Drawings for cutting out with a manual jigsaw. Sawing with a jigsaw from plywood. Features of working with a jigsaw

The basic skills of which are taught in the lessons of labor discipline, for the bulk of them remain a couple of trinkets as a keepsake. But for some, from the basics of working with metal or wood, a favorite hobby begins, which later brings pleasure from the opportunity to show imagination, apply skill and get household items or just a decorative product at the end. One of such areas of folk art is sawing out of plywood, which is also popular among FORUMHOUSE portal users. We will dwell on it in more detail in our article, we will analyze from what, with what and by what technology real carved masterpieces are created and in what cases stencils are used for sawing. Fortunately, our craftsmen are happy to share their experience.

  • Plywood characteristics
  • Tools, templates, assembly

Plywood characteristics

Plywood is a multi-layer, sheet building material made from hardwood or softwood veneer by gluing several layers into a single sheet. Due to the peculiarities of the arrangement of the fibers (at one angle), the sheet usually has an odd number of layers - three, five or more. If a coniferous varieties presented in plywood by several (fir, spruce, pine), then deciduous mainly from birch. There is also a combination - coniferous "stuffing" and birch cladding, in this case the plywood will still be birch. The best is all-birch plywood, but it is also the most expensive.

The material is divided into grades and brands, depending on the decorative effect and the chemicals used in the production. There are five grades that differ in veneer quality and appearance sheets:

  • Elite grade (E) - no defects on the surface of the material, uniform, uniform, smooth texture without knots, cracks, wormholes or repair inserts.
  • The first grade (I) - the presence of microcracks (up to 20 mm) and knots of small diameter is possible on the sheets.
  • Second grade (II) - even intergrown knots are acceptable if their number does not exceed ten pieces per 1 m² of sheet, and the diameter is not more than 25 mm. There may also be some wormholes and veneer repair inserts.
  • The third grade (III) - intergrown knots without quantitative restrictions, voids in place of fallen knots, up to a dozen wormholes (up to 6 mm) per 1 m² of sheet.
  • Fourth grade (IV) - the sheet must have a strong adhesive bond, peeling is unacceptable. The whole range of flaws in appearance - in almost any quantity, but the diameter of wormholes, knots and voids - no more than 40 mm.

The grade concerns only the outer layers of the sheet and is indicated by two numbers, and the grade can be both common for two sides, and vary, more often, within the same grade - I / I I / II E / I and so on. Except for the fourth, the lowest, all other grades of plywood are sanded on both sides, and the elite one can be additionally varnished.

Naturally, the higher the grade and decorativeness of the material, the more beautiful the finished product will turn out. But given that the cost of the elite, and even the first grade, is decent, and the cut parts are most often small in size, you can use a lower grade if you really cut a high-quality blank from a sheet. There should be no knots on the plywood from which the workpiece will be cut - they can fall out and other defects. They also pay attention to the ribs - you cannot cut masterpieces using fragments with voids in the middle layers.

The brand of plywood and its main characteristics are determined by the applied chemical compositions:

  • FB - impregnation of veneer with bakelite varnish, which gives resistance to high humidity.
  • BS - bakelite glue (alcohol-soluble), gives high performance characteristics, such plywood is stronger and more durable.
  • BV - water-soluble bakelite mixtures, plywood is afraid of high humidity.
  • FC - bonding with phenol-urea resin, relative water resistance, for indoor use.
  • PSF - bonding with phenol-formaldehyde resin, moisture resistant material for outdoor use.

Which plywood is suitable for sawing

For sawing products intended for home use (caskets, coasters, shelves, utensils, decorative elements), the best option is plywood brand FK.

Phenol-urea resin is safe for others and tolerates well high humidity, therefore products from such plywood do not emit harmful substances and resistant to deformation.

FSF brand plywood is not suitable for household items due to aggressive formaldehyde, but it can be used for outdoor decoration - carved architraves, coffee tables for open verandas or gazebos, various benches.

For cutting, plywood with a thickness of 3 - 5 mm is most often used. If loads are expected (chairs, stools, benches, tables, etc.), the thickness is increased. It is more difficult to cut from a thick sheet (more than 10 mm), so lace openwork from such material is unlikely to work. As an option - the main canvas of thick sheets and carved inserts to increase decorativeness.

Portal member temernik, who opened the topic that is still active to this day in 2011, uses sheets of different thicknesses, depending on the purpose of the objects.

temernik Member of FORUMHOUSE

For the anniversary of my father, I sawed out a carved frame from 4 mm plywood, and sheets 8 mm thick went to the stand for a flower pot, on bears.

Tools, templates, assembly

Patterns on plywood are cut with jigsaws - it can be either a manual or an electric tool. For complex, openwork elements, a manual jigsaw with interchangeable files is more often used. They can carefully cut out the most intricate ornaments, while a jigsaw is more likely to spoil the drawing if skills are not enough.

Even at labor lessons, they teach that the quality of the saw and the convenience of work largely depend on the tension of the file - with a loose headset it is more difficult to cut exactly according to the template.

Temernik uses an old son's jigsaw, left over from school time. This simplest tool is quite enough for him to create his plywood openwork.

To start cutting out the pattern, a puncture is made on the blank with a sharp awl, into which a nail file is then inserted, the second option is to drill with a drill with a thin drill. In both cases, it is not recommended to bring the hole closer to the contour line, if the motive allows. Puncture or drilling at a distance will help to avoid possible cracks and "gouges". To process the edges of cuts (ribs), files or sandpaper with the appropriate grain are used, such grinding gives the pattern a finished look and removes minor flaws, leveling the edge. In addition to basic tools, you may need pliers, a hammer, a drawing set (ruler, compass) and others.

Even the simplest drawing is cut out according to a template applied to plywood - if there is artistic talent, the patterns for cutting out are drawn “from the head”, if nature is not so generous - they are transferred from a stencil.

There are enough standard blanks on the net in the public domain, in thematic publications. In the topic on the forum, many craftsmen share their favorite templates with each other. Temernik helps the Internet and the drawing talent of the wife.


I take drawings from the Internet, then I come up with a method of fastening and refine it, if something goes wrong, then my other half finishes drawing, she does it well.

From the stencil, the drawing is transferred to plywood with a pencil or pen, for convenience, the base is fixed on the sheet with buttons. Particular attention is paid to small contours, a few inaccuracies can spoil the whole look of the finished product.

To increase the decorativeness, products sawn from plywood are connected to a tenon groove and glued, most often with PVA glue for wood. First, a dry “fitting” is carried out, and after fitting and stripping, there is already an adhesive assembly.


Everything is fastened as follows: in some parts, grooves are cut out, in others, on the contrary, protrusions, everything is first adjusted “dry”, and then assembled on PVA glue. The ends were processed with sandpaper.

After assembly, plywood is covered with protective and decorative compounds - varnishes, stains, paints, depending on the desired effect.

Examples of works of portal participants

open temernik the theme found a lot of responses, many shared their creativity in it.

boatswain1955 started with a similar technique.

And now he combines it with no less interesting, multi-layer sawing.

Boatswain1955 Member of FORUMHOUSE

I finally understood the essence of cutting out plates of various shapes - two drawings of the same size are made, the waves are drawn in opposition to each other. That is, where on the first - a ridge, on the second - a depression. After sawing, the parts are assembled through one. Thus, two plates are obtained. Sawed manual jigsaw without any fancy, for a long time I could not figure out how such forms are made. So I took a little soul, sawed plates, and a basket.

56Vladimir1981 also masterfully owns a jigsaw.

Artistic sawing with a jigsaw is one of the types of wood processing. For such creativity, it is necessary to have certain skills in working with the instrument, so for beginners this view may seem difficult. But despite this, wood carving with a jigsaw (templates, photos are attached) is an extremely exciting activity. In addition to conventional tools, you can use an electric jigsaw or special tables for bulk carving. This technique is usually used in workshops, and the result of working with it is really amazing, especially if there are high-quality sketches.

Thread types

There are several types of wood carving with a jigsaw, which templates and photos help to get to know better.

relief carving characterized by the fact that the pattern is on the same plane with the base.

Saw thread- the ornament is cut with a jigsaw or a reciprocating saw. The decorative effect is achieved using an openwork mesh. This type of carving is, as it were, a continuation of the flat-relief.

It is the saw thread that is most often done with a jigsaw. This type of woodcarving is most often used when decorating furniture, home facades. The most common pattern is the S-curl with twisted ends. Flora and fauna motifs are also often found.

Slotted carving is usually done with a flat ornament. All its elements are in contact with each other, smoothly flowing one into another. In the technique of this carving, large cuttings of wood are made. An example can be seen in the figures below.

Stages of work

To create a thread with a jigsaw you will need the following materials and tools:

  • jigsaw;
  • a set of files;
  • awl and chisel;
  • drill;
  • pliers;
  • base (wood);
  • pattern (drawings are created with its help);
  • stencils;
  • brush, varnish (if necessary, cover the product with a finish coat).

The threading technology itself implies the following steps:

Step 1. The choice of the main material (thin wooden boards will be good at work).

Step 2. Choosing an ornament. Transferring it to the base with carbon paper and a simple pencil.

Step 3. Making starting holes with a drill.

Step 4. Carving process.

Step 5. Working out small details with an awl or knife.

Step 6. Finishing the product.

There are several thread options. Above, flat-relief and sawn threads have already been described.

Performing a flat-relief thread with an indication of the direction of movement of the tool:

Particularly interesting are the large paintings made with a jigsaw using the saw carving technique.

Pargori technique

Another carving technique that deserves special attention is the pargori technique.

It is performed on a smooth background with the creation of a so-called overhead thread.

Of particular importance is the resulting chiaroscuro. It is she who gives the products carved using this technique a particularly mysterious and interesting look.

Woodcarving is used to decorate various accessories and household items. Patterns for cutting in this case are distinguished by a special grace. Very often, with the help of woodcarving, caskets are decorated with a jigsaw.

Cutting plywood with a hand jigsaw requires attention and time. The result is beautifully practical products.

A hand saw is used to process the material in order to create decorative elements. As a result of processing wood, plywood, plastic, handicrafts are created that have practical use and aesthetic value.

Figure sawing is an exciting hobby that brings practical, moral and material benefits. From plywood and wooden blanks you can make:

  • a vase for sweets;
  • basket;
  • desktop stand for postcards;
  • lamp;
  • hanger in the hallway, living room;
  • photo frame;
  • needle bed;
  • bread box;
  • panel;
  • candlestick;
  • stand for hot, for eggs;
  • casket.

Beginners for carving can choose light patterns, simple circuits, drawings of crafts, sketches that have a pleasant appearance. After mastering the sawing technique, you can try your hand at jewelry models with openwork fragments.

Using a jigsaw, you can make platbands for home design. A variety of sketches allows you to create this element, which will provide the decoration of the interior. By curly cutting, you can make crafts from wood.

You can cut out beautiful decor elements from plywood. Using stencils for a jigsaw, it is easy to make photo frames, mirrors and much more from blanks. Handmade will complement the design of the room, emphasize the chosen style.

Operating procedure

To get a quality product and minimize the formation of defects, you need to work slowly, focus on the process. Before starting work, it is recommended to make sure that the thickness of the plywood is equal to the height of the groove on the printed sketch.

Stencil preparation

Schemes for sawing out with a tool can be of various sizes. To create a drawing of an interior item, such as a shelf, you will need to use A1 or A0 paper, and for toys you can use a standard sheet of cardboard.

The contour of the product is applied to the surface in compliance with the exact dimensions. Templates for sawing with a manual jigsaw can be found on special resources. But it’s easier to come up with your own compositions based on the type of workpiece. An individual approach to the development of a product scheme will emphasize the texture of the tree.

Transferring the image to the surface of plywood or boards

To qualitatively apply a contour to the surface of plywood or wood, print the template on thick paper. Transferring a drawing from an A4 drawing can be a lot of trouble if you draw an ornament with a pencil.

In order to apply contours, complex patterns, you can use auxiliary methods. One way involves the use of carbon paper. To do this, a carbon copy is placed on the workpiece. A template is placed on top and lines are drawn.

The drawing can be glued to plywood with 2-sided tape. When using glue, clean the surface with sandpaper. Affordable way involves the use of a stencil made using nail scissors. After preparation, the template is applied to the surface and each fragment is outlined with a pencil.

For convenience, the sheet is fixed with adhesive tape or insulating tape. The pattern can be applied thermally. For this, an inkjet printer is used, with which the diagram is printed. After that, the pattern is applied to the surface with the front side and processed with a heated iron.

Sawing process technology

Sawing out of plywood is carried out after drawing a drawing on the workpiece. Processing begins with the internal elements of the product, and then the outer contour is cut out. This order of work allows you to get a straight line, provides convenient fastening of the workpiece.

Holes for the canvas must be drilled in sharp places of the internal contour. This requires attention, as chips may form on the back. To avoid this, it is recommended not to make holes completely.

You can limit the depth with the help of an insulating tape that is wrapped around the drill. After that, turn the workpiece over and process the hole with an awl. After finishing work, the product is polished with a file or needle file.

Small items require delicate handling, so it is recommended to be smart when handling. To do this, cut off a thin strip of sandpaper and insert it into the jigsaw file instead of the canvas.

Sawing with a hand tool requires the equipment of a special machine with a clamp. This fixture is used as a base. During processing, the workpiece is fixed at chest level, which provides convenience and allows you to carefully monitor the process.

For beginners, it is important to be careful when using a jigsaw in order to work out smooth movements. Cutting blade for jigsaw fragile, so it is recommended to avoid distortions, sudden movements, overheating.

When machining a workpiece, the movements must be reciprocating, and the tool must be positioned vertically. Application electric jigsaw requires fastening the workpiece to the workbench. With this equipment, workpieces with a thickness of 5 cm can be processed.

Defects in work

If the workpiece processing technology is violated, the tool may be displaced. The jigsaw may cut crookedly if the tool is tilted or mounted incorrectly. If the blade is stuck at the stage of forming curly elements, then you will need to carefully guide new line located parallel to the fragment with the defect.

A little about safety

The jigsaw for figured cutting is an arcuate frame. The tool is equipped with a handle, 2 mounts for the cutting blade, which allow you to cut patterns of varying complexity.

Depending on the type of work, different nozzles are selected. Thick saws are used for cutting contours, and thin canvases are used for openwork work. It is possible to mechanize the processing of workpieces with the help of an electric tool. To speed up the process, individual models are equipped with a pendulum mechanism.

A stationary electric tool that is mounted on a static surface resembles a sewing machine. The use of equipment of this type eliminates the errors of a perpendicular cut.

Sawing with a jigsaw requires compliance with safety rules. The workplace must be properly equipped. When working, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment.

Any Construction Materials adjusted to the required dimensions by cutting. And plywood is no exception. Plywood sawing can be done manually or with the help of special tools. Cutting plywood involves not only its use in construction, but also as an element of decor. Lacy lattices, caskets, coasters and other variety of decor items are created using artistic cutting of plywood sheet.

Construction cut plywood

How to saw plywood at a construction site and how to do it without chipping? Most often, in domestic conditions, a knife, a jigsaw, or a circular saw are used for this.

Some rules for working with plywood sheet:

  • thin sheet, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 mm, can be cut with a mounting knife
  • sheets from 3 to 6 mm can be cut with an electric jigsaw
  • with a sheet thickness of more than 6 mm, you will need a circular saw
  • remember that coniferous timbers have a viscous structure due to the presence of resins, therefore such material blunts the cutting edge of the tool
  • you need to work with plywood along the fibers. If it is necessary to cut across the fibers of the outer layer, you must first make weakening cuts with a knife, and then work with a jigsaw
  • if your work involves screwing in self-tapping screws, then before that you need to drill a hole of the appropriate size.

Figure cutting out of plywood

Curly cutting of plywood is a fairly popular activity among decorators and furniture makers. With the help of a plywood sheet and special tools, you can make not just a craft, but a real work of art.

The choice of tool for this procedure depends on the complexity of the pattern, the thickness of the plywood sheet. In the event that the bending radius does not exceed 1 cm, then you can use a manual jigsaw. A round hole is made with a drill. When the bending radius exceeds 3 cm, you should use an electric jigsaw. What is the right saw for plywood? Remember that the finer the teeth of the file, the smoother and more intact the edges of the cut will be. For this purpose, for very small and complex figures, it is better to buy a metal sheet.

The sketch is best applied to the back of the sheet. In this case, if the chips rise, it will be imperceptible. In this case, do not rush, because the quality of the future product depends on the drawing. Drawings for sawing plywood in large numbers are present on the Internet. Here you can find everything from children's crafts to the most complex patterns.

You can create plywood crafts using the following tools:

  • manual jigsaw
  • laser machine
  • electric jigsaw
  • CNC - milling machine.

Sawing with a hand jigsaw

For this work, you will need the following tools:

  • plywood saw. You may need several files of different sizes
  • pencil and ruler.

Start with a simple drawing. If you have 5 in drawing - you can apply a pattern to the sheet with a simple pencil. If the drawing is not very good, use carbon paper to transfer the pattern. For the first time, animal figurines, flowers and other light drawings are perfect.

Before starting sawing, it is necessary to fix the plywood sheet with a special machine in order to prevent the occurrence of defects, for example, in the event of sheet shifting. However, if such a machine is not available, try to hold the sheet as tightly as possible. During sawing, only the jigsaw moves.

If you need to create through elements, you should use an awl. The file must be held strictly perpendicular to the sheet. At the end of cutting, it is necessary to wipe the edges of the product with sandpaper.

Cutting plywood with a laser

A laser machine burns a pattern on the surface of a plywood sheet with a beam.

The main advantages include:

  • the cut quality is the highest, the thickness is the smallest. Such indicators are quite difficult to achieve on other types of equipment.
  • saving time and effort. No need to handle defects that occur when working with a manual or electric jigsaw
  • high accuracy. All parts will be the same size, and the drawing may be the most complex.

Among the negative qualities, we highlight:

  • in case of excessive power, charring of the material may occur, as well as fire. Experienced craftsmen should work with such machines.
  • for each type of timber and type of adhesive composition, its own processing mode is needed
  • in the absence of experience from the machine operator, the beam can fall on a knot, which with big share probability will fall out, and, consequently, there will be a marriage in the work.

If we do not take into account the human factor, then we can say that laser equipment provides tremendous opportunities for implementing design ideas.

Using the milling machine

The main advantages of this method:

  • high speed
  • there are no charred elements, as is the case with a laser machine. This machine is best for beginners.
  • high precision, as in the operation of a laser machine
  • no need for processing and polishing the edges.

Using a jigsaw

It is worth noting that jigsaw files are fragile, they can only be moved in a strictly vertical plane. Any distortion will cause the fabric to break. The saw functions when moving down, the saws are positioned in the same way, teeth down. When working with complex areas, it is the workpiece that scrolls, and the canvas should remain in one place. In the event that the outer perimeter does not contain difficult patterns that can be damaged during work on the inner scheme, then you can start working with the outer perimeter. Thus, you will lighten the weight of the workpiece.

Be sure to control the temperature of the canvas. The nail file tends to heat up quickly, and overheating causes damage. For this reason, it is worth letting the nail file cool down from time to time or changing it to another one.

In this article, we tried to answer the question: how to saw plywood? Cutting plywood is more labor intensive than cutting wood. This is mainly due to the multidirectionality of the fibers and viscous adhesive mixtures. However, with the right equipment, these issues can be dealt with with ease.

Cutting wood with a jigsaw is one of the most popular activities for home craftsmen. It should be noted that both adults and schoolchildren are engaged in carving - mastering all the intricacies of the process is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance: the main thing is to have the desire and availability necessary tools. The popularity of wood carving with a jigsaw is primarily associated with the desire to make original interior items with your own hands, decorate furniture, joinery, make intricate photo frames or book shelves (Photo).

However, if it is quite simple to master the basics of jigsaw carving on wood and plywood, then it is much more difficult to come up with your own original ornament or pattern. However, you should not despair and try to reinvent the wheel: today there are many different stencils, templates and carving drawings available on the net. You just need to choose the drawing you like, download it, print it and transfer it to plywood. Still, before you start buying tools and looking for stencils, let's talk about the tools that you will need for sawing wood.

Manual jigsaw

The tool has a fairly simple device and low cost. The jigsaw is a U-shaped metal structure with a mechanism for fixing and adjusting the saw blade (Photo). Today, manual jigsaws are available for sale, the frame of which is made of sheet metal and pipes. We would recommend purchasing a tool made of tubular structures. According to the reviews of the masters, it is more reliable and practical in operation.

Manual jigsaw

A modern manual jigsaw is equipped with a mechanism that allows you to fix files, creating different planes for sawing. However, the tool has a number of disadvantages, the main of which is rapid overheating and wear. saw blades. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately purchase several dozen nail files. We also recommend buying a vice or clamps - the workpiece must be well fixed. For interior work (for example, sawing out an oval or a circle), you will need a drill, the radius of which should be slightly larger than the width of the file. It is also worth purchasing or making an auxiliary board with your own hands, which will protect the table and help position the workpiece, as convenient as possible for the operator.

Electric jigsaw

A more complex, expensive and productive tool. When buying an electric jigsaw, you need to proceed from the tasks that you are going to perform with it. For cutting patterns and ornaments on plywood (up to 15 mm) and wood, up to 25 mm thick, it is enough to buy a household series tool. For more serious work, we recommend purchasing powerful professional jigsaws.

Jigsaw Sturm 900 JS4090Q

Do not forget to also buy the necessary equipment. Primarily we are talking about saw blades. There are a great many of them on the market, files differ in their purpose, size, material of manufacture and many other parameters. You may also need a guide bar or rip fence. Some manufacturers provide this equipment in the basic configuration of the jigsaw, more often the fixtures must be purchased separately.

Tools and materials

  • Manual or electric jigsaw;
  • Vice or clamps;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Drill;
  • Awl;
  • Auxiliary boards;
  • Sandpaper and files;
  • Stencils, drawings, patterns;
  • Paper, pencil, marker, scissors, glue;
  • Plywood or board.

The choice of material for sawing with a jigsaw

Particular attention should be paid to the last item on our list. It is from right choice material depends on the quality of the product. For sawing with a jigsaw, it is better to take plywood, 2–10 mm thick, made from birch. In addition to plywood, ordinary wood of different thicknesses is also used. It is more difficult to work with it, but the quality of the products is somewhat higher than from plywood.

  • Use only well-dried plywood or wood;
  • Plywood for sawing should be High Quality(1 or 2 grade);
  • Check the selected material for knots, cracks and stains - such plywood or wood will not suit you;
  • You should also inspect plywood sheets for delamination;
  • Do not use, as blanks, wood with resinous stains.

Finding and preparing a stencil

As we already mentioned, there are a huge number of different drawings and patterns available online that you can choose from for making templates. The vast majority of materials are posted in the public domain, their use does not entail additional material costs.

When you find a picture you like, print it out on A-4 paper. If you are going to cut out larger parts, then to print the picture you will have to contact a service that has special equipment for printing large format sheets.

Now we are waiting for the work with scissors. The pattern is cut along the printed lines, special attention should be paid to the accuracy and quality of the cut.

Important: when cutting a stencil, you should take into account the mirror image, if any, in your project;

Now the drawing can be transferred directly to the back of the plywood or wood by tracing the lines with a pencil or a thin marker. You can also transfer the drawing to the workpiece using a carbon paper; special self-adhesive paper is also available for sale for these purposes. Provided that you know how to draw well, the stencil can be applied to the workpiece without using carbon paper.

Jigsaw sawing technology

The process of sawing with a jigsaw takes a lot of time, requires certain skills and perseverance from the operator:

  • Prepare workplace, put all the materials and tools in such a way that they can be reached without getting up from the chair. Everything unnecessary should be removed from the table;
  • Choose a chair that's high enough so you don't have to reach for the table, but you don't have to slouch either. Take care of your health and comfort;
  • Sit straight, while making sure that your arms and legs do not get numb - the process of making an ornament or figure takes a lot of time;
  • Take care of high-quality lighting of the workplace;
  • When working with a jigsaw, avoid lateral forces. This will lead to loss of accuracy and malfunction of the saw blade;
  • You should not press too hard on the jigsaw, it should move almost under its own weight;
  • Check the condition of the saw blades;
  • A manual jigsaw should be worked without undue effort and jerking, using the entire length of the file;
  • When sawing out parts, one should take into account the thickness of the file and cut not directly along the markup, but slightly from the side (file thickness + 0.5 mm);
  • When sawing a circle, oval or inner radius, you must first drill the workpiece in the place where you will make the cut. The radius of the drill should not be much greater than the width of the file;
  • Start learning how to work with a jigsaw by cutting out simple elements (straight cuts). Do not be discouraged if some details (circle, radius, oval) cannot be cut out with high quality the first time - try again several times;
  • Monitor the health of the jigsaw and other tools, follow the safety rules, and ensure the ventilation of the room.

Interesting ideas: what can be done with a jigsaw

In fact, your possibilities, when cutting with a jigsaw, are limited only by your own imagination, the availability of time and patience. Most often, home craftsmen cut out picture frames, platbands, various toys, trays, shelves, baskets, candlesticks, coasters and many other useful and beautiful things. In addition, with the help of a jigsaw, you can decorate furniture, make comfortable armrests on a chair or cut out elements of a dresser, wardrobe or bed. Often, craftsmen make models of weapons, aircraft, cars, motorcycles using a jigsaw.

You can come up with the necessary drawings, patterns and drawings yourself, or download for free from the Internet. Toys or other crafts can be colored. Of course, the coloring process is not difficult to do on your own, but it is better to involve children in this activity - you will see how interesting and beautiful your products will turn out (Photo).

Stenciling with a jigsaw: video review

Where to get drawings and drawings for sawing with a jigsaw:

Stencils, patterns, patterns, drawings - tips for beginners:

Tools and accessories for sawing with a jigsaw on plywood:

What they write about on the forums: stenciling and pattern cutting

Vasily Okunev, 43 years old, Leningrad region:

Sergey Pankratov, 55 years old, Novgorod region:

I have been friends with a jigsaw since my school years, and now I decided to introduce my grandson. To begin with, I ordered a children's set for sawing with a jigsaw "Fantazer". I must say right away - for the development of the child is very useful thing, not only patience and diligence are brought up, but skills for work are also instilled. The set is excellent. In addition to the jigsaw, the basic package includes all the necessary equipment, including several stencils for sawing, an auxiliary table and a clamp for fastening. I immediately went to the store and bought a couple of dozen nail files - for a small one they quickly break down, otherwise all the tools are of high quality, no more expenses.

Advantages of the Fantazer set: rich equipment, affordable price, high-quality jigsaw in the set, the presence of drawings for cutting;

Disadvantages: when fixing the sawing table, the child will need the help of an adult, there are few saw blades in the set.