activity a person, because the body also spends a lot of energy on it.

So, the calculation of the daily calorie content is carried out according to the following formula:

basal exchange*B

In this case, B is a way of life and, of course, in each case this indicator has different meanings.

Let's continue the calculation of daily caloric content according to the previous examples. So, we have a woman whose basal metabolic rate is 1329 and a man whose total metabolic rate is 1667.5. At the same time, the woman works in the office and leads a sedentary lifestyle, and the man visits the gym several times a week, but at the same time he does not experience any more stress. Let's count.

For a woman, the daily calorie content is: 1329 * 1.2 = 1594.8 kcal.

For a man, the daily calorie content is: 1667.5 * 1.375 = 2292.8 kcal.

As you can see, these indicators are very different from the 2000 and 2500 kcal generally accepted by the people. With such a calorie content, this woman and this man will undoubtedly be overweight.

So, we have made an approximate calculation of the daily calorie content. Now let's talk about how many calories to eat to lose weight?

It is believed that for successful weight loss, you just need to reduce the daily calorie content. But how much? And wouldn't it be harmful to our health?

Experts believe that for safe weight loss, you need to reduce daily calories by 20%, but at the same time increase physical activity slightly. This is necessary so that the metabolic processes in the body do not slow down and the weight gradually goes away, and does not show the same number on the scales.

And based on this, it turns out that for our heroine the daily calorie content for weight loss is: 1594.8 * 0.8 = 1275.84 kcal. That is how many calories she should consume for a safe and effective weight loss. But for our hero, the daily calorie content for weight loss is: 2292.8 * 0.8 = 1834.24 kcal.

But there are times when it is required. For example, before the upcoming celebration or a trip to the sea. In this case, a 40% daily calorie reduction is required.

And if we take the results of our examples as a basis, then we can calculate that for a woman, with a height of 164 cm, a weight of 59 kg and an age of 25 years, the daily calorie content for extreme weight loss is:

1594.8 * 0.6 \u003d 956.88 kcal.

And for a man with a height of 170 cm, weight 80 kg and age 40, the daily calorie content for extreme weight loss is: 2292.8 * 0.6 = 1375.68 kcal.

But remember that with a daily calorie content below 1200 kcal, weight loss should occur under the strict supervision of a doctor!

This is how the number of calories needed to lose weight is calculated. Now you can, knowing your parameters, calculate your daily calorie content and start losing weight correctly! We wish you good luck!