Corn silk application. Medicinal properties and contraindications of corn stigmas, their use. From the treasury of traditional medicine: corn silk for the liver

Corn is a cereal plant that is used not only for eating, but also for the treatment of certain diseases. Corn silk, medicinal properties and contraindications of which will be discussed below, are a nutritious and beneficial substance. The stigmas are located under the leaf plates that cover the cob.

What is corn silk

Corn stigmas are fibers or "hair" that reach 20-25 cm in length. The fibers are collected from young ears of corn, in the periods before pollination. Corn hair at this time has the most pronounced healing properties.

Old corn stigmas change color and texture. They become dark, unpleasant to the touch. Such a product cannot be consumed, since it no longer contains useful elements.

For cooking medicinal collection both fresh and dried hair are used. They are self-assembled. Store-bought corn, as a rule, does not have fibers. A ready-made collection of dried corn hair can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. To self-dry the fibers for longer storage, they need to be placed in a sunny place for several days. The product will lose all moisture due to direct exposure to sunlight.

Beneficial features

Corn silk has medicinal properties and contraindications: this natural product has a positive effect on the entire human body, but it lowers blood sugar levels. This property of corn hair can have a detrimental effect with an initial lack of glucose in the body.

Useful substances that make up the stigmas;

  • carbohydrates and proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • acids (organic);
  • trace elements;
  • vitamins of groups B, E, P.

Indications for use:

Due to the presence of vitamins and beneficial trace elements in the composition, corn hair can improve mood, eliminate problems with sleep and appetite. Regular consumption of fiber helps to improve the performance and brain activity of a person.

Corn hair has 3 main actions: choleretic, diuretic and hemostatic. In some cases, they are used for weight loss or sedation.

Stigmas are indicated for diseases digestive system, as well as prostatitis, glaucoma, atherosclerosis, cholecystitis. This product is not a panacea for all diseases, but its use during drug treatment gives good results. This rule is especially true for people with serious pathologies.


Corn silk, whose medicinal properties and contraindications are closely related, can harm people with increased blood clotting or low sugar in the body. Fibers are not recommended for use in varicose diseases. For people suffering from thrombophlebitis, stigmas are also contraindicated. Their use can cause an acceleration of the development of pathology by increasing blood clotting.

Corn silk during pregnancy can be consumed only after medical consultation. The fibers will be useful in the presence of specific diseases, for example, cystitis, in all other cases, the stigmas will be harmful. Their independent use is prohibited both during pregnancy and during lactation.

Corn fiber is not recommended for people suffering from urinary incontinence. The product has a mild diuretic effect. With too long use, not only harmful, but also useful material. Therefore, you should not use the stigma on an ongoing basis, a 20-30 day course is enough to achieve a positive effect.

Mode of application

How to brew corn silk? Only dried fiber collection and boiled water can be used. Ingredients ratio: 1 tablespoon collection per 300-400 ml of liquid. In some cases, water can be replaced with alcohol to draw out of the stigmas maximum amount useful substances. After preparing the mixture, it must be allowed to brew for 10-15 minutes. In pharmacies, 50 grams of corn fiber cost about 50-70 rubles.

Corn stigmas instructions for use for weight loss:

  1. You will need to take 1 tablespoon: berries, corn fibers and chamomile flowers.
  2. Add all ingredients to 1 liter of water. The liquid must be boiled and warm.
  3. Let the decoction brew overnight.

Corn stigmas for weight loss: how to take? It is necessary to use boiled or dry fibers within a month. During this time, a person's appetite will significantly decrease and metabolism will accelerate. Also, the fibers will contribute to the removal of harmful deposits from the body, including fats.

How to use for children:

  • from 3 to 7 years - 1 teaspoon per day;
  • from 7 to 9 years - 1 tablespoon per day;
  • from 9 to 14 years - 1.5 tablespoons.

Corn silk are extremely useful product. With their help, you can make a lot of medicinal decoctions and even teas. Fibers can be added to green tea without sugar, in a decoction of chamomile and wild berries. The beneficial properties of the product are well revealed even without the use of additional ingredients. Any components can be added to the decoction, based on your own preferences or on specific problems.

Why and how corn stigmas are used - video

Corn silk is a well-known herbal preparation that is quite popular in medicine. It is used as a hemostatic, choleretic, antispasmodic and diuretic.

It is worth noting that the use of this drug has proven itself as a sedative. Corn stigmas improve cerebral circulation, improve mood, relieve irritability and promote sound healthy sleep.

Many women use them for weight loss, as stigmas reduce appetite, stabilize blood sugar levels, restore optimal salt balance and improve metabolic processes in the human body.

In the pharmacy you can see a huge number of different preparations that are prepared on the basis of corn stigmas - tablets, crushed dry stigmas, extracts, powders, teas.

1. Instructions for use

Corn silk, as a rule, is used for kidney stones, for stones in bladder, as a diuretic, in inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, as well as edema of various nature.

In order to prepare a decoction, you will need to take one tablespoon of corn stigmas, pour them into a small enameled container and pour boiling water (about 200 ml).

We close the container with the mixture with a lid and put it in a water bath, where we heat it for half an hour. Then leave the broth for 10 minutes to cool slightly at room temperature. After the specified time has elapsed, carefully squeeze the mixture and bring the broth to a volume of 200 ml by adding boiled water to it.

In the fight against excess weight, an infusion and a decoction of corn stigmas are used. To prepare a decoction, you should pour one teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, then bring the mixture to a boil.

After a minute, remove the container from the heat and cool it at room temperature. Ready broth should be taken inside twenty minutes before meals, 1/3 cup three times a day.

Children from 6 years of age suffering from biliary dyskinesia are prescribed an infusion or decoction of stigmas, one dessert spoon three times a day twenty minutes before meals.

2. Side effects

Corn silk is characterized by a strong diuretic effect, which is why this drug can lead to loss of potassium. To prevent this from happening, it is worth taking vitamins in combination with stigmas. In addition, the combination of diuretics and corn stigmas is unacceptable.

Do not self-medicate and diabetes, since decoctions and infusions lead to uncontrolled spikes in blood sugar.

It is forbidden to use corn silk when:

In addition, corn stigmas are contraindicated during childbearing and lactation.

3. Terms and conditions of storage

Products based on corn silk should be stored in a dark, cool and dry place.

Expiration date for use liquid extract- 3 years, and dried stigma columns - 2 years.

Ready-made decoctions and infusions are stored in a dark, cool place for no more than two days.

4. Price

In any pharmacy in your city, it will not be difficult for you to find such a drug as corn stigmas. AT Russian Federation for dried columns with stigmas you will be asked an average of 45 rubles, for tablets - 60 rubles, behind crushed raw corn stigmas - 50 rubles.

But in Ukraine, you will have to “lay out” about 15 hryvnias for raw materials, for herbal tea - 7 hryvnia, for golden corn flakes about 35 hryvnia, and for tablets - 10 hryvnia. All this suggests that this drug is available to all segments of the population.

5. Analogues

To replace the prescribed drug, you should always consult with your doctor. Analogues of corn stigmas are:

  • rafacholin,
  • alohol,
  • hepatophyte,
  • hepatphytol,
  • sand immortelle flowers,
  • tansy flowers,
  • artichoke extract and more.

In any case, if for some reason you look for analogues of stigmas, then both doctors and pharmacists in any pharmacy will be able to help you.

Video on the topic: Corn silk

6. Reviews

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of reviews that confirm that the stigma-based drug has established itself as an effective drug that promotes the active dissolution of stones of various sizes in the bladder, kidneys, ureters and their painless removal from the urinary tract.


Health 19.01.2015

Dear readers, today we will talk about corn stigmas on the blog. Probably many of them are familiar. I discovered them for myself a long time ago when I was looking for information about choleretic herbs and carefully studied everything about them. It was necessary for me. And I noticed that the medicinal properties of corn stigmas are so diverse. Just a storehouse for our health. And besides, even with the help of them, with our wisdom, harmony can be found. What's not great? This is what we will talk about in detail today. I would be glad if the tips and recipes for their use will be useful to you.

If we talk about corn, then we can say that this is a unique product, very useful for the human body, now more and more often you can find its cobs on store shelves and markets. But columns of corn with stigmas are of particular value; they have been widely used for medical purposes for a very long time. Corn silk is the fibers themselves, the strings we all see in corn.

Corn silk. Medicinal properties. Benefit

  • The healing properties of corn stigmas are due to the vitamins, minerals and tannins, hormones they contain.
  • Corn stigmas contain proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins of group B, A, E, P, K, ascorbic and pantothenic acid, essential oils, glycosides, saponins, tannins and other equally useful elements.
  • Of the trace elements, I would like to especially note the selenium contained in the stigmas of corn, this substance is necessary for a person to normalize protein, carbohydrate, lipid metabolism, to maintain immune system, to neutralize harmful substances and compounds that enter the body with food and from environment. Selenium is also unique in that it is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, so we are also talking about the prevention of oncology.
  • Preparations based on corn stigmas affect metabolic processes in the body, have antioxidant properties,
  • Reduce blood sugar levels
  • Improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas.
  • Corn stigmas have a choleretic effect. We will talk about this in more detail below.
  • They also help reduce appetite, so it’s good to include them in a weight loss program.
  • Calm the nervous system.
  • They have a diuretic effect.

Corn silk. Application

Corn stigmas are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures, in the form of ordinary herbal tea or collections with the addition of various herbs.

Corn stigmas are used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, as they have choleretic and diuretic properties, as well as for diabetes, high cholesterol levels in the blood, atherosclerosis and tuberculosis.

In addition, decoctions of corn stigmas have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve night sleep, relieve excessive excitability and irritability.

Benefits of corn silk

Most often, corn silk is used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder, the benefits of corn silk in these cases have been clinically proven. Not only traditional medicine, but also doctors recommend taking decoctions and infusions to relieve symptoms and improve the functioning of these important organs.

Corn silk for the liver

In case of serious diseases, such as hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis, you need to consult a specialist, these diseases require serious medical treatment. In complex treatment, corn stigmas will provide invaluable assistance, since preparations based on them reduce the level of bilirubin in the blood, reduce the viscosity of bile, thereby contributing to its better discharge. For the treatment of corn stigmas, you can prepare a decoction, infusion or herbal tea.

How to brew corn silk?

Infusion of corn stigmas

In order to improve the discharge of bile, it is enough to prepare an infusion, which is prepared in the simplest way familiar to everyone: boil a glass of water, pour a spoonful of stigmas into it and cover with a lid, let it brew for about an hour and filter. The infusion should be taken one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Infusion can be drunk for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver. Course 2 weeks.

Decoction of corn flakes

In the complex treatment of hepatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, it is better to prepare a decoction of corn stigmas, it has the most powerful effect. A decoction is being prepared in a water bath, to prepare it, you need to put two tablespoons of dry stigmas in an enamel mug, pour a glass of warm boiled water, cover with a lid and put the mug in a water bath in a pot of boiling water. Soak in the bath for 15 - 20 minutes and leave to cool, then strain and add boiled water so that you get a full glass. Take a decoction of a tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals. Decoctions and infusions should be taken warm, shaking before use. I often used this decoction after an operation to remove the gallbladder. It is also better to drink everything in a course. Drink for 2 weeks, then make sure to take a break. I usually take a break from 1 to 3 months, depending on how I feel.

Herbal tea with corn stigmas

You can compose herbal collection with the addition of tea and corn stigmas and drink it like regular tea. In such a collection, you can add a blackcurrant leaf, peppermint, creeping thyme, common agrimony, yarrow. In a glass of boiling water, you need to take a teaspoon of the collection, leave for 15-20 minutes and drink 1/2 cup several times a day.

Corn silk for diabetes

In the treatment of diabetes, corn stigma extract, which can be bought at a pharmacy, will be of great help. It is usually recommended to take the extract 15-20 drops with water after meals 3-4 times a day for a month, then it is recommended to take a two-week break and repeat the course again. Treatment is usually long, at least six months.

You can prepare a decoction yourself, for which two tablespoons of crushed stigmas pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil on the smallest fire for 5 to 7 minutes. Leave the decoction for 30-40 minutes and take a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

Treatment with corn stigmas good effect not only in the prevention of this serious disease, diabetic patients notice a gradual decrease in blood sugar levels and an improvement in their general condition.

Corn stigmas for atherosclerosis

The unique composition of corn stigmas allows the use of decoctions and infusions for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. In the process of treatment, the level of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases, headaches decrease, tinnitus disappears, memory and night sleep improve. But the treatment in this case should be long, at least 4-6 months in courses of 3 weeks, with a two-week break between them.

Corn silk for kidney disease

Corn stigmas are used for kidney diseases, cystitis, urolithiasis. You can use both decoctions and infusions, all these drugs have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect and contribute to a faster and painless removal of sand and stones from the urinary system.

Fees from various herbs work very well. Make, for example, such a collection: corn stigmas, centaury grass, agrimony and immortelle, take in equal amounts, mix and brew one tablespoon of the collection with two glasses of water, hold in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain, bring the volume to the original and take 1 / 4 cups three times a day after meals.

Corn silk for hair

In addition, tincture of corn stigmas is used to strengthen weakened fine hair. Highly good remedy for hair, it will turn out if you mix dry nettle grass and corn stigmas in equal parts. For a liter of boiling water, you will need half a glass of the mixture, which is brewed in the usual way, insisted, filtered and used to rinse your hair after washing your hair.

Harvesting columns of corn with stigmas

Corn stigmas can be bought at a pharmacy in the form of extracts, tablets, as part of various herbal teas, and dried crushed stigmas are also sold. But if there is such an opportunity, corn stigmas can be prepared independently. Harvesting is usually carried out during the period when corn is in the stage of milk maturity, this usually happens at the end of August - at the beginning of September.

Dry in the open air, in a ventilated room, in special dryers or in an oven, but very carefully, constantly turning the raw materials, the temperature during drying should not exceed 40 degrees and the stigmas after drying should retain a yellowish-brown color.

Corn silk. Price

In our pharmacies, the price for a pack of 40 grams costs 50-70 rubles. It all depends on the manufacturer.

Corn silk. Contraindications. Harm

Like any herbal preparation, corn stigmas can cause allergies in people with individual sensitivity, in addition, corn stigmas during pregnancy are absolutely contraindicated.

In sweet corn, there are fibers around the cob called corn stigmas. They have healing properties and contraindications. This remedy is used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases, most of all in liver diseases. Before using it, you need to find out about all the medicinal properties of this product, its contraindications and conclude whether it can be used or not.

What are the benefits of corn silk

Corn silk is a medicine that nature has given us. They contain vitamins, hormones, tannins and minerals, essential oils, acids, glycosides, tannins, saponins and other valuable components. Selenium is necessary for the body for metabolic processes, it improves immunity and neutralizes harmful compounds, inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

With regular use blood sugar level drops, improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas, normalizes metabolism. They have choleretic and diuretic properties, reduce appetite, calm the nervous system. The tool expels stones from the kidneys, with it they carry out prophylaxis in diabetes mellitus. Removes cholesterol, protects against blockage and plaques of the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Improve the functioning of the hematopoietic system, are a hemostatic agent, purify the blood. It is useful to take a decoction of corn stigmas with heavy periods. Helps with weight loss to remove extra pounds.

Corn stigmas - useful properties and contraindications

Corn stigmas are used in the form of infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, collections with the addition of other herbs and as a simple herbal tea. They are increase bile secretion, help with hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis and cirrhosis. They have a diuretic and hemostatic effect, it is useful to take with kidney stone disease. They treat atherosclerosis, reduce appetite and are used for weight loss.

Decoctions of corn stigmas are used with arthritis and tuberculosis, kidney and liver diseases, diabetes mellitus. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, soothe, relieve irritability, improve sleep.

But they have contraindications and not all people can use them. In case of individual intolerance, they cause an allergy, their contraindicated for use during pregnancy. It is not recommended for people who have increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis or varicose veins. Corn silk products have the following properties:

  • choleretic;
  • soothing;
  • improve the functioning of the pancreas and liver;
  • reduce appetite;
  • regulate blood sugar;
  • stop bleeding, accelerate blood clotting;
  • break down fats;
  • improve blood composition and metabolism;
  • relieve spasms.

Treatment with decoctions and tinctures of corn stigmas is recommended for the following diseases:

It is forbidden to use in the absence of appetite, they reduce it. Regular and long-term use reduces the amount of magnesium and potassium in the body, due to the diuretic effect, this should be taken into account when using.

Decoction and infusion of corn stigmas

Corn fibers are prepared for the treatment of many diseases, they are taken in certain doses several times a day. It is forbidden to treat yourself, be sure to consult with your doctor. Corn silk have contraindications. How to prepare decoctions and infusions.

Treatment with corn silk

Corn contains vitamins and minerals. The valuable part of the plant is the cob and fibers (corn stigmas). Decoctions and infusions are used to treat cirrhosis of the liver, atherosclerosis, the remedy is used for a diuretic and hemostatic effect, reducing appetite, in order to reduce body weight.

How to drink corn silk

It is necessary to treat biliary dyskinesia, chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis, edematous syndrome associated with liver diseases, small excrement in the kidneys, bleeding, metabolic disorders, under the supervision of a doctor. Decoction is used in the complex treatment of obesity.

With regular use of corn stigmas, blood clotting is accelerated, bile secretion increases, viscosity decreases, appetite decreases, metabolic processes accelerate, water-salt balance improves, and blood sugar levels decrease.

To prepare an infusion for the night, you need to take three tablespoons of a dry product and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist overnight in a thermos, strain in the morning and take half an hour before meals six times a day, 50 mg.

Corn silk is a useful medicine, it facilitates the course of the disease and in some cases helps to get rid of it. But along with this remedy, you need to take other medicines prescribed by your doctor to enhance the effect.


For medicinal purposes, corn stigmas are often used - the medicinal properties and contraindications of this component are indicated in the instructions for use. Phytopreparation can be bought at a pharmacy in the form of a liquid extract or collected independently to make decoctions, infusions and teas from it. Remedy has proven itself from the best side, but it also has contraindications.

What is corn silk

The fibers that are located around the corn cob are of value to humans as a source of a number of very useful substances. This is corn silk. When assembled, they look like tow. The procurement of raw materials can be carried out in summer time when the ears reach milky ripeness. The process takes place manually, by cutting the fibers with a sickle or knife. After the raw material is collected, it must be dried in dryers at a temperature of forty degrees or by spreading the collected material in a layer one or two centimeters thick in the shade.


Corn stigmas have a slight sedative effect, so their systematic use can have a beneficial effect on nervous system and eliminate insomnia. Stigmas are processed in various ways, preparing decoctions, tinctures, and oils from them. Their application approved official medicine and is often recommended by doctors to cleanse the body, improve metabolism and increase immunity resistance to negative factors that provoke diseases, including oncology. In addition to medicinal properties, raw materials have contraindications.


The widespread use of corn stigmas is due to the content of ascorbic acid, fatty oils, saponins, vitamin K, selenium, and starch in them. Due to the ability of fibers to eliminate inflammatory processes their use is recommended for men with symptoms of inflammation of the urinary tract. Regular intake improves potency. For women, in addition to general health improvement (improving sleep, eliminating headaches), the therapeutic effect is expressed in reducing uterine bleeding, inflammation of the mucous membranes in gynecological diseases, and preventing oncology.

Since it is a product of natural origin, and at the same time it is distinguished by many useful properties, the use of funds is permissible to maintain children's health. The stigma fiber is useful for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and the anti-inflammatory effect facilitates wound healing. When adding this product to children's food, it is important to observe the dosage, which should be half that of adults.

During pregnancy

The properties of corn fibers make them an excellent product that will provide the expectant mother with the necessary nutrients in a safe form and help with overall health. The plant is effective for excretion from the body toxins, which is especially important if, during pregnancy, it became necessary to conduct drug therapy. The diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties of fibers help in many cases where the immune system and the regeneration system need support (for example, with cystitis).

Medicinal properties

The fibers contain in their composition a complex of substances, including selenium, which promotes the breakdown of fats and cleanses the body of toxins that provoke the growth of cancer cells. If you try to compile the entire list, in which the systematic use of fibers with medicinal properties leads to good results, then it will be very long. The product is indicated for use in the following pathologies:

  • urolithiasis (as a diuretic);
  • cholecystitis;
  • problems of excess weight;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract;
  • liver disease;
  • gynecological problems (bleeding);
  • male problems (prostatitis, sexual dysfunction);
  • pancreatitis;
  • swelling;
  • general improvement in blood composition, including lowering sugar;
  • cosmetic problems - hair loss, acne on the skin.


When using the product, reasonable moderation must be observed, otherwise the benefit may turn into harm. There is the following list of contraindications:

  1. Poor appetite or underweight. Stigmas tend to promote weight loss.
  2. Thrombophlebitis.
  3. Thrombosis.
  4. Phlebeurysm.
  5. Allergic reactions due to intolerance to the individual components of the drug.

How to boil corn silk

Dry stigmas of corn can be brewed as a decoction, infusion or tea, depending on the patient's disease. Decoctions differ from infusions in that stigmas are brewed to prepare them. boiling water and keep on fire for 10-15 minutes. Infusions are not brewed, but simply kept brewed medicinal raw materials a few hours for the herb to give all its healing properties to the water. Stigma as a tea can be mixed with other leaves without any particular contraindications.

For the liver

Corn stigmas for the liver are used in the treatment of pancreatitis, gallstone disease, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia. A decoction of them has a choleretic property, helps in the complex treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Instruction for cooking:

  • brew two tablespoons of crushed stigmas with a glass of boiling water;
  • keep in a water bath under the lid for 15-20 minutes;
  • insist 40-50 minutes, filter;
  • add water to make a glass of broth;
  • drink liquid heated in a tablespoon after each meal for 14-20 days, then take a break for a month.

Another recipe for the treatment of the liver and gallbladder is the use of a medicinal decoction of corn stigmas. How to make it:

  • brew three teaspoons of dry grass with a glass of boiling water;
  • insist at least half an hour, and preferably more, strain through a fine strainer;
  • drink a tablespoon after meals (four times / day);
  • the course of treatment will be 10 days, after which you need to take a break for 30-50 days;
  • contraindications for use will be active liver disease.

For weight loss

Corn silk for weight loss can be used in the form of a home-made tincture or purchased at a pharmacy. This tool helps to relieve swelling, improve metabolic processes, break down fats. How to prepare a general strengthening tincture:

  • dry, fill them with the same amount of ethyl alcohol (96%, it is better to buy at a pharmacy) or vodka;
  • put in a dark place for 20 days, shake occasionally;
  • strain;
  • to reduce appetite, drink 1.5 ml of tincture before meals with a half glass of water;
  • the course lasts 28 days, followed by a two-week break.

For the gallbladder

Corn columns with stigmas are excellent for treating diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, cystitis, kidney stones, and inflammation. According to reviews, it is optimal to mix them with a collection of agrimony, centaury and immortelle herbs. Brewing instructions:

  • take a tablespoon of the mixture of components in equal proportions;
  • brew 450 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 25 minutes;
  • insist under the lid for an hour;
  • dilute with water to make half a liter of liquid;
  • drink 50 ml three times a day after meals.

During pregnancy

The use of corn fiber during pregnancy should be done with caution and after consultation with the doctor. When carrying a child, alcohol tincture of the drug is prohibited, since harmful ethanol adversely affects the fetus, threatening the risk of miscarriage or congenital pathologies. If the doctor allows, you can drink decoction stigmas, but not more than a glass per day. It is used to eliminate cystitis, taken five hours before bedtime, a course of 10 days.

How to drink corn silk

You can take tinctures, decoctions and teas from corn stigmas, taking into account contraindications. General rules drug use are:

  • be sure to follow the proportions indicated in the recipe to get the desired concentration;
  • there should be a break between courses so that the medicinal properties of the herb are fully revealed and do not bring a negative effect;
  • coordinate prescriptions and therapy with the doctor, because decoctions and infusions can affect the intake of other medicines.

How to drink with diabetes

To lower blood sugar levels and stimulate the pancreas, take extract vegetable fibers, which is sold in a pharmacy. It can be done independently. The principle of taking the drug:

  • every day after meals, take 1 ml of the extract mixed with 100 ml of water;
  • the course of treatment lasts a month, then a break is needed for 15 days;
  • to obtain a stable result, it is recommended to drink the remedy for at least six months;
  • Before taking, consult your doctor about contraindications.


Pharmacies sell ready-made corn stigma extract, which includes dry raw materials and water-propylene glycol mixture. To medicine there is an instruction for use:

  1. Adults should take 5 drops in 50-200 ml of water three times / day for half an hour before meals.
  2. The course lasts 8-10 weeks, repeated after 2-3 weeks.
  3. For achievement quick effect it is allowed to lay five drops of the extract under the tongue.
  4. Before use, shake the bottle (available in 30 ml in a glass bottle).
  5. Contraindications for admission are children and adolescents under 14 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins, individual intolerance.
  6. The composition of the tincture does not contain dyes, preservatives, sugar, alcohol, GMOs.

The price of corn stigmas in a pharmacy

On the shelves of domestic pharmacies there are varieties of the drug. You can buy pure extract, dry raw materials or mixed with other herbs. Approximate prices for drugs in Moscow, see the table:


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