Growing mushrooms at home and in a greenhouse all year round. Secrets of growing porcini mushrooms at home Planting mushrooms at home

Mushroom cultivation begins with the selection of a site or room for cultivation. After that, you need to buy or prepare mycelium, prepare the substrate and provide optimal conditions for the development of the fungus.

How to grow mushrooms in artificial conditions with detailed description technologies you will find in this article. With its help, you can grow a rich harvest of mushrooms not only in the basement, but also on garden plot or even in a city apartment.

Growing mushrooms at home for beginners

Before you start growing mushrooms at home, a beginner needs to decide which species is best cultivated. Experts recommend starting with simple varieties: champignons, mushrooms or oyster mushrooms, as they require minimal conditions, and the purchase of mycelium and materials will not be expensive (Figure 1).

In addition, it is necessary to foresee the site or room where cultivation will be carried out. It is desirable to isolate it, since the spores are easily carried through the air and can easily infect the entire area.


There are certain conditions for successful cultivation. Firstly, you need to independently prepare or buy high-quality mycelium, since the success of the entire enterprise will depend on this.

Note: It is better to buy ready-made mycelium from trusted manufacturers, as homemade spores often do not have sufficient quality.

Secondly, you need to prepare a good substrate (compost) in which the mycelium is populated. You can also prepare it yourself, or buy a ready-made sterile mixture of sawdust and wood trimmings. Such a mixture is considered the best, as it allows spores to form the so-called mushroom root, which significantly increases the yield.

Figure 1. Ways to grow at home

In addition, you need to prepare a suitable room. Oyster mushrooms and mushrooms can also be grown in the garden on ordinary stumps, but it is still better to equip a basement and a greenhouse for this purpose. It will be better if the room is not wooden structures, because under the conditions high humidity and under the action of spores, they are rapidly destroyed.

If you are interested in the practical side of the issue, we recommend that you read the expert advice that will help you properly organize your own small mushroom farm.

The basic tips for growing mushrooms are:(picture 2):

  1. Equip the room in such a way that it can change the temperature depending on the growing season. To do this, you need to equip the system of ventilation, air humidification and heating.
  2. As a substrate, you can use not only sawdust, but also high-quality cereal straw (rye or wheat). Straw should not show signs of mold or decay.
  3. Indoors, install racks with containers in which the nutrient substrate will be located. It is better to make shelving made of metal, since wood rots quickly in such conditions. For oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms, ordinary plastic bags filled with a substrate are also suitable.

Figure 2. Growing conditions at home

You also need to provide a room where the crop will be stored and processed. It is important that in order to maintain sterility, all rooms for preparing the substrate, infecting the blocks with mycelium and direct maturation should be located separately or separated by partitions.

Location selection

You can grow mushrooms almost anywhere. But there are rooms that are best suited for this purpose. For example, if you have a free basement with ventilation, cultivation can be established in it.

A greenhouse or part of a garden plot, if possible, isolated from other crops, is also suitable for this purpose. Outdoors, oyster mushrooms and mushrooms grow best, but if the temperature and humidity conditions are observed, mushrooms and porcini mushrooms can also be grown in such conditions.

An easy way to grow mushrooms

The easiest way to grow mushrooms at home is in a jar (Figure 3). Unfortunately, mushrooms are mainly cultivated in this way, but if the variety is not of fundamental importance to you, you can very well use this method.

A nutrient substrate is poured into the jar and the containers are boiled over low heat for two hours. When the jars have cooled, the surface of the compost is sown with mycelium, the neck is covered with gauze and placed in a room with room temperature. Germination of the mycelium takes about 3 weeks, and during this period it is not necessary to maintain an optimal lighting regime.

Figure 3. Features of growing mushrooms in a jar

When the mycelium germinates, the jar is transferred to the windowsill and a little shading is done. Mushrooms grow very quickly, so when their caps appear above the neck, you need to wrap it with a thick strip of cardboard so that the mushroom legs do not break. In the future, the crop is simply cut off, and the banks are closed again and the procedure is repeated. The second crop can be harvested in 2 weeks.

What mushrooms can be grown at home

At home, you can grow almost any variety, but the most popular are champignons, oyster mushrooms, shiitake and mushrooms. They require minimal maintenance and investment, and the yield is high enough to be harvested several times.

More experienced mushroom growers also cultivate white mushrooms, chanterelles and other forest varieties at home, but this undertaking is technologically more complicated and requires more thorough preparation of the premises and substrate. This condition also applies to truffles - expensive mushrooms that are highly valued by gourmets all over the world. Truffles grow on the roots of certain trees and require a variety of climatic conditions to grow.

How to grow mushrooms in the garden

It is not difficult to grow mushrooms in a garden plot if you choose the right materials and study the cultivation technology in detail.

Mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, shiitake and winter mushrooms are best suited for growing in the country, so we will dwell on the features of the cultivation of these varieties in more detail.


Each variety requires specific conditions. The most unpretentious is oyster mushroom, which grows well on almost any substrate and does not require the purchase of expensive equipment.

It is also easy to grow mushrooms: for them it is enough to set a few stumps in the garden, drill holes in them and place the mycelium inside. Further care consists in observing the wood and harvesting, since mushrooms grow in the open air almost the same as in the forest.

Figure 4. Recommendations for growing crops in the garden

If you plan to breed champignons or shiitake, you still have to take into account some features. They need a dark and fairly humid room in which the temperature can be regulated, since during the germination of the mycelium and the growth of the fruiting bodies themselves, it differs (Figure 4).


In order for cultivation in the garden plot to be completed successfully, several important conditions must be met, depending on the variety.

For cultivation, you will need to follow these rules(picture 5):

  • oyster mushrooms best placed in a garden or basement with little or no lighting. The substrate with mycelium is placed in large plastic bags with holes, and hung from the ceiling, and during the harvest period, fruiting bodies are simply cut off.
  • Champignon cultivated outdoors from May to September, and in the basement or greenhouse, where it is possible to maintain a stable temperature and humidity - and all year round. For growing champignons, it is better to install metal racks with shelves in which mycelium with mycelium will be placed.
  • Honey mushrooms can be grown right in the garden by digging a few logs or stumps at some distance from other trees so that the spores of honey fungus do not penetrate into healthy wood.
  • Shiitake grown mainly in basements and sheds, on beams or stumps of deciduous trees. They make holes in which the mycelium is placed, and in the room itself they maintain high humidity and twilight.

Figure 5. Growing oyster mushrooms, mushrooms, champignons and shiitake at home

Providing optimal conditions for all the varieties listed above is not difficult, because most often old barns and basements are used for this purpose, and cultivation equipment (for example, racks or boxes for the substrate) can be made by yourself.


Growing mushrooms is not a difficult task, but for her successful implementation certain recommendations are required.

It is also necessary to equip a separate room for storing and processing the crop, as well as disinfecting the substrate. At a distance from the mushroom growing complex, there is a place for the disposal of the spent substrate.

The video shows how you can grow porcini mushrooms in your summer cottage.

Growing mushrooms in a summer cottage can be not only a way to replenish the harvest with delicious products, but also a good way to earn money if production is properly established.

Like the cultivation of other crops, the cultivation of mushrooms is carried out according to certain rules, which will be described in detail below.


There are several ways to grow a crop in the country. The easiest is to use an already developed mycelium. To do this, it is enough to go into the forest, find a place of mass growth of edible varieties, extract the mycelium from the soil and transfer it to your site.

Note: This method is simple, but it is only suitable for those who know exactly what edible varieties look like. If you are new to this business, it is better to buy mycelium.

It is important that for cultivation in the country it will be enough to transfer only part of the mycelium in order to preserve the crop in the forest. It must be carefully removed from the soil and, trying not to shake too much, transfer to your country cottage area and place it in the chosen location. The site must be prepared in advance and create conditions on it suitable for the growth of fruiting bodies.


The area for cultivation can be anything, but it is better to place it near old trees or rotten logs. The mushroom picker cannot be planted directly into the ground: for fruiting, it needs a nutrient substrate from which fruiting bodies will develop. To do this, you can put straw or wet sawdust on the ground.

Mycelium can be transferred not only to the ground, but also to a piece of log or stump dug into the ground. To do this, holes are drilled in the tree with a drill and the mycelium is placed inside. It is desirable that the tree on which the crops will be grown in the country should be of the same species as in the forest.


Another simple growing technology is the spore method. The spores are constantly in their hats, so it is enough to collect ripe, or rather overripe specimens, crumble their hats and scatter them around the site.

The earth needs to be moistened, and after 3 weeks it will be possible to start harvesting. When using this technology, you must be completely sure that you are using edible and not poisonous species.

Mushrooms in plastic bags

Another simple but enough effective way cultivation of mushrooms in plastic bags is considered (Figure 6).

It is better to cultivate oyster mushrooms or shiitake in this way, but some mushroom growers also practice it for champignons. To start the procedure, take large plastic bags and fill them with substrate. Small transverse incisions are made along the entire length of the bag, into which the mycelium is populated. After that, the bags (so-called blocks) are transferred to the growing room, hung from the ceiling or placed on racks and maintained in the room at a suitable temperature level.

Figure 6. Features of growing in plastic bags

Harvest in this case very convenient: they can simply be cut along the line of the holes, and after a few weeks the crop can be re-harvested, since without exception all varieties bear fruit in several waves.

You will find more information about growing in bags in the video.

Oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms are best for growing mushrooms in the basement, although mushrooms can be cultivated in such rooms.

Basement is best suited for this purpose, as it usually has sufficient ventilation, moderate lighting, and a stable temperature necessary for the development and growth of fruiting bodies.


The main feature of growing in the basement is that the room must be divided into two zones: for the germination of the mycelium and directly for fruiting. The fact is that these processes require different temperature conditions and sterility, so it is desirable that there are two separate rooms in the basement. Otherwise, you can just make a small partition between the zones, or grow only one batch at a time.

Mushroom blocks should not be filled too tightly with the substrate: the soil must be loose and breathable so that the mycelium develops normally. In the process, it is necessary to observe the seedlings in order to detect signs of disease or pest damage in time.


There are certain rules that should be followed when growing in the basement (Figure 7). Firstly, it is better to use mushroom blocks from plastic bags with holes on the sides: this way the free space of the basement is used evenly, and the yield remains high.

Figure 8. Features of growing in the basement

Secondly, you need to constantly monitor the temperature in the room. At the stage of germination of the mycelium, the temperature is maintained at the level of 22-25 degrees, and after the appearance of the first shoots, it is reduced to 12-18.

Otherwise, the rules depend on the specific species. For example, oyster mushrooms and shiitake require higher humidity than champignons, and for mushrooms it is better not to make mushroom blocks, but to install stumps or logs into which the mycelium is populated.

Growing mushrooms at home is a task that anyone who is interested in growing food for their own consumption should undertake at least once. Mushrooms are a healthy addition to any diet because they are low in calories and fat, but high in fiber and potassium. In addition, they are easy to grow at home. Mushrooms are best grown in an area where temperatures and conditions are easy to control. Knowing how to grow mushrooms at home will allow you to carefully manage your growing conditions.


Part 1

The main growing method

    Choose the type of mushroom you will be growing. There are three types of mushrooms that are easiest to grow at home: oyster mushrooms, button mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms. The methods of growing these mushrooms are similar, but each of them requires its own ideal nutrient medium.

    • Oyster mushrooms are best grown in straw. Shiitake grows better on sawdust, and champignons grow better in compost manure. These different growth media reflect the different nutritional requirements of each species. However, each of the three species is fairly easy to grow in sawdust or straw.
    • The choice of mushrooms for cultivation is a matter of taste. You need to grow the mushrooms that you like.
  1. Buy a mushroom. Mycelium is sawdust pierced with mushroom mycelium - in fact, the root structure of the fungus. They are used as plant seedlings to promote growth.

    • You can buy high-quality mycelium from an online retailer, a horticulturalist, or other specialty organic store.
    • Buy mushrooms, not spores. Some stores also sell spores, which look more like plant seeds (rather than seedlings). Growing mushrooms from spores takes more time and practice and is best for the seasoned mushroom grower.
  2. Sterilize the culture medium. If you are growing mushrooms in straw or sawdust, this substrate must be sterilized before sowing the mycelium. This is done in order to kill any microorganisms that may compete with the mycelium.

    • To sterilize the media substrate, place it in a heat-resistant bowl and add enough water to make the straw or sawdust damp. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it on high for two minutes or until the water boils away.
    • The heat will kill all micro-organisms, making it a safe breeding ground for the mycelium to accept. It may be necessary to work in batches to sterilize completely all the straw or sawdust.
  3. Heat the substrate to spread the mycelium in it. The mycelium needs to be carefully spread in the nutrient medium in order for the mushrooms to start growing. Warm temperatures stimulate growth.

    Put the substrate in a suitable place. After three weeks, place the substrate in a dark and cool place (about 13°C). As a rule, a basement or cellar is suitable for this, but in winter a closet or drawer in an unheated room is suitable.

    • If you notice spots of green or Brown(as on moldy bread), remove these areas and discard.
    • Place a handful of soil on the substrate and spray everything with enough water to thoroughly wet. You can cover the baking sheet with a damp towel to prevent moisture loss.
    • You can place a low heat lamp next to the baking sheet. It will replace the sun, and the mushrooms will begin to reach for it and grow upwards, which will make it easier to collect them later.
    • While the mushrooms are growing, the mixture should remain moist and cool. Check it periodically and spray with water as needed.
    • Mushrooms prefer cool weather. The most important thing is not to let them overheat. At temperatures below 21 °C mushrooms should grow excellently.
  4. Harvest when the mushrooms are fully grown. After about three weeks, you will have small mushrooms. Keep moist, cool, and dark to encourage their growth.

    • When mushroom caps are completely separated from their legs, they can be harvested. It is possible to pluck the mushrooms with your fingers, but you risk damaging the newly developing fungi below the surface. It is better to use a sharp knife to cut the mushrooms at the base of the stem.
    • Wash mushrooms before cooking. Harvested mushrooms can be stored in a paper bag in the refrigerator for up to seven days.

    Part 2

    Growing mushrooms on coffee grounds
    1. Take out the coffee grounds. Growing mushrooms from coffee grounds interesting project with the reuse of coffee grounds that would otherwise go to waste. Coffee grounds are an excellent breeding ground for fungi (especially oyster mushrooms) as they are already sterilized during the coffee brewing process and are full of nutrients.

      • For 500 g of mycelium, you will need 2.5 kg of fresh coffee grounds. The best way to get such a quantity of fresh coffee grounds (brewed on the same day) - go to a cafe and kindly ask. Most likely, they will gladly give it to you.
    2. Find a container for mushrooms. It is best to use a special filter bag that can be purchased with mycelium. If you don't have one, you can use a large airtight freezer bag, a cleanly washed milk carton, or an ice cream box with four holes pierced in the sides.

      Transfer the mycelium to a container. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap, then work the mycelium into the coffee grounds, breaking it up with your hands to distribute evenly. Place the seeded coffee grounds in a plastic bag or container and seal tightly.

      Place the mycelium in a suitable environment. Place the bag or container in a warm, dark place at 18 to 25°C, such as under a sink. Leave for approximately three to four weeks until the contents turn completely white due to mycelium colonizing the coffee grounds.

      • If green or brown spots appear on the substrate, cut them out so as not to poison yourself later.
    3. Move mushrooms. When the contents of the bag or container turn completely white, move it to a bright place (but not in direct sunlight) and cut a 5x5 cm hole in the top. Moisten the contents of the container by watering it twice a day to prevent drying - mushrooms will not grow in too much dry conditions.

Due to its rich taste and delicate aroma, the porcini mushroom is considered the most valuable trophy from the “silent hunt”. However, not all gourmets like to wander through the forests in search of prey, but this delicacy is not cheap. However, there is a way out! Let's find out how to grow porcini mushrooms on your own site.

How to prepare seed yourself

To grow mushrooms at home, you need to stock up on seed. To cook it yourself, you need to find overripe mushrooms in the forest (dried and wormy ones will do).

About 10 hats are needed to obtain seed. At home, separate them from the stalks and prepare a container of water. Alcohol (3 tablespoons per 10 liters), potassium permanganate (1 g per bucket) and granulated sugar (50 g) can be added to the water. Mash the caps in your hands and add them to the water to make a homogeneous mass. It should be infused for about 10 hours. After that, strain it. Mushroom spores are contained in water, cake is not needed. Use the hats collected in the forest within a few hours, otherwise they will deteriorate. You cannot freeze them.

To grow mushrooms at home, you can use the mycelium brought from the forest: after finding an adult mushroom in the forest, cut off a layer of earth around it about 25x25 cm. At home, you can completely lay the mycelium in the prepared soil or divide it into 8-20 pieces.

Buying ready-made mycelium

Growing porcini mushrooms at home is possible with the help of purchased mycelium. Mycelium white fungus it can be both dry and already germinated, placed in the substrate. If you intend to purchase it online, choose trusted and reliable suppliers. When buying directly, please note: the germinated mycelium of porcini mushrooms should be red in color with small yellow patches. The presence of black and green areas, as well as a strong smell of ammonia, indicate that the product is damaged.

In open areas, the mycelium of porcini mushrooms should be planted under a forest tree. The first harvest can be expected in next year. Fruiting from the mycelium lasts an average of 3-4 years, but if beneficial microorganisms are added to the water for irrigation (for example, Baikal EM-1), this period can be extended to seven years and also increase productivity.

Substrate selection and preparation

To grow mushrooms in the garden, you can use a purchased substrate or cook it yourself. To do this, mix straw, sawdust of deciduous trees, sunflower husks. Other sources recommend alternating layers: one from a mixture of fallen leaves with sawdust, the second from the same mixture with the addition of soil. It is important that none of the components contain rot and mold. Before planting mushrooms, the substrate must be properly moistened, and it is recommended to use boiling water or steam - this will also kill harmful bacteria.

Growing features

First, decide where you will grow the crop: in the basement, greenhouse or on the site. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

First, let's look at how to grow porcini mushrooms on the site.

Growing porcini mushrooms in a personal plot suggests the presence of coniferous or deciduous forest trees there. Fruit ones will not work - you need to breed porcini mushrooms in the country away from any cultivated plants, be it trees, shrubs or vegetables.

Remove the top layer of earth (about 15 cm) around the selected tree. It is desirable that the roots be exposed, but in no case should they be damaged. If you are using an infusion with spores, pour it onto the ground (about 350 ml per 25 sq. cm). Then cover again with earth and water abundantly - either along the trunk or using shallow irrigation. In this way, you can plant a white mushroom in the country in August-September.

To plant mycelium, make a depression of 1.5 square meters near the tree. m in diameter and 30 cm deep. Place the substrate in it, alternating it with the ground in layers of 10 cm. The height of such a bed should be 20 cm above ground level. Plant the mycelium in the substrate in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30 cm between the bags. Carefully water the bed, cover it with a layer of fallen leaves.

Planting mycelium can be carried out from May to September.

Care of planted mushrooms consists mainly in abundant watering. For the winter, it is recommended to cover them with a thick layer of foliage, spruce branches or straw.

Growing mushrooms in a greenhouse or basement implies the creation of a warm and humid microclimate, since it will not work to grow a lot of porcini mushrooms in dry air. In order for the greenhouse atmosphere to meet these requirements, it is recommended to install several barrels of water or wet sawdust there.

The substrate for the premises is the same as for open areas. In the basement, they fill bags with small cuts. Sowing is recommended to be done with mycelium. The bags should be placed no closer than 5 cm from each other.

During the incubation period (until the caps appear), the temperature should be maintained at + 23-25 ​​° C; a temperature of +30 ° C will destroy most of the mycelium of the grown crop.

Lighting is not required at this time. In the greenhouse, it is desirable to muffle it as much as possible, in the basement simply do not turn it on. Ventilation is not necessary, but the humidity should not be more than 90% so that mold does not start. Also, for its prevention, disinfection is periodically done with a solution of chlorine.

Growing mushrooms need different care: when hats appear, the temperature is lowered to +10 ° C. Now the greenhouse or cellar should be well ventilated - oxygen is necessary for the normal development of mushrooms. Lighting is required for 5-6 hours a day. To grow porcini mushrooms in a greenhouse, it must be muted, without direct sunlight. It is advisable to spray mushrooms from a spray bottle 2 times a day: this will make their structure more dense. The first harvest can usually be taken after 20-25 days.

Moldy bags should be removed from the premises immediately. Mushrooms can no longer be grown on them, but they can be a good fertilizer.

Be aware that boletus mushrooms are difficult to establish without being in close proximity to trees, and the first attempts to grow in the basement may not be successful. But if you intend to start breeding porcini mushrooms in this way, choose the Dutch mycelium: in Holland, a variety of mushrooms was bred, which grows most easily "in captivity".

But having mastered all the subtleties, indoors you can harvest mushrooms all year round or even start growing porcini mushrooms on an industrial scale: since it is more difficult to grow boletus than champignon or oyster mushroom, it is much more appreciated.

Finally - small secrets of mushroom growing.

With self-collection of seed, boletus mushrooms that grew near the type of tree that is on your site will take root better. With the physical transfer of the mycelium, their appearance must necessarily match.

It is recommended to disinfect the substrate or earth 2-3 hours before planting with a solution of tannins. It can be prepared from cheap black tea: 50-100 g is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and brewed until completely cooled. Another option is oak bark. It will need 30 g per 1 liter of water. The bark should be boiled for an hour, as it boils, adding water to the original volume. For each "mushroom" tree, you need 2-3 liters of one of these solutions.

Video "Self-growing porcini mushrooms"

From this video you will learn how to grow porcini mushrooms on your site.

Deservedly and rightfully considered the standard for other mushrooms. He looks attractive - with a fleshy brown hat on a white pot-bellied leg, and his taste is excellent. When fried, porcini mushrooms emit a special, nutty aroma. It got its name - white - mushroom because its incision does not darken during drying and cooking, while maintaining a juicy, appetizing structure. And today we will consider the cultivation of porcini mushrooms at home and not only.

White mushroom: description

Almost everywhere, white mushroom is also called boletus. And also it is called a bear cub, a belovik, a capercaillie. No matter how else this forest handsome man is called in numerous corners of Russia, he always looks distinctive:

  1. The cap of the boletus is dyed brown. It changes its convexity with the age of the fungus. From a semi-cylindrical shape in a small mushroom, it gradually makes a transition to an almost flat, about 20 cm in diameter, hat of an adult mushroom.
  2. The stalk is always whitish, with characteristic brownish vertical streaks. At first, it has the shape of a barrel, and as it grows, it stretches into a dense, powerful cylinder.

Now you can visually distinguish the white mushroom (you received the description) from other forest mushrooms.

Varieties of white mushrooms

White fungus has many forms, and their varieties depend on the trees under which the fungus grows and enters into symbiosis with:

  1. The pine form is perhaps the most colorful of all. It has a beautiful brown cap and a stalk with a slightly purple tint, slightly thickened at the bottom.
  2. The spruce form is the most common in central Russia. The hat is brown-reddish, with spots and a border along the edge. The stem is barrel-shaped, covered to the middle with a fine mesh.
  3. Oak form - strong porcini mushrooms with elastic brown hats with a grayish tint.
  4. Dark bronze form - the name speaks for itself. Hats are dark, wrinkled; legs are brownish.

Mushrooms growing in shady areas have a lighter cap color. And their brothers, who grew up in the sun, have a rich brown top. does not tolerate heavily shaded and mossy places. For example, it will not grow in a deaf forest. And he will choose a slightly shaded or sunny place that is comfortable for himself.

We grow mushrooms in the country

If a mushroom picker returns from the forest with a full basket of boletus mushrooms, it means that he did not pick mushrooms in vain. Many are wondering if it is possible to grow mushrooms in the country in order to admire the beautiful landscape, and, of course, it is guaranteed to have a rare product on the table. Yes, growing the king of mushrooms in a garden plot is quite possible, although not an entirely easy task. It is necessary to know the intricacies and features of breeding this finicky forest strong man, but as a result of hard work next to your country house the first white mushrooms will grow.

So, growing mushrooms in the country. It will not be easy to achieve results because the white fungus belongs to the group of mycorrhiza-forming, which indicates their long and very complex fusion and interlacing with the roots of the trees under which they live. This is a very complex and vital symbiosis for fungi. Without a tree, or rather its roots, the so-called mushroom root cannot form and the fruit growing on the surface cannot develop. Therefore, growing white mushrooms on a bare area, alas, will not work.

A long-standing and well-established way of growing - in an area where trees grow at the age of ten to thirty years. White fungus settles under pine, spruce, oak, birch, beech. Compliance with tree species when transplanting mycelium is necessary. The more similar the conditions of the dacha plantation of mushrooms to their forest location, the more likely they are to successfully take root.

White mushrooms at home

If you wish, you can master the cultivation of mushrooms at home, having studied the accumulated experience of scientists from Holland. With the help of the technologies recommended by them, you can start growing the product in greenhouses and dug cellars.

Breeding a plantation with an intensive method, namely, it is adopted at home, has its own difficulties. One of them is a considerable investment, the purchase of equipment to ensure the required temperature and humidity in the room. But the advantages of this method of cultivation are considerable - fertility throughout the season and a good ripening rate. For effective breeding indoors, it is recommended to use growing from mycelium.

planting material requirements

It is advisable to purchase planting material from suppliers with recommendations, carefully study all the initial data of the mycelium indicated on the label. It is very important to pay attention to the smell and color of the mycelium. If there is a slight ammonia smell, immediately reject the batch of planting material - it has been overheated and is no longer viable. The color of a healthy exudate is orange with a slight yellowness.

Having brought home the packages with the purchased mycelium, you need to cool them, ventilate them, and only then proceed with the preparation before laying. The contents of the bags are crushed without tearing the packaging. Thus, they maintain a gentle and adaptive temperature regime for the future mycelium. When laying, sterility is very important:

  • it is necessary to work with gloves;
  • rooms for growing porcini mushrooms and laying mycelium should be separate;
  • opening the package, it is necessary to treat with a disinfectant solution.

Mushroom cultivation technology

To complete the topic of the previous paragraph, let's start with the method of sprouting the crop at home. So, growing mushrooms at home. Here are the main stages of work in the room:

  1. Boiling in bags for 1-1.5 hours and subsequent cooling of the substrate. (Poke holes in bags to drain water).
  2. Mixing mycelium and substrate on disinfected tables. The presence of domestic material should be at the level of 5%, and imported - 2.5%.
  3. Packing the mixture into bags. Tamp the grafted substrate tightly into bags, flatten one of the sides and make several cuts for the germination of mushrooms.
  4. Place the bags vertically on the shelves. Watering is normal, without strong waterlogging. Ventilation is a must.
  5. If the care was correct, the harvest of mushrooms can be harvested for at least six months.

This is how mushrooms are grown at home. Yes, it's quite difficult, but it's worth it.

Growing methods in the garden

Growing porcini mushrooms at home is very different from growing in the backyard. But first things first.

To grow porcini mushrooms on the site, first prepare the site for laying the mycelium. Compost or earth with peat is laid on the top layer of soil previously removed with a shovel. Lay the planting material, cover it with the previously removed layer of turf.

The most effective options for harvesting seed material are to bring a few pieces of mycelium the size of egg from the forest. Such blanks are planted in the soil without cultivation, it is only important to observe at least two conditions:

  1. The trees under which mushrooms grew in nature should be of the same breed as the plants at the new planting site.
  2. You need to dig out the material very carefully - porcini mushrooms are hard to grow together with the roots and restore communication with the satellite tree.

Sowing forest mycelium

How to grow porcini mushrooms if it is not possible to purchase high-quality

Highly good effect gives a method for sowing a mycelium using a cap and a tubular part of a white fungus. 5-6 mature hats are taken, even with wormholes, and soaked for a day in a bucket of water. Then the contents are kneaded by hand. The thick is separated into another container. A thick mass is the body of the fungus, and it will also come in handy. The remaining liquid with a large number of spores spills the bare roots of the tree, then everything is covered with a layer of thick mushroom substance and sprinkled with previously removed soil. It is necessary to carefully water the planted mycelium and produce subsequent watering once a week in the absence of rain.

Now you are familiar with the cultivation of porcini mushrooms at home, and in the garden, where, with the correct observance of all technologies, you can get a crop of mushrooms from the first time in a year or two. Good luck!

Mushrooms are a natural source of protein and valuable vitamins. Growing mushrooms at home for beginners is a difficult but exciting process that brings good results. The finished product can be consumed independently or sold.

Technology for growing mushrooms at home

Mycelium for growing mushrooms

Organizing the right mycelium takes almost half the time it takes to grow mushrooms. Experts in the field of cultivation prefer mycelium of their own production. Otherwise, the abundance and speed of the crop will depend on suppliers who do not always work perfectly. High-quality mycelium can be grown on wooden sticks or grain substrate. Each type of mushroom requires a different approach.

Mushroom Growing Kit

Today, there are kits on sale that allow you to grow mushrooms with absolutely no effort. Most often these are boxes with oyster mushrooms. Russian instructions are attached, so you will not get confused in the process and you will definitely get a harvest. The used substrate will go to fertilizer. According to the manufacturer's recommendation, a temperature of 14 to 22 degrees is needed. The box gives 3 crops, and between them there is a pause of only a week, during which time the substrate is restored. Home care consists of regular watering. The cardboard container has dotted lines for creating slots, a linen towel, a watering device, a thermometer with a magnet, and the mushroom block itself.

Blocks for growing mushrooms

Mushroom blocks are convenient polyethylene bags. Package sizes may vary. Today, packages of 900 by 350 mm are in demand. The manufacturer fills the bags with the substrate. It is a highly nutrient medium for mushroom growth. Also in the package there is seed mushroom material. If you place the block in the appropriate conditions, then a rich harvest of quality mushrooms will soon appear. Most often it is oyster mushroom. One block costs from 100 rubles.

Growing mushrooms in a greenhouse

To grow mushrooms in greenhouses, you need to choose and prepare the design of the greenhouse correctly. Most often, subdued light and humidity up to 90% are recommended. Greenhouses consisting of 4 flanges are best suited for growing champignons, where there is heating - gas, stove or electric. Oyster mushrooms grow well in greenhouses. For mushroom greenhouses, mist sprayers are often purchased, installed ventilation systems, manual or mechanical straw chopper.

mushrooms can be grown in a suppression, a greenhouse, in a vegetable garden, in bags

Growing champignon mushrooms

Conditions for growing mushrooms in the basement of the house

Mushrooms do not need light, so they can grow in a dark basement. Mushrooms require good ventilation with insect screens, but no drafts. It is permissible to install forced fans above the drawers and cleaning filters. Heating is turned on during the winter months. The humidity is monitored by a hygrometer and a thermometer, to reduce the humidity they ventilate the room, to increase it, they irrigate the floors and racks. The growth of the mycelium occurs at a temperature of 23 degrees, the fruits grow at 16-17 degrees. Thus, it is better to have 2 zones with a stable temperature - in one, incubation takes place and the mycelium grows into the substrate, and in the other, a crop is created.

How to grow mushrooms in the basement?

Mushroom harvest

The optimal temperature for the growth of mycelium is the range of 20-27 degrees. Young mushroom threads can be seen after 10-12 days. Next, you need to pour 4 cm of earth on the substrate (soil mixed with peat, limestone), wait another 5 days. Spray the planting with water from time to time. When the incubation phase ends, the temperature is reduced to 12-17 degrees and the growth of fungi starts. After 3-4 months, the harvest takes place. Mushrooms are removed by twisting, without cutting, the place of the fungus is covered with soil. The crop is harvested at the moment when a white film has not yet appeared on the hat, there are no brown plates. Active growth lasts 1-2 weeks, you can get 5-8 crops. Best suited for growing at home varieties are two-ring, two-spore, Hauser A15, meadow champignon, Somycel 512.

Equipment for growing mushrooms

Large mushroom producers use expensive equipment. For example, hot water boilers, steam generators. The work is carried out by machines and mechanisms, such as conveyors, soil rippers, irrigation devices, lifts with a winch. And manufacturers are also forced to purchase a lot of ventilation equipment, for example, centrifugal fans and heaters, heat exchangers and air purification systems.

Cultivation of oyster mushrooms

Conditions for the growth of oyster mushrooms

If you grow oyster mushrooms in natural environment, then the harvest will be only once a year, so the intensive method of growing on a special substrate is popular. The basement for mushrooms should be clean, free of pests and mold, with good ventilation, temperature 10-20 degrees, humidity 85-95%. It usually requires sealing and space heating. First you need to purchase mycelium and substrate - it includes hay, buckwheat husks, stems, wood shavings. The product is sold in packages. For friability and saturation with air, the substrate is treated by dry or wet blowing with steam, boiling for 1.5 hours in hot water. You can boil the substrate in a bag with holes. Good drying for 2 days will protect against mold. Then crush the substrate, mix. Mycelium is stored for 6-9 months at a temperature of 3-4 degrees (not higher than 20 degrees).

Growing mushrooms in bags

Mycelium withstand 1 day at room temperature. Mash right in the package. Mycelium is planted and mushrooms are grown in different rooms or behind a partition. The package is opened under sterile conditions. Mix the mycelium and the substrate, there should be 1.5-3% of the mycelium. The mixture is packaged in plastic bags, each 10-15 kg in weight. For the basement, 5 kg bags are better. Holes need to be made in each bag. Cuts are made with a clean knife, at an angle of 45 degrees, 50 mm long. Place the bags in the incubation zone with a temperature of 25 degrees, not higher than 30 degrees. Do not ventilate the room. The free area between the bags is at least 5 cm. The bags are not stacked on top of each other. Incubation lasts 18-25 days, then we put the bags vertically for cultivation.

Growing mushrooms as a business

If the temperature is up to 20 degrees, mushrooms with dark caps will grow, up to 10 - with light ones. For the crop you need lighting - 5 W per 1 sq. m. Water the mushrooms with warm irrigation 1-2 times a day. To prevent spores in the air from causing allergies, you need to keep the mushrooms away from your home. Harvest will appear in 1.5 months. When you collect the mushrooms, the next batch will ripen in 14-21 days. To accelerate the growth of the crop, you need to sort out the substrate and cut off the whole leg. With the right approach, oyster mushrooms grow for 6 months. If mold appears, remove the bag and make fertilizer out of it. A successful oyster mushroom business requires investment, but it all pays off. 100 sq. m. plantings per year will bring up to 4 tons of crops. A kilogram of mushrooms costs about 1.5 dollars. To grow your business, purchase a set of accessories and follow the instructions. Special blocks and other useful accessories are sold that facilitate the process and ensure a rich harvest.

Growing mushrooms on stumps

If garden stumps are populated with mycelium, then it will be possible to harvest for 5 years. The stump will gradually degenerate into dust. Not only oyster mushrooms grow well on stumps, but also mushrooms. To soak the stump with mycelium, you need to grind and soak mushroom hats in warm rainwater. There is also another method - a section of a forest stump where mushrooms grew, to remove and nail to a garden stump. Moisturize the transplant area. To create comfort for the growth of mushrooms, you need a shadow; for this, monards, rudbeckia and ferns are planted along the perimeter of mushroom stumps. Stump dust is a good fertilizer.

Growing shiitake mushrooms

Planting mycelium in logs

The basis for growing mushrooms is felled logs of oak, chestnut, beech, and hornbeam trees. The bars are selected healthy, 20 cm in diameter, 1.5 m long, with a moisture content of 35-70%. The bars are suitable for sowing mycelium within 1-3 months. To do this, holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern with a sterile drill of 8 mm. Lay rows of holes 10 cm apart, space the holes 20 cm apart. The depth of the holes is 50 cm. The laying of the substrate mycelium takes place under wooden plugs, which are driven in with a hammer and covered with paraffin or wax. Put all the blanks in a woodpile, place it in a greenhouse. But also a forest, a greenhouse, a hangar is suitable for incubation.

fruiting shiitake

Proper incubation takes place at 20-26 degrees, 6-18 months. Hydration is necessary to stimulate fruiting. Mushrooms will grow for 2-5 years, the active period may differ for bars of different sizes. In a warm environment, shiitake bear fruit from 2 times a year. After 2 months, the logs are soaked to rest. This technique is ideal for humid regions. The best place for organizing a plantation, it is a place protected from the sun without drafts.

Growing shiitake in bags

Bag technique is applicable not only to oyster mushrooms, but also to shiitake. A normal substrate can be made from sawdust obtained from deciduous trees. An important fact is the size of the fractions of the mass of sawdust. Fractions should not be very small, otherwise the mass will be lumpy, and there will be no full-fledged air movement. A humid and clean microclimate should be created in order to get a quality crop.

Cultivation of white mushrooms

What do you need to grow mushrooms on a plot of mycelium?

White mushrooms are successfully cultivated in natural soil. So household plot is the best plantation. The downside here is that you can only harvest once a year. Mycelium can be bought at the store. It is laid out in May-September under coniferous, not old trees. You will also need properly prepared compost, leaves, moss and branches. One plot can take up to 1.5 m, the tree will be in the center.

Planting porcini mushrooms in the garden

We remove 20 cm of soil. We put a 2 cm layer of compost or soil rich in peat. The mycelium is laid out in a checkerboard pattern, intervals of about 30 cm. Cover the planting with straw and water. The optimum soil moisture is 40%. The accustomed mycelium will give a harvest in a year. White mushrooms in the country will grow 3-4 years. Subject to fertilizer - up to 7 years.

white mushrooms indoors

If porcini mushrooms are grown indoors, then it is necessary to adhere to a temperature range of 8-12 degrees. You also need enhanced ventilation, periodically turn on the lights and keep the humidity at 90-92%.

Growing mushrooms in the country from hats

Hat technology is also available in the garden. The seed material is 10 mature mushrooms, which have 20 cm caps with greenish flesh. Soak the mushrooms for a day in a bucket of rainwater, then mash them by hand without removing them from the bucket. Using a sieve, separate the infusion with spores from the mushroom pulp. Pour a solution onto a bare piece of land, the proportion is 2 liters per square meter. m, then put the mushroom cloth, sprinkle with earth and water. In winter, cover the material. Watering once a week. When the mycelium takes root, after 1-2 years, 2-5 kg ​​of crop will appear. White mushrooms will grow 3-4 years.

you can grow mushrooms in the garden different varieties, if you bury mushroom caps and water them

Growing kombucha

How to make kombucha from tea leaves?

Kombucha is grown to create a tasty and healthy drink. It will take only a few items - a clean 3-liter jar, black loose leaf tea without additives and a teapot, gauze, sugar and boiling water. First, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water for 5 tablespoons of tea, then filter the infusion with gauze. Pour strong tea leaves into a jar, cover with gauze, keep in a warm environment for 1.5 months. After a week, the infusion will exude the smell of vinegar, after a week it will become weaker. A thin film will gradually stretch on the surface of the tea leaves - this is the germ of kombucha. The fungus will get fat throughout its existence.

Growing mushroom from wild rose

To prepare a vitamin infusion, take 4 large spoons of dry or fresh rose hips, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Withstand tea for 5 days under the lid. Pour the wild rose infusion into a jar, mixing with tea leaves - 1 spoonful of large-leaf black tea per 1 glass hot water. Sweeten with sugar - 5 tablespoons, mix everything, stand for a day. Then filter the liquid through gauze, wash the jar and pour the infusion into it again. Cover the container with gauze and wait 1.5-2 months, a mushroom should appear.

How to properly care for kombucha?

A healthy mushroom is always on the surface. The average volume of liquid in a jar is 0.5 liters. When the mushroom grows, the volume increases to 3 liters. To add liquid, pour the sleeping tea leaves - it is brewed with boiling water, cooled, sweetened with sugar and poured into a jar. The amount of sugar - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter. Tea leaves do not harm the fungus, but the sugar must be thoroughly dissolved, the crystals should not come into contact with the house mushroom. Washing the mushroom - 1 time in 14-21 days. To do this, put the mushroom on a plate, filter the liquid, pour it into a fresh jar. Wash the living rounded substance with warm water. Brown color and stratification are a sign of illness. A healthy mushroom produces a delicious clear infusion.

As you can see, mushrooms are very different and growing technologies are different. You can make this wonderful product for yourself or develop a good home business on this basis.