Installation of a rain shower from the ceiling. Do-it-yourself rain shower: step by step instructions. Types of tropical shower systems

Have you ever wanted to spend your holidays on paradise islands, where every morning you would watch the sunrise over the ocean, and a couple of times a week enjoy a refreshing tropical rain that washes away all worries and sorrows? Unfortunately, such a pleasure for many people turns out to be too expensive, but today everyone has the opportunity to be transported at least for a few minutes to an ideal place for rest and relaxation. The name of this new product is rain shower. Until recently, this device was used only in sanatoriums, hospitals, baths and spas. Water procedures invariably bring us joy, and a refreshing shower is to the taste of absolutely everyone. But if the usual watering can only involves hygiene procedures, then a tropical shower gives you the opportunity to truly relax, get rid of physical stress and cheer yourself up.

Why is this rain shower?

So what is a rain shower? At first glance, it may seem that this system is not fundamentally different from the usual shower head, which is present in every bathroom. However, in fact, the difference is significant - if the surface of a traditional watering can is small, then a rain shower involves the installation of a very large grate with many nozzles. From the watering can for an ordinary shower, water flows in dense elastic jets, and when passing through the grate of a tropical shower, water mixes with air, resulting in a stream of soft drops that do not hit the body, but delicately flow around it. Another feature of this shower system is installation at high altitude. For maximum effectiveness of the procedures, the grate should be mounted at a height of at least two meters - the rather long path that drops travel before reaching the body ensures their non-irritating, velvety effect on the skin. The combination of all these circumstances and makes the shower tropical - effective, but incredibly pleasant.

Varieties of tropical soul

If you already have a desire to place this wonderful design in the bathroom, then you should know that you have a choice, because there are several types of this system.

How to choose a rain shower?

It must be said right away that, ideally, you need to think about installing a rain shower even at the stage of repairing the bathroom. Then it will be possible to mount the watering can directly into the ceiling, and you will have the opportunity to choose not only its size, but also its shape. The last factor is quite important, although at first glance it seems that these are unnecessary subtleties of choice. In fact the harmony of the interior and the feeling of comfort depend on the geometry. So, if you prefer a modern laconic bathroom design, then you should stop at a square, rectangular or even triangular watering can, if you designed a bathroom in a classic style, then a round or oval model is more suitable for you, and for those who like ethnicity, for sure like watering cans curly, with a catchy decor. Do not forget that when installing a rain shower during repairs, it will be possible to combine watering cans in order to get the most suitable option for you.

Also keep in mind that It is better to entrust the installation of the rack, and even more so the tropical rain system, to a specialist. If you prefer to do everything yourself and are studying the question of how to make a rain shower with your own hands, then keep in mind that you will have time-consuming and noisy work ahead, including strobing the ceiling, wiring communications, laying pipes, etc.

If you're not planning on remodeling your bathroom and just want to add new features to your bathtub or shower, then check out the counters and faucets mentioned above. Considering the assortment of stores, pay attention to products famous brands who produce high-quality and reliable devices, not disappointing buyers. This is, first of all, equipment for bathrooms from Hansgrohe (Germany), Bossini and Novellini (Italy), Otler (Great Britain). AT last years Domestic manufacturers of such products are also actively entering the market, including Ledeme and Domani-Spa. Hundreds of thousands of consumers in our country have already appreciated the equipment of these Russian brands, which, despite affordable prices, is not inferior in quality and durability to foreign counterparts. Another point that is often overlooked is height. The higher the watering can is installed, the more effective the water procedures will be. For this reason, experts advise, if possible, to mount the system in the ceiling, and not in the wall - in this way, its optimal functioning is achieved.

Care of the rain shower system

Owners of even ordinary bathtubs equipped with faucets and shower cabins are well aware that a cloudy coating appears on metal, plastic and glass surfaces very quickly. Especially stains annoy those who have hard water. Traces arise because salts are dissolved in tap water, and they form plaque when the drops dry. Salt deposits don't just spoil appearance watering cans, racks, hoses, bathtubs and showers, they clog nozzles up to their complete obstruction. Even a few clogged nozzles will already reduce the quality of the shower, and if dozens of holes stop letting water through, then there will be no talk of any pleasure. In this regard, a natural question arises - how to clean rain shower screen? Most inexpensive means for the treatment of watering cans is ordinary vinegar. To clean the nozzles of the watering can, you will need to dismantle the watering can itself and place it in vinegar for several hours, which will dissolve lime deposits and return the patency to the holes. Similar manipulations will have to be carried out with the grate of the upper rain shower mounted in the ceiling. Be careful and constantly monitor the condition of equipment immersed in vinegar - this substance has a high chemical activity; stainless steel and chrome-plated products will not be affected in it, but brass and bronze can be covered with oxides, losing their original look. After cleaning with vinegar, be sure to thoroughly rinse the accessories with water and reinstall. You can also use special cleaning products that dissolve deposits. If you have not cleaned for a long time, a secondary treatment may be required, but sometimes you even have to resort to the rather laborious manual removal of salts from each nozzle.

Who does not dream of being under a warm shower of hot equatorial latitudes instead of a shower? A novelty in plumbing - a rain shower that mimics the flow of rain in your shower or in the bathroom, is able to give such a feeling. Manufacturers of such shower systems vying to promote the beneficial therapeutic effect of such a procedure, but what will such a pleasure cost? Or maybe home craftsmen are able to independently build a water supply system no worse than a factory one?


The new "tropical" shower is just a wide watering can in various designs, located fixedly above the person. Unlike inexpensive options, high-quality products allow you to distribute the water flow evenly over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shower head. Formally, a rain shower is a whole plumbing system, consisting not only of a watering can, but also of a mixer. A real rain shower is equipped with a system for mixing water with air inside the shower head, this effect is achieved using special gratings or other structural elements inside the sanitary element.

Therapeutic effect

The positive effect of a continuous flow of water in the "rain shower" systems has been used in sanatoriums and medical institutions for quite a long time. Common use tropical systems associated with the use of different temperatures, as well as light and color therapy, the beneficial effects of music and even aromatherapy. The shower itself has a relaxing and light massage effect, drops of water, falling from a great height under the influence of natural gravity, gently envelop the skin, allowing the body to relieve the stress of a tiring day. A cool shower with medium-strength jets, on the contrary, is able to set the body up for vigorous activity, and a more powerful pressure of water tones the muscles.

Rain shower: types and manufacturing features

The simplest equatorial rain-style water dispenser is a wide nozzle on a shower hose measuring 15 cm or more. Manufacturers provide many options for every taste and budget, the most complex and expensive models are equipped with a mechanism for regulating the water supply mode, however, such watering cans can only be called a rain shower conditionally. More expensive systems with a rain effect, in addition to a watering can, include a solid wall rack, the quality of the details of such products is slightly higher, and some companies produce real works of sanitary art.

Many manufacturers offer a prefabricated system with a mixer, the latter, however, is not very different from standard bath models. For those who want to fully experience the effect of the "rain shower" system in the bathroom, and the types of simple transformations of the shower head do not suit him, they produce shower wall panels or special ceiling-mounted installations. Such options look very impressive if they are built flush with the ceiling and equipped with additional LED lighting, which in some models is mounted directly into the shower head.

water pressure

Before installing equipment such as a rain shower in your bathroom, you need to calculate the efficiency of the water flow. As is clear from the size of the shower head, the flow rate can be significant. The plumbing system must provide enough water for the full operation of the rain shower system. As practice shows, the pressure requirements of wide shower heads are not too different from ordinary ones. There are standards for water consumption for manufacturers of sanitary equipment, both Russian and foreign, which do not differ too much. The filters or limiters built into the equipment are engaged in adjusting the maximum water flow, but what about the minimum values? A quality rain shower system requires at least 2 atmospheres of pressure to function properly, but you don't need fancy measuring equipment. It is enough just to take a stopwatch and a container with a volume you know. For a soft shower, depending on the size of the nozzle, a flow of 5-7 liters per minute is enough, while for powerful jets it will take 9-15, if your system can provide such volumes, you can safely move on to installing shower equipment. Otherwise, it is necessary to increase the water pressure in the system by cleaning and replacing pipes, removing restrictors or installing special pressure pumps. In urban apartments, such issues are required to be resolved by building management structures or water suppliers, the water supply standards established by the state are quite capable of coping with a rain shower system.

Watering can replacement

The simplest and a budget option transforming your bathtub or shower into an equatorial rain shower - replacing the shower head with a special wide model. Of course, it will be difficult to achieve the full effect, but you can refuse the services of specialists. From additional materials may need plumbing sealing tape to seal threaded connections, but usually the rubber gaskets in the kit of the purchased nozzle are able to cope with any leaks without additional effort.

Homemade options

Home craftsmen are ready to apply their skills wherever possible, and can build a rain shower from improvised materials. A do-it-yourself watering can to get the effect of a rain stream is easily made from a container for optical discs, designed for 10 pieces. A plastic adapter to the shower hose is installed in the center of the base, the central axis of the disks is removed, and holes are marked and pierced on the upper surface of the cover: from 20 to 40 pieces. All joints and fasteners must be glued tightly, and a piece of rigid tube or a bracket with thick wire can be used as a holder.

Depending on the resourcefulness and availability of materials, you can implement other options for the "rain shower" system with your own hands. What can be done, if not from standard plastic pipes completely and even backlit? This design implies a complete replacement of the watering can with several adjacent pipes with holes for water. The manufacture of such a structure will require at least the skills of connecting pipes, as well as other building skills and knowledge in the field of electricity. It is difficult to judge how profitable it is to use several pipes instead of a collector common to all nozzles, and the setting makeshift systems limited by the capabilities of the mixer.

Rack, panel and faucet

Installing plumbing fixtures such as a rain shower stand with faucet or custom wall panel should not be a problem for experienced home builders, except for the possibility of running new or additional pipes into the wall. The rack or panel is securely attached to the wall with hidden screws, the mixer can be installed in place of the old one, fortunately, standard sizes used in almost all models. Work on laying pipes is best done at the stage of repairing the room.

Shower building

The solid construction of a rain shower requires concealed wiring of water pipes, especially since installing a nozzle at ceiling level will also bring additional labor and material costs. Such bathroom equipment is very dependent on building experience and the availability of plumbing skills, experts recommend trusting the design and execution of professionals. If you feel able to handle all the steps of installing a rain shower on your own, the next step is to step-by-step instruction.

Construction stages

One of the main steps towards the implementation of the idea is the purchase necessary equipment and planning. Saving on plumbing units is not worth it, after the work is done it will be problematic to make adjustments, you must be sure of the equipment. The ideal purchase option would be models from well-known brands, manufacturers value reputation and monitor the quality of their products. Reasonable design can also eliminate possible problems in the future, you should consider access to the main components in order to replace them in the event of a breakdown without dismantling the wall and ceiling covering. Another condition for achieving the maximum effect from a rain shower will be a ceiling height of at least 2.3 m.

The next step is to clean the old wall coverings and, if necessary, the ceiling with the floor.

After transferring the drawings from paper directly to the walls and ceiling, you can start laying pipes. The ideal option is to cut the strobe under the pipes, this installation method will save space in the room as much as possible. It is possible to equip a separate shower area from moisture-resistant drywall, then the pipes can be "hidden" directly into the partition. Should be considered entrance doors, for example, when installing models on casters, you need to strengthen flooring under the bottom rails.

Installation of special lighting may require an additional electrical line and installation of related electrical equipment. It should be ensured that direct water flows do not fall on the connections and, in general, any non-insulated current-carrying parts of the electrical system. Ideal would be concealed installation in the ceiling, which, especially for these purposes, can be made in a suspended or tension version. Apartment owners should foresee possible leaks from neighbors above and protect those below. To do this, it is necessary to make enclosing waterproofing of electrical equipment in the ceiling and complete waterproofing of the floor.

The next step will be the installation and testing of all plumbing elements of the system.

After making sure that it is in good condition and correctly connected, you can proceed to the arrangement of the ceiling and the lining of the walls and floor.

Consumer opinion

On the Internet, they speak well of the new shower system. In most cases, the reviews refer to wall-mounted speakers, sometimes complete with a mixer, this is understandable, happy owners of full-fledged exclusive shower systems enjoy "on the sly". Obviously, the investment pays off in the form of positive emotions and other beneficial effects of a rain shower.

A rain shower is a type of stationary overhead shower. The second name of this soul is “ tropical rain". Not everyone has heard of him due to the fact that such a shower appeared on the market relatively recently. But, despite the low level of popularity of this plumbing device, many users have already managed to appreciate the principle of its operation and fall in love with this type of shower for its qualities.

What is a rain shower

"Tropical rain" is not only a shower as such, in addition to its direct purpose, it has a pleasant massage and relaxing effect during operation. The device of the watering can provides a powerful shower head of water, which invigorates and at the same time relaxes the whole body.

Most experts believe that the use of a shower has a much more favorable effect on the emotional and physical condition person than taking a bath. The specialists who developed the Tropical Rain watering can wanted to achieve a favorable relaxing and tonic effect for their customers. And they succeeded, because the shower head has a large spray area, and water drops evenly fall on the entire body, and do not hit certain areas, as happens with a standard watering can.

The design of rain shower heads can be completely varied. Some installations have the ability to manually control the pressure and switch modes, whether large or small drops.

Watering cans with built-in lighting are popular. A large variation in colors can change with changes in water temperature. This property also helps a person to relax and get great pleasure from water procedures.

Specialists are constantly inventing and adding new features to this type of shower. More recently, a new model has been released that has the function of producing tropical aromas. And some models surprise with the mode of unpredictable change in the intensity of water pressure, the so-called “surprise effect”, when at any moment the strength of the water flow can change.


The shape of the shower head is absolutely diverse - round, square, oval or rectangular. The size can also be selected based on the parameters of the bath or shower, as well as your individual preferences. Thus, a rain shower can be installed in any bathroom.

The rain shower head works like an aerator. Thanks to the multilayer fine mesh installed inside it, water droplets are saturated with oxygen. This feature reduces water consumption and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Recessed shower heads are made of brass or steel and can also be chrome or nickel plated. It is recommended to use steel or brass watering cans, as they are more durable and environmentally friendly. The main point also remains the choice of a mixer and other accessories necessary for installing a shower.

Rain shower options:

  • fixed shower panel;
  • on a stationary stand;
  • mixer;
  • panel mounted in the ceiling.

If necessary, it is possible to install a removable structure, and the types of watering cans can be changed. The most popular fixture diameter is 250 mm. It's much easier to take apart.

Fixed shower panel

This option is very functional and complex, as it combines the main sprayer - a rain shower, a mixer, as well as flexible shower. For greater convenience, this type of shower should be used mainly in a shower stall. The only drawback of such an installation is its high price.

Shower, fixed stand

For the price, this option is more attractive than the first. You can install it both in the cabin and in the bath. Racks, in addition to the main watering can, can also include a flexible shower, spout and mixer.


This is a shower head familiar to many users on a flexible hose. It can be used both in the shower and in the bath. This is the most affordable and inexpensive version. But it cannot be called a full-fledged rain shower, because due to its size, shape and water flow, it is not able to have the desired effect.

Panel mounted in the ceiling

With this type of installation, the watering can is connected to the ceiling, and all communications are hidden under it. Therefore, this design looks extremely harmonious and solid. This method of attachment allows you to opt for the largest sizes of watering cans, and this will help you most fully plunge into the atmosphere of tropical rain.

You can purchase a ready-made cabin with a watering can already installed, but if you wish and to save money, you can easily install the device yourself.

The role of the mixer

There are many pipes and taps in the plumbing system, thanks to which water is supplied directly to the shower. The task of the mixer is to mix cold and hot water. As a result, the mixer dispenses water at the optimum and desired temperature.

For rain showers, as a rule, thermostatic mixers are used. The thermostat keeps the set temperature constant. But to save money, you can also choose a conventional mixer without a thermostat. To do this, you only need to replace the watering can with a special divider that distributes the water flow per person.

In addition, a special faucet for such a shower has a switch, thanks to which you can change the pressure power and water supply methods.

Premium rain shower

For more sophisticated and demanding customers, a line of premium rain showers has been invented. Such sanitary installations are equipped with additional options. In addition to the aeration function, there is also the possibility of remote control, multi-colored Neon lights, multidirectional water flow system. For example, a tropical rain watering can is combined with a waterfall mode. This embodiment can be used both in turn and simultaneously, obtaining different desired effects.

Such shower systems are rightfully the most expensive.

How to choose

There are some nuances to keep in mind when buying a rain shower.

  • Explore the shower set. Communication installations differ from each other in shape, nozzles, water supply mode, additional rod, number of regulating nozzles.
  • It is necessary to determine the method of installation. For some types of systems, there is internal installation. Therefore, in order to install a shower, it will be necessary to disassemble part of the wall and ceiling. This should be taken into account before performing the final finishing of the room.
  • Ask what settings your chosen shower model has. There are many additional useful options, such as a backlight or a thermostat that fixes the set temperature. The function of adjusting the consumption of liters of water per minute can also be built in.

Many set out to make this kind of shower with their own hands, and not by chance, because it is quite simple. Everything should be done in stages, following the instructions. And it's best to think things through when you're building a home or renovating your bathroom.

The algorithm for creating a tropical shower is as follows:

  • Get all the necessary accessories and fixtures in advance.
  • Determine the location where you will have the faucet and choose the optimal height for installing the shower head.
  • Punch recesses for all necessary water pipes.
  • Lay pipes.
  • Assemble the mixer and connect it to the pipes.
  • Install the watering can.
  • Check the operation of the shower and the tightness of the system.
  • Sand the wall and do any necessary finishing work.

These are all the steps you will need to take. Your shower, of course, will be simple, because most likely it will not have all the additional features that are available in a full-fledged factory version of the product. But on the other hand, it will be original, economical in terms of water consumption, healing and restoring. Also, the design does not require large investments.

Caring for the Tropical Rain System

Everyone knows that during the operation of bathtubs and showers, a characteristic plaque appears on the walls, faucets, watering cans and pipes. Plaque is dried drops of water in which various salts are dissolved. This coating is mostly light in color. But with a high content of other impurities in the water, water stains can acquire a reddish color. Both cases cause trouble and discomfort to users.

In addition to an aesthetic defect, plaque also has a harmful effect on the appearance of racks, watering cans, bathtubs and showers in general, destroying the integrity and strength of the element. This can also lead to clogged nozzles and blockage of water through them.

If at least a few nozzles are clogged, the water supply force changes, and accordingly, the effect of a rain shower as such is reduced. Therefore, it is imperative to clean the shower heads in a timely manner.

The easiest and most inexpensive way to clean the shower can be table vinegar, which is sure to be in every home. To clean the nozzles, you will need to unscrew the watering can and soak it in vinegar for a while. Vinegar will easily dissolve all deposits and return the watering can and nozzles to their original appearance. In the same way, you can clean the ceiling shower panel by carefully dismantling it.

When it comes to redesigning a bedroom or transforming kitchen décor, ideas are in full swing. But if you want to ennoble such a practical area as a bathroom or shower, doubts arise. To create a comfortable and delightful atmosphere at the same time, no special efforts are needed. After all, designers have long advised their clients to "rain shower" - a wonderful mixture of functionality and heavenly bliss. It is also called an overhead or rain shower. The peculiarity lies in the location of a special nozzle-watering can "rain shower" in the ceiling.

How to make such a rain shower, see the end of the article

Modeled to feel like it's raining, this watering can usually has several built-in features, from a real downpour to a water-saving trickle. It consists of a thin square or round, disc-shaped nozzle with many small holes through which water flows evenly and continuously.

rain shower

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More upgraded models include a pressure-adjustable feature that allows you to turn the spray falling from the shower into neat droplets. Even more modern designs have a random selection of shower modes. It can be a pulsating rain massage (for a spa experience), a powerful shower (for a strong and plentiful flow of water) or an economical trickle (for a long stay in a hot shower). The random selection option makes it possible to realistically experience real rain: sudden, changeable and unpredictable.

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Watering cans "rain shower" differ in shape, design and material. Steel, chrome and brass options are considered traditional, which fit into any bathroom.

Benefits of a rain shower

A few ideas where a rain shower is a real dream corner!

Horizontal shower looks unique and outlandish. Many small watering cans allow you to achieve a state of complete relaxation, get rid of stress and muscle tension. It might even be better than a bath.

Owner country house I would definitely like to have a shower that opens onto the garden. The double glass door can be an additional window. This rain shower is equipped with a vertical wall pole and a square watering can.

An open shower that amazes with its magnificence. Water flows down from the mirror watering can like rain: calmly and bewitchingly.

Compact shower area that is not part of the bath. This is a rain shower integrated into the open space of the house. Illuminated ceiling watering can, granite and glass walls create an overall unusual design.

This shower is equipped with a huge watering can, divided into six parts. Additional water dispensers and spa décor give a feeling of resort tranquility.

Some shower heads are temperature sensitive and can change color. You can come up with your own ideal atmosphere using additional local lighting.

Framing for a rain shower made of wooden logs - what is not an option? They are able to completely transform the decor of the bathroom. The stone floor is another bright accent.

This rain shower is the easiest way to achieve a state of "zen". The mirror panel on the ceiling resembles the glow of the night sky. It reflects the beauty of the decor. Plants are a great addition to a tropical look.

The rain shower, hidden behind a glass veil, takes central location in these bedroom suites. It is like a safe harbor in a blue lagoon: beautiful and natural. Although it performs a practical function, at the same time dividing and connecting different areas of the apartment.

LED strips embedded in the ceiling enhance general impression from the shower room: with the help of a cunning arrangement of lighting fixtures, you can achieve a real optical illusion - bewitching and sophisticated.

LED lamps highlight the minimalist rain shower in a special way. Transparent glass walls do not block the surrounding space, making the room airy and weightless. Turquoise accents look great in gray tones.

Despite the rather simple and unpretentious design of the watering can, this shower attracts with an atmosphere of harmony and peace. Its shape and combination of materials will please the most demanding customer. After a pleasant relaxation in the bath, the muscles are toned under the powerful drops of the shower head.

Such a shower enclosure completely exposes its space to the beauties of the backyard or garden. Only a glass wall separates it from absolute merging with nature. Suitable for owners country houses with maximum opportunities in terms of privacy.

Rain shower: do-it-yourself watering can

Inexperienced experimenters can build a rain shower at home at no extra cost.

Step 1: what is required

For the base, you will need a box for CDs (for 10 pieces). You also need a glue gun, a flexible tube, an old shower head, a needle, a ruler, compasses, a candle, and some common tools.

Step 2: draw the grid

The grid consists of circles and lines. The number of circles should be chosen at will. Let the lines be shallow: this is just a conditional guideline for making holes.

Step 3: make holes

On the flame of a candle, heat the needle, holding it with pliers. Then quickly, while the needle is hot, stick it into the plastic along the grid, making the required number of holes.

Step 4: prepare the base

First, cut off the thing on which the discs are put on. This is easily done with a utility knife. Next, take a piece of a tube, plastic or copper, place it in the resulting hole and glue it tightly. Calculate so that the length of the tube does not exceed the height of the disc box.

Step 5: close the box

Now you should glue the black and transparent parts of the box. Just close tightly and coat with waterproof glue.

Step 6: attach the hose

A tube with a diameter of 1 cm will do. Attach one end of it to a homemade watering can. Next, cut the old shower head: you need to use the lower part, which will then be screwed to the old system. Glue the tube and the cut-off part of the nozzle together with waterproof glue.

Step 7: Add and Improve

It remains to attach a metal tube or something else (flexible, but rigid) to hold the hoses in a bent position. Glue one end to the nozzle, the other to the watering can.

Step 8: Result

Free upgraded watering can ready for long relaxing use.

A design with a wide area of ​​​​vertical irrigation, similar in appearance to a tropical shower, is commonly called a rain shower. A similar impression was achieved with a wide diameter shower head and a vertical (diagonal) installation.

A characteristic feature of this type of shower system is its static nature with minor adjustments. In other words, it is not possible to adjust or remove the main atomizer. Regulation of this type of shower system is not provided, since the perimeter of spraying water is from three hundred millimeters in diameter - this makes it possible to completely cover a person. With a wide system, such a distance to the shower head prevents comfortable showering due to the fact that an impressive amount of water is selected beyond the boundaries of the shower cabin, and there is a risk of flooding the entire bathroom.

Advantages and disadvantages

shower system tropical species differs from a simple analogue in some exceptional features of installation and further operation. Therefore, it is recommended not to chase modern innovations, but to carefully approach the decision to install a rain shower in your home.

To positive aspects this system can include:

  • wide water spray perimeter (dense and uninterrupted water flow);
  • in the process of using the shower, your hands are free (no need to guide and hold the shower head);
  • exotic look (creating a unique interior in the bathroom, a rain shower is not the most popular option in Russia).

A rain shower has a number of characteristic disadvantages:

  • complex and time-consuming installation of a shower system;
  • the presence of special technical conditions in the room;
  • mandatory use of an additional mixer.

The shower system is fixed to the ceiling or wall surface. Often a design of this type requires a low ceiling and a fairly large space inside the cabin - this will protect the walls from water splashes and the occurrence of fungus.

To use the rain shower, one faucet will not be enough. The fact is that this shower system is designed for use with additional shower racks. The complexity of the installation work lies in the creation of the wiring, namely: a complex system of pipes and preparation of a place for the future installation of the mixer to the wall will be required.

For those who prefer stylish minimalism, it is recommended to install a tropical faucet in the ceiling.

Arrangement of a system for taking a shower

A tropical faucet is not quite a complete option for comfortable, all-round use of the shower, so There are four different ways to fix this:

  • install a tropical faucet above the surface of the bath bowl or shower tray;
  • install a shower rack;
  • complement the tropical faucet with a simple shower head;
  • install an additional mixer.

A rain shower system for a bathroom with a mixer is designed in advance or on a finished finished surface. Depending on the mixer model, the hoses are mounted on the wall surface or under its finish (tiles, PVC panels).

Control elements are often located close to the mixing spout. They allow you to adjust the flow of cold and hot water or switch it to another faucet. This method is suitable for any type of bathroom, provided that the hose is located on the surface of the wall surface. Today, finding a wall and ceiling rain shower system is not difficult. The first method is the most practical in connection with saving water and space.

The rain shower column with faucet does not have an outlet for normal water supply. Outwardly, such structures look like ordinary shower racks with static watering cans, there is another option with an additional manual watering can. This option is applicable both in the shower cabin and in the homemade shower. And also has a number distinguishing features: hydromassage function, lights, the presence of a thermostat to select the desired temperature.

Installation of an additional shower head with an existing one tropical mixer can be done both in a conventional shower cabin and above the surface of the bath bowl. The only drawback of this model: you need to hide the hose from the rain shower head. Based on a shower head. The tropical looking watering can is used as a nice addition that makes the bathroom more functional and more inviting. Some models require the installation of only one watering can - the top one. It can be used to bathe children or pets.

Not the most aesthetic, but less time-consuming option is the installation of a free-standing mixer. Very often used for the bath: in addition to the shower head, a simple mixer is needed to fill it. Installation takes place on a common pipe system, or a separate liner is made.

How to choose?

A tropical shower bar for the bathroom is available on the shelves of all hardware stores. When buying, pay attention to the dimensions of the products, the manufacturer, whether there are different options, and also what materials the product is made of.


The parameters are individual and directly depend on the perimeter of the bathroom. Removal and watering sizes are among them. For static shower heads that are fixed to the wall surface, a large extension will create difficulties in operation. The dimensions of the watering affect the width of the shower head: the wider the watering, the larger the diameter of the watering can. For watering cans intended for fastening to a ceiling surface, there are only one dimensions, one size. The extension length for such a model is set during installation, it is not recommended to make it less than fifty millimeters from a nearby wall.

Important: when choosing the dimensions of watering, be sure to consider the size of the shower or bath bowl. The dimensions of the removal are in response to the comfort of operation, because the larger it is, the farther it should be located from the walls.


Depending on what materials were used for manufacturing, the cost of a tropical watering can and all its components may vary. Budget products made from metal powder or coated with a thin layer of aluminum plastic are most susceptible to mechanical stress. They crack and break more often.

More expensive models made of an alloy of copper and aluminum, is just a concession to design ideas. Externally, the products have high aesthetic qualities, but there is very little practicality in them. Copper under the influence of a constant flow of water and oxygen will quickly begin to oxidize.

The manufacturer prudently coats copper faucets with specialized protective film. But soon after the damage, copper oxide is formed, which is expressed by an abundant dense coating of a green tint. The most practical of all the options proposed by the manufacturers will be a mixer made of pure stainless steel or with chrome surface. Galvanized products are lightweight, low cost and high strength. Products from zinc are undemanding in leaving. They are not as susceptible to oxidation as copper.


The more famous the manufacturer, the higher the cost of production. This is a kind of quality guarantee. After all, a large brand cares about its reputation and is more careful about the release of quality products. It is recommended to pay attention to the manufacturer, especially if you are planning to update and completely change the interior of the bathroom. Quite often, manufacturers produce lines of sanitary ware, designed in one tone and color scheme that form a unified ensemble.

Among the manufacturers of a shower with a “rain” spout, we can distinguish companies Bravat Phillis and Kaiser. Reviews about their products are mostly positive.

Hydromassage function

Shower panels with a hydromassage function and a tropical look shower are additional functions that make the shower multifunctional. Water massage is circular, located separately on the wall surfaces of the shower and point in the presence of the main diffuser in the shower. The latter option is extremely popular, since it does not need additional installation work. As for the cost and laboriousness of the installation, they are much lower, but the usefulness of such a hydromassage is extremely small. A high-quality hydro massager is circular. But it is rarely found on the shelves of plumbing stores.

The hydromassage option is installed exclusively in shower cabins; in the bathtub, the Jacuzzi function is used.


An important attribute of any shower cabin is the backlight. Light sources are installed on control panels or mounted on the surface of the shower head. At first glance, this may seem inconvenient and impractical, but the vertically incident light illuminates the entire area of ​​the shower.

LED or halogen lamps are used as light sources. The LED lamp is a safe and budgetary way to additionally illuminate the shower cabin. It is quite bright and does not need a complete repair when it fails. Halogen lamp is replaced with a new lamp if damaged.