The most beautiful plants in the world: description and photo. The most beautiful and unusual flowers in the world Little-known flowers

Talking about the most beautiful plants in the world is a thankless task, because the concept of beauty is subjective. For some, this is a rose of an unusual color, for someone there is nothing sweeter than a modest chamomile or bell. Someone is delighted with bright exotic African plants, while someone is touched by tender field tulips.

Nevertheless, we will try to present you in this article with very original and spectacular plants, and you can decide for yourself whether they are the most beautiful in the world.


The most beautiful plants in the world are not always flowers or shrubs that please with their unusual flowering and pleasant aroma. Very original trees grow on Earth, which are of interest to lovers of natural beauty.

California sequoia

This is a monotypic genus of trees from the cypress family. The plant is distributed in North America, on the coast Pacific Ocean. Some sequoias grow to gigantic sizes. They are considered the tallest trees on our planet, as they reach a height of one hundred and ten meters. The maximum recorded age of such a giant is more than three and a half thousand years. The diameter of the trunk is about ten meters.

The largest sequoia today is General Sherman (USA). Its height is 83.8 meters. In 2012, the volume of the tree was 1487 square meters. Scientists believe that its age is from 2300 to 2700 years. The tallest specimen in the world is Hyperion, one hundred and fifteen meters high, growing in the Redwood National Park, located in the USA.

dragon tree

The plant belongs to the genus Dracaena. It grows on the islands South-East Asia, as well as in the subtropics and tropics of Africa. Locals grow it as an ornamental plant. An ancient Indian legend says that in ancient times there lived a terrible and bloodthirsty dragon who attacked elephants and then drank the blood of his unfortunate victims. But one fine day, an old and very large elephant fell on the dragon, crushing it. Their blood mixed and sprinkled the ground around.

Trees soon grew on this, which they called dracaena, which translates as "female dragon". The inhabitants of the Canary Islands considered it sacred and used its resin for medicinal purposes. Such resin was found in ancient burial caves. It was also used for embalming. A branched thick trunk up to twenty meters high has a base diameter of up to four meters. Each branch is branched and ends in a thick bunch of leathery greyish-green leaves, forty-five to sixty centimeters long. Some specimens of these trees live up to seven thousand years.


When we start talking about natural beauty, we remember different beautiful plants. But first of all we are talking about flowers. No wonder. We usually use them to express our feelings. It's no secret that any person is pleased to receive a bouquet of tulips, roses or orchids as a gift. Photos of beautiful plants are printed on greeting cards, because they are able to cheer you up with just their appearance.


In nature, the flower is found in southeast Asia and the Mediterranean. These are loved by many and very beautiful plants. Modern varieties of hyacinths amaze with a variety of colors - this is the result of the work of Dutch breeders.

Today, these plants have become the pride of many flower growers in our country. There are more than two thousand varieties and varieties of hyacinth, which delight with simple or terry clusters of various shades: purple and lilac, red and pink, and even blue. Hyacinths with cream, yellow, snow-white or light orange flowers are especially graceful and refined.

Symbol of purity - lotus

Lotus is a sacred flower of Buddhism, it surprises scientists all over the world with the fact that its leaves and petals always remain clean. Its flowers are amazingly beautiful and always turned towards the sun. also called "Indian", it is common in India, China. Its fragrant flowers are pink. They open in sunlight and close at night. The diameter of one flower reaches 70 cm.

The yellow lotus is found in North and South America. Because of its distribution, this type of lotus is also called American.

And in ancient india lotus was inextricably linked with the emergence of creative forces. The development of the universe and the creation of the world - these are the basic concepts that were laid in the meaning of the flower.

Lily of the valley

You can argue as much as you like, choosing delicate plants with a delicate aroma, which are a symbol of spring and the awakening of nature - these are, of course, lilies of the valley. A flower that, in our opinion, occupies a worthy place in the list of the most beautiful plants on the planet.

This flower is covered with numerous legends. One of them says that the tears of the Virgin Mary turned into lilies of the valley at the moment when she sobbed over the body of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Another legend tells that the lily of the valley grew on the spot where the blood of Saint Leonardo, who was wounded in the fight against the dragon, dripped.

Beautiful climbing plants

These flowers fit perfectly into any interior of an apartment or house, and are also original version when creating landscape design. They add height to the room, can be used as a green hedge, beautifully and reliably close the existing shortcomings.

Strongylodon largecarpus

Many of the most beautiful plants have come to us from afar, such as this tropical ornamental vine, which belongs to It is a native of the Philippine rainforests. The flowers are saturated turquoise and are collected in spectacular racemose inflorescences, almost one and a half meters long.

The flowers are very large, their diameter reaches twelve centimeters. In Europe, the flower is often called jade liana. During flowering, it is perhaps the main attraction of many botanical gardens in the world.

Passion flower meat-red

Herbaceous exotic vine has creeping stems. Her homeland is Bermuda, Brazil, North America. The flowers are large, located on long peduncles. Under the flowers are leathery lanceolate sepals. The basis of the corolla is five petals, as well as a fringed thread-like crown of deep purple.

An ornamental plant known for its healing properties. The fruits of the plant are used to make jellies and jams.

Ipomoea quamoclitus

Photos of beautiful plants can often be seen in gardening publications, landscape design, and for sure every amateur florist dreams of growing such beauty on his site (or windowsill).

Cardinal Climber is the second name of morning glory. The plant has scarlet, nectar-filled flowers that attract insects. Its leaves are feather-shaped, they are not very densely planted, so there are small gaps on the stems. The plant blooms very actively and is capable of self-sowing.

The most beautiful plants for the garden

Someone who, and gardeners today definitely do not lack beautiful plants to decorate their plots. Breeders around the world create amazing plants with the most incredible colors and intricate flower shapes. Each grower can choose in the store the seeds of old, well-known plants and new selections that can radically change the appearance of the site.


These beautiful plants are loved by almost all flower growers. Decorative garden shrub is distinguished by its unusual crown shape and bright and lush bloom. Magnificent large inflorescences are in the form of clusters. They are formed from flowers of very different colors - snow-white and dark blue, pink and purple, light lilac and burgundy. In specimens of wild-growing inflorescences, the diameter of the inflorescences can be up to fifteen centimeters, and in garden plants it reaches twenty-five.

Hydrangea blooms for a long time - from mid-summer to early autumn. With the onset of the first autumn days, hydrangea leaves acquire a reddish-bronze hue.


These are very beautiful ornamental plants from the Dimyankov family. They are very popular with gardeners due to their gorgeous heart-shaped flowers and fairly easy plant care. Under natural conditions, it is found in southeast Asia, in North America, in China. The flowers are shaped like a broken heart.

They are located on a curved shoot singly, forming racemose unilateral inflorescences. The color of the flowers is different (depending on the variety): snow-white and pink, yellow or bright red. The flowers are medium-sized, with a diameter of not more than three centimeters.

Yuki cherry blossom

Breeders call these very beautiful plants a real “floricultural breakthrough”. Surprisingly, they are winter-hardy, unpretentious and at the same time surprisingly beautiful. Small shrubs, no more than sixty centimeters high, are suitable for low borders and for growing on latios in containers. This plant was developed by the Dutch company Valkplant BV.

Ash Geranium Jolly Jewel

And this is a whole series of varieties from the Dutch company Compass Plants B.V. The flowers are winter-hardy, resistant to diseases and pests, characterized by very fast growth and lush flowering from April to September. The height of the bushes does not exceed twelve centimeters.


This plant in India is called the "curse of the planters." This is due to its rapid growth. Despite this, lantana is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world and, in our opinion, it is absolutely deserved. An evergreen shrub growing naturally in the tropics of Colombia, Africa, Venezuela, is really unusually beautiful. In nature, there are over one hundred and fifty, however, vaulted lantana is considered the most popular and cultivated variety. The bush grows huge, more than one and a half meters in height.

Numerous branches are covered with a huge number of flowers collected in inflorescences. They can have a variety of colors: white and red, yellow and orange, purple and pink.

ornamental plants

Every year in the Netherlands, in the city of Boskop, international exhibition ornamental plants plantarium, which presents hundreds of new selections. It is of great interest to professionals and amateur flower growers. From a huge variety of samples this year, experts selected thirty-eight best plants that literally won their hearts. Let's introduce you to some of the winners.

blue marvel

Oak sage of this variety conquered the panel of judges with a record size for its type of deep purple inflorescences. The bush is quite compact - about twenty-five centimeters high. It can be planted in a container, but taking into account the amazing winter hardiness (up to -34 degrees). Blue marvel can be planted in borders, mixborders, flower beds without fear for the result.


Luxurious, quite expensive and native to Asia and South Africa. It has the second name "flower of glory". Gloriosa has fairly thin stems, elongated leaves that can reach a length of as much as three meters. These flowers are always brightly colored: red-yellow and yellow-green combinations always look exquisite.

Echimenskaya Everlight

And this specimen will be of interest to everyone who loves beautiful green plants. Actually this new variety sedge, the most compact in the popular Evercolor series. This is a very showy plant, ideal for growing in containers and pots, it can also be grown in open field. Sedge is frost-resistant, easily tolerates low temperatures down to -25 ° C.

Strelitzia (paradise flower)

This representative of the Strelitzia family is one of the most beautiful plants on our planet. Several open flower buds look like soaring birds. In nature, the flower is found in the tropics of South Africa. The high decorative qualities of the flower of paradise made it possible to grow it not only to decorate interiors, but also to create original landscapes.


An ornamental plant of incredible beauty from the Orchid family. This flower grows in the subtropics of East and South Asia, Australia, New Zealand. The stem plant has apical leaves that are located along the entire stem.

Depending on the variety, the flowers may be different shapes, size and color. All varieties of this exotic plant are grown in room conditions, and in greenhouses and ornamental gardens. These flowers are protected by an international convention.

We have presented you the most beautiful types of plants, in our opinion, of course. Perhaps someone will not agree with our choice, nevertheless, no one will deny that all the samples presented are surprisingly good.

May 22 - International Day for Biological Diversity. Today is the time to remember how amazing and beautiful the planet we live on. In honor of this day, we have prepared for you a selection of 9 of the most amazing and rare flowers.

Today, a person, immersed in a whirlpool of personal problems and urgent matters, rarely thinks about the nature that surrounds him. But there are so many interesting things going on around us! One world of flora is able to surprise endlessly. There are many different flowers on our planet - endangered species that are almost single specimens, dangerous flowers that can, at best, scare away the observer bad smell and, of course, incredible beautiful flowers, which can be admired indefinitely.

Titanic amorphophallus (Amorphophallus titanum)

The second name of this plant is a corpse flower. Despite its rather funny appearance, the flower has a number of features that gave rise to such a name. Amorphophallus blooms less often than you most likely can imagine - only once every 20-40 years, while it blooms for only a few days. And he rewards all the witnesses of this action in a special way too - a very sharp and poisonous smell of rotten meat. By the way, the height of the tallest flower, which recently blossomed in the Swiss Botanical Garden, reached 2.27 meters.

Red camellia (Middlemist camellia)

Red camellia is one of the rarest plants on our planet, because today the flower exists in only a few copies, one of which is in New Zealand, and the second in England. By the way, the plant came to the London greenhouse together from China, where, over time, the red camellia practically disappeared.

Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus)

Chocolate kosmeya is one of the most unique plants in the United States and Latin America, which was considered long gone from the wild. The fact is that this type of cosmea fully justifies its name. The flower exudes an amazing aroma of chocolate and vanilla, so it is not surprising that the plant was often plucked. Fortunately, scientists paid attention to this problem in time, and today it is quite possible to purchase flower seeds. True, they are not cheap.

Gibraltar Smolevka (Silene tomentosa)

The Gibraltar Smolevka is the rarest member of its family. Scientists for a long time considered the flower to be extinct, until in 1994 a climber discovered specimens of the plant on a mountainside. Today, plant seeds are stored in a special jar, and admire rare flower available at the Gibraltar and London Botanic Gardens.

Kokio (Kokai cookei)

Another rare plant that almost disappeared from the territory of our planet. For the first time, Kokio was found in the middle of the 19th century in the amount of several copies. They tried to plant the tree, but it turned out that the plant was extremely reluctant to take root, and all specimens died. And only in 1970 they found another surviving tree, which soon burned down. However, one branch was saved and subsequently grafted onto several trees. Now you can admire hundreds of bright red flowers on the branches of a miraculously surviving plant in Hawaii, where all these trees still grow.

Ghost Orchid (Epipogium aphyllum)

This type of orchid was called a ghost for a reason. For more than 20 years, it was believed that the plant died out, but not so long ago, scientists managed to find several specimens. By itself, the ghost orchid is quite defenseless. There is not enough water for a flower to live. sunlight, this orchid needs special kind fungus, which feeds the roots of the plant. The elusive orchids were saved thanks to their unique trait - the ability to grow underground for a long time.

Parrot beak (Lotus berthelotii)

The original plant, which got its name from appearance. Unfortunately, the flower has disappeared from the wild. Scientists have suggested that the plant, which once grew on the Canary Islands, was pollinated by extinct nectaries. Scientists have repeatedly tried to return the plant to the wild, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Fortunately, gardeners grow a flower at home, and if you wish and with a certain amount of luck, you may well be able to purchase a curiosity for yourself.

Kadupul (Epiphyllum Oxypetalum)

Kadupul is not the rarest flower, but this plant that grows in Sri Lanka has several unique features of its own. The fact is that Kadupul blooms very rarely and always at midnight. Moreover, after flowering, Kadupul immediately dies. One legend says that during the flowering of Kadupul, mythical creatures descend to Earth and present amazing flower a gift to the Buddha.

Jade vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

Another unique flower whose survival is in danger today. Although the jade vine belongs to the legume family, it is similar in structure to the most common bean, the plant is distinguished by many flowers that hang from the plant in clusters. By the way, the length of such clusters can reach three meters. Pollinate the vine the bats who are not averse to feasting on the nectar of a flower. Unfortunately, due to systematic deforestation and a decrease in the bat population, the future of the plant is in a highly uncertain state.

Incredible Facts

How many rare, disappearing and disappeared beautiful wild flowers in the world. The reason why these flowers bear such a title is that a person often cannot live in complete harmony with nature.

For example, he builds dams, dams that impede the movement of a particular river.

As a result, specific frogs or fish species are also limited in movement, as a result of which a certain bird species does not get the food it needs in the right amount and does not pollinate desired flower which eventually leads to the extinction of the plant.

This is just one of the scenarios for the development of events, of which there are actually many, since history is filled with hundreds of similar cases. Regardless of what makes them a rare species, the plants below are extremely rare, so not everyone gets the chance to see them.

10. Emerald Vine Flower (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

The emerald vine flower is a rare species of woody vine native to the native rainforests of the Philippines. This plant belongs to the legume family. The flowers of the plant are collected in large brushes, hanging from vines, which can reach a length of about three meters. The color of the flower can vary from blue-green to bright saturated green. They are usually pollinated by bats, however, as it turned out, it is very difficult for the species to reproduce due to habitat destruction and a decrease in the number of natural pollinators.

9. "Corpse" flower

8. Smolevka (Silene Tomentosa)

This plant is especially rare and is found only on high cliffs Gibraltar. The flower was considered extinct by the entire scientific community back in the 1980s, however, specialists from the Gibraltar Botanical Reserve found out that several specimens still live in nature. Unfortunately, by 1992 all traces of the plant had disappeared and it was declared extinct. In 1994, one specimen was discovered by a climber on inaccessible rocks and the species was brought back to life. It has been "propagated" in the laboratory and the seeds have been planted in the Gibraltar Botanical Gardens as well as the Royal Botanic Gardens in London.

7. Franklin Tree (Franklinia alatamaha)

This tree is part of the "tea" family, however, it is the only representative of its kind, as well as a very rare flowering plant. The native places of the tree were considered the valley of the Altamaha River (Altamaha) in Georgia, however, since the beginning of the 19th century it has been declared extinct in wild nature. In fact, today we only know about this tree thanks to the Bartram family, who were avid gardeners and grew it to extinction in the wild. A miniature tree plant that blooms with white flowers, and whose leaves turn bright red in autumn, is currently popular. ornamental plant. All "examples" of the tree that exist today come from one of the plants grown by the Bartram family.

6 Pigeon Beak (Lotus berthelotii)

This is beautiful flower It received endangered status in 1884. It is believed that in the wild it has completely disappeared, however, it is possible that a few individuals still survived. This amazing plant grew in the Canary Islands, and was originally pollinated by insects that have long since died out. This probably explains the rarity of this plant. Experiments have been carried out to find new pollinators for the plant, but since 2008, not a single new flower has appeared in the wild. The pigeon's beak, however, is grown by gardeners, so if desired, anyone can take possession of this beautiful plant.

5. Cosmos "chocolate" (Cosmos atrosanguineus)

This Cosmos plant, which ranges in color from red to brown, is native to Mexico. Unfortunately, it was thought to be extinct in the wild for over a hundred years. Today, the species survives in the form of one infertile "clone", which appeared in 1902 as a result of vegetative propagation. The flowers of the plant grow to about 3-4 cm in diameter and have a color from dark red to brown. AT summer period they smell like vanillin, which also makes it a wonderful ornamental plant.

4. Koki (Kokai cookei)

This is a very rare tree found in Hawaii. It was discovered in 1860, since then only three of its specimens have been found in the wild. It was very difficult for the tree to spread, and by 1950, after the death of the last tree, it was considered extinct. In 1970, the only specimen left in the wild was discovered, which, unfortunately, burned down in 1978. But, fortunately, one of the branches of the tree was saved, which was grafted and from which 23 trees planted in different places in Hawaii have now been able to grow. Koki is small tree, which grows to a height of 10-11 meters, its peculiarity lies in the fact that hundreds of bright red flowers grow annually on an adult tree.

3. Yellow and purple lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus)

This is an extremely rare type of wild orchid found in Europe. The only specimen of this orchid in the UK, which was previously very common, has now been under strict protection since 1917. The cuttings of this orchid sell for $5,000, however, the plant is extremely difficult to propagate. Its seeds cannot feed on their own, so they often live in symbiosis with a certain type of fungus that provides it with the nutrition it needs until the leaves of the plant are able to feed themselves. There are many types of Venus slipper which are very rare. This particular type has dark purple or red stamens surrounded by bright yellow colored petals.

2. Spirit Orchid (Epipogium aphyllum)

The spirit orchid is a very rare plant that was considered extinct for almost 20 years, only recently "raised its head" again. The plant is so rare, mainly because it is extremely difficult for it to reproduce. The plant does not have leaves, it does not depend on photosynthesis, it does not feed itself. As with the lady's slipper, this orchid needs close contact with the root system of a special fungus to nourish it. The orchid spirit never grows leaves, so it is dependent on the fungus throughout its life. This plant can grow underground for years without showing any "signs of life", and will bloom only when all conditions are created for this. This explains why some enthusiasts have been looking for this flower for many years.

1. Middlemist red (Middlemist camellia)

This is the rarest flower in the world. To date, only two specimens of this plant have survived. One of them is in a garden in New Zealand, the other is in a greenhouse in the UK. The plant was originally brought to Britain from China by John Middlemist in 1804. Since then, it has not been found anywhere else in China. In Great Britain the flower remained barren for many years, and only in recent times flowers appeared. The flowers have a bright pink color and are very similar to roses.

The most beautiful flowers in the world: Canna (Fur), Cherry Blossom, Colorado Columbine, Hydrangea, Lily of the Valley, Calla Lily, Black Eyed Susan, Bleeding Heart, Bluebells, Lantana, Roses, Oriental poppy, Mussaenda erisroptilla, Begonia, Ixora, Dendrobium.

The most beautiful flowers in the world (names, photos, description)

Kanna (Fur)

Canna (Fur) is distinguished not only by its pretty flowering, but also by beautiful leaves that have various stunning colors. It was popular in the Victorian era as a garden plant.

cherry blossom

The unofficial flower of Japan, an impressive flower display that is present in the spring at festivals in Japan and the United States. The most popular colors are white and pink.

Colorado Columbine

Growing high in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, the Columbine flower is a reward for adventurous climbers at 14,000 feet. high mountains Colorado.


A magical snow ball in autumn is magnificent. They are popular in wedding bouquets and as garden flowers.

Lily of the valley

A subtle and fragrant sign of spring, the lily of the valley has been the inspiration for many legends. One of them - the tears of the Virgin Mary, seeing Jesus Christ on the cross, turned into lilies of the valley. Another legend tells of a lily of the valley flowing from the blood of Saint George during his fight with a dragon.

calla lily

Although visually stunning and elegant, the flower is actually a poisonous plant species. All parts of the plant are highly poisonous, killing livestock and children if ingested.

Black Eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan, a cheerful wild perennial that makes a good addition to any garden. The contrast of bright golden yellow petals and dark color inside makes it easy to spot and recognize.

bleeding heart

This whimsical, almost fairy tale flower is a traditional favorite in shady gardens. The flowers are red, pink or white and appear in April-June.

blue bells

In spring, many European forests are covered with dense carpets of this flower; they are commonly referred to as the “bellflower of the forest”. They are believed to have been named after 19th century romantic poets who believed they symbolized loneliness and regret.


These delicate flowers with their pink and yellow petals. The shrub can grow quite large. Warning! Lantana is a weed that is quite difficult to get rid of.


Roses are one of the most romantic and fragrant flowers.

Oriental poppy

This is a perennial fragile and bright flower. After flowering in spring, the foliage dies off completely, only new leaves grow.

Mussaenda erisroptilla

These plants are native to the Old World tropics, from West Africa through the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and southern China. Beautiful red and yellow petals.


The first Begonias were known in England in 1777. Now one of the most popular flowers grown in the US, begonias are valued for their flowers and leaves. This versatile plant can be grown indoors or outdoors.


The ixora flower is often referred to as the West Indian jasmine, often used in Hindu worship as well as in Indian traditional medicine. This plant is traditionally associated with heightened sexuality and the rekindling of passion.


Dendrobium is great view tropical orchids, which have over a thousand species.

The most beautiful flowers in the world make up an impressive list, which includes specimens from all over the Earth. Some varieties are not quite flowers in the usual sense and have dimensions comparable to the height of a small tree. Some delight the eye for a whole season, while others exist for a few hours. Among them come across those that forever leave an indelible impression. Many gardeners in the world dream of growing them on their plots, but this is not always possible.

Rafflesia bloom for no more than 4 days and attract flies with their "aroma"

Rafflesia grows in tropical forests and is not suitable for home breeding. Numerous attempts to get it in a greenhouse almost always ended in failure.

During flowering, the cob of amorphophallus heats up to 40 ° C

Another name is "devil's tongue". Once it could easily be found in the sultry forests of Indonesia, today it is a real rarity. The plant is up to 2.5 m in height and weighs more than 50 kg. This beauty is fragrant with the “aroma” of rotten fish, which, together with its gigantic size, makes it impossible to grow amorphophallus on suburban area. Yes, and such flowers do not grow in climatic conditions Russian Federation, therefore, to see the "devil's tongue", you have to go, for example, to Sumatra.

The life expectancy of the titanic amorphophallus is 40 years, but during this time it blooms only 3 or 4 times.

Due to its African origin, gazania is particularly drought tolerant.

The South African "treasure flower" strikes the imagination with a graphic pattern on the petals. Its second name is "flower of the sun", it explains that the beauty of the plant can be fully appreciated only at bright noon. At other times, the inflorescences are closed.

Gazania is successfully bred in Russian latitudes. It is not difficult if you first grow seedlings from seeds. When choosing a place for gazania in a flower garden, you should pay attention to the open sunny plot with light soil.

Rainbow roses - a modern popular "antidepressant" in the world of flowers

This is the result of the work of professional flower growers, the meaning of which is in a special technology for watering roses. It is important to be able to mix colors correctly. To obtain a flower of rare beauty, it is required to make several cuts on the stem in the form of separate channels. For each of them, an initially snow-white rose will “drink” water of a certain color. It's not as easy as it might seem at first glance, but the results are worth it.

By the way, other flowers can be grown using the same method, in particular tulips, chrysanthemums, orchids and hydrangeas.

Many breeders breed new varieties of this type of orchid with different colors petals, but the most common is considered to be white

In the Far East, in Primorye and the Amur region, a miracle flower grows, resembling the delicate feathers of a white bird. It is also found in the Japanese islands. The "white heron" is popular in the Land of the Rising Sun, it is actively bred, but in natural environment plant is becoming rarer.

It is believed that an exotic orchid is easy to grow at home, in a flower pot. The main thing is to provide it with high soil moisture during the active period, and during the dormant season, make sure that the soil does not dry out by adding water on time. However, experts say that only an experienced grower can achieve rare beauty.

It is not the flowers themselves that give the proteas an unusual look, but their leafy wrappers, painted in yellow, pink, blue-pink colors.

This plant is considered one of the most beautiful on Earth among those that are able to bloom. His homeland is the African continent. Amazing Feature exotic flower is the content in it of an incredible amount of nectar, for which the protea was nicknamed the "barrel of honey."

The flower lends itself to breeding and cultivation in Russia. In a mild climate, the plant can become a garden perennial, and in a more severe climate it will decorate a greenhouse or at least a window sill. To do this, it is important to provide protea with warmth, an abundance of light and an influx of fresh air.

In South Africa, the protea is the most popular and beloved plant. One of its species - royal protea - is considered a symbol of South Africa.

Floral designers and bouquet makers are happy to use strelitzia in their compositions, as it gives a peculiar flavor and sophistication.

The second name is "bird of paradise". In the homeland of the plant, in South Africa, it is called the crane.

In Russia, strelitzia is bred in large pots. If you plant this exotic in the ground in the summer, it will become an ornament. personal plot. On the home window sill, the "bird of paradise" also feels great and does not require special care. True, flower growers should remember that it grows slowly. Pet owners should be aware that the leaves and flowers of "bird of paradise" are highly poisonous.

In its homeland, lycoris has more than 20 different subspecies, while only six have been brought to Russia.

A perennial plant of the bulbous family attracts attention with a bright color. An interesting fact: the flower never "meets" the leaves, as it grows on a separate stem. The homeland of lycoris is Japan and China, where the plant is considered the "flower of the dead" and for this reason it is never planted near the house.

Russians, alien to prejudice, use it as a garden and room decoration. An Eastern guest requires a temperature not higher than 20 ° C, drained sandy soil, a special regime of irrigation and lighting.

Some of the varieties of passionflower can be recognized by the names of edible fruits - granadilla and passion fruit.

She is a passion flower and a cavalry star. It grows in South America, Asia, Australia and has tasty fruits, as well as bright flowers 10 cm in diameter. This is a liana that is beautiful and unpretentious. Thanks to these qualities, it is bred with pleasure at home. It is important to remember that the germination of passionflower seeds depends on how long ago they were removed from the fruit. It is better to plant, reaching just before planting. In order for the plant to please both flowers and berries in the future, proper pruning is required.

In Japan, this flower is called "Beauty of the moon"

This fabulous flower grows on the islands of Sri Lanka, where it is considered sacred. To see the virgin white buds of the kadupula - great luck, because flowering occurs rarely and lasts only two days, after which the plant takes on its former appearance.

This flower has no price. It cannot be plucked without damaging the petals. And for those who dream of having such a treasure, an analogue is recommended - epiphyllum. It is easy to grow, grows fast and blooms in early summer.

Kadupul is the most expensive flower in the world - and this despite the fact that it has never been sold.

The most beautiful flowers in the world on video

Recently, it has become fashionable to breed exotic plants. This is not always easy, it is often difficult. When time is running out, and the soul asks for summer, you can grow ... a sunflower on the windowsill! He, by the way, is also beautiful in his own way.