Exacerbation of xp pancreatitis symptoms treatment. Chronic pancreatitis - treatment. Chronic pancreatitis: causes

Forms of the disease. Even minor factors can provoke this. Therefore, it is important to identify symptoms and identify precursors in order to prevent the development of the disease.

The reasons

The main factors due to which exacerbation occurs are violations in the work of the biliary tract and the use a large number alcoholic beverages.

There may be other reasons:

  • binge eating;
  • systematic intake of small doses of alcohol;
  • overweight;
  • eating a lot of fatty foods;
  • drug treatment;
  • infectious diseases.

Exacerbation also occurs against the background of stressful situations. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the symptoms of exacerbation appear quite quickly, so it is not always possible to immediately eliminate the provoking factors.

Symptoms of exacerbation of pancreatitis

During this period, there is an increase in the activity of special enzymes. Various irritating factors act on the tissue of the organ. Because of this, edema appears, the large pancreatic duct is compressed.

During periods of exacerbation, there is a significant deterioration in the quality of life of the patient. Therapy takes place in a hospital, since there is a high risk of complications. In some cases, the signs remain invisible.

Common symptoms include dull and sharp pains in the hypochondrium. At the same time, diarrhea may occur. Feces become greasy, have pieces of undigested food.

The patient begins to feel bitterness in the mouth, rumbling,. A white coating appears on the tongue. If exacerbations occur frequently, intensive weight loss begins.

Symptoms are manifested by individual signs or several at once. Some patients have dull pain, and diarrhea alternates with constipation. A person can stay in this state for a long time.

Doctors pay much attention to the degree and type of pain. Sometimes it leads to the fact that a person loses creation. It may accompany vomiting. Sometimes there is an increase in body temperature.

First aid

With exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is necessary to provide first aid in a timely manner, giving the patient peace. At this time, it is better to refuse any food. This will stop the formation of enzymes that negatively affect inflammatory reactions and pain.

Cold is applied to the epigastric region to reduce the intensity of pain and swelling. Instead of ice, a heating pad or a bottle filled with cold water can be used.

During attacks, you should be in a horizontal position in a state of calm.

This will reduce blood flow, eliminate inflammation. To relieve spasms, it is allowed to use antispasmodic drugs, but they are usually drunk before the arrival of doctors.

How to relieve an attack at home?

It is necessary to carefully observe the diet, not to strain, to protect yourself from stress. In some cases, it is possible to use traditional or alternative medicine. But it is best to apply the methods when the symptoms have almost died out.

The selected medicinal herbs should not worsen the state of health, have a positive effect on the digestive processes, and not provoke allergic manifestations.

In the remission stage, a sedentary lifestyle is not shown. You can go swimming, walking, exercise therapy. During an exacerbation, it is better to abandon the usual sport, preferring bed rest.

What medicines to take?

During an exacerbation, a variety of drugs can be prescribed. Well proven antispasmodics.

These include Papaverine, No-shpa. They have a small amount side effects, have the ability to relax smooth muscles, relieving spasm. If the pain is severe, then Drotaverine is prescribed.

Antibacterial agents are prescribed to eliminate inflammation not only in the pancreas, but also in other organs of the digestive system. Preparations with antibacterial action do not allow the spread of pathogenic microflora, eliminate the possibility of getting sick,.

Antacids have proven themselves to neutralize hydrochloric acid, which is found in gastric juice. In the acute stage, drugs are often used that contain aluminum and magnesium. These components, getting into the body, absorb bile acids, provide a protective effect.

Additionally, the following may be assigned:

  • analgesics;
  • proton pump inhibitors;
  • hormonal agents;
  • antienzymatic drugs;
  • auxiliary means.

What to eat: menus and recipes

With an exacerbation of pancreatitis, the diet is prescribed for at least one year. During this time, the patient allows his digestive system to recover.

During the period of exacerbation for 2-3 days, eating is completely prohibited. In the acute phase, it is important to create maximum rest for the entire gastrointestinal tract. If you are thirsty, you can use alkaline non-carbonated mineral water. You can gradually increase the amount you drink.

In the diet, the emphasis is on a carbohydrate-protein diet. It is necessary to refuse fats, they represent a big load for the pancreas. Carbohydrates are not strictly prohibited, but if you suspect they can be from them. There should be a drastic restriction on salt.

An exemplary menu during the exacerbation period is as follows:

  • First days. You can eat a small portion of slimy soup, drink 100 ml of water. Lunch can be a small portion of mashed potatoes without salt and oil.
  • Second days. It is allowed to diversify the diet with a steam omelet of proteins, a baked pear and grated pearl barley soup.
  • Third day. In food, for example, raisins can be added to cereals. It is allowed to drink wild rose tea, eat steam fish, cottage cheese.
  • Fourth day. For breakfast, you can cook vermicelli with vegetables, eat yogurt and a steam cutlet.

Gradually the menu can be expanded. At the end of each day, before going to bed, you can drink 100-150 ml of kefir or yogurt. Instead of bread, use toasted crackers.

Preventive measures

In conclusion, we note that recurrent chronic pancreatitis often leads to when malignant cells form from inflamed tissues. Therefore, you should not start the disease or refuse treatment.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. This organ performs the most important functions in the body. With the help of the pancreas, the process of digesting proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the intestines takes place, it also regulates the level of glucose in the blood. In the presence of an inflammatory process in the pancreas, they speak of pancreatitis.

About the exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, symptoms, treatment of the disease by traditional methods and with the help of folk remedies, we are with the editors of the site www..

Why does chronic pancreatitis occur?

The chronic form of pancreatitis very often accompanies cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis. Usually formed from an untreated acute form of pancreatitis.

Also factors in the development of chronic pancreatitis are: Alcohol abuse, violation of the rules healthy eating, frequent consumption of fatty, spicy foods.

The chronic form of the disease often does not manifest itself for a long time. But, due to any factor, an exacerbation (relapse) of chronic pancreatitis may begin, accompanied by quite obvious signs and manifestations.

Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

With an exacerbation of the disease, characteristic pains appear in the abdomen, radiating to the back, between the shoulder blades. The pain may be constant or paroxysmal. It depends on the amount of stretching of the capsule of the gland due to its edema. Pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth, dryness.

A clear sign of exacerbation is frequent bowel movements with the release of large amounts of feces. At the same time, the stool has a greasy texture, shines, and is poorly washed off. This is because the inflamed pancreas cannot produce enough enzymes to break down fats.

This condition leads to rapid weight loss. The state of exacerbation usually lasts from 2 to 8 days.

This refers to an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis with a severe pain symptom. If the pain is constant but mild, the exacerbation stage can last from several weeks to several months. In this case, the pain is dull in nature, accompanied by general weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, bad mood.

Methods of treatment of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

Timely, correct treatment of acute and chronic forms of the disease can only be prescribed by a therapist, or a gastroenterologist. Most likely, the doctor will conduct a simultaneous treatment of gallstone disease, cholecystitis, if any.

With an exacerbation of the disease, you should usually starve for the first 3 days. At the same time, you should drink more mineral alkaline water without gas. But if the exacerbation proceeds in a severe form, drinking is also excluded. A probe is placed in the stomach to suck out the resulting gastric juice.

During treatment, analgesics are prescribed that eliminate the sensation of pain: Analgin, Baralgin, Tramal. Antispasmodics: Papaverine, No-Shpa. Drugs that depress the function of the gland are also used: Almagel, Maalox, Faamotidine, Omez, Sandostatin.

They are necessary in order to exclude damage to the body from the entry of pancreatic enzymes into the blood. If intoxication nevertheless occurred, drugs are used: Kontrykal, Gordox. If necessary, medicinal substances are administered intravenously. As you recover, gradually expand the diet of the patient.

Folk remedies

With exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, in addition to fasting, treatment is very effective. medicinal herbs. Try this remedy:

* Mix 1 tsp. corn silk, dry herb celandine, crushed dandelion root, anise seeds, dried herb knotweed, tricolor violet flowers. Fill the mixture with 0.5 liters. water, boil, cook over very low heat for 7 minutes. Remove from the stove, let the broth cool, strain, take 1/3 tbsp. half an hour before meals. Treatment spend 2 weeks.

* Mix 2 tbsp. l. dill seeds, 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers, 2 tbsp. l. spoons of dried immortelle flowers, 2 tbsp. l. crushed hawthorn fruit. Fill the mixture with 1 liter. water, boil, remove from heat, wrap with a towel, leave to cool. Strain, drink 1/3 cup after each meal. Treatment is carried out until the exacerbation is relieved.

* Cut three sheets of 20 cm from the golden mustache plant. Grind, pour 3 tbsp. water, boil, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Let cool, strain, take from 1 tbsp. l. decoction, gradually bringing the volume to 0.5 tbsp.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis should be comprehensive. You need to follow a certain diet, reduce physical activity. This disease must be taken very seriously.

Therefore, before carrying out self-treatment, first consult with a specialist about this. Be healthy!

People rarely attach importance to what they eat and how much. Improper nutrition, accompanied by stress, overstrain or emotional stress, leads to the fact that the body responds with inflammatory processes. The pancreas suffers in this case more often than others, a disease called pancreatitis occurs. It is important to remember that if not treated, the disease will develop into a chronic one. In order to take timely measures to combat the disease, you should know how the exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis manifests itself - the symptoms, the treatment prescribed by the doctor will help you choose the right therapy.

Signs of exacerbation of pancreatitis

Disease and pancreatitis, including, does not occur without a reason. The main signs of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis are:

  • the presence of gallstone disease;
  • diagnosed cholecystitis;
  • there are stressful situations or constant experiences;
  • violation of diet and treatment in acute form of the disease;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • malnutrition (the predominance of spicy, fatty and salty in the diet).

Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

Exacerbation of pancreatitis, the symptoms of which are manifested in the form of sharp pain, indicate that it is necessary to undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy. Additional signs that the pancreas is undergoing changes that require attention are:

  • back pain;
  • pain in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and between them;
  • pain in the left hypochondrium;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • dryness;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • constant urge to defecate;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • disruptions in the work of the heart;
  • increased body temperature (average up to 38.5);
  • bile secretion;
  • hard stomach;
  • Bad mood;
  • weight loss;
  • bloating is noted;
  • sleepy state.

An attack can last from 1 to 7-8 days. In addition, the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage may not be passing - pain and nausea are constantly present. In the event that the pain is constant, but mild, then it can last up to 1-2 months - the course of the exacerbation stage is sluggish, but requires attention. It is also noted that at night the pain may increase.

Important! The manifested symptoms of exacerbation of pancreatitis indicate that the problem already exists and requires treatment. That is why an immediate consultation with a doctor (therapist and gastroenterologist) is necessary.

Phases of the course of the disease

With an exacerbation of the pancreas, treatment is prescribed based on the phase in which the process is. Each of them has specific manifestations and symptoms. So in the first phase, inflammation is formed - the source of pain. It lasts up to 5 days. During this period, pain manifestations may be imperceptible, there is a deterioration in well-being, pulling sensations in the abdomen, stool disorders.

The second phase is characterized by increasing severity - the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis become pronounced. A consultation with a doctor is necessary, since many manifestations of the disease are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, for example, poisoning. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a doctor based on the diagnosis. This will eliminate all errors and prescribe effective therapy.

Diagnosis of the disease in the acute phase

If a person notes signs of exacerbation of pancreatitis, then he needs to undergo a diagnosis. It includes:

  • blood test (biochemistry);
  • stool analysis;
  • blood test (sugar);
  • urinalysis (general);
  • ultrasound of the peritoneum;
  • X-ray;
  • gastroscopy;
  • Passing functional tests.

Additionally, the doctor feels the abdomen, interviews the patient to identify the duration of the attack and the symptoms that are present in this moment time.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

An exacerbation of the pancreas requires treatment. It is assigned on the basis of the survey data obtained. Therapy includes:

with exacerbation of the pancreas, treatment

In order to relieve the main symptoms, it is important to know how to calm the pancreas during an exacerbation. The main advice is fasting, as it is required to relieve the load from the pancreas and, in general, from the gastrointestinal tract.

Dietary nutrition is an integral part of the recovery process. In addition to dietary restrictions, you need to know what to drink during an exacerbation of pancreatitis. Table for symptoms acute pancreatitis should consist of low-fat foods, pastries, sweet and spicy are completely excluded. Salt and marinades also remain prohibited until complete recovery.

Symptoms of an exacerbation of the pancreas - pain requires a person in the first 2-3 days to refuse to eat at all or, if this is not possible, to eat in minimal quantities. In addition, from the 4th to the 10th day of the diet, it is gradually allowed to eat cereals - semolina, oatmeal, rice, and also include vegetable purees, meat, which should be lean, in the diet. Baked apples and some honey are allowed as desserts. You can drink rosehip decoctions, juices diluted with water (except banana and grape), green tea.

In order not to provoke another attack of pancreatitis, it is recommended to adhere to fractional nutrition, as well as to eat up to 7 times a day in small portions so as not to burden the stomach. In parallel, you should take medication to produce enough enzymes.

Disease prevention

After the signs of exacerbation of the pancreas disappear, a course of rehabilitation therapy will be carried out and good rates of re-tests will be achieved, prevention will be required. It includes:

  • continuation diet food(softened restrictions);
  • taking a course of drugs;
  • folk remedies.

All this will allow at home to remove negative feelings if they appear again. Signs of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis will allow you to remove the recipes of traditional medicine. Decoctions and infusions prepared from medicinal plants, will help to effectively solve the problem of the recurrence of pain.

Traditional medicine recipes

Effective recipes that help support pancreas health are very easy to prepare. You need to take:

  • corn silk - 20 g;
  • celandine -20 g (dry);
  • dandelion root - 10 g;
  • anise seeds - 10 g;
  • highlander bird - 10 g;
  • tricolor violet (flowers) - 10 g.

All ingredients are required to pour 2 cups of water and boil. After boiling, cook for another 7 minutes, choking the fire to a minimum. After that, strain the resulting broth and take 3-4 ml 30 minutes before meals for 14 days.

Another recipe that can be used for both treatment and prevention:

  • dill seeds - 2 tbsp;
  • chamomile flowers (dry) -20 g;
  • immortelle flowers - 2 tbsp;
  • hawthorn fruits - 10 g (chopped).

Components are poured with 4 glasses of water, brought to a boil. After they must be removed from the heat and wrap the container until the broth has completely cooled. Strain the resulting liquid and drink 85 ml after each meal. Apply for at least 5 days or until the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis disappear completely.

Another simple and good recipe:

  • golden mustache - 3 sheets (just cut);
  • water - 3 cups.

The ingredients should be mixed and heated, and then boiled. After boiling, leave on low heat for another 15 minutes, then remove from heat and strain so that only liquid remains. Start with 1 tablespoon maximum amount is 125 ml (the volume increases gradually). The course is up to 10-14 days.

Thus, it is possible to cure an attack of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, knowing its symptoms. Therapy should be carried out in a complex - activities are consistent. It is recommended at this time to reduce physical exercise and general activity, strictly adhere to the rules of taking medications, diets. Follow-up prevention is the key to success and good health.

Chronic pancreatitis is a disease with an undulating course. It has periods of remission, when the patient's condition improves, as well as periods of exacerbation, which a person usually spends in a hospital in a surgical or gastroenterological department. With a mild course of chronic pancreatitis, the patient can wait out the exacerbation of the disease at home, taking sick leave and reducing symptoms with the help of medications. In severe cases, an exacerbation can result in a surgical operation or even death of the patient.

Causes of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis can worsen for two of the most common reasons:

  1. taking large doses of alcohol;
  2. violation of the function of the biliary tract.

There are also many reasons that are less important, but significantly increase the incidence of exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis:

  • regular intake of small doses of alcohol;
  • tendency to overeat;
  • smoking;
  • overweight;
  • the use of a sick amount of fat;
  • taking medications;
  • infectious diseases;
  • frequent stress.

As a rule, the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis develop quite quickly. Already on the first day, a person's condition deteriorates sharply, as a result of which he has to take medications or seek help from a doctor.

Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

The patient may suspect exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis according to the following clinical signs:

  • abdominal pain with diffuse localization, radiating to the back, aggravated after eating;
  • frequent and loose stools, admixture of fat in the feces;
  • bitterness in the mouth, vomiting of bile, which does not bring relief and is difficult to stop with medication.

All these clinical signs are not characteristic only for chronic pancreatitis. But if a person does not experience an exacerbation of this disease for the first time, he already knows that it was inflammation of the pancreas that caused all the symptoms.

What should be done in case of abdominal pain and dyspepsia? It is advisable to consult a doctor. If the pain is severe, and vomiting cannot be eliminated, it is worth calling an ambulance to immediately take the patient to the intensive care unit for correction of water and electrolyte metabolism. Such conditions are life-threatening, so you should not delay contacting a doctor. Exacerbation of pancreatitis may well lead to partial destruction of the pancreas. which may require surgical treatment.

If the symptoms are mild, and the exacerbation of pancreatitis appears with a dull aching pain, nausea, an increase in the frequency of stools, you can wait until the morning, and then go to the clinic at the place of residence. Many patients are afraid of doctors, and therefore do not want to resort to their help. This is a big mistake. The more often a person treats an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis at home, the faster he will destroy the functional tissue of the pancreas and replace it with adipose or connective tissue. This leads to a pronounced violation of the digestive processes, and in the future can cause diabetes.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

In most cases, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis lasts no more than one week and does not pose a significant threat to the life and health of the patient. Primary goals of treatment in case of exacerbation of the disease:

  1. stop pain;
  2. restore the amount of fluid in the body;
  3. unload the pancreas, thereby stopping further development pathological process.
    1. When a patient first visits a doctor, he is usually prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In most cases, they can significantly reduce the severity of the inflammatory syndrome. Paracetamol is preferred because it has a minimal negative effect on the gastric mucosa. But taking this drug is undesirable if the pathology of the liver has become the cause of inflammation of the pancreas. Do not forget that paracetamol has a hepatotoxic effect. If the pain cannot be controlled with NSAIDs, the person is shown the appointment of narcotic analgesics. The most common drug of choice in such cases is Tramadol.

      Auxiliary drugs for the relief of pain:

  • enzymes (Creon or Pangrol);
  • antispasmodics (drotaverine or papaverine);
  • proton pump inhibitors (lansoprazole, rabeprazole).

In order to restore the water and electrolyte balance in the body, a person is injected intravenously with physiological solutions - 0.9% sodium chloride or 5% glucose. With severe hypovolemia, it is possible to prescribe colloidal solutions (rheopolyglucin, gelatinol). In case of bleeding, whole blood is transfused or red blood cells are injected.

In order to unload the pancreas, apply:

  1. a diet with severe fat restriction or complete fasting for several days;
  2. complete exclusion of alcohol and smoking;
  3. Octreotide is an analogue of the pancreatic hormone somatostatin.

Prevention of exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis

In chronic pancreatitis, exacerbations always occur. The task of the patient is to make them happen as rarely as possible. Ideally, no more than once every few years. This requires careful control of your diet, a complete cessation of smoking and alcohol, the introduction of a fractional diet. If the cause of inflammation of the pancreas is the pathology of other organs and systems, it is worth taking measures to treat them as soon as possible.

To avoid exacerbation of pancreatitis, you must:

  • limit the amount of fat in the diet;
  • limit the calorie content of the diet and prevent weight gain;
  • accustom yourself to frequent and fractional meals;
  • avoid feasts that are accompanied by the use of alcoholic beverages and overeating;
  • Before taking any medication, consult your doctor.

Even in the absence of an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, you should regularly see your doctor, do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and take necessary tests. This will allow in the early stages to determine functional disorders in the pancreas, as well as to identify possible complications of pancreatitis. If the patient complies with all of the above recommendations, the prognosis of the disease is conditionally favorable. It should be remembered that the most common cause of frequent and severe exacerbations of pancreatitis is the patient's intake of alcohol.

Attention! The articles on our site are for informational purposes only. Do not resort to self-medication, it is dangerous, especially with pancreatic diseases. Be sure to consult your doctor! You can make an online appointment with a doctor through our website or find a doctor in the directory.

Chronic pancreatitis is a disorder in which irreversible damage occurs in the tissues of the pancreas as a result of inflammation. It is a common condition that can affect people of any age and gender, but is most commonly seen in adult men between the ages of 40 and 55.

Over the past decades, the number of people with the chronic form has increased significantly. In addition, alcohol is now the cause of the disease in 75% of cases, whereas previously alcoholic pancreatitis accounted for only 40% of all cases.

The disease develops over several years and is characterized by a change in periods of exacerbation and remission of the disease. Very often, in chronic pancreatitis, the symptoms of the disease are mild or absent. The main stage of treatment is to follow a special diet and proper nutrition during periods of exacerbation and remission.

The reasons

What it is? Excessive alcohol consumption plays a leading role in the causes of chronic pancreatitis in industrialized countries. Much less often, the causes of this suffering are its complications (choledocholithiasis, stricture of the major duodenal papilla).

The pathogenesis of the disease is not well understood, although it is now firmly established that its key link is the replacement of the epithelial tissue of the pancreatic acini with connective tissue. According to scientific works of the last decade, an important role also belongs to cytokines (mediators of inflammation).

By severity Chronic pancreatitis is divided into three forms:

  1. Severe course: frequent and prolonged exacerbations (more than 5 times a year) with severe pain. Body weight is sharply reduced until exhaustion, which is caused by pancreatic diarrhea. Complications join - duodenal stenosis due to an enlarged pancreatic head.
  2. Moderate severity: exacerbations 3-4 times a year, proceed for a long time with a pronounced pain syndrome, in the analysis of feces - an increase in fat, muscle fibers, protein, body weight may decrease, exocrine function of the gland may be reduced.
  3. Mild course: exacerbations occur rarely (1-2 times a year), are short-lived, the pain is not significantly expressed, it is easily stopped, weight loss does not occur, the exocrine function of the gland is not impaired.

Chronic pancreatitis occurs in 0.2-0.6% of people. At the same time, the number of patients is constantly increasing, which is associated with the growth of alcoholism.

Acute and chronic form

There are two main types of the disease - acute and chronic.

In most cases, acute pancreatitis occurs against the background of alcohol abuse, gallstone disease (up to 30% of cases), as well as due to poisoning (intoxication), a viral disease, or surgery on the gastrointestinal tract. Acute pancreatitis can also occur as an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

In turn, without proper treatment, acute pancreatitis can turn into chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas.

However, chronic pancreatitis can also occur as an independent disease, without a preliminary acute phase. In this case, the causes of chronic pancreatitis can be, first of all, diseases of the biliary tract - cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis.

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis occurs with periods of exacerbation, when the symptoms of the disease are activated in the form of pain, nausea, indigestion, and others, and remission, when the patient feels satisfactory.

The main symptom of chronic pancreatitis is severe pain. Its location depends on the location of the lesion of the pancreas - it can be the left or right hypochondrium or pain in the pit of the stomach (under the ribs in the middle).

Usually pain occurs 40 minutes or an hour after eating, especially if the food was too fatty or spicy. The pain may increase in the supine position, and also give to the left shoulder blade or shoulder, lower abdomen or heart area. Often the only position in which the patient can be is sitting with an inclination forward.

  1. If the entire pancreas is affected, then the pain in the form of a "belt" covers the entire upper abdomen.
  2. With damage to the head of the pancreas.
  3. When the body of the gland is affected, pain occurs in the epigastric region.
  4. If the tail of the pancreas is affected, then pain is felt in the left hypochondrium or to the left of the navel.

With damage to the pancreas, the production of digestive enzymes decreases, the work of the entire digestive system is disrupted. Therefore, nausea, belching and heartburn are symptoms that always accompany chronic pancreatitis.

Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

During the period of exacerbation, chronic pancreatitis acquires symptoms of acute pancreatitis, so it is best to treat it in a hospital, under the supervision of specialists. Symptoms during exacerbation can be pronounced or, on the contrary, erased.

The patient usually complains of pain in the epigastric region or in the right hypochondrium, which can occur both after eating and on an empty stomach. Possible manifestations of dyspepsia (diarrhea, rumbling in the abdomen, nausea).

On examination, the doctor notes the appearance of white plaque on the tongue, weight loss. The patient's skin is dry and flaky. Red spots may appear in the abdomen, and subcutaneous hemorrhages may appear on the sides of the abdomen.


To assess the functioning of the pancreas, coprological tests with Elastase-1 are used (the norm is more than 200 μg / g of feces). Due to damage to the endocrine apparatus of this gland, patients develop disorders of carbohydrate metabolism in about a third of cases.

For differential diagnosis, ultrasound and X-ray studies are often used in medical practice.


Early complications of chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas are: obstructive jaundice due to impaired bile outflow, portal hypertension, internal bleeding due to ulceration or perforation of the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract, infections and infectious complications (abscess, parapancreatitis, retroperitoneal cellulitis, inflammation of the biliary tract).

Complications of a systemic nature: multiorgan pathologies, functional insufficiency of organs and systems (renal, pulmonary, hepatic), encephalopathy, DIC. With the development of the disease, bleeding of the esophagus, weight loss, diabetes, malignant neoplasm of the pancreas.


Strict adherence to the diet and diet, complete abstinence from alcohol, strict adherence to the recommendations for drug treatment significantly reduce the frequency of exacerbations, translate the process into a rarely recurring variant with slow progression. In some patients, it is possible to achieve a noticeable and stable remission.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by a progressive course, however, the cessation of exposure to causative factors and adequate therapy slow down the progression of the disease, significantly improve the quality of life of patients and the prognosis.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis

In most cases, in chronic pancreatitis, treatment consists of several methods that have a complex effect:

  • diet;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • restoration of the digestion process, elimination of pancreatic enzyme deficiency;
  • stop the inflammatory process;
  • restoration of pancreatic tissue;
  • prevention of complications.

This list considers a kind of standard for the treatment of chronic pancreatic pancreatitis, which all doctors adhere to. Only medicines can differ; when choosing them, they take into account individual characteristics the patient's body.


Patients with chronic pancreatitis, as a rule, do not need surgery.

However, with severe pain that is not treatable medicines, and especially in the pseudotumorous form of chronic pancreatitis, an operation is recommended - sphincterotomy (dissection and expansion of the outlet of the pancreatic duct).

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

When the inflammation worsens, the patient is shown urgent hospitalization. The first days after the attack, the patient can only consume non-carbonated alkaline water.

Analgesics and drugs that relieve muscle spasm are administered intravenously. Since pancreatitis in the acute stage is often accompanied by repeated vomiting and diarrhea, large fluid losses are compensated by droppers from saline.

The treatment regimen for the chronic form provides for complete fasting during an exacerbation of the disease. In this regard, a glucose solution is administered intravenously.

As a drug treatment, enzymes are also prescribed if the type of pancreatitis is hyposecretory. In case of excessive release of enzymes by the pancreas, drugs are prescribed to reduce secretory function. Drugs for treatment are largely determined by the type of disease. Therefore, only the attending physician can prescribe certain medications.

The standards for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage are unchanged and effective. The three principles that long years medicine is guided, - hunger, cold and peace - these are the "three pillars" on which the successful treatment of this disease rests.
After normalization of the condition, the attending physician must the patient a strict diet, which a person suffering from pancreatitis must constantly follow.


In order for the pancreas to be able to properly cope with its functions,. Clinical nutrition is an important part of complex therapy not only for acute pancreatitis, but also for chronic.

First of all, a proper diet helps to eliminate factors that can provoke an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis (alcohol, smoking, coffee, fatty or fried foods, smoked meats, various ferments, spicy foods, chocolate, and others).

Fish, mushroom or meat broths are prohibited. It is necessary to eat in small portions (no more than 300 g per meal), low-calorie food, 5-6 times a day. You can not eat food cold or very hot.

Drink water that neutralizes the acidity in the stomach (Borjomi, Essentuki No. 17). Limiting the daily intake of fat, up to 60 g per day, carbohydrates up to 300-400 g per day, proteins 60-120 g per day. Limiting salt intake per day to 6-8 g.

Folk remedies

Most common and available folk remedies, but even in this case, professional advice from a doctor is initially needed.

  1. Golden mustache . To prepare the decoction, you will need one sheet 25 cm long, or 2 sheets of 15 cm each. They should be crushed and pour 0.7 liters of water. Next, the remedy is placed on a quiet fire for a quarter of an hour, after which it is infused during the day in a warm place. Take 25 ml of warm broth during the remission of the disease.
  2. Potatoes and carrots. For cooking, you need five small potatoes and two medium carrots. Vegetables should be washed in cold water but not clean. The main thing is to remove all the eyes from the potato and wash it again. Squeeze juice from vegetables. You should get a glass of juice, if less, add vegetables in the same proportion. This therapeutic mixture should be drunk within a week. Do this before dinner once a day. Then make a gap for a week and repeat the treatment again. Treatment of pancreatitis in this way consists of three courses.
  3. washed and water-soaked oats infused for about 24 hours, then dried and ground into flour. Next, the flour is diluted with water, boiled for 3-5 minutes and infused for 20 minutes. Ready jelly is taken daily in warm fresh form.
  4. Mix together 3 tbsp. l. herbs hypericum, motherwort, add 6 tbsp. l. dry immortelle flowers. Mix everything well. Then 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover, wrap, leave for 40-50 minutes. Strain, drink 1 tbsp. before meals, for half an hour. But no more than 3 times a day. Alternative treatment continue for 2 months.
  5. We need wormwood, burdock root, elecampane root, calendula flowers, pharmaceutical chamomile, St. horsetail(10 grams of each ingredient). All components are ground and thoroughly dried. Next 2 tbsp. spoons of the collection are poured into 250 ml of boiling water, heated under a closed lid in a water bath for about half an hour and insisted for 10 minutes, then filtered and brought to 250 ml with boiled water. Take the herbal mixture three times a day for half a glass half an hour before meals.

If you suspect the development of acute pancreatitis, home treatment is not acceptable, since such actions can provoke the occurrence of various complications.