How to humidify the air in the Komarovsky apartment. Choosing a humidifier for children: which one is better? Main functions of the air humidifier

People have always struggled with excessive dryness in the room. In the days of our grandmothers and mothers, wet towels hung on radiators and basins of water, which caring parents placed in the children's room, served as a humidifier for children. Now the process of maintaining the desired level of humidity has been greatly simplified - anyone can buy a special device in the store and forget about the problem of dry air.

This is especially important for the children's room, because it is very important for both newborns and older children to live in comfortable conditions. Dry air, heat, dust - all this negatively affects their well-being and development. Do kids deserve it?

What is a humidifier and why is it needed?

The first humidifier was developed in the West. From the name of the unit it is clear that it serves to maintain a certain level of humidity in the room. Some models can perform other equally important functions - for example, heating or cooling the air space.

The principle of operation of the humidifier is simple: a special fan takes dry air, passes it through filters and purifiers and throws it back into the space, but already cleaned and saturated with moisture.

But why is it so important to maintain a certain humidity in the children's room and what should it be? Doctors (and especially the most famous children's doctor - Evgeny Komarovsky) tirelessly repeat that the climate in the baby's room plays a decisive role for his health and proper development.

The temperature in the nursery should not exceed 22 ° C, ideally it is 18-19 ° C. Humidity is desirable to maintain at the level of 50-70%. This is especially true during the heating season, when hot batteries dry the air up to 10-20%.

The higher the temperature in the room, the drier the air, respectively, the more moisture the body spends to moisturize it. As a result, problems with the lungs, drying out of the nasopharynx, thickening of the blood and many other unpleasant consequences.

To avoid health problems, as well as to strengthen children's immunity, it is recommended, first of all, to create comfortable climatic conditions in the house, and the humidifier is the first assistant in this.

8 reasons to buy a humidifier for the nursery

  1. Newborns especially need a humidifier, as they are not yet accustomed to breathing dry, dirty air in urban areas. Because of this, they can become dehydrated. To prevent this, you should put a humidifier in the children's room.
  2. Reducing the concentration of germs and dirt in the air allows the baby to grow up healthier and stronger, avoid respiratory diseases and nasal congestion.
  3. Humid air will not allow the skin to dry out, and, accordingly, the risk of skin problems will decrease.
  4. Thanks to the humidifier, the baby's immunity is strengthened, the risk of colds is reduced.
  5. In a humidified room, the baby's sleep will be stronger and calmer.
  6. Breathing moist air, the child develops faster, learns information better.
  7. It is impossible to increase the humidity in the room in any other way. Frequent cleanings, water sprays, wet towels on batteries - all this does not give the same result as a humidifier.
  8. In addition to saturating the air with moisture, many humidifiers purify it from dust and germs. Also, these devices regulate the temperature in the room, which is very important for the normal life and health of the baby.

Types of humidifiers

Humidifiers come in four types, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. traditional humidifiers.
  2. Steam humidifiers.
  3. ultrasonic humidifiers.
  4. Air washers.
  5. Climate humidifiers.

Traditional Humidifiers

This is the simplest humidifier currently available. In it, the air passes through special filters, is purified and evaporates naturally without heating.


  • you can use tap water;
  • low price;
  • uniform hydration;
  • cleaning from pollution, including large ones;
  • simple TO.


  • to maintain the desired level of humidity, continuous operation of the humidifier is necessary;
  • high noise level.

Ultrasonic Humidifiers

Ultrasonic vibrations in the body of the device create a cloud of water molecules, through which the air passes before entering the space of the room. Consequently, cold steam comes out of the purifier, which maintains optimal humidity in the apartment.

The advantages of such devices are as follows:

  • they are silent;
  • have a hygrostat, which means they can maintain humidity at a certain level;
  • with their help, you can saturate the air with moisture by more than 70-80%;
  • the display shows the humidity level on this moment.

Disadvantage of ultrasonic cleaners:

  • it is advisable to use filtered water, as tap water quickly clogs the humidifier filter.

Steam cleaners

Steam cleaners work on the principle of a "boiled kettle". They heat water and release warm steam, which saturates everything around with moisture.

The advantages of such units are that:

  • they work on ordinary tap water and do not clog;
  • humidify the air very quickly;
  • disconnected from the network as soon as the water came to an end;
  • such a device can be used as an inhaler.


  • the steam type cleaner does not maintain a certain level of humidity (it does not have a hygrostat);
  • unsafe for the rooms of very young children, as it can burn the baby;
  • require high energy costs.

Air wash

These are disc cleaners. Their job is that a special fan draws air into the case and passes through the disks, which rotate, periodically plunging into the water. All the dirt pulled out of the air remains in the water, and pure steam is thrown into the room.


  • consume little electricity;
  • do not require removable disks;
  • work quietly;
  • not only moisturize, but also “wash” the air;
  • do not require the use of purified water.


  • high price;
  • impressive dimensions.

Climate humidifiers

The principle of operation of these models is to use a special filter that interacts with a fan that directs air. Sometimes it can be replaced by a special design.

Such humidifiers not only maintain high humidity in the room, but also clean the air of dust, germs and other contaminants.


  • many modes;
  • silent operation;
  • high-quality cleaning;
  • discreet design.


  • high price.

Which humidifier to choose for a child's room?

In general, all of the above types of cleaners are suitable for a child's room. Which to choose? It depends on what results you would like to achieve and what is preferable for you.

  • If you need a budget option, then pay attention to steam or traditional models - they are the most inexpensive and easy to operate.
  • If you're looking for a quality humidifier and purifier, consider an air conditioner or air washer.
  • If you need a small unit, ultrasonic and steam humidifiers are the best option.
  • If your baby sleeps very sensitively, then get a climate or ultrasonic cleaner - they work absolutely silently.
  • If your area has bad water and you don't want to spend money on cartridges, choose a traditional, steam or air washer.
  • If the cost of replacement filters does not scare you, you can buy an ultrasonic humidifier.
  • If you need to humidify the air in a large room, stop at an ultrasonic or climate purifier.

The best option for a children's room is a climate purifier - it most fully and efficiently humidifies and purifies the air, therefore it is recommended even for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as well as for those who live in the center of large cities, near highways and industrial plants. But such a device is quite expensive, so you can choose a simpler humidifier - any unit will cope with its task and make the climatic conditions in the children's room as comfortable as possible.

Requirements for humidifiers safe for children

  1. The device should not only humidify, but also purify the air from harmful impurities.
  2. The model should be inconspicuous and dim, so as not to arouse undue interest in the child.
  3. It is desirable that the humidifier can independently maintain optimal level humidity (60-70%) and turned off when the water in the barrel ran out.
  4. It is good if the cleaner can be used as a room fragrance. Atomized high-quality lemon or fir oil will protect the baby from colds, and lavender oil will improve sleep and strengthen the nervous system.
  5. A humidifier for a nursery should be silent so as not to interfere with the games and sleep of the child.
  6. The device should not have small parts that can be unscrewed. It should also be either very light, or, on the contrary, such that the child cannot tip it over and get hurt. A humidifier that works on the principle of "hot air" is undesirable.
  7. Well, if the device has a special "children's" mode of operation.

Prices for air humidifiers in Russia

The cheapest models are considered to be ultrasonic and steam cleaners. Prices for some units start at 2000–4000 rubles, and the fewer functions a humidifier has, the lower the price. If the device does not have a built-in hygrostat, its cost is significantly reduced.

However, there are more expensive ultrasonic models - 10,000-15,000 rubles, and the price of some steam humidifiers (for example, Boneco) reaches 30,000 rubles.

But the most expensive are models such as air washing and climatic. Their cost can reach up to 50,000 rubles.

The best humidifier models suitable for a child's room

Below is a brief overview of the five best models humidifiers, according to consumers 2013-2015.

Boneco Air-O-Swiss 7147

This is a relatively inexpensive ultrasonic air purifier. Manufacturer - Switzerland. It is silent, convenient (there is a touch screen) and economical (it needs little energy to operate). In addition, there is a silver rod inside the device, which not only cleans, but also disinfects the air.

Boneco Air-O-Swiss 7147 is ideal for children's rooms of any size and area, as well as for any season.

The disadvantage is that from time to time the filters have to be changed in the purifier.

Winia AWX-70

Nice and high quality cleaner made in Korea. Quickly and well moisturizes the air, easy to use and maintain. The large 9 liter tank eliminates the need for frequent refills.


A small and compact ultrasonic type humidifier will be a good addition to any children's room. It has a discreet inconspicuous design, and it is unlikely that the baby will take it for a toy. In addition, this unit is not at all heavy (only 2.5 kg), so that even if a child drops it, serious damage can be avoided.

The downside of using a humidifier is that it is only suitable for small spaces. Also, this model is made of fairly cheap plastic, which is not very good for use in a nursery.

Electrolux EHAW-6515

A very convenient air washer that does not require constant replacement of cartridges and complex cleaning. It is relatively small, has three operating modes and is ideal for children's rooms. In addition, silver elements are built into it, which ionize the air in the room, killing harmful bacteria.

The disadvantage is the price - about 20,000 rubles.

AIC S135

Inexpensive, but high-quality air purifier. It is easy to use, silent and perfectly humidifies the air in the children's room. A full tank of water is enough for the whole night.

The "cons" include the fact that moisturizing is rather slow.


The need to humidify the air in the children's room has long been known, but in our time it has become very easy to cope with this task, thanks to special devices - humidifiers. Their advantage is that in addition to humidifying the air, they purify and disinfect it.

By purchasing this item for your home, you can be calm about the health of your child.

Yevgeny Komarovsky, a respected pediatrician and author of many books and articles on children's health, repeatedly told parents about this.

Many mothers and fathers, listening to the doctor's advice, try to humidify the air in the children's room with the help of basins of water, an aquarium, steam, wet towels hung on radiators. Sooner or later, the understanding comes that it is easier and more profitable to purchase a special device - an air humidifier. Evgeny Komarovsky tells how to choose it and how to use it correctly.

Benefit and harm

The mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx perform important protective functions. They produce mucus that can bind viruses and slow their spread.

If the mucus dries up due to the fact that the child breathes dry air or breathes through the mouth during a runny nose, then the biological fluid that has changed its consistency becomes dangerous for the baby. Pathogenic bacteria begin to feel great in dried nasal mucus.

Many parents have noticed that the current snot one day turns into thick and green. This is the result of improper air humidity.

A child who constantly breathes dry air is more likely to suffer from acute respiratory viral infections.

During illness, they have a significantly higher risk of complications. The fact is that if, when coughing in the bronchi, which also actively produce a protective secret against viruses, bronchial mucus begins to dry out, this will most likely lead to bronchitis. If dried mucus begins to interfere with pulmonary metabolism, then pneumonia will begin.

Moist air during the flu or SARS is generally one of the main “medicines”: viral infections recede faster, and the immune system learns to recognize viruses and resist them when the patient breathes humid air, drinks a lot of liquids. At the same time, you usually do not need to buy any other medicines from a pharmacy.

Children who breathe insufficiently humidified air are more likely to suffer from various allergic reactions. They are more difficult to tolerate the high temperature that accompanies various diseases, they get sick longer, their immunity is much weaker than their peers who breathe air with relative humidity ranging from 50 to 70%. It is this level of humidity that Komarovsky recommends maintaining for the children's room.

To find out how much the air in the room is saturated with moisture, you should take a device - a hygrometer. If the indicator does not “reach” up to 50%, then you should think about purchasing a humidifier. It will help, without too much fuss, running around with basins, jars of water and wet towels, to create the right microclimate in which the child will grow up healthy.

Harm from the humidifier will only be if the parents grossly violate the rules for its operation. If there is a humidity in the child's room that exceeds 75-80%, then this will negatively affect his well-being and health.

Types of humidifiers - pros and cons

There are three types of humidifiers on the market today:

Steam humidifiers are similar to kettles in terms of operation: in order for the water to begin to evaporate, it is heated to a boil in the device by two electrodes. This is the cheapest and most affordable option for home appliances.

When choosing a steam humidifier, you should make sure that it is equipped with a special humidity sensor, which instructs the device to turn off immediately after the desired set humidity is reached in the room. If this is not included in the humidifier, then you will have to buy it separately, which is not very convenient and expensive.

Among the disadvantages of a steam appliance, one can indicate a high level of energy consumption. But otherwise, this type of humidifier is very suitable for children's rooms - it is the most productive, quickly creates the desired microclimate, there is no need to buy consumables for it. The product works simply: water is poured and the container is plugged into an outlet.

It should be remembered that humidification occurs with hot steam, and therefore it is necessary to place the humidifier so that the child cannot reach it under any circumstances.

Ultrasonic humidifiers are more expensive than steam humidifiers, but they have more benefits. So, with lower power consumption, these devices show a fairly high performance.

The principle of operation of such a device is more complex: ultrasonic radiation is applied to the piezoelectric crystal, electrical vibrations become mechanical. The advantage of this technique is in its small dimensions, the mobility of the atomizer, with which steam can be directed from any direction.

With all the advantages, ultrasonic humidifiers are quite capricious: if too hard water is often poured into them, the filter quickly fails. This can lead to the fact that a white precipitate will fall on furniture and wallpaper. In addition, replacement filters for appliances are expensive.

"Cold" humidifiers are the most expensive. They got this name for the principle of operation, according to which the dry air that is currently in the room, entering the inside of the device, is cleaned. Inside there is a wet cartridge, passing through which the air cools and is saturated with moisture.

The performance of such equipment directly depends on the initial humidity. The higher it is, the slower the device will work, because there is no point in intensive moisturizing. Therefore, such a "smart" humidifier will always maintain the optimal level of humidity by itself, without the intervention of household members.

Such a device is very demanding on the quality of the water that will wet the filter. Too hard water will damage the filter. Therefore, it is better to use distilled water or, for extra money, buy special cartridges that “know how” to soften hard water and demineralize it.

This humidifier does not release streams of steam, like the previous two types, and therefore the child will not be interested. Another advantage is that the humidifier not only saturates the air with water, but also purifies it, since it works with smaller particles.

Cold humidifiers consume the same amount of electricity as ultrasonic humidifiers. However, their performance is lower than that of ultrasonic ones, but they are on self-regulation.

The disadvantage of the device is that it is not able to raise the relative humidity above 60%. In addition, the filter service life is no more than 3 months, so consumables will have to be purchased and changed at least 4 times a year.

Where to start choosing

You should start choosing a device for a nursery by measuring the room.

You must come to the store with a piece of paper, which will indicate:

  • room area;
  • ceiling height;
  • a brief description of the type of room (how many windows, what the walls are made of, how many in the room upholstered furniture, plants).

It is also advisable to tell the seller how often you can change the water in the appliance. If you are sitting at home, then the tank may be small, but if the parents are at work all day and the child is in the kindergarten, then it is better to take a device with a large capacity in order to add water less often.

Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that the most difficult thing when choosing in a store is to evaluate the noise effects that a humidifier emits. In the space of a large shopping center, not a single type of device seems to make noise. But after all, it will be used in the bedroom, including working at night. It is important that the device is as quiet as possible.

If you have to choose a humidifier for the first time, you should not immediately take an expensive and technologically complex model, says Komarovsky. Beginners do not need an instance with a control panel, an “on-board computer”, a mass additional features. To begin with, you just need to understand how the device is used and why this particular family needs it.

Of no small importance are the reviews of other parents, which can be found on the Internet in parent forums. And the most important thing that mom and dad should remember, who are thinking about choosing such a device: you can’t get sick from a humidifier, you can get sick from its absence. This is especially true for families who live in a temperate continental climate, where winters are harsh and summers are hot.

Where the heaters work for half a year, and then the air conditioners turn on, the air is always significantly drier than the norm, which means that it needs to be moistened. It is easier to do this than to irrigate the nasal mucosa later when the child gets sick.

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend keeping the humidifier at home on all the time: it should work only when the humidity decreases and becomes less than 50%.

Of all types of devices, Evgeny Komarovsky recommends steam and ultrasonic ones. Moreover, for an infant, there is not much difference which of these devices the parents will buy. Toddlers who are already walking and reaching for everything need a safer device, such as an ultrasound.

Below you can watch the video of Dr. Komarovsky, in which he tells what to look for when buying a humidifier.

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Answered by Komarovsky E.O.

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Russia, Moscow

Doll Ukraine, Mariupol

Please tell me. We bought an ultrasonic air humidifier. We started turning it on Day and night when the kids are sleeping. (The eldest daughter is 8 years old, the youngest is 3 years old). After two days of use, the youngest began to have a dry cough (4 days before turning on, the youngest was discharged from the hospital - they were treated for obstructive bronchitis). We were frightened, they stopped turning it on and the cough stopped. How should we be and what is the reason, we thought it would be better for the children with a humidifier. I really look forward to hearing. Thank you.

Elena Russia, Pyatigorsk

Humidity% (it is better to measure in several places in the room),

The temperature is not higher than 20 (it is better to measure in several places in the room),

No dust, wet cleaning,

It is important to comply with ALL of these conditions!

If you moisten the air and not cool it, you get the effect of a sauna (roughly speaking), which is contraindicated for patients with many heart and broncho-pulmonary diseases.

If you do not ventilate, it makes no sense to do something with the air if there is not enough oxygen in it. And from heat with moisture, oxygen is absorbed much worse. And do not blindly trust the readings of the hygrometer built into the humidifier. It's better to buy a separate one. A couple is better. And, for the sake of experiment, measure the humidity in different parts of the room. My old hygrometer showed average humidity, but nevertheless I stubbornly shocked, taking off my semi-synthetic bathrobe! Then I realized that the humidity we have is far from normal!

A bad humidifier can humidify the air around it, but not in the whole room. The important thing is the size of the water particles. Therefore, the humidifier should definitely be ultrasonic at least. And IMHO, 6 liters of water per night is too much! This is for the largest rooms - maximum productivity-12l. per day!

Polina80 Ukraine, Kyiv

Polina80 Ukraine, Kyiv

sonina_mama Russia, Podolsk

Podolnaya Russia, Moscow

Iron Russia, St. Petersburg

Podnebesnovy Russia, St. Petersburg

Marina Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk

from suffocation, and in the morning I definitely cough. The husband screams that I am arranging a cellar from the apartment. Mom in the morning complains of a deterioration in well-being. They took it to the garage. . After 2 years, the second child was born. I tried to make friends with this device again. During the winter, I turned it on at night 4 times, and the next morning I woke up with a fever. Husband snickers - until moistened! Why it happens? Maybe this thing is not so safe after all? And there are people who are protivopauazana such humidity? And there are no complaints about the device itself. Plows like a beast. 6 liters per night.

Kysya Russia, Apatity

mamochkana Russia, Kazan, buy a hygrometer. Sold in a pet store.

mamochkana Russia, Kazan

Kysya Russia, Apatity

Russia, Moscow

Kysya Russia, Apatity

shimisha Ukraine, Kyiv

Natalya77 Russia, Krasnoyarsk

18 m / sq., out of desperation, I already ordered an "air wash". Humidity can not be raised above 37%. Batteries are all in wet towels, wet cleaning daily. It remains to bring a bath to the room and hot water pour. The kids of my snot have not passed for 7 days already: ((advise something!

Tasha Ukraine, Kyiv

Caramel Ukraine, Razdelnaya

Children Russia, Krasnodar

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Which air humidifier to choose Komarovsky

In this article, we will consider information about these devices, as well as dwell on the opinion about Komarovsky humidifiers, reviews, the benefits and harms of these devices.

Today, household humidifiers are extremely popular due to the fact that people were inspired by the information about their need to maintain the correct humidity indoors.

And in fact, for a comfortable existence, the microclimate of the room is important, which includes such concepts as temperature, illumination, air humidity and ionization. However, it is not enough just to purchase a device and plug it into a power outlet. It is necessary to monitor and control these indicators, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation with the microclimate of the room.

Air humidifier reviews benefits and harms

Without a doubt, the humidity of the air in the room is quite a significant factor, especially for a home with small children. Each parent wishes only the best for his child, but, unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a father or mother, with good intentions, to do harm to a child without knowing it.

Before you run to the store for a humidifier, you need to determine if it is needed in your home? It is necessary to understand why it is generally necessary to additionally saturate oxygen with water? Where does the natural moisture in the air go? As it turned out, in modern home There are two sources that can dry out the air - the air conditioner and the heater.

Indoors, the concept of “relative air humidity” is applicable, which determines the amount of water contained per volume of oxygen. Even at school, we were told that in warm air the water capacity is much higher than in cold air. Therefore, when you turn on the heater, the temperature rises and with it the same capacity increases, and the relative humidity value decreases.

The result is insufficient humidity in the room. In the case of using an air conditioner, the temperature of the room decreases, thereby increasing the humidity of the air, after which excess water is removed from the room through the air conditioner. It is this moisture that drips from the drainage tube coming out of the wall of your apartment.

So, it turned out that there is a need to use humidifiers, since during the operation of heating and cooling devices, the humidity in the room is disturbed. So how to humidify the air at home and not harm your health? In the vastness of the network you can find a lot of reviews of dissatisfied users of such devices. They claim the following:

Maxim: We bought this device, after which we noticed that the child began to get sick more often. When it came to bronchitis, we immediately decided to give it up.” No wonder, because high humidity is considered an ideal environment in which pathogens like to develop. And if, in addition to this, there is also an elevated temperature in the room, then this is another favorable factor for bacteria. As we mentioned earlier, the humidity indicator must be carefully monitored, as well as the temperature level. It is best to purchase a hygrometer and monitor this indicator indoors, avoiding oversaturation of the air with water.

Elizabeth: B summer time it becomes unbearably hot in the home if you use a humidifier. I decided to abandon its use, without it it is much better and easier to breathe. In this matter, a person, most likely, confuses the concepts of "stuffy" and "hot". Remember that a humidifier is not a substitute for airing a room. In addition, in a room where the humidity level is higher, heat is much more difficult to tolerate. IN this case, it will be more comfortable where the air is drier. Therefore, it is recommended to use a humidifier in summer only in conjunction with an air conditioner in order to neutralize its effect on indoor humidity.

Ultrasonic humidifier reviews benefits and harms

There is an opinion among the population that ultrasonic humidifiers are harmful because “dead” water comes out of them. It is not true. Ultrasound is not able to affect the structure of water. All that this device does is to affect the liquid with high frequency waves that are not audible to the human ear. However, there are also disadvantages to such devices. When used at home, salt deposits may appear on the surfaces of furniture, household appliances and similar things.

This is due to the fact that this type of humidifier emits into the environment not only water molecules, but also the salts contained in it, unlike steam ones, which leave salt deposits inside the device. To avoid such a negative impact, you only need to use distilled water. By the way, this information is indicated in the user manual that comes with the device.

Are humidifiers harmful?

Let us turn to Komarovsky for an answer to this question. In his speech, he says that these devices can certainly cause harm, but only if they are used incorrectly. Most often this is due to the fact that people do not study the instructions for the device that they have purchased. Each manual contains information about the need for periodic cleaning and disinfection of such devices. Otherwise, bacteria can start to multiply in the liquid, and your room humidifier can become a breeding ground for infection in the house.

How to Humidify the Air in a Room Without a Humidifier

You can increase the humidity in your apartment without the help of a humidifier. There are several simple but effective ways to do this:

  1. Arrange tanks filled with water throughout the apartment. It can be both pots and jugs and vases, which will be much more inconspicuous and will not disturb the harmony of your interior.
  2. A more effective way is to put basins of liquid on the battery. Thus, the water will evaporate much faster and the humidity in the room will rise faster than in the first case.
  3. You can build a humidifier yourself using a fan (cooler from a computer) that is built into a plastic container with water. Also for best effect this tank can be placed on the battery.
  4. Another great way to increase humidity is to dry your laundry indoors. The water contained in the fibers of the fabrics will evaporate and saturate the air in your home.
  5. Having houseplants is also another natural moisturizer. Houseplants need regular watering. Water from the soil is consumed not only for their nutrition, but also largely evaporates into the environment.

Dr. Komarovsky about air humidifiers

A humidifier helps to maintain the humidity required by the Sanitary Norms and Regulations in the room. Dryness is the main problem that determines childhood morbidity. This is especially evident in children's institutions with the onset of the heating season. Heated air loses moisture, infections appear that are difficult for the child's body to fight. Therefore, you can’t do without special devices, and a humidifier is considered the best option.

SARS and the choice of humidifier

The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky claims that dry indoor air is contraindicated for children for a number of reasons:

  • dries the skin;
  • complicates the work of the respiratory system;
  • irritates mucous membranes;
  • complicates the course of SARS, bacterial diseases.

Attention! If a viral infection is found in the house, it is necessary to provide the necessary microclimate parameters: air temperature - 18-20 ° C and humidity - 50-70%. Compliance with such a regimen and proper organization of ventilation will help not to resort to the use of strong drugs.

At high humidity(more than 70%) mold fungi appear and multiply - sources allergic reactions. To prevent this, you need to control the moisture with a hygrometer.

Humidifiers for work use:

  • cold steam;
  • hot steam;
  • ionizing effect on air;
  • ultrasonic vibrations.

An air purifier will help optimize the improvement of the situation in the house: with a decrease in the concentration of dust, it will become easier to breathe. At the same time, it is taken into account that for any of the devices (moisturizing, cleansing) the effective range is 1.5 - 2 m. Therefore, it is necessary to change their position as often as possible. This is easy to do, because. compact instrument can be adapted even in a small baby's room: the humidifier is placed directly at bed baby.

What humidifier is needed - how to choose: Komarovsky advises

ultrasonic device. Silent operation is a weighty argument in its favor. Other positive features include:

  • safe operation;
  • analysis of air parameters in automatic mode;
  • making adjustments;
  • the possibility of using an additional option - air purification.

The operation of an ultrasonic device is based on the splitting of water coming from a special storage tank into small particles. At the same time, the built-in air blower takes it from the room and feeds it for mixing inside the freshener. There is saturation with moisture. The wet composition is then fed back into the room.

The ultrasonic device today is considered the most expensive, but also the most effective. Consumes electricity economically. To make the air in the children's room really useful, you need to use water to fill the humidifier:

  • distilled - the best, but also the most expensive option;
  • bottled product;
  • liquid purified by household filters, especially a reverse osmosis system;
  • boiled and settled liquid, freed from precipitated hardness salts.

By the way! It is hardness salts that cause the appearance of a whitish coating on office equipment, furniture and other surfaces.

What other humidifiers can you use?

If an ultrasound device is not affordable, there are a number of other technologies. They also improve the humidity regime in the room, bringing it to the required 50-70%. These are cheaper and quite efficient installations.

Classic (traditional)

They work noisily, only for humidification, using a water tank, a fan and paper cassettes, without regulating the degree of air saturation with moisture. They are easy to install, operate and maintain. They are inexpensive. Energy efficient. The process of evaporation of the liquid occurs in the on state. The maximum potential is an increase in air humidity up to 60%.


The liquid evaporates as it is heated to a temperature of 50-80°C by electric heating elements. Depending on the type of model, daily water consumption can reach up to 17 liters, bringing the humidity level to a maximum saturation of 100%. Therefore, it is used together with a humidistat to avoid waterlogging. Automatically, with the help of sensors, the decrease in the water level in the tank, as well as the moisture content in the air of the room, is monitored. The humidifier turns on when its critical minimum level is reached. Steam installations should be positioned where access to the child is closed for his personal safety.


To improve air purification in an apartment, an air ionizer is often provided in steam, as well as traditional humidifiers. Its functions:

  • saturate the air space of the room with negative ions, which strengthens sleep and improves well-being;
  • eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • fight microorganisms in the air;
  • increase the body's resistance to colds, allergic diseases;
  • strengthen immunity and reduce allergic manifestations.
  • activate gas exchange in the body.

Special models of ionizers appeared in the distribution network, in which a separate program is provided for children. It is balanced for the concentration of ions to be adhered to, which simplifies the use of the device.

There are a number of restrictions that are necessarily indicated in the instructions for the ionizer, taken into account before installing it. The main ones are:

  • individual intolerance to charged particles by the body;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms in apartment residents;
  • dusty environment, aggravating the penetration of dust particles into the lungs, etc.

If this concerns a nursery, then the ionizer should be oriented in the room so that it does not blow on the child, creating discomfort for him. This should not be the head of the crib or a place on the table. If these and other contraindications are absent, then the ionizer in the apartment is a necessary and useful thing.

Humidifiers: what influences the choice

What you need to pay attention to before choosing a humidifier for an apartment:

  • Area. A model designed for a standard 25 "square" nursery room or a more powerful unit for humidifying the entire apartment is suitable.
  • Company manufacturer. It is better to trust well-known established brands.
  • Security. Ultrasound devices are out of competition here.
  • Practicality. Here the best way- ultrasonic, although a steam device can also be considered.
  • Quantity additional options(remote control, built-in hygrometer, display, etc.).
  • Price. Depends on the type of model and functionality.
  • Clear documentation for maintenance and operation.

Dr. Komarovsky's recommendations boil down to the fact that the humidifier model (steam or ultrasonic) does not play a significant role in organizing the humidity regime in the children's room. The main thing is that the device constantly performs its functions in combination with the mandatory ventilation of the premises.

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Does a humidifier help if a child is sick? How often should it be turned on? And which one is better to choose - with hot steam, with cold, with an ionizer?

It's not a humidifier that helps, it's the right humidity. In the room where there is a child with any variant of acute respiratory infections, the relative humidity should be from 50 to 70%. If the air is dry (or even more dangerous - dry and warm), this greatly increases the risk of complications and prevents the body from fighting viruses and bacteria. It goes without saying that it is absolutely impossible to maintain optimal air humidity, especially at the height of the heating season, without special devices. The best such device is a humidifier. The safest, most convenient, silent and efficient ultrasonic humidifier. The use of a humidifier is not an end in itself, it must be turned on exactly when the air humidity drops below 50%. And turn off when it is above 70%.

How to humidify the air and ventilate the room at the same time? As soon as the window closes, the temperature becomes degrees. Opening the window, moisten the street.

Unfortunately, at low air temperatures outside, it is almost impossible to ventilate the room and leave the air in the room moist. Therefore, in winter, it is necessary to achieve a decrease in the temperature in the room, mainly by acting on the heat source - the battery. You need to turn on the faucet, if there is one, in extreme cases, close the battery with a thick blanket, foam plastic, or anything that your imagination is enough for. This will allow you to maintain the optimum temperature in the room without constantly opening the windows.

We have such a situation. Last week, my husband and I raised the issue of purchasing a humidifier for the group in the kindergarten. We agreed on the issue with the educator and the nurse. Everyone was not against it, and the nurse even said that a humidifier was needed. We were even ready to pay half the cost ourselves (the rest of the parents would have chipped in too). The birth was to take place tomorrow. meeting. Now the husband came from the kindergarten and said that the nurse called the sanitary and epidemiological station, and they said literally: “You can’t use humidifiers in the kindergarten, because it can be harmful to some children. Better buy a quartz lamp. It is clear that this issue will never be raised in the kindergarten, because who wants to conflict with the sanitary and epidemiological station. And we wanted to send our youngest child to kindergarten in the spring 🙁

Are there really any orders or laws of the Ministry of Health related to these humidifiers, or is it all taken from the ceiling to remove responsibility? I don’t know if the nurse coordinated this issue with the Kharkiv or Dergachev sanitary and epidemiological station. We live in Dergachi. What now? No one will be especially persistent and run around the authorities, there is no time.

There are no orders-laws specifically relating to humidifiers, and cannot exist.

It is not the presence of a humidifier that is regulated, but the indicators of air humidity. And the sanitation station, and the children, and the parents, and even personally Dr. Komarovsky absolutely do not care if there is a humidifier in the kindergarten or not. The main thing is that the humidity of the air meets the standards.

You, or rather the staff kindergarten, you can provide the necessary (regulated by the sanitation station) humidity in any way you like: you can often wash the floors, you can hang wet towels on the radiators, you can walk around with a spray bottle all day. You, in the end, can take advantage of the achievements of civilization and purchase a humidifier.

Humidifier cannot be contraindicated for anyone (“harmful for some children”). Air humidity that does not correspond to the norm may be contraindicated.

What is the whole horror of what is happening in general and what you described in particular:

The nurse (!!) is not afraid to demonstrate her own illiteracy and calls the SES, where anonymous consultants demonstrate even greater illiteracy;

Parents trust the health of their children to such "specialists";

To achieve normal air for your children means "to conflict with the sanitary and epidemiological station."

It is especially sad that all these especially wise "prohibitors" remain unknown and unpunished.

And here's to find out:

Number and location of the kindergarten;

The name of the especially caring nurse;

Surname and position of an unknown consultant from SES.

And I would forward this information to the appropriate authorities. And we would (maybe) wait for an answer.

And there would be less for one consultant, since it is easy to be smart on the phone, but it is difficult to be responsible for your words.

Is ultrasound harmful? In medicine and in everyday life? I was given an ultrasonic washing machine as a gift. Husband claims he is dangerous and has bad influence per person. If this is true, then can it be used in a room where adults and children do not go?

Actually, it is not. Ultrasonic laundry detergents, like other ultrasonic household devices (for example, ultrasonic humidifiers), are quite safe. And if the devices are used in a room where adults and children do not go, then they are doubly safe. The harm of ultrasound has been proven with its regular (daily, many hours) exposure to the tissues of the human body. Not without reason, after all, doctors who constantly work on ultrasound diagnostic devices receive a premium for harmfulness. But the episodic direct effect of ultrasound on the human body and the systematic indirect effect (that is, not on a person, but on an object or air with which a person will then come into contact) is not at all harmful.

The child fell ill - 1 year 3 months. Symptoms - runny nose, cough, temperature 37.6. A week ago we were presented with an air humidifier - we have been constantly using it to this day. The husband and mother-in-law state that the child has become ill because of the humidifier and that the use of the humidifier should be stopped immediately. Are they right?

Symptoms of a runny nose, cough and fever are signs of a viral infection. What does the humidifier have to do with viruses and their entry into the body of a child is not clear. The main thing is that the humidifier does not just work, but that you control the humidity in the room. Humidity should be between 50 and 70%. Those. Once again, I draw your attention: it is not the fact of the operation of the humidifier that is important, but the work to achieve a very specific goal.

When it gets cold outside, heating is turned on in the apartments, and people heat stoves in a private house, this brings warmth and comfort to their homes. But if you think about it, with heat, heating brings, among other things, dry air. By the way, this problem also appears in summer, because the sun dries the air. In any home, and especially where there is a newborn child, the air must be humidified. But not all parents have the means to purchase special humidifiers (as well as the necessary filters for them) and, moreover, humidification systems. Therefore, it is important to know how to humidify the air at home without a humidifier.

Experts recommend buying a special hygrometer to constantly monitor humidity and a thermometer to know what the temperature is in the newborn's room. It should be remembered that the installation of such measuring device is needed not near a source of moisture or heat, it must be a neutral territory. The optimal place is within the crib, so you will know the humidity and what the temperature is in the desired part of the room.

  • If the room is excessively low humidity, then this can cause damage to the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. Due to the violation of their functionality, respiratory infections can enter the body without an obstacle. In particular, this affects the baby, because its mucous membranes are especially sensitive.
  • Dry air is a wonderful environment for the growth of harmful viral bacteria. Therefore, in winter, babies most often get sick with influenza and SARS.
  • Due to the dryness of the air, static electricity accumulates and therefore it is difficult for dust to settle, it just stands in the air. Our babies breathe this kind of air, and the dust gets into their lungs. Often, dust provokes allergies, drowsiness, lethargy appear, and immunity decreases.

Optimal temperature and humidity

The ideal level of humidity in the children's room is considered to be 40-60%, but most often the humidity in the apartment does not exceed 30%. Doctors recommend monitoring the humidity in the newborn's room.

But remember that with high humidity in the apartment, pustules may appear on the skin of the child, and too humid air is very difficult to breathe.

Although, as practice shows, low air humidity is much more common.

Pediatricians recommend that the temperature in the apartment where there is Small child, maintained from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. In winter, it is quite difficult to ensure that the indicated temperature is maintained in the apartment, because this is the period of the heating season. But it is better for parents to control that the temperature in the room is not higher than 23 degrees, so the development of a newborn child occurs naturally in the most favorable conditions.

It is very important to maintain optimum temperature in the apartment while the baby is sleeping. If the room is too hot or too cold, then the baby's sleep will be restless. The ideal temperature for a comfortable sleep of a newborn baby should be 22 degrees. But consider individual characteristics baby, because some children sleep well even at 20 degrees, while others, on the contrary, freeze.

Increasing the humidity yourself

There are a few simple ways to maintain optimal humidity levels at home without a humidifier.

It is very easy to increase the humidity in the apartment - regularly ventilate. To do this, open the window wide open 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes. One disadvantage of this method: in the hot summer time, the sun dries, and in winter the air is very cold and you will not increase the humidity in the room by airing.

Cleanliness in the house

Regular daily wet cleaning is an important rule in the house, especially in the baby's room. Doing wet cleaning, you not only keep the humidity level normal, but also do not allow dust to accumulate in the corners. When cleaning, it is better not to use special detergents.

Water in vessels

To moisten a child's room, various wide-mouthed tanks filled with water (jug, bowl, vase) are well suited. Place them on a windowsill or near heaters. The moisture will evaporate and the humidity in the baby's room will rise. To prevent the formation of bacteria and microorganisms, periodically wash and change the water in the containers.

Drying laundry

When we dry wet clothes in the apartment, the humidity rises, but washing does not happen every day. In this case, you can moisten a towel or any dense cloth and put it on the battery. The steam will evaporate and fill the baby's room with moisture.


The aquarium will help maintain the necessary humidity in an apartment with central heating without a humidifier, and will also help to accustom a child to beauty and wildlife. But too small an aquarium will probably not cope with the necessary moisture in the apartment. Therefore, the larger the aquarium, the better.

Start houseplants, they will enrich the room with oxygen, as well as the required moisture evaporating through the leaves, creating a good microclimate for your child. Some plants (ficus, dracaena, hibiscus, monstera, sheffler) have the properties of disinfection and air ionization. Also, plants are a kind of hygrometer. Dry and shriveled leaves will signal excessively dry air in a newborn's room. Water and spray the flower leaves regularly to enhance the moisturizing effect.

Do-it-yourself humidifier

  • Attach a cloth to the fan and spray it well with water, then you just need to turn on the fan. It is necessary to periodically moisten the cloth with a spray bottle.
  • Place a container of water with a wide neck (jar, cup) under the battery. Attach a fabric folded several times to the battery. Dip the end of the fabric into a container of water. Thus, the fabric will absorb water, and the hot battery will evaporate it.


Spraying the floor, curtains, furniture with a spray gun, you will get an instant effect of humidifying the air in the apartment. And if you add ether to the water in a spray bottle, you can additionally get home aromatherapy.

home fountain

The indoor fountain will not only perfectly enrich the dry air with the necessary moisture without a humidifier, but will bring a touch of originality to the existing design and emphasize the individuality of the interior. In small rooms, you can use a small fountain, it will look quite aesthetically pleasing. The fountain brings peace and tranquility to the home, the sound of murmuring water has a positive effect on the development of the newborn.

The fountain performs its function regardless of how fast the water moves in the mechanism. The water in the fountain moves in a constant cycle and wonderfully humidifies the air.

Many parents think about the health of their crumbs, take care of physical health and proper nutrition. It is very important to create an environment in which the baby will grow and develop. Invisible, but no less important, is the air that the child inhales and the temperature in the room. It is necessary to make conditions favorable and safe.

Science has proven the systematic impact of factors environment on human health. Thus, the microclimate is the most important factor influencing human body indoors, especially residential ones. The main characteristics of the microclimate include temperature, indoor air mobility, and its humidity. The temperature regime is controlled using the climate technology that is popular today, air mobility can be achieved through ventilation, as well as getting rid of excess air humidity with its help. But few people think about the dangers of exposure to dry air on the body. Especially when it comes to children's health.

Does a child need a humidifier and why

Most of the time the child spends at home. Especially in the first years of life. body and the immune system they are just beginning to form and get acquainted with the world around them, to learn everything new. Therefore, it is especially important to organize the right microclimatic conditions for the baby. This will contribute to its normal development.

Reducing the level of humidity below the standard is a factor that has an extremely negative impact on human health. Optimal air humidity is scientifically determined and regulated regulatory documentation, namely SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises" dated August 15, 2010. So, the normal humidity index varies from 40 to 60% in the cold season and up to 65% in the warm season.

Measurement of air humidity is carried out by means of a hygrometer. Hygrometer - a device for measuring the level of air humidity

The visible signs of dry air are:

  • the occurrence of static discharges when touching various objects;
  • wilting of indoor plants;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • a general decrease in immunity in all family members;
  • drowsiness, general lethargy, etc.

With prolonged exposure to the child's body, overdried air causes a number of negative and sometimes irreversible consequences:

  • Due to overdrying of the mucous membranes suffer defensive forces body, there is a decrease in immunity.
  • Systematic irritation of the respiratory tract greatly increases the risk of viral or bacterial infections and inflammatory diseases.
  • There is congestion in the sinuses, which prevents the child from breathing normally.
  • There is a risk of allergic reactions and a tendency to diseases of the skin.
  • The quality of sleep decreases and there is a general decline in strength.

In order to protect the health of babies, the Association of Pediatricians recommends artificially humidifying the air when its humidity level is below a critical point. To maintain a comfortable level of humidity, a humidifier was created.

Types of humidifiers: their advantages and disadvantages

There are several types of humidifiers:

  • cold evaporation humidifiers;
  • steam humidifiers;
  • ultrasonic humidifiers;
  • washing humidifiers;
  • climate systems.

Cold evaporation humidifiers are the most unpretentious. Air humidification occurs by natural evaporation.
A schematic representation of the design of a cold evaporative humidifier will help you understand how it works.

Water is poured into the tank, from where it is fed in portions to the evaporators. The air circulates in the device through the operation of the fan. The evaporators in this type of humidifier also act as filters that additionally purify the humidified air. The material of manufacture of evaporators directly depends on the cost of the humidifier.

The principle of operation of steam humidifiers is to evaporate water through heating.
Humidification with this type of device occurs through hot steam

In this case, water from the tank enters the pan, from where it evaporates through the action of the heating element.

The essence of the operation of ultrasonic humidifiers is somewhat different from the first two types.
Ultrasonic humidifiers are the most popular

Water from the tank enters the ultrasonic membrane, where it turns into tiny particles. Through myriads of drops of water, air is passed under pressure, thereby moistening.

Humidifiers-washers do a good job of humidifying the air. During the humidification process, air is passed through a string of rotating disc filters, thereby providing additional high-quality purification of humidified air.
The schematic representation of the humidifier-washing device clearly demonstrates the presence of a number of additional features

In addition to moisturizing and cleaning, humidifiers-washers have the function of air ionization and, if desired, its aromatization.

Climatic complexes have the ability to influence all components of the microclimate, and not just the humidity of the air.
Climatic complexes can affect all components of the microclimate in the room

So, the device is able to control the level of humidity and air quality, create the mobility of air masses and regulate the temperature.

When performing one function, all types of humidifiers differ in the principle of operation, belonging to different price segments, a set of specifications. Each type is good in its own way and each has its drawbacks:

humidifier type Advantages disadvantages
Cold evaporation humidifiersbelonging to the middle price category, energy saving,
ease of use,
purification of humidified air,
fragility of antibacterial filters,
low performance
average noise level
Preferably using clean water
Steam humidifiersease of use,
high performance,
auto-shutoff when all the water from the tank evaporates,
no additional consumables
tap water is allowed
there is a risk of burning yourself with hot steam,
increased power consumption
noise level above average
Ultrasonic Humidifiersnoiselessness,
high performance,
uniform moistening due to rotary nozzles,
economical energy consumption
the ability to set the desired humidity level,
auto-shutoff when all the water from the tank evaporates,
high cost,
fragility of cleaning filters or, depending on the model, the use of exclusively pure water
Humidifiers-washershas all the above advantages, as well as a number of additional functions in the form of ionization and aromatization of air,
does not require additional consumables
high cost,
Climate complexesthe possibility of influencing all components of the microclimatehigh cost,
fragility and high cost of consumables,
high power consumption

Children's humidifiers as a product segment: a marketing ploy or a special technology?

Currently, children's air humidifiers are presented as a separate category on the climate technology market. The leaders in the production of humidifiers for the children's room are:

  • B. Well (Great Britain) is a company that creates affordable and high-quality medical devices.
  • Ramili (Great Britain) is a brand specializing in the creation of children's goods.
  • Ballu (China) is one of the leaders in the creation of climate equipment.
  • Crane (USA) is a well-known manufacturer of climate control equipment.
  • Royal Clima (China) is a manufacturer of climatic equipment.

It is appropriate to note that the basic principle of operation of a children's air humidifier is no different from the rest. But the features of its design are designed for use in a children's room. So, most of the children's humidifiers are ultrasonic with a minimum noise level. They are characterized by small size and weight. Often in models of children's humidifiers there is a function of air aromatization through essential oils etc. Often, devices for use in a children's room are equipped with a night light.

Features of choosing a humidifier for children

Regardless of whether it will baby humidifier air or without age orientation, the choice of a device for a children's room must be approached with particular care and take into account all possible nuances.

  1. First of all, the device must be safe for the child. A steam humidifier is not the best solution for a child's room. If, nevertheless, the choice fell on steam model, it should be placed out of reach of the child, in order to avoid burn injuries.
  2. It is recommended to opt for models that do not have easily removable small parts.
  3. The device should be as silent as possible, in view of the possibility of its operation during the child's sleep.
  4. A model with a built-in hygrometer will make it easier to control the humidity in the room.
  5. Auto-shutoff upon reaching a predetermined level, as well as its auto-maintenance, will ensure normal humidity in the children's room.
  6. It is important to pay attention to the convenience of unscrewing the water tank in order to carry out the procedures necessary for the safe operation of the device (washing the tank, changing water, etc.).
  7. The volume of the water tank must be chosen strictly based on the size of the children's room. Otherwise, the device will not cope with the task or overfulfill it.
  8. The rotary atomizer will contribute to a more uniform humidification of the air.
  9. The presence of cleaning filters in the device will allow, in parallel with air humidification, to reduce the concentration of pathogenic bacteria in it and minimize the content of suspensions.
  10. The design of the device and the presence of additional functions (night light, etc.) should be chosen based on the age and needs of the child.

When choosing a humidifier for a child, it is useful to study the reviews of people who already have experience in using similar devices, as well as to get acquainted with the recommendations of professional and reputable medical professionals and the advice of competent experts who are not personally interested in selling certain types of humidifiers.

Video material: pediatrician of the highest category Komarovsky E.O. how to choose the right humidifier for your child

Overview of popular models of air humidifiers for a children's room: features and reviews

According to the Yandex.Market service, the most popular models of air humidifiers for a children's room with a rating of 5/5 are:

1. Cost: 1891 rub. The Ballu UHB-260 Hello Kitty Aroma humidifier is also equipped with an air aromatization function

  • ultrasonic humidifier;
  • power 12 W;
  • aromatization function;
  • work from the network.

Pros: Small, easy to clean, doesn't stagnate, scents well Cons: None Comment: Great humidifier and scent in a room, but don't expect this little one to raise your humidity to the sky First of all, it's a fragrance! But I took it only for its size, since I have a large humidifier, and I’ll tell you that it’s super inconvenient when you just need to maintain the humidity level, and not thoroughly moisturize, since water quickly stagnates in it, due to large volumes, and an unpleasant smell appears, and washing it is a whole thing, and in this it quickly evaporates, and washing it is generally easier than ever. I am very satisfied with the purchase

Ekaterina Taran

2. Humidifier General GH-2516A Cost: 3360r.

  • humidifier;
  • capacity: 6 l;
  • service area 40 sq.m
  • change in the flow of humidified air;
  • speed control;
  • work from the network.

Pros: Very fast delivery, works well. Kid loves it Cons: Haven't found it yet Comment: Thanks for the fast shipping

Svetlana Dunaeva

  • ultrasonic humidifier;
  • capacity: 3 l;
  • speed control;
  • work from the network.

Advantages: cartoonish (just right for a child's room), can be placed anywhere, moisturizes well and is not noisy Disadvantages: not found Comment: So that my daughter does not cough due to dry air, I decided to buy a humidifier. I saw this model by chance and decided to take it because, due to the cartoon design, it fits perfectly into the nursery. And she didn’t lose, the device can’t have a child, she put it on the closet so that her daughter wouldn’t get it. Humidifies the air well, a noticeable difference in a room where there is no humidifier. Ballu UHB-270 M Winnie Pooh has been running for three months now and so far so good.

Nastasia the Pious

4. Humidifier Ballu UHB-275 E Winnie Pooh Cost: 4490r.

  • ultrasonic humidifier;
  • capacity: 3.2 l;
  • power 20 W;
  • serviced area 35 m 2 ;
  • speed control;
  • work from the network.

Advantages: design, convenience Disadvantages: not found Comment: the child began to constantly form crusts in the nose, the doctor advised him to buy a humidifier. And you know, it helped, there were practically no crusts! The Ballu UHB-275 E Winnie Pooh is just perfect for the children's room, the child was glad that this device looks like a teddy bear. It is very convenient to turn off the humidifier on a timer. We have good water, so we don’t use a cleaning cartridge, but the noiselessness is very pleasing, it does not disturb daytime sleep.

Vera Suhar

5. Cost: 4990r. Humidifier Ballu UHB-280 M Mickey Mouse is equipped with speed control

  • ultrasonic humidifier;
  • capacity: 3 l;
  • serviced area 20 m 2 ;
  • speed control;
  • work from the network.

Pros: Interesting design. This humidifier is inexpensive. Does its job well. After we started working, the humidity is always at the right level. Easy to use - just add water to make it work. Cons: None. Comment: We chose it together with our daughter in the store. I thought at first to take a humidifier from another company more expensive, but my daughter liked the design so much that they took it all the same. And it's good that we bought this one and did not spend extra money. Because this humidifier works well, we now have the humidity within the normal range and it's easier to breathe at home. I don't see the point in more expensive humidifiers.

Natalia Admiralova

Low levels of humidity in a living space can cause serious harm to a child's health, especially with prolonged exposure. Therefore, if such a problem exists, parents should seriously think about purchasing a humidifier. The device will contribute to the normal development of the baby, reduce the likelihood of numerous diseases. If the child is already sick, the humidifier will help to overcome the illness more easily and quickly. The device will help, if not completely eliminate, then repeatedly reduce the risk of allergies. A normal level of humidity will be the key to a good restful sleep, as well as add strength and Have a good mood for active development and knowledge of the world around. And what could be more precious for parents than health and a happy gleam in the eyes of children.

Creating a comfortable atmosphere for the child, taking care of his health is the main goal of any parent. One of the factors of this care is maintaining an optimal microclimate in the children's room.

In a city apartment, especially in winter, humidity can drop sharply. Ventilation will not help here: it is necessary to install a humidifier in the child's room.

Does the child need and why

The health of the child depends on maintaining the necessary climate in the apartment. The higher the temperature in the room, the higher the humidity. But in winter, ventilation is indispensable, the child needs fresh air.

However, getting into the room, it quickly heats up, absorbs the moisture in the house. This leads to a sharp decrease in its level.

The main condition for the health of the baby is to maintain the temperature in the room within + 21-23 degrees and humidity about 50-60%. Only the purchase of a humidifier will help.

Signs that your child needs more moisture:

  • the baby hardly falls asleep, does not sleep well;
  • the baby is prone to frequent colds, infections;
  • allergic reactions may appear for no apparent reason;
  • the child loses appetite, immunity decreases;
  • the skin turns red, peels off;
  • coughing, nasal congestion may occur.

In the dry atmosphere of a city apartment, bacteria, dust mites multiply well, allergens and viruses feel great.

Staying in such conditions can provoke asthma, allergies, bronchitis. It is very difficult for a baby to breathe in a dry room. This often leads to dizziness, nausea, and headaches.

Until recently, devices for humidifying the air simply did not exist. To maintain a comfortable climate in the children's room, wet diapers and rags were hung, and containers with water were installed.

Now there is a choice of different humidifiers, cleaners. How to navigate in this variety and choose a humidifier for a child's room?

Types of devices, their advantages and disadvantages

There are several types of devices for increasing the level of humidity:

  • steam;
  • ultrasonic;
  • traditional;
  • with air purification.

How all these humidifiers and air purifiers work, which one is best for children, we will understand further.


Steam humidifier works on the principle of an electric kettle. The water boils in it, jets of hot steam released outside humidify and sterilize the dry air in the room. When the required humidity is reached, this device turns itself off.


  • humidity control;
  • no need to buy, change filters;
  • can be used as an inhaler;
  • quickly moisturizes the room.


  • scale formation;
  • high power consumption;
  • high noise level;
  • injury risk.

When using such a device, safety measures must be observed: there is a risk of serious burns from hot steam.


ultrasonic humidifier most suitable for use in the nursery. High-frequency vibrations of ultrasound "break" water into microscopic particles, which quickly eliminate dryness in the room.


  • security;
  • noiselessness;
  • profitability;
  • humidity level adjustment.

Cons of using:

  • the need for frequent replacement of cartridges;
  • high price of the device and consumables.

Often ultrasonic devices can be supplemented with antimicrobial filters.

How to use concealer to improve the shape of the face? Find out from here:

Air wash

"Air washing", except for ionization, includes cleaning and moisturizing work. Such devices clean the air well from dust, tobacco smoke, unpleasant odors destroy bacteria and allergens.

Often these devices are equipped with ultraviolet lamps., which serve for additional disinfection of the room, kill germs and viruses. But such cleaning is carried out only in the absence of people in the room.

Advantages of devices:

  • high efficiency compared to conventional humidifiers;
  • multifunctionality;
  • security;
  • high degree of purification.


  • high price;
  • the need to frequently change cartridges;
  • needs to be filled with water on a regular basis.

For a small room, a container of about 5 liters is enough, but the larger the room, the more water is needed.

Climate complexes

Climate complex - it is a very versatile device. It can be used for humidification and as an ozonizer, fragrance, heater, fan.

IN big city when airing, “fresh” air often enters the room with a huge amount of exhaust gases, smog, smoke, etc. To protect the child from these unwanted impurities this set is just perfect..

Device advantages:

  • multi-stage purification of the atmosphere from all possible pollution;
  • safety, efficiency;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • silent operation.

There is only one minus - high price.

The devices are very good to use for lung diseases, asthma, bronchitis, allergies, heart diseases.

How to choose the best

Which humidifier to choose for a child:

  1. The appliance must be safe for children and not placed within reach. You can use wall mounts for this.
  2. It is advisable to choose models that work silently or with a minimum noise level.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the ratio of the performance of the device to the size of the humidified room.
  4. The volume of the liquid reservoir must be at least 5 liters.
  5. It would be nice to find out how often you need to change or clean the cartridges.
  6. It is necessary to purchase proven devices from well-known European manufacturers.

Do not install a steam humidifier in a child's room. Firstly, it does not purify the air very well, it requires the purchase of additional devices for determining the level of humidity (hygrostats). Secondly, the jet of hot steam is unsafe for the child.

Ideal for a city apartment accommodation in the children's climate complex. It is guaranteed to protect children from viruses and microbes, effectively improve the microclimate.

To improve air quality you can additionally use ionizers and ozonizers.

Each parent chooses a humidifier based on their preferences, takes into account availability and ease of maintenance. All devices have both pros and cons. The main thing is that the device is reliable, efficient, safe. Which one to buy is a matter of personal choice.

For more on the topic, see the video: