An easy way to clean any pillows at home. How to clean feather pillows Cleaning feather pillows

Modern market offers a huge selection of pillows with a variety of fillings: vegetable buckwheat husk, natural camel hair, bamboo, synthetic holofiber. Each person has different requirements for a sleeping pillow in order to feel rested in the morning. Fashionable environmental trends have led to the fact that downy products have become in demand again. And many simply in the old fashioned way remain true to their favorite "home" feather pillows. Consider the characteristic features of a household item with natural classic stuffing.


Pillows are filled with down and feathers of waterfowl: geese, ducks, swans, less often chicken feathers. Such natural pillow hygroscopic, silent, durable, has good air permeability, has excellent thermoregulation, retains its shape well. She is considered the most comfortable. The feather filler has no smell.

However, bird fluff is contraindicated for people with allergies.

Natural material quickly absorbs moisture and accumulates dust, collects dead skin and hair cells, the secret of the sebaceous and salivary glands, thus becoming a favorable atmosphere for the reproduction of mold, microbes and mites. Why there are problems with the respiratory system, the skin.

It doesn’t even occur to many housewives what a health hazard a dirty feather inside a pillowcase poses. Bed care is limited to changing pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers. This is not enough.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to regularly clean feather pillows. The frequency of general processing of down products is 1-2 times a year. More frequent cleaning will damage the feathers and reduce the life of the product.

The procedure for processing a pillow at home is very difficult, but possible. Washing the finished pillow is not recommended. You will not achieve the desired effect, just get rid of a small amount of dust. In addition, you will encounter difficulties with the complete drying of the product. In order for the washing process to go well, you need to initially prepare for it.


Determine which bird feathers your pillow is filled with. If these are chicken feathers, then the product can be safely disposed of. Or take the pillow to a specialist workshop and have it dry-cleaned, warning that the pillow is stuffed with chicken feathers. Washing chicken plumage is strictly prohibited. The fluff of this bird does not tolerate moisture, dries very poorly, and in the process of hygienic processing it can simply turn into dust.

Only waterfowl feather fillers can be washed. Sew a few covers for washing feathers. For one medium pillow standard size You will need at least 5 bags. For sewing, you can use any thin cotton fabric, chintz, teak. Old pillowcases, tulle or a pillowcase will do.

It is better not to use gauze, as it will not hold the fluff. Or fold it in three or four layers before sewing the covers.

Decide on the size of the bags. We measure the pillow that we are going to wash. We increase the length by 2 times, and leave the width the same. On the calculated parameters we sew additional bags.

If you do not want to sew a lot of extra pillowcases, then sew one, 3 times the size of the pillow. Some housewives resort to a different method: they sew small bags measuring 20x20 cm and fill them with 100-gram piles of fluff.

Before washing:

  1. We knock out a feather pillow from dust.
  2. We rip one edge of the napkin along the seam.
  3. Carefully move the down filler into the covers made in advance.
  4. We sew up the open edge of the bags firmly.

Shift the feather filler on a damp cloth, the fluff will linger on its surface and will not scatter across the floor.

You can clean the pillow only by following our recommendations.


For washing down and feather bedding, certain products are used that do not damage the base of the pillow. It is better to use liquid washing powder, wool gel, shampoo. They gently affect the fluff during washing.

Remarkably suitable products, which include lanolin. It prevents rapid contamination of feather fibers, makes them elastic and soft. Many housewives prefer folk remedy time-tested. They grate baby or laundry soap and dissolve it in water. Also use chlorine-containing concentrated bleach when washing, it eliminates and prevents the appearance of dust mites.

Remember that ordinary dry powder is not suitable for the care of down pillows. Its large particles are poorly washed out of feathers. Universal powder is also not recommended, its bleaching ingredients and enzymes have a destructive effect on the structure of the fibers.

When rinsing, do not use a conditioner with a strong fragrance. The down filling absorbs odors, and the obsessive aroma causes a headache. It is better to use a couple of drops of any perfume instead of a second rinse. essential oil. For example, the aroma of basil eliminates insomnia, marigolds are a good sleeping pill and restore peace of mind, the wonderful smell of jasmine enhances sensuality and creates an intimate atmosphere, and medicinal chamomile oil has a huge range of medicinal qualities, it soothes and strengthens.

Essential oils will give the product a light, unobtrusive aroma and help ward off dust mites from fluff.

How to properly care?

Washing feather pillows at home is a rather difficult and lengthy process. Wet cleaning can be carried out in different ways: manually or using a washing machine.

In the washing machine

Most women prefer not to waste time and energy on washing with their hands, and use an automatic machine. It is impossible to wash the whole feather pillow. The filler will go astray in one lump. In addition, a dry pillow has a weight of about 5 kilograms. Having absorbed water, it will turn into a “training” weight, which not every washing machine can handle. Washing swan down pillows in a washing machine is possible if certain conditions are met:

  • select the delicate mode or the hand wash mode;
  • if the automatic machine has a “down” or “duvet” mode, then set it;
  • we dial the temperature no higher than 40 degrees, preferably 30;

  • set the mode with a minimum number of revolutions;
  • we put special balls made of soft plastic or tennis balls into the drum; when washing, they will prevent the feathers from falling into one lump and remove all contaminants;
  • distribute the load on the drum. It is advisable, in addition to a cover with feathers, to put a few towels. This will allow the washing machine to work correctly and eliminate its strong vibration;
  • Rinse the covers with feathers at least twice. Don't forget to add flavor before the last cycle.

If the washing machine has an automatic drying function, the process is simplified several times, it goes better and faster. Select the desired mode and finish your work.

Important: when washing in the machine, do not use the spin cycle. When wringing, the feathers break and become garbage. Wringing out covers with down filler can only be done manually. But if you still dared to use the machine spin, then choose the mode with the least number of revolutions (up to 400).

Manual way

Hand processing is a longer and more tedious procedure than washing in a washing machine. This method of cleaning can be carried out both in bags and without bags:

  • Fill a large container with water at a temperature not higher than 40 and not lower than 30 degrees. Shouldn't be used hot water. From it, the protein that is contained inside the feather coagulates, and the fluff acquires an unpleasant odor, which you will not be able to get rid of later.
  • Add liquid powder or other detergent and stir. The following solution cleans feathers well: for 5 liters of water, 150 grams of grated soap and 1 teaspoon of ammonia.
  • Put a bag of filler in a container or pour in some of the feathers. The fluff should float freely on the water, and not lie on its surface in a thick layer.
  • Soak in warm soapy water for 2-3 hours.

  • Put the feathers in a colander and rinse under the tap. If you wash in covers, then wash the bags, change the used water to a different soap solution and repeat the procedure until the water remains clean.
  • Change the water and continue cleaning in the same sequence with the remaining covers or down.
  • Rinse the feathers thoroughly in clean water after washing. Can be rinsed in conditioned water or with 2-3 drops of essential oil.
  • Gently wring out the washed feathers.
  • Gut the crumpled feathers immediately after washing. Spread them out evenly on an absorbent cloth. A large towel or bed sheet, baby diaper is also suitable. Roll the wet feather fabric into a tight roll. The fabric will take on most of the moisture.
  • Don't forget to wash the empty pillowcase or replace it with a new one.

Steam cleaning

Not all housewives know that one of the ways to clean feather pillows at home is steam cleaning. And it doesn't matter if you have a steamer or a steam cleaner. You can also resort to the steam method using a conventional iron with the function of steam generation or vertical steaming:

  1. Fix the pillow in an upright position. For example, you can hang it on a rope.
  2. Treat the surface of the pillow on both sides with steam.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, repeat the cleaning process and leave to dry. You can hang the pillow in the sun.
  4. After drying, spread the filler with your hands.

Of course, steam cleaning is not a full wash, but it will secure and renew the pillow. Microorganisms and bacteria, dust mites die from the action of hot air of steam generators. The bed product gets rid of an unpleasant smell. With the help of steaming, the feather filler is cleaned of dust, the pillow acquires freshness.


In addition to washing, an important step in cleaning a classic pillow is proper and competent drying. If you approach this process irresponsibly, the filler will stick together into lumps, become moldy, and acquire a fetid odor. Wet feathers will lead to the reproduction of fungi and harmful bacteria in them. At home, you can use the following pillow drying options:

  • Outdoor drying. A good option for the summer period. After a gentle manual delicate spin, place the feathers in bags made of fine fabric. Knead the lumps with your hands, shake the covers with feathers. Hang the bags outdoors so that the wind blows them. You need to hang it in the shade, because the sun's rays negatively affect the elasticity and structure of the fluff. To prevent the feathers from getting damp inside the case, they need to be shaken and kneaded periodically. In hot windy weather, the fluff dries out in just enough a short time. In addition, ultraviolet rays contribute to disinfection.

  • Drying on the battery. In the old days, women washed downy underwear in the winter, allowing it to freeze well and acquire a unique frosty freshness. Frost kills germs, but does not dry out the down. Therefore, the best option for drying feather pillow for winter time - drying on a battery. The method is very simple - spread the bags of fluff on the radiator.

Beat and turn the filler constantly, as the feathers dry out too quickly on the battery.

  • Drying in the room. The most convenient and common option is drying in the room. Spread the feather filler on any horizontal surface in a ventilated area. It is desirable to pour it on paper or a moisture-absorbing fabric folded several times. Use newspaper as a last resort, but light-colored feathers are more likely to get smudged with ink. Stir wet down as often as possible to ensure fresh air flow. To prevent the drying process from being delayed, place a small amount of fluff on the selected surface.

If you spread the filler between two layers of gauze, you can speed up drying with a hair dryer. Remember that the feather filler must be dried in 2-3 days. If the drying process was unsuccessful, and the fluff acquired an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to re-wash the feathers by repeating the whole procedure again.

After drying, cover the floor with a dry sheet or oilcloth, then you will save yourself from extra hassle for cleaning the room. Pour the feathers into a clean or new pillowcase. A handful of hops can be added to the bedclothes along with feathers. The smell of hop cones has a calming effect on nervous system and helps eliminate insomnia. Sew up the breastplate with a tight seam.

  • The best time for such painstaking work with pillows is summer period. On a warm, fresh air flow, the filler will dry faster; in winter, drying will be delayed or may not work.
  • Before washing, you can carry out the prevention of pillows from bed mites. Take 10 liters of water, add 1 teaspoon of boric acid, 500 grams of soap and 100 grams of ammonia. Soak the pen in the resulting liquid for 1 hour.
  • Fluff clogs the sewer, so when washing in the bathroom, we advise you to close the hole to drain the water with a protective mesh.
  • Before washing feather bags in the washing machine, double-check that the covers you are using are secure and free from holes. Bags must be tight. Fallen fluff can clog the filter of the machine, and it will fail.

Good sleep and rest can cease to be comfortable if one of the most important elements of a sleeping set - a pillow - is in poor condition. Over time, it becomes dirty, becomes stiff and begins to smell bad. In this article, you will learn how to clean pillows at home and eliminate all the above problems that interfere with healthy sleep.

Why you need to clean your pillows

Ideally, down and feather products should be “renewed” annually. This is due to many factors:

  • A person sweats regularly, especially in the hot summer period, and the pillow filler actively absorbs this very sweat, therefore, after a certain time period, an unpleasant odor and spots appear on the surface of the product;
  • Over time, the "filling" is compacted and becomes tougher, so in the process of sleep and rest, discomfort begins to appear;
  • A pillow is an excellent environment for the accumulation of harmful microorganisms. They penetrate especially hard into the structure of the pen when a person is sick and is regularly in bed;
  • The dust accumulated in the filler becomes a home for dust mites that cause allergic reactions and various skin diseases.

That is why cleaning pillows is, although rarely performed, but an indispensable part of the ideal order in the house.

Dry cleaning services

Many do not know where to clean and “bring back to life” products made of feather or down. For those who do not want to spend a lot of time “resuscitating” their favorite bed item at home, dry cleaning, laundry or a special restoration salon will come to the rescue. In these institutions, the recovery process is carried out quite quickly and is relatively inexpensive.

According to the specifics, such cleaning can be of two types:

  • Wet - the pad is opened, its contents removed and placed in a tank with a special liquid solution that eliminates odors and also kills harmful microorganisms, insects and bacteria. Next, the pen is dried, then a new pillowcase is filled with it;
  • Dry - the extracted pillow "stuffing" is treated with hot steam or air in a special unit. This procedure helps to get rid of dust and debris, as well as restore the volume of fallen fluff. Also, the device has built-in ultraviolet lamps, due to the influence of which bacteria and other living creatures die. The whole process takes about 20 minutes, after which a new pillowcase is filled with a cleaned and enlarged pen.

The cost of the service directly depends on the volume of the filler and the size of the pillow itself. The average price is about 500 rubles. In addition, you will need to add a surcharge for a new cover, since you will have to get rid of the old one.

The quality of the work performed will be difficult to assess, because the process is not carried out in front of your eyes. It is worth paying special attention to the fabric from which the new cover is made. If it is satin, chintz or other soft material, then the new product will be short-lived and feathers will soon come out of it. A durable material such as teak is best suited.

Home cleaning of pillows

Procedures for restoring your favorite feather or down product can be carried out at home. There is nothing difficult in this, although it will take a little tinkering.

Please read the information on the pillow label carefully before you start stuffing. If the carrier of the fluff was a waterfowl, then you can safely start the process. Otherwise, it is impossible to influence the filler with water, especially if it consists of feathers and fluff of chickens. Such material practically does not dry, absolutely does not tolerate moisture and, when exposed to it, begins to disintegrate into fibers.

It is better to dispose of such a pillow immediately or dry-clean it exclusively for dry cleaning.

We erase entirely

If the feather needs to be washed, you can choose whether to wash the whole pillow with its contents, or take it out and do it right. It is not recommended to wash the products entirely, because you may not achieve the desired effect, but the chance to throw away feather pillows will be huge. A washable pillow in its entirety will save you only a small amount of dust, but it will be very difficult to dry it, because the filler gets into heaps, which will be extremely difficult to knead. And it will take a lot of time to completely dry the product.

If you decide to start the washing process in a washing machine, be sure to use a special cover, because the old product can not withstand and tear - the drum of the washing machine has high speeds. You will lose the pillow, and the washing machine may burn out, because the filler will clog the pump and the filter of the device.

We get the "insides"

But it’s better to do everything right right away and clean the feather in the pillows separately.

Steps at home to clean the insides are as follows:

  1. First, we prepare a detergent from laundry soap (72%) and ammonia. We take a bucket of water and rub half a bar of soap into it, add two teaspoons of ammonia. You can use a detergent for washing woolen fabrics;
  2. Next, we open the down pillows and lower the contents into the solution in small parts. You can’t pour everything at once, because the filler will scatter throughout the room;
  3. Thoroughly mix the feather and fluff in the prepared solution, leave to infuse for about half a day. When the filler is thoroughly “marinated” in a soapy solution, remove it and rinse with clean water. It will be convenient to do this with the help of a shower. Before using clean water, you can rinse the feather in fabric softener to give it a delicate fragrance and clean the pillows from the smell;
  4. In order to wring out the feather in the washing machine, prepare gauze bags. Fold the gauze fabric in several layers and sew it tightly into a bag, then fill it with feathers and sew it very firmly. Place the bags in a special bag for washing pillows and place them in washing machine-automatic, be sure to use the rinse and spin cycle. After squeezing, the gauze bags should be shaken and hung to dry, from time to time additionally periodically shaken;
  5. If you don't feel like sewing gauze bags to use in your washing machine, you can dry the pen anyway, it just takes more time. Spread it on a flat surface so that there is access to natural heat and light, cover with gauze and do not touch it for several days. From time to time check for drying, and break the sticky lumps;
  6. When the feathers are dry, they are ready for direct use. Take a new breastplate made of good, durable material, fill it with "stuffing" and then sew it up tightly. This completes the procedure, and a fresh little pillow is ready to give you its former softness and pleasant smell.

If you need to clean your sofa cushions, you don't have to rip them open. First of all, knock them out, then vacuum them. Next, steam with an iron or steam generator to kill all microorganisms. Additionally, use the vacuum cleaner again.

Cleaning pillows is a very useful procedure, because then you will be sure that your body is safe and nothing threatens it, and your rest will become more pleasant and comfortable.

Video: How to wash a feather pillow at home

Experts advise cleaning pillows at least once a year, but it is better to do this every four to five months. The bottom line is that dead skin particles, hair, dirt and bacteria are collected in the pillows. All this leads to the development of dust mites and microbes in products. To prevent this, pillows need to be cleaned regularly.

If the pillow is not properly cleaned, it may lose its pristine shape. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure safe and high-quality care depending on the filler material:

  1. Down and feathers are the most popular pillow fillers. Down is one of the varieties of feathers, therefore, both things must be washed in the same way. This can be done with your own hands, using steam, or in an automatic washing machine.
  2. Nowadays, bamboo bedding is becoming more and more popular. They are very comfortable and safe, do not cause the appearance allergic reaction and are highly aesthetic. In addition, these things are very easy to care for. The bamboo product should be washed in its entirety using a manual method or in a washing machine. Water at the same time should have a temperature of no more than forty degrees. You can use a shampoo, gel or other liquid consistency product for fabric materials. But the use of chlorine-containing and powder mixtures is not recommended. Pillows with such a filler must not be wrung out.
  3. Products made of holofiber, latex and synthetic winterizer should be washed with a special product designed for synthetics. To do this, start the delicate mode and select a temperature of up to forty degrees Celsius. After the procedure, the product must be thoroughly wrung out, because synthetic fabrics effectively absorb moisture into their structure.

Cleaning down and feather products by hand

To clean the pillow at home, you need to take gauze bags or gauze cloth, air conditioner, brand new pillowcases and a product designed for washing wool. Then the product is cut and the fluff or feathers are pulled out, laying them out in separate bags that will need to be sewn up.

In water with temperatures ranging from forty to fifty degrees, you need to add a cleaning agent and carefully wash the gauze bags, where feathers or fluff have already been placed. Then the products need to be rinsed several times in cold water. During the final rinse, you can add conditioner.

After that, the bags must be properly wrung out and dried on a heating radiator or on the street. When drying, the filler needs to be turned over and whipped from time to time.

After the fluff and feathers are completely dry, they can be laid in a brand new pillowcase, which must be sewn up and put on a washed pillowcase. If washing is done by hand, then you can not use gauze bags, but put the material in a soapy solution so that individual feathers and fluffs do not stick to each other.

Then the filler must be soaked for a couple of hours, after which the soapy water should be drained with a colander and the filler rinsed under running water. Then it needs to be washed again and rinsed again.

To dry the fluff, it can be carefully laid out on a newspaper sheet and left for several hours. Drying must be sufficient, otherwise mold may form in the pillow.

Washing by hand is a rather time-consuming and painstaking process. But with it, you can very well clean the filler material of a pillow or blanket. Bacteria, mites and other pests will completely disappear with this washing method, and the hostess will not need to think about how to sew a duvet at home.

Washing machine

In the automatic machine, pillows with feathers and down are washed in the same way as with manual way. For this purpose, the napkin is torn open, and the filler is placed in gauze bags.

Only in this case the bags are stacked in the machine. Washing is done using a delicate mode and at a temperature of no more than forty degrees. Spinning should be carried out with a minimum of speed.

In this case, you need to use only products for wool and add conditioner for rinsing. If you need to wash the product completely, then you need to put it in a special bag and activate the delicate mode with a low temperature and speed.

It is worth noting that this washing method can also be used for pillows with holofiber, padding polyester and bamboo. After a thorough wringing of products with fluff or feathers, you need to steam out and change the pillowcase. Pillows with other filling materials can be dried completely.

Steam features

Using a steam generator or manual steamer- an excellent solution that allows you to clean and smooth the pillow in just twenty to thirty minutes. it great option for those who do not know how to clean a down pillow at home.

These devices can be used for the following materials:

  • complex;
  • thin;
  • delicate.

They perfectly clean fabrics, eliminate viruses and mites from surfaces. In addition, with the help of steaming, you can remove the unpleasant odor coming from old accessories.

For this purpose, the equipment must be filled with clean water. After that, the product must be hung in a vertical position. The surface must be treated a couple of times on each side.

Then the product must be dried, spread the filler material inside and put on the washed pillowcase. Steaming allows you to secure and clean the pillowcase and filler.

You can also take the product to a dry cleaner, where you can clean feather pillows. There, the product is not only subjected to professional cleaning, but also restoration if necessary. Pillows of older models definitely require replacement of the pillowcase and filler.

Proper and timely care of bedding is a guarantee of the health and safety of all households, as well as a guarantee of the durability of pillows. They will always be comfortable and soft.

In order to reduce soiling of pillows, you can use two chintz pillowcases. Before putting on a brand new bedclothes, the material must be pre-washed with laundry soap and dried thoroughly. In this case, the feather base will retain its safety and hygiene for a long time.

Attention, only TODAY!

Bird feather - traditional for pillows. It is usually combined with down to increase softness and reduce the weight of the product. For bedding, the feather of waterfowl is used - ducks, geese, eiders, swans. Benefits of these pillows affordable price, hygroscopic and breathable. Disadvantages - the likelihood of developing allergies, as well as the possibility of reproduction of mites and mold. Helps avoid problems proper care for products. They need to be cleaned once a year. Let's figure out how to wash a feather pillow at home.

When deciding how to wash a feather pillow at home, you need to know that wet cleaning can be done both with a washing machine and manually. In any case, it is impossible to process the entire product as a whole.

In preparation for machine washing, you need to sew a few covers of chintz or other thin cotton fabric without holes. It is better not to use gauze: one layer will not hold the feathers inside, and if you fold it in half, the filler will get stuck between the layers. Requires 4-5 bags for one medium size pillow. An easier way is to sew one cover 2-3 times more than the pillowcase.

Before washing feather pillows, preparation for machine cleaning should include the following steps:

  1. Rid the pillow of dust by knocking it out with a cracker.
  2. Rip one end of the lining.
  3. Transfer the filler to the covers, filling each by 50-70%, or place the pen in 1 bag.
  4. Firmly sew the free edges of the covers.

Tip: After gutting the bedclothes, it is advisable to immediately clean it: knock out the remnants of fluff, wash, dry and iron. You can sew a new cover of thick fabric. Teak is ideal for these purposes.

Machine wash pillows

How to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine? An important point is the choice of detergent. It is better not to use a standard powder, since its particles are difficult to rinse out and may remain in the pillow filler. In addition, a loose agent does not improve the properties of the pen. But if you have to use it, then you need to pour a small amount into the machine - about 30-50 g.

Suitable preparations for washing down and feather filler are gel-like products for delicate fabrics or special substances for natural fibers. The latter include "Unipuh" - a liquid preparation intended for pillows and blankets. It does not contain phosphates, chlorine and bleaches. "Unipuh" effectively removes impurities without damaging the structure of the feather, and also maintains its breathability and lipid coating. The tool protects the filler from rolling and brittleness.

You should also prepare special ones made of soft plastic. They are placed in the drum of the machine. During its operation, the balls “pound” the product, removing all impurities. When cleaning the feather filler, they prevent it from falling into one lump. Plastic laundry balls can be replaced with two clean tennis balls.

Washing feather pillows in a washing machine consists of the following steps:

  1. Load 2-3 bags of filler into the drum. If you put more, there will be too much vibration, and the pen will clump. When washing the filler from a small pillow in one large cover, it is advisable to add several towels to the drum to evenly distribute the load.
  2. Pour or pour detergent into a special compartment. Air conditioning is not recommended.
  3. Throw balls into the drum.
  4. Select a mode. Ideally, if the machine is equipped with the “Duvet” (“Down”) mode. If it is not available, choose a delicate or hand wash. Optimum temperature- 30 ºС. A higher value can lead to the destruction of the natural filler.
  5. Set the spin speed to no more than 400 and an additional (intensive) rinse. If it is not possible to select the minimum spin, it is better to turn it off.
  6. After the end of the wash cycle, take out the covers, put them on a towel and roll it up, squeezing out the water.

Hand wash pillows

How else to wash a feather pillow at home? Second way wet cleaning pillows - hand wash. It is more labor intensive than washing machine processing, but allows you to control each step and avoid damage to the filler.


  1. Pour water at a temperature of 30 ºС into a bathtub or a large basin. If the bowl is small, then the filler must be processed in batches so that it floats.
  2. Add detergent to the liquid - washing gel, a special preparation for fluff, shavings of baby or laundry soap. Stir it up.
  3. Pour the filler into the container, spread the lining on one side.
  4. Soak for 2-4 hours.
  5. Collect some of the feathers with a colander, rinse under the tap and transfer to any suitable container. Process the entire filler in this way.
  6. Pour out the water from the bathtub or basin, covering the drain hole with a net so that it does not clog.
  7. Collect clean water and add detergent to it. Dip the feathers into the liquid. Rub them with your hands.
  8. Collect the pillow filler in a colander, rinse thoroughly under running water. Squeeze lightly to remove most of the moisture.

Note: Before finally washing the feathers, they can be dipped for a few minutes in water with a little essential oil. This will help disinfect them and fill them with a pleasant aroma. It is advisable to use lavender, orange, cypress or other oil with antiseptic properties.

Drying pillows

Having figured out how to properly wash the pillow in the washing machine or by hand, you should consider the drying rules.

  1. It is important to completely rid the feathers of moisture. Otherwise, fungi and pathogens will begin to multiply in them, which will lead to an unpleasant odor and damage to the filler.
  2. The best time of the year to wash feather pillows is summer. Thanks to high temperature moisture will evaporate quickly, and the product will dry in 1-2 days.
  3. The optimal drying zone is a well-ventilated place in the lacy shade of trees or under diffused sunlight. In the apartment, it is better to mark the pillow on the balcony.
  4. When washing in the cold season, it is advisable to dry it near the heater. In addition, you can use a hair dryer, but its continuous operation should not exceed 15 minutes.

Ways to dry pillows:

  1. Hang the pouches or one feather case on a clothesline.
  2. In a draft-free room, pour out all the filler on a horizontal surface, placing paper or cloth under it that absorbs moisture well.
  3. Place the covers in the dryer of the washing machine, setting the temperature to 30 ºС.

In any case, every 1.5-2 hours you need to shake the feathers (beat the bags) and disassemble the resulting lumps with your hands. At the last stage, the pillow filler should be poured into a clean or new pillowcase and sewn up.

If the feathers are matted, after they are completely dry, they can be fluffed using one of the following methods:

  1. Put the pillow in a plastic bag, insert the vacuum cleaner tube into it, tightly wrap the junction with tape. First draw out all the air, and then blow it back. Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Place the pillow on a soft horizontal surface. Tap on it with a plastic clapperboard on both sides.

If it was not possible to completely dry the pillow, and an unpleasant smell appeared and dark spots, it is necessary to repeat the washing process.

To prolong the life of a feather pillow will help proper care for it:

  1. Once a day, the product should be whipped. It is better to do this in the morning so that the filler restores its shape during the day.
  2. Pillows should be vacuumed or dusted once or twice a month.
  3. Once every two months, the product should be taken out to fresh air. The sun's rays or frost will refresh the filler and rid it of ticks. If the air humidity is very high in the house, then it is recommended to dry the pillow more often.
  4. At long-term storage the pillow must be placed in a cover made of dense fabric. Polyethylene is better not to use.

Thorough cleaning of the feather at least once a year is a mandatory item in the care of pillows. This helps to prevent the development of pathogenic organisms in the filler and restore its properties - softness and elasticity. If it is not possible to wash at home, it is advisable to take the pillow to the dry cleaner. Professionals will clean and disinfect the fluff, and then fill it with a new pillowcase.


Pillows based on feather filling can be found in almost every apartment today. Such products have all the necessary qualities for a comfortable sleep. But, like most of even the most expensive and luxurious bedding, feather pillows tend to get dirty over time, which is why they may need a thorough cleaning.

It is possible to carry out preventive procedures for sleep accessories both in special dry cleaners and at home, observing a certain set of rules with which to rid feather products from dust mites, microbes and unpleasant odors won't be too difficult. It is only important to remember that it is necessary to clean the down and feather pillows at least once every six months: only with such a responsible approach will it be possible to achieve a long service life of bedding.

Dry cleaning

In that situation, if the feather pillow is still relatively new and has not had time to become thoroughly dirty, it may well be possible to clean it with an ordinary household vacuum cleaner. With this preventive method, under the pressure of strong air currents, the feathers inside the bedding will be cleaned of dust, small debris and mud deposits. Performing the procedure will also fluff the feather filler itself, giving the sleep accessories a fluffy shape.

Alternatively, you can resort to using the Karcher SV 7 household steam vacuum cleaner, which is able to perfectly cope with dust and dirt. The only question is whether it is available, buying a device worth 50 thousand rubles just for the sake of caring for pillows ... not everyone can afford it. And yes, cleaning pillows by Karcher also has a place to be.

Key points when washing products

The best option is to clean the pillows with a hand or machine wash. But before embarking on such preventive measures, it is important for the owner of feather bedding to consider that:

  • it is allowed to wash in water only those pillows, the fillers of which consist of waterfowl feathers;
  • washing is categorically contraindicated for products with chicken feathers: their material is not able to absorb water and dries poorly, because of which the filler can simply turn into dust. It is best to hand over such products to an air cleaner, where they will undergo disinfecting procedures using ultraviolet lamps;
  • it is necessary to wash the pillows only in the warm season so that the washed filler can dry well.

You can find out from what material sleep accessories are made from the information on the labels sewn to the bedding.


Having made a choice in favor of hand washing, it is important for the owner of pillows to keep in mind that such preventive measures cannot be carried out without removing feathers from products. If you simply put a dirty pad in a basin of solvent, it will not only swell and become heavy, but also thoroughly crumple inside. Consequently, there will be no cleansing effect, except that it will be possible to clean the bedding of the product.

Proper hand washing of feather pillows is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Warm water is collected in a pre-prepared container, whose temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.
  2. Laundry soap is diluted in water (at the rate of 1 bar to 5 liters of liquid) or washing powder. It is also recommended to add a spoonful of ammonia.
  3. The pillowcase is torn open, from where the feather filler is poured into the container in parts. The procedure must be carried out carefully, without dumping all the contents of the pillow into the bathroom or basin at once, otherwise the feathers may scatter throughout the room.
  4. The feather material immersed in water is stirred by hand and then left in this state to soak for 3-6 hours.
  5. The contaminated washing solution is drained, and the feathers themselves are carefully wrung out and rinsed in running water.
  6. Further, the filler is subjected to prolonged drying in a well-ventilated room. Feathers are laid out on any flat surface, previously covered with gauze. Feather material usually takes several days to dry.
  7. The completely dried filler is sewn into a washed or new pillowcase. It is important to wait for the material to dry completely, otherwise there is a significant risk of spoiling the bedding due to an excess of moisture inside.

Machine wash

In the absence of time for a long and exhausting process of cleaning pillows by hand, you can resort to the machine wash method. The main thing to remember is that before placing the bedding in the washing machine, they must be wrapped in a special cover. Otherwise, when washing, the pillowcase may be torn to shreds, and the feathers that have fallen out can clog the internal working parts of the equipment.

Some housewives, in order not to damage the washing machine, such cleansing procedure carried out in parts, first erasing the pillowcase, and then the filler itself from down and feather.

When machine washing feather products, it is also important to adhere to the following rules:

  • use only special cleaning powders intended for fabrics made of wool and down materials;
  • the feather filler removed from the pillows before being placed in the washer should be placed in special gauze bags, neatly folded in 5-6 layers and firmly sewn. The stitches on the bags must be tight, otherwise the machine may fill with feathers, which will lead to its immediate breakdown;
  • wash accessories for sleep strictly in the "delicate" mode;
  • after washing, use the rinse and spin system.

Washed bags with feathers, as in the situation with washing by hand, must be placed on a flat and well-lit plane. For such purposes, a balcony is also suitable, where the bags can be laid out on the table, covered with gauze so that they are not blown away by the wind. Feather filler dries much faster if it is periodically shaken and turned over during the drying process. The implementation of such activities will help everything else to avoid the formation of lumps inside the filler. At the final stage, the dried feather material is placed in the pillowcase, tightly stitching the pillow with thick threads.

Regular washing is the key to the longevity of pillows

Correctly performed cleaning of pillows can significantly extend the life of products from any filler. Even the most short-lived bedding made of chicken feathers, with regular cleanings, can serve their owners for 5-7 years. Products based on goose or duck feathers can even maintain excellent performance for decades. And it is not necessary for such purposes to go to dry cleaning. After all, every owner of bedding can find out how feather sleep accessories are cleaned today, if desired. Procedures are easily performed at home, allowing you to save money financially.