Phytodesign of the room. Phytodesign of the interior: ways to decorate and improve living space. The main objects of phytodesign are

The word "phytodesign" comes from two roots: "phyto" - that is, related to plants, and "design" - artistic design. Thus, it is the creation of an aesthetic appearance of the premises using plants. In other words, this is interior decoration with plants that are designed to emphasize the design of the room and its purpose. At the same time, the assortment is selected in accordance with the prevailing microclimate (light, heat and humidity are the main parameters for successful plant growth). It is important to remember that plants are not furnishings that can be placed anywhere or moved around endlessly. All these moments distinguish phytodesign from a simple arrangement of pots with plants.

The term "phytodesign" itself appeared in the 19th century, but people have been decorating their homes with flowers and plants since time immemorial. Why is that? Fresh flowers can satisfy the most important human need - the need for joy. Plants help create a comfortable environment for living or working in the home. They are pleasing to the eye and create a feeling of peace and comfort.
Even in ancient Rome, peristyles (inner garden) were broken in rich patrician houses. people attached great importance flowers, used them in ritual ceremonies to please the gods, and even endowed plants symbolic meanings. For example, myrtle meant love, and laurel meant victory.

What is phytodesign for?

In the modern world, the world of concrete and gray color, the lack of something living, vegetative is especially acute. Properly selected floral arrangements can turn any interior into a green oasis, where you can relax and indulge in dreams for a while before getting back into the frantic rhythm of the metropolis.

As you know, tropical forests are the "lungs" of the planet. Why are they called that? Yes, because they absorb harmful gases, while producing oxygen, which is so necessary for all living things, and also help regulate the temperature and water regime on earth. And now let's imagine that any room is a miniature biospheric model, in which gas exchange is also constantly taking place, there is a certain temperature and air humidity. So the plants in the interior perform the same function as the rainforest: they clean. One study states that indoor air is much dirtier than air in a busy city street. Walls release chemicals. The air is also poisoned by bacteria, mold, dust. And this is a risk factor for human health. Plants act as natural air filters that never clog and do not require periodic cleaning.
In phytodesign, as in any other field of activity, there are laws and rules. If you follow them, you can achieve a spectacular and stylish look of the room without resorting to any intervention in the existing finish. For example, plants should be proportionate to the room. Small violets or cacti will be completely invisible in a spacious office, but a sprawling palm tree or ficus with large leaves will decorate a place near chairs with a coffee table. Blooming plants will add style to the interior of the cafe, the shade of which echoes the color of the wallpaper, curtains or furniture upholstery. Narrow tall trees standing on the floor will visually “raise” the ceiling. And low sprawling ferns or hanging planters with ampel forms will make the room lower. And of course, zoning: plant compositions in long flower pots can divide a spacious room into zones in a matter of minutes. This is especially true for large offices, offices and restaurants. And of course, it is especially popular now, which is not only spectacular in itself, but at the same time saves space to a large extent (more on "green" walls -).

Let's summarize. Why interior phytodesign is so important:
  • the microclimate of the premises improves, the air is purified;
  • increased efficiency;
  • coziness and comfort are created;
  • the interior becomes more stylish and spectacular.

The modern world dictates strict conditions: everything should be not only functional, but also beautiful. Phytodesign is just able to combine these two tasks.

Who needs phytodesign?

The main objects of phytodesign are:
  • business centers, banks and office premises;
  • shopping centers and shops;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • hotels and inns;
  • hairdressers, beauty salons, medical centers;
  • private houses and apartments.

Why is the presence of phytodesign in the interior a sign of the success of any business? Because it gives a unique combination of beauty and benefits. For example, if there are well-groomed, properly selected plants in stylish pots in the office, this impresses customers and partners and speaks of the company's weight. The right atmosphere in a restaurant or hotel is half the success of this kind of business. The inclusion of plants in the interior is a simple and effective way to make it unique, spectacular and stylish. Floral arrangements in restaurants, hotels and shopping centers attract guests, set them up for relaxation, promote good mood and making more orders and purchases.
Plants in a modern room are not just a piece of nature, but a full-fledged element of the interior. Therefore, the design and creation of "green" interiors is a special area of ​​design that requires certain knowledge and taste, and the result is a cozy and beautiful atmosphere in which it is so pleasant to be, regardless of the place - it is work or home, restaurant or medical center.

© Katerina Bratanova

  • Heading

To transform the room, you can use ordinary indoor flowers. But how to arrange them correctly in order to create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness? The answer is simple - to master the secrets of phytodesign. If you are a creative person and rely on your own taste, then it is enough to take a look around the room and evaluate the place where you want to place a potty with a pet. It should be noted right away that do-it-yourself phytodesign is an exciting activity and requires creativity.

Flowers in the interior of the bedroom

For decoration, cacti, graceful orchids are quite suitable. You can even make flowers from polymer clay. This is a great option for those who like to always see flowering creatures on shelves and window sills. In our section "Flower Workshop" you will be interested.

Decorating the living room and bedroom

Using only your hands and houseplants, you can bring the most creative design to life. Let's start with the living room, which usually performs many functions at the same time. The whole family gathers here to relax, meet guests, sometimes a small work area is placed in this room. Therefore, the completed phytodesign of the premises should create a special atmosphere for a comfortable and cozy stay.

Depending on the level of lighting in the living room, you can use them to decorate the walls and zone the space. Great option are small flowerpots with flowering pets, they can be placed on special shelves, hung from the ceiling.

Using indoor flowers, you can completely change the atmosphere in the bedroom with your own hands, giving it serenity and peace. To do this, experts recommend taking plants that emit a light, unobtrusive aroma, have a pleasant shade of petals. The ideal option for the bedroom is lavender, violets, ripsalis, neorgenia, primrose.

When arranging flower pots, it must be remembered that they should not be placed near the bed, it is better to evenly distribute them around the room, creating an attractive, sophisticated design.

Attention should be paid to the general style of the room. For example, for modern style high-tech flowers with strict forms and large decorative leaves are best suited. For a classic interior, it is recommended to use ficuses, chlorophytums, fittonia, begonias. One or two flowerpots are allowed to be placed on bedside tables near the bed, flowering ones are best placed on window sills, and high ones - in the corners of the bedroom.

How to transform your office?

Do you think that it is impossible to create a business environment with the help of flowers? This is far from true! The phytodesign of the house that you decide to organize should not exclude the workspace from the list. AT this case you need to put pots with green beauties wisely, but take into account the fact that they should not interfere with work. In most cases, a low and not so lush plant on the desktop is enough, but there is another idea.

So that the atmosphere at work is completely favorable, but bright colors do not distract attention, you can put flowerpots with decorative pets behind the work chair. In this case, they will freshen the air, creating a small home oasis. Tall palm trees are suitable for this purpose, but it is not recommended to use creatures with bright buds and leaves.

Cozy kitchen in a couple of hours

The kitchen is the place where every hostess usually spends quite a lot of time. Making the interior with fresh flowers can make the space more cozy, bright, comfortable. It is not recommended to put tall and lush palm trees in the kitchen; it is best to make compositions from low pets that perfectly tolerate high humidity and temperature changes.

Orchids in the decor of the living room

Excellent options are climbing plants. For example, ivy, chlorophytum, tradescantia will help decorate the walls. Not far from the sink, you can put a ficus or fern, which not only prefer moisture, but can also tolerate some lack of lighting.

It is permissible to place plants in the kitchen that are not appropriate in the bedroom or living room. These are ornamental vegetables. For example, on the windowsills you can create unusually beautiful compositions from dwarf tomato varieties, decorative peppers. Bright green onion feathers will add coziness to any kitchen. You can use for this purchased or home-made pots and boxes, which are easy to decorate in accordance with the general style of the room.

Phytodesign of the interior is an opportunity to transform any room in the house. In order for the space to be decorated correctly, you should approach the process with great care, otherwise it will be the simplest arrangement of flowerpots on window sills and shelves.

"The living flower is a great teacher" (Dina Dean)

Take a look around - we are surrounded by a beautiful world, and it can be made even better (even with your own hands). How and with what help this can be achieved is described in this article.

General information

The word itself appeared in the 19th century, but its practical use happens much earlier, since it is known for sure that people have been decorating their houses with flora since ancient times. Ancient people knew that plants help to create a certain aura in a house or garden. For example, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt decorated the palaces with the cyperus plant with their own hands. The Romans preferred laurel trees for this purpose. True, in those days, plants were considered the privileges of only the rich. Today, floristry and phytodesign are available to everyone.

This innovation came to Russia from the West during the reign of Peter I. Then the first Winter Gardens began to appear. However, the harsh climate of our country was taken into account, and all this was created taking into account all the nuances.

For modern offices, shops, restaurants, hotels and other companies, not only functionality and ergonomics are important. The atmosphere in the room should be comfortable and psychologically comfortable. At the same time, it is important to observe a unique style, because the phytodesign of each particular room is unique. Achieving this goal is very simple - you need to use the services of a phytostudio or create an artistic phytodesign of the interior with your own hands.

Your office is a "visiting card" of you and your activities. Getting into the office, customers form an opinion about the status of the company. The “correct” plant compositions or, in other words, a competent phytodesign of the office will help you create a favorable impression on visitors and help strengthen the image component of your activity.

It is also worth remembering that plants have an amazing ability to freshen the air in the room and maintain optimal level humidity.

By placing several flower arrangements in the office, you will double the efficiency of work processes and create a harmonious and cozy atmosphere in the room.

Skillful use of basic knowledge of phytodesign can come in handy modern man in various areas of his life: not only at work, but also at home.

Your home is a special place, and a small one created with your own hands or with the help of a phytodesigner and only your piece of paradise will help you relax after a busy day, and if you design it yourself, it will also turn out economically.

Modern floristry and phytodesign

Modern floristry and phytodesign (floristry is an integral part of phytodesign) is the decoration of various rooms with living plants, vertical gardening with the effect of “living” walls is becoming popular today.

  1. The functions of plants in these compositions are not limited to the creation beautiful picture, they produce the necessary oxygen to make it easier for people to breathe.
  2. In addition, the green color helps to relieve fatigue, give the opportunity to relax the eyes and relieve nervous tension.
  3. Delicate greenery on a cloudy day or winter season helps to overcome depression.

Often when using the term “room phytodesign”, people think that this is a room completely filled with plants, but in fact it is not only the number of plants, but also their competent selection, combination, placement and use.

Phytodesign planning starts with understanding what you want to improve in your space. The most common option is still a window sill, but this is only suitable for plants that are not too big. Dense and tall crops will obscure the light.

On the balcony you can create a cozy corner of greenery in your home. Both palm trees and creepers can fit here, but the phytodesign of the balcony has several disadvantages:

  • this is a seasonal option: even if the balcony is glazed, the plants will be uncomfortable in winter, and heating according to the rules cannot be carried out on the balcony;
  • if people close to you have such a negative habit as smoking, then they should get rid of it so as not to ruin the composition.

Finally, the third option is the phytodesign of the room. As a rule, in the phytodesign of apartments and offices, they most often use tropical species plants and small trees (for example, bonsai - small trees take up little space) or landscaping on vertical panels. If a we are talking about the bedroom, it would be appropriate to add flowers to the composition that emit a delicate and delicate aroma. Such compositions can serve as zoning in a room, dividing it into different areas. The location can be easily customized to your liking.

It must be remembered (especially if you plan to make a composition in the office) that plants should be chosen not only for aesthetic reasons, but also based on whether you are ready to take care of them. If for decoration you can use the services of specialists in this field, then you must take care of the greenery with your own hands - this is not furniture, but a creation of nature, so if you are not ready to devote a lot of time to caring for your home green area, you should choose the most unpretentious culture. Hardy indoor plants include ficus Benjamin, ivy, fittonia, spathiphyllum.

If you plan to create a composition in the hallway, then it is worth remembering that there is little light in such places, so shade-tolerant crops should be preferred.

What are the rules for creating phytodesign?

It is necessary that the flora in your home is harmoniously combined with the size of the rooms and with each other.

The larger the plants, the smaller they should be. If there is a lot of large furniture in the room, then, accordingly, there should be more small representatives of the flora. Any elements on the walls (wallpaper, etc.) should ideally be paler than plants.

Lazy or very busy people can be advised to use the florarium.

It is a container with plants, more precisely - a greenhouse, in your home. It looks beautiful and requires minimal maintenance, as it has already been created with an optimal microclimate for plants. This unpretentious little thing will be long years delight you and your guests.

This room decor will not only decorate your interior, but also help improve the air and atmosphere in the room. The main thing is to choose such representatives of the flora for decorating apartments, which will not only saturate the room with oxygen, but will also release special substances into the air that can cleanse it of bacteria.

Phytodesign elective

Today you can study this area in special courses, and from a very young age (such knowledge is taught today at school, and even in some kindergartens).

What is an elective?

This is a course that will help you master a very interesting, creative direction. modern design- the art of decorating various premises with living plants - from an apartment to winter gardens, from green corners on a balcony to relaxation zones in offices and cafes.

Having studied the basics of this direction, you will gain knowledge that will help you avoid possible mistakes when planning and implementing it in the interior.

The elective course should be useful and interesting not only for those who are taking their first steps in this field, but also for experienced professionals who would like to keep their knowledge in a constant tone.

The standard elective program in phytodesign is as follows.


  1. Phytodesign theory.
  2. Phytodesign in the ancient world.
  3. Living plants in a modern apartment.
  4. What you need to know about plants, as well as some of their useful features.

Why do we use phytodesign?

Such classes, in addition to the main goal, will help make your life better and broaden your horizons, so we advise you to check if there are such courses in your city.

Landscaping apartments and houses does not require special skills. Everyone can create a special atmosphere in their home with the right plants. From the article you will learn about the basic principles of phytodesign for harmonizing space and learn how to create a florarium on your own.

Gone are the days when the interior of the living room was traditionally decorated with ficuses, and violets were invariably present on the windowsills. Interior landscaping is a special kind of design, originating from the time of the birth of the first civilizations. Then people only aspired to aesthetics and harmony. Times are changing, and now, when working on the artistic design of space, both residential and non-residential premises, specialists use a scientific approach. But if you decide to “green” your interior on your own, you should not be afraid. You only need to know the key aspects, the principles of "building" phytodesign.

From the history of phytodesign

The inhabitants of the ancient countries - Egypt, Rome and Greece, paid special attention to aesthetics. It is not surprising that they successfully decorated their homes with plants to create a light atmosphere of space filled with lively energy. For example, the Egyptians used cyperus for landscaping, and the Romans used laurel trees. Do not forget about the cult of wildlife, each element of which was fraught with a certain meaning. special love for green spaces and plants were tested by the ancient Greeks. Even statues of majestic and powerful gods were decorated by mere mortals with elements of flora. On all monoliths with the image supreme god oak branches were placed, the statues of Aphrodite were framed with myrtle branches, the god of love - Eros - with roses, and the victorious goddess Nike - with palm branches.

The Chinese and Japanese paid great attention to landscaping and the creation of their own greenhouses. Until now, the fashion trend in Japan, ikebana, is studied by experts. Note that this type of arrangement originated in the 15th century.

This is interesting: floriculture on the territory of our state began to develop during the reign of Peter I. It was believed that the size of the plant is directly proportional to the status of the owner of the house. It is not surprising that later, among the nobility, the palm tree brought from the tropics was the most popular. Noble persons decorated their houses with ferns and dracaena. Merchants' houses were decorated with ficuses, and lower class people preferred geraniums.

On the basis of botanical gardens, a fashionable trend in interior design, phytodesign, began to develop rapidly. For interior decoration with living plants, it is extremely important to observe their biological synergy, especially environmental and climatic conditions.

flower arrangements

Phytocompositions look very fresh and unusual. You just need to remember the basic rules for placing plants in the interior of the room.

1. Observe contrast. Do not place several identical plants in one row. Do not forget about the contrast of the flower itself with the pot. The more interesting the plant looks, the less attractive the pot should be - choose a simple, plain one.

2. Dynamics. Make sure that the two plants of your phytocomposition are ideal - they will be the "focus" points. But between them you can place banal plants.

3. Never place large pots with large, majestic plants in small spaces. This visually reduces and narrows the room.

4. When placing plants in the interior, do not forget about proper care, for which you will need: proper lighting, drip irrigation system. An important point for ensuring the full life of plants is to maintain air humidity.

Florarium: features and principles of creation

The windows of the bedroom or kitchen do not always face the sunny side, but the desire to get your own miniature garden available. In this case, it's time to create a neat florarium that can cheer you up regardless of the season and become a worthy decorative element in the interior of the room. A small indoor garden with its own eco-system will no doubt attract the eyes of others. Creating an exclusive "garden" in a glass vessel does not require much effort, and you will love the result.

To design your own miniature florarium, choose small plants that need high humidity. Ideal for an exclusive "garden" fit: fern, cryptanthus, calamus cereal, reo.

You need:

  1. Glass jar or bottle. It is advisable to choose a product of an interesting, unusual shape.
  2. Soil for plants.
  3. Small plants.
  4. Pencil.
  5. Coffee grounds (promotes moisture retention).
  6. Small pieces of compost.
  7. Miniature elements for the decor of your "garden": pebbles, figurines.

Step by step action plan:

  1. Thoroughly wash the “container”, make sure that there are no traces of food or fat left on its surface.
  2. Place a thick layer of compost on the bottom of a bottle or jar.
  3. Place a mixture of soil and coffee grounds in an even ball on the compost particles.
  4. Moisten the soil until moist soil is obtained.
  5. Fill the third part of the glass vessel with wet soil.

  1. Level the soil (use a small pencil or chopstick to do this).
  2. "Dig" a neat, small hole with a pencil.
  3. Plant a plant.
  4. Add quite a bit of water.
  5. Place decorative elements inside the jar. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Green plants: combinations with popular interior styles

For admirers of the classic interior, large plants with rounded foliage and a strong crown are suitable: azalea, fern, dracaena, ficus and monstera. Antique-style pots will look appropriate.

Hi-tech has always been associated with freshness and catchiness. You can decorate a bedroom or living room with bright amaryllis, gardenia. When creating flower arrangements, pay attention to the frame material. In this innovative style, metal structures will look best.

Refinement is characteristic of Art Nouveau, so small plants with neat foliage should be placed in the interior. In a room decorated in Art Nouveau style, cacti, dracaena, ficuses, euphorbia and even palm trees will look good. If you want to create a combination of planters, decorate the pots with a mosaic ornament or order a professional painting.

The interior in the style of an African safari must be supplemented with plants of a bright palette: pineapple, gusmania, hesperia. Ideally fit into the exotic interior of agave, palm trees. The use of rattan and stone to create decorative compositions is welcome.

In the Japanese interior, you can safely place indoor bonsai, dracaena, yucca. Since this interior style is distinguished by restraint and a certain asceticism, plant pots should also be kept in cold colors.

Country houses are often decorated in country style. And to create the perfect phytodesign, you need to use simple plants: violet, ivy and primrose. And in combination with ceramics and a vine, unsightly flowers and plants will become a special decorative element of your home.

Decoration of residential and non-residential premises with flowers and plants does not require special skills and the involvement of professionals. Just a drop of imagination and superficial knowledge of the field of plant compatibility will allow you to enjoy your own natural oasis - concise and moderately elegant.

Interior design is simply unthinkable without plants. An apartment without flowers looks very monotonous and boring. Houseplants, their diversity, freshness and greenery will make the atmosphere cozy, warm and lively. Phytointerior design- This is one of the most popular trends in decorating rooms. Using compositions of flowers and plants, you will not only decorate a particular room, but also improve the microclimate and air in it. Phytodesign implies and includes interior design, interior landscaping and the creation of winter gardens. Floral arrangements will be the finishing touch in creating a unique and original design of an apartment or house.

Phytodesign apartment

Floral arrangements are one of the simplest and most affordable phytodesign options for any apartment. They can be used in all areas from hallways, where flowers will welcome your guests, to the bathroom, where moisture-resistant, shade-loving plants will create a very cozy atmosphere. Floral arrangements will decorate the everyday and diversify the festive design of the apartment.

Create interior phytodesign apartments and you can diversify it with the help of beautiful vases, they will emphasize the incredible beauty of plants. Flower pots, vine coasters and wicker baskets will be an excellent basis for creating a floral arrangement.

Plants in pots can be put not only on the windowsills, but also on bookshelves, on the floor, in a niche in the wall. If you hang flowerpots by the window, then this decoration option will look very original and modern. Clay, ceramic pots, all kinds of stands for them will become the same original element of decor as plants, so they must be selected in accordance with the style of the interior and also carefully.

Large floor vases with flowers almost the height of a man will become original decoration for a windowless space. And the design of the balcony will be transformed by creepers, exquisite flowering flowers and orange trees. Such a green balcony will delight you at any time of the year.

Artificial flowers in the interior today are also very popular when creating phytodesign. These flowers can decorate the hall.

Interior landscaping

When decorating an apartment or house with elements of phytodesign, it is first necessary to take into account its style. Creating a certain style of the interior, you can ideally choose a composition that will emphasize it.

Luxurious baroque style or interior design in the Empire style will decorate and diversify a lush azalea or climbing rose. Ceramic pots or forged flower stands will complement the bright and extraordinary composition.

A light and very homely Provence style will be emphasized by wild climbing grapes, and violets on the windowsill will become a bright and very beautiful decor element that will delight you with its flowering every time.

A chic Art Deco style will be complemented by an arrangement of roses in a crystal vase on the bedside table in the bedroom or on coffee table in the living room. Lilies, orchids and ferns are also perfect for an Art Deco apartment interior.

A discreet Scandinavian interior will be decorated with flowers in ceramic or porcelain pots. It can be bush palms, a date tree, and you can hang a flowering wax flower in a flowerpot on the window, it smells wonderful and is very beautiful.

The most popular and fashionable country style will enliven a bouquet of wildflowers. Decorative tomato, compositions of cereals and legumes will also look very harmonious.

For a classic interior, large floor pots and vases with lush flowers are suitable: ficuses, dieffenbachia, home climbing ivy.

Phytodesign is also part of the eco-style, so when creating such a lively interior design, take care of its landscaping. Here you can choose any composition you like, and it will be appropriate.

Floristics and phytodesign will ennoble your apartment, make it unusually light, spacious and organic. But you should know and remember that plants are not interior items that can be moved and placed anywhere. When choosing plants for indoor landscaping, you need to take into account their needs, for example, in temperature and lighting. Therefore, when buying a “green friend”, be sure to consult a specialist, he will definitely tell you how to care for this plant.

Jun 4, 2017 Sergey