Humidify the air in the apartment with your own hands Komarovsky. How to choose a humidifier for a child's room. Air humidifier reviews benefits and harms

When a person coughs, unpleasant symptoms are tormented. This process is especially difficult for children: they become capricious, lose their appetite, and do not sleep well. Many doctors claim that they appear due to the very dry air in the room and recommend moistening it.

However, sometimes high humidity causes an increase in seizures. This article will discuss whether a humidifier can cause a cough and why?

In winter, many are faced with the fact that the air in their apartments or houses is too dry. Because of this, irritation in the nasopharynx begins, a cough may appear in combination with colds or infectious diseases.

It is very important to ensure that the air is not too dry., since in this case the cough will be dry for a long time, sputum will not be able to come out and the person will get complications in the form of or.

To do this, it is necessary to ventilate the room, do wet cleaning. Today, special devices that humidify dry air are very popular.

Pediatricians believe that a humidifier when a child coughs has only positive effects. However, this is not always the case such devices have their drawbacks:

  • when using ultrasonic air humidification, a person develops coughing, body temperature rises, severe complications develop;
  • very often on the furniture you can see white traces of plaque;
  • water must be changed every day;
  • if the appliance is not in use, it must be completely dry inside;
  • be sure to treat with special antimicrobial agents.

Very often, a person is faced with the fact that he suddenly developed a cough from a humidifier, his body temperature rises. These problems appear spontaneously, and also disappear after stopping the use of the device. What could be the reason for this, and what measures should be taken?

Opinion and advice of Dr. Komarovsky on cough from a humidifier in children

As mentioned above, pediatricians advise the use of humidifiers when treating coughs in young children.

They have undeniable positive aspects, help and contribute to the rapid recovery of the baby. What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this?

Evgeny Olegovich claims that with ARVI in a child air humidity should be at least 50-70%, otherwise the risk of complications increases.

To maintain this indicator in the norm, he recommends using a special ultrasonic humidifier. Today, there are many brands and manufacturers of these devices and everyone can find the right one for him.

In this case, it is very important to follow all the points of the instructions for the devices: regularly change replaceable cartridges, water, wash the device. This will help reduce the risk of pathogens growing inside the humidifier.

Basically, when correct use The ultrasonic humidifier does not cause any complications. The appearance or intensification of coughing fits is possible only if the device is used improperly. In this case, it is recommended to give water from it to the sanitary-epidemiological laboratory for bacteriological analysis.

In case of detection of pathogenic microflora, it is necessary to disinfect the humidifier and the room in which it is used. Therefore, the question of why coughing from a humidifier can be given an unequivocal answer: due to improper operation of the device.

When not worth saving, it is better to give preference good producers. This fact is especially important in the treatment of young patients, since the risk of complications in this case is very high.

In addition to humidifiers, you can increase the level of humidity in the room with the help of regular ventilation, wet cleaning.

You can also hang a damp towel on the batteries, which, as it dries, will humidify the air in the room. by the most in a simple way remains spraying with water from a conventional spray bottle. This can be done together with the child in the form of a game.


The level of humidity in the room is very important in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases. To control this indicator, it is recommended to hang a special hygrometer in the room. Experts recommend using special ultrasonic humidifiers, which help to achieve the required level of 50-70%.

At the same time, it is imperative to fulfill all the requirements for their operation, regularly change the water and treat with disinfectant solutions. Only in this case, these devices bring positive results and reduce the risk of complications.

Creating a comfortable atmosphere for the child, taking care of his health is the main goal of any parent. One of the factors of this care is maintaining an optimal microclimate in the children's room.

In a city apartment, especially in winter, humidity can drop sharply. Ventilation will not help here: it is necessary to install a humidifier in the child's room.

Does the child need and why

The health of the child depends on maintaining the necessary climate in the apartment. The higher the temperature in the room, the higher the humidity. But in winter, ventilation is indispensable, the child needs fresh air.

However, getting into the room, it quickly heats up, absorbs the moisture in the house. This leads to a sharp decrease in its level.

The main condition for the health of the baby is to maintain the temperature in the room within + 21-23 degrees and humidity about 50-60%. Only the purchase of a humidifier will help.

Signs that your child needs more moisture:

  • the baby hardly falls asleep, does not sleep well;
  • the baby is prone to frequent colds, infections;
  • allergic reactions may appear for no apparent reason;
  • the child loses appetite, immunity decreases;
  • the skin turns red, peels off;
  • coughing, nasal congestion may occur.

In the dry atmosphere of a city apartment, bacteria, dust mites multiply well, allergens and viruses feel great.

Staying in such conditions can provoke asthma, allergies, bronchitis. It is very difficult for a baby to breathe in a dry room. This often leads to dizziness, nausea, and headaches.

Until recently, devices for humidifying the air simply did not exist. To maintain a comfortable climate in the children's room, wet diapers and rags were hung, and containers with water were installed.

Now there is a choice of different humidifiers, cleaners. How to navigate in this variety and choose a humidifier for a child's room?

Types of devices, their advantages and disadvantages

There are several types of devices for increasing the level of humidity:

  • steam;
  • ultrasonic;
  • traditional;
  • with air purification.

How all these humidifiers and air purifiers work, which one is best for children, we will understand further.


Steam humidifier works on the principle of an electric kettle. The water boils in it, jets of hot steam released outside humidify and sterilize the dry air in the room. When the required humidity is reached, this device turns itself off.


  • humidity control;
  • no need to buy, change filters;
  • can be used as an inhaler;
  • quickly moisturizes the room.


  • scale formation;
  • high power consumption;
  • high noise level;
  • injury risk.

When using such a device, safety measures must be observed: there is a risk of serious burns from hot steam.


ultrasonic humidifier most suitable for use in the nursery. High-frequency vibrations of ultrasound "break" water into microscopic particles, which quickly eliminate dryness in the room.


  • security;
  • noiselessness;
  • profitability;
  • humidity level adjustment.

Cons of using:

  • the need for frequent replacement of cartridges;
  • high price of the device and consumables.

Often ultrasonic devices can be supplemented with antimicrobial filters.

How to use concealer to improve the shape of the face? Find out from here:

Air wash

"Air washing", except for ionization, includes cleaning and moisturizing work. Such devices clean the air well from dust, tobacco smoke, unpleasant odors destroy bacteria and allergens.

Often these devices are equipped with ultraviolet lamps., which serve for additional disinfection of the room, kill germs and viruses. But such cleaning is carried out only in the absence of people in the room.

Advantages of devices:

  • high efficiency compared to conventional humidifiers;
  • multifunctionality;
  • security;
  • high degree of purification.


  • high price;
  • the need to frequently change cartridges;
  • needs to be filled with water on a regular basis.

For a small room, a container of about 5 liters is enough, but the larger the room, the more water is needed.

Climate complexes

Climate complex - it is a very versatile device. It can be used for humidification and as an ozonizer, fragrance, heater, fan.

AT big city when airing, “fresh” air often enters the room with a huge amount of exhaust gases, smog, smoke, etc. To protect the child from these unwanted impurities this set is just perfect..

Device advantages:

  • multi-stage purification of the atmosphere from all possible pollution;
  • safety, efficiency;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • silent operation.

There is only one minus - high price.

The devices are very good to use for lung diseases, asthma, bronchitis, allergies, heart diseases.

How to choose the best

Which humidifier to choose for a child:

  1. The appliance must be safe for children and not placed within reach. You can use wall mounts for this.
  2. It is advisable to choose models that work silently or with a minimum noise level.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the ratio of the performance of the device to the size of the humidified room.
  4. The volume of the liquid reservoir must be at least 5 liters.
  5. It would be nice to find out how often you need to change or clean the cartridges.
  6. It is necessary to purchase proven devices from well-known European manufacturers.

Do not install a steam humidifier in a child's room. Firstly, it does not purify the air very well, it requires the purchase of additional devices for determining the level of humidity (hygrostats). Secondly, the jet of hot steam is unsafe for the child.

Ideal for a city apartment accommodation in the children's climate complex. It is guaranteed to protect children from viruses and microbes, effectively improve the microclimate.

To improve air quality you can additionally use ionizers and ozonizers.

Each parent chooses a humidifier based on their preferences, takes into account availability and ease of maintenance. All devices have both pros and cons. The main thing is that the device is reliable, efficient, safe. Which one to buy is a matter of personal choice.

For more on the topic, see the video:

In the cold season it becomes topical issue about how to humidify the air in a room, apartment without a humidifier in winter at home and is it possible to make dry air more humidified without a humidifier? And no wonder, because health problems, especially in winter, can occur due to dry air. The atmosphere becomes less comfortable. And the children feel it first. Therefore, the task of parents is to find a way to additionally moisten the space in the apartment. Various methods are used for this, moreover, the use of special humidifiers is not necessarily implied.

If you want to make living in an apartment more comfortable, you can use the simplest steps. It is necessary to humidify the air in winter in any case, but this must be done in such a way as not to provoke the development of viruses in space. The task of maintaining a healthy microclimate in the house is quite feasible when controlling the normal temperature regime in the rooms and the level of humidity. It is for this purpose that many are interested in the possibilities of how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home.

A clean, cool and humid environment in the house affects our well-being and mood. In winter, in order to cope with depression and protect your body from infections, much attention is paid to the microclimate in our homes. This question should be of paramount importance when there is a child in the house.

You can understand how dry the air has become in the autumn-winter period, when the period of seasonal heating in apartments begins, which is why the level of humidity in them drops sharply. At the same time, the air becomes incredibly dry. But first you need to understand how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier in winter.

What is dangerous dry air in the apartment

It is believed that the normal state of the humidity level reaches about 40-60 percent at a temperature in the range of 18-20 degrees Celsius in winter. Temperature control in the current conditions can be adjusted independently. This parameter can be adjusted - in summer it is enough to open a window to set a comfortable temperature in the house, and in winter - turn on an additional heater. But at the same time, you need to check the level of humidity - and, if necessary, bring this indicator to the optimal level.

Low humidity in the premises sometimes leads to ailments of the household. This manifests itself in the fact that people appear, the skin begins to actively peel off, and for some, allergy attacks may intensify. In this regard, you need to observe your well-being. But at the same time, you need to help yourself. With strong peeling and dry skin, you can use a moisturizer.

However, if the air is too dry, then this method is ineffective. The skin will quickly become dry again. Sore throat with low humidity is one of the characteristic features not a comfortable state. Unpleasant sensations arise due to the drying of the mucous membranes. In this case, there are violations in breathing. This is due to lack of moisture in the lungs. As a result, an allergic reaction develops or worsens. Asthmatics are not recommended to live in such conditions. In addition, the child may develop SARS, he will have to be treated for frequent colds.

Symptoms of dry air in the apartment:

  • frequent unexplained headaches
  • poor sleep, insomnia
  • fatigue, apathy
  • yellowed plants
  • dry skin
  • dryness in the throat and nasal cavity, especially in the morning after waking up


How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home

To begin with, we will have to check how true the fears about dry air will turn out to be. It is important to make sure how much indoor humidity has decreased, and how much this indicator differs from the norm. For this purpose, a device for research is used - a hygrometer. Only then can the task of correcting the situation be determined.

Today, many people install special humidifiers in their homes and apartments to solve an important problem. Such installations help technically to achieve a comfortable environment in the house. Buying such a device is not difficult. You can ask about new models of equipment in a trusted home appliance store. But good humidifier it's expensive. And not every family can afford it. It remains to find new ways to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home.

Achieving this goal is easy. It is enough to apply a few topical methods to humidify a room without a humidifier.

Wet cleaning

You need to do more wet cleaning in the house. This is one of the simplest and available ways which help to cope with a dry microclimate. Wet cleaning allows you to get rid of a significant part of the germs and microorganisms that live in dust, such as mites. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, but these microorganisms abound in rooms that are rarely cleaned. This way of solving a problem has its strengths and weak sides.


  • thanks to wet cleaning with mopping, natural air humidification occurs;
  • microbes are destroyed.


  • wet cleaning can be carried out in almost any room, the only exception will be a special floor covering.

It is necessary to ventilate the room more often. This should become a daily habit. When airing the apartment, the air here becomes fresher. In addition, this great way slightly change the microclimate in the house for those who do not know how to humidify the air in the apartment without a humidifier in winter. The increase in humidity during airing is affected by the weather outside. In winter or during heavy rain, the humidity level rises not only outside, but also inside the house.

It also has its strengths and weaknesses.


  • good weather in the European part of the country is often replaced by rain, so you can ventilate the room often.



A fountain for those who do not know how to humidify the air without a humidifier at home in winter. Installing such a small home fountain today is not difficult. The main thing is that this is a completely achievable way to improve the condition of the air in the apartment. To do this, you need a special reservoir for water, from which it will cascade down and rise again. Technically, it looks like a closed water cycle. In addition to a purely functional purpose, such a fountain has an aesthetic function. Thus, you can decorate the interior. The main thing is not to forget to fill the tank with water at the right time and get used to its constant murmur.

Like the previous ones, this method of increasing humidity also includes strengths and weaknesses.


  • practical and up-to-date way of moisturizing;
  • the possibility of using such a mechanism for relaxation purposes.


  • especially sensitive natures such a murmur may seem intrusive.

How to humidify the air without a humidifier using an aquarium

This is good way humidification for all types of houses. The aquarium can be attributed to natural air humidifiers. But here you will have to constantly monitor the quantity and quality of water in fish in connection with the evaporation of moisture. Installing an aquarium has a beneficial effect on children and adults, calming nervous system. The larger the aquarium, the more tangible its benefits. After all, then the evaporation of moisture occurs more intensively.

And in this case, it is necessary to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the method of moisturizing.


  • hydration occurs naturally;
  • fish in an aquarium is also a good indicator of a healthy microclimate;
  • it's a great way to soothe yourself.


Planting flowers in the house

Mini flower beds can be arranged on your windowsill. A beautiful flower garden will not only decorate the environment. It is also a good incentive for active life- a mini-flower bed or flower pots need to be watered and fed periodically.

Frequent watering, as a way to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier in winter, significantly increases humidity. And besides, bright, colorful, various flowers have a beneficial effect on others, contribute to the improvement of the microclimate in the apartment. This means that everyone who lives in the house can safely breathe in the air with a full chest.

Even flowers of certain varieties help to cure ailments. They say that living plants have beneficial energy. AT this case, the main thing is that the plants help maintain a comfortable level of humidity in the house. Flowers and other plants are watered after a certain period of time. But spraying the leaves can be done daily, which will also affect the humidity in the house. Once on the soil, moisture evaporates, thus maintaining the natural cycle of moisture and evaporation. You can buy flowers or grow your own.

This method of moisturizing has several strengths and weaknesses.


  • the more the flower garden grows, the more intense the moisture will be;
  • plants disinfect the air;
  • natural beauty helps to relax and recover.


We dry clothes and things in the apartment

For drying clothes, a device is usually provided in the bathroom. But in large families, especially those with small children, you have to dry clothes more than once a day. This process provides for constant humidity in residential areas. But in dry air, this is even beneficial. Therefore, it is worth looking at this possibility as an effective method of how to humidify the air without a humidifier.

For convenience, you can put an additional dryer, for example, on the balcony. Washed clothes are a great source of fumes. In this way, a normal level of humidity can be achieved. Instead of a special dryer, heating radiators can be used. But in this case, the laundry will dry faster and there will be less fumes.

In small families, there is no need to do laundry every day. But this method will also work. For example, you can wet a terry towel and hang it over the back of a chair, as an alternative to setting it open. plastic bottle with water. A wet towel is a very affordable and long-known way of moisturizing.

However, as in most cases, before using something, you need to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the method, how to humidify the air in the apartment.


  • many families have to dry washed clothes every day, but this is also a way to naturally humidify the air;
  • today, things can be washed with products with a pleasant smell, which, when evaporated, will spread throughout the room.


We humidify the air through a spray bottle

Such a device is sold in many stores. To do this, it is not necessary to have a whole greenhouse in the house. With dry air in winter, it is enough to sprinkle water from a spray bottle on curtains or light tulle a couple of times a day. A little evaporation will be enough to increase the humidity here a little.

How do you see the strengths and weaknesses of this humidification method for those who have just learned how to humidify the air without a humidifier at home in winter.


  • this is probably one of the most common possible methods increasing the level of humidity in apartments, at which absolutely no costs are required.


  • Due to the ingress of water on the fabric, noticeable traces may remain on its surface after drying, for example, in the form of stains.

Use a container of water for humidification

This method of natural humidification of a room in winter involves the installation of several filled tanks in the apartment. You can arrange them as you wish. You can even figure out how to choose beautiful containers to decorate the interior with them. They should harmoniously fit into the general background of the house. These containers can be additionally decorated with decorative elements. For example, fish, sea figures, shells.

You can put a few colorful jugs of water, and in them - shoots of plants to humidify the air in the room. So, scindapsus is perfect for these purposes, it feels great in the water. It remains only to monitor the filling of the tank.

Evaporation will be enough to not experience the effects of dry air in the apartment all winter. If you don’t have beautiful containers yet, then you can put a basin of water somewhere in a secluded place, away from the radiators. True, in this case you will have to forget about the decor.

Despite the simplicity of solving the issue, this method of moisturizing, like the previous ones, must be considered taking into account the strengths and weaknesses.


  • it will not be difficult to install water containers; this will be enough for a slight increase in humidity;
  • you can think of new decor premises due to selected water containers.


  • water tanks should not be within the reach of children or pets, although this requirement is not always feasible.

Considering all the above methods, which helped many to learn how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier in winter at home, it has now become easier to find the most suitable option natural improvement of air quality in homes, taking into account specific conditions. All these humidification options require almost no costs, being absolutely affordable for most apartment residents and country houses. Interested in this or that way of naturally increasing the level of humidity in the apartment, you should stop your attention on one of them, which will lead to quick results. Moreover, now there are examples of how to humidify the air without a humidifier.

Moderately humid air necessary condition for comfortable living in home!

How to make a humidifier with your own hands from a bottle: video

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A humidifier helps to maintain the humidity required by the Sanitary Norms and Regulations in the room. Dryness is the main problem that determines childhood morbidity. This is especially evident in children's institutions with the onset of the heating season. Heated air loses moisture, infections appear that are difficult for the child's body to fight. Therefore, you can’t do without special devices, and a humidifier is considered the best option.

SARS and the choice of humidifier

Dry air is one of the causes of frequent SARS in children

The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky claims that dry indoor air is contraindicated for children for a number of reasons:

  • dries the skin;
  • complicates the work of the respiratory system;
  • irritates mucous membranes;
  • complicates the course of SARS, bacterial diseases.

Attention! If a viral infection is found in the house, it is necessary to provide the necessary microclimate parameters: air temperature - 18-20 ° C and humidity - 50-70%. Compliance with such a regimen and proper organization of ventilation will help not to resort to the use of strong drugs.

At high humidity(more than 70%), mold fungi appear and multiply - sources of allergic reactions. To prevent this, you need to control the moisture with a hygrometer.

Humidifiers for work use:

  • cold steam;
  • hot steam;
  • ionizing effect on air;
  • ultrasonic vibrations.

An air purifier will help optimize the improvement of the situation in the house: with a decrease in the concentration of dust, it will become easier to breathe. At the same time, it is taken into account that for any of the devices (moisturizing, cleansing) the efficiency range is 1.5 - 2 m. Therefore, it is necessary to change their position as often as possible. This is easy to do, because. compact device can be adapted even in a small baby's room: the humidifier is placed directly at bed baby.

What humidifier is needed - how to choose: Komarovsky advises

ultrasonic device. Silent operation is a weighty argument in its favor. Other positive features include:

  • safe operation;
  • analysis of air parameters in automatic mode;
  • making adjustments;
  • the possibility of using an additional option - air purification.

The operation of an ultrasonic device is based on the splitting of water coming from a special storage tank into small particles. At the same time, the built-in air blower takes it from the room and feeds it for mixing inside the freshener. There is saturation with moisture. The wet composition is then fed back into the room.

The ultrasonic device today is considered the most expensive, but also the most effective. Consumes electricity economically. To make the air in the children's room really useful, you need to use water to fill the humidifier:

  • distilled - the best, but also the most expensive option;
  • bottled product;
  • liquid purified by household filters, especially a reverse osmosis system;
  • boiled and settled liquid, freed from precipitated hardness salts.

By the way! It is hardness salts that cause the appearance of a whitish coating on office equipment, furniture and other surfaces.

What other humidifiers can you use?

If an ultrasound device is not affordable, there are a number of other technologies. They also improve the humidity regime in the room, bringing it to the required 50-70%. These are cheaper and quite efficient installations.

Classic (traditional)

They work noisily, only for humidification, using a water tank, a fan and paper cassettes, without regulating the degree of air saturation with moisture. They are easy to install, operate and maintain. They are inexpensive. Energy efficient. The process of evaporation of the liquid occurs in the on state. The maximum potential is an increase in air humidity up to 60%.


The liquid evaporates as it is heated to a temperature of 50-80°C by electric heating elements. Depending on the type of model, daily water consumption can reach up to 17 liters, bringing the humidity level to a maximum saturation of 100%. Therefore, it is used together with a humidistat to avoid waterlogging. Automatically, with the help of sensors, the decrease in the water level in the tank, as well as the moisture content in the air of the room, is monitored. The humidifier turns on when its critical minimum level is reached. Steam installations should be positioned where access to the child is closed for his personal safety.


To improve air purification in an apartment, an air ionizer is often provided in steam, as well as traditional humidifiers. Its functions:

  • saturate the air space of the room with negative ions, which strengthens sleep and improves well-being;
  • eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • fight microorganisms in the air;
  • increase the body's resistance to colds, allergic diseases;
  • strengthen immunity and reduce allergic manifestations.
  • activate gas exchange in the body.

Special models of ionizers appeared in the distribution network, in which a separate program is provided for children. It is balanced for the concentration of ions to be adhered to, which simplifies the use of the device.

Ultrasonic humidifiers - great for a nursery

There are a number of restrictions that are necessarily indicated in the instructions for the ionizer, taken into account before installing it. The main ones are:

  • individual intolerance to charged particles by the body;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms in apartment residents;
  • dusty environment, aggravating the penetration of dust particles into the lungs, etc.

If this concerns a nursery, then the ionizer should be oriented in the room so that it does not blow on the child, creating discomfort for him. This should not be the head of the crib or a place on the table. If these and other contraindications are absent, then the ionizer in the apartment is a necessary and useful thing.

Humidifiers: what influences the choice

What you need to pay attention to before choosing a humidifier for an apartment:

  • Square. A model designed for a standard 25 "square" nursery room or a more powerful unit for humidifying the entire apartment is suitable.
  • Company manufacturer. It is better to trust well-known established brands.
  • Security. Ultrasound devices are out of competition here.
  • Practicality. Here the best way- ultrasonic, although a steam device can also be considered.
  • Quantity additional options(remote control, built-in hygrometer, display, etc.).
  • Price. Depends on the type of model and functionality.
  • Clear documentation for maintenance and operation.

Dr. Komarovsky's recommendations boil down to the fact that the humidifier model (steam or ultrasonic) does not play a significant role in organizing the humidity regime in the children's room. The main thing is that the device constantly performs its functions in combination with the mandatory ventilation of the premises.

Does a humidifier help if a child is sick? How often should it be turned on? And which one is better to choose - with hot steam, with cold, with an ionizer?

It's not a humidifier that helps, it's the right humidity. In the room where there is a child with any variant of acute respiratory infections, the relative humidity should be from 50 to 70%. If the air is dry (or even more dangerous - dry and warm), this greatly increases the risk of complications and prevents the body from fighting viruses and bacteria. It goes without saying that it is absolutely impossible to maintain optimal air humidity, especially at the height of the heating season, without special devices. The best such device is a humidifier. The safest, most convenient, silent and efficient ultrasonic humidifier. The use of a humidifier is not an end in itself, it must be turned on exactly when the air humidity drops below 50%. And turn off when it is above 70%.

How to humidify the air and ventilate the room at the same time? As soon as the window closes, the temperature becomes 25-26 degrees. Opening the window, moisten the street.

Unfortunately, at low air temperatures outside, it is almost impossible to ventilate the room and leave the air in the room moist. Therefore, in winter, it is necessary to achieve a decrease in the temperature in the room, mainly by acting on the heat source - the battery. It is necessary to turn on the faucet, if there is one, in extreme cases, close the battery with a thick blanket, foam plastic, or whatever your imagination is enough for. This will keep indoors optimal temperature without constantly opening windows.

We have such a situation. Last week, my husband and I raised the issue of purchasing a humidifier for the group in the kindergarten. We agreed on the issue with the educator and the nurse. Everyone was not against it, and the nurse even said that a humidifier was needed. We were even ready to pay half the cost ourselves (the rest of the parents would have chipped in too). The birth was to take place tomorrow. meeting. Now the husband came from the kindergarten and said that the nurse called the sanitary and epidemiological station, and they said literally: “You can’t use humidifiers in the kindergarten, because it can be harmful to some children. Better buy a quartz lamp. It is clear that this issue will never be raised in the kindergarten, because who wants to conflict with the sanitary and epidemiological station. And we wanted to send our youngest child to kindergarten in the spring :(
Are there really any orders or laws of the Ministry of Health related to these humidifiers, or is it all taken from the ceiling to remove responsibility? I don’t know if the nurse coordinated this issue with the Kharkiv or Dergachev sanitary and epidemiological station. We live in Dergachi. What will we do? No one will be especially persistent and run around the authorities, there is no time.

There are no orders-laws specifically relating to humidifiers, and cannot exist.
It is not the presence of a humidifier that is regulated, but the indicators of air humidity. And the sanitation station, and the children, and the parents, and even personally Dr. Komarovsky absolutely do not care if there is a humidifier in the kindergarten or not. The main thing is that the humidity of the air meets the standards.
You, or rather the staff kindergarten, you can provide the necessary (regulated by the sanitation station) humidity in any way you like: you can often wash the floors, you can hang wet towels on the radiators, you can walk around with a spray bottle all day. You, in the end, can take advantage of the achievements of civilization and purchase a humidifier.
Humidifier cannot be contraindicated for anyone (“harmful for some children”). Air humidity that does not correspond to the norm may be contraindicated.
What is the whole horror of what is happening in general and what you described in particular:
- a nurse (!!) is not afraid to demonstrate her own illiteracy and calls the SES, where anonymous consultants demonstrate even greater illiteracy;
- parents trust the health of their children to such "specialists";
- to achieve normal air for their children means "to conflict with the sanitary and epidemiological station."
It is especially sad that all these especially wise "prohibitors" remain unknown and unpunished.
And here's to find out:
- number and location of the kindergarten;
- the name of the especially caring nurse;
- the name and position of an unknown consultant from the SES.
And I would forward this information to the appropriate authorities. And we would (maybe) wait for an answer.
And there would be less for one consultant, since it is easy to be smart on the phone, but it is difficult to be responsible for your words.
Is ultrasound harmful? In medicine and in everyday life? I was given an ultrasonic washing machine as a gift. Husband claims he is dangerous and has bad influence per person. If this is true, then can it be used in a room where adults and children do not go?

Actually, it is not. Ultrasonic laundry detergents, like other ultrasonic household devices (such as ultrasonic humidifiers), are quite safe. And if the devices are used in a room where adults and children do not go, then they are doubly safe. The harm of ultrasound has been proven with its regular (daily, many hours) exposure to tissues human body. Not without reason, after all, doctors who constantly work on ultrasound diagnostic devices receive a premium for harmfulness. But the episodic direct effect of ultrasound on the human body and the systematic indirect effect (that is, not on a person, but on an object or air with which a person will then come into contact) is not at all harmful.

The child fell ill - 1 year 3 months. Symptoms - runny nose, cough, temperature 37.6. A week ago we were presented with an air humidifier - we have been constantly using it to this day. The husband and mother-in-law state that the child has become ill because of the humidifier and that the use of the humidifier should be stopped immediately. Are they right?

Symptoms of a runny nose, cough and fever are signs of a viral infection. What does the humidifier have to do with viruses and their entry into the body of a child is not clear. The main thing is that the humidifier does not just work, but that you control the humidity in the room. Humidity should be between 50 and 70%. Those. Once again, I draw your attention: it is not the fact of the operation of the humidifier that is important, but the work to achieve a very specific goal.

Information taken from the official website of Dr. V. Komarovsky