We will help you understand the pros and cons of buying a project. Do you need a project to build your house? Why build on the basis of the project

The project is a set of text and graphic documents that allow you to build a house in accordance with current building codes and regulations. A complete project includes a set of drawings with detailed architecture, structures and engineering networks. But is it necessary to make complete design documentation and is it necessary to do it at all in order to build a house?

Let's start answering the question from the last part of it, that is, we will determine whether the project is mandatory when building a house or it can be neglected. To do this, we turn to the legislation, namely the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, according to article 48 of the mentioned legislative document, the project is not required for construction, reconstruction, overhaul objects of individual housing construction (detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for one family). In other words, if you decide to build a private two-story residential building just for your family, then the project does not need to be done. True, it will not be possible to completely abandon the design work, since in order to obtain a construction permit in accordance with Article 51 of the Town Planning Code, it is necessary to have a plan for the planning organization of the land plot in hand. Such a scheme should indicate the boundaries of the site according to the survey plan, the house itself with dimensions and references to these boundaries, as well as red building lines, the boundaries of the permissible zones for the construction of residential buildings and outbuildings.

So, we found out that the project is, in principle, optional. Therefore, to do it or not, everyone decides for himself. But before making a final decision, it will not be superfluous to carefully weigh all the pros and cons. After all we are talking for a serious investment.

10 arguments in favor of the project

1. See everything with your own eyes even before construction.

It is difficult in the head to form a complete picture of what should happen in reality. It is even more difficult to maintain this image throughout the entire journey - from the idea to the finished structure. The project eliminates this inconvenience. After all, it allows, so to speak, to look at the facades and layouts of the house from the outside. This, in turn, helps to understand the beauty of the building and the level of comfort of living in it. In addition, on the floor plans, you can try to arrange the furniture. And if something doesn’t work, adjust the plans. Moreover, to do this with ease on paper, and not with the help of an ax, money and a mat after construction.

An example of a 3D model that a designer can make at the request of the customer.

2. Accept the minimum possible dimensions of the supporting structures.

The rule "I'll do it like a neighbor's" is often fraught with either unnecessary costs, or local or widespread collapse of load-bearing and enclosing structures. Indeed, even if the structures are complete copies and are built close to each other, the soils under them may differ. And this means that the "copy" may become covered with cracks or be erected on a foundation that is too expensive for this area. In the case of different regions and space-planning solutions, the problem is even more aggravated.

With individual design, there can be no such problems. Since the designer calculates foundations, lintels, walls, floor beams and rafters, taking into account the initial data for a particular case. Such initial data primarily include the characteristics and composition of soils, the climatic region, wind and snow regions, and the value of the payload. According to the results of calculations, he receives the minimum allowable dimensions of foundations, the cross section and the amount of reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures, profile of metal beams, section of wooden beams and rafters.

In other words, the project is a guarantor of the safety of money for unreasonable strengthening of structures or an early reconstruction.

3. Implementation of control by the customer at the construction stage.

Builders love it when a customer builds without a project. And in general for them great luck when such a person also allows them to buy building material. Indeed, in this case, you can earn not only on the difference in the amount of material, but also on the difference in price. If the customer has a project of a house in which all the specifications are calculated (that is, not a draft design), then such a "trick" will no longer work. Since all the material will be purchased according to the specifications of the elements for foundations, ceilings, roofs, etc. And if you wish, everything can be checked.

Also here it would not be superfluous to mention such a service of builders as "Project as a gift". After all, there is a great temptation for them here - to lay more materials into the house project than required, and use the excess at another construction site. And it may turn out that it will not be a gift at all. Therefore, it is advisable to order project documentation on the side.

As for the erection of structures, the project avoids amateur builders. That is, if, for example, the project says that there should be two reinforcing meshes (upper and lower) in a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, then there should be two of them. Another question is that this needs to be monitored, which in turn requires a certain amount of time. But that's another problem.

4. Find out the exact amount of building and finishing materials.

It is not uncommon for construction without a project to lead to an increase in the estimate by 1.5-2 times. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to accurately calculate the amount of materials without having before your eyes plans, floor sections, wall sweeps (especially for wooden buildings), foundation diagrams with sections, floor beam diagrams or floor slab layouts, structural junctions and etc.

An example of where the saved money can go (a small bathhouse).

The project also has specifications and lists of elements for all designs, which indicate what and how much to buy. For example, if we are talking about a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation, then the specification of the elements should contain the number and mass of reinforcing bars of one or another length involved in reinforcement, as well as the class and volume of concrete. In addition, on the foundation sheet there should be a sheet of steel consumption, where, taking into account the trimmings of the reinforcement, its total mass is indicated depending on the diameter.

5. Simplification of gasification at home.

Before bringing gas to the house, a project is made by a specialized company without fail. But for that. to start their work, they can request a house plan from the owner. Moreover, in this project, if it is done correctly, a separate room of a certain size, with a certain number of entrances, glazing area and ventilation ducts should be provided.

6. Possibility to foresee all the details before construction.

When buying an apartment or a finished house, few people think about what kind of foundations the house has, what the walls, ceilings and roof are made of, how long this or that room will be illuminated by the sun, whether there will be enough natural illumination in the premises (that is, is the normal size of windows ), whether it will be convenient to climb the stairs or the elevator to your apartment (including with overall things), whether there will be enough width doorways whether it will be cold in the winter in the apartment, how heating, electricity, ventilation, water supply and sanitation will be carried out. The scheme here is simple - you just come to a construction company or open a website with ads for the sale of apartments or houses on the secondary market, choose the layout you like and buy.

An individual project, in turn, allows you to adjust everything as much as possible for yourself. So, for example, you can:

  • arrange the premises and assign them absolutely any size;
  • choose the material and type of structures according to "your wallet", while providing for the possible service life of the house;
  • accept almost any arrangement of doors and windows, as well as assign any size to them;
  • rotate the house in such a way, relative to the cardinal points, that the living room is illuminated by the sun for as long as possible;
  • take the dimensions and design of the stairs that are convenient for you (marching, spiral, rope, glass, wooden, etc.);
  • make a boiler room or vice versa abandon it;
  • take at your discretion the design of the chimney;
  • place a bathroom unit (s) and the kitchen so as not to see pipes in other rooms, and also buy their minimum amount;
  • provide for a basement, a cellar, a terrace, a balcony from each room, a winter garden, a sauna, a swimming pool, etc.;
  • accept any ceiling height.

Moreover, all of the above affect each other to one degree or another. And without a project, this impact cannot be assessed, therefore, during construction, serious problems may arise that will have to be solved already on site.

An example of a reverse situation, when a lot was envisaged after construction.

Concerning finished projects, then here often, you either have to change it (in most cases for an additional fee), or put up with what you don’t like. But nowadays, with such a large number of finished projects, you can pick up something close to yourself. True, the foundations are still better to check.

7. Confidence in the correct pairing of load-bearing and enclosing structures.

Any house is a set of structures that are interconnected in a certain way. These interfaces must meet the requirements for reliability. For example, according to these requirements, the correct project should provide for the following:

  • beams or floor slabs are supported on walls or foundations in such a way that they cannot slip under any natural circumstances;
  • the absence of so-called "cold bridges", when some areas remain uninsulated, which in turn can lead to the formation of ice, mold and fungus in these places;
  • wooden elements in places of interface with concrete or brick are covered with waterproofing;
  • windows and doors in houses made of timber or logs are fastened in such a way that during the shrinkage of the tree they will not be jammed or the glass in the window will not stick out or crack;
  • the support of rafters on walls made of timber or logs is carried out taking into account the shrinkage of the tree.

And this is only a small fraction of what the designer must take into account when making a project.

8. Ease of resolving disputes with builders.

In case of deviation from the project, builders can be forced to redo what they have built or demand a discount for their "incorrect" work. At the stage of operation, if, for example, a structure collapsed somewhere, you can sue them and collect a penalty. True, this is the case if the court recognizes that the mistake was the builders, not the designer.

Do not forget here that the project makes it quite easy to calculate the amount of work, on which, in turn, in most cases, the cost of construction and finishing works depends. For example, the cost of masonry work depends on the cubic capacity erected, which, of course, can be calculated after the fact (after the work is completed). But it is much easier to do this according to the drawings, and not run around with a tape measure on all floors and rooms. In addition, this, in turn, can save you from recalculation and squabbles with builders, since they can often take money for work in advance.

9. Adaptation of the structure to local conditions.

Before starting work on the preparation of a house project, the designer asks the customer for initial data: the region of construction, geology and topographic survey. Only knowing this data, he can make a competent project, in which the types of structures and their sizes will be correctly selected. For example:

  • if the upper layers of soils to a significant depth are weakly bearing soils, then the designer may suggest using piles, or, if it is a small structure, replacing weak soils with "good" ones;
  • if the construction site has a slope and all ground marks are reflected in the topographic survey, then it will be easier to construct a porch (especially choose the number and height of steps) and take the zero mark (usually the floor level of the first floor is taken for it);
  • if the region of construction is distinguished by snow cover of great height, then in order to save lumber for rafters, the designer may suggest increasing the angle of inclination of the roof.

10. Simplification of reconstruction.

A house is something that has been present in our lives for more than a decade since the moment of construction. In this regard, it may happen that, under the influence of life circumstances or simply reconsidering our opinion, we may want to slightly change our creation: complete the floor, add a room or garage, expand the space by demolishing walls, make a workshop on the ground floor, etc. Such a reconstruction can lead, without knowing the allowable loads on the foundation and other load-bearing elements, to cracks in the walls or even collapse of structures.

Usually, the design of the house does not indicate the load on the supporting structures and the degree of permissible weight on them (percentage of use). But the designer can be asked to provide this information. So you will not only understand what loads the structure is designed for, but also the reality, for example, of a 3rd floor add-on or alteration of part of the house into a private kindergarten.

True, it is worth replacing here that any reconstruction work affecting load-bearing structures should be carried out after their examination and the issuance of an opinion by a specialized organization. But even here the project can help - at least, it will reduce the time for obtaining this conclusion.

The cost of design work varies - it all depends on the place where they are ordered, as well as the area and complexity of the house. But it is not uncommon that even with a large project cost, it allows you to save much more money on building a house than if it were carried out without it.

Also in conclusion, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the project should be developed by professionals. That is, if you are not an expert in this field and decide to do the project yourself, then there is a high probability that all the advantages described in this article will be nullified.

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For many people Vacation home is something like a cherished dream - the prospect of taking a break from the bustle of the city in a cozy corner seems quite rosy. Moreover, I want to not just buy a ready-made building with a well-equipped personal plot, but to create the estate of your dreams, in which all wishes regarding design and layout will be correctly embodied. There is only one thing left - to transfer your ideas to paper, and only then, having drafted a house and determined its location on the site, put it into practice (engage directly in building a house). If regarding the second point, by definition, there can be no doubt about the need for outside help - even if you are a professional builder, you will not be able to build the right mansion on your own, but the costs of drawing up an architect can be eliminated. How can design and construction be made cheaper? Yes, it’s very simple - it’s quite possible to do his work yourself, even without any special skills in creating a private house project. Designing a house (drawing it schematically on paper), in fact, is not so difficult!

What should you consider when designing your own home?

The most important thing is that the house construction project developed by you is created based on the following principles:

  1. Multiple functionality - that is, the house built according to this project will be convenient and practical in all respects. Do-it-yourself house project should be no worse than an architect's;
  2. Simplicity of design - it will not be difficult to make a project at home only if it does not involve any frills. The creation of some particularly complex project, the implementation of which will require a huge amount of creative delights, to a person who does not have special education, is highly discouraged, because you can not take into account some fundamentally important things;
  3. Aesthetics - of course, a country house should look beautiful and please the eyes of its owners. The project of a reliable home should also be spectacular!

Remember - in the event that the project is created taking into account these principles, then it will be very good in life. Again, we are talking about a rather primitive independent structure - an amateur will not design a premium-class cottage. Only an architect should be involved in designing houses of this level - beginners here very often make mistakes.

Geological exploration of the site of the house

How to start "working on a project at home with your own hands"? First of all, when working on a house project on your own, it is necessary to conduct a geological survey of the site - to assess the nature of the terrain, soil and find out the level of standing groundwater. Best time the year for this is spring, then their level is as high as possible and it is possible to determine this indicator with maximum reliability. It is very important to do this based on the fact that this indicator has highest value when laying the foundation of a private house.

To determine the depth of groundwater, we recommend contacting a specialist

Home design start

For an illustrative example, our editors used the free demo version of the Vizicon program. But all actions can be performed on a regular sheet of paper. For example, a simple project of a two-story house 10 m x 10 m was chosen

To design houses, it will be necessary to “arm yourself” with an ordinary squared notebook sheet and a pencil, while setting the appropriate scale. It is most rational in this situation to proceed as follows - to conditionally designate ten meters of the site with two cells. Thus, one centimeter on the ruler will equal 1 meter in real life- a ratio of one to a hundred.

Step 1: draw the outline of the house on notebook sheet using a ruler and a pencil on a scale of 1:100, i.e. 1 cm on paper is equal to 1 meter

Drawing on paper the contour of the site itself, as well as future buildings. AT this case all work must be carried out in strict accordance with the correct scale - carefully measuring each meter on the ground and applying it to paper in accordance with the dimensions of one to a thousand, you ensure the reliability and aesthetics of the building being erected. You can draw a project in this way very quickly. It is imperative to take into account not only the contours of the site given for design and construction, but also all the objects located on the site that were there even before its planned construction, and at the same time there is no possibility of transferring them. After that, it will be possible to start designing the building itself - to simplify the task, suppose that the house being designed will consist of four rooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms (standard housing for a family of several people).

Basement / foundation

A few words about design basement. It should be noted that it is not always necessary for it. For example, in the event that groundwater is high, then it will be a very expensive pleasure - it will be much easier to include another room in the project - as an additional room.

Ground floor project

We put a vestibule and a hallway on the sketch - and from it there will be transitions to the kitchen and other rooms. It is necessary to arrange the premises taking into account the following points:

  1. The bathroom and the kitchen should be placed in close proximity to each other - thanks to this arrangement, it will be much easier to carry out communications;
  2. It is very good if the drafted project implies the absence of walk-through rooms - this is an integral element of comfort;
  3. On the ground floor, it is necessary to take into account the presence of all auxiliary structures and premises - their location will be very important not only to ensure the functional suitability of the house, but also for the comfortable movement of residents.

Step 2: draw all the rooms and premises of the first floor with the required size

After that, we arrange and plan all the doors of our house

Step 3: designing the doors on the ground floor

Then windows, taking into account the desired illumination of the rooms and your budget

Step 4: design windows on the first floor

As a result, we get such a first floor:

This is how the 3D model of the first floor turned out

Draw the second floor

Here everything will be much easier - after all, the premises in the house can be located identically (the most important thing is not to change the relative position of the bathrooms - in order not to complicate the conduct of communications). It will be enough to design the location front door(many architects recommend making two entrances to the second floor - at home and from the street) and windows.

Step 5: Similarly, we plan the premises of the second floor. Do not forget about communications - we have bathrooms and a bathroom under each other

Step 6: Positioning the Doors

Step 7: Draw the Second Floor Windows

We got this 3D model of the second floor

Attic and roof design

We decided to create a house project ourselves - there will be no need to try to draw some too “abstruse” roof with a lot of bends. Remember, the roof is one of the most important structural components in a home, and it's definitely not worth trying to create additional aesthetics by calling into question reliability. All this will lead to the fact that leaks will occur in places of bends. You draw a project - be so kind as to profess the principles of minimalism in architecture.

You can't do without an architect to design such a roof

House design dependency with insulation

There is one very important rule- all auxiliary premises must be built on the north side. Although the thermal insulation provided by building materials, is of paramount importance, the relative position of the rooms also cannot be overlooked - if only because of the savings in energy consumption for heating the house.

Approval of the project to start construction

The need to correct the project. Even if you yourself were able to draw the house of your dreams on paper, it will be necessary to consult with specialists before starting the construction of the house - the opinion of a competent foreman or architect will not be superfluous. At a minimum, the following points will need to be agreed upon:

  1. Carrying out electricians;
  2. Carrying out own sewerage;
  3. Carrying out water supply;

It must be understood that all of the above issues are not an artistic or architectural part of the project. These are all the most routine issues, a competent approach to solving which is provided only by professionals in their field. In extreme cases, any oversight in the independent drafting of a house project, which was made by a person who does not have a specialized education, can be corrected by a competent foreman who understands the practical side of any idea much better. Although even if the project is drawn up by professional architects, purely practical shortcomings are also not ruled out.

Independent work on a project at home and its benefits

You can create the project of your house yourself - in order to develop drawings of the relative position of certain premises, as well as to determine the place of the house on the site, you do not need special knowledge. A competent and responsible approach to business will ensure the success of your event. However, in terms of communication, it will be necessary to consult with professionals. Thus, it will be possible to properly plan a house that will serve you faithfully.

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If you decide to build a house, then you perfectly understand what exactly you want to see in the end. The question naturally arises: why do I need a house project if I myself can pick up an approximate picture on the Internet or draw a house layout, to the best of my ability? After all, the project costs money, and you don’t want to spend money on it, because there is an expensive construction of a house ahead. At this stage, many do not understand how appropriate these costs are.

Looking for the answer to this question on the Internet, you may not understand why you need a house project for you. Therefore, I decided to write this article.

So let's figure it out. Start over.

In the City Planning Code Russian Federation, article 48 of part 3 says “... the preparation of project documentation is not required for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of individual housing construction objects (detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for one family). The developer, on his own initiative, has the right to ensure the preparation of project documentation in relation to individual housing construction objects ...”. If you understand the essence of what is written, it turns out: “If you are a private developer, you want to build yourself a private house, in which only your family will live (a house for one owner) and it will not be more than three floors, then you do not need to order a project. You can safely put it into operation and there will be no extra questions for you.

Based on all of the above, we found out: from the point of view of the law, the project of a private house is completely optional for us. Now we need to figure out whether it is in our power to build a house without a project, and that at the same time it satisfies all our requirements and ideas. At first glance, what could be so difficult about this? - foundation, four walls, roof. Well, of course, windows, doors, communications. At the expense of communications, it is better to consult with specialists, of course, but in general everything is more than clear. It remains only to find experienced builders who will deal with all the nuances during construction.

This approach to the consideration of the case is very common and is explained by the understandable desire to build a house at the lowest cost and loss. In practice, this approach more or less works in the construction of small country houses, but if we are talking about the construction of larger private houses, then this leads to unexpected difficulties and not entirely pleasant consequences. And we should talk about these difficulties and consequences with you. But first I propose to consider what a project is.

What does the project of the house include?

Project- This is a set of drawings necessary for the competent construction of any structure, including a house. It should contain a detailed study of the graphic part (plans, nodes, sections, facades, and so on) and the text part (an explanatory note that describes the main building materials and structures used to build a house, as well as technical and economic indicators).

Projects are divided into design stages: draft design (EP) and working design (P). The difference between a draft and a working design lies in the amount of information. As a rule, a preliminary design is a concept of planning and facade solutions for a future house, and a working design is its detailed study, which contains all the necessary information for construction. Designing a working project is a painstaking work that takes a lot of time and, as a result, its cost is higher than the cost of a draft design.

The working project of the house includes the following sections:

  • Engineering section (IR)

Depending on the complexity of the house being designed, the composition of the project documentation may differ. For the construction of a private house, an AR section is required ( architectural solutions) and KR (constructive solutions).

Many people think that for the construction of a cottage it is enough to have a draft design, since it is cheaper and contains a basic understanding of the dimensions and layouts of the house. But this is a misconception, since the sketch is not construction documents and it can be drawn by anyone, even without the appropriate education.

From all of the above, you can already see some positive factors in favor of having a project.

Project advantages.

1. Calculation structural elements for strength.

The engineer will accurately calculate all the loads (temporary, permanent) that will affect the bearing capacity of your house. In other words, thanks to this, you will be able to live in this house for centuries and not be afraid that the foundation will crack from the load, and you will not have to carry out an expensive reconstruction of the house.

Having spent money on the development of the project (about 20 - 30 tr), you will save a considerable amount of money on the reconstruction of the house in the future!

2. Gives a preliminary estimate of the cost of construction.

The project contains statements and specifications of the necessary building materials and products, indicating the quantity and cubic capacity. Based on this, the estimator can calculate the exact cost of building a house.

3. Profitability during construction and installation works.

Without accurate structural calculations, the builder can lay the thickness of the supporting structures (foundations, ceilings, walls, columns) with a vengeance, which will lead to a significant increase in the cost of building a house. Or vice versa, laying a thinner thickness of the supporting structures can lead to disastrous consequences.

4. Opportunities for further redevelopment or reconstruction.

If there is a need for redevelopment or reconstruction, the presence of a project will make it easier to understand which structures can be demolished and which absolutely cannot. It also gives an understanding of the stock bearing capacity of the house. The project designates engineering communications and access to them.

5. Significantly facilitates and speeds up the construction process.

Conscientious construction companies perform construction work only if there is a project for the future home. This enables them to accurately calculate the cost construction works and avoid mistakes during construction. Also, you do not have to constantly coordinate the builders on the location and dimensions of the rooms.

The project insures you as a developer against an unreasonable increase in the cost and construction time. The project gives an accurate understanding of what should be the result, and avoid conflict situations that inevitably arise in the absence of a clear understanding of what needs to be done.

Let's return to the main question: Is it worth paying for the project? By asking this question, we want to know: will the final cost of a house built without a project be less than the cost of a house built according to the project.
On average, the cost of the project is 1.2 - 2% of the cost of the house.

If the house is up to 50 - 80 sq.m., then it is not advisable to do the project. Houses over 100 sq.m., then due to a more complex design and higher requirements for comfort and reliability, an increase in costs over and above planned can be 20-30%, and in case of serious miscalculations, even more. Of course, the percentage of overspending can be reduced, but how much this can be done will depend solely on you.

In this article, speech will mainly refer to private low-rise construction, since the requirements for it are the most universal and suitable for any construction. For apartment buildings, public and industrial buildings there are much more requirements, their design requires the knowledge of several specialists - architects, designers, networkers, surveyors, knowledge of dozens of current legislative norms and construction rules.
Project, or project documentation- This is a complex of graphic and textual materials that contain detailed information about the object under construction, its appearance, layout, materials used, structures, engineering networks for building a house.
You can get a project for building your house in several ways:

  • on your own (free).
  • order from a freelancer or a designer as a part-time job (the cost is about 0.5-1.0 of the monthly salary of an average designer).
  • buy standard project and finalize it (the cost is about 1.0 monthly salary of an average designer).
  • order in an architectural and design organization (the cost is about 2.0-5.0 of the monthly salary of an average designer).
Each method has its pros and cons:
  • When developing a project on your own, you take on all the risks of improper design, overspending of materials, and a possible collapse of the house. This method is recommended for those who understand construction, and do not read and apply the advice of "experienced" builders on the forums, since the information on them is often far from reality.
  • When ordering from a freelancer, all the risks also remain with you, since he received the money, and how the construction is going, whether the builders understand everything, how correctly the structures are calculated, he is no longer interested. This method is recommended if you understand construction and you can check it before paying for the project.
  • When buying a typical project, you will have a good, time-tested project in your hands. The disadvantage of this method is that you will have a project on which thousands of houses in Russia have already been built. This method is suitable for those who do not strive to stand out against the background of their cottage village or dacha cooperative, who are satisfied with a simple and undemanding layout.
  • When ordering a project in an architectural and design organization, you will have a guaranteed high-quality project in which you will feel comfortable living. There are specialists with specialized education, with extensive experience in design. You will not have an overrun of materials, the structures will stand for at least the entire life of the house and more, the construction will be fast and accurate.

The project documentation consists of several sections:

Architectural project, which reflects the layout of the house, the main design solutions, appearance houses, the location of the house on the site is developed by the architect. The architect takes into account all the wishes of the customer, while:
  • locates the house on the site, taking into account the wind rose (if there are sources of air pollution near the object under construction), location relative to the cardinal points, norms for the distance between buildings, the distance from the road or fence to the object.
  • selects the most suitable materials for the home, taking into account the financial capabilities and functional requirements of the client.
  • develops the layout of the house, taking into account the norms for the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises and their relative position, the number of people and their livelihoods.
  • selects the size of window openings, taking into account the required norms of natural lighting in rooms.
  • selects the dimensions of doorways and openings under the gate.
Structural section contains the layout of the main load-bearing structures, drawings of foundations, walls, partitions and roofs. The constructive section is developed by the designer based on the architectural project. The designer's scope of work includes:
  • carrier circuit layout.
  • calculation of structures and units.
  • designing units of load-bearing structures.
  • calculation of foundations according to geological survey data.
Project engineering networks includes the location of all engineering networks - electricity, gas, water supply, sanitation - with the binding of the main elements of networks, connection points. The project of engineering networks is developed by the designer of engineering networks. The engineering network project includes:
  • calculations.
  • axonometry of engineering networks.
  • specifications of materials and equipment.
These are the main sections of the project documentation, there are also sections of the explanatory note, security environment and others. For the construction and commissioning of the house, these three sections are enough. We'll talk more about it in the next article.
Key takeaway this article is that high-quality project documentation must contain correctly arranged rooms with the correct dimensions and openings, correctly calculated load-bearing elements, high-quality drawings understandable to builders, correctly calculated specifications so that there are no extra materials left or they are not enough on the construction site and satisfy all the requirements of the customer for his comfortable life.
Before ordering project documentation for an individual residential building, carefully examine the quality of the projects of the selected design organization, talk to the manager, ask questions why such an option was adopted here, and not another, more economical or aesthetic one, and other questions to understand the level of their competence.

Sometimes you can hear such a phrase: “Why a house project? There are so many pictures with plans on the Internet, I will download and build. Why pay for a project?

And now we will explain in more detail why we need a house project.

1. Design stage.

During the design of an individual house project, the architect gets acquainted with the wishes of the customer about the house of his dreams. Yes, it is dreams, because each person has his own dream, his own individual idea of ​​the house in which he wants to live. Also, do not forget about the family, about the preferences of each of its members. It is important to take into account the number of children, heterosexual or same-sex children, the presence of grandparents whom the customer plans to take to his new house, interests and hobbies of each person, the presence of a car, the presence of pets, the presence a large number friends, etc. All this is fundamental in designing a house.

It is very rare that a person can find an ideal typical house design for himself. Most often, the architect needs to either add a garage, or remove it, or add a terrace, or glaze it, or lower the roof, etc. It is more economical and easier to take everything into account at once than to complete extensions to an existing house after construction.

2. Stage of approval.

In the local executive committee, the owner of the site writes an application for the construction of facilities on the site. After a certain period of time, a decision is issued, which states:

Allow the production of design and survey work for the construction of houses and outbuildings;

Proceed to the production of construction and installation works after the development of the project and its approval.

That is, the executive committee "gives the green light" to the development of the project. Further, the project is approved - and you can build a house.

In a word, without a project it is impossible to legally build a house.

3. Stage of construction.

Often an architect is faced with the fact that the customer started building a house based on a picture from the Internet, and during the course of construction he decided to change something: abandon difficult areas, add a basement, remove the terrace, increase the width of the house, etc. In addition to the fact that the architect must take into account the new wishes of the customer, they must also be implemented in old version project. And then the problems begin: the windows are not symmetrical, the side facade is without windows, the entrance to the basement is inconvenient, the kitchen is opposite the toilet, the garage is small, the stairs take up a lot of space, the house without a terrace is no longer the same as it looked originally, and much more.

Of course, an architect is an architect for that, in order to find a compromise and the right solution, but do not forget that if an architect corrects technical nuances at a construction site, completes some new extensions, the customer loses money, and a lot of it, loses his time and nerves. Who needs it? Having saved on the project, a person can lose money, a lot of money.

A house is built for life, for the soul, because where else is it so cozy and good as at home? And in order for the construction of a house to turn into a pleasant and calm time, an exciting expectation of a housewarming party and changes, it is better to start by ordering a house project.