Pear vs Apple or the main types of female figures. Apples or pears: which is healthier? What is the difference between a pear and an apple

Today in every supermarket you can buy a variety of varieties of apples and pears, but according to the results of the survey, Russians prefer to eat apples, although they consider pears to be a tastier fruit. There are several reasons why people refuse to eat their favorite pears in favor of apples, for example, many people think that:
- apples healthier than pears;
- pears very sweet, therefore, they have a lot of calories;
- pears you can not eat on an empty stomach, they damage the mucous membrane of the small intestine;
- pears poorly absorbed by the body and greatly excite the appetite.

Let's go let's figure it out how true are the doubts of our compatriots about useful properties ah pears - a fruit called by Homer, the famous author of the Odyssey, "the gift of the gods." In China it is considered bad omen break a pear tree or share its fruit with someone. This, according to the Chinese, symbolizes death, a quarrel or parting with loved ones and loved ones. But, at the same time, the Chinese knew that eating a pear on an empty stomach should not be.

About what testifies Oriental proverb: "Eat in the morning - it's a rose to the heart, don't eat a pear in the morning - it's poison to the heart!". Of course, in the proverb we are talking about those pears that we sell under the name "Chinese". These pears are sour and tart in taste, they are difficult to digest by the body and are contraindicated for people suffering from work disorders. nervous system and digestive organs.

Useful for health only ripe pears with soft pulp are considered, and if a loud crunch is emitted when biting a pear, then this is a sign that stony cells, consisting of lignified fiber, are present in its pulp. It is better to refrain from eating hard varieties of pears and unripe fruits, they can lead to an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially not recommended to use them on an empty stomach, as well as drink water. Considering the circumstance that hard varieties pears are poorly digested, nutritionists do not recommend eating them with food and high-calorie dishes. For example, with meat.

Ripe pear fruit very beneficial for health. The tender and juicy pulp of the pear is useful as a diuretic, antipyretic and disinfectant. The pear contains many organic acids, fiber enzymes, vitamins B, P, C, A, trace elements and folic acid, which is indispensable for the normal development of children. Pears are rich in potassium, which makes them useful for the prevention and treatment of heart disease. But pears are not apples, which we use in large quantities and already know what the Semerinka or Idared variety looks like.

There is opinion that pears should be chosen by smell, they say, the stronger the smell, the more useful the pear. If you follow this advice, then those pears that are sold in our stores are fruits that are useless to health. They have no smell, but the soft and juicy fruits of the "Conference" and "Duchess" varieties make everyone want to try them. The colors of the pears vary greatly, with pale yellow, rose red and dark green being commercially available. Almost all pears are imported to us from abroad, so due to their long storage, their smell has already disappeared. The amount of vitamins and useful properties in imported pears, of course, is less, but in apples they are also lost over time.

If you love pears, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating the sweet and juicy pulp of an overseas fruit. Pears taste much sweeter than apples, but they contain less sugar. The energy value 100 gr. pears are only 42 kcal, so they can be safely included in the diet while following a diet. If we compare the pulp of an apple and a ripe pear, then the tender pulp of a pear is easier to digest. Juicy and sweet pear fruits contribute to the active digestion of food, it is recommended to use it for constipation, gastritis, ulcers and dysbacteriosis. With cholecystitis, colitis and heartburn, pears help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and eliminate abdominal discomfort.

Regular consumption of pear boosts immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect, which allows you to fight infections and. Essential oils, present in the composition of the pear, cheer up and relieve stress. Pear is effective for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and liver, the use of pear juice or compote helps to cleanse these organs of stones and toxins. It is also useful for men suffering from prostatitis to drink compote or pear juice daily.

Ideal for everyone types skin face mask made from ripe pear fruits. It tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes the skin useful vitamins and folic acid. After applying pear masks, the skin of the face becomes noticeably younger, and dark circles under the eyes and acne disappear.

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All people on the globe can be attributed either to the type of figure "apple" or "pear". It is often said that the physique described by these fruits is characteristic only for women. But it's not. Men, too, are "pears." Another thing is that this often indicates the existence of certain hormonal problems. Then how to be a "pear" for a woman is normal.

Proper daily nutrition, diet and exercise for apple and pear body types are different. If you do not take this into account, you will not be able to lose weight or maintain health.

Someone belonging to "apples" or "pears" is visible to the naked eye. For some, these body features are not so obvious. And, therefore, not so much affect health.

How does the type of figure affect the predisposition to disease

Apple Pear
Fat accumulates in the abdomen internal organs.

Increased production of the hormones insulin and cortisol.

High predisposition to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colon and pancreatic cancer.

Fat accumulates in the buttocks and thighs.

Increased production of female sex hormones.

High risk of PMS, severe menopause, oncological diseases associated with hormonal status (breast, ovarian, uterine cancer). Characterized by frequent mood swings.

Body type is determined genetically. However, through exercise and proper nutrition you can ensure that the deposition of fat in problem areas will be minimal. This allows you to significantly reduce the risk of developing those diseases that are characteristic of figures of your type. And live longer and healthier lives.

But it is important to do exactly the exercises that you need and eat the way your physique requires. And not just doing fitness “for everyone” and eating healthy food. This approach might work. Or maybe not.

That is why quite often people who lead a healthy lifestyle cannot lose weight and improve their health. Everything seems to be doing the right thing. But not what they need.

Exercises for different types of figures

Apple Pear
Exercises are shown that increase the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin, but do not provoke the release of cortisol.

These are High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and heavy weight training performed with frequent short breaks.

Forbidden: exercises to increase endurance. For example, continuous training on a stationary bike or treadmill for 60 minutes.

Similar exercise stress provokes the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which only increases the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and sides of the "apples".

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is allowed. During which, the muscles that are not prone to hypertrophy should be used as much as possible - the muscles of the legs, back, and abdomen. You can work with the shoulder girdle. Exercises leading to the development of thigh muscles are prohibited. You can not do squats, exercise on an exercise bike.

Features of nutrition and diet for figures of different types

Apple Pear
The main principle of the diet is the inclusion in the diet of those foods that do not lead to the production of insulin, and minimizing those that are followed by a massive release of the hormone by the pancreas. Proteins, fats and fiber are shown. Foods containing these substances should be consumed at every meal.

Vegetable fiber should be at least 50% of the volume of each meal.

Completely banned any sugar and a variety of cookies.

So-called "healthy carbohydrates" - whole grain cereals and breads, brown rice, potatoes - should be kept to a minimum.

Fruit consumption should also be kept to a minimum. No more than 1-2 seasonal fruits per day, such as apples or pears. And only after a meal rich in proteins.

Dried fruits, fruit juices, honey and other "natural" sweets should be discarded.

The basic principle of the diet is to saturate the diet with foods that can bind excess estrogen. All products containing a significant amount of vegetable fiber are shown. All leafy green vegetables from white cabbage to spinach are extremely useful.

You can eat more carbohydrates. Therefore, it is allowed to get fiber from potatoes, and from cereals, and from fruits. However, preference still needs to be given to vegetables.

Normal weight is not a guarantee that you do not need to lose weight. It turns out that everything depends not on body weight, but on the amount of fat in the body. How to define it? And what to do next?

Candidate of Medical Sciences, diabetologist of the Endocrinology scientific center RAMS in Moscow Oleg Viktorovich Udovichenko.

- Does it happen that a person does not seem to look fat, but he has excess fat in his body?
- Oh sure. A person may look thin on the outside, but the percentage of body fat, based on weight, height and gender, may be higher than normal.
There is a so-called body mass index. To determine it, weight in kilograms should be divided by height in meters squared. The formula for determining the body mass index: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)2.
Example: your weight is 70 kg and your height is 175 cm.
BMI \u003d 70 / (1.75 . 1.75) \u003d 70 / 3.0625 \u003d 22.86.
If a man has a body mass index of less than 25, and a woman has less than 24, this is the norm. If the indicator does not exceed 30, this is overweight, but not yet obese.
But more than 30 is already obesity. Body mass index up to 35 - obesity of the first degree, up to 40 - the second degree. And more than 40 is a very severe obesity of the third degree.
Some researchers highlight the number 27. It is believed that people with a body mass index of more than 27 have a sharply increased risk of diseases associated with excess weight. But this indicator cannot be absolutely accurate.
It is suitable for "average" people, with moderately developed muscles and normal bone thickness. In athletes with pronounced, relief muscles, the weight is often rather big. But it is due to muscle, not adipose tissue. Therefore, such an excess of weight does not pose any danger to the body.
And, on the contrary, in women with thin light bones, underdeveloped muscles, the body mass index may correspond to the norm. But in their body, an excess of adipose tissue is possible, and it is quite dangerous for health. For such cases, a special term has even appeared in medicine - "thin fat man" or "obesity without obesity."
Therefore, refinements have been proposed for the body mass index index, taking into account the constitution.
This can be done by the circumference of the wrist. So, if the girth of your wrist is 13-14 cm, then the optimal values ​​\u200b\u200bfor you will be 18.5-20. With a wrist of 14.5–16.5 cm, the optimal indicators will be in the range of 21–23, and with a wrist of 17–18 cm, they will be equal to 24–25.
However, it should be borne in mind that the body mass index is not suitable for pregnant women and adolescents under 18 years of age.
- What is the danger of excess adipose tissue?
- A lot depends on the distribution of fat in the body. The greatest likelihood of having a "bouquet of diseases" associated with overweight occurs if fat is mainly collected on the trunk and in the abdomen. This type of fat deposition is called male obesity. This figure resembles an apple.
People suffering from apple-type obesity are more likely to develop diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes. And in this case, even a small excess of fat is dangerous, the one that occurs in "thin fat men."
A comparatively lower health risk is a pear-shaped figure, when the bulk of the fat is located on the buttocks and thighs. This type of fat deposition is called female. With obesity, which is conventionally referred to as the "pear" type, the veins of the lower extremities are more likely to suffer.
Excessive load on the spine and joints, causing arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases, occurs with any type of obesity. It only depends on the amount extra pounds.
- How big is the relationship between the type of fat deposition and diseases?
“Unfortunately, it's too big. Strictly speaking, they simply separate adipose tissue in the torso and intra-abdominal adipose tissue. The latter has the most adverse effect on metabolism.
Atherosclerosis - the deposition of fat and cholesterol on the walls of the arteries, in obese people with apple-type obesity occurs in 65% of cases.
Myocardial infarctions in overweight people are observed 4-5 times more often than with normal weight.
Significantly increases with obesity and the risk of hypertension. It is believed that every 10 kg excess weight increase blood pressure by 10 mm Hg
But obesity is especially dangerous risk of diabetes. In eight cases out of ten, it develops in people who are overweight. In addition, excess body fat of the "apple" type is one of the components of the metabolic syndrome.
In addition to obesity, people with metabolic syndrome suffer from hypertension, a violation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Other disturbances can join this basic "set" of symptoms. In particular, uric acid is retained in the body, and blood clotting increases.
- Can a person determine his type on his own?
- Oh sure. Take a measuring tape and measure two circles. The first is waist circumference. The second is the circumference of the hips and buttocks. Now divide the first number by the second.
With obesity of the "apple" type in women, this figure is more than 0.8. And the higher this indicator, the worse the excess fat affects the body. Men have a waist-to-hip ratio greater than 0.9.
However, it is possible to more accurately determine the excess of adipose tissue using special research methods.
– What are these methods? Tell me more.
- The amount of adipose tissue in the torso area is shown by magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, this indicator can be measured using densitometry.
This new method research is used to determine the density of body tissues. First of all, densitometry devices are used to diagnose osteoporosis. But with their help, you can also determine the percentage of various tissues - fat, bone, muscle.
In addition, there is a portable device "fat meter", which determines the body fat content in kilograms and percentages.
It's easy to use. You need to enter your data into the device: height and weight - accurate to centimeters and grams, age and gender. Then the device must be picked up and firmly squeeze the electrodes. After 10-15 seconds, the fat meter gives the result: the total amount of fat in kilograms and percentages.
Normally, the body of women under 30 years old should contain from 17 to 24% fat. For women after 30, this figure ranges from 20 to 27%.
Who needs to monitor their body fat content?
- First of all, those who want to lose weight. Often in the process of weight loss, a situation arises when a person follows a diet, but his weight does not decrease.
The reason is often water retention in the body. This "excess" water can be "seen" by various methods of measuring fat.
It is also very important to determine the type of tissues due to which weight loss occurs. In some, weight is reduced due to muscle tissue proteins. This is very harmful. Due to the loss of protein, muscles become flabby, immunity decreases, and other health problems may arise.
Another situation where devices help to establish the true cause of weight loss is slimming teas. As a rule, in this case, herbs with a laxative and diuretic effect are used. Scales show the coveted "minus 2 kg", and medical equipment - the "truth".

A pear is a fragrant and juicy fruit, sweeter than an apple, but less high in calories. There are more than a thousand varieties in the world, different in shape, skin tone, juiciness and richness of taste.

Initially, pears were grown in China and Persia (according to some sources - in Ancient Greece). Much later, the fruit itself, and then the pear tree, became widespread in Europe. Now it grows in almost all countries with a warm and temperate climate. Even winter varieties resistant to cold have been bred.

Pear is very sweet, but low in calories. 100 g of pulp contains only 42 kcal. Therefore, unlike most other fruits, it can be consumed by patients with diabetes and those who wish to reduce weight. It has a minimum of glucose, and fructose gives sweetness, for the assimilation of which the body does not require the production of insulin. Also, it is not deposited in the form of fat reserves.

Nutritional value:

  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.9 g;
  • vitamins: A, C, K, PP and many B vitamins;
  • trace elements: nickel, iodine, iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc, etc.

Pears also contain a lot of fiber, arbutin (a natural antibiotic), folic acid and pectin. Therefore, fruits are good for digestion and the immune system.

Organic acids in the fruit pulp increase the acidity of gastric juice and speed up the digestion process. Therefore, eating a pear is necessary for people with low acidity. And for those who have increased, it is desirable to control its amount in the diet, but not completely refuse.

Benefit in detail

A few hundred years ago, people were aware of the beneficial properties of this fruit. The pear was used not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicine.

She helps:

  • reduce fever and reduce cough during colds;
  • normalize intestinal microflora, stimulate digestion;
  • strengthen the walls blood vessels and capillaries;
  • with chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, because it has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • maintain the health of the heart muscle, normalize the pulse.

Pear tree leaves contain antifungal components, so a leaf decoction is used to reduce the manifestations of dermatitis.

For men

For the preparation of medicinal compotes, the “wild” variety is best suited.

For women

Pear extract is often included in anti-aging cosmetics. It improves the complexion, increases the elasticity of the skin.

At home fresh puree pear pulp can be used as a scrub or mask: to relieve inflammation and improve skin elasticity.

Pregnant women should use pears with caution. Fruits can cause bloating, especially in the later stages.

But during breastfeeding, it is quite possible to include fresh fruits in the diet, of course, in moderation. This will help a woman restore the balance of trace elements in the body after childbirth, and at the same time lose weight faster.

For kids

The pear is hypoallergenic, which is why it is a great dessert and treat even for babies prone to rashes and allergies. No wonder pear puree is a common option for baby foods. Especially useful for frequently ill children and those who have digestive problems.

Are you going on a road trip or a long walk? Instead of store-bought waffles, it’s better to grab 1-2 pears for your child.

Consumption rate

You can eat 1-2 medium-sized fruits per day. It is advisable for pregnant women to reduce consumption to 2-3 fruits per week.

Unique properties of different varieties

Each variety has its own taste and useful properties. For example, summer varieties are softer and juicier. And those that ripen in late autumn are firmer, but not devoid of sweetness. They can be stored all winter.

  • "Conference" is the leader in popularity. The fruits are oblong, green-yellow. The flesh is white-pink, juicy and sweet. It has a high content of organic acids.
  • Duchess is a dessert variety bred in the 18th century by the English breeder Williams. One fruit weighs about 180-200 g, the peel has a rich yellow tint. The winter "Duchess" has a reddish flank and tougher flesh. Unlike summer, which is stored for only 45 days, winter can lie in a cool place until May. This variety contains a lot of fructose and can be used in dietary nutrition.
  • "Dichok" - small rounded fruits that contain a large number of antibacterial substances, vitamins. Fresh and in compotes helps to cleanse the body of toxins. These pears will be useful in diseases of the thyroid gland.

Traditional medicine recipes

AT traditional medicine fresh and dried pear is used to treat a number of inflammatory diseases. Compote helps to improve the patient's condition with bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis.

  1. To cope with a cough, cook dried pear compote. To do this, you need a handful of dried fruits for 1-2 liters of water. Drink warm 3-4 times a day.
  2. For anemia, eat fresh fruit, at least 2 pieces a day, supplementing the meal with a teaspoon of honey.
  3. For prostatitis, pour boiling water over a dried pear, soak for 8-10 hours. Take half a glass up to 4 times a day.
  4. At diabetes squeeze the juice from the pulp. Drink it 50 ml freshly prepared half an hour before meals.

Dietary Properties

Pears are successfully used in the diet of those who lose weight: they are included in many diets. Additionally, these fruits help to detoxify the body.

But it is better to refuse a mono-diet: it can lead to inflammation of the digestive organs.

The best option is to eat pears instead of sugar-rich fruits (especially bananas and grapes) and high-sugar desserts.

Harm and contraindications

A contraindication to use can only be individual intolerance. At chronic diseases digestive tract, you can eat pears, but in no case on an empty stomach. The best time- an hour and a half after the main meal, as a dessert or a light snack.

A pear can cause digestive problems (flatulence, stool disorders, etc.) if:

  1. Eat it on an empty stomach, especially with the skin. It contains a lot of fiber, which can irritate sensitive mucous membranes.
  2. Drinking water - this activates the fermentation process.
  3. Combine with other products, especially with meat, pickles, milk and sour-milk products.

Pears versus apples

In terms of popularity, the pear ranks second after apples. But it has a number of advantages:

  1. It contains more antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components.
  2. Sweeter than even the sweetest red apple.
  3. At the same time, it contains a minimum of calories and does not lead to weight gain.

If you have a choice - to eat a sour apple or a sweet pear, choose the second option. Don't guess!

In order to improve the body and make up for the lack of vitamins, it is not necessary to buy overseas fruits and vegetables. We have enough of our healthy fruits that are not inferior to oranges and lemons. For example, you can take a pear or an apple. These fruits are not inferior to most citrus fruits, both in taste and nutritional qualities. Let's try to figure out what is more useful pear or apple?

How useful is an apple?

An apple is a low-calorie fruit. One hundred grams of an apple contains about 40 kcal. There are no fats in an apple, but there are enough carbohydrates. This is ideal for people who are on diets. There are many diets where apples are included in the daily diet. The apple has become so popular not only because of its low calorie content, but also due to its composition. Despite the fact that an apple is 80 percent water, it contains enough calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamin A, PP, C and B3.

Due to the high content of acids and tannins, the apple has a positive effect on digestion. Daily consumption of apples helps to cleanse the intestines and cope with bloating. To some extent, the apple is a natural laxative. Apples contain substances that prevent the growth and formation of cancer cells. That is why doctors advise eating a few apples in the morning.

Fresh apples contain a lot of vitamin. Wild apples are considered the most useful. During long-term storage apple can lose most its beneficial properties. Apples are rich in phytoncides, which are natural antibiotics. With the help of apples, you can remove stones from the kidneys and biliary tract and cleanse the body of toxins. Eating apples activates the brain and has a positive effect on memory. Apples are useful for blood vessels and the heart.

Useful properties of pears

The calorie content of a pear is no different from an apple. It is the same low-calorie and useful fruit, which is rich in iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins A, B, E, PP and C. Pear has been consumed since ancient times, and prostatitis has been cured with this fruit for a long time. Men aged need to eat pears and compotes from them.

The pear has an antimicrobial property and very well “acidifies” food in the stomach. The pear contains a natural antibiotic that actively kills microbes in the kidneys, gallbladder and intestines. As in the case of apples, wild pears are the most useful.

The use of pears allows you to normalize work digestive system, enhance immunity and cope with some mental illness. Due to the high content of potassium, the pear is good for the heart and blood vessels. A long time ago, with the help of pears, bronchitis and colds were treated. During storage, the pear does not lose its beneficial properties.

In no case should a pear be eaten on an empty stomach, and even more so with water. You should not eat a lot of pears for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is best to bake fruits - so they will be better absorbed.

Pear and apple are a source of vitamins and useful substances. In season, you should not choose one of these fruits - you need to feast on both. So you can strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the digestive system and prevent cardiovascular diseases.